As the Season Changes, Don’t Fall Behind: 4 Key Employment Law Trends

As the seasons change, so do manufacturers’ priorities. Fall is typically one of the busiest hiring periods of the calendar year, so many manufacturers are likely bracing themselves for this challenge. That said, there were several significant labor and employment updates this spring and summer of which manufacturers should be aware; below are four key trends that may require action to ensure compliance.

1. Worker Classification – Independent Contractor Versus Employees

Earlier this year, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued a final rule regarding employee and independent contractor status under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The new rule, which took effect March 11, 2024, adheres to a “totality of the circumstances” approach and involves consideration of six factors. Manufacturers who rely on independent contractors to perform work and provide services should consider reviewing those relationships to ensure they are adequately characterized as independent contractors rather than employees.

2. Salary Threshold for Exempt Employees Increasing

This past spring, the U.S. DOL issued a final rule that included raising in the federal minimum salary threshold for exempt employees. Previously, the salary threshold for executive, administrative, and professional employees was $684 per week (or $35,568 per year). Effective July 1, 2024, however, the salary threshold became $844 per week ($43,888 per year), and on January 1, 2025, it will once again rise to $1,128 per week ($58,656 per year). The final rule also states that the threshold will increase on July 1, 2027, and every three years thereafter. Manufacturers should review these thresholds, as well as any state or local thresholds that may exist to ensure compliance and prepare for the January 1, 2025, increase.

3. Pay Transparency Laws

Pay transparency laws, including those requiring employers to provide the pay range to applicants, candidates, and employees or to include it in job postings, continue to be passed in states nationwide. On July 31, 2024, Massachusetts passed a law requiring employers to include a “pay range” in all job postings, including those posted by third parties, such as recruiters. Massachusetts joins several other states, including Washington, DC, which passed a similar law that recently took effect on June 30, 2024; Maryland, which passed a law taking effect on October 1, 2024; laws in Minnesota and Illinois that both take effect on January 1, 2025; and a Vermont law will take effect on July 1, 2025. Notably, the Massachusetts law also contains pay data reporting requirements for employers that are subjected to annual federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) report requirements, which includes many manufacturers. Specifically, covered manufacturers must submit an annual report of pay data categorized by race, ethnicity, sex, and job category to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, with the first report due no later than February 1, 2025. Manufacturers might consider reviewing the pay transparency and pay data reporting laws in the states in where they employ employees or engage in recruiting.

4. Paid Sick Leave Laws

While paid sick leave has been trending for a number of years, there have been significant developments in recent months. In Connecticut, the sick leave law was recently expanded significantly, and now nearly all private employees are entitled to such leave. New York has also recently become the first state in the nation to enact paid prenatal leave benefits for pregnant workers. Specifically, effective January 1, 2025, pregnant workers will be entitled to up to 20 hours of paid leave in a 52-week period to attend prenatal medical appointments and procedures. This leave is not accrued; rather, it must be immediately available to employees, and it is in addition to the paid sick and safe leave to which employees are already entitled. Manufacturers who are multi-state employers should consider engaging in a comprehensive review of their PTO and sick leave policies to ensure compliance with these recent advancements.

PTO to Patent Examiners: Make Interpretation of Means-Plus-Function Claims Clear in the Record

On March 18, 2024, the US Patent & Trademark Office (PTO) issued a memorandum to patent examiners addressing means-plus-function and step-plus-function claim limitations and how to clearly articulate, in the prosecution record, the PTO’s interpretation of such claim limitations. The goal of the memorandum is to ensure consistency in connection with the examination of such limitations, provide both the applicant and the public with notice regarding the claim interpretation used by the patent examiner, and provide the applicant an opportunity to advance a different claim interpretation early in the prosecution.

As stated in 35 U.S.C. §112(f), “[a]n element in a claim for a combination may be expressed as a means or step for performing a specified function without the recital of structure, material, or acts in support thereof, and such claim shall be construed to cover the corresponding structure, material, or acts described in the specification and equivalents thereof.” The memorandum does not suggest any changes in interpretation of the statute.

One aspect of the memorandum is to remind examiners of the resources and guidance available when examining means-plus-function and step-plus-function claim limitations, specifically MPEP §§ 2181-2187 and refresh training. In accordance with the guidance, the primary steps when examining such claim elements include:

  • Determining whether a claim limitation invokes § 112(f)
  • Ensuring the record is clear with respect to invoking § 112(f)
  • Evaluating the description necessary to support a § 112(f) claim limitation under §§ 112(a) and (b).

To determine whether a claim limitation invokes §112(f), the guidance instructs examiners to employ the three-prong analysis set forth in MPEP § 2181, subsection I. Using this analysis, recitation of the terms “means” or “step” in association with functional language, rather than structure, material or acts for performing that function, should be interpreted as claim limitations invoking § 112(f). However, where these terms are accompanied by structure, materials or acts for performing the function, § 112(f) is not invoked. On the other hand, a limitation reciting functional language along with a generic placeholder term instead of “means,” which fails to recite sufficiently definite structure for performing the function, would nonetheless invoke § 112(f), according to a proper analysis. Examples of such generic placeholders include “mechanism for,” “module for,” “device for,” “unit for,” “component for,” “element for,” “member for,” “apparatus for,” “machine for” and “system for.”

An important caveat in the memorandum states that “[e]stablishing the interpretation of § 112(f) limitations in writing during prosecution is critical in supporting the agency goal of establishing a clear prosecution record.” The guidance advises examiners that form paragraphs are available in support of meeting this objective, which serve to inform “the applicant, the public, and the courts . . . as to the claim construction the examiner used during prosecution. This further informs the applicant, the public, and the courts (and the PTO for any post-grant review procedures) as to how the examiner searched and applied prior art based on the examiner’s interpretation of the claim.”

The memorandum further emphasizes the need to evaluate whether claims under §112(f) meet the written description and enablement requirements of § 112(a) and the definiteness requirement of § 112(b). Regarding the latter, the specification must clearly disclose a structure that is clearly linked to or associated with the function, which would be understood by one skilled in the art to perform the entire recited function. Further, “[f]or computer-implemented § 112(f) claim limitations, the specification must disclose an algorithm for performing the claimed specific computer function . . . [and] sufficiency of the disclosure of the algorithm must be determined in light of the level of ordinary skill in the art.”

The memorandum further states that an indefinite § 112(f) claim limitation “based on failure of the specification to disclose corresponding structure that performs the entire claimed function will also lack adequate written description and may not be sufficiently enabled to support the full scope of the claim under § 112(a).” Thus, in any § 112(f) analysis, an examiner must determine whether the specification establishes possession of the claimed invention and whether sufficient information is provided to enable one skilled in the pertinent art to make and use the claimed invention.

For further details, see the memorandum here and the Federal Register notice here.

Chicago’s New Paid Leave and Paid Sick Leave Ordinance Delayed Six Months

Just over a month after passing the Chicago Paid Leave and Paid Sick Leave Ordinance (the Ordinance), which brought sweeping new paid leave and paid sick leave requirements to employers with Chicago employees, the city has amended the Ordinance to delay its effective date and limit the number of covered employees.

As amended, the Ordinance will not take effect until July 1, 2024, rather than December 31, 2023. In addition, the Ordinance no longer covers employees who have worked merely two hours within the city in any two-week period. Instead, the Ordinance now reverts to the definition of “Covered Employee” found in the current Chicago and Cook County paid sick leave ordinances: an employee who has worked at least 80 hours in any 120-day period within the city’s geographic limits.

The amended Ordinance also potentially gives employers an opportunity to remedy Ordinance violations before being subject to claims for non-compliance. Specifically, employees will be prohibited from filing claims against their employers until the earlier of 16 days or the next regular payday after the employer’s alleged violation. While described by some as a “cure” period, there is no requirement that an employee actually notify their employer of an alleged violation before bringing a claim. For employers concerned about fielding claims for inadvertent violations, this change may be small comfort.

With the effective date of the Ordinance delayed until July 1, 2024, Chicago employers now have six more months to prepare for its new requirements. In the meantime, the city’s current paid sick leave ordinance remains in effect, so for now that benefit is business as usual for Chicago employers.