How Lawyers Can Effectively Leverage Their Published Articles

Writing and publishing articles or blog posts can be a powerful branding and business development tool for lawyers. Not only do they demonstrate your expertise in your practice area, but they also significantly enhance your visibility and credibility.

However, your work doesn’t end once the article is published – in fact, it’s just beginning. Here are some tips to maximize the value, reach and impact of your published work.

1. Optimize for Online Search First and foremost, ensure your article is search engine optimized (SEO). This means incorporating relevant keywords that potential clients might use to find information related to your legal expertise. SEO increases the visibility of your content on search engines like Google, making it easier for your target audience to find you.

2. Share on Social Media Utilize your personal and professional social media platforms to share your article. LinkedIn, Twitter and even Facebook are excellent venues for reaching other professionals and potential clients. Don’t just share it once; periodically repost it, especially if the topic is evergreen. Engage with comments and discussions to further boost your post’s visibility.

3. Incorporate Into Newsletters If you or your firm sends out a regular newsletter, include a link to your article. This not only provides added value to your subscribers but also keeps your existing client base engaged with your latest insights and activities. This approach can help reinforce your position as a thought leader in your field. Also, consider launching a LinkedIn newsletter. LinkedIn’s platform offers a unique opportunity to reach a professional audience directly, increasing the potential for networking and attracting new clients who are actively interested in your area of expertise.

4. Speak at Conferences and Seminars Use your article as a springboard to secure speaking engagements. Conferences, seminars and panel discussions often look for experts who can contribute interesting insights. Your article can serve as a proof of your expertise and a teaser of your presentation content, making you an attractive candidate for these events.

5. Create Multimedia Versions Expand the reach of your article by adapting it into different formats. Consider recording a podcast episode discussing the topic in depth, or creating a short-form video for LinkedIn and YouTube. These formats can attract different segments of your audience and make the content more accessible.

6. Network Through Professional Groups Share your article in professional groups and online forums in your field, as well as alumni groups (law school, undergrad school and former firms). This can lead to discussions with peers and can even attract referrals. Active participation in these groups, coupled with sharing insightful content, can significantly expand your professional network.

7. Use as a Teaching Resource Offer to guest lecture at local law schools and use your article as a teaching resource. This not only enhances your reputation as an expert but also builds relationships with the upcoming generation of lawyers who could become colleagues or refer clients in the future.

8. Repurpose Content for Blogs or Articles Break down the article into smaller blog posts or develop certain points further into new articles. This can help maintain a consistent stream of content on your website, which is good for SEO and keeps your audience engaged over time.

9. Monitor and Engage with Feedback Keep an eye on comments and feedback from your article across all platforms. Engaging with readers can provide insights into what your audience finds useful, shaping your future writing to better meet their needs. It also helps in building a loyal following.

10. Track Metrics Utilize analytics tools (web, social media and email) to track how well your article performs in terms of views, shares and engagement. This data can help you understand what works and what doesn’t, guiding your content strategy for future articles.

11. Leverage the Power of Content Repurposing Content repurposing can significantly extend the life and reach of your original article. By transforming the article into different content formats—such as infographics, webinars, slide decks or even e-books—you cater to various learning styles and preferences, reaching a broader audience. This strategy not only maximizes your content’s exposure but also enhances engagement by presenting the information in new, accessible ways. Repurposing content can help solidify your reputation as a versatile and resourceful expert in your field.

Publishing an article or blog post is just the beginning. By strategically promoting and leveraging your published works, you can enhance your visibility, establish yourself as a thought leader and attract more clients. Every article has the potential to open new doors; it’s up to you to make sure it does!

Smart Lawyer Marketing: The Benefits of Becoming an Adjunct Professor or Guest Lecturer

If you’re a lawyer looking to stand out and grow your practice, here’s a strategy worth considering: becoming an adjunct professor or guest lecturer. This isn’t just about adding a title to your resume; it’s about enriching your professional credentials, elevating your personal brand, building connections with the community and opening doors to new opportunities. Here’s why venturing into academia could be a smart move for your legal career and how to do it.

  • A Spotlight on Your Expertise: Engaging in a teaching role will elevates your visibility within the academic and legal communities. Universities are vibrant ecosystems of learning, networking and professional exchange. By sharing your knowledge and experience in such settings, you not only enrich the learning environment but also spotlight your expertise to a broader audience. It’s an effective way to get noticed and remembered in the circles that matter.
  • Networking with Purpose: Teaching at a university isn’t just about imparting knowledge; it’s a dynamic platform for meaningful networking. Every semester offers a new opportunity to connect with ambitious students, fellow educators, and visiting professionals. These connections can lead to new business opportunities, collaborations and referrals. Building a network in such a rich environment can provide a steady stream of advantages for your legal practice.
  • Establishing Your Thought Leadership: There’s no better place to showcase your legal acumen than in a classroom or lecture hall. Teaching allows you to demonstrate your depth of knowledge and commitment to your field, helping to establish you as a thought leader among your peers and potential clients. Engaging with students and faculty on complex legal issues not only reinforces your standing but also keeps you at the cutting edge of legal developments.
  • The Dual Benefit of Learning: While teaching, lawyers often find themselves learning alongside their students. Because a professor and lecturer must stay current and deeply understand the subjects they teach acts as a catalyst for personal and professional growth. This continuous learning cycle not only enhances your legal practice but also ensures that your teaching is informed, relevant and highly valued.

How to Become an Adjunct Professor or Guest Lecturer

If you’re interested in becoming an adjunct professor or guest lecturer, here are some steps to get you started:

  • Get Your Credentials and Experience in Order: An advanced degree is usually required for adjunct positions, but if you’re eyeing more prestigious spots or specialized subjects, a PhD might be necessary. Beyond degrees, real-world experience in your field isn’t just icing on the cake—it’s another layer of cake. It shows you can apply what you teach outside the classroom, making your lessons more relevant and engaging.
  • Network Like a Pro: Building connections is key in academia, but think of it as making friends rather than networking. Attend events, engage in discussions and be active in online communities related to your field. It’s about finding your tribe—people who share your interests and can tip you off to opportunities you might not find on your own.
  • Bolster Your Teaching Credentials: If teaching isn’t something you’ve done a lot of, look for opportunities to get some practice. This could be anything from volunteer teaching gigs, leading workshops or even taking on a teaching assistant role. These experiences are valuable not just for what they teach you about instructing others, but they also give you stories and insights you can share when you apply for jobs.
  • Polish Your Application: Your application is your chance to shine. Make sure your CV is not only comprehensive but clear and engaging. Cover letters should be tailored to each application, showing why you’re excited about the position and what makes you a great fit. Don’t forget a teaching statement that reflects your unique approach and philosophy towards education.
  • Apply Thoughtfully: While casting a wide net could result in the kind of role you are seeking, aim for opportunities that truly resonate with your expertise and teaching style. Explore various institutions, from community colleges to universities, and don’t overlook less traditional teaching environments that might be in need of your particular skill set.
  • Stay Curious and Keep Growing: Staying informed and continually developing your skills is important. Seek out professional development opportunities, stay abreast of new research in your field and be open to new teaching techniques (including technology advancements) and methodologies. Your growth as a professional not only enriches your teaching but also makes you more attractive to potential employers.


  • Enhanced Visibility: Teaching roles at universities put you in front of an engaged audience, amplifying your professional visibility.
  • Strategic Networking: The academic environment offers unparalleled networking opportunities with future and current lawyers, colleagues and industry experts.
  • Thought Leadership: Sharing your expertise as a teacher reinforces your status as a knowledgeable and respected professional in your field.
  • Continuous Learning: The act of teaching encourages ongoing education, keeping you at the forefront of legal developments and practices.

Teaching as an adjunct professor or guest lecturer offers a lawyers strategic benefits beyond traditional networking and marketing efforts. It provides a platform for visibility, a hub for networking, a stage for establishing thought leadership and an opportunity for personal growth.

Three Ways to Get Lawyers to Fall In Love with Marketing Technology

While it may (or may not) be shocking that 50% of marriages end in divorce, what may be a more jarring statistic is how 77% of lawyers have experienced a failed technology implementation. And while some may take a second or even third chance at marriage, you rarely get a second chance at a marketing technology implementation, especially at a law firm.

Today’s legal industry is hyper-competitive, firms are asking attorneys to learn new skills and adopt new technology like artificial intelligence, eMarketing, or experience management systems. So, lawyers should be eager to embrace any MarTech that could help them gain an advantage, right? Unfortunately, fewer than 40% of lawyers use a CRM, and only slightly more than a quarter of them use it for sales pipeline management.

When considering lawyers’ love/hate relationship with their firm’s marketing technology infrastructure, it is important to consider the lawyer’s perspective when it comes to change management and technology adoption. By nature, lawyers are skeptical, hypercritical, risk-averse, and reluctant to change. These attributes are certainly beneficial for practicing law, but not so much for encouraging marketing technology adoption. This is why it can sometimes feel like you are herding cats, except these cats are extremely smart, have opposable thumbs, and argue for sport.

While lawyers and technology might not seem like a match made in heaven, you can follow these steps to ensure greater adoption and utilization of your marketing technology:

1. Needs Assessment

The beauty of technology is that it can do so many things, the problem with technology is… it can do so many things. For technology to succeed it has to adequately satisfy the end users’ needs. Because each firm has its own set of unique needs, technology selection should start with a needs assessment. Interviews should be conducted with key stakeholders to determine your organization’s specific needs and requirements.

As a follow-up to the needs assessment, interview user groups like attorneys, partners and even their assistants, to understand their needs and requirements, and understand their day-to-day processes and problems. These groups each define value differently, meaning that each group will have its own unique needs or set of requirements. Making these users part of the process upfront will increase the likelihood they’ll adopt the technology later on.

2. Communicate

Like any good love affair, a successful technology deployment requires extensive communication. Attorneys must be convinced that the technology will not only benefit the firm, but them individually. It can be helpful to take the time to craft a formal communication plan -starting with an announcement coming from firm leadership outlining the system’s benefits. Realistic expectations should be set, not only for the system but also for user requirements.

Next, establish, document, and distribute any processes and procedures necessary to support the implementation. Most importantly, sharing is caring, so always communicate when goals have been reached or solicit feedback from the end users.

3. Resources

All good relationships require attention. Oftentimes, firms forget to account for the long-term costs associated with a technology deployment. For a successful technology deployment, firms must dedicate necessary resources including time, money, and people. It also takes the coordinated efforts of everyone in the firm, so be sure to invite everyone who may need to be involved, such as:

  • Technical support to assist with implementation and integrations
  • Training programs with outlined criteria for different user groups
  • Data stewards (internal or outsourced) to make sure data is clean, correct and complete
  • The marketing and business development departments that will be tasked with developing and executing a communication strategy
  • Firm leadership and key attorneys whose support can be used to drive adoption

© Copyright 2024 CLIENTSFirst Consulting

by: Christina R. Fritsch JD of CLIENTSFirst Consulting

For more news on Legal Marketing, visit the NLR Law Office Management section.

How to Maximize February’s Holidays for Your Social Media Content Calendar

February, though the shortest month, is rich with opportunities for lawyers and law firms to deepen connections with their audience and spotlight their commitment to pivotal social causes. From raising awareness on privacy and internet safety to celebrating historical contributions and advocating for health, this month is ripe for engagement. Here’s a guide on leveraging these special days to not only boost your firm’s social media footprint but also to underscore your expertise and societal commitments.

  • Engage with #PrivacyAwarenessWeek (First Week of February): Kick off the month by demystifying privacy laws and sharing protective measures for personal data. Consider hosting webinars or interactive Q&A sessions to discuss privacy-related topics.
  • Participate in #SaferInternetDay (Second Tuesday of February): Highlight the importance of cybersecurity with informative articles or infographics. Provide valuable insights through free digital security workshops or consultations.
  • Celebrate #WorldJusticeDay (February 20): Showcase your firm’s dedication to justice by spotlighting pro bono work and initiatives that champion social justice. Share impactful stories that illustrate your contributions to upholding justice.
  • Honor #BlackHistoryMonth (Throughout February): Dedicate the month to celebrating the achievements of African American legal luminaries. Engage in discussions about diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) within the legal field and share how your firm is actively supporting these values.
  • Promote #AmericanHeartMonth (Throughout February): Focus on heart health awareness, sharing wellness tips and how your firm supports the well-being of its people and clients. This is an excellent opportunity to show the human side of your firm. Organize or partake in health-focused community events and share wellness tips that encourage a balanced professional life.
  • Reflect on #PresidentsDay (Third Monday of February): Delve into the legal legacies of U.S. Presidents and their influence on current laws. Host enlightening discussions or debates on historical legal precedents and their relevance today.
  • Recognize #InventorsDay (February 11): For IP-focused firms or firms with IP practices, spotlight groundbreaking inventors and their journeys through the legal system. Share advice on navigating the patent process and protecting intellectual property.
  • Embrace #RandomActsOfKindnessDay (February 17): Inspire your team and followers by engaging in and sharing acts of kindness within your community. This day is a great opportunity to humanize your firm and reflect its values.
  • Inform during #ConsumerProtectionWeek (Last week of February): End the month by enlightening the public on consumer rights and the legal frameworks that protect them. Host free legal clinics or informative sessions to empower consumers with knowledge.
  • Celebrate #ValentinesDay (February 14): Utilize this day to express appreciation for your clients and colleagues. A simple message of thanks can go a long way in strengthening relationships.
  • Leverage #GroundhogDay (February 2): Incorporate Groundhog Day as a fun way to engage your audience. Perhaps draw a light-hearted parallel between the groundhog seeing its shadow and predicting weather patterns to the predictability and preparation in legal processes. It’s an opportunity to showcase your firm’s personality and connect with your audience on a relatable level.

When using hashtags, be strategic and relevant; use popular hashtags like #ValentinesDay, #BlackHistoryMonth or #PresidentsDay to increase visibility, but also incorporate niche or branded hashtags to stand out and engage directly with your target audience. Always ensure your content is respectful, inclusive and aligns with your brand’s values. Creatively linking your products or services to these holidays can boost engagement, foster a deeper connection with your audience and enhance your brand’s presence on social media.

February’s diverse holidays present a unique platform for law firms to engage with their audience on a deeper level. By actively participating in these observances, your firm not only enhances its visibility but also fortifies its relationship with the community. This strategic approach to social media not only highlights your expertise and services but also showcases your firm’s dedication to important societal issues and causes.

Don’t be Content with Subpar Content: Five Content Marketing Best Practices

In the past, we have outlined eMarketing best practicesintegrating your eMarketing system with other marketing technology, and even discussed using artificial intelligence in your email marketing strategy. However, if you’ve got all the elements in place and your email marketing metrics are still disappointing, what else can you improve? Well, let’s address the 10,000-pound elephant in the room – your content.

For many law firms, content is typically written by lawyers. This can be a challenge because lawyers by trade, are legal writers – favoring a particular writing style that often is not favorable for eMarketing purposes. This leaves the marketing department to attempt to shape the content to make it as effective as possible.

So what is a marketer to do when faced with a partner who is convinced that posting 5,000 words (1,000 of which are footnotes) on the latest regulation change is the best way to communicate with clients and prospective clients? Here are five suggestions and talking points to help build consensus and buy-in for improving your firm’s publications and content marketing.

1. Best of the Bunch

Take a look at some of your firm’s recent publications by practice area. Are there one or two groups that consistently provide concise, well-written content that is not drowning in legalese? Next, it can be a good idea to look at their metrics. If their mailing list is in good shape, they should also have some of the best open and click-through rates at the firm.

These are the folks to hold up as examples of how to correctly write marketing content. Anyone who has been a marketer in a professional service firm knows that capitalizing on the competitive nature of professionals can be a powerful tool for changing behavior. If you can find one or two practices with superior metrics and can tie it to their content, then you have something to hold up as an example to the rest of the firm.

2. Train ’em Young

Today, associates have grown up with unparalleled access to the internet, email, Twitter (now X) and LinkedIn, so they get it. Firms should capitalize on the technology-savvy and sponge-like nature of the younger members and utilize them by creating content that resonates with their clients. They will likely already understand the importance of concise messaging as the key to effective communication.

3. Break Down Their Mailing Metrics

Lawyers tend to write for other lawyers. As marketers, we need them to write for people from all walks of life. Remember, many CEOs probably don’t have a JD. A quick analysis of their mailing lists may help persuade them that they are not just sending to other lawyers. It is important for lawyers who write to understand that well-written and relevant pieces are often the ones that are most likely to be circulated throughout companies.

Human resources and marketing, for example, are the two departments that are often the ‘beneficiaries’ of law firm alerts. Writing in heavy legalese can be counterproductive for these groups. For attorneys who are still hesitant to alter their writing style, remind them that lawyers also read newspapers, magazines, and even novels. Some of the most important and complex issues of our time, involving matters such as foreign policy, terrorism, taxes, the economy, and healthcare, are communicated every day in these publications—without the use of footnotes.

4. First Is Not Always Best

While it is important your clients know your firm is on top of recent developments, simply sending out a regurgitation of the new regulation doesn’t necessarily convey that your firm understands the impact of the law on the client’s business. Yes, you want your email on the topic to be among the first received, but there’s more to it. You need to demonstrate an understanding of the implications of the law by addressing questions like, “What does this mean for me? Do I need to be concerned? What can I do to prepare or minimize the risk for the company?”

Both speed and depth are important when it comes to content marketing. Get the alert out quickly and explain why it is important to your readers. Later, your lawyers can write a longer, in-depth piece for an outside publication which can also be forwarded to their mailing list.

5. Size Matters

65% of digital media consumption occurs on mobile devices. No one, including your own lawyers, would be inclined to read a 3,000-word piece on their iPhones, no matter how much time they have. The fact is, today’s professionals use their phones to consume quick-hit content – get in, get the jist, and get out, onto the next. This means we need to meet them where they are and produce similarly easy-to-digest content.

An excellent way to help dissuade your lawyers from writing lengthy, dense alerts, is to appeal to their billable hour. Long pieces take longer to write – when a piece half the size will not only take them half the time but ultimately increase readership by twice as much.

For more news on Content Marketing for Law Firms, visit the NLR Law Office Management section.

Legal News Reach S3E1: The DEI Dialogue: How Feedback Fosters Inclusion and Diversity in the Workplace

Welcome to Legal News Reach Season 3! We begin the new year with a conversation between the National Law Review’s Social Media Manager, Crissonna Tennison, and Bracewell’s D&I and Community Outreach Director, Monica Parker.

By now, most firms understand that diversity and inclusion are nonnegotiable foundations for a successful organization, but feedback conversations remain a commonly overlooked—or avoided—tool for fostering deeper professional connections amongst colleagues with different backgrounds and experiences. What role does feedback play in successful D&I practice, and how can attorneys approach it?

We’ve included a transcript of the conversation below, transcribed by artificial intelligence. The transcript has been lightly edited for clarity and readability.


Crissonna Tennison

Thank you for tuning in to the Legal News Reach podcast. My name is Crissonna Tennison, Web Publication Specialist and Social Media Manager for the National Law Review. In this episode, I’ll be speaking with Monica Parker, Director of D&I and Community Outreach at Bracewell LLP.

Monica, can you tell me a little bit about your background, what led you to practice law in the first place and eventually to Bracewell?

Monica Parker

Well first of all, thank you for having me. I’m excited to be here to have this chat with you today Crissonna.

As you mentioned, I’m a former practicing attorney. I have spent about two decades in law firms and professional development and, recently, diversity and inclusion. And what made me practice law, I’m not the typical law student. I didn’t go straight from college to law school, I worked for four years. And you know what, I missed school. So I appreciated the intellectual rigor, I would say, of law school, and then I ended up falling in love with Harvard Law’s negotiation program. That’s where I went to school. So I ended up becoming a teaching assistant for the negotiation program while I was there, and then came back as a lecturer in law to teach the course after I graduated.

What led me to Bracewell–I would say here is the plug for the importance of your network. I heard about this position through someone that I knew when I was a summer associate many years ago at a law firm. This person was then working in professional development for that firm. She’s now the Chief Talent Officer at Bracewell. So that’s how I heard about the opportunity. I will say that when I interviewed I had conversations with the firm’s Managing Partner, as well as the chair of the D&I Committee, the firm’s General Counsel, the hiring partners, and others, and really just appreciated the genuine, authentic nature of the leadership. They were candid with me about what’s working, what the challenges are, and it was an opportunity to have an impact and work with some good folks to that timeline at Bracewell.

Crissonna Tennison

It’s always great when your workplace is transparent with what’s going on and shows that they’re willing to have ongoing conversations. What brought you more specifically into the diversity and inclusion world and practice?

Monica Parker

I would say, like many folks who work in this arena, I was motivated by my own experiences of being a woman of color in this profession. At this stage of the game, I have a wealth of experience. And I’ve been fortunate in my career, and I saw this as an opportunity to help lift others up. Plus, I really wanted to have the opportunity to have an impact. And there’s lots of space to have impact in the world of diversity and inclusion these days.

Crissonna Tennison

Definitely. Broadly speaking, what would you say some of the hurdles are to ensuring diversity specifically in the legal business and legal field?

Monica Parker

There are three major challenges among others, right? There are several, but I would say pipeline is one, recruiting is another, and then retention is a third.

So when I think about the pipeline piece, not everyone has the same opportunities, right? They can’t all necessarily go to the best schools, they may not have family members or family friends who sit around the dinner table talking about the practice of law, they may not have opportunities with college applications or law school applications. So that’s one hurdle, right? And if you do make it over that hurdle, and you graduate from law school, then not everyone is going to come to a large law firm. So this is actually a very competitive market that we’re operating in to begin with. And then once you get there, for underrepresented groups, you have to make sure that they’re getting the same kinds of opportunities as everyone else. So for example, you need there to be a lot of candid feedback conversations, people need mentors and sponsors. But often people tend to connect with those who are like them. So those are some of the challenges specifically for the legal industry, it can be kind of difficult to feel comfortable enough with people to have the kind of conversations you’re talking about. So if you have people that look like you that makes all the difference in the world.

Crissonna Tennison

So when it comes to diversity and inclusion, what are some general patterns that you’ve noticed that have been productive, and some patterns that are not quite so productive at this time that you’re hoping might change?

Monica Parker

So let me talk about the not so productive patterns, right? So in the world of D&I, you sometimes can see what I call “check-the-box” exercises. So, for example, if everyone jumps onto the training bandwagon, training in and of itself doesn’t have the greatest return on investment. Here’s what you can do to be more productive: you can pair that with coaching, you can choose a particular area. So let’s say you want to do unconscious bias training when it comes to hiring practices, then you can do the training with folks who are involved. And you can provide coaching for those folks as they’re going through the hiring process. And then you can notice what’s working, what’s not working, continue to develop it and iterate it. And I think that’s how you shift from a not so productive practice or pattern to something that is more productive.

I think just telling people that you need them to do something, but then not giving them any tools to do it, is probably not the best approach. So for example, I mentioned feedback. We know it’s good. We know it’s important, but if people aren’t doing it, especially if you notice they’re not providing feedback to folks of color, you want to dig into that and you want to understand why and then offer some specific support around that.

Crissonna Tennison

I can see how that’s definitely something that comes up a lot. Leaning more into the feedback piece, that’s something that you speak a lot about. When it comes to feedback, these conversations obviously are not fun for most parties involved. Can you talk more about how you can navigate those conversations in a positive way, and what some of the benefits are of doing so?

Monica Parker

Sure. As you said, having feedback conversations can be difficult. And I can say this because I’m a lawyer, lawyers are often conflict averse. And so what happens is, you need to give this feedback, you know you do, you don’t want to give feedback because you’re worried about how the other person’s going to respond to it. So then you don’t do it, the behavior continues or gets worse. And you need to have this conversation. It ends up being this vicious cycle. Also, as we’ve talked about, if people tend to work with those that they like, or who look like them, then they tend to be more comfortable giving feedback to those folks as well. And let me just point out also, everyone’s very busy. And it can feel like giving feedback is one of those things that can take so much time. And “you know what, maybe it’s just better if I do it myself.”

Well, the challenge there is that if you’re not giving that feedback, then you’re not giving the person the opportunity to grow and to develop. And that’s the benefit of giving feedback. And then also as a way of showing your commitment to your employees too, if you’ve spent the time and the money to invest in them joining your firm, then you want to make sure you’re giving them the feedback that they need in order to be able to succeed there.

And I think that sometimes we think it’s going to take a lot of time to give that feedback. But it actually can take less time than you think. If you think about what you want to share, provide specific examples. Give the person the opportunity to ask questions, and then see how they do.

Crissonna Tennison

Unfortunately, I relate to the putting off things part. And what’s interesting about that is when you notice something that requires feedback early on, that conversation, it would seem, would tend to go a bit better than if you let it go on for a while and now you’ve built up resentment and the problem’s bigger. I can see how maybe creating a framework for doing it in a positive way might decrease the dread that might make you put it off. I can see how that can be really important.

Can you talk about some actionable tips that managers can take to provide feedback, maybe more routinely and in a more comfortable way?

Monica Parker

The first thing to do is to think about how you want to frame the conversation, especially if it’s making you nervous that you have to give this feedback and you’re worried about how the other person’s going to respond. So even a simple line, something you can remember and say easily, “I care about you and want you to do well here,” and then provide the feedback, it demonstrates to the other person, “This is about helping you grow and develop, and that’s important to me.” And I think that’s often what people want to hear when they’re on the receiving end of that feedback.

The second thing you want to do is share specific examples rather than talking in general terms. I can remember when I was a junior associate at a law firm and I received back work covered in red lines, you know, it looked like it was written in blood, just a marked up memo of my work. And the partner had put a handwritten note at the top of the memo that said, “Do better.” Who? What? What does “do better” mean? Some specificity would help. Now in my case, what I did is I went and talked with a more senior associate, to get a sense of what needed to be done to improve the memo. But being specific with your feedback is very helpful.

And then…it’s time to let the feedback sandwich go. Okay! The feedback sandwich is where you say something good, then you give them some other critical feedback, and then you say something good. The reason why it’s time to let it go is because everybody knows it’s coming. People are very savvy now. So they can tell when there’s a feedback sandwich in the works. And they can never actually hear the good stuff you’re saying because they’re waiting for that other shoe to drop where you tell them what’s not working. So why not just offer the critical feedback upfront? That’s one option. Another option is to ask the recipient, “What do you want to hear? Do you want to hear the feedback about what I want us to improve on first and then tell you what’s going well? Or the opposite?” You can ask!

Crissonna Tennison

Right as you said “it’s time to let go the feedback sandwich go” I was going to ask whether we should do the feedback sandwich, because I feel like if I received that paper that said “do better” with just a bunch of red marks I would shut down, at least at first. So yeah, there’s definitely room for being kind in the way that you do it.

Out of curiosity, when it comes to offering feedback, is it helpful if you’ve already developed some kind of a positive relationship with the person you’re giving feedback to? Can you speak to that a little bit?

Monica Parker

I think that’s a really good question. I think that to the extent there’s rapport and trust has been developed in relationship, it does make it easier to give that feedback because the recipient already knows that you care about them and knows that you want them to do well, and also hopefully feels comfortable asking more questions or sharing their perspective about whatever the situation is. With that being said, that can’t always be the case, right? If you’re just starting at an organization, if you’re a new person, building that rapport is going to take some time. Interestingly enough, I think if you were to give candid feedback, if you were to provide examples, if you were to do that in a timely fashion that would actually help you to build that trust and rapport, that will suit you further in the relationship as you go forward.

Crissonna Tennison

If you’re an employee, what should you be looking out for in terms of indicating that you’re not getting the level of feedback that you should be getting or that you deserve to get?

Monica Parker

If all you’re hearing is you’re doing fine, you want to dig deeper. It could be true that you’re doing fine. But it also may not be true that you’re doing fine. It could be that you’re working with someone who has difficulty sharing critical feedback or who’s very busy. And in that case, you’re going to want to dig a bit. Also, if you find yourself in your annual review, and you’re surprised by some critical feedback that you get, that’s an example that you haven’t been getting the feedback that you need, because what you hear in your annual review should never be a surprise, in terms of offering feedback. And it’s something that you want to offer regularly.

Crissonna Tennison

Would it be helpful for people to establish more frequent check-ins instead of the once a year, big one?

Monica Parker

It’s definitely helpful to establish regular check-ins. In some of my previous roles, I’ve had the opportunity to have a weekly or every other week check-in with the folks that I was supervising. And those are fantastic opportunities, not only for me to give feedback, but also for me to receive feedback. And again, that’s another way to build that relationship of trust and rapport. But if you’re doing this on a regular basis, even if it’s just a quick check, and a quick coaching session, you can catch a lot of things early and repair those things early as opposed to waiting until the annual review. By the time you get to the annual review, it’s actually too late. At that point, it really should just be a review of the year and then looking forward. So it’s very important to establish those regular check-ins again, even if they’re very short, for sure.

Crissonna Tennison

So I’m an employee, and I’m finding that I’m not getting the feedback that I think I deserve. What are some tips you have for an associate to proactively ask for that feedback if their supervisor hasn’t reached out recently, or may be dropping the ball in that area?

Monica Parker

I think a common mistake that people make is they just say “I’d appreciate any feedback.” And you may not get it when you ask that question. I think you want to be more specific than that. You could say something like, “Well, how would you have handled this?” Or “What would your approach with the client have been?” in case of an associate talking to the partner, or “I noticed you changed this point here? Will you tell me more about that?” Because when you’re asking very specific questions, you’re much more likely to engage the person in the conversation. And I think also sometimes being on the receiving end of critical feedback is hard for a lot of us, myself included. And so then you want to be prepared to take in what you hear. I often suggest that people take notes, because sometimes it can be hard to hear and taking notes can help you digest a bit better. And then also go find someone to process it with, someone who can help you understand the feedback that you received, you know, help you stay on an even keel. So those are some of the things that I would recommend.

Crissonna Tennison

That is really helpful advice. I can see how asking, “Oh, how would you have done that?” or “What was your thought process behind that?” makes it less about you, which makes it easier for everyone involved.

What can leaders do to ensure that people of color and other minoritized people feel comfortable being open about their experiences and evolving needs? I think you already spoke to this a little bit when it comes to building rapport, but is there anything else that you think would help?

Monica Parker

For sure, I think providing opportunities for underrepresented groups to share their perspective is really important. But then you have to take it a step beyond that. You have to be sure to look for ways to act upon what it is that you hear. And then there’s a step beyond that, where you then have to communicate that you’ve done so. So as an example, when I joined Bracewell, I did a listening tour. So I talked with over 100 attorneys about their experiences with diversity and inclusion at the firm. And then I had the opportunity to go to the partner retreat to present my findings as well as to make recommendations. And then from there, the D&I committee has spent its energy and time implementing those recommendations. So it’s really important, if you’re going to if you’re going to ask people to share about their experiences, you want to make sure that you’re demonstrating that you heard it, you’re trying to make an effort to do something with that feedback, and you’re making sure that they know that that’s what you’ve done.

Crissonna Tennison

Yeah, I can see that being helpful because it is a bit of emotional labor, sharing your feedback as a person of color or someone with a different experience, especially in a professional context. That can be a bit challenging, and it’s helpful to know that the other parties involved are also doing their part.

You talked a little bit about it, but what does a day in the life of a D&I consultant or leader look like? I’ve always been curious about that.

Monica Parker

I can tell you first, it’s always a mix, always. So for example, I could be talking with firm leadership about a strategic diversity initiative, I could be immersed in programming, I mentioned the feedback workshops. That’s something that I’ve designed and then delivered to the partners of the firm. There can be times where I’m meeting one-on-one with a partner or an associate to talk about an issue. Also Bracewell likes to collaborate with clients on diversity initiatives. So for example, we partnered with a client through our mutual summer programs where our summer associates of color got to meet with the clients of color, and then the General Counsel and members of the legal team for that client had lunch with all those folks and they got to talk about diversity and inclusion in that legal industry. So it’s always a fun mix of activities, it means that there’s never a dull day.

Crissonna Tennison

No, I can imagine there would not be a dull day in that area. So shifting a little bit, you mentioned that you used to work as an Associate Executive Director for a Seattle-based education nonprofit. Would you be interested in talking a little bit more about that and how it informs your current practice?

Monica Parker

Sure. At the education nonprofit we worked with students of color who are often the first in their families to go to college. So I got to see pipeline issues firsthand. Our students were rising fifth graders, and we worked with them all the way through college. And what I learned more than anything else is the importance of starting early, and then also looking for opportunities to continue to support the pipeline. But I think one of the major lessons was thinking about what it’s like to be the first. So not everyone has a parent or a family friend, or connections, right? Folks who went to law school or practice at large law firms or work for large corporations. Not everyone has that. They have a very different experience coming into a law firm, and that can be all new for an associate. And so it’s both recognizing the challenges for folks as you think about the pipeline issues, then it’s also about thinking about the challenges once that person enters a law firm. So that very much informs the work that I currently do.

Crissonna Tennison

It’s so easy to fall through the cracks. Do you have any D&I initiatives at Bracewell that you’re particularly proud of, or that have been particularly effective?

Monica Parker

I mentioned one of them, so let me dive a little bit deeper into it. I have a background in training folks on how to navigate difficult conversations, this came out of my work at Harvard Law School. And so I developed an interactive workshop on how to give feedback for the partners of the firm. And so what I’m doing in the workshops is I’m sharing a framework for how to have these conversations that allows you to prepare for them and hopefully navigate them with a little less anxiety and with more ease. And then we also talk about differences in feedback, that concept of how it can be easier to give feedback to someone who is like you or looks like you. And when there’s differences in feedback that can create some challenges.

So let’s say, for example, that a white male partner is wanting to give feedback to a woman of color associate. He might be worried that what he says can be perceived as sexist or racist, in which case he’s not going to share that feedback, he’s gonna say you’re doing just fine. So we talked about how differences in feedback can impact the relationship and the associate’s ability to grow and develop at the firm. And I think of the workshops too as a luxury for partners to have a dedicated span of time where they can just talk about delivering feedback and what’s challenging about it, and how to improve upon it. And also to hear about the experiences of their colleagues and know that they’re not the only ones navigating this and that it can be very difficult.

One of the things that’s funny to me about doing workshops, I’ve done training for lawyers, and of course, being a lawyer, I know what lawyers are like, and I know what we think about training. So one of my favorite comments was after a workshop when a partner came up to me and said, “I was skeptical. But this was good.” It’s a tough crowd! It’s a tough crowd.

I would also say that one of the things I’ve loved is that after the workshops, partners will request individual coaching. I remember one partner coming up to me right after the workshop and saying, “I’ve got a feedback conversation coming up with an associate and I’m worried about how the associate’s going to respond.” So we did some coaching on how to frame the conversation with specific examples on what to do with your own strong emotions that you might be experiencing as you’re giving the feedback. So the partner had that conversation with an associate and came back and told me that it went well and that the training was time well spent. That is high praise.

Crissonna Tennison

Honestly, I feel like if you can master the feedback conversation, especially in this kind of a high stakes environment, that has to be transferable to life. I feel like your communication skills would be through the roof. I would love to attend a workshop.

Monica Parker

You’re right. What I tell participants is, it will absolutely help you at work in terms of feedback with associates, it will help you in your work with clients, in your relationships with your colleagues; in general, it can help you at home as well with your significant other. The only folks that this material does not work on would be toddlers. They are quite skilled at difficult conversations and negotiation. I have lost every single negotiation that I’ve had with my nephew starting when he was a toddler and now his toddler sister. So forget it. It won’t work on toddlers but everyone else yeah, okay,

Crissonna Tennison

Well, we’ll just have the toddlers tell us how to communicate. They’re very clear with their needs.

So you wrote a book that was published by the American Bar Association, it’s called “What It Takes: How Women of Color Can Thrive Within the Practice of Law.” Can you talk a little bit more about what motivated you specifically to write that book and what you think readers might get from it?

Monica Parker

At the time, there was a study that the ABA had published called “Visible Invisibility,” and it was about how women of color tend to slip through the cracks at large law firms. There have been studies done on women, done on people of color, but women of color just weren’t in the mix. And so this particular report focused on women of color at large law firms, and I will say what I read was sobering, but absolutely necessary. And what I started thinking was, this was needed. I wonder if it’s possible to do a follow-up where we talk with women of color partners at large law firms who are doing well and see what we can learn from them. So I had a chance to conduct interviews with women of color partners across the country, which was wonderful. So we got a wide range of perspectives on what was working for them, what was challenging, and then lots of tips and tricks on how to be successful at large law firms. So it’s a fantastic read for associates, of course, but it’s also a great read for law firms as well.

Crissonna Tennison

Do you think it would be helpful to read even if you’re not a woman of color?

Monica Parker

Absolutely, it is. It’s useful for anyone to get perspective on what it’s like to be a woman of color. And interestingly enough, and probably not a surprise, but a lot of the advice offered there is valuable for anyone in any role, essentially. So yes, it’s a great read. If I do say so myself.

Crissonna Tennison

Oh, no, I love it. I believe you. And it’s good to advocate for yourself. So I will probably read it.

Can you talk a little bit more about what you feel the stakes are when it comes to developing diversity and inclusion practices in law? Like what do you feel like the larger stakes are?

Monica Parker

Well this one may be obvious, but it bears repeating: clients are wanting to see diversity in their legal teams. It’s going to vary from client to client. But we have seen this trend where it’s becoming increasingly important, and there are clients who absolutely demand diversity in their legal teams. And that’s something that’s not going to go away. So that’s a major stake. I would say also, firms, again no surprise, have invested a lot in their people. And so if you invested that much in your people, you want to retain your people, and you want them to succeed, and you want them to be fulfilled. Turnover is expensive.

I’d also say that you want to have a reputation for attracting diverse talent. And candidates for firms are asking about that. That’s something that I’ve noticed that’s also becoming increasingly the case, and not just candidates of color, but white candidates as well, because they want to work at a place that values diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. So if you want to attract the best talent, you want DEI to be top of mind.

Crissonna Tennison

I feel like I’ve been hearing that lately, that diversity issues are, in addition to all the other reasons why they’re so important, they’re also important when it comes to just the business elements of running a firm. Do you see any possible trickle down effects of diversity and inclusion in law affecting people in the broader world, like clients or just people who need legal services? Is that something that you think is relevant?

Monica Parker

It’s relevant, because as humans, we all want to see people who look like us. So if I’m a client of a law firm, I would like to see people who look like me working at that law firm, doing well at that law firm, whether it’s a client at a large law firm, you know, a medium sized firm, a small firm. That’s important too just because lawyers often are very involved in their communities as well. It’s important to see the representation match up with the community. So I do think it’s important for that to be there.

There are some of the standard arguments you may have already heard around how diverse teams perform better, have better results overall. So I think that just by nature of having that diversity, you bring a diversity of experiences to the table, and that’s at the end of the day going to be all to the good.

Crissonna Tennison

Do you have any final thoughts or messages to share for listeners or anything that you feel we should have asked or touched on that we didn’t?

Monica Parker

One final point: diversity, equity and inclusion is a team effort. So it’s not up to your DEI person or leadership to make things happen, although those are necessary, folks. I look at it as, D&I requires every person in the organization to be focused on making the workplace an inclusive space where everyone can achieve.

Crissonna Tennison

Yeah, I can see how in an office environment you have to work together to create an effective workplace. And that includes working together to build a more accessible, inclusive workplace where everyone feels comfortable to do their best work.

Thank you so much for coming on through and talking to us today. That was a lot of really interesting and good information. So yeah, thank you for coming and joining our show today and sharing your insights with us.

Monica Parker

Well, thanks again for having me. I enjoyed our conversation.


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March 2023 Legal Industry News Highlights: Law Firm Hiring News, Industry Awards and Recognition, and the Latest Updates in Diversity and Inclusion

Welcome back to another edition of the National Law Review’s legal industry news roundup. We hope you are remaining safe, happy, and healthy! Please read on below for the latest in law firm hiring and expansion news, key industry awards and recognition, and a spotlight on important diversity, equity, and inclusion updates!

Law Firm Hiring and Expansion

Joanna Horsnail has been named managing partner of Mayer Brown’s Chicago office, effective February 28, 2023. Her appointment marks the fourth consecutive female leader for the firm’s largest office. Ms. Horsnail’s practice has primarily focused on advising clients on key transformational deals, primarily in the City of Chicago and State of Illinois. Most notably, she counseled on the deal securing the James R. Thompson Center as the corporate headquarters for Google, and has also previously worked with the Illinois Sports Facilities Authority, the Metropolitan Pier & Exposition Authority, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and other public and not-for-profit organizations.

“Joanna’s well-earned reputation for professional excellence, coupled with her outstanding profile in the Chicago community make her an exceptional choice to lead the office,” said firm chair Jon Van Gorp. “Her natural charisma, approachability as a mentor to many and vision for the office will make her an inspirational and hugely successful leader. I look forward to working closely with her to achieve the growth and development objectives that the firm has for this office, which is where I started my career at Mayer Brown.”

“I’m delighted to be named office managing partner,” said Ms. Horsnail. “I have such tremendous enthusiasm for both Mayer Brown and this office and look forward to guiding the office as we continue our success in Chicago.”

Morten Lund has joined Foley & Lardner’s San Diego office as an of counsel in the Finance Practice Group. Mr. Lund has more than 25 years of experience advising developers, lenders, investors, and other project participants and has extensive experience in the energy sector.

Mr. Lund’s practice has primarily focused on solar energy and energy storage projects. His range of project experience also includes wind energy projects, combustion generator projects, nuclear energy facilities, hydroelectric facilities, cogeneration facilities, chemical facilities, forestry/paper facilities, large aircraft, and shipping fleets. He earned his JD from Yale University.

Eversheds Sutherland has added Megan K. Hall to their Tax Practice Group as a partner. Ms. Hall, located in the firm’s Washington D.C. office, further strengthens the firm’s international tax capabilities, focusing chiefly on transactional matters, cross-border employment and global mobility. She has previously worked with clients including multinational corporations on international tax matters, including the tax aspects of acquisitions, mergers, internal restructurings and business formations.

“I’m very excited to welcome Megan to the team and know she will add depth to our international tax practice,” said Robert S. Chase, US Tax Practice Group Leader. “Megan’s familiarity with cross-border operational structures and the tax considerations relevant to operating a multinational business enhances the firm’s ability to support clients in an area of increased focus for international tax authorities. The firm’s global footprint will provide a unique opportunity to enhance support to her international network.”

Jeremiah Kelly and Justin Coen have joined Venable LLP as partners in the firm’s FDA Group. Mr. Kelly’s practice concentrates on the FDA’s complex regulatory framework, helping clients with product development, application, and compliance for drugs, biologics, medical devices, and combination products. Mr. Coen’s practice focuses on guiding companies through FDA regulations related to drug, biologic, and device development, advising them on every stage of product development and commercialization.

Claudia A. Lewis, a co-chair of the firm’s FDA Group, said, “Venable has established itself among the premier practices in the FDA regulatory space and is regularly called upon to handle a myriad of issues involving the development and marketing of products regulated by the FDA. With the addition of Jeremiah and Justin, our services now include robust legal capabilities for companies navigating the FDA regulatory framework to commercialize drugs, biologics, devices, and combination products, among other product categories.”

Legal Industry Awards and Recognition

Janet Wagner, principal in the Banking practice at Chuhak & Tecson, P.C., has been accepted as a fellow of the respected American College of Mortgage Attorneys (ACMA) for 2023. Fellows of ACMA, which is composed of lawyers in North America who are authorities in mortgage law, seeks to give back to their profession, improving and reforming laws and procedures affecting real estate secured transactions and raising the level of performance of lawyers practicing in this area. Candidates are recommended each year and are selected after thorough review of their qualifications and achievements.

Ms. Wagner primarily focuses her practice on banking and commercial financing transactions, providing key counsel to commercial banks, credit unions, institutional lenders, insurance companies and other lenders. Previously, she has represented lenders involving a variety of classes of real estate in states across the country on acquisitions, refinancing and construction loans.

The Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) has named Lawrence J. Buckfire to their prestigious Preferred Attorneys Program. The objective of the Preferred Attorneys Program is to offer a credible, diverse listing of outstanding attorneys to be used as a resource for both referring attorneys and individuals with brain injury, their family members/caregivers, and others seeking legal counsel. BIAA Preferred Attorneys are selected for their demonstrated legal credentials and their knowledge of the physical, cognitive, emotional, and financial tolls a brain injury inflicts.

Mr. Buckfire has consistently demonstrated skill and ability in representing those affected by a brain injury. He is the lead trial attorney and managing partner at Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C. His practice focuses primarily on child lead paint poisoning, wrongful death, nursing home neglect, medical malpractice, and other serious injury cases.

Adam Beaudoin of Ward and Smith has been chosen to serve as President-Elect of the Board of Directors for the Community Associations Institute of North Carolina (CAI-NC). The Community Associations Institute seeks to promote and strengthen community associations, focusing on education and resources for homeowners, volunteers, and professional managers.

Mr. Beaudoin brings extensive experience to his new role with CAI-NC, having previously practiced community associations law for nearly two decades. He is the Co-Chair of Ward and Smith‘s Community Associations Practice Group, and he has been a CAI-NC member since 2006. He has presented at several local and national CAI events, served on the Legislative Action Committee, and was a board member prior to his election.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion News

Katten Health Care Partner and Deputy General Counsel Kenya Woodruff has been profiled as a Leader in Diversity by the Dallas Business Journal. Ms. Woodruff is the National Chair of Katten’s Diversity Committee Women’s Leadership Forum, where she leads efforts to provide women attorneys with the professional tools and support to take their rightful place as leaders in law.

“I’m particularly proud of the professional development programming we have offered through the Women’s Leadership Forum to help empower our female attorneys at the firm and give them the skills needed to advance in their careers,” says Ms. Woodruff.

Woodruff’s practice centers around the healthcare industry, where she uses her legal, business, and regulatory expertise to support successful clinical operations and corporate transactions. She has previously worked as Deputy General Counsel for Parkland Health & Hospital System and Privacy Officer for a publicly traded radiology company.

Three Barnes and Thornburg attorneys will represent the firm in two 2023 Leadership Council for Legal Diversity ProgramsAdetayo Osuntogun, Partner at the D.C. office, will join LCLD’s Fellows Program, a year-long training program focused on relationship-building and leadership skill development. Indianapolis Associate Alyssa Hughes and Los Angeles Associate Mihran Yezbekyan are joining the LCLD Pathfinders Program, which gives early career professionals the chance to develop tools related to leadership, career development, and professional networking.

Mr. Osuntogun is an international trade law expert focused on helping businesses handle global commerce matters related to trade policy, customs, imports, economic sanctions, export laws, and more. He is active with Alpha Phi Alpha, the Diverse Associates Network, and the National Bar Association. Ms. Hughes, who The Best Lawyers in America listed as one of 2023’s “Ones to Watch,” works in the Litigation Department on matters related to government and internal investigations, corporate criminal defense, and general commercial disputes. Mr. Yezbekyan also works in the Litigation Department, handling product liability, mass torts, and consumer class actions. Outside of the office, he volunteers with the Los Angeles County Bar Association Judicial Elections Evaluation Committee.

“LCLD has been a long-standing partner of Barnes & Thornburg. Their pathfinder and fellow programs align with our mission to position all of our talent to win,” said Dawn R. Rosemond, firm diversity partner. “We know that these programs will only further elevate Adetayo, Alyssa and Mihran’s professional practice and presence.”

Stanley Blackmon, Partner at Bradley Arant Boult Cummings’ Birmingham office, has also been selected to be a 2023 Leadership Council on Legal Diversity Fellow. The program will provide alumni networks, mentoring, accountability partners, leadership lunches, and class meetings to advance his legal diversity efforts and help others to do the same. LCLD Fellows are selected for their leadership, engagement, and commitment to diversity and inclusion, which Mr. Blackmon demonstrates through his active pro bono practice and involvement with the Birmingham Bar Association as President of the Young Lawyers’ Section, the Magic City Bar Association as an Executive Committee Member, the Alabama Standing Committee on Rules of Appellate Procedure, and the American Bar Association.

“We congratulate Stanley on his selection as an LCLD Fellow,” said Bradley Director of Inclusion and Diversity George D. Medlock, Jr. “Since Bradley joined LCLD in 2020, we have been proud to participate in and support the LCLD’s programs, which help prepare future generations of diverse talent for the highest positions of legal leadership.”

Copyright ©2023 National Law Forum, LLC

8 Best Lawyer Forums Online

Though unorthodox for a traditional profession like the law, remote work is becoming a more realistic option for lawyers all over the country. With the help of tools like legal practice management software and options to practice law in multiple states, lawyers everywhere are tackling the challenges of remote work.

But one obstacle that remains is networking. Remote lawyers need to put extra work into maintaining professional connections and building an online presence, both of which are made easier with online forums designed specifically for legal professionals.

What Is an Online Forum?

An online forum is an internet space dedicated to conversation using questions, answers, responses, and prompts. Typically, online forums are asynchronous — users post a question, then other users respond at their leisure.

Posts in forums are archived and arranged into categories like post date, popularity, and more. Discussions can last for hours, days, months, or possibly years, as long as users continue to contribute.

Why Should Lawyers Use Online Forums?

After the rapid shift to remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic, plenty of industries saw the value of allowing employees to work from home – including law firms. More and more lawyers are working remotely, but that could come at the cost of networking.

Networking doesn’t have to mean interactions that take place over coffee, lunch, cocktails, golf excursions, or big events. In the strictest sense, networking is any meeting between people, whether in a group or one on one, online or in-person, which can be done using online forums.

Online forums dedicated to lawyers and the legal industry are an effective way to facilitate networking opportunities when in-person meetings aren’t an option. Getting involved in online forums help lawyers discuss industry topics with experts and thought leaders, stay current on trends and technology, and learn valuable tips from other lawyers.

Top 8 Online Forums for Lawyers

Curious about online forums? Here are the best options for lawyers and legal professionals to engage with other legal professionals and build a network as a remote attorney:

1. Quora

Quora is a broad forum that covers a variety of topics in question-and-answer formats, including the legal industry. You can easily search for questions or topics that are trending in the legal industry and contribute expert answers to boost your credibility. The more answers you provide, and the more other users engage with you, the closer you can get to becoming a thought leader in the space.

2. Bar Association Forums

Bar association forums are always a benefit to lawyers, remote or otherwise. There are plenty of options to choose from, including local bar associations or forums dedicated to your practice area. Best of all, you’ll be engaging with other knowledgeable legal professionals to connect and network.

3. Social Media Groups

Social media channels like Facebook and LinkedIn have dedicated groups that bring together users based on interests or industries, such as the legal industry. These two platforms are among the best for getting into a private or public group and enhancing your online presence. Keep in mind that you are representing yourself as a lawyer in these groups, so use a professional social media account, not your personal one.

The Thomson Reuters Legal Community is an exclusive option for customers of Thomson Reuters that brings together a virtual community of lawyers to network and engage in group settings. You can connect with lawyers from all different practice areas, both locally and nationally, and gain valuable insights from industry experts.

5. The Lawyerist Community

The Lawyerist is an online community dedicated to small firm lawyers to provide coaching, podcasts, books, guides, and other insights. The company has its own online lawyer forum – The Lawyerist Community – on Facebook to discuss law firm best practices, trends, and ideas.

6. Reddit

Reddit has some of the best online forums for a range of different topics, from broad subjects like sports to niche communities dedicated to obscure literature. There’s also a legal forum, r/LawFirm, that’s an informal community for lawyers to discuss running a law firm and the legal industry as a whole. There’s also a lawyer subreddit that you can join if you’re licensed.

7. Slack

Slack is a top-rated collaboration platform that offers individual channels for groups of users. There are several communities dedicated to the law, including LawyerSmack, which is comprised of private attorneys.

8. Law School Alumni Forums

Some law schools have online forums for alumni to stay connected with faculty and colleagues. While not every school offers an online forum for networking, if yours does, you can build vital industry contacts and further your practice. You’ll also get updates on news, trends, and in-person network events by participating in the forum.

Outlook on Online Forums

Remote and hybrid working models are the “new normal,” even for lawyers. Now that law firms and lawyers have seen the benefits in productivity, work-life balance, and enhanced communication afforded by remote work, there’s no going back.

Still, lawyer networking is essential for lawyers to grow their practice, no matter if it’s online or in-person. Along with joining forums to engage in discussions with other industry professionals, you can enhance your remote work with law practice management software. The right law firm software empowers lawyers to manage their practice from anywhere.

Start Networking Remotely

Networking is a big part of successful client acquisition for lawyers. Though it takes a little more work to keep up with networking as a lawyer working remotely, online lawyer forums can keep you connected to other industry professionals. And because you can engage with lawyers all over the country, you can find even more opportunities online than in person at networking events.

© Copyright 2023 PracticePanther

January 2023 Legal Industry News Highlights: Law Firm Expansion and Promotions, Industry Awards and Achievements, and a Spotlight on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Legal Field

Welcome back to another edition of the National Law Review’s legal industry news roundup, including a focus on law firm hirings and expansions, noteworthy awards and accomplishments in the field, and the latest in DEI efforts across the industry. We hope you are remaining safe and healthy, and that your new year has started off strong!

Additionally, be sure to check out the latest episode of our legal news podcast, Legal News Reach. New episodes will be forthcoming in 2023!

Law Firm Hiring and Expansion

Jennifer L. Budner has joined Goldberg Segalla’s White Plains office as a member of the Civil Litigation and Trial group. Ms. Budner focuses her practice primarily on litigation and trial counseling, having specialized in personal injury and wrongful death litigation for more than 20 years. She has a great deal of experience handling high exposure labor and construction law matters, and has represented many different types of clients, including property owners and contractors, product manufacturers, and a variety of business owners in various employment and product liability law actions.

Mayer Brown has added partner Richard Snyder to the firm’s Antitrust & Competition practice in Washington DC. Mr. Snyder focuses his practice on civil antitrust litigation, having previously represented clients in both federal and state court, and having appeared regularly before the US Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission. He has a great deal of experience in many areas, including merger reviews, criminal antitrust investigations, and a variety of conduct matters.

“With increasing enforcement activity, Rich’s experience in successfully handling antitrust matters in strategic transactions and before various government agencies will be invaluable to our clients,” said William Stallings, co-leader of Mayer Brown’s global Antitrust & Competition practice.

Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. and The Acta Group recently announced a number of noteworthy promotions within the firm:

  • Catherine M. Croke, DBA, has been named Director of Product Stewardship and Regulatory Affairs. Dr. Croke has decades of experience executing product stewardship and regulatory compliance programs in the field of chemicals and materials, formerly serving as Senior Advocacy and Compliance Manager with Evonik Corporation, Regulatory Affairs Manager for Arkema, and a Physical Science Technician with the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
  • Irene M. O’Hara has joined B&C® Consortia Management, L.L.C. (BCCM) as a Consortium Manager. Ms. O’Hara’s specialty is in association management, including stakeholder engagement, project management, and external affairs. She has previously worked with the Association of Corporate Counsel, the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, and the Smithsonian Institution’s Hirshhorn Museum.
  • Karin F. Baron, MSPH, has been named the Director of Hazard Communication and International Registration Strategy. With around 20 years’ experience in developing, implementing, and managing complex chemical regulatory compliance strategies, Ms. Baron primarily focuses her practice on navigating the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals, including classification, labeling, and authoring of compliant safety data sheets, as well as hazard and risk assessment.

Lynn L. Bergeson, Managing Partner of B&C, President of Acta, and President of BCCM, said of the hirings, “Our growing team of experts reflects the diversity of our substantive skill set, our expanding client base, and our commitment to providing our clients with the best and most efficient team of legal, regulatory, and scientific experts available.”

OLIVARES has named two new partners to the firm: Rommy Morales and Jaime Rodríguez. Ms. Morales, who co-chairs the Patent Group at the firm, focuses her practice on prosecution and enforcement of pharmaceutical patents in Mexico. In addition to her wide array of experience counsel to national and international clients regarding the protection and enforcement of their intellectual property rights, she has also repeatedly obtained patents for complex biotechnological inventions that have not been protected elsewhere.

Mr. Rodriguez’s practice is focused on intellectual property and copyright law matters, with extensive experience in trademarks, unfair competition, and domain name dispute resolution. Since 2007, he has achieved a number of impressive litigation results at OLIVARES, and has continued to serve as a professor at various educational institutions in Mexico, as well as publishing a great many articles related to his practice and to intellectual property law in general.

“Our new partners exemplify the success that comes from dedication to the firm’s mission. We are all excited about what the future looks like with these new leaders with us,” said Sergio Olivares, managing partner of the firm.

Legal Industry Awards, Events, and Recognitions

Ward and Smith has been named a 2023 Data Privacy Week champion by the National Cybersecurity Alliance. A non-profit organization that seeks to create a more secure and interconnected world, the National Cybersecurity Alliance works to develop notable partnerships between governments and companies to foster the greater digital good. With the reception of this title, Ward and Smith has committed to upholding the important responsibility of protecting personal information and individual privacy.

“Privacy is a right that must be proactively safeguarded and protected,” said Angela Doughty, CIPP/US. “Data Privacy Week helps remind us of actions we can take now – before it’s too late- in order to ensure security against costly incidents and harm.”

Strassburger McKenna Gutnick & Gefsky attorney Alexis M. Wheeler has been appointed to the Board of Directors of Bethany Christian Services of Western Pennsylvania. Bethany Christian Services is a global non-profit organization that supports children and families with world-class social services. Ms. Wheeler, who first began working with the organization last year, has assisted by providing support for a transitional foster care facility, as well as providing long-term refugee foster care and refugee and immigrant resettlement services.

At Strassburger McKennaMs. Wheeler focuses her practice primarily on municipal law and real estate, and additionally works closely with the litigation practice group and the investigation practice group. Ms. Wheeler started with SMGG as a Law Clerk and was asked to join the firm as an Associate after graduation from law school.

Mark Brutzkus and Nick Rozansky of Stubbs Alderton & Markiles, LLP have been named to Thomson Reuters’ Top 100: 2023 Southern California Super Lawyers List. Thomson Reuters recognizes Super Lawyers each year in Southern California, a process that involves peer recommendations, independent research, and peer evaluations. The lawyers who excel in the Super Lawyers selection process are prominently recognized in the Top 100 list.

Mr. Brutzkus, a partner at the firm, primarily focuses his practice on representing consumer product companies in corporate, commercial, intellectual property, finance, transactional, and other matters. Mr. Rozansky, also a partner at the firm, works in both the Business Litigation and Trademark and Brand Protection Practice Groups. He represents clients in several industries, including fashion and apparel, jewelry, banking and finance, and consumer products.

The Legal Sales & Service Organization (LSSO), the leading industry association for law firm sales and legal service professionals, is beginning 2023 with the announcement of its 20th Anniversary Advisory Board and Editorial Board.

LSSO Co-Founder Silvia Coulter, a Principal of LawVision:

“These industry influencers are the right people at the right time for LSSO to build on its legacy, and together we can reflect on impact to date and act on plans for the future support of LSSO’s members and the broader legal community’s sales and service goals.”

LSSO launched two decades ago, as positions such as Chief Business Development Officer, Client Relationship Executive, Chief Strategy Officer, Director of Project Management, and Client Value Director did not exist inside law firms. Then and today, these roles are essential for any law firm to survive and thrive, and LSSO was formed to meet the unique needs of these roles in a law firm environment.

LSSO is well known in legal circles for annual RainDance Conference, which in 2023 will be held June 7 and 8 in Chicago, which features tactical discussions with senior business development and legal sales professionals, along with keynote speakers who are sought-after industry change agents, and veteran legal services executives.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts

Twelve lawyers from Barnes & Thornburg have been named to the Lawyers of Color’ Law Firm Leaders publication:

  • Michelle N. Bradford, Partner, Co-Chair of Financial and Regulatory Litigation Practice Group
  • Michael A. Carrillo, Secretary of Management Committee and Managing Partner of Chicago Office
  • Jeff Davis, Of Counsel, Chair of Native American Law and Policy Practice Group
  • Roscoe C. Howard, Jr., Chair of Racial Justice Committee and Managing Partner of Washington, D.C., Office
  • Naomi Y. Kwang, Partner, Chair of Greater China and Southeast Asia Practice Group
  • Salvador P. LaViña, Partner, Chair of Real Estate Department
  • Alan K. Mills, Partner, Chair of Special Servicers Group and Co-Chair of Supply Chain Group
  • David Paragas, Partner, Co-Chair of Federal Relations Practice Group
  • Mari Yamamoto Regnier, Partner, Chair of Global Services-Japan Practice Group
  • Kristen L. Richer, Partner, Co-Chair of Consumer Class Action Defense Practice Group
  • Erika Weiss, Associate, Member of Legal Personnel Administration Committee
  • David A.W. Wong, Partner, Chair of Internet and Technology Group

Lawyers of Color is a national nonprofit dedicated to promoting diversity in the legal profession. The organization regularly recognizes noteworthy attorneys in the field through publications and conferences, seeking to advance democracy, equality, and inclusion in marginalized communities and the practice of law.

Michael D. Thomas, Principal at Jackson Lewis P.C., has been featured in the Los Angeles Times’ 2022 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Accessibility magazine as a DEIA Visionary. The magazine seeks to highlight notable thought leaders in the California business community who place great emphasis on diversity, equity and inclusion within their field. Mr. Thomas primarily focuses his practice on defending employers in state and federal wage and hour class actions, working in industries including manufacturing, retail, and hospitality.

“Michael’s longstanding efforts to promote and strengthen DEI policies throughout businesses in California are another affirmation of our commitment to these initiatives as a core value of the firm,” said Alison L. Lynchthe firm’s Orange County office managing principal. “We congratulate him on this recognition and look forward to his continued advocacy for a more inclusive workforce.”

Rebecca E. Shope, Partner and Labor, Employment and Benefits Regional Service Line Leader at Shumaker, has been named a 2023 Leadership Council on Legal Diversity Fellow. Ms. Shope, who primarily practices in the fields of labor and employment, litigation, and family law, will be a part of the prestigious LCLD program, which since 2011 has sought to identify, train, and advance the next generation of leaders in the legal profession. The program provides participants with the opportunity to learn from top leaders in the legal profession, as well as experts in the fields of learning and development and executive coaching.

“Rebecca is an exceptional lawyer and future leader who joins a select group of experienced attorneys from diverse backgrounds who have been recognized for their leadership skills within their organizations and in the wider profession,” said Shumaker Partner and Diversity and Inclusion Committee Co-Chair Cheri Budzynski.

Copyright ©2023 National Law Forum, LLC with Bob Major [PODCAST]

When Bob Major founded Major, Lindsey & Africa in 1982, he could not have envisioned what the organization would become and the impact it would have on the legal profession. In this episode of B.S.: Beyond Stereotypes, Bob shares his journey with Merle Vaughn, including his childhood in Texas and Oklahoma, his Stanford education, and how both influenced his outlook on life personally and professionally.

Bob Major, founder and Partner at Major, Lindsey & Africa, grew up in Texas and Oklahoma. He received his undergraduate degree from Stanford University and attended The University of Texas at Austin where he received a J.D. degree. Bob spent five years at the Washington, D.C., firm of Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering (now WilmerHale) practicing in its federal administrative practice. Prior to founding his own legal recruiting firm, he spent a year in-house as securities counsel at Saga Corporation (Menlo Park, California).

©2023 Major, Lindsey & Africa, an Allegis Group Company. All rights reserved.