How to Practice Law in a Different State

There are plenty of benefits to being a multi-state lawyer.  Besides the most obvious advantage which is expanding your client base, it can also be practical when you live near a border between two different states. So, if you find yourself asking how to practice law in multiple states, you’re certainly not the first.  

In this article, we’ll detail how to become a multijurisdictional lawyer as well as some of the perks and drawbacks involved.

The Benefits of Practicing Law in Two or More States

Greater Client Base

It’s understandably appealing to be able to take on clients in different states.  It’s economically advantageous to generate more business in multiple locations.  Not to mention one state may have more demand for a certain practice area than another which can be practical for tapping into your niche market.

Furthermore, you may have clients that need representation in different states who don’t want to have to hire multiple lawyers.  Being able to offer all-in-one legal services can give you an edge over the competition. Of course, it goes without saying that you’ll need to allocate a bigger law firm marketing budget to market in not just one but multiple states. Or, just be more savvy with marketing strategies, such as familiarizing yourself with email marketing for law firms.

Greater Flexibility

Life events can spring up suddenly, forcing lawyers to relocate to a different state. Some states may only offer bar exams as little as twice a year, and as such, it can cause a significant delay before being able to accept clients. For many lawyers, anticipating the possibility of relocation without the worry of having to lose a second of work is an important advantage. So, ensuring they can practice anywhere is a nice added security to their business.

Ethical Responsibilities of Practicing Law In Multiple States

As more and more lawyers are working remotely since the onset of COVID, many are  accepting clients in other states.  Unfortunately, in many cases, these lawyers are violating the rules.

Rule 5.5 of the American Bar Association Model Rules of Professional Conduct states that lawyers may not practice in jurisdictions where they are not admitted. The consequences of violating these rules can range from a fine to disbarment depending on the gravity of the violation.   That being said, there are some exceptions to this rule.

For example, a licensed attorney may provide legal services temporarily in a different jurisdiction as long as they are associated with a lawyer who is admitted in that state.

How to Practice Law In Multiple States

Check For States That Offer Reciprocity

Some states offer reciprocity if you meet certain conditions.  Usually, these conditions depend on the amount of time you’ve been practicing and they may consider you eligible to practice in their state depending on the state bar that you’ve already passed.

It’s important to note, however, that you should never assume that just because a state offers reciprocity, you’ll be qualified.  It’s always important to contact the reciprocity state bar to ensure you are up to date with the latest policies otherwise you could risk serious disciplinary consequences.

Take the Uniform Bar

You might need to brush up on your legal education to retake the Uniform Bar Exam. The  Uniform Bar exam, also known as UBE, is a version of the bar exam that lets you practice between states with greater ease.  It’s important to note, however, that each state has its own bar admission requirements for the examination, and the passing score may vary by state. So, although it can be a solution in some scenarios, it’s not a sure thing. This is certainly more convenient than taking New York State, North Carolina, or any other state’s bar exam each time.

Take The Bar Exam For The States You Want to Work In

The most practical way to practice in another state is to pass the bar for that state.  However, there are significant costs and challenges involved which may not be ideal for everyone, and taking the UBE or opting for a state that offers reciprocity is much more common.

Take on Federal Court Cases

In theory, if you’re allowed to practice law in any state then you should be able to do so out of state. Yet, there is still some debate around this topic, and it’s still possible to find yourself in hot water with the state bar if you take this route.

Is Getting Licensed in Multiple States Right For You?

In the big picture, it’s much more convenient to practice in one jurisdiction for your entire career.  Yet, lawyers looking to take their practice to the next level may choose to pursue the route of becoming a multi-state lawyer despite the challenges.

The good news is that thanks to advancements like the UBE and reciprocity laws (as well as advancements in law firm technology), practicing law in another state is much easier than it was 20 years ago.  Deciding whether to get licensed in multiple states will come down to your unique circumstances and above all, how much time you have on your hands.

Getting licensed out of state requires a time commitment and administrative pile-up that may be difficult depending on your firm’s current workload.  Putting in the work it takes to acquire additional state licenses will be much easier if your practice is streamlined with the help of modern legal technology like a CRM and client intake software.  Not only can you access your firm from wherever you are thanks to cloud technology, but automation can help you stay on top of your most important tasks, and put your firm on autopilot while you’re focusing on passing the bar in another state.


Shari Davison,  Reciprocity: What States Can You Practice Law?

Richard J. Rosensweig, Unauthorized Practice of Law: Rule 5.5 in the Age of COVID-19 and Beyond August 12, 2020

©2022 — Lawmatics

Tillis Bill Tries to Fix Section 101

This recently introduced bill would replace section 101 with a lot of text. The commentators are all commentating, but I have yet to read whether or not the “outlaw” status of claims to diagnostic methods—led by varying interpretations of Mayo v. Prometheus—has been clearly lifted by this bill. Here are the relevant parts, at least setting up the discussion on this point.

Section 101. Patent Eligibility

(a) IN GENERAL—Whoever [post- Thaler v. Vidal, we know that this must be a human being] invents or discovers any useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any useful improvement thereof, may obtain a patent therefore, subject only to the exclusions in section (b) and to the further conditions and requirements of this title.


(1) IN GENERAL.—Subject to paragraph (2), a person may not obtain a patent for any of the following, if claimed as such:


(B) A process that—


(iii) occurs in nature wholly independent of, and prior to, any human activity.

(C) An unmodified human gene, as that gene exists in the human body.

(D) An unmodified natural material, as that material exists in nature.



(B) HUMAN GENES AND NATURAL MATERIALS.—For the purposes of subparagraphs (C) and (D) of paragraph (1), a human gene or natural material that is isolated, purified, enriched, or otherwise altered by human activity, or that is otherwise employed in a useful invention or discovery, shall not be considered to be unmodified.


(1) IN GENERAL.—In determining whether, under this section, a claimed invention is eligible for a patent, eligibility shall be determined

(A) By considering the claimed invention as a whole and without discounting or disregarding any claim element; and

(B) Without regard to—


(ii) whether a claim element is known, conventional, routine, or naturally occurring


Well now, does this bill abrogate Mayo v. Prometheus and permit patents on diagnostic assays as simple as “If A, then B” (If assay indicates high homocysteine then diagnostic conclusion is low cobalamin)? Let’s start with a simple “If A, then B” claim, like the one in Athena (If autoantibodies to MuSK are detected, subject may be afflicted with MG). The presence of antibodies that bind to MuSK occurs in nature wholly independently and prior to any human activity. See, section I (B) (iii). So to be patentable, a process comprising the detection of the antibodies or of a MuSK-antibody complex in order to diagnose MG must fall within one of the “conditions” of the statute as set forth in 2(B).

The problem, and I hope it is not a big one, is that 2(B) does not mention “processes” employing “natural materials.” Applicants are left to argue that the anti-MuSK antibodies per se are altered by human activity, e.g., by binding to MuSK, and so are “modified.” They can also argue that the antibodies are employed in a useful discovery since they are the biomarker for MG. But, of course, the applicants wanted to claim a process, not just the biomarker detected by the assay.

Regarding diagnostics, is the key phrase “otherwise employed in a useful invention or discovery”? Of course, the argument is that the useful invention or discovery is the diagnostic process, from initial sampling to drawing a diagnostic conclusion. For years I have proposed that s. 101 bills on diagnostic clams need a sentence like, “A process includes recognition of the utility of a naturally occurring correlation.” In other words, you are not trying to patent the correlation itself, like “blood containing antibodies that bind to MuSK”. The necessary steps include both isolation and detection of the antibodies and recognition that their presence indicates something about the patient. (Note that Mayo did not invent the correlation between the level of the metabolites of the administered drug and the need to adjust the dose of the drug. Mayo took a known correlation and refined the optimal range of metabolite concentration that arose after administration of the “parent drug”. One could call this the recognition that an improved correlation could be reached, but nothing in the Tillis bill says that, apart from novelty, the invention needs to be improved over any earlier version or alternative. This draft of the bill needs some work but it is a valuable start to ending the s. 101 nightmare.

© 2022 Schwegman, Lundberg & Woessner, P.A. All Rights Reserved.

In the Weeds? Humira “Patent Thicket” Isn’t an Antitrust Violation

The US Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit affirmed that welfare benefit plans that bought the drug Humira did not have valid antitrust claims against the patent owner. The Court found that amassing patents by itself is not enough to give rise to an antitrust claim, and that the welfare benefit plans would need to prove that the patents were invalid. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, et al. v. AbbVie Inc., et al., Case No. 20-2402 (7th Cir. Aug. 1, 2022) (Easterbrook, Wood, Kirsch, JJ.)

AbbVie owns a patent covering Humira, which is a drug used to treat arthritic and inflammatory diseases. Humira is not covered by the Hatch-Waxman Act because it is a biologic drug, rather than a synthetic drug. Biologics are covered by the Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act (BPCIA), under which a competitor must ask the US Food and Drug Administration for permission to sell a “biosimilar” drug based on certain guidelines. From the first sale of the original drug, the competitor must wait 12 years to enter the market. If the original drug seller believes that a patent blocks competition and initiates litigation, the competitor is still free to sell its biosimilar drug. The competitor sells at risk of an adverse outcome in the litigation.

The original Humira patent expired in 2016, but AbbVie obtained 132 additional patents related to the drug. After the 12-year BPCIA requirement passed, none of AbbVie’s competitors chose to launch a biosimilar. Instead, competitors settled with AbbVie on terms to enter the US market in 2023. In exchange, AbbVie agreed that enforcement of all 132 of its patents would end in 2023 even if they were not set to expire.

Welfare benefit plans that pay for Humira on behalf of covered beneficiaries accused AbbVie of violating Sections 1 and 2 of the Sherman Antitrust Act. The payors argued that AbbVie’s settlements with potential competitors established a conspiracy that restrained competition in violation of Section 1, and that AbbVie’s “patent thicket” allowed AbbVie to reap unlawful monopoly profits from Humira after expiration of the original patent in violation of Section 2. The district court dismissed the complaint. The payors appealed.

The issue on appeal with respect to Section 2 was whether the payors had to prove that all of AbbVie’s Humira-related patents were invalid. Under the Walker Process antitrust doctrine, a party may be liable for an antitrust violation if it knowingly asserts a fraudulently procured patent in an attempt to monopolize a market. The payors did not argue that all 132 of AbbVie’s patents were fraudulent. The Seventh Circuit reasoned that because the patent laws do not set a cap on the number of patents a person (or company) can hold, the payors would need to prove that each of AbbVie’s 132 Humira-related patents were invalid to succeed in showing a violation under Section 2. Not only did the payors fail to prove that all 132 patents were invalid, but they did not even offer to do so. The Court thus agreed with the district court that AbbVie did not amass a patent thicket to maintain monopoly profits from Humira.

The issue on appeal with respect to Section 1 was whether AbbVie’s settlements with potential biosimilar competitors were anticompetitive. The Seventh Circuit found that the payors could have a Section 1 claim if they were injured by the terms of AbbVie’s settlements with its competitors (for example, by showing that AbbVie overpaid a competitor to defer entry). The terms of AbbVie’s settlements allowed the competitors immediate entry to the European market, and AbbVie agreed to US market entry before its last Humira-related patents expired. The Court found that those terms, as well as the payors’ failure to show that AbbVie overpaid the competitors to delay their entry, rendered the settlements lawful.

The Seventh Circuit therefore affirmed the district court’s dismissal.

© 2022 McDermott Will & Emery

Judge Approves $92 Million TikTok Settlement

On July 28, 2022, a federal judge approved TikTok’s $92 million class action settlement of various privacy claims made under state and federal law. The agreement will resolve litigation that began in 2019 and involved claims that TikTok, owned by the Chinese company ByteDance, violated the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (“BIPA”) and the federal Video Privacy Protection Act (“VPPA”) by improperly harvesting users’ personal data. U.S. District Court Judge John Lee of the Northern District of Illinois also awarded approximately $29 million in fees to class counsel.

The class action claimants alleged that TikTok violated BIPA by collecting users’ faceprints without their consent and violated the VPPA by disclosing personally identifiable information about the videos people watched. The settlement agreement also provides for several forms of injunctive relief, including:

  • Refraining from collecting and storing biometric information, collecting geolocation data and collecting information from users’ clipboards, unless this is expressly disclosed in TikTok’s privacy policy and done in accordance with all applicable laws;
  • Not transmitting or storing U.S. user data outside of the U.S., unless this is expressly disclosed in TikTok’s privacy policy and done in accordance with all applicable laws;
  • No longer pre-uploading U.S. user generated content, unless this is expressly disclosed in TikTok’s privacy policy and done in accordance with all applicable laws;
  • Deleting all pre-uploaded user generated content from users who did not save or post the content; and
  • Training all employees and contractors on compliance with data privacy laws and company procedures.
Copyright © 2022, Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP. All Rights Reserved.

Law Firm Specialization: Why It Matters

While in theory, the idea of casting a wider net may lead you to believe that you’ll catch more fish, the truth is it doesn’t always apply to business. When it comes to catching customers, the more you appeal to one specific kind of customer, the higher your success rate, and the more qualified you’ll be at what you do. Practicing law is no exception. In today’s age, more and more law firms are starting to recognize legal specialization as a necessity for tapping into their target market. Not only does it benefit clients, but it also benefits legal professionals. 

Benefits for Lawyers

Better Client Relationships

When you specialize in an area of law, you intimately know your niche, whether that be corporate law, health law, criminal law, environmental law, or international law.  As such, you can provide the best possible representation to your clients and better pinpoint solutions to their problems as a certified specialist. Exclusively specializing also means that you are well informed of all of the latest updates, news, legal issues, strategies, and changes in that area of law. When compared to having a general understanding of the law, this is a tremendous benefit to your clients since you offer tailored legal guidance unique to their circumstances. A law practice that has handled hundreds of cases similar to their clients’ can anticipate and navigate the nuances of such a case on a much deeper level than someone who doesn’t have the same kind of experience under their belt.

Less Competition

As an expert in a very specific area of law, you effectively position yourself as the easy choice to opt for you over a competing attorney with a more generalized approach. In essence, your competitor pool shrinks significantly. General practice attorneys with a wide breadth of practice areas are going to be competing with every other such law office within a ten-mile (or more) radius. Yet, if your law practice specializes in boat accident cases, you’re likely one of few options, if any, in your respective region, thereby lowering your marketing costs, and potentially increasing client acquisition volume for this legal specialization. Assuming your reputation is top notch, the more specific you can be about your legal services, the more challenging it is for competitors to keep up with you.

Improved Visibility

Law firms that choose to specialize don’t just stand out, but are often featured in publications related to their practice area. The more you can partner with local businesses that are related to or adjacent to your area of expertise, the greater your sphere of influence. For instance, if your practice focuses solely on estate planning for the highly wealthy, you’ll likely opt to leave business cards where the wealthy are bound to spend time, like country clubs, civic clubs or auctions. Get creative with candidates in your referral network; it’ll pay dividends over the lifetime of your business.

Greater Satisfaction

As the saying goes, “do something that you love and you’ll never work another day in your life.” When choosing what you want to specialize in, consider an area that speaks to you on an emotional and even philanthropic level. One of the benefits of choosing a niche is doing something that you truly enjoy day in and day out. Not only will you get a real sense of fulfillment on the best days of your profession but clients can easily sense when your practice area originated from a true passion of yours. Plus, it’s always more advantageous to be a big fish in a small pond as opposed to a small fish in a big one.

Increased Expertise

Expertise involves becoming a thought leader in your area of law. Naturally, mastery requires experience. Attorneys who bounce between different types of cases don’t have the same familiarity with the nuances and challenges as someone who handles the same type of legal representation every time. While it’s always a good idea to have legal malpractice insurance, specializing in one niche area of expertise may also lessen the chances of your law firm having to put it to use. When you are recognized as an expert in your specialization area, you don’t just attract more clients, but you also win more referrals through client trust.

Better Efficiency

Completing the same workflows and legal documents over and over again in quick succession equates to faster completion, since you know them inside and out. As such, specialized lawyers can master the administrative side of running their law firm in a fraction of the time.

In today’s legal climate, more and more legal professionals are turning to automation tools to streamline recurring processes such as client intake and billing. Time-consuming document generation, for instance, can now be done in a matter of seconds rather than hours thanks to automated workflows.

Greater Profitability

When your practice is specialized you’ll increase your value thanks to the power of referrals.  Concentrating on one type of case brings extra knowledge and experience to the table that clients yearn for, who will in turn refer you to their friends and family. Since 80% of a law firm’s business typically comes from referrals, the more targeted you are, the more your practice may benefit from word of mouth.

As a result of your greater understanding of the inner workings of certain cases, you’ll develop a strong reputation for getting clients the results they’re after, ultimately increasing your overall profitability. The more you can offer experience paired with efficiency, the more work you can take on, increasing your overall revenue.

Benefits for Clients

Improved Guidance

When a client seeks out a legal professional that is well versed and focused on their particular needs, they in return receive much better guidance for their specific context. Beyond the legal support that a specialist offers, also comes a deeper understanding of the emotional needs of their client. For more turbulent cases such as divorce cases or immigration, a specialized lawyer can be an enormous benefit to the mental well being of those they have trusted with their case.

Increased Network

Specialists have a wide network of other experts that they can use to the client’s advantage. Because they have a more comprehensive list of contacts to support their case, clients have greater access to leading experts who can provide adjacent services and even strengthen their case.

Better Success Rate

There’s a reason why general practitioners in the medical field typically don’t perform spinal surgery — because it requires unique skills. The same logic can be applied to law. Attorneys specializing in a particular field generally have a higher rate of winning cases in court or settling successfully. Specialized lawyers who see the same case types day in and day out can offer a much higher success rate based on experience and dedication. Those who hire specialized attorneys generally are more at ease knowing they’re in good hands when it comes to their legal proceedings.

When is a Good Time to Consider Specialization?

It can be unnerving to dive into specialization from a generalized legal focus, so it’s important that you read the room first. In order to ensure that whatever you choose to specialize in will deliver the kind of demand that you hope for, answer the following questions using the data at your disposal:

  • What trends are you seeing in the types of cases you currently manage?
  • What is your success rate in those cases?
  • How satisfied were the clients?
  • Which cases have been the most lucrative for you?

If you notice that you take on a considerable amount of one type of case that’s yielding happy clients, then it’s a good indication that it would make a great choice to specialize in. If you don’t feel like you have the experience or know-how to call yourself an authority on one particular niche yet, then allow yourself more time to grow.

Ultimately, there is no defining moment that is the same for every lawyer who chooses to specialize. It all comes down to how much knack and drive you have for one kind of legal resource.

How to Identify Your Specialization Niche

1. Create a Vision

Every achievement starts with a vision. Your vision will be the very foundation of your overall success, and how you are perceived as a brand. When creating your vision, take into account not only your skills but also what drives you. How do you see yourself representing your clients and what do you hope to achieve for them? Are you passionate about one type of law specifically, such as civil rights, intellectual property, or family law? What do you love about practicing law and why? Let these answers be your guiding light when forming a vision for how you hope to stand out.

2. Consider Your Experience

First and foremost, it’s ill-advised to choose a niche that you have no experience in. Choosing to specialize in something that you aren’t well versed in would not only be setting yourself up for failure, but it’s a risk to any potential clients who choose to come your way.

One of the greatest tools you have for narrowing down your choices is consulting with other more experienced lawyers and mentors. Ask them for their advice based on personal stories, recommendations, and experience-based guidance.

Talk to other lawyers that specialize in the area you’re considering and pick their brains. Be direct and ask the questions that matter most like:

  • What are the biggest challenges in this area of law?
  • What are the greatest rewards?
  • What is the success rate?
  • What are the long-term implications?

When you hear about the advantages that law firm specialization can offer, it may be tempting to jump in head first. Yet, it’s important to step back and assess all of your choices. Weigh out the pros and cons, and go back to your overall vision.

Rushing in too quickly can lead to prematurely pigeon-holing yourself into something that ultimately restricts you from your full potential and passions.

Pick a Specialization and Pursue it

There are many advantages to becoming a specialized legal professional. If you can manage to pick a niche and master it, you won’t just find yourself with less competition, but you’ll have a greater devotion to practicing law.

©2022 — Lawmatics

Medicare CERT Audits and How to Prepare for Them

CERT audits are an unfortunate part of doing business for healthcare providers who accept Medicare. Failing the audit can mean the provider has to pay back overcharges and be subjected to increased scrutiny in the future. 

The best way to be prepared for a CERT audit is to have a compliance strategy in place and to follow it to the letter. Retaining a healthcare lawyer to craft that strategy is essential if you want to make sure that it is all-encompassing and effective. It can also help to hire independent counsel to conduct an internal review to ensure the compliance plan is doing its job.

When providers are notified of a CERT audit, hiring a Medicare lawyer is usually a good idea. Providers can fail the audit automatically if they do not comply with the document demands.

What is a CERT Audit?

The Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) program is an audit process developed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). It is administered by private companies, called CERT Contractors, which work with the CMS. Current information about those companies is on the CMS website.

The CERT audit compares a sampling of bills for Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) payments, which were sent by the healthcare provider to its Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC), against medical records for the patient. The audit looks at whether there is sufficient documentation to back up the claim against Medicare, whether the procedure was medically necessary, whether it was correctly coded, and whether the care was eligible for reimbursement through the Medicare program.

Every year, the CERT program audits enough of these FFS payments – generally around 50,000 per year – to create a statistically significant snapshot of inaccuracies in the Medicare program.

The results from those audits are reported to CMS. After appropriately weighing the results, CMS publishes the estimated improper payments or payment errors from the entire Medicare program in its annual report. In 2021, the CMS estimated that, based on data from the CERT audits, 6.26 percent of Medicare funding was incorrectly paid out, totaling $25.03 billion.

The vast majority of those incorrect payments, 64.1 percent, were marked as incorrect because they had insufficient documentation to support the Medicare claim. Another 13.6 percent were flagged as medically unnecessary. 10.6 percent was labeled as incorrectly paid out due to improper coding. 4.8 percent had no supporting documentation, at all. 6.9 percent was flagged as incorrectly paid for some other reason.

The CERT Audit Process

Healthcare providers who accept Medicare will receive a notice from a CERT Contractor. The notice informs the provider that it is being CERT audited and requests medical records from a random sampling of Medicare claims made by the provider to its MAC.

It is important to note that, at this point, there is no suspicion of wrongdoing. CERT audits examine Medicare claims at random.

Healthcare providers have 75 days to provide these medical records. Failing to provide the requested records is treated as an audit failure. In 2021, nearly 5 percent of failed CERT audits happened because no documentation was provided to support a Medicare claim.

Once the CERT Contractor has the documents, its team of reviewers – which consists of doctors, nurses, and certified medical coders – compares the Medicare claim against the patient’s medical records and looks for errors. According to the CMS, there are five major error categories:

  • No documentation

  • Insufficient documentation

  • Medical necessity

  • Incorrect coding

  • Other

Errors found during the CERT audit are reported to the healthcare provider’s MAC. The MAC can then make adjustments to the payments it sent to the provider.

Potential Repercussions from Errors Found in a CERT Audit

CERT audits that uncover errors in a healthcare provider’s Medicare billings lead to recoupments of overpayments, future scrutiny, and potentially even an investigation for Medicare fraud.

When the CERT audit results are brought to the MAC’s attention, the MAC will adjust the payments that it made to the provider. If the claims led to an overpayment, the MAC will demand that money back.

But Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) can go further than just demanding restitution for overpayments. They can also require prepayment reviews of all of the provider’s future Medicare claims, and can even suspend the provider from the program, entirely.

Worse still, CERT audits that uncover indications of Medicare fraud may be reported to a law enforcement agency for further review. This can lead to a criminal investigation and potentially even criminal charges.

Appealing a CERT Audit’s Results

With penalties so significant, healthcare providers should seriously consider hiring a lawyer to appeal the results of a CERT audit.

Appeals are first made to the MAC, requesting a redetermination of the audit results. The request for redetermination has to be made within 120 days of receiving notice of the audit results. However, if the provider wants to stop the MAC from recouping an overpayment in the meantime, it has to lodge the request within 30 days.

Providers can appeal the results of the redetermination, as well. They can request a reconsideration by a Qualified Independent Contractor within 180 of the redetermination, or within 60 days to stop the MAC’s recoupment process.

Providers who are still dissatisfied can appeal the case to an administrative law judge, then to the Medicare Appeals Council, and finally to a federal district court for review.

How to Handle a CERT Audit

The best way to handle and to prepare for a CERT audit is to hire Medicare audit attorneys to guide you through the process. It would also help to start internal audits within the company.

For providers who have been notified that they are under an audit, getting a lawyer on board immediately is essential. An experienced healthcare attorney can conduct a thorough internal investigation of the claims being audited. This can uncover potential problems before the audit points them out, giving the healthcare provider the time it needs to prepare its next steps.

Providers who are not currently being audited can still benefit from an attorney’s guidance. Whether by drafting a compliance plan that will prepare the provider for an inevitable CERT audit or by conducting an internal investigation to see how well a current compliance plan is performing, a lawyer can make sure that the provider is ready for an audit at a moment’s notice.

Taking these preventative steps soon is important. CMS put the CERT audit program on halt for the coronavirus pandemic, but that temporary hold was rescinded on August 11, 2020. While the CMS has reduced the sample sizes that will be used for its 2021 and 2022 reports, it will likely go back to the original numbers after that. Healthcare providers should prepare for this increased regulatory oversight appropriately.

Oberheiden P.C. © 2022

Threats of Antitrust Enforcement in the Supply Chain

With steep inflation and seemingly constant disruptions in supply chains for all manner of goods, the Biden Administration has turned increasingly to antitrust authorities to tame price increases and stem future bottlenecks. These agencies have used the myriad tools at their disposal to carry out their mandate, from targeting companies that use supply disruptions as cover for anti-competitive conduct, to investigating industries with key roles in the supply chain, to challenging vertical mergers that consolidate suppliers into one firm. In keeping with the Administration’s “whole-of-government” approach to antitrust enforcement, these actions have often involved multiple federal agencies.

Whatever an entity’s role in the supply chain, that company can make a unilateral decision to raise its prices in response to changing economic conditions. But given the number of enforcement actions, breadth of the affected industries, and the government’s more aggressive posture toward antitrust enforcement in general, companies should tread carefully.

What follows is a survey of recent antitrust enforcement activity affecting supply chains and suggested best practices for minimizing the attendant risk.

Combatting Inflation as a Matter of Federal Antitrust Policy

Even before inflation took hold of the U.S. economy, the Biden Administration emphasized a more aggressive approach to antitrust enforcement. President Biden appointed progressives to lead the antitrust enforcement agencies, naming Lina Kahn chair of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Jonathan Kanter to head the Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division (DOJ). President Biden also issued Executive Order 14036, “Promoting Competition in the American Economy.” This Order declares “that it is the policy of my Administration to enforce the antitrust laws to combat the excessive concentration of industry, the abuses of market power, and the harmful effects of monopoly and monopsony….” To that end, the order takes a government-wide approach to antitrust enforcement and includes 72 initiatives by over a dozen federal agencies, aimed at addressing competition issues across the economy.

Although fighting inflation may not have been the initial motivation for the President’s agenda to increase competition, the supply disruptions wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic and persistent inflation, now at a 40-year high, have made it a major focus. In public remarks the White House has attributed rising prices in part to the absence of competition in certain industries, observing “that lack of competition drives up prices for consumers” and that “[a]s fewer large players have controlled more of the market, mark-ups (charges over cost) have tripled.” In a November 2021 statement declaring inflation a “top priority,” the White House directed the FTC to “strike back at any market manipulation or price gouging in this sector,” again tying inflation to anti-competitive conduct.

The Administration’s Enforcement Actions Affecting the Supply Chain

The Administration has taken several antitrust enforcement actions in order to bring inflation under control and strengthen the supply chain. In February, the DOJ and FBI announced an initiative to investigate and prosecute companies that exploit supply chain disruptions to overcharge consumers and collude with competitors. The announcement warned that individuals and businesses may be using supply chain disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic as cover for price fixing and other collusive schemes. As part of the initiative, the DOJ is “prioritizing any existing investigations where competitors may be exploiting supply chain disruptions for illicit profit and is undertaking measures to proactively investigate collusion in industries particularly affected by supply disruptions.” The DOJ formed a working group on global supply chain collusion and will share intelligence with antitrust authorities in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the UK.

Two things stand out about this new initiative. First, the initiative is not limited to a particular industry, signaling an intent to root out collusive schemes across the economy. Second, the DOJ has cited the initiative as an example of the kind of “proactive enforcement efforts” companies can expect from the division going forward. As the Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Criminal Enforcement put it in a recent speech, “the division cannot and will not wait for cases to come to us.”

In addition to the DOJ’s initiative, the FTC and other federal agencies have launched more targeted inquiries into specific industries with key roles in the supply chain or prone to especially high levels of inflation. Last fall, the FTC ordered nine large retailers, wholesalers, and consumer good suppliers to “provide detailed information that will help the FTC shed light on the causes behind ongoing supply chain disruptions and how these disruptions are causing serious and ongoing hardships for consumers and harming competition in the U.S. economy.” The FTC issued the orders under Section 6(b) of the FTC Act, which authorizes the Commission to conduct wide-ranging studies and seek various types of information without a specific law enforcement purpose. The FTC has in recent months made increasing use of 6(b) orders and we expect may continue to do so.

Amid widely reported backups in the nation’s ports, the DOJ announced in February that it was strengthening its partnership with and lending antitrust expertise to the Federal Maritime Commission to investigate antitrust violations in the ocean shipping industry. In a press release issued the same day, the White House charged that “[s]ince the beginning of the pandemic, these ocean carrier companies have been dramatically increasing shipping costs through rate increases and fees.” The DOJ has reportedly issued a subpoena to at least one major carrier as part of what the carrier described as “an ongoing investigation into supply chain disruption.”

The administration’s efforts to combat inflation through antitrust enforcement have been especially pronounced in the meat processing industry. The White House has called for “bold action to enforce the antitrust laws [and] boost competition in meat processing.” Although the DOJ suffered some well-publicized losses in criminal trials against some chicken processing company executives, the DOJ has obtained a $107 million guilty plea by one chicken producer and several indictments.

Most recently, the FTC launched an investigation into shortages of infant formula, including “any anticompetitive [] practices that have contributed to or are worsening this problem.” These actions are notable both for the variety of industries and products involved and for the multitude of enforcement mechanisms used, from informal studies with no law enforcement purpose to criminal indictments.

Preventing Further Supply-Chain Consolidation

In addition to exposing and prosecuting antitrust violations that may be contributing to inflation and supply issues today, the Administration is taking steps to prevent further consolidation of supply chains, which it has identified as a root cause of supply disruptions. DOJ Assistant Attorney General Kanter recently said that “[o]ur markets are suffering from a lack of resiliency. Among many other things, the consequences of the pandemic have revealed supply chain fragility. And recent geopolitical conflicts have caused prices at the pump to skyrocket. And, of course, there are shocking shortages of infant formula in grocery stores throughout the country. These and other events demonstrate why competition is so important. Competitive markets create resiliency. Competitive markets are less susceptible to central points of failure.”

Consistent with the Administration’s concerns with consolidation in supply chains, the FTC is more closely scrutinizing so-called vertical mergers, combinations of companies at different levels of the supply chain. In September 2021, the FTC voted to withdraw its approval of the Vertical Merger Guidelines published jointly with the DOJ the year before. The Guidelines, which include the criteria the agencies use to evaluate vertical mergers, had presumed that such arrangements are pro-competitive. Taking issue with that presumption, FTC Chair Lina Khan said the Guidelines included a “flawed discussion of the purported pro-competitive benefits (i.e., efficiencies) of vertical mergers” and failed to address “increasing levels of consolidation across the economy.”

In January 2022, the FTC and DOJ issued a request for information (RFI), seeking public comment on revisions to “modernize” the Guidelines’ approach to evaluating vertical mergers. Although the antitrust agencies have not yet published revised Guidelines, the FTC has successfully blocked two vertical mergers. In February, semiconductor chipmaker, Nvidia, dropped its bid to acquire Arm Ltd., a licenser of computer chip designs after two months of litigation with the FTC. The move “represent[ed] the first abandonment of a litigated vertical merger in many years.” Days later Lockheed Martin, faced with a similar challenge from the FTC, abandoned its $4.4 billion acquisition of missile part supplier, Aerojet Rocketdyne. In seeking to prevent the mergers, the FTC cited supply-chain consolidation as one motivating factor, noting for example that the Lockheed-Aerojet combination would “further consolidate multiple markets critical to national security and defense.”

Up Next? Civil Litigation

This uptick in government enforcement activity and investigations may lead to a proliferation of civil suits. Periods of inflation and supply disruptions are often followed by private plaintiff antitrust lawsuits claiming that market participants responded opportunistically by agreeing to raise prices. A spike in fuel prices in the mid-2000s, for example, coincided with the filing of class actions alleging that four major U.S. railroads conspired to impose fuel surcharges on their customers that far exceeded any increases in the defendants’ fuel costs, and thereby collected billions of dollars in additional profits. That case, In re Rail Freight Fuel Surcharge Antitrust Litigation, is still making its way through the courts. Similarly, in 2020 the California DOJ brought a civil suit against two multinational gas trading firms claiming that they took advantage of a supply disruption caused by an explosion at a gasoline refinery to engage in a scheme to increase gas prices. All indicators suggest that this trend will continue.

Reducing Antitrust Risk in the Supply Chain and Ensuring Compliance

Given the call to action for more robust antitrust enforcement under Biden’s Executive Order 14036 and the continued enhanced antitrust scrutiny of all manner of commercial activities, companies grappling with supply disruptions and rampant inflation should actively monitor this developing area when making routine business decisions.

As a baseline, companies should have an effective antitrust compliance program in place that helps detect and deter anticompetitive conduct. Those without a robust antitrust compliance program should consider implementing one to ensure that employees are aware of potential antitrust risk areas and can take steps to avoid them. If a company has concerns about the efficacy of its current compliance program, compliance reviews and audits – performed by capable antitrust counsel – can be a useful tool to identify gaps and deficiencies in the program.

Faced with supply chain disruptions and rampant inflation, many companies have increased the prices of their own goods or services. A company may certainly decide independently and unilaterally to raise prices, but those types of decisions should be made with the antitrust laws in mind. Given the additional scrutiny in this area, companies may wish to consider documenting their decision-making process when adjusting prices in response to supply chain disruptions or increased input costs.

Finally, companies contemplating vertical mergers should recognize that such transactions are likely to garner a harder look, and possibly an outright challenge, from federal antitrust regulators. Given the increased skepticism about the pro-competitive effects of vertical mergers, companies considering these types of transactions should consult antitrust counsel early in the process to help assess and mitigate some of the risk areas with these transactions.

© 2022 Foley & Lardner LLP

What Employers Need to Know in a Post-Dobbs Landscape

On June 24, 2022, in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the United States Supreme Court overturned both Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey and held the access to abortion is not a right protected by the United States Constitution. This article analyzes several employment law issues employers may face following the Dobbs decision.

Federal Law

The Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) prohibits employment discrimination “on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions.” In construing the PDA’s reference to “childbirth”, federal courts around the country have held the PDA prevents employers from taking adverse employment actions (including firing, demotion, or preventing the opportunity for advancement) because of an employee’s decision to have an abortion as well as an employee’s contemplation of an abortion. The PDA also prohibits adverse employment actions based upon an employee’s decision not to have an abortion. So, for example, an employer would violate the PDA if it pressured an employee to have, or not to have, an abortion in order to keep her job or be considered for a promotion.

State Law

Several states have implemented “trigger laws,” which impose restrictions or categorical bans on abortion following Dobbs. In addition, states such as Texas have enacted laws that allow individuals to file civil actions against entities that “knowingly engage in conduct that aids or abets the performance or inducement of an abortion, including paying for or reimbursing the cost of an abortion through insurance or otherwise.” Relying on that law, Texas legislators have already threatened at least two high profile employers for implementing policies which reimburse travel costs for abortion care unavailable in an employee’s home state. Although the Texas statute is currently being challenged in court, its text provides for statutory damages “in an amount of not less than $10,000” for “each abortion . . . induced.”

Although the issue has not been litigated yet, courts will likely have to decide how the PDA’s protections interact with a state’s anti-abortion laws.

Employer Handbook Policies and Procedures

The Dobbs decision may also impact workplace morale and productivity. Accordingly, employers should consider reviewing their handbooks as well as policies and procedures, with human resources and managers to ensure requisite familiarity with the employer’s social media policy, dress code, code of conduct, and how the employer handles confidential health information. Employers should be prepared for increased public expression from the workforce—including social media posts, discussions with other employees and third parties, and wearing clothing or other accessories reflecting strong opinions. Human resources should also be prepared for an increase in leave requests and employee resignations.

Travel Benefits for Employees Seeking Reproductive Care

In the wake of Dobbs, many businesses in states where access to abortion will be prohibited or highly restricted are considering—or have already implemented—benefit or employee expense plan amendments that would cover travel and lodging for out-of-state abortions. Ultimately, the legal and regulatory future for such plans remains unclear; especially in states where abortion laws are the most restrictive and contain “aiding and abetting” liability.

At a high level, employers seeking to enact such benefit or expense plans may find some comfort in a statement contained in Justice Kavanaugh’s concurrence in Dobbs. Specifically, Justice Kavanaugh wrote:

  • Some of the other abortion related legal questions raised by today’s decision are not especially difficult as a constitutional matter. For example, may a State bar a resident of that State from traveling to another State to obtain an abortion? In my view, the answer is no based on the constitutional right to interstate travel.

Thus, it appears that outright travel bans or similar prohibitive restrictions would face significant legal challenges, and could be declared void.

At this early stage in the post-Roe era, there appear to be several ‘paths’ emerging for employers seeking to provide travel benefits. Each comes with its own set of potential issues and considerations that employers, in conjunction with their counsel and benefit providers, should evaluate carefully. Below is a brief discussion of some of the travel-reimbursement plans employers have begun to implement or consider in the wake of Dobbs:

  1. Travel and lodging benefits under existing group health plans.
    • Assuming the plans are self-funded and subject to ERISA, they must also comply with other applicable rules such as HIPAA and the ACA.
    • Such benefits may not be available under non-ERISA plans in states restricting abortion access.
    • Generally would be limited to individuals enrolled in the employer’s plan.
  2. Travel and lodging benefits under Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRA’s).
    • An HRA is a type of health savings account offering tax-free reimbursement up to a fixed amount each year.
    • HRA’s are generally subject to ERISA and cannot reimburse above the very minimal IRS limits (Section 213), such as mileage (.18 cents) and lodging ($50/per day).
    • Should be integrated with other coverage or qualify as an “Excepted Benefit HRA” or else it may violate certain ACA rules that prohibit lifetime annual dollar limits for certain benefits.
  3. Employee Assistance Programs (EAP’s).
    • EAP’s are voluntary benefit programs some employers use to allow employees access to certain types of care without accruing co-pays, deductibles, or out of pocket costs. Historically, EAP’s have been predominately used for mental health benefits such as therapy or substance abuse counseling.
    • In certain circumstances, EAP’s are exempt from the ACA. To be an “excepted benefit,” the EAP:
      • Cannot provide significant benefits in the nature of medical care or treatment;
      • Cannot be coordinated with benefits under another group health plan;
      • Cannot charge a premium for participation; and
      • Cannot require cost sharing for offered services.
    • The first of the above requirements (significant benefits of a medical nature) is highly subjective and may create risk for employers because it is difficult to determine whether a benefit is “significant.” Accordingly, it may be difficult to locate a third-party vendor or provider that would administer travel and lodging benefits through an EAP.
  4. Travel and lodging benefits to employees as taxable reimbursements.
    • Taxable reimbursements—up to a certain amount annually—for travel to obtain abortion or other medical care not available in the employee’s place of residence.
    • Some employers are requiring only receipts for lodging, but are not requesting substantiation of the employee’s abortion procedure. Some argue this might insulate an employer from liability in states with statutes prohibiting “aiding or abetting” an abortion, on the grounds that the employer does not know what the employee is using the benefit for. Ultimately, whether that is true remains largely untested and unclear.
    • Likely more costly for the employer, because the benefit is broader in scope. In addition, employers may run the risk that a payroll reimbursement of this kind could qualify as setting up a “new medical plan,” thereby raising compliance and other related issues.

Additionally, employer travel-and-lodging benefits of this type present innumerable other questions and issues. Such questions should include:

  1. Is the employer’s benefit plan subject to ERISA?
    • ERISA is the federal law applicable to qualifying employee benefits plans, including employer-sponsored group health plans. Plans subject to ERISA must also comply with HIPAA, the ACA, and other applicable rules and regulations. So-called self-funded employer plans are subject to ERISA.
    • With some exceptions, ERISA preempts or blocks the implementation of state laws that ”relate to” the ERISA plan.
    • However, ERISA does not:
      • Preempt a state law that regulates insurance companies operating in the state; or
      • Preempt state criminal laws of general applicability.
    • If a plan is self-insured and subject to ERISA it may not be required to comply with state laws related to abortion services based on ERISA preemption.
    • However, the impact of new and untested civil and/or criminal penalties remains unclear.
  2. What procedures does the plan cover?
    • In this environment—especially in states with the most restrictive abortion laws—employers should have a firm understanding of what specific type of abortion procedures the plan covers.
  3. Specific or “general” travel stipends?
    • As noted above, some companies are choosing to provide travel/lodging stipends and benefits to access abortion care in jurisdictions where the procedure is lawful.
    • Some employers are making this travel stipend more general—i.e., not requiring the stipend be used for abortion, or otherwise naming abortion in the benefit program. As an example, a policy that provides a stiped for an employee to “travel to receive medical care that is unavailable within 100 miles of the employee’s place of residence.”
    • Note that out-of-plan reimbursements to employees are likely taxable as wages. Some employees may choose to gross up such stipends to compensate.
  4. What about privacy concerns?
    • Employers should think carefully about how to provide any benefits or stipends while protecting employee privacy, not violating HIPAA, and—where applicable—not running afoul of so-called ‘aiding and abetting’ legislation.
    • To that end, as noted above, some companies are requiring only that employees provide travel receipts—not documentation of the underlying procedure—to qualify for the benefit, reimbursement, or stipend.
    • Of course, without any verification, there is always the potential for abuse—or otherwise using the program for something well beyond its core intent, such as travel, elective plastic surgery, etc. However, some employers may evaluate the risk of abuse as worth the potential lessening of privacy and other concerns.

Protected Activity

Employers must also be aware that certain speech in the workplace—including speech about abortion—may be legally protected. Although the First Amendment generally does not extend to private companies, the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) prohibits retaliation against employees who discuss the terms and conditions of employment, commonly referred to as “protected concerted activity.” Thus, employees (1) discussing or advocating for an employer to provide benefits to women seeking reproductive and abortion-related healthcare services, (2) advocating for the employer to take a certain public stance on the issue, or (3) protesting the employer’s public position on the issue, may constitute protected activity under the NLRA.

Contacts and Next Steps

Employment law issues will continue to arise and evolve in the coming months following the Dobbs decision. The EEOC, DOL, and HHS may provide further guidance on how Dobbs impacts employment laws such as the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and PDA. Employers should consult with legal counsel concerning these developments.

Copyright © 2022, Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP.

Summertime 2022 Legal Industry News Roundup: Law Office Hiring and Expansion, Legal Industry Awards, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives

Welcome back to another edition of the National Law Review’s law firm news roundup. We hope you are staying safe and healthy – please read more below for the latest updates in law firm hiring and expansion, legal industry awards and recognition, and diversity and inclusion initiatives!

Law Firm Hiring and Expansion

Beveridge & Diamond has added two new environmental litigators and regulatory advisors, Jackson Garrity and Tim Nevins.

Mr. Garrity handles natural resource management and litigation at the firm’s D.C. office, with a special focus on state and federal compliance under the Clean Air ActAdministrative Procedure ActCERCLANational Environmental Policy Act, and Federal Land Policy and Management Act. He advises clients on matters such as compliance, litigation, administrative enforcement actions, and more. Mr. Nevins, who works out of the firm’s New York office, practices environmental litigation and provides regulatory guidance to his clients. He has a background in toxic torts, groundwater, administrative rulemaking, and site remediation.

“We are thrilled to have Jackson and Tim as part of the B&D team,” says Paula Schauwecker, Beveridge & Diamond’s Chief Talent Officer. “Their past experiences have enabled them to hit the ground running at B&D. We are excited to see how they will continue to help our clients and contribute to B&D’s long success of being a leading environmental law firm.”

National law firm Dykema has selected Commercial Litigation Practice Group member Isaac Villarreal as Managing Member of the newly established Houston office. Mr. Villarreal is a 13-year complex commercial litigator who frequently works as outside general counsel for midmarket businesses. A highly successful trial attorney, Mr. Villarreal has won a majority of the over 50 cases he has served as first-chair counsel for. He is well-known in the Houston legal community for his work with groups such as the State Bar of Texas Litigation section and Houston Bar Association Alternative Dispute Resolution section. He has been recognized in publications such as Houstonia MagazineH-Texas Magazine, and Texas Super Lawyers.

“It’s been an absolute thrill to be a member of the group establishing Dykema’s Houston office,” Mr. Villarreal says. “The firm’s culture, strong national presence, bench strength of top-notch attorneys, and its pragmatic approach to building upon that foundation in a market where I have practiced extensively throughout my career have helped make the launch of the Houston office an early success.”

Michael Kornak has joined the Partner Recruiting Practice Group as a Managing Director at Major, Lindsey & Africa, in order to assist with the international firm’s legal search and lateral recruitment efforts. Mr. Kornak joins the Chicago office after more than two decades of experience as a litigation and hiring partner, managing professional reviews, work allocation, and various business law practices.

Expressing excitement for Kornak’s arrival, Partner Practice Group Executive Director David Maurer said, “We are thrilled Mike decided to join the Chicago Partner Practice Group. He has extensive firsthand knowledge of all aspects of partner recruiting, including compensation and conflicts analysis, and can adeptly identify opportunities as well as potential issues for both partners and firms.”

Manatt, Phelps & Phillips has added two tax incentive financing experts to the firm’s Impact Investing and Community Development practice. D.C.-based Corenia Riley Burlingame and John Dalton each have over a decade of experience managing tax credit construction and preservation projects for stakeholders interested in benefiting communities through low-income housing, historic preservation, and energy-efficiency investments. Ms. Burlingame assists clients with issues related to resyndication, scattered-site portfolios, and year 15 properties, while Mr. Dalton assists with energy and New Markets tax credits, Opportunity Zone investing, and post-closing asset management concerns.

“As developers, lenders and investors place greater emphasis on social impact investment opportunities, Corenia’s and John’s deep understanding of the nuances within each respective transaction, and their impressive backgrounds guiding clients through these sophisticated matters, further solidifies Manatt’s position as a leader in these types of tax credit deals,” said Neil Faden, leader of Manatt’s Impact Investing and Community Development Practice.

Industry Awards and Recognition

Frank E. Schall of Moore & Van Allen PLLC has been recognized as a leading litigator by Benchmark Litigation. Mr. Schall, who focuses his practice on white-collar, internal investigations, and regulatory defense work, is listed in Benchmark Litigation’s 40 & Under guide to the nation’s most notable up and coming litigation attorneys. He has significant experience in a wide range of matters, including healthcare litigationcommercial litigation, and financial services.

“We congratulate Frank on being recognized by Benchmark Litigation as one of the top young litigators in the country,” said John A. Fagg, Jr., Co-head of Litigation and White Collar Defense & Investigations practice. “We are very proud of Frank’s successes and achievements for our clients.”

ArentFox Schiff LLP was awarded the Chapter 11 Reorganization of the Year by The M&A Advisor at their 16th Annual Turnaround Awards. Of more than 250 participating companies, The Turnaround Award nominees were judged by an independent panel of industry experts. ArentFox Schiff LLP was selected for their work as counsel to CoverFX, a high performance, vegan, and cruelty-free cosmetics company. Partners George Angelich and Justin Kesselman, and Associate Patrick Feeney served as counsel.

Roger Aguinaldo of The M&A Advisor said, “The award winners represent the best of the distressed investing and restructuring industry in 2021 and earned these honors by standing out in a group of very impressive candidates.”

Los Angeles Business Journal has recognized Partners Roland Juarez and Anne Marie Mortimer of Hunton Andrews Kurth in the 2022 Leaders of Influence: Top Litigators & Trial Lawyers list. The list recognizes 76 litigators chosen by the LABJ as “lawyers who go to the proverbial mat to fight for their clients before judges and jury [and] have their own unique set of skills.”

Notably, Mr. Juarez was recognized as a top litigator, handling high-stakes labor and employment cases for California’s largest and most high-profile employers. He has served as Chief Counsel of the US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce for nearly a decade. At Hunton Andrews Kurth, he developed two mentorship programs for minority lawyers.

Diversity and Inclusion in the Legal Field

In conjunction with CT ConsultantsShumaker Advisors has awarded $10,000 worth of scholarships to three minority college students for the Fall 2022 semester. Since 2008, Shumaker and CT Consultants have offered more than $100,000 to minority engineering students attending accredited Ohio universities; this year, the organizations were able to offer the $5,000 Edwin B. Hogan Memorial Scholarship, as well as two $2,500 Ohio Minority Engineering Student Scholarships.

“We are extremely proud of this year’s awardees,” said Ami Williams, Shumaker Advisors Director of Client Relations and Administrator of the CT Scholarships Program. “The field was highly competitive and we look forward to supporting these well-deserving students as they continue their education.”

Foley & Lardner LLP has been awarded with the 2022 Gold Standard Certification for promoting gender diversity in the legal industry. The Women in Law Empowerment Forum, which issued the award, grants Gold Standard recognition to major firms that meet specific objective criteria regarding the number of women among equity partners, in firm leadership positions, and in the ranks of their most highly compensated partners.

Foley has now been recognized with this honor for three years in a row. In order to meet 2022’s certification metrics, firms had to satisfy two mandatory criteria: 25% of equity partners or, alternatively, 40% of the attorneys becoming equity partners during the past 12 months are women, and 10% of women equity partners are women of color or 4% of women equity partners are LGBT. Firms additionally had to meet two of the following for criteria:

  • 20% of the firm and U.S. branch office heads are women.
  • 25% of the firm’s primary governance committee are women.
  • 25% of the firm’s compensation committee or its equivalent are women.
  • 20% of the top half of the firm’s equity partners in terms of compensation are women.

Yvette Loizon, a partner at Clifford Law Offices, has been recognized by the Law Bulletin Publishing Company as one of the Top Women in Law in 2022. On July 20th, the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin and Chicago Lawyer Magazine recognized Clifford’s Ms. Loizon at the 2022 Salute! Top Women in Law Awards Celebration.

The honorees were chosen by the Law Bulletin Media selection committee for their noteworthy efforts in the legal field, more specifically their “work to mentor and promote other women in the profession, their success in the legal community, and being a shining example of leadership.”

For more business of law legal news, click here to visit the National Law Review.

Copyright ©2022 National Law Forum, LLC

PFAS Health Advisories Under Legal Attack…Again

On June 15, 2022, the EPA issued Health Advisories (HAs) for five specific PFAS, including PFOA and PFOS. On July 29, 2022, the American Chemistry Council filedpetition in the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia challenging the validity of the EPA’s PFOA and PFOS HAs. The group alleges that the EPA did not follow proper procedure in setting the HAs and that the EPA’s determinations were scientifically flawed. The petition follows closely on the heels of a similar challenge to the EPA’s HA for GenX PFAS. Industries that will be impacted by upcoming EPA PFAS regulations will closely follow the petition as it makes its way through court, as it may provide predictive indicators of arguments that will unfold as the EPA’s PFAS regulations increase.

PFAS Health Advisories

In October 2021, the EPA released its PFAS Roadmap, which stated explicit goals and deadlines for over twenty action items specific to PFAS. As part of the Roadmap, the EPA pledged to re-assess the existing Health Advisories (HAs) for PFOA and PFOS, as well as establish HAs for PFBS and GenX chemicals. In June 2022, the EPA fulfilled its promise on all fronts when it set HAs for PFOA (interim), PFOS (interim), PFBS (final) and GenX (final). While not enforceable levels for PFAS in drinking water, the EPA’s PFAS Health Advisories are nevertheless incredibly significant for a variety of reasons, including influence on future federal and state drinking water limits, as well as potential impacts on future PFAS litigation.

The levels set by the EPA’s PFAS Health Advisories were as follows:


.004 ppt


.02 ppt


10 ppt


2,000 ppt

Legal Challenge To PFAS Health Advisories

On July 13, 2022, The Chemours Company filed a petition challenging the validity of the EPA’s GenX HA. On July 29, 2022, the American Chemistry Council (ACC) followed suit and petitioned to have the EPA’s HAs for PFOA and PFOS vacated. In the petition, the ACC argues that the EPA circumvented procedural requirements in the Safe Drinking Water Act by setting interim HAs for PFOA and PFOS and that the EPA is improperly attempting to create enforcement standards for drinking water that are unattainable. While the HAs themselves are not enforceable, the ACC argues that the HAs are relied upon by states when they set their own drinking water standards and signal an EPA intent to set unachievably low levels of enforceable PFAS standards at the federal level. The ACC points to recent findings by the Science Advisory Board (SAB) that criticized the EPA’s reliance on the same studies and scientific articles upon which the HAs were based.


Now more than ever, the EPA is clearly on a path to regulate PFAS contamination in the country’s water, land and air. The EPA has also for the first time publicly stated when they expect such regulations to be enacted. These regulations will require states to act, as well (and some states may still enact stronger regulations than the EPA). Both the federal and the state level regulations will impact businesses and industries of many kinds, even if their contribution to drinking water contamination issues may seem on the surface to be de minimus. In states that already have PFAS drinking water standards enacted, businesses and property owners have already seen local environmental agencies scrutinize possible sources of PFAS pollution much more closely than ever before, which has resulted in unexpected costs. Beyond drinking water, though, the EPA PFAS Roadmap shows the EPA’s desire to take regulatory action well beyond just drinking water, and companies absolutely must begin preparing now for regulatory actions that will have significant financial impacts down the road.

Article By John Gardella of CMBG3 Law

For more environmental legal news, click here to visit the National Law Review.

©2022 CMBG3 Law, LLC. All rights reserved.