ABA's Second Annual National Institute on Consumer Financial Basics 9/19-9/20, 2011


The National Law Review wants to remind you that the ABA’s Second Annual National Institute on Consumer Financial Basics is taking place on September 19 – 20, 2011 at Boston University Center for Finance Law & Policy, Boston, MA.


Facing the most comprehensive revision of federal consumer financial services (CFS) law in 75 years, even experienced consumer finance lawyers might feel it is time to get back in the classroom. This live meeting is designed to expose practitioners to key areas of consumer financial services law, whether you need a primer or a refresher. And importantly, it provides the framework and structure, to help you come to grips with the Dodd-Frank Act and the issues that Dodd-Frank and its Consumer Financial Protection Bureau will present in your practice.


In the pressure cooker of today’s financial services industry, the breadth and complexity of the issues you are facing will overwhelm any seminar on recent developments. It is time to take a step back and think through some of these complex issues with a faculty that combines decades of practical experience with law school analysis. The classroom approach is used to review the background, assess the current policy factors, step into the shoes of regulators, and develop an approach that can be used to interpret and evaluate the scores of laws and regulations that affect your clients.

 Program Focus

This program will explain each of the major sources of regulation of consumer financial products in the context of the regulatory techniques and policies that are the common threads in a complex pattern, including: 

  • Price regulation and federal preemption of state price limitations
  • Disclosure and transparency affecting consumer understanding and market operation
  • Regulating the “fairness” of financial institution conduct
  • Privacy and security of consumer data and ID Theft
  • Consumer reporting: FCRA & FACTA
  • Fair lending and fair access to financial services
  • Remedies: regulators and private plaintiffs




Click here to view registration options for this program. 

Program Times:

Day One:
Monday, September 19 – 8 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.


Day Two:
Tuesday, September 20 – 8 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.


Program Location:  

The Boston University Center for Finance, Law & Policy
595 Commonwealth Avenue, 4th Floor, Boston MA 02215-1704


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National Law Forum

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