Today is the Last Day! Don’t Forget to Vote for NLR to Receive a Small Business Grant! Sponsored by Mission Main Street and Chase

National Law Review Mission Main Street Small Business Grant Sponsored by Chase
Click here to vote!

The National Law Review is applying for a grant from Chase’s Mission Main Street program. Chase is committed to helping a small business like ours. They are awarding $3 Million to help small businesses, like the National Law Review, make it big! Today is the last day to cast your vote, so please vote for NLR!

We are committed to providing quality compiles timely, well-researched articles submitted to us from law reveiws, law journals, law firm newsletters, bar associations and original thought leadership.  The dynamic landscape of healthcare reform, data privacy and human resources compliance, is frustrating and time consuming for business professionals. The National Law Review streamlines news updates and research, by curating vetted experts who provide timely insight and solutions – no login needed.

We have done all these incredible things with a very small team. Imagine the great things we can do with help from a Mission Main Street Grant. Please cast your vote for us! Thank you so much for supporting the National Law Review and all small businesses!