Biden Administration Initiates Ocean Justice Strategy

On June 8, 2023, the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) and Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), on behalf of the Ocean Policy Committee (OPC), announced the development of a new “Ocean Justice Strategy.” This federal government-wide initiative marks the latest in a long series of Biden administration efforts to promote environmental justice (EJ). The first step is a request for public input through July 24, 2023.


    • Per CEQ, the Ocean Justice Strategy aims to identify barriers and opportunities to incorporate environmental justice principles into the federal government’s ocean-related activities. It will encompass all recent Biden administration Executive Orders and policies relating to environmental justice, including the Ocean Climate Action Plan. The Strategy will serve as a guide to the federal government’s objectives for guiding “ocean justice” activities. It will propose “equitable and just practices to advance safety, health, and prosperity for communities residing near the ocean, the coasts, and the Great Lakes.”
    • The OPC, a Congressionally-created office dedicated to developing federal ocean policy, will draft the Ocean Justice Strategy with input from stakeholders, including Tribes, state and local governments, the private sector, and the public.
    • The Biden Administration previewed its support for ocean justice last year when it announced a commitment to extending environmental justice efforts to coastal and marine contexts. NOAA Fisheries followed suit by releasing its first-ever Equity and Environmental Justice Strategy, which puts equity and environmental justice at the forefront of their effort to steward the nation’s ocean resources and habitats.
    • The Strategy and its underlying EJ-based principles could lead to future policy changes, including for industries such as offshore energy, real estate, shipping, ports, and fisheries. This new effort is somewhat unique among EJ initiatives in that it targets activities that inherently occur along the nation’s coasts or far away from communities. The Strategy could emerge in a variety of directions, from identifying favored or disfavored ocean-based activities to layering additional processes for certain types of proposed projects.

Request for Public Input

OPC seeks public input on the following topics to develop the Ocean Justice Policy:

    • Definitions (namely, what is “ocean justice”)
    • Barriers to ocean justice
    • Opportunities for ocean justice
    • Research and knowledge gaps
    • Tools and practices (e.g., how to use existing tools such as CEJST, EJScreen, and EnviroAtla, in addition to developing new tools)
    • Partnerships and collaboration with external stakeholders
    • Any additional considerations

In addition to these comments, OPC will consider comments submitted in response to its previous request for information on the Ocean Climate Action Plan to inform the development of the Ocean Justice Strategy.

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Office of Science and Technology Policy Requests Public Input on Biotechnology Regulation

  • The Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) issued a request for information (RFI) today in which it invites public comment on the Coordinated Framework for the Regulation of Biotechnology (the “Coordinated Framework”).
  • The Coordinated Framework, which is a Federal regulatory policy for ensuring the safety of biotechnology products, was first issued in 1986, updated in 1992— to affirm that federal regulation should focus on characteristics of the product and the environment into which it being introduced, and not on the process by which it is produced—and then updated again in 2017 to clarify the roles of EPA, FDA, and USDA. And, in September of this year, Executive Order 14081 directed the three agencies to clarify and streamline regulations to support the safe of use of biotechnology products.
  • Accordingly, the RFI requests comment on seven questions related to the Coordinated Framework. The questions include a request for comment on identification of any regulatory gaps, inefficiencies, or uncertainties; data or information to improve any identified issues; and new or emerging biotechnology products that the agencies should be prepared to address. Comments to the RFI are due by February 3, 2023. Also, on January 12, 2023, OTSP will host a virtual event in which it will listen to public feedback on the RFI.
© 2022 Keller and Heckman LLP

All Federal Research Agencies to Update Public Access Policies

On 25 August 2022, the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) released a guidance memorandum instructing federal agencies with research and development expenditures to update their public access policies. Notably, OSTP is retracting prior guidance that gave discretion to agencies to allow a 12-month embargo on the free and public release of peer-reviewed publications, so that federal funded research results will be timely and equitably available at no cost. The memo also directs affected agencies to develop policies that:

  1. Ensure public access to scientific data, even if not associated with peer-reviewed publications;
  2. Ensure scientific and research integrity in the agency’s public access by requiring publication of the metadata, including the unique digital persistent identifier; and
  3. Coordinate with OSTP to ensure equitable delivery of federally funded research results and data.


Updating Public Access Policies

Federal agencies will need to develop new, or update existing, public access plans, and submit them to OSTP and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Deadlines for submission are within 180 days for federal agencies with more than US$100 million in annual research and development expenditures, and within 360 days for those with less than US$100 million in expenditures.

Agencies will need to ensure that any peer-reviewed scholarly publication is free and available by default in agency-designated repositories without any embargo or delay following publication. Similarly, OSTP expects the access polices to address publication of any other federally funded scientific data, even if not associated with peer-reviewed scholarly publications. As a concession, federal agencies are being asked to allow researchers to include the “reasonable publication costs and costs associated with submission, curation, management of data, and special handling instructions as allowable expenses in all research budgets.1

Ensuring Scientific Integrity

To strengthen trust in governmentally funded research, the new or updated policies must transparently communicate information designed to promote OSTP’s research integrity goals. Accordingly, agencies are instructed to collect and make appropriate metadata available in their public access repositories, including (i) all author and co-author names, affiliations, and source of funding, referencing their digital persistent identifiers, as appropriate; (ii) date of publication; and (iii) a unique digital persistent identifier for research output. Agencies should submit to OSTP and OMB (by 31 December 2024) a second update to their policies specifying the approaches taken to implement this transparency, and publish such policy updates by 31 December 2026, with an effective date no later than one year after publication of the updated plan.


The NIH is expected to update its Public Access Policy, potentially along with its Data Management and Sharing Policy to conform with the new OSTP guidance. Universities, academic medical centers, research institutes, and federally funded investigators should monitor agency publications of draft and revised policies in order to update their processes to ensure continued compliance.

In doing so, affected stakeholders may want to consider and comment to relevant federal agencies on the following issues in their respective public access policy development:

  • Federal agency security practices to prevent foreign misappropriation of research data;
  • Implications for research misconduct investigations and research integrity;
  • Any intellectual property considerations without a 12-month embargo, especially to the extent this captures scientific data not yet published in a peer-review journal; and
  • Costs allowable research budgets to support these data management and submission expectations.

1 Office of Science and Technology Policy, Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies: Ensuring Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access to Federally Funded Research at p. 5 (25 August 2022) available at

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