Be Thankful I Don’t Take It All – France Moves to Tax the Value of Data

Were the Beatles still recording today, they might have to add this verse to Taxman. As what will surely be the opening salvo in government efforts to find ways to recapture the value of the personal data upon which so much of our digital economy now seems to depend and return it to consumers, France is now set to become the first European country to implement what is effectively a “data tax”.

About 30 companies, mostly from the US, may soon have to pay a 3% tax on their revenues. The tax will mostly affect companies that use customer data to sell online advertising. Justifying the new tax, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire clearly drew the battle lines:

This is about justice . . . . These digital giants use our personal data, make huge profits out of these data . . . then transfer the money somewhere else without paying their fair share of taxes.

The bill would apply to digital companies with worldwide revenues over 750 million euros ($848 million), including French revenue over 25 million euros. Not surprisingly, Google, Amazon and Facebook are squarely in the crosshairs of the new tax.

According to European Commission figures, the FANG companies and their ilk pay on average 14 percentage points less tax than other European companies. France took unilateral action after a similar proposal at the EU level failed to get unanimous support from member states, although Le Maire said he would now push for an international deal by the end of the year.

Lest you think this is just a European phenomenon, you need only look west to California, where Governor Newsom has commissioned the study of “data dividends” to help address the digital divide. In fact, the much-discussed California Consumer Privacy Act already contains provisions encouraging digital companies to compensate consumers for the use of their personal data. See our recent alert on data dividends and the CCPA here.

There will be lots more action in the “value for data” space in coming days. While academics debate whether data is more like labor or more like capital, we expect state and federal regulators to look to the value of data as a means to address the challenges of artificial intelligence and income inequality.


Copyright © 2019 Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP All Rights Reserved.
Read more international news on the NLR’s Global Type of Law Page.

IRS Notice Offers Good News for State Colleges and Universities (at Least for Now)

In January 2019, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued Notice 2019-09, which provides interim guidance for Section 4960 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. As a reminder, Section 4960 imposes an excise tax of 21 percent on compensation paid to a covered employee in excess of $1 million and on any excess parachute payments paid to a covered employee. A “covered employee” is one of the organization’s top-five highest-paid individuals for years beginning after December 31, 2016. An organization must determine its covered employees each year, and once an individual becomes a covered employee, that individual will remain a covered employee for all future years.

Of particular interest to state colleges and universities is the answer to Q–5 of the notice. It provides that the Section 4960 excise tax does not apply to a governmental entity (including a state college or university) that is not tax-exempt under Section 501(a) and does not exclude income under Section 115(l). What does this mean? Basically, if an institution does not rely on either of those statutory exemptions from taxation, the institution will not be subject to the excise tax provisions of Section 4960. This exclusion from Section 4960 means the institution could compensate its athletic coaches (or other covered employees) in excess of the $1 million threshold and not be subject to the 21 percent excise tax.

As we discussed previously, some institutions rely on political subdivision status for tax purposes. Importantly, the notice also provides that any institution relying on its political subdivision status to avoid taxation, as opposed to relying on either of the above-mentioned exemptions, will be subject to the Section 4960 excise tax if the institution is “related” to any entity that does rely on either of the exemptions.

Although the IRS’s guidance is helpful in determining Section 4960’s application to state colleges and universities, it appears not to reflect “Congressional intent.” On January 2, 2019, the Committee on Ways and Means of the U.S. House of Representatives released a draft technical corrections bill that seeks to correct “technical and clerical” issues in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. The corrections bill seeks to clarify Section 4960’s application by stating that any college or university that is an agency or instrumentality of any government or any political subdivision, or that is owned or operated by a government or political subdivision, is subject to Section 4960. Given the current state of affairs in Washington, D.C., we are not confident that the corrections bill’s expanded application to state colleges and universities will ever come to fruition.


© 2019, Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C., All Rights Reserved.

Impact of Government Shutdown on IRS Collections

The government shutdown has impacted many government offices, including the Internal Revenue Service. After the longest government shutdown in history, IRS employees returned to work on January 28, 2019, in most offices across the country. Unfortunately, due to extreme weather conditions in parts of the US, including Michigan, local offices were closed most days during this first week of the IRS reopening. If a taxpayer has outstanding balances with the IRS, the lingering question is what impact did the shutdown have on IRS collections.

While it will take some time for the IRS to resume normal operations, on January 29, 2019 the IRS issued a number of FAQs to assist taxpayers and tax professionals with collection issues that were affected by the shutdown.

Things to Keep in Mind

IRS revenue officers were furloughed during the shutdown. Meaning that they were put on a leave of absence that prohibited them from performing their duties. If you were working with a revenue officer to resolve your balance due account, the officer will be reviewing inventory and should be reaching out to taxpayers within the next week or so. If an appointment was missed, it should be rescheduled. If a payment or information was due during the shutdown, you should have that payment and/or information ready and available when contacted so that you can move your case toward resolution.

Government shutdown stamp over Form 1040 documentThe government shutdown did not affect federal tax law as it relates to the filing of returns and the making of payments to the IRS. Thus, penalties for failure to file, failure to pay, federal tax deposit penalties and estimated tax payment penalties may still apply. Further, since compliance is critical for all collection alternatives, including installment agreements, offers-in-compromise, and currently not collectible status, your collection alternative can be subject to default procedures.

The government shutdown did not affect statutory deadlines for filing timely appeals from enforced collection actions, including the time frame within which to request a Collection Due Process Hearing from the issuance of a Final Notice of Intent to Levy or from a Notice of Federal Tax Lien Filing. Thus, you may find yourself in jeopardy of levy action on income and financial assets.


© 2019 Varnum LLP
This post was written by Angelique M. Neal of Varnum LLP.
Read more news on the IRS and other Tax issues on the NLR Tax Type of Law Page.

ABLE Accounts: What They Are and What They Mean for Your Family

Individuals with disabilities and their families have many options to set aside funds without jeopardizing eligibility for means-tested government benefits. However, until recently most of the available options require the person with a disability to lose control over his or her own money.  With the 2014 enactment of the Stephen J. Beck Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act, people with disabilities can once again control some of their own money and retain a sense of autonomy. While ABLE accounts will not replace other forms of planning that are available to and recommended for people with disabilities, there are definite advantages to adding the ABLE account into an overall plan.

The Basics

ABLE accounts are tax-deferred savings accounts that are closely modeled on 529 education savings plans. While ABLE is a federal program, much like 529 education plans, each state is responsible for crafting and administering its own program. Some states only allow residents to enroll, while others welcome out-of-state residents. It’s important to consider not only whether an ABLE account is appropriate, but also which state’s program best suits your situation.

To be eligible for an ABLE account, a person must be diagnosed, before age 26, with a disability that would entitle him or her “to benefits based on blindness or disability under Title II or XVI of the Social Security Act.” Once eligibility is determined, the individual or a third party (e.g., the disabled individual’s parents, siblings, or friends) can establish and fund an ABLE account.

Contributions and Account Limits

In any given year, the aggregate cash contribution from all donors (including the beneficiary him/herself) cannot exceed the annual gift tax exclusion amount ($15,000 for 2018). ABLE accounts accept cash only. Stocks, bonds, investments, and real estate cannot be contributed.

In addition to the annual contribution limits, as of January 1, 2018, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 authorizes an employed ABLE account beneficiary to contribute an amount up to the lesser of (i) his or her compensation or (ii) the poverty line for a one-person household ($12,140 for 2018). In order to be eligible for this additional contribution the individual cannot also contribute to an employer-sponsored defined contribution plan, such as a 401(k). Since the earned income contribution can be made in addition to the aggregate cash contribution, the total possible contribution for 2018 is $27,140.

Starting this year, a new funding option is available that allows individuals to “roll over” assets from a 529 plan into an ABLE account. While this is certainly a boon for families who initially set aside funds in a 529 account for a beneficiary who cannot use it, the funds rolled over cannot exceed the standard annual ABLE account contribution limit, so depending on the value of the 529 account the rollover could take several years to complete.

One of the biggest differences between the various state programs is the maximum amount that may be held in the account. For New York plans, the limit is $100,000. In other states, the limits are significantly higher and are tied to the limits those states have imposed for 529 education plans. For example, Illinois plans have a limit of $400,000. So for people who plan to accumulate larger sums in an ABLE account, it is wise to shop around to different states.

Although ABLE accounts are generally disregarded as a resource when determining eligibility for means-tested benefits, there is an exception. The first $100,000 of assets held in the ABLE account will not count as a resource when determining Supplemental Security Income (SSI) eligibility. However, once the account balance exceeds $100,000, the individual’s SSI will be suspended until the balance is again below that amount. There is no impact on Medicaid eligibility regardless of how much money is in the account.

Growth and Distributions

Income generated on assets held in an ABLE account are not taxed. Disbursements made for qualified expenses of the disabled individual are also not taxed. If a distribution is made that does not constitute a qualified expense, the beneficiary will be responsible for both ordinary income tax and a 10 percent penalty.

Qualified expenses of the disabled individual that can be paid for from the ABLE account without incurring taxes or penalties include, but are not limited to, education, legal fees, financial management and administrative services, health and wellness, housing, transportation, personal support services, and funeral and burial expenses.

As of January 1, 2018, the designated beneficiary is permitted to claim the saver’s credit for contributions made to his or her ABLE account. The saver’s credit is a nonrefundable tax credit for eligible tax payers who make contributions to retirement savings accounts.  The maximum annual contribution eligible for credit is $2,000 per individual, and the amount of the credit depends on the taxpayer’s adjusted annual income.

Benefits Eligibility Tip: An important benefit of the ABLE account is that, unlike when payments are made from a Special Needs Trust, payments for the beneficiary’s housing and food are not viewed as in-kind maintenance support for the purposes of SSI, and the beneficiary will not suffer the usual reduction for payments made by someone other than the SSI recipient for those purposes.

Words of Caution

Although ABLE accounts can be a valuable tool, there are several pitfalls to consider before opening an ABLE account. As with any decision that may affect government benefits, it is always best practice to discuss the situation and your options with your attorney, as there are many issues to consider before adding an ABLE account to a beneficiary’s plan.

For example, an important thing to consider is whether the beneficiary is capable of managing the ABLE account. Since the beneficiary is allowed to manage the funds in the account, families should carefully consider the risks (e.g., making non-qualified distributions or risking abuse and undue influence by an outside person) of the funds being immediately available. While this risk can be mitigated in several different ways beyond the scope of this article, it is certainly a point worthy of consideration.

Additionally, ABLE accounts are similar to first party Special Needs Trusts in that, to the extent the beneficiary receives medical assistance funded by Medicaid after the account is established, any funds remaining in the ABLE account at his or her death will be used to pay back the state for benefits that are paid for the beneficiary. This is the case regardless of whether the funds originally come from the beneficiary or a third party.

Notwithstanding the limitations, ABLE accounts can still be a valuable addition to a carefully crafted special needs plan.


© 2018 Schiff Hardin LLP

IRS Issues Proposed Regulations for Qualified Opportunity Zone Funds

Treasury issued long-awaited Proposed Regulations and a Revenue Ruling today (October 19, 2018) regarding key issues involved with investing in and forming Qualified Opportunity Zone Funds (“OZ Fund”) and the OZ Fund’s investments in Opportunity Zone Businesses (“OZ Business”).  Although the Proposed Regulations do not answer all of our key questions, Treasury did provide generally taxpayer friendly guidance to the issues discussed below.  These Regulations are only proposed, and are therefore subject to further revisions based on comments received by Treasury.  However, Treasury has provided that taxpayers can rely on many of these proposed rules, provided that the taxpayer applies the rule in its entirety and in a consistent manner.

  • Treatment of Land. Land is excluded from the requirement that the original use of opportunity zone property commence with the OZ Fund or that the OZ Fund substantially improve the property, alleviating fears that land could only be a “bad” asset. Very favorably, if the OZ Fund purchases an existing building and the underlying land, the OZ Fund is only required to substantially improve (“double the basis”) the building.  The cost of the land is disregarded for this purpose.
  • Treatment of Capital Gains of Partnerships and other Pass-Thru Entities. Partners have 180 days from the end of the partnership’s taxable year to invest in an OZ Fund. Accordingly, capital gains recognized by a partnership early in 2018 (or even very late 2017) may still be eligible for investment in OZ Funds, even if 180 days have passed. A partnership has the option of either investing capital gains in an OZ Fund itself or allocating the gain to its partners, thereby permitting the partners the opportunity to invest their distribute share of the gain in an OZ Fund. If desired, the partner has the option to select the 180-day period starting from the date of the partnership’s sale of the property.
  • Treatment of Working Capital. The Proposed Regulations provide a working capital safe harbor for investments in OZ businesses that acquire, construct, or rehabilitate tangible business property. An OZ business can hold the working capital for a period of up to 31 months if there is a written plan that identifies the working capital as held for the acquisition, construction, or substantial improvement of tangible property in an opportunity zone and such written plan identifies a schedule of expenditures. This alleviates the concern that cash invested by an OZ Fund in an OZ business would be a “bad asset” for the OZ business.  Working capital can be held in cash, cash equivalents, or debt instruments with a term of 18 months or less.
  • Only 70% of an OZ Business’ Tangible Assets Need to be OZ Property. An OZ Fund that invests directly in assets must have 90 percent of its assets be qualifying OZ Property. Qualifying property includes an investment into an OZ Business. An OZ Business only needs to have “Substantially all” of its tangible assets consist of qualifying OZ Property. The Proposed Regulations define, for this purpose only, “substantially all” as 70 percent of the OZ Business’ tangible assets. This is critical in allowing investors in non-real estate businesses to take advantage of the opportunity zone benefits. The Proposed Regulations provide alternative methods for determining compliance with the “substantially all” test, based either on the values in an applicable financial statement of the OZ business, or, if the business does not have an applicable financial statement, applying the methodology used by its Fund investors (who hold at least 5 percent of the OZ business) for determining their compliance with the 90 percent asset test.
  • The OZ Fund Can Borrow Money. The Proposed Regulations provide that deemed contributions of money derived from a partner’s share of partnership debt do not create a separate, non-qualifying investment in the OZ Fund. There had been concern that the proportion of the investment relating to money borrowed by the Fund would result in a non-qualifying investment. The Proposed Regulations do indicate that Treasury is considering an anti-abuse rule for investments that may be considered abusive. In addition, the Proposed Regulations imply that partners in OZ Funds do get outside basis for amounts borrowed by the OZ Fund, thereby potentially permitting the investors to take advantage of OZ Fund losses.
  • “Gains” are Limited to Gains Treated as Capital Gain. Treasury has specifically limited the OZ Fund benefits to gain that “is treated as a capital gain” for Federal income tax purposes.  Although this provision could have been clarified better, we think that “treated as a capital gain” is intended to include Section 1231 gains (special rules apply gains from hedging/straddles).
  • Special Allocations are Permitted. Investors must receive an equity interest in an OZ Fund.  For OZ Funds organized as partnerships, the Proposed Regulations specifically permit special allocations. Depending on whether additional limits are placed on special allocations, this may permit a certain amount of “carried interest” to be paired with an equity investment for OZ Fund service providers.
  • Early Disposition of OZ Fund interest. If an OZ Fund investor sells all of its interest in an OZ Fund before the end of deferral in 2026, the OZ Fund investor can maintain the original gain deferral by reinvesting the proceeds into a new OZ Fund within 180 days.  This allows an investor to get out of a bad deal without losing the deferral benefits. Note that the Proposed Regulations specifically deferred until future Regulations issues involved when the OZ fund itself sells OZ Fund property. These issues include what a “reasonable period of time” is for the OZ Fund to reinvest in qualifying assets and what the potential income tax consequences to the Fund and its investors of such a sale of OZ Fund property by the OZ Fund.
  • Valuation of Assets for Purposes of the 90% Test. For purposes of determining whether a Fund holds 90 percent of its assets in qualified opportunity zone property, the Proposed Regulations require the Fund to use asset values reported on an applicable financial statement of the Fund. Applicable financial statements are prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP and either: (1) filed with a federal agency besides the IRS (which includes the SEC); or (2) are audited and used to make decisions by the taxpayer.  If a Fund does not have an applicable financial statement, the Fund must use its cost in acquiring the assets for the calculation. Treasury is seeking comments as to whether adjusted basis or another valuation method is a better measurement than cost.
  • 90% Asset Test Testing Dates. The Proposed Regulations provide for the possibility that an OZ Fund formed late in the taxable year could have to fully comply with the asset tests by the end of that year.  The law requires that an Oz Fund invest 90 percent of its assets in qualified opportunity zone business property, measured as the average of two Testing Dates. The first testing date is the last day of the 6th month following formation, and the second Testing Date is the last day of the taxable year.  For example, if a calendar-year fund selects April as its first month as an OZ Fund, then its first testing dates are the end of September and the end of December.  However, if a Fund is formed in the last half of the taxable year, then it will have only one testing date, which may be soon after formation. This creates the possibility that an OZ Fund formed in December only has until the end of December to fully comply. We are hoping that the final Regulations will provide more time for the OZ Fund to initially comply.
  • Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) Can Be OZ Funds. So long as the LLC is taxed as a partnership or a corporation, an LLC can be an OZ Fund.

The Proposed Regulations are generally favorable to investors, and so we expect that Opportunity Zone investments will really take off. Based on the 70 percent “substantially all” rule for OZ Businesses, we expect that Opportunity Zone investments will not be limited to real estate investors. In addition, we think Opportunity Zone investments are more likely to be structured with OZ Funds owning OZ businesses rather than the OZ Fund owning assets directly, because of the working capital safe harbor, the substantially all test, and the testing dates for OZ Funds.

© Polsinelli PC, Polsinelli LLP in California

This post was written by Korb Maxwell Jeffrey A. Goldman and S. Patrick O’Bryan of Polsinelli PC.

Illinois Adopts A New Remote Seller Nexus Law

We should have a Wayfair decision by then, but IL adopted a South Dakota remote seller nexus rule effective October 1, 2018.

For purposes of the Use Tax Act, the definition of “retailer maintaining a place of business in this state” is amended, and for purposes of the Service Use Tax Act, the definition of “serviceman maintaining a place of business in this state” is amended. Beginning October 1, 2018, such a retailer will include a retailer making sales of tangible personal property and a serviceman making sales of service to purchasers in Illinois from outside of Illinois if the cumulative gross receipts from sales of tangible personal property and sales of service to purchasers in Illinois are $100,000 or more, or the retailer or serviceman enters into 200 or more separate transactions for the sale of tangible personal property or sales of service to purchasers in Illinois. The retailer or serviceman will determine on a quarterly basis, ending on the last day of March, June, September, and December, whether he or she meets this criteria for the preceding 12-month period. If the criteria are met, the individual is considered a retailer or serviceman maintaining a place of business in this state and is required to collect and remit use tax or the service use tax, respectively, and file returns for one year. At the end of the 1-year period, the retailer or serviceman will determine whether he or she met the criteria during the preceding 12-month period, and, if so, the individual is considered a retailer or serviceman maintaining a place of business in this state and is required to collect and remit use tax or the service use tax, respectively, and file returns for the subsequent year. If at the end of a 1-year period a retailer or serviceman that was required to collect and remit use tax or service use tax, respectively, determines that he or she did not meet the criteria during the preceding 12-month period, the retailer or serviceman subsequently will determine on a quarterly basis, ending on the last day of March, June, September, or December, whether he or she meets the criteria for the preceding 12-month period.


© Horwood Marcus & Berk Chartered 2018. All Rights Reserved.

Following Repeal of the Individual Mandate, Twenty States Challenge the Affordable Care Act

On February 26, 2018, twenty states (the “Plaintiffs”) jointly filed a lawsuit[1] in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas requesting that the court strike down the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“ACA”), as amended by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (the “TCJA”), as unconstitutional. The Plaintiffs’ suit gained support from the White House last week, when Attorney General Jeff Sessions delivered a letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan on June 7, 2018 (the “Letter”), indicating that the Attorney General’s Office, with approval from President Trump, will not defend the constitutionality of the individual mandate – 26 U.S.C. 5000(A)(a) – and will argue that “certain provisions” of the ACA are inseverable from that provision.[2]The Letter indicates that this is “a rare case where the proper course is to forgo defense” of the individual mandate, reasoning that the Justice Department has declined to defend statutes in the past when the President has concluded that the statute is unconstitutional and clearly indicated that it should not be defended.

Acknowledging that such a position breaks from a longstanding tradition of defending the constitutionality of duly enacted legislation, the Letter offers support for both of the Plaintiffs’ main arguments: first, the Plaintiffs claim that the individual mandate is no longer constitutional, because individuals will no longer pay a penalty for being uninsured after December 31, 2018; second, if the individual mandate is unconstitutional, the ACA is also unconstitutional, because the ACA cannot continue to function without the individual mandate. These arguments are discussed in further detail below.

The Individual Mandate

The Plaintiffs argue that the individual mandate, which requires individuals to be insured under the ACA or pay a tax if uninsured, is no longer constitutional following passage of the TCJA. When the United States Supreme Court reviewed the constitutionality of the individual mandate in 2012, the Court determined that Congress could not direct people to buy insurance under the Commerce Clause or Necessary and Proper Clause, but requiring individuals to buy health insurance or pay a fee was a constitutional use of Congress’s taxing powers.[3]

The Plaintiffs argue that the individual mandate can no longer be considered a valid use of Congress’s taxing power, because the TCJA reduces the fee for being uninsured to $0 beginning January 1, 2019. Although the TCJA effectively eliminated the individual mandate’s tax provisions, the requirement for individuals to buy insurance remains unaffected. The Plaintiffs argue that the individual mandate cannot be interpreted as a tax, because it lacks the central feature of any tax – the ability to generate revenue for the government. The individual mandate, therefore, cannot be upheld as a use of Congress’s taxation powers, and the Supreme Court also determined that it could not be upheld under the Commerce Clause or the Necessary and Proper Clause. Absent a constitutional basis, the Plaintiffs argue that the individual mandate can no longer be upheld.

The ACA Without the Individual Mandate

The Plaintiffs go on to argue that, if the individual mandate is unconstitutional, so too is the entire ACA. Citing the ACA and the Supreme Court, the Plaintiffs claim that the individual mandate is essential to creating effective health insurance markets and, because it is so “closely intertwined” with the rest of the ACA, severing the individual mandate would cause the rest of the ACA to cease functioning.[4] The Plaintiffs assert several arguments in furtherance of the charge that the “unconstitutional individual mandate” and ACA significantly harm and impact State sovereignty:

  • The ACA imposes a “burdensome and unsustainable panoply of regulations” on markets that each State has sovereign responsibility to regulate, including requirements for States to offer health insurance exchanges and minimum coverage standards for health insurance products.[5] Forcing the Plaintiffs to comply with ACA rules and regulations harms the States in their sovereign capacity, because the States lose the ability to enact or enforce their own laws or policies that conflict with the ACA.

  • States are significantly harmed by ACA rules and regulations compelling them to take costly corrective actions to stabilize insurance markets. The Plaintiffs argue that ACA regulations of the individual insurance market caused insurers to pull out of State marketplaces due to unsustainable rising costs. This, in turn, leads to costs rising further, as less competition exists in the healthcare markets. To escape the cycle of rising costs, the Plaintiffs argue that the States have to expend significant sums of money to stabilize healthcare markets.

  • States are significantly harmed as Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Plan (CHIP) providers. The Plaintiffs argue that the individual mandate and the ACA caused millions of individuals to enroll in Medicaid and CHIP, either because the ACA expanded program eligibility or the individual mandate forced individuals to enroll in one of the programs if they could not afford to purchase insurance in the marketplace. The influx of new Medicaid and CHIP enrollees caused states to incur “significant monetary injuries,” because the States are obligated to “share the expenses of coverage with the federal government.”[6]

  • States are harmed in their capacity as large employers. The ACA requires States, as large employers, to offer health insurance plans to eligible employees. The plans must contain minimum essential benefits defined under the ACA. Additionally, the ACA imposes a 40% excise tax on high cost employer-sponsored health coverage.[7]To comply with these, and other, ACA requirements, States must expend significant amounts of money to provide health coverage to employees. Some states, including Wisconsin, restructured their employer-sponsored health insurance plans to avoid the ACA excise tax. Other states, including Missouri and South Dakota, have cut other parts of their budgets to account for increased employer-provided healthcare costs.

Based on the allegations discussed above, the Plaintiffs request that the District Court declare the ACA, as amended by the TCJA, to be unconstitutional either in part or in whole, declare unlawful all rules and regulations promulgated pursuant to the ACA, and enjoin the defendants from enforcing the ACA. A ruling in favor of the Plaintiffs could not only eliminate the requirement for individuals to purchase health insurance, but could disrupt or eliminate some or all of the healthcare programs and mandates established under the ACA.

While the litigation aims high, numerous legal scholars and stakeholders have blasted the merits of the DOJ’s latest intervention (or lack thereof). Republican Senator Lamar Alexander released a statement remarking that “[t]he Justice Department argument in the Texas case is as far-fetched as any I’ve ever heard.” Jonathan H. Adler, a law professor at Case Western Reserve University School of Law who helped develop the arguments against the ACA in prior litigation (most notably, King vs. Burwell), described the Department of Justice argument as “just absurd,” arguing that there “is no legal basis for applying severability doctrine in this way, and no precedent for the Justice Department to accept such an argument.” While the merits of the litigation appear to be dubious, it nonetheless represents a mortal threat to the ACA and its popular protections for pre-existing conditions. Over the coming months, we will observe how this plays out legally and politically.

[1] Complaint, Texas & Wisconsin, et al v. United States et al, (N.D. Tex. 2018) (No. 4:18-cv-00167-O).

[2] Jefferson Sessions, Re: Texas v. United States, NO. 4:18-cv-00167-O (N.D. Tex.), United States Office of the Attorney General, (June 7, 2018).

[3] Nat’l Fed’n of Indep. Bus. v. Sebelius, 567 U.S. 519, 558, 574 (2012).

[4] 42 U.S.C. § 18091(2)(I); King v. Burwell, 135 S. Ct. 2480, 2487 (2015).

[5] Complaint at 16-17.

[6] Complaint at 22-23.

[7] 26 U.S.C. § 4980I.

Copyright © 2018, Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP.

Tax Amnesties Popping up…and should be taken seriously!

Alabama, Connecticut and Texas are offering tax amnesty programs that have some huge benefits. Amnesty programs are a great way to resolve nexus issues and underpayment issues. As with most amnesty programs, you must not have been contacted by the respective state’s Department of Revenue to be eligible.

In Alabama, the amnesty period runs from July 1, 2018 through September 30, 2018. It includes most tax incurred or due prior to January 1, 2017 and includes a full waiver of interest and penalties.

Connecticut’s program is already open and runs through November 30, 2018. Connecticut’s amnesty program includes periods up through December 31, 2016. Connecticut will waive all of the penalty and 50% of any interest due.

Texas will offer an amnesty for most taxes due prior to January 1, 2018. The amnesty period runs from May 1, 2018 through June 29, 2018 and includes full penalty and interest waivers.


© Horwood Marcus & Berk Chartered 2018.
This post was written by Jordan M. Goodman of Horwood Marcus & Berk Chartered.

Navigating a Cook County Department of Revenue Audit and the Procedure for a Formal Protest

A recent national trend in the practice field of state and local tax has been the uptick in local jurisdictions’ audit activity. The Cook County Department of Revenue (“Cook County” or “Department”) is no exception to this trend where in recent years, the Department has increased its audit activity, and much to the chagrin of taxpayers, has taken aggressive positions in the interpretation of its tax ordinances. Consequently, this has led to increased litigation in the administrative proceedings before the Cook County Department of Administrative Hearings (“D.O.A.H.”). This post provides an overview of the Department’s audit and ensuing D.O.A.H. processes and will highlight some of the procedural differences compared to other jurisdictions such as Chicago and Illinois. This background should assist any taxpayer in navigating the pitfalls and traps they will likely face if they receive a notice of Tax Assessment and Determination (“Assessment”).

Authority to Tax

The Illinois Constitution grants a home rule unit, which includes a county that has a chief executive officer elected by electors of the county, with authority to exercise any power and perform any function pertaining to its government and affairs, including the power to tax.  Ill. Const. Art. VII, § 6(a), 55 ILCS 5/5-1009. For taxes that are measured by income or earnings or that are imposed upon occupations, Cook County only has the power provided by the General Assembly.  Ill. Const. Art. VII, § 6(e). Cook County, however, is not preempted from imposing a home rule tax on (1) alcoholic beverages; (2) cigarettes or tobacco products; (3) the use of a hotel room or similar facility; (4) the sale or transfer of real property; (5) lease receipts; (6) food prepared for immediate consumption; or (7) other taxes not based on the selling or purchase price from the use, sale or purchase of tangible personal property.  55 ILCS 5/5-1009.

Audit Overview

Cook County, like the Illinois Department of Revenue and the City of Chicago Department of Finance, initiates an audit by issuing an individual or business a notice of audit to the taxpayer. The notice will generally identify the taxes subject to review, the periods under audit, and the time and location where the Department will undertake the audit. The notice will likely also include document requests and/or questionnaires that the Department has requested to review as part of audit. In some instances, however, if the Department believes that a taxpayer is not reporting a tax that the Department believes it is subject to, the Department will skip the audit and issue a “jeopardy assessment.” A jeopardy assessment assesses liability based on the books and records of who the Department deems to be similarly situated taxpayers.

Additionally, as my colleague Samantha Breslow discussed in ” Navigating a Chicago Audit and the Procedure for a Formal Protest“, taxpayers should take the Department’s information requests seriously.  It is especially important that the taxpayer stays engaged and responsive to Department auditors as a failure to do so may result in the Department issuing a jeopardy assessment. Cook County Code of Ordinances (“C.C.O.”) § 34-63(c)(2).[1]


While the Department’s audit process is very similar to Illinois, Chicago, and most other jurisdictions for that matter, the Department’s tax appeals process differs significantly. Unlike the Chicago Department of Finance which affords taxpayers 35 days to protest a notice of tax assessment, and the Illinois Department of Revenuewhich affords taxpayers 30-60 days to protest a notice of tax assessment, a taxpayer subject to a Department tax assessment must file its protest within 20 days of the Department’s mailing the notice of tax determination and assessment. C.C.O § 34-80. The taxpayer must either personally serve the Department with its protest, or place its protest in an envelope, properly addressed to the Department and postmarked within twenty days of the Department’s mailing of the protest. C.C.O. 34-79. At a minimum, a protest must identify the date, name, street address of the taxpayer, tax type, tax periods, the amount of the tax determination and assessment, and the date the county mailed the notice of assessment. The protest should also include an explanation of reasons for protesting the assessed tax and penalties. The Department has published a ” Protest and Petition for Hearing” form which must be used by a protesting taxpayer.  The form must be signed, and must include a power of attorney if the taxpayer is represented by someone other than the taxpayer.

Taxpayers should pay attention to the extremely short time frame in which to a protest must be filed. When considering the Department is only required to serve this notice by United States registered, certified or first class mail, a taxpayer is often left with less than 15 calendar days to file its protest. This is especially true for corporate taxpayers whose headquarters may differ from the address of its tax or legal department or the individual responsible for protesting tax assessments.

Administrative Proceedings

Upon timely receipt of a taxpayer protest, the Department will determine whether any revisions to the Assessment are warranted. This stage may result in a continuation of the audit where the Department will request additional documentation from the taxpayer and the Director of the Department does have the authority to amend the Assessment. While nothing prohibits the Department from increasing the Assessment during this stage, generally if a revision to the Assessment is made, the result is a reduction in the Assessment.[2]

If the parties are unable to resolve the audit, the Department then institutes an administrative adjudication proceeding by forwarding a timely filed protest to the D.O.A.H. C.C.O. § 34-81; C.C.O. § 2-908. The Director of the D.O.A.H. is appointed by the President of the County Board, and is subject to approval by the County Board of Commissioners. C.C.O. § 2-901(b).The Director appoints hearing officers, or administrative law judges (“ALJ”), who are independent adjudicators authorized to conduct hearings for the Department.C.C.O. § 2-901(a). The ALJ has authority to hold settlement conferences, hear testimony, rule upon motions, objections and admissibility of evidence. C.C.O. § 2-904. Note, however, the ALJ is prohibited from hearing or deciding whether any ordinance is facially unconstitutional. C.C.O. § 34-81.

At all proceedings before the ALJ, the Department will be represented by the State’s Attorney. The ALJ will set the matter for an initial pre-hearing status where the parties should be prepared to provide the ALJ with a brief overview of the facts and issues in dispute. The parties will then work to narrow the issues for presentment of findings by the ALJ. This will likely be accomplished by pre-hearing motion practice and the parties’ attempt to stipulate to facts and legal issues to be decided by the ALJ. Ultimately, the taxpayer and the Department will participate in a hearing, or trial, before the ALJ prior to the ALJ issuing a final order with findings of fact and conclusions of law. C.C.O. §  2-904.

Most taxpayers and practitioners are surprised to learn that the D.O.A.H. has no formal discovery. In fact, the parties are only entitled to conduct discovery with leave of the ALJ. Cook County D.O.A.H. General Order No. 2009-1 (“General Order”), Rule 6.3.In our experience,the ALJ will occasionally permit limited interrogatories and requests to admit, but requests to produce have been denied, and depositions arestrictlyprohibited. This is true even where a party intends on introducing an expert witness at the hearing.  Notably, because the Illinois Supreme Court rules do not apply, there is also no corresponding requirement that an expert submit its conclusions and opinions of the witness and bases thereof to the adverse party. See  Ill. S. Ct. R. 213(f). The ALJ may subpoena witnesses and documents which the ALJ deems necessary for the final determination. General Order, Rule 6.4. The lack of procedure naturally increases the likelihood of surprise at final hearing.

After the completion of any pre-hearing motions and the narrowing of the issues, the parties proceed to a hearing where each party will present its case. This is where the record is made for purposes of appeal. No additional evidence is permitted to be introduced at the Circuit Court. The Petitioner, often the Department, must present its case first and bears the initial burden.[3] However, the Department’s Assessment is deemed to be prima facie correct. C.C.O. § 34-64.Thus, a taxpayer has the burden of proving with documentary evidence, books and records that any tax, interest or penalty assessed by the Department is not due and owing.  C.C.O. § 34-63. The formal and technical rules of evidence do not apply at the hearing. C.C.O. § 2-911. A taxpayer can also present fact and expert witnesses in support of its position and may wish to call Department personnel such as the auditor and supervisor as adverse witnesses to support its case.

After both parties have concluded their case, each may request an opportunity to present a closing argument. General Order, Rule 9.4. In lieu of, or in addition to a closing argument, the ALJ may request the parties to file post hearing briefs. It is during the closing argument and/or brief, that the parties will have the opportunity to present its legal and factual defense to the Assessment.

After the hearing and review of post-trial briefs, the ALJ will issue a final order which includes findings of fact and conclusions of law. The findings of the ALJ are subject to review in the Circuit Court of Cook County pursuant to the Administrative Review and the aggrieved party has 35 calendar days to file an appeal. C.C.O. 2-917.

Conclusion and Takeaways:

The D.O.A.H. presents some unique litigation and procedural challenges for a taxpayer wishing to protest a Department Assessment. The major takeaways for a taxpayer protesting an assessment are (1) a taxpayer must file its protest within 20 days of the Department’s mailing of the assessment; (2) the D.O.A.H. has limited discovery rules and prohibits the use of depositions which can inhibit a taxpayer’s ability to build a case. Accordingly, a taxpayer must present adequate witnesses and documentation to support its case at hearing; and (3) a taxpayer must build a record at the administrative proceeding because it will be foreclosed from doing so at the circuit court if an appeal is necessary. These takeaways can go a long way in assisting a taxpayer’s chances of success in what is at times, an unpredictable venue.

[1] If a Taxpayer believes that it has paid a prior amount of tax, interest, or penalty in error to the department, in addition to amending its return, the taxpayer must file a claim for credit or refund in writing on forms provided by the Department. Cook County Code of Ordinances (“C.C.O.”) § 34-90.  The claim for refund must be made not later than four years from the date on which the payment or remittance in error was made. Id.  

[2] If the assessment is revised, the Taxpayer should determine whether the revisions are documented in an official “Revised Notice of Assessment and Determination” or alternatively, whether the revisions were documented in something less formal such as revised schedules or workpapers.  If it is the former, while the Ordinance does not expressly require an Amended Protest to be filed, the issue of whether a revised protestmust be filedwithin 20 daysof the Revised Assessment has been raised in administrative proceedings before the Department. 

[3] We have seen instances where the Taxpayer is identified as the Petitioner in the captioned matter.  In fact, the Taxpayer is identified as Petitioner in the Department’s Protest and Petition for Hearing Form.  However, because the Department submits the matter to DOAH, the taxpayer has no choice on whether it is identified as Petitioner or Respondent in the proceeding, and the Department’s inconsistency often leads to confusion regarding burden of proof issues.


© Horwood Marcus & Berk Chartered 2018. All Rights Reserved.
This post was written by David W. Machemer of Horwood Marcus & Berk Chartered 2018.

Overview of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

On December 27th, 2017 President Trump signed into law what is the most consequential tax reform in thirty years, by signing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (the “Act”). Most business changes took effect after December 31, 2017, some changes were effective immediately and others, like expensing of capital expenditures, had specialized retroactive effective dates. The following is an overview of the Act:

Individual Income and Transfer Taxes

For individuals, the new law reduces tax brackets, curbs the effect of the Alternative Minimum Tax, alters some tax credits, simplifies many returns by increasing the standard deduction, and increases the amount of property that can pass free of the estate, gift and generation skipping transfer tax. One area untouched by the new law is the adjustment to tax basis for capital assets upon death, allowing for “step-up” or “step-down” depending upon the cost basis vs. the value at date of death. Please see the following summary explanations:

  • Rates. Beginning in 2018, the highest individual income tax rate was reduced from 39.6% to 37%. Other rate adjustments are illustrated in this table:


Unmarried Individuals, Taxable Income Over

Married Individuals Filing Jointly, Taxable Income Over

Heads of Households, Taxable Income Over





























  • Standard Deduction and Personal Exemptions. Beginning in 2018, the doubling of the standard deduction and curtailment of state and local taxes and mortgage interest deductions have the effect of simplifying many returns by eliminating the complexity associated with the preparation of Schedule A. Elimination of personal exemptions and limits on deductions for those who itemize will dramatically change the benefit to individuals of the deductions for mortgage interest, state income and property taxes and charitable contributions.

  • Credits. The new legislation creates a patch-work quilt of how many tax credits are treated. For example, the American Opportunities Tax Credit for education remained untouched, but other credits were modified.

  • Alternative Minimum Tax. Fewer individual taxpayers will be subject to this tax as a result of the increase of the exemption to just over $109,000 (indexed).

  • Estate, Gift and Generation Skipping Tax Exemptions. Beginning in 2018 and through 2025, these exemptions have been doubled to $11.2 million per person, and indexed to inflation.

Basis Adjustment at Death. This adjustment, often mistakenly referred to as “step-up basis”, remains unchanged. Property owned at death will be afforded a new basis equal to the value of such property at date of death. Adjusting the basis at date of death may mean the basis is increased, but can also result in a decrease in basis as happened for some deaths occurring during our last recession.

Provisions of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Affecting Businesses

In addition to the changes impacting individual taxpayers, the Act included a substantial revision to the tax laws governing businesses. These changes begin with a reduction of the corporate tax rate to a flat 21% (down from a maximum of 35%) and permit unlimited expensing of capital expenditures, repeal the corporate Alternative Minimum Tax and change the deductions available to businesses. A substantial difference between the individual and business tax law changes is that some of the business changes are permanent (i.e. corporate tax rate), while others are temporary (immediate expense treatment for capital expenditures).

  • Tax Rate. The new law creates a flat 21% income tax rate for C Corporations to replace the marginal rate bracket system which had imposed tax rates between 15% and 35%.

  • Corporate Dividends. The dividends received deduction which allowed a C corporation to deduct 70 or 80 percent of dividends received from another C corporation has been reduced to a deduction of either 50 or 65 percent (the higher rate is available where the stock of the dividend paying corporation is owned at least 20% by the corporation receiving the dividend).

  • AMT. The corporate Alternative Minimum Tax has been repealed for tax years beginning after December 31, 2017.

  • Section 179 Expensing Business Capital Assets. Internal Revenue Code Section 179 allows a business to deduct the cost of certain “qualifying property” in the year of purchase in lieu of depreciating the expense over time. The Act allows a year of purchase deduction of up to an inflation indexed $1 million (increased from $500,000) with a total capital investment limitation of $2.5 million. While these changes provide businesses with increased deductions, they have little meaning given the new 100% year of purchase deduction for capital expenditures available under amended Code Section 168(k).

  • Section 168(k) Accelerated Depreciation. The Act allows a 100% deduction of the basis of “qualifying property” acquired and placed in service after September 27, 2017 and before January 1, 2023. Qualifying property generally includes depreciable tangible property with a cost recovery period of 20 years or less, computer software not acquired upon purchase of a business and nonresidential leasehold improvements.

    The bonus depreciation deduction is then reduced to 80% in 2023 and drops by an additional 20% after each subsequent two year period until disappearing entirely for periods beginning January 1, 2027. The allowed deduction percentages are applied on a slightly extended time frame for certain property with longer production periods. In addition to increasing the available deduction, the Act also allows used property to qualify for the deduction. After a phase-out beginning in 2023, this provision lapses after December 31, 2026.

  • Business Interest. Net business interest will not be deductible in excess of 30% of the “adjusted taxable income” of a business. For 2018 through 2021, adjusted taxable income will be determined without consideration of depreciation, amortization, depletion or the 20% qualified business income deductions. In 2022 and thereafter, the 30% limit will be applied to taxable income after deductions for depreciation and amortization. An exemption from the 30% limitation exists for taxpayers with annual gross receipts (determined by reference to the three preceding years) of $25 million or less. Disallowed business interest can be carried forward indefinitely. If a taxpayer’s full 30% adjusted taxable income limit is not met with respect to one business, the unused limitation amount can be applied to another business of the taxpayer which otherwise would have excess interest that is nondeductible after application of the 30% adjusted taxable income limit to that business.

  • Net Operating Losses. Generally, the two year NOL carryback has been repealed. While the losses can be carried forward indefinitely, the deduction will generally be limited to 80% of taxable income.

  • Other.

    • Domestic Production Activities Deduction has been repealed.

    • Like Kind Exchanges are limited to real property.

    • Fringe Benefits. Entertainment expenses and transportation fringe benefits (including parking) are no longer deductible. The 50% meals expense deduction is expanded to include on premises cafeterias of employers.

    • Penalties and Fines. Certain specifically identified restitution payments may be deductible.

    • Sexual Harassment Payments. No deduction will be allowed for amounts paid for or in connection with settlement of sexual harassment or abuse claims if such payments are subject to nondisclosure agreements.

Provisions of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Affecting Pass-Through Entities and Sole Proprietorships

Before the Act passed, the pass-through of business income from a partnership or S corporation meant a lower overall tax rate would be paid on company income (compared to C corporations) as such income was not subject to double taxation and a lower overall income tax rate generally applied. However, with the reduction of the corporate income tax rate to a flat 21%, and individual rates that reach up to 37%, pass-through entities and sole proprietorships could face a higher tax burden than their C corporation counterparts.

To address the disparate effects of the flat 21% C corporation income tax rate, the Act allows owners of pass-through entities and sole proprietorships a deduction equal to 20% of their “qualified business income” subject to certain limitations. The calculation of what constitutes the qualified business income deduction amount is complex as are the applicable limitations. For example, upon sale of substantially all of the assets of a business, it is likely the 20% qualified business deduction will be significantly limited. Going forward, an analysis of the comparative tax savings as a C corporation or a pass-through entity will be appropriate for all businesses looking to maximize tax savings.

One further complication of the 20% qualified business deduction is that it is currently not applicable in calculating the state tax liability of most businesses. For example, the 20% deduction is currently inapplicable to the state income tax liabilities of Wisconsin businesses.

Family Owned Businesses

With the higher estate and gift tax exemptions and retention of the basis adjustment at death provisions of the tax law, the transfer of family owned businesses will need to re-focus, as follows:

  • Entrepreneurial families may prioritize family governance issues over estate tax issues for many businesses in transition. The changes to the valuation rules from August of 2016 have now been neutralized, and higher exemptions allow more effective estate tax freeze types of transactions.

  • Changes to how pass-through entities are taxed will re-position family businesses to place more emphasis on leasing entities, intellectual property licensing and real estate rental arrangements.

  • With corporate income tax rates reduced, the resurgence of a “management company” or “family office” may take center stage to house key employees who desire different classes of equity and debt ownership, unique compensation arrangements and generous employee benefits. However, IRS rules regarding how management agreements are negotiated and operate will need to be addressed before venturing into this area.

Buying and Selling Businesses

For those clients engaged in buying or selling businesses, the most powerful aspects of the bill have to do with changes to how capital expenditures are taxed, the loss of state and local tax deductions (individuals) and the lower corporate tax rates. We are making the following general observations on the effect of the new law on business sale transactions:

  • Even after the so-called “double tax” stigma associated with the regular corporate tax regime, when all aspects are considered, pass through entities are less attractive for many buyers and sellers. For example, a C corporation can deduct state and local taxes, while shareholders of S corporations, non-corporate owners of LLCs and individual sole proprietors cannot. This negative consequence is amplified by the fact that the 20% qualified business income deduction will not be available for state income tax purposes in most states, including Wisconsin.

  • Because many business valuations are based on income streams that do not consider taxes, those valuations do not reflect the effect of the now lower income tax rates for those businesses. However, lower tax rates should result in more cash flow to the buyers of those businesses, thereby increasing their internal rate of return on invested capital. The result will be that higher valuations will apply in the future because of the tax benefits of the new tax law.

  • Under the new law, buyers of tangible business assets, certain software and leasehold improvements can deduct their cost, in full, in the year of purchase. This means capital intensive businesses will enjoy significantly reduced effective tax rates and, therefore, higher values than previously applicable. More important, however, is that the buyer of a business can fully deduct the cost of all tangible assets in the year of purchase. The result will be that buyers of substantially all of the assets of a business will likely have little taxable income (and therefore less tax liability) for several years after the purchase of the business.

  • As a result of the 100% deduction of tangible assets purchased on the sale of a business and the lack of any changes to the capital gain and qualifying dividend tax rates, we believe that asset purchases will become more beneficial than stock purchases to buyers who seek to minimize transactional taxes, while stock sales will be more beneficial to sellers.

  • The new tax law limits the deductibility of business interest to 30% of adjusted taxable income. This means buyers using debt financing may not be able to fully deduct interest on the debt used to purchase a business. As a rule of thumb, the interest limitation will become applicable whenever the debt to cash flow ratio is higher than the ratio of the effective interest rate to 30%. Note that starting in 2022, the 30% limitation is applied to adjusted taxable income after deducting depreciation and amortization. Therefore, if you are going to buy a business, the time to do it is before the 30% limit becomes more stringent in 2022.

Compensation and Benefits Changes in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

  • Section 162(m). Internal Revenue Code Section 162(m) imposes a $1 million cap on the deduction for compensation paid to certain officers of public companies. Before the Act, there was an exception to the deduction limit for compensation that was “performance-based” if certain conditions were met. The Act eliminates the exception for performance-based compensation. Performance-based compensation paid pursuant to a written binding contract in effect on November 2, 2017 will continue to be outside of the $1 million deductibility cap, if the contract is not materially modified on or after that date.

  • Excise Tax on Excess Compensation for Executives of Tax-Exempt Organizations. The Act imposes a new excise tax on “excessive” compensation paid to certain employees of certain tax-exempt organizations. The excise tax is 21% of the sum of:

    • any excess parachute payment paid to a covered employee; and

    • remuneration (other than an excess parachute payment) in excess of $1 million paid to a covered employee for a taxable year (remuneration is treated as paid when there is no longer a substantial risk of forfeiture).

Covered employees are the five highest compensated employees for the year, and any other person who was a covered employee for any prior tax year beginning after 2016. Certain payments to licensed nurses, doctors and veterinarians are excluded.

A “parachute payment” is a payment that is contingent on the employee’s separation from service, the present value of which is at least three times the “base amount” (i.e., average annual compensation includible in the employee’s gross income for five years ending before the employee’s separation from employment). If a parachute payment is paid, the excise tax applies to the amount of the payment that exceeds the base amount.

  • Extended Rollover Deadline for “Qualified Plan Loan Offsets.” Prior to the Act, a participant in a qualified retirement plan who wanted to roll over a “plan loan offset” (an offset to his or her plan account due to a default on a loan taken from the account) to another plan or IRA had only 60 days to do so. The Act gives a longer period of time to roll over a “qualified plan loan offset,” which is a plan loan offset that occurs solely because of the termination of the plan or failure to make payments due to severance from employment. Participants will have until the due date of the tax return for the year in which the qualified plan loan offset occurs.

  • Reduction of Individual Mandate Penalty. The Affordable Care Act generally imposes a penalty (the “individual shared responsibility payment”) on all individuals who can afford health insurance but who do not have coverage. The Act reduces the amount of the individual shared responsibility payment to $0, effective January 1, 2019.

  • Section 83(i) – Taxation of Qualified Stock. The Act adds a new Section 83(i) to allow certain employees of non-publicly traded companies to defer the tax that would otherwise apply with respect to “qualified stock.” Qualified stock is stock issued in connection with the exercise of an option or in settlement of a Restricted Stock Unit (“RSU”), if the options or RSUs were granted during a calendar year in which the corporation was an “eligible corporation.” An eligible corporation is a non-publicly traded company with a written plan under which at least 80% of its U.S. employees are granted options or RSUs with the same rights and privileges. Certain employees, including any current or former CEO or CFO, and anyone who is (or was in the prior 10 years) a 1% owner or one of the four highest paid officers of the company, are excluded from the ability to elect a Section 83(i) deferral.

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