DOT Proposes New Guidance For Medical Examiners To Address CBD Use By Commercial Motor Vehicle Drivers

The U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) published a proposed draft Medical Examiner’s Handbook (MEH), including updates to the Medical Advisory Criteria, in the Federal Register on August 16, 2022.  The FMCSA’s regulations provide the basic driver physical qualification standards for commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers, in 49 CFR 391.41 through 391.49. DOT Medical Examiners currently make physical qualification determinations on a case-by-case basis and may consider guidance to assist with making those determinations.

FMCSA stated that the goal of the updated MEH and related Medical Advisory Criteria is to provide information about regulatory requirements and guidance for Medical Examiners to consider when making physical qualification determinations in conjunction with established best medical practices. The revised Medical Advisory Criteria, in addition to being included in the MEH, would also be published in Appendix A to 49 CFR part 391. The final version of the criteria would be identical in both publications. FMCSA is proposing to update both the MEH and Medical Advisory Criteria and seeks public comment on these documents until September 30, 2022.  The draft MEH may be viewed here.

Use of CBD with 0.3% THC or Less Is Not Automatically Disqualifying

Under FMCSA regulation 49 CFR 391.41(b)(12)(i), CMV drivers are not permitted to be physically qualified when using Schedule I drugs under any circumstances. The federal Controlled Substances Act lists marijuana, including marijuana extracts containing greater than 0.3% delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), as Schedule I drugs and substances. A driver who uses marijuana cannot be physically qualified even if marijuana is legal in the State where the driver resides for recreational or medical use.

However, under current federal law cannabidiol (CBD) products containing less than 0.3% THC are not considered Schedule I substances; therefore, their use by a CMV driver is not grounds to automatically preclude physical qualification of the driver under §391.41(b)(12)(i).

FMCSA emphasized that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not currently determine or certify the levels of THC in products that contain CBD, so there is no federal oversight to ensure that the labels on CBD products that claim to contain less than 0.3% of THC are accurate. Therefore, drivers who use these products are doing so at their own risk.

FMCSA now proposes that each driver should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and encourages Medical Examiners to take a comprehensive approach to medical certification and to consider any additional relevant health information or evaluations that may objectively support the medical certification decision. Medical Examiners may request that drivers obtain and provide the results of a non-DOT drug test during the medical certification process, if it is deemed to be helpful in determining whether a driver is using a prohibited substance, such as a CBD product that contains more than 0.3% THC.

This guidance does not impact FMCSA’s drug and alcohol testing regulations.  Use of a CBD product does not excuse a positive marijuana drug test result.

Use of Suboxone and Similar Drugs Is Not Automatically Disqualifying

FMCSA received a large number of inquiries related to Suboxone (a Schedule III drug under federal law, meaning that it has a lower potential for abuse than Schedule I and II drugs).  Treatment with Suboxone and other drugs that contain buprenorphine and naloxone, as well as methadone, are not identified in the FMCSA regulations as precluding medical certification for operating a CMV. FMCSA relies on the Medical Examiner to evaluate and determine whether a driver treated with Suboxone singularly or in combination with other medications should be issued a medical certificate. The Medical Examiner should obtain the opinion of the prescribing licensed medical practitioner who is familiar with the driver’s health history as to whether treatment with Suboxone will or will not adversely affect the driver’s ability to safely operate a CMV. The final medical certification determination, however, rests with the Medical Examiner who is familiar with the duties, responsibilities, and physical and mental demands of CMV driving and non-driving tasks.

Jackson Lewis P.C. © 2022

All Federal Research Agencies to Update Public Access Policies

On 25 August 2022, the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) released a guidance memorandum instructing federal agencies with research and development expenditures to update their public access policies. Notably, OSTP is retracting prior guidance that gave discretion to agencies to allow a 12-month embargo on the free and public release of peer-reviewed publications, so that federal funded research results will be timely and equitably available at no cost. The memo also directs affected agencies to develop policies that:

  1. Ensure public access to scientific data, even if not associated with peer-reviewed publications;
  2. Ensure scientific and research integrity in the agency’s public access by requiring publication of the metadata, including the unique digital persistent identifier; and
  3. Coordinate with OSTP to ensure equitable delivery of federally funded research results and data.


Updating Public Access Policies

Federal agencies will need to develop new, or update existing, public access plans, and submit them to OSTP and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Deadlines for submission are within 180 days for federal agencies with more than US$100 million in annual research and development expenditures, and within 360 days for those with less than US$100 million in expenditures.

Agencies will need to ensure that any peer-reviewed scholarly publication is free and available by default in agency-designated repositories without any embargo or delay following publication. Similarly, OSTP expects the access polices to address publication of any other federally funded scientific data, even if not associated with peer-reviewed scholarly publications. As a concession, federal agencies are being asked to allow researchers to include the “reasonable publication costs and costs associated with submission, curation, management of data, and special handling instructions as allowable expenses in all research budgets.1

Ensuring Scientific Integrity

To strengthen trust in governmentally funded research, the new or updated policies must transparently communicate information designed to promote OSTP’s research integrity goals. Accordingly, agencies are instructed to collect and make appropriate metadata available in their public access repositories, including (i) all author and co-author names, affiliations, and source of funding, referencing their digital persistent identifiers, as appropriate; (ii) date of publication; and (iii) a unique digital persistent identifier for research output. Agencies should submit to OSTP and OMB (by 31 December 2024) a second update to their policies specifying the approaches taken to implement this transparency, and publish such policy updates by 31 December 2026, with an effective date no later than one year after publication of the updated plan.


The NIH is expected to update its Public Access Policy, potentially along with its Data Management and Sharing Policy to conform with the new OSTP guidance. Universities, academic medical centers, research institutes, and federally funded investigators should monitor agency publications of draft and revised policies in order to update their processes to ensure continued compliance.

In doing so, affected stakeholders may want to consider and comment to relevant federal agencies on the following issues in their respective public access policy development:

  • Federal agency security practices to prevent foreign misappropriation of research data;
  • Implications for research misconduct investigations and research integrity;
  • Any intellectual property considerations without a 12-month embargo, especially to the extent this captures scientific data not yet published in a peer-review journal; and
  • Costs allowable research budgets to support these data management and submission expectations.

1 Office of Science and Technology Policy, Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies: Ensuring Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access to Federally Funded Research at p. 5 (25 August 2022) available at

Copyright 2022 K & L Gates

Children’s Advertising Rules Apply in the Metaverse Too, CARU Says

CARU, the Children’s Advertising Review Unit of BBB National programs, issued a compliance warning last week reminding industry that the self-regulating body on children’s advertising and privacy intends to enforce its advertising guidelines in the metaverse, just like in the real world.

CARU’s August 23 compliance warning puts companies on notice of what perhaps should have been obvious: its guidelines for advertising to children apply in the metaverse, too. The warning heavily analogizes the metaverse, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) worlds to other digital spaces like smartphone apps and online videos. CARU emphasizes the need to:

  • avoid blurring the lines between advertising and non-advertising content;
  • clearly disclose the use of brand-sponsored avatar influencers;
  • avoid manipulative tactics that induce children to view or interact with ads or to make in-game purchases; and
  • use clear, understandable, easily noticeable and prominent disclosures, repeated if necessary to ensure children notice and understand them.

The metaverse is a new area of focus for CARU and BBB National Programs: two recent posts, Know the Rules: How to Be Age Appropriate in the Metaverse and Advertising And Privacy: The Rules Of The Road For The Metaverse, emphasize the need to make sure advertising is truthful, non-deceptive and clearly identifiable as advertising, especially in brand-sponsored worlds. CARU recommends that advertisers and operators anticipate and stay aware of how their child audiences interact with the metaverse experience, including how, when and where ads will be shown to them and how influencers will engage in the space.

Copyright © 2022, Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP. All Rights Reserved.

FDA Publishes 2022 Retail Food Program Standards

  • On August 24, 2022, FDA announced that it had published the 2022 edition of its Voluntary National Retail Food Regulatory Program Standards (Retail Program Standards). The standards are intended to provide information on the key elements of an effective retail food regulatory program for local, tribal, state, and territorial regulatory agencies.
  • The Retail Program Standards provide recommendations for creating and managing retail food regulatory programs. Recommendations include how to provide effective inspections, reinforce proper sanitation, implement foodborne illness prevention strategies, and identify areas for improvement.
  • This year’s edition of the Retail Program Standards considers comments that were made during the Conference for Food Protection 2020 Biennial meeting, including reformatted curriculum forms and alternative sampling methods. A list of jurisdictions currently enrolled in the Retail Program Standards is available here

    Article By Food and Drug Law Practice Group at Keller and Heckman LLP

For more food and drug law legal news, click here to visit the National Law Review.

© 2022 Keller and Heckman LLP

DHS Proposes Rule Updating I-9 Verification Requirements

On August 18, 2022, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) published a proposed rule in the Federal Register that would grant it broader authority to permit alternative document inspection procedures for I-9 document verification in lieu of the physical inspection requirement.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, DHS implemented temporary accommodations for remote I-9 document inspection in order to encourage social distancing and remote work. These accommodations have been extended several times, and currently remain in effect until October 31, 2022. While the proposed rule does not directly make these accommodations permanent, it does codify into the regulations the agency’s authority to set forth either temporary or permanent alternative document inspection procedures.

The proposed rule provides significant flexibility to DHS in determining whether, when, and how to implement alternative examination procedures. According to the proposed rule, DHS may implement new examination options as part of a limited pilot program, upon the agency’s determination that such alternative procedures would not diminish the security of the I-9 verification process, or as a temporary measure in response to a public health emergency.

The proposed rule also includes details about how DHS may implement future document inspection changes, including:

  • limiting implementation only to employers enrolled in E-Verify

  • updating document retention requirements

  • changing the Form I-9 to allow employers to clearly note the use of alternative examination procedures

Now that the proposed rule has been published in the Federal Register, the public will have a 60-day comment period to provide feedback on the proposal as well as comments on how DHS may use this additional authority to make I-9 document inspection easier for employers. After the public comment period closes, DHS will have the opportunity to review and analyze all comments provided and, should the agency decide to move forward with the regulation, proceed with publishing the final rule.

© 2022, Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C., All Rights Reserved.

The Inflation Reduction Act: How Do Tribal Communities Benefit?

On August 16, 2022, President Biden signed into law the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (“IRA”), ushering in substantial changes for tax law, climate resilience, healthcare, and more in the United States. According to the Biden administration’s press release, the new $750 billion legislation aims to lower everyday costs for families, insist that corporations pay their fair share, and combat the climate crisis. During the signing ceremony, President Biden stated, “With this law, the American people won and the special interests lost […] For a while people doubted whether any of that was going to happen, but we are in a season of substance.”

Notably, the legislation provides significant provisions for tribal communities and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Once the funding is appropriated by Congress, it will be directed toward drought mitigation programs, fish hatcheries, modernization of electric systems, and more for Native communities, including ones in Alaska and Hawaii.

How the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 Supports the Environment and Tribal Communities

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 contains an array of provisions, including the reduction of drug prices, the lowering of energy costs, and, notably, federal infrastructure investments that benefit Native communities. Andrew M. VanderJack and Laura Jones, Co-Coordinators of Van Ness Feldman’s Native Affairs Practice, highlight the most significant facets of the bill: “This legislation provides some opportunities specifically for tribes and tribal entities, including programs related to climate resiliency and adaptation, electrification, and drought relief. For example, the Emergency Drought Relief program for Tribes extends direct financial assistance to tribal governments to address drinking water shortages and to mitigate the loss of tribal trust resources.”

Pilar Thomas, Partner in Quarles & Brady’s Energy, Environment & Natural Resources Practice Group, expanded on the most significant inclusions for Tribes: “[…] the creation of a Direct Pay tax credit payment program that allows Tribes to receive a payment equal to the clean energy technology tax credits – especially for solar, wind, storage, geothermal and EV charging stations; […] direct funding for electrification and climate resiliency through DOI and USDA; […] access to the greenhouse gas reduction fund, environmental and climate justice grants; and expanded energy efficiency tax benefits and rebates for tribes and tribal members.”

“Tribal governments are also eligible to apply for other programs such as the Clean Vehicle Credit program, the Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings Deduction, and the State and Private Forestry Conservation Programs,” noted Mr. VanderJack and Ms. Jones.

How the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act Has Been Received by Tribal Communities

The 2022 Inflation Reduction Act has received a warm reception from groups such as the National Indian Health Board and Native Organizers Alliance, who laud the bill’s potential to improve environmental, medical, and economic conditions for tribal communities, some of whom still lack access to electricity or clean water. The increase in funding will allow tribes to use green energy technology to increase climate resilience and decrease individual energy costs, while reducing the effects of environmental racism with risk assessments for drinking water and climate hazards. These infrastructural changes will stimulate economic development by creating new jobs. “With critical investments in the Inflation Reduction Act, we’re making sure the federal government steps up to support Native-driven climate resilience, advance tribal energy development, and fulfill its trust responsibility to Native communities,” said Senator and Senate Committee on Indian Affairs Chairman Brian Schatz.

“This legislation will result in hundreds of millions of funding available for Tribes, and non-profits that work with tribes and tribal communities to support the clean energy transition for tribal communities, reduce energy costs for tribal members, and create jobs,” said Ms. Thomas of Quarles & Brady. “The IRA will provide a substantial down payment for every tribe to take advantage of clean energy technologies, energy efficiency and energy savings, and climate resilient solutions for their communities and tribal members individually.  The new projects, technology implementation and economic development opportunities are substantial and will create long term community and economic development sustainable improvements in tribal communities.”

Some groups feel that the new legislation does not go far enough. In an open letter to President Biden, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Indigenous-led advocacy organization NDN Collective argued that Congress’ hesitance to fully reject fossil fuels undermines the stated goals of addressing climate change, a misstep that could disproportionately affect tribal communities at the frontlines of the environmental crisis. “We believe that moving away from investments in the fossil fuel and other extractive industries and reallocating the funding to further research and development will help us find the solutions we need for true decarbonization and large-scale equitable carbon emissions reductions,” the collective stated. “We are already aware of innovative, Indigenous-led solutions that just need the proper funding and support to be scaled and replicated.”

Challenges in Getting the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act Passed

Up to this point, the Inflation Reduction Act has faced significant challenges in Congress. The legislation is the product of extensive compromise over the Build Back Better Act within the Democratic party. The Build Back Better Bill was initially estimated to cost over $3 trillion, and ultimately, the Inflation Reduction Act was passed with a budget of $750 billion. Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia held back his support of the bill until late July, and Republicans successfully blocked an aspect of the bill that would have capped the price of insulin for Americans with private health insurance. When presented to Congress, the vote was split by party lines with every Republican voting against the bill. Biden has criticized Republicans for this decision, saying at the signing of the Inflation Reduction Act, “every single Republican in the Congress sided with the special interests in this vote — every single one.”

Challenges for tribal governments remain as well, specifically concerning the IRA’s implementation. “Despite the incredible opportunity for tribes, major barriers remain including tribal internal capacity and capabilities, [and] federal regulatory hurdles (such as BIA leasing and easement approvals),” said Ms. Thomas.

“[…] Navigating the complexities of each program and actually obtaining funding is always the challenge,” said Mr. VanderJack and Ms. Jones of Van Ness Feldman. “Tribes and tribal entities should engage directly, whenever possible, with the grant funding agencies to make sure proposals are tailored to fit both program requirements and community needs.”

Early Assessment of How the IRA will Impact Tribal Communities

The Inflation Reduction Act, ultimately, provides meaningful resources and investments for tribal communities in a variety of ways. While the provisions are not as significant as COVID-19 relief and infrastructure funding that tribal governments have received in previous years, the new legislation is nonetheless beneficial. “While the federal grant funding is relatively small, the potential major impact is the ability to access funding through tax credit payments and rebates,” said Ms. Thomas. “This mechanism is critical as it is simplifies tribes’ access to funding (rather than, for example, seeking to obtain funding through the competitive grant programs).”

Copyright ©2022 National Law Forum, LLC

School Law Update: CDC Adjusts Direction on Exposure Quarantine Requirements for Employees

CDC Adjusts Direction on Exposure Quarantine Requirements for Employees

On August 11, 2022, the CDC updated its COVID-19 guidance as the risk of severe illness, hospitalization, and death from COVID exposure has significantly declined. More specific guidance for school districts was issued by the CDC, which can be found here.

In addition, the Department of Public Instruction has published guidance entitled “COVID-19 Infection Control and Mitigation Measures for Wisconsin Schools 2022/2023,” which can be found here.

While we published a Legal Update on the recent CDC guidance changes last week, that Update primarily focused on the private sector. This Update is primarily focused on the impact the new CDC guidance will have on school districts and identifies some of the key changes.

The more significant mask guidance has been reduced. Guidance now indicates that if COVID-19 is at a high Community Level, universal indoor masking in schools is recommended. The CDC also recommends masking in health care settings such as the school nurse’s office. The updated CDC guidance makes significant changes to quarantine and isolation protocols. Asymptomatic (exposed) children and staff, regardless of where the exposure occurred or vaccination status, no longer need to quarantine. Students or staff who self-identify as close contacts may continue to attend school/work if they remain asymptomatic.

Students or staff who come to school with symptoms or develop symptoms while at school should be asked to wear a well-fitting mask or respirator while in the building and be sent home. If testing is unavailable at school, students and staff should also be encouraged to get tested. Symptomatic people who cannot wear a mask should be separated from others as much as possible; children should be supervised by a designated caregiver who is wearing a well-fitting mask or respirator until they leave school grounds but masking with a high quality mask is suggested for 10 days from exposure.

If the school provides COVID-19 testing, a symptomatic student or staff member may remain in school if they are tested immediately onsite, and that test is negative. Best practice would include wearing a mask, if possible, until symptoms are fully resolved. If the student is “too ill” to be in school (fever, severe cough, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.), they should be sent home regardless of COVID-19 test results. If the symptomatic student or staff cannot be tested immediately, they should be sent home and encouraged to use an at-home-test-kit or be referred to a testing site.

Students and staff who test positive for COVID-19 should isolate for at least 5 days. If they are asymptomatic, they may end isolation after Day 5 (return Day 6). If they had symptoms, they may return to school/work after Day 5 if:

  • they are fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication)

  • their symptoms are improving

If the individual still has a fever or other symptoms have not improved, they should continue to isolate until the symptoms improve. Once isolation has ended, people should wear a well-fitting mask or respirator around others through Day 10. Testing is not required to determine the end of isolation or mask use following COVID-19 infection.

©2022 von Briesen & Roper, s.c

August 2022 Legal Industry News Updates: Law Firm Hiring and Expansion, Industry Awards and Recognition, and Women in the Legal Field

Welcome back to another edition of the National Law Review’s legal news roundup! We hope you remain safe, healthy, and cool as the summer winds down. Read on below for the latest in law firm hiring and expansion, industry awards, and a spotlight on women in the legal industry!

Additionally, be sure to check out the latest episode of our podcast, Legal News Reach, featuring Chris Fritsch, founder of CLIENTSFirst Consulting!

Law Firm News and Updates

Sunstein LLP has added attorneys Shane Hunter and T.J. Clark as partners. Previously the founders of Hunter Clark PLLC, an intellectual property law firm, both attorneys focus their practice in this field: Mr. Hunter assists individuals in developing billion-dollar companies and helps to protect their intellectual property. Mr. Clark’s practice focuses on patent prosecution and intellectual property portfolio counseling for software and web-based business methods, biomedical devices, and semiconductor processing.

“Shane and T.J. bring impressive backgrounds as engineers and skills as attorneys that greatly complement our firm’s focus on helping technology clients leverage their diverse IP portfolios,” said Chair of the Sunstein Patent GroupKathryn Noll. “They are a great addition to our team.”

Insurance attorney Graham Pulvere has joined Wilson Elser’s Birmingham office as a partner. Mr. Pulvere’s practice focuses on litigating insurance coverage and bad faith actions. With experience representing clients in areas such as legal malpractice actions, bar disciplinary proceedings, and errors and omissions actions against insurance agents and brokers, he will be joining the Insurance & Reinsurance Coverage and the Professional Liability & Services practice group as well as the London Practice.

London Practice Chair David Holmes said, “Graham has significant experience working with the London market on first-party and bad faith matters and will add to our strong ability to handle complex coverage and bad faith matters not only in Alabama but also in Mississippi and Louisiana.”

Steptoe & Johnson welcomes associate Evan Janc to the business litigation practice group. Practicing in the firm’s Dallas office, Mr. Janc has experience representing clients in construction litigationpublic finance, and real estate in front of Texas state agencies and government entities. Evan also analyzes and drafts construction contracts and real estate agreements.

Sidley Austin LLP added Jay Jariwala, Senior Director, Regulatory Compliance to the firm’s Food, Drug, and Medical Device Compliance and Enforcement practice. Joining the firm’s Washington, D.C. office, he previously served in the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and ResearchOffice of Compliance, and Office of Manufacturing Quality. Mr. Jariwala brings more than 13 years of regulatory and leadership experience to Sidley.

Raj Pai, partner and global leader of Sidley’s Food, Drug, and Medical Device Compliance and Enforcement group, said, “We’re happy to welcome Jay to our growing team of former FDA officials who have world-class experience and insights. Jay’s background will strengthen our team’s ability to help clients understand, assess, and address compliance concerns effectively.”

Industry Awards and Recognition

Benjamin F. Wilson, former Chairman of Beveridge & Diamond PC, has been honored with the 2022 Environmental Achievement Award from the Environmental Law Institute. Recognized for his visionary leadership and service to local communities over the span of his entire career, Mr. Wilson has provided representation on a wide range of clients on environmental matters, both at Beveridge & Diamond and in other private practices. He has previously served in the Civil Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, and he established the African American General Counsel and Managing Partner Networks in 2012, as well as founding the Diverse Partners Network in 2008.

“Ben is a remarkable environmental lawyer whose impact reverberates so far beyond his immediate circle. An astounding number of people call him a mentor, and his lasting impacts are felt not only in the legal profession, but across diverse communities nationwide,” said Jordan Diamond, President of the Environmental Law Institute. “He spent a career championing the interplay of environmental and civil rights, and we are all better for it.”

Twelve attorneys at Clifford Law Offices have been recognized by Law Bulletin Media as Leading Lawyers. They are as follows:

According to the Leading Lawyers website, less than five percent of all lawyers licensed in each state have received this prestigious distinction. Recipients are selected based on external attorney surveys that ask which of their peers they would most likely recommend to a family member or friend.

Lawmatics has recently been ranked as a high performer in G2’s Summer 2022 Grid®️ Report for Legal Practice Management Software. G2, formerly known as G2 Crowd, is a peer-to-peer review site that collects information for various types of business software; to qualify for the Grid®️ Report in the Legal Practice Management category, the product must:

  • Manage law firm client information

  • Store relevant legal documents

  • Integrate with or provide functionality similar to legal case management solutions

  • Be designed for independent law firm use

In addition to the high overall satisfaction rating that Lawmatics boasts, the Summer 2022 report also found that 100% of Lawmatics customers rated the service 4 or 5 stars, 92% stated they were likely to recommend Lawmatics to their peers, and 90% believed their quality of support goes “above and beyond.”

Women in the Legal Field

The American Bar Association awarded five legal practitioners with the 2022 Margaret Brent Women Lawyers of Achievement Award at the ABA Annual Meeting in Chicago on August 7th. The prestigious award has been given to numerous pioneers in its more than 30-year history, including former U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justices Sandra Day O’Connor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. This year, the recipients were health law and bioethics innovator Michele Goodwin, IP expert and radio personality Christina L. Martini, AbbVie executive Laura J. Schumacher, corporate executive and DEI leader Wendy Shiba, and Myra C. Selby, the first African-American woman to serve as Associate Justice for the Indiana Supreme Court.

“We are honored to recognize this spectacular group of women who have been trailblazers throughout their careers,” says Maureen Mulligan, chair of the ABA Commission on Women in the Profession. “They are role models for all women in the legal profession.”

Benchmark Litigation has recognized three Bradley attorneys on their 2022 Top 250 Women in Litigation List.  Birmingham’s Leigh Anne Hodge, Nashville’s Lela M. Hollabaugh, and Huntsville’s Kimberly B. Martin were all selected due to their respected positions in the legal community and overwhelmingly positive client feedback.

Ms. Hodge leads Bradley’s Litigation Practice Group and is a member of the Healthcare Practice Group, where she assists clients with matters related to insurance, medical malpractice, licensing board hearings, and product liability. Ms. Hollabaugh is a lead trial lawyer who has worked on dozens of jury and bench trials while helping infrastructure clients with land acquisition, construction, and operations. She recently co-authored an amicus curiae brief for the U.S. Supreme Court related to the Natural Gas Act and 11th Amendment immunity. Ms. Martin handles international health product liability and white-collar claims.

Bradley Chairman of the Board and Managing Partner Jonathan M. Skeeters said, “We are proud of Leigh Anne, Lela, and Kim and congratulate them on their continued recognition as top female litigators. Their inclusion on this prestigious list is well deserved.”

Varnum LLP Partner Maureen Rouse-Ayoub has been featured in Michigan Lawyer Weekly’s 2022 Class of Influential Women of Law. The list celebrates women in the legal profession who have attained excellence in their field and made significant contributions through leadership, mentorship, and volunteering. When she isn’t leading Varnum’s Labor and Employment Practice team out of the Novi office, Ms. Rouse-Ayoub speaks about labor law issues at the Michigan Chamber of Commerce and works with the State Bar of Michigan Labor and Employment Section and Michigan Chamber of Commerce Health and Human Resources Committee. In her spare time, she volunteers with Northern Michigan Adaptive Sports, where she uses special tools and instructions to teach alpine skiing to people with disabilities. Rouse-Ayoub and her fellow awardees will be celebrated at a September 23rd ceremony in Detroit, followed by a September 26th magazine profile.

Copyright ©2022 National Law Forum, LLC

Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Regulations Will Likely Continue in 2023

The current Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) expires at the end of 2022. But Cal/OSHA is not done with COVID-19 regulations. There is a Non-Emergency Regulation in process. The Standards Board recently published its proposed non-emergency regulation and announced a public hearing for September 15, 2022.

Though the proposal is a non-emergency regulation, the proposed text states the requirements would only remain in effect for two years, except for certain recordkeeping requirements.

Here are other highlights of the proposed regulation:

  • Directs employers to include COVID-19 procedures in their written Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) or as a separate document.

  • As part of an employer’s COVID-19 procedures, an employer must provide training to employees regarding COVID-19

  • Employers must have effective methods and procedures for responding to COVID-19 cases in the workplace such as exclusion and quarantine requirements.

  • Employers will still have certain notice requirements regarding positive cases in the workplace.

  • Face covering requirements shall still follow California Department of Public Health requirements

One notable omission from the proposed regulation is exclusion pay, which was a very contentious requirement under the ETS.

Jackson Lewis P.C. © 2022

DOJ Forces $85M End to “Long-Running Conspiracy” to Suppress Poultry Wages

Three poultry processors and a consulting firm that circulated wage information among them have entered a consent decree with the Department of Justice to end a “long-running conspiracy to exchange information about wages and benefits for poultry processing plant workers and collaborate with their competitors on compensation decisions,” a violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act. The poultry companies — Cargill Inc. and Cargill Meat Solutions Corp., Sanderson Farms Inc., and Wayne Farms LLC – agreed to pay nearly $85 million. In addition to the payment, the producers must submit to antitrust monitoring for 10 years.

The decree brings a halt to the exchange of compensation information and deceptive conduct toward chicken growers designed to lower their compensation. The DOJ charged two of the poultry processors – Sanderson Farms, which was just acquired via joint venture between Cargill and Continental Grain Co., and Wayne Farms, owned by Continental – with violating the Packers and Stockyards Act. The companies engaged in deceptive practices via a “tournament system” which pit chicken growers against each other to determine their compensation. Jonathan Meng, meanwhile, president of the data firm Webber, Meng, Sahl & Company, is banned from the industry for his role as information broker for the producers.

Cargill is a privately held, multinational corporation based in Minnetonka, Minn. The corporation’s major businesses are trading, purchasing and distributing grain and other agricultural commodities. In 2021, Cargill generated revenue of about $134.4 billion. In the meat and poultry processing industry, Cargill’s $20 billion in revenue in 2021 put it in third place behind Tyson Foods Inc. ($43 billion) and JBS USA Holdings, Inc. ($39 billion) and one notch ahead of Sysco Corp. ($18 billion).

Just days before the settlement, Bloomberg Law reporter Dan Papsucn wrote, Sanderson Farms was acquired for $4.5 billion via joint venture between Cargill and Continental Grain Co. Wayne Farms was already owned by Continental. The acquisition combined the third and sixth-largest companies in U.S. chicken production to form the new Wayne-Sanderson Farms company. Before they were merged, Sanderson Farms and Wayne Farms annually were generating approximately $3.56 billion and $2.2 billion, respectively.

The DOJ’s investigation continues into the activities of several unnamed co-conspirators.  The government’s suit was filed in federal court in Maryland (U.S. v. Cargill Meat Solutions Corp., et al., No. 1:22-cv-01821 D. Md.).

Increased Federal Attention

The poultry industry case demonstrates that the antitrust law enforcers at DOJ, in addition to those at the Federal Trade Commission, remain dedicated to increasing competition in such concentrated labor markets. Worker mobility is something President Biden has promised to protect. FTC Chairwoman Lina Khan is considering new regulations to ban non-competes and to target them with enforcement actions, according to Wall Street Journal reporters Dave Michaels and Ryan Tracy.

Agreements entered without the cloak of legitimate competitive concerns by employers are called “naked” agreements. In 2016 DOJ and FTC jointly declared that naked wage-fixing or no-poaching agreements were per se illegal under antitrust laws. If the agreement is separate from or not reasonably necessary to achieve a larger legitimate collaboration between the employers, the agreement is deemed illegal without any inquiry into its competitive effects. Legitimate joint ventures (including, for example, appropriate shared use of facilities) are not considered per se illegal under antitrust laws. For these legitimate ventures the DOJ advocates the “rule of reason” or “quick-look analysis.” Also in 2016, DOJ said it would proceed with criminal actions against naked wage-fixing or no-poaching agreements.

Of course, support for the legitimacy of non-competes and no-poaching agreements splits along party lines. Sometimes the issue isn’t whether the agreements should be eliminated, but who should eliminate them. The question becomes: Is this the purview of the federal government or is it up to state legislatures?

Private Litigation

Private actions are another consideration for employers. Auto repair chain Jiffy Lube, which is owned by Shell Oil Company, recently agreed to pay $2 million to settle claims that it used illegal no-poaching agreements which prevented franchise owners from hiring current or recent employees of other Jiffy Lube franchises. The settlement will be shared among 1,250 hourly workers in the Philadelphia metropolitan area in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware.

According to the class action complaint, Jiffy Lube used these agreements to suppress wages and prevent workers from achieving better terms of employment. Employees had to wait six months after leaving one Jiffy Lube shop before attempting to work at another, according to the terms. Workers sued claiming this was a violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act.

The case was filed in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania (Victor Fuentes v. Royal Dutch Shell PLC, et al., Case No. 2:18-cv-05174, E.D. Pa.).

Employers Beware

As these cases demonstrate, many employers don’t realize (or may not care) that these types of arrangements can be considered anticompetitive or that their employment agreements can create substantial antitrust liabilities. In addition to public and private litigation, restrictive employment agreements can tank business deals. Imagine your M&A deal craters when a buyer discovers you have a no-poach agreement with competitors.  You might not have seen it as problematic until your prospective buyer walks away because of the risk and your once promising deal is over.

Employers and business owners who wish to protect themselves when employees leave for new positions need to be careful how they go about building their defenses because doing it wrong can mean both civil and criminal charges against corporations and individuals, as these cases illustrate. Critical questions need to be answered in employment agreements and business deals. Is the employer – such as a franchisor – trying to stop intramural poaching within its own system, effectively causing vertical restraint? Or is it trying to legitimately protect itself from losing employees to competitors, or horizontal restraint? These are questions best addressed by counsel with a sophisticated understanding of antitrust law, employment agreements, and mergers and acquisitions.

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