ABA's Second Annual National Institute on Consumer Financial Basics 9/19-9/20, 2011

The National Law Review wants to remind you that the ABA’s Second Annual National Institute on Consumer Financial Basics is taking place on September 19 – 20, 2011 at Boston University Center for Finance Law & Policy, Boston, MA.


Facing the most comprehensive revision of federal consumer financial services (CFS) law in 75 years, even experienced consumer finance lawyers might feel it is time to get back in the classroom. This live meeting is designed to expose practitioners to key areas of consumer financial services law, whether you need a primer or a refresher. And importantly, it provides the framework and structure, to help you come to grips with the Dodd-Frank Act and the issues that Dodd-Frank and its Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will present in your practice.

In the pressure cooker of today’s financial services industry, the breadth and complexity of the issues you are facing will overwhelm any seminar on recent developments. It is time to take a step back and think through some of these complex issues with a faculty that combines decades of practical experience with law school analysis. The classroom approach is used to review the background, assess the current policy factors, step into the shoes of regulators, and develop an approach that can be used to interpret and evaluate the scores of laws and regulations that affect your clients.

 Program Focus

This program will explain each of the major sources of regulation of consumer financial products in the context of the regulatory techniques and policies that are the common threads in a complex pattern, including: 

  • Price regulation and federal preemption of state price limitations
  • Disclosure and transparency affecting consumer understanding and market operation
  • Regulating the “fairness” of financial institution conduct
  • Privacy and security of consumer data and ID Theft
  • Consumer reporting: FCRA & FACTA
  • Fair lending and fair access to financial services
  • Remedies: regulators and private plaintiffs



Click here to view registration options for this program. 

Program Times:

Day One:
Monday, September 19 – 8 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Day Two:
Tuesday, September 20 – 8 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Program Location:  

The Boston University Center for Finance, Law & Policy
595 Commonwealth Avenue, 4th Floor, Boston MA 02215-1704

NAWL's Annual Meeting and Awards Luncheon New York City July 21st

The National Law Review wants to remind you that the National Association of Women Lawyers 2011 Annual Meeting and Awards Luncheon is taking place Wednesday July 20th and Thrusday July 21st in New York City at the Waldorf Astoria. 

For a Detailed Schedule Click Here

For a complete list of the 2011 Annual Awardees Click Here

Welcome Networking Night of Giving  Click Here

Table Sponsorships and Reservations Click Here 

Individual Ticket Pricing & Registration Click Here 

Morning Session Ticket Pricing & Registration Click Here

 Afternoon Session Ticket Pricing & Registration Click Here

CLE Credit: 
Application for accreditation of this program is currently pending in AL, AR, CA, FL, GA, IL, MN, NJ, NY, PA, SC, TX. Speaker attendance is subject to change.

Hotel Information:
Attendees can register for guest rooms at the Waldorf=Astoria. A limited number of rooms are available for the rate of $319 per night . To reserve call 1-800-925-3673 and ask for the Women Lawyers’ Room Block.

2nd Social Media Legal Risk and Strategy Conference Jul 19-21 SanFrancisco

The National Law Review would like you all to know about the upcoming 2nd Social Media Legal Risk and Strategy Conference:  Minimizing Legal Risk for Corporations Engaged in Social Media July 19-21 in San Francisco, CA.  

Key Conference Topics Include:

  • Insights and updates on the changing legal landscape for social media
  • Practical strategies to develop robust and compliant social media strategies
  • The role and involvement of legal in the social media initiatives
  • Overcoming the various legal risk from IP, Employment Law to Privacy when organizations engage in social media engagement
  • Analyzing emerging trends and potential legal risk in social media

Key Conference Features Include:

  • Pre-Conference Workshop A (July 19th): Uncovering Current and Emerging Social Media Trends and Applications To Forecast and Minimize Potential Legal Liabilities
  • Pre-Conference Workshop B (July 19th): Monitoring And Tracking Online Activities To Mitigate Legal Risk
  • For More information and to Register Please Click Here:

Attendees are eligible to receive up to 20 CLE credits!


Just JDs — Business Development Strategies for Lawyers – June 8th Chicago, IL

Looking for new ideas on how to grow your client base?  Trying to determine if social media is a time waister or a great way to reach new audiences or stay in touch with current business contacts? Looking for CLE Credits before the June 30th Illinois Deadline?  The National Law Review  would like to bring your attention to a unique opportunity designed for attorneys by the legal marketing authorities (LMA).  

Just JDs — Business Development Strategies for Lawyers is a one-day program is designed exclusively for lawyers at firms of all sizes who want to build their personal books of business or have responsibility for practice or firm business development efforts including marketing partners, marketing committee members and administrators.

LMA members: Refer attorneys from your firm and they can register at the member rate, a savings of $100.

Click Here For More Details & to Register Online Today
$395 for LMA members
$495 for nonmembers

ABA Recent Developments in State and Local Government Law – Live Webinar Teleconference Series May 19th

The National Law Review wanted to bring your attention to the upcoming Live Webinar and Teleconference Series on Recent Developments in State and Local Government Law

Program Information:    

Thursday, May 19, 2011—11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Eastern 
Sex, Drugs and Government?
Program Description Individual Online Registration | Group Online Registration 
Event Code: cet1sdg

Thursday, May 19, 2011—1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Eastern 
Program Description Individual Online Registration | Group Online Registration 
Event Code: cet1cbb

Thursday, May 19, 2011—2:30 PM – 3:30 PM Eastern 
Ethics of Social Networking (Ethics Credit)
Program Description Individual Online Registration | Group Online Registration 
Event Code: cet1esn

Register for the entire series or alternatively view additional information and register for individual programs by clicking here.   CLE credit available.


6th Anti-Corruption and FCPA Compliance Conference Set for June 22-24, 2011 in Washington, DC

The National Law Review wants to bring your attention to the following upcoming event(s): 

Building on our past successful FCPA conference series, marcus evans invites you to attend the 6th Anti-Corruption & FCPA Compliance Conference in Washington, DC, June 22-24, 2011, co-located with the Life Sciences Strategies for Anti-Corruption and Compliance ConferenceThe event will bring together Government officials and industry leaders in FCPA, Anti-Corruption and Compliance to share best practices, strategies and tools on executing, monitoring and auditing a strong and effective anti-corruption / FCPA compliance program.

Now more than ever organizations need to pay close attention to their anti-corruption compliance programs and ensure robust internalcontrols are in place especially in countries with high corruption to ensure their business transactions are compliant with the FCPA as well as  global anti-corruption laws.

Hear From Leading FCPA Compliance and Anti-Corruption Experts Including:

Jay G. Martin, Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, Senior Deputy General Counsel, Baker Hughes

C. David Morris, Senior Counsel International, Northrop Grumman Corporation

Melissa Chia, Executive Director, Morgan Stanley Investment Management

Debra Kuper, Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary, AGCO

Stephen Donovan, Chief Counsel, Global Compliance, International Paper Company

Why You Should Attend

1. Learn how to embrace a global anti-corruption compliance program
2. Analyze recent regulatory updates and proposals
3. Understand best practices in effective due diligence and management of third parties
4. Discover ways to monitor and disclose FCPA violations
5. Gain insights on how to tackle upcoming regulatory changes and how to best implement updated policies and procedures into your organization
6. Identify possible violations by examining recent enforcement against companies for committing corrupt practices

With a one-track focus, the 6th Anti-Corruption & FCPA Compliance Conference is a highly intensive, content-driven event that includes case studies, presentations and panel discussions over two full days. This conference targets industry leaders from a variety of top industries in order to provide an intimate atmosphere for both the delegates and speakers.

This is not a trade show; our FCPA conference series is targeted at a focused group of senior level executives to maintain an intimate atmosphere for the delegates and speakers. Since we are not a vendor driven conference, the higher level focus allows delegates to network with their industry peers.

marcus evans has requested CLE accreditation from all appropriate states. marcus evans certifies that this conference has been pre approved for CLE credits by the Pennsylvania, California and West Virginia State continuining legal education authorities and also approved for New Jersey and Colorado CLE credit via reciprocity.

 For more information on this conference or to get a complete list of speakers, sessions or past attendees, visit http://www.marcusevansch.com/NLR_FCPA.

Life Sciences Strategies for Anti-Corruption & FCPA Compliance 23-24 June Washington, DC

The National Law Review is  a proud media sponsor of the upcoming Life Sciences Strategies for Anti-Corruption & FCPA Compliance – which addresses  the Unique Challenges and Risk Areas Tied to FCPA and Corruption Faced by the Pharmaceuticals, Medical Device and Biotechnology Companies  

Pharmaceutical and medical device companies operating overseas are particularly vulnerable to FCPA violations because of the nature of public health systems in many foreign countries where health care systems are owned and operated by the government. Given the fact that employees are in constant contact with the health care providers at different touch points within the organization, there is a need to ensure all interactions are monitored and effective policies are in place to curb any potential violations.

Gain insights on how to deal with issues stemming from gifts and entertainment of government officials to develop effective training programs and best practices in operating in emerging countries as well as dealing with 3rd parties.

With a one-track focus, the Life Sciences Strategies for Anti-Corruption & FCPA Compliance Conference is a highly intensive, content-driven event that includes case studies, presentations and panel discussions over two full days. This conference targets industry leaders from the pharmaceutical, medical device and biotechnology and clinical research organizations in order to provide an intimate atmosphere for both the delegates and speakers.

key conference topics include:

  • Analyze the key provisions of the UK Bribery Bill and the impact on life sciences industries by Abbott Laboratories
  • Identify practical strategies to develop effective global anti-corruption compliance program from CareFusion
  • Assess the challenges of conducting and implementing effective global traning programs by Medtronic, Inc.
  • Develop robust internal controls for 3rd party due-diligence by Talecris Biotherapeutics, Inc.
  • Address FCPA and corruption risk stemming from sales and marketing activities and interaction from Covidien

    key conference features include:

  • Expert Case Studies and Presentations by Industry Leading FCPA & Anti-Corruption Professionals

  • Illuminating Roundtable Discussions Led by St. Jude Medical (June 23rd) and Johnson & Johnson (June 24th)
  • Earn up to 16 hours of CLE Credits

    for more details and to register:

    IQPC’s 11th eDiscovery Summit – April 27-29, 2011 San Francisco, CA – Save Big if Registered Before April 1st!

    The National Law Review is a proud media partner for IQPC’s 11th eDiscovery Summit – April 27-29, 2011 San Francisco, CA

    IQPC’s 11th eDiscovery Summit features hands on sessions and practical instruction to bring back to your eDiscovery teams. You will engage with IT and legal focus groups to candidly discuss anticipated push back issues, observe how different roles within your company approach imminent litigation and put bridging the gap strategies into practice.

    It is no secret that you want to reduce the cost of eDiscovery, yet how do you know if you are paying a reasonable price for ESI processing and review? Do not miss this unique opportunity to learn about outside the box pricing structures and benchmark with your peers to gain a realistic picture of fair pricing for electronic information management.

    Why attend the 11th eDiscovery Summit?

    • United States District Court Judges share their experiences with companies committing costly electronic discovery mistakes
    • Bridge the gap between IT and legal through a practical exercise with IT and legal focus groups
    • Learn practical steps to create a solid cross-functional eDiscovery team fostering communication and effective workflow between departments
    • Gain valuable metrics to assess the repeatability and defensibility of your eDiscovery procedures
    • Maximize the benefits of social networking and cloud computing without compromising security and increasing risk
    • Earn CLE Credits! Find out more

    Registration, Location & Details…..

    • April 27 – 29, 2011 The Hyatt Regency San Francisco, CA

    • Save Big on Registration – if you sign up prior to April 1st
    • For More Information and to Register – Please Click Here:

    ABA's 21st Annual National Institute on Health Care Fraud -May 11 – May 13 Miami Beach, FL

    The  ABA’s 21st Annual National Institute on Health Care Fraud provides a rewarding educational experience for health care attorneys, regulators, prosecutors, criminal defense attorneys, and qui tam relators’ counsel. This National Institute draws panelists, facilitators, and participants from each of these significant groups and offers unique opportunities to meet and share experiences and concerns in a non-adversarial setting.

    The program planning committee is committed to creating a program that advances education, communication, professionalism, and discussion of current legal and ethical issues that arise in the health care fraud practice. These issues are addressed in panel discussions and small workshop formats designed to maximize audience participation.

    Early Bird Tuition Rate- Expires April 11th

    Mandatory continuing legal education (MCLE) accreditation has been requested from all states which require continuing legal education. 16.75 hours of CLE credit including 1.25 hours of Ethics credit have been requested from those states recognizing a 60-minute credit hour and 20.10 hours of CLE credit including 1.50 hours of Ethics credit have been requested from those states recognizing a 50-minute credit hour.

    Program Location:

    Eden Roc Renaissance Miami Beach

    The Economy has Changed – InHouse Law Departments are Changing – Law Firms You Need to Change Too. Exhibit A: Howrey LLP

    Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way.  attributed to Thomas Paine 

    Lead Me, Follow Me, or Get Out of My Way.  General George S. Patton 

    Much has been written lately about the demise of Howrey, LLP.  Reasons cited for the downfall include: alternative fee arrangements, discovery outsourcing and the decline in overall litigation.  As a former in-house counsel, I had a few cases with them and always found them to be very effective litigators. Howrey’s emphasis on litigation, according to some is the main reason of their demise.  From the Wall Street Journal’s Law Blog March 9th:

    Howrey, which once employed as many as 750 attorneys and uses the slogan “In Court Every Day,” had built what many corporations described as “go-to” litigation and intellectual property practices in the U.S. and Europe.

    A former general counsel highlighted the ‘over effectiveness’ of Howrey’s – In Court Every Day  motto, but  he may be missing a bigger business trend:

    But here’s the problem: clients may want to hire lawyers with deep litigation experience. I am very confident, however of the following:

    Clients do not want to be in court every day.

    Sometime in the last five years or so, most general counsel came to a realization: all litigation is bad. Some is worse than others, and some necessary for a while, to be sure. A bottom line for litigation is emerging: you don’t want to be in court and if you are you want to get out fast.  .  Howrey 3: When is a Law Firm Brand Too Good?  – from John Wallbillich of Wired CG

    Many general counsel have believed for some time that litigation is often a resource drain.  The change is that many C-Level Managers now understand the time, cost, and often slim chance of collecting on a judgment even if you win often involved with  litigation.  Blame the economy for this increased scrutiny by businesses on legal expenses vs. financial outcomes from litigation.   

    Competitive businesses have to look closely at all major expenditures, including…Alert the Media legal costs.  Inside counsel have to explain their costs, perform cost benefit analyses, and provide detailed budgets to executives. Guess what happened along the way,  business demanded that the law firms they retain be run like …. businesses!

    • Businesses that had project mangers on staff for years began to wonder why their law firms didn’t.  
    • Businesses that had to devise thier own internal litigation budgets questioned why their litigators seemed reluctant to do so.  
    • Businesses that had to estimate costs and develop estimates for their clients began to wonder why law firms weren’t willing to shoulder some of the estimation risk too.

    There will always be situations where companies need good litigators, maybe just not as many as they did before.  Which brings me back to the other reasons frequently mentioned for Howrey’s demise:  alternative fees and  the advent of third-party discovery vendors.  

    Alternative Fees & the Advent of Third Party Discovery Vendors

    Alternative fees and discovery vendors are just low hanging fruit.  In the aptly titled blog post:  A BS Detector’s Review of the Latest Howrey News, Patrick McKenna interprets:

    Ooooooooo, here it comes……wait for it…….alternative fees and low cost service providers unexpectedly arose and killed a healthy, well run law firm!

    So, although there may be less of a demand for litigators, a well run firm could adjust.  And although clients may want alternative fee arrangements (AFA) the tipping point for Howrey was the response to client pressure for a small percentage of cases to be converted to AFA?  Astutely noted by Patrick Lamb in his follow-up blog post: The BS of the “Howrey Story” :  

    AHA. SO, the firm survived on overcharging clients for mundane administrative discovery service. And did not have the acumen to adjust its fundamental practice accordingly. That was certainly not anything that was foreseeable or addressable by management.

    In the end, Howrey CEO Robert Ruyak, summed it up the best: 

    What we found is that partners at major law firms have very little tolerance for change and very little tolerance for fluctuation in profits…. Wall Street Journal’s Law Blog March 9th

    Change, Grow, Innovate – From Legal Advisor to Strategic Partner – also save  a $100 

    InsideCounsel’s 11th Annual SuperConference – May 23-24 in Chicago is designed to provide senior legal professionals insights, ideas and solutions to help them meet their growing responsibilities and evolving needs.   Specific Topics addressed include: 

    • The Great Reset – From Legal to Strategic Business Partner
    • In-House vs. Outside Counsel – 5 Challenges & Solutions from Both Perspectives
    • Value Based Billing
    • Taking Control of Document Review – Strategies and Methods to Finishing Projects Faster while Keeping Costs Under Control and many, many more….

    Earn up to 12 CLE Credits.  For More Information and to Register – CLICK HERE.   

    Register Prior to April 1st and Enter Promo Code WBNLR2 & save $100 !

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