GAO Publishes Report on Technologies for PFAS Assessment, Detection, and Treatment

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) published a report on July 28, 2022, entitled Persistent Chemicals: Technologies for PFAS Assessment, Detection, and Treatment. GAO was asked to conduct a technology assessment on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) assessment, detection, and treatment. The report examines the technologies for more efficient assessments of the adverse health effects of PFAS and alternative substances; the benefits and challenges of current and emerging technologies for PFAS detection and treatment; and policy options that could help enhance benefits and mitigate challenges associated with these technologies. GAO assessed relevant technologies; surveyed PFAS subject matter experts; interviewed stakeholder groups, including government, non-governmental organizations (NGO), industry, and academia; and reviewed key reports. GAO identified three challenges associated with PFAS assessment, detection, and treatment technologies:

  • PFAS chemical structures are diverse and difficult to analyze for health risks, and machine learning requires extensive training data that may not be available;
  • Researchers lack analytical standards for many PFAS, limiting the development of effective detection methods; and
  • The effectiveness and availability of disposal and destruction options for PFAS are uncertain because of a lack of data, monitoring, and guidance.

GAO developed the following three policy options that could help mitigate these challenges:

  • Promote research: Policymakers could support development of technologies and methods to more efficiently research PFAS health risks. This policy option could help address the challenge of limited information on the large number and diversity of PFAS, as well as a lack of standardized data sets for machine learning;
  • Expand method development: Policymakers could collaborate to improve access to standard reference samples of PFAS and increase the pace of method and reference sample development for PFAS detection. This policy option could help address the challenges of a lack of validated methods in media other than water, lack of analytical standards, and cost, which all affect researchers’ ability to develop new detection technologies; and
  • Support full-scale treatment: Policymakers could encourage the development and evaluation of full-scale technologies and methods to dispose of or destroy PFAS. This policy option could help address the challenges of cost and efficiency of disposal and destruction technologies and a lack of guidance from regulators.

GAO notes that these policy options involve possible actions by policymakers, which may include Congress, federal agencies, state and local governments, academia, and industry.

©2022 Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.

USDA To Declare Salmonella An Adulterant in Some Raw Poultry

  • On August 1, the USDA’s FSIS announced that it will declare Salmonella an adulterant in breaded and stuffed raw chicken products. Breaded and stuffed raw chicken products will be considered adulterated when they exceed 1 colony forming unit (CFU) of Salmonella per gram. Products that exceed the limit would be subject to regulatory action. FSIS believes the limit of 1 CFU/gram will significantly reduce the risk of illness from consuming such products.
  • Breaded and stuffed raw chicken products have been associated with up to 14 food safety outbreaks and approximately 200 illnesses since 1998. The products at issue are those found in the freezer section and that appear to be cooked, but are only heat-treated to set the batter or breading; the products contain raw poultry. FSIS has found that continual efforts to improve product labeling have not reduced consumer illnesses.
  • FSIS is expected to publish a notice in the Federal Register in the fall and will be seeking public comments on whether a different standard for adulteration (i.e., zero tolerance or one based on specific serotypes) would be more appropriate, an implementation plan, and a verification testing program.
  • This announcement is part of FSIS’ effort to reduce Salmonella illnesses associated with poultry. In October 2021, USDA announced that it was reevaluating its Salmonella control strategy. USDA plans to present a proposed framework for a new comprehensive strategy to reduce Salmonella illnesses attributable to poultry in October and convene a public meeting to discuss in November.
© 2022 Keller and Heckman LLP

NLRB To Begin Partnering With DOJ To Combat Collusion

The National Labor Relations Board and The Department of Justice joined forces to sign a memorandum of understanding (“MOU”) between the two entities. The MOU follows President Biden’s Executive Order in 2021 aimed at increasing competition in the economy. The NLRB and DOJ plan to coordinate in order to ensure workers are able to freely exercise their rights and to protect competitive labor markets.

According to the DOJ, this new partnership will allow the two agencies to “share information on potential violations of the antitrust and labor laws, collaborate on new policies and ensure that workers are protected from collusion and unlawful employer behavior.” The two agencies plan on greater coordination in information sharing, enforcement activity and training. Furthermore, the two agencies will now refer potential violations that they discover in their own investigations to each other.

For employers, this continues the trend of the federal government stepping up their investigatory and enforcement actions.

© Polsinelli PC, Polsinelli LLP in California

Estate Planning Considerations That Apply to Nearly Everyone

This article contains core information about the vital estate planning measures that almost all North Carolinians should have in place. 

Why You Need an Estate Plan

Estate planning is not just for affluent individuals.  While good estate planning can lead to desirable financial outcomes under the right circumstances, estate planning in its most basic form involves implementing the legal steps and directives that are necessary to ensure that your health and your assets are managed properly in the event of incapacity and death.

Everyone should consider:

  • Do you want to make sure that your family has the legal authority to direct and take part in your medical care if you become ill?
  • Do you care whether your assets will pass to your spouse, children, or other beneficiaries after your death?
  • Do you want to avoid a costly and uncertain court proceeding if you, your spouse, or your adult child becomes mentally incapacitated?
  • Do you have minor children or grandchildren, and specific desires about how they would be cared for in the event of your death?
  • Do you care about your finances and affairs becoming part of the public record when you die?

If your answer to any of the these questions is “yes,” then you likely need an estate plan.

Foundational Estate Planning Documentation

The following documents are the foundation of any good estate plan.

  • Last Will and Testament. A simple Will directs the disposition of a person’s assets and names someone to handle final affairs, in the event of death.  In the absence of a Last Will and Testament, the disposition of your assets may be controlled by state law, and the result may be much different from what you intended.
  • Revocable Trust. A revocable trust can help ensure that the management and disposition of your assets is more private and efficient during your lifetime and at death.
  • Durable Power of Attorney. A durable power of attorney typically names a spouse, adult child, or other individual(s) of your choosing to step in and handle your financial and legal affairs when you are unable due to incapacity or absence.
  • Health Care Power of Attorney. A health care power of attorney is a document that nominates a trusted person (usually a family member) to make health care decisions in the event of your incapacity.  Without this document, decisions about your medical treatment may be made by the attending physician or might involve petitioning the court for a guardianship – an expensive and cumbersome process.
  • Living Will. A living will addresses medical decisions and directives related to end-of-life care.
  • HIPAA Authorization. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”) protects an adult’s private medical information from being released to third parties without the patient’s consent.  Without a valid HIPAA authorization on file, a doctor or medical provider legally cannot, and frequently will not, discuss the patient’s medical information with family members.

Ownership and Beneficiary Designations

An essential component to planning for death involves reviewing the way that your assets and accounts are structured.  Asset ownership and account-specific beneficiary designations can supersede and undermine even the most carefully-drafted estate planning documentation.  Unfortunately, these aspects are often overlooked, and unintended consequences ensue.  Having the advice of an attorney with significant experience in estate planning and administration is the best way to ensure that your assets and your estate plan will work hand in hand.

Changes in Circumstances

If you already have an estate plan in place, that’s great.  But in the vast majority of cases, an estate plan will need to be updated over the course of a person’s life.  If your estate plan no longer addresses your needs or accurately expresses your wishes, it’s time for an update.

The following are common reasons for updating one’s plan:

  • Children grow up and become able to manage a parent’s healthcare and estate matters.
  • Changes in financial circumstances.
  • Relocation to a new state.
  • Separation, divorce, or remarriage.
  • Changes to applicable law.
  • Birth, death, or marriage of a beneficiary.
© 2022 Ward and Smith, P.A.. All Rights Reserved.

NYS Sexual Harassment Hotline Goes Live

Effective July 14, 2022 (pursuant to legislation amending the New York State Human Rights Law that was signed by New York State Governor Kathy Hochul in March 2022), New York established a telephone hotline that employees can use to report incidents of sexual harassment to the New York State Division of Human Rights.   The hotline number is 800-HARASS-3 ((800) 427-2773) and will be staffed, on a pro bono basis, by NYS attorneys who have expertise in employment law and sexual harassment issues.  The hotline can be called Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Because, under the law, information about the hotline must be contained in workplace policies and postings about sexual harassment, employers need to revise their anti-harassment policies promptly to include this information.

© 2022 Vedder Price

After EPA Rule Changes, Which ASTM Phase I ESA Standard Should You Use?

On November 1, 2021, ASTM International released its revised standard for Phase I Environmental Site Assessments. On March 14, 2022, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (the “EPA”) published a Direct Final Rule that confirmed the new ASTM standard, ASTM E1527-21, could be used to satisfy the EPA’s All Appropriate Inquiry (“AAI”) regulations. That, in turn, would mean that satisfying the ASTM E1527-21 standard could help a potential buyer of contaminated property satisfy some of the EPA’s requirements to qualify as a Bona Fide Prospective Purchaser, which may lead to being protected from liability under the federal Superfund statute.

However, on May 2, 2022, EPA withdrew the Final Rule it had published on March 14, 2022, and indicated it would address the comments it received concerning the previously Final Rule in a subsequent final action.

Why the change and, more importantly, which ASTM standard should a potential purchaser of contaminated property use when having a Phase I Site Assessment prepared?

EPA withdrew its Direct Final Rule in response to the negative comments it received concerning that rule. EPA had planned to allow both the November 2021 ASTM standard and its predecessor from 2013 (the ASTM E1527-13 standard) to be used to satisfy certain AAI requirements. Those commenting said that approach would lead to confusion in the marketplace, and would allow reports that did not meet the ASTM E1527-21 standard to be considered adequate, even though the 2021 ASTM standard represented what the real estate and environmental community had determined to be good commercial and customary practice. In other words, because the 2021 standard required a more rigorous approach to the relevant environmental due diligence work needed to prepare a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, EPA’s approach would have meant that less thorough reports could have been deemed sufficient.  As noted in the comment letter submitted to the EPA by the Environmental Bankers Association, “ASTM E1527-21 includes important updates that will reduce the risk of Users [of the ESA report] failing to identify conditions indicative of hazardous substance releases, potentially jeopardizing landowner [and prospective purchaser] liability protections to [potential] CERCLA [liability].” All of that makes sense: the better the environmental due diligence, the less risk of unpleasant surprises later.

But, where does that leave potential purchasers of contaminated real estate? Should they have their consultants prepare their Phase I Site Assessment reports based on the 2021 ASTM standard, or its 2013 predecessor, or both?

Contaminated real estate buyers, and any other parties involved in the transaction, such as lenders and equity investors, should require their environmental consultants to prepare their Phase I Environmental Site Assessment in conformance with the ASTM E1527-13 standard, because that is the ASTM standard that is currently referenced in EPA’s AAI regulations. It is necessary to do so, at least for now, in order to be able to qualify for Bona Fide Prospective Purchaser protection from CERCLA liability.

Those parties should also consider having their environmental consultants prepare the same Phase I Environmental Site Assessment in conformance with the updated ATSM E1527-21 standard. While some additional cost may be involved, nonetheless it may be worthwhile in order to meet what ASTM sees as the current standard of practice regarding these reports.

Another important consideration in the preparation of these reports is whether additional issues that are not formally included in the scope of either the ASTM E1527-13 or the ASTM E1527-21 standard should be addressed. For example, as noted in an appendix to the E1527-21 standard, petroleum products are within the scope of the practice “because they are of concern with respect to commercial real estate, and current custom and usage is to include an inquiry into the [past or present] presence of petroleum products when doing an environmental site assessment of commercial real estate.” That is so even though petroleum products generally do not lead to liability under CERCLA.

The non-scope issues appendix to the ASTM E1527-21 standard also addresses “substances not defined as hazardous substances” and does a good job addressing why a user of an ASTM-compliant report should at least consider whether to include certain emerging contaminants such as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, also known as PFAS, within its scope. The point is to think about whether to evaluate potential environmental liability for PFAS on a case-by-case basis in light of state law considerations, even though PFAS compounds have not yet been designated “hazardous substances” under CERCLA.

EPA’s recent rule-making activities have not provided clear guidance for potential purchasers of contaminated property regarding which ASTM standard should be used in preparing environmental site assessment reports that comply with EPA’s AAI regulations. At the moment, what seems to make the most sense is to have these reports prepared so that they comply with the ASTM E1527-13 standard and to consider whether to comply with the E1527-21 standard in addition. The user should also carefully evaluate whether certain considerations, such as potential PFAS contamination, should be included within the scope of the report.

2022 Goulston & Storrs PC.

USCIS Again Extends Flexibility for Responding to Agency Requests, Permanently Extends Reproduced Signature Flexibility

On July 25, 2022, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced an extension of flexibility periods for responding to USCIS requests and for filing forms I-290B and N-336 through October 23, 2022.


In response to the coronavirus pandemic, USCIS extended certain flexibilities to help applicants, petitioners, and requestors. In March 2022, USCIS announced that it was extending the flexibilities through July 25, 2022, and that this would likely be the final extension of these flexibilities. USCIS has now stated that it will consider a response received within sixty calendar days after the due date set forth in the following requests or notices before taking any action, if the issuance date on the request or notice is between March 1, 2020, and October 23, 2022, inclusive:

  • Requests for Evidence
  • Continuations to Request Evidence (N-14)
  • Notices of Intent to Deny
  • Notices of Intent to Revoke
  • Notices of Intent to Rescind
  • Notices of Intent to Terminate Regional Centers
  • Motions to Reopen an N-400 Pursuant to 8 CFR 335.5, Receipt of Derogatory Information After Grant

USCIS also “will consider a Form I-290B, Notice of Appeal or Motion, or a Form N-336, Request for a Hearing on a Decision in Naturalization Proceedings (Under Section 336 of the INA [Immigration and Nationality Act]),” if:

  • the form was filed up to ninety calendar days from the issuance of a USCIS decision; and
  • the agency made the decision between November 1, 2021, and October 23, 2022, inclusive.

Permanent Extension for Electronically Reproduced Original Signature Policy

In an unexpected move, USCIS also announced that it is permanently extending the electronically reproduced original signature policy announced in March 2020. According to the earlier announcement, under this policy, USCIS “will accept all benefit forms and documents with reproduced original signatures.” This means that “a document may be scanned, faxed, photocopied, or similarly reproduced[,] provided that the copy must be of an original document containing an original handwritten signature, unless otherwise specified.” USCIS stated that applicants, petitioners, and/or requestors submitting documents bearing reproduced original signatures “must also retain copies of the original documents containing the ‘wet’ signature [because] USCIS may, at any time, may request the original documents, which if not produced, could negatively impact the adjudication of the immigration benefit.”

© 2022, Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C., All Rights Reserved.

Crosshairs: Labor Board Targets Gig Economy, Noncompete Agreements, and More

Many employers in the “gig economy” – such as rideshare companies – rely heavily on independent contractors for various functions within their organizations. Because independent contractors are exempt from coverage under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), which includes the right to form or join unions, this appears to have garnered the attention of the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) top lawyer. And it appears the NLRB may be seeking to disrupt those companies’ current staffing models.

According to a recent press release from the agency:

“National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) General Counsel Jennifer A. Abruzzo and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Chair Lina M. Khan executed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) forming a partnership between the agencies that will promote fair competition and advance workers’ rights. The agreement enables the NLRB and FTC to closely collaborate by sharing information, conducting cross-training for staff at each agency, and partnering on investigative efforts within each agency’s authority.”

The statement then goes on to describe specifically how the agencies will be targeting the gig economy:

“The MOU identifies areas of mutual interest for the two agencies, including: labor market developments relating to the ‘gig economy’ such as misclassification of workers and algorithmic decision-making; the imposition of one-sided and restrictive contract provisions, such as noncompete and nondisclosure provisions; the extent and impact of labor market concentration; and the ability of workers to act collectively.”

What does this mean for employers? For one thing, it reinforces that the NLRB is going to be taking a much closer look at workers classified as independent contractors – and likely finding independent contractor status more often. For another, it means the NLRB may soon be looking at noncompete agreements and similar restrictive covenants and finding the maintenance of overbroad terms to be violations of labor law. And while the memorandum calls out the gig economy, it is not limited solely to companies operating in that space.

Employers – in the gig economy and otherwise – should take note of these agencies’ moves and be aware that these issues are likely to receive much scrutiny in the coming months and years.


Supreme Court Signals Move Away from Judicial Deference to Administrative Agencies


In a unanimous decision on June 15, 2022, the Court in American Hospital Association v. Becerra[2] examined a Medicare reimbursement formula reduction that affected certain hospitals. While rejecting the DHHS agency interpretation of the reimbursement statute, the Court made no mention of Chevron deference even though the parties extensively briefed this doctrine. Instead, the Court focused solely on the relevant language of the statute. In particular, the Court held that the “text and structure” of the statute demonstrated that the Medicare reimbursement cut was not consistent with the statute.

In a 5-4 decision a few weeks later, the Court in Becerra v. Empire Health Foundation[3] again made no mention of Chevron deference even though the majority noted that the underlying statute’s “ordinary meaning … [did] not exactly leap off the page.” Despite its initial conclusion that the ordinary meaning of the statutory language was unclear, the Court continued its recent pattern of (a) choosing to not apply Chevron deference directly and (b) instead performing textural and structural analysis of its own. Based on this statutory analysis, the Court in Empire Health concluded that the statute was “surprisingly clear” if read as technical provisions for specialists and that the language of the statute supported the agency’s implementing regulation.

Finally, in West Virginia v. EPA,[4] the Supreme Court in a 6-3 decision again refused to give any deference to the EPA’s interpretation of a Clean Air Act provision which the EPA claimed as the statutory basis to regulate greenhouse gas emissions by power plants. The Court concluded that the EPA had violated the “Major Questions” Doctrine when the EPA used this provision to regulate carbon emissions. Under the “Major Questions” Doctrine, an agency cannot make decisions of vast economic and political significance without Congress expressly giving the agency the power to do so. Since the EPA’s effort to regulate greenhouse gases by making industry-wide changes was a decision of “vast economic and political significance,” the Court concluded that the EPA lacked the authority to do so in light of the overall nature and structure of the statute. Thus, even though there was some textual support for the EPA’s position, the Court again refused to defer to the agency and its interpretation of a statute.

Read together, these three decisions show an increased skepticism by the Court of agency interpretations of statutes and signal that going forward, the federal courts will more closely scrutinize administrative agency decisions in general. Businesses that have, to date, relied on an administrative agency interpretation may need to reassess their reliance if the interpretation relies on a broad or strained reading of a statute. Conversely, businesses currently restrained by agency interpretations which were shown deference by courts may now have an opening to challenge those interpretations.


[1] Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. v. Nat. Res. Def. Council, Inc., 467 U.S. 837 (1984).

[2] Am. Hosp. Ass’n v. Becerra, 142 S. Ct. 1896 (2022).

[3] Becerra v. Empire Health Found., for Valley Hosp. Med. Ctr., 142 S. Ct. 2354 (2022).

[4] W. Virginia v. Env’t Prot. Agency, 142 S. Ct. 2587 (2022).

© 2022 Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone PLC

July 2022 Legal Industry News and Highlights: Law Firm Hiring, Industry Recognition, and the Latest in Diversity and Inclusion

Thank you for reading the National Law Review’s latest in legal industry news – read on below for updates on law firm hiring and expansion, industry awards and recognition, and diversity and inclusion initiatives! We hope you are staying safe, happy, and healthy.

Law Firm Hiring and Expansion

Womble Bond Dickinson has announced its upcoming merger with Cooper, White & Cooper LLP, a multi-practice law firm based in San Francisco. Effective on September 1, 2002, the expansion will strengthen Womble’s presence in the Bay Area, with more than two dozen legal professionals operating out of the San Francisco area.

“California is home to some of the world’s key business and technology hubs, with San Francisco chief among them,” said Betty Temple, CEO and Chair of Womble Bond Dickinson (US). “The state – and indeed the entire West Coast – is strategically important to Womble, and we are thrilled to anchor our presence in the market through a firm that is well-known for its robust litigation and transactional skills. We look forward to continuing the growth of our services and footprint on the West Coast and in other key markets to provide greater value to our clients.”

“We have been impressed by Womble’s transatlantic platform and stellar reputation for advising companies on complex, high-stakes issues,” said Jed Solomon, a partner at Cooper, White & Cooper. “Combined with our cultural compatibility and shared commitment to exceptional client service, this was an ideal opportunity to expand our services to our collective client base.”

James W. Cox, MS, an experienced biologist and risk assessor, has joined Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. and The Acta Group as Senior Scientist. Mr. Cox, who has formerly served as an Acting Lead Biologist in Risk Assessment in the EPA’s Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics and as a Biologist at the Department of Defense, has reviewed hundreds of biological agents, nanomaterials, industrial chemicals, and more to determine risks to human health and the environment. At the firm, he will continue to provide regulatory process guidance for products subject to the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), and other notable regulatory programs.

“James’s contributions to our practice areas come at a crucial time, given the considerable uptick in the need for risk assessment skills,” said Lynn L. Bergeson, Managing Partner of Bergeson & Campbell and President of Acta. “We are so pleased James has joined our team and look forward to introducing him to our clients.”

Varnum LLP has expanded its office in Birmingham, Michigan. With growing client demand and ongoing hiring, the firm has nearly doubled the size of its operations in the area in the last three years, featuring noteworthy practices in the fields of banking, finance, corporate law, M&A, intellectual property, and more.

“Since opening our doors in Birmingham three years ago, we have been thrilled with the reception from clients, legal talent and the community alike,” said Firm Chair Ron DeWaard. “Our newly expanded office will allow us to continue our growth trajectory with first-class space for clients and talent.”

Industry Awards and Recognition

Nick Welle, Partner at Foley and Lardner LLP, has received a 2022 Philanthropic 5 Award from the United Way of Greater Milwaukee & Waukesha County. Created by the organization’s Emerging Leaders Council, the award recognizes five notable leaders in the community, particularly ones that have made significant contributions of mentoring, volunteer work, or leadership to nonprofit organizations in the area.

Mr. Welle is the Chair of the firm’s Health Benefits Practice Group, as well as the co-chair of the Pro Bono Committee based in Milwaukee. Both at the firm and through community volunteer work, Mr. Welle has managed projects such as camp clean-ups, backpack drives, and clothing fundraisers in the area, dedicating hundreds of hours to the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Milwaukee. Additionally, he assists in running the Milwaukee Street Law Legal Diversity Pipeline Program, which aids high school students from diverse backgrounds in researching potential legal professions.

At the 40 at 50 Judicial Pro Bono Recognition Breakfast, Barnes & Thornburg LLP was honored by the Judicial Conference of the District of Columbia Circuit’s Standing Committee on Pro Bono Legal Services for its ongoing commitment to pro bono legal services. More than 40 percent of the firm’s Washington D.C.-based attorneys performed more than 50 hours pro bono work in the last year, and as such, the firm was made eligible for the recognition.

In addition, the organization recognized Barnes & Thornburg for being one of only six firms in which at least 40 percent of its partners in the Washington D.C. office reached the 50-hour marker.

Tycko & Zavareei LLP’s Sabita J. Soneji has been nominated to the Public Justice Board of Directors for a term that will last three years. Working against unchecked corporate power, ongoing pollution, unjust employers, punitive credit card companies, and more, Public Justice engages in impactful legislation to take on notable systemic threats to justice in the United States. Ms. Soneji, a Partner at Tycko & Zavareei, has nearly 20 years of experience in litigation and legal policy, fighting consumer fraud at both the federal and state level.

“I’m genuinely honored to be nominated to serve on the Board of an organization that tirelessly works to promote justice, diversity, and fairness,” said Ms. Soneji. “I’m even more excited to get to do that work with such an incredible group of devoted attorneys.”

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Brittainy Joyner, attorney at Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP, has been accepted into the 2022 cohort for the Nonprofit Leadership Center’s Advancing Racial Equity on Nonprofit Boards (ARENB) Fellowship. Broken into six separate sessions, the ARENB program helps to advance the racial and ethnic diversity of nonprofit boards throughout the Tampa Bay area, ensuring these organizations are prepared and committed to fostering more inclusive cultures and environments. Ms. Joyner, a member of Shumaker’s Litigation and Disputes Service Line, focuses her practice on litigation and disputes for homeowners associations, as well as arbitration, mediation, and negotiation.

“We are proud that Brittainy got accepted into Advancing Racial Equity on Nonprofit Board Fellowship,” said Maria Del Carmen Ramos, Shumaker Partner and Diversity and Inclusion Committee Co-Chair. “At Shumaker, we understand the importance of promoting racial equity. We are happy to see our attorneys, like Brittainy, being committed to doing something about it. We know Brittainy will be a valued fellow.”

In celebration of 2022’s Pride Month, New York Times bestselling author and Pulitzer Prize finalist Dr. Eric Cervini joined Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP attorneys for a virtual conversation about the history of LGBTQ+ politics in the United States, as well as the continued battle for LGBTQ+ rights. The event was moderated by firm Partner J Matthew W. Haws, who is a member of the Lesbian and Gay Bar Association of Chicago and the National LGBTQ+ Bar Association.

With more than 300 anti-LGBTQ+ bills proposed this year across the country, Mr. Cervini acknowledged the community’s ongoing struggle. However, he noted “As I remind people, we have been through much worse. We have survived the inquisition, the Lavender Scare, the AIDS crisis, and Anita Bryant […] We can certainly get through this. But we need to be studying up, how we were successful and how we failed in the past and then also be recruiting new allies, just as Frank Kameny recruited the ACLU, we need to be recruiting new allies today.”

Darrell S. Gay, partner at ArentFox Schiff LLP, has been named one of Crain New York Businesses’ 2022 Notable Diverse Leaders in Law. Selected for his contributions to local counseling, pro bono work, and community service and philanthropy, as well as his commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, Mr. Gay is an experienced attorney, focusing his practice on the field of labor and employment. He assists in guiding clients through employee relations issues, as well as internal investigations and traditional labor matters.

In addition, Mr. Gay is a longtime leader in the private bar and the business community. He served for three years as the Commissioner for the New York State Civil Service Commission, and additionally played a central role in founding and leading the firm’s Center for Racial Equality.

Copyright ©2022 National Law Forum, LLC