Out with the Old? Not So Fast! A Quick Review of 2023 Highlights

2023 has brought many updates and changes to the legal landscape. Our blog posts have covered many of them, but you may not remember (or care to remember) them. Before moving on to 2024, let’s take a moment to review our top five blog posts from the year and the key takeaways from each.


Our most read blog of 2023 covered the federal COVID-19 vaccination requirement that applied to certain healthcare employers, which was lifted effective August 4, 2023. (Yes, in 2023 we were still talking about COVID-19). However, keep in mind that state laws may still apply. For example, Tennessee law generally prohibits employers from requiring employee vaccination, with an exception for entities subject to valid and enforceable Medicare or Medicaid requirements to the contrary (such as the federal vaccine requirement). However, now that the federal vaccine requirement is gone, there is no exception for these Medicare or Medicaid providers, and they are likely fully subject to Tennessee’s prohibition.


In this blog post, we covered a recent Eleventh Circuit case in which the court addressed ADA reasonable accommodation requests . The employee requested an accommodation, and the employer did not grant it—but the employee continued to work. Did the employee have a “failure to accommodate” claim? The Eleventh Circuit said yes, potentially. The court clarified that an employee still must suffer some harm—here, he needed to show that the failure to accommodate adversely impacted his hiring, firing, compensation, training, or other terms, conditions, and privileges of his employment. So, when you are considering an employee’s accommodation request, think about whether not granting it (or not providing any accommodation) could negatively impact the employee’s compensation, safety, training, or other aspects of the job. Always remember to engage in the interactive process with the employee to see if you can land on an agreeable accommodation.


If your business is subject to the FLSA (and almost everyone is), you probably know that you must provide an FLSA poster in your workplace. In this blog post, we reported that there is an updated FLSA “Employee Rights” poster that includes a “PUMP AT WORK” section, required under the Provide Urgent Material Protections (PUMP) for Nursing Mothers Act (more information on the PUMP Act here).


In this now-timely blog post from June 2023, we discussed new guidance on tracking FMLA time during holidays. The DOL released Opinion Letter FMLA2023-2-A: Whether Holidays Count Against an Employee’s FMLA Leave Entitlement and Determination of the Amount of Leave. When employees take FMLA leave intermittently (e.g., an hour at a time, a reduced work schedule, etc.), their 12-week FMLA leave entitlement is reduced in proportion to the employee’s actual workweek. For example, if an employee who works 40 hours per week takes 8 hours of FMLA leave in a week, the employee has used one-fifth of a week of FMLA leave. However, if the same employee takes off 8 hours during a week that includes a holiday (and is therefore a 32-hour week), has the employee used one-fourth of a week of FMLA leave? Not surprisingly, the DOL said no. The one day off is still only one-fifth of a regular week. So, the employee has still only used one-fifth of a week of FMLA leave. Review the blog post for options to instead track leave by the hour, which could make things easier.


Alabama interestingly passed a law, effective January 1, 2024, that exempts employees’ overtime pay from the 5% Alabama income tax. In this blog post, we discussed the new exemption. It is an effort to incentivize hourly employees to work overtime, especially in light of recent staffing shortages and shift coverage issues. The bill currently places no cap on how much overtime pay is eligible for the exemption, but it allows the Legislature to extend and/or revise the exemption during the Spring 2025 regular session. If you have employees in Alabama, be sure to contact your payroll department or vendor to ensure compliance with this exemption.

As always, consult your legal counsel with any questions about these topics or other legal issues. See you in 2024!

CMS Takes Steps to Lower SNF Medicare Payment Error Rates

With the Medicare Comprehensive Error Rate Testing program projected error rate for skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) showing a significant increase in 2022 (15.1%, up from 7.9% in 2021), the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has instructed each of its Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) that review SNF Medicare claims to initiate a five-claim probe and educate medical review for each SNF in the MAC’s jurisdiction.

CMS surmises that the source of the increase in improper payments may lie with the change from resource utilization group (RUG) IV to the patient driven payment model (PDPM) and has noted that the primary root cause of SNF errors is missing documentation.

MACs are instructed to implement the five-claim probe on a rolling basis beginning with the top 20% of SNFs that show the highest risk. If any improper payments are identified, the MAC will adjust (or deny) the claim(s) and offer either widespread education or 1:1 individualized education depending on the error rate. 1:1 education will include claim specific information and allow the SNF to review the claim decision, ask questions and receive feedback.

Beginning June 5, 2023, SNFs nation-wide should be on the lookout for a prepayment probe and educate record request from the MAC and be prepared to respond within 45 days.

Copyright © 2023, Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP.

For more Healthcare Legal News, click here to visit the National Law Review.

Will CMS’s Proposed Rule on “Identified Overpayments” Increase Reverse FCA Cases?

On December 27, 2022, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) publishedproposed rule which, in part, seeks to amend the existing regulations for Medicare Parts A, B, C, and D regarding the standard for when an “identified” overpayment must be refunded, pursuant to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the False Claims Act (FCA) reverse false claims provision. As written, the proposed rule would remove the existing “reasonable diligence” standard for identification of overpayments, and add the “knowing” and “knowingly” FCA definition. As a result, an overpayment would be identified when the entity has actual knowledge of an identified overpayment, or acts in reckless disregard or deliberate ignorance of an identified overpayment. And, a provider is required to refund overpayments it is obliged to refund within 60 days of such identified overpayment.

If this proposed rule is finalized, the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) should be applying the same intent standard to their evaluation of potential reverse false claims and Civil Monetary Penalty liability.

The Lay of the Land

Currently, the applicable overpayment regulations state:

A person has identified an overpayment when the person has, or should have through the exercise of reasonable diligence, determined that the person has received an overpayment and quantified the amount of the overpayment. A person should have determined that the person received an overpayment and quantified the amount of the overpayment if the person fails to exercise reasonable diligence and the person in fact received an overpayment.

42 C.F.R. § 401.305(a)(2). In the 2016 Final Rule, CMS agreed “the 60-day time period begins when either the reasonable diligence is completed or on the day the person received credible information of a potential overpayment if the person failed to conduct reasonable diligence and the person in fact received an overpayment.” This reasonable diligence standard allows entities to not only determine credibility of allegations, or issues relating to, a potential overpayment but also, when credible, to conduct a properly scoped internal investigation, during which an entity also accurately quantifies any associated overpayment due for refund.

In the proposed rulemaking, CMS is suggesting instead the following standard:

A person has identified an overpayment when the person knowingly receives or retains an overpayment. The term “knowingly” has the meaning set forth in 31 U.S.C. 3729(b)(1)(A).

31 U.S.C. 3729(b)(1)(A) defines “Knowingly” as any circumstance in which “a person, with respect to information—(i) has actual knowledge of the information; (ii) acts in deliberate ignorance of the truth or falsity of the information; or (iii) acts in reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of the information.”

The currently proposed provision has similar effect to the language CMS proposed in 2012 and, after consideration of comments, ultimately rejected in the 2014 Final Rule (Medicare Advantage and Part D) and 2016 Final Rule (Medicare Part A and Part B). In that final rulemaking, CMS removed the “actual knowledge,” “reckless disregard,” and “deliberate ignorance” terms in favor of the reasonable diligence standard, leaving practitioners to argue that CMS had lowered requisite intent to a standard less than required by the FCA.

Potential Impact

The FCA is a fraud statute, requiring intent. If a company investigating the credibility, issue, and scope of a matter (i.e., exercising reasonable diligence) also diligently determines the scope of a possible refund obligation, it would be difficult for DOJ to credibly claim an entity has acted recklessly, or with deliberate indifference to repayment under the FCA. DOJ’s general practice has been to bring reverse FCA cases when a provider does not investigate credible allegations and does not refund associated overpayments, after identifying them. For example, in a 2015 case, DOJ attorneys stated in a court conference, “[T]his is not a question … of a case where the hospital is diligently working on the claims and it’s on the sixty-first day and they’re still scrambling to go through their spreadsheets, you know, the government wouldn’t be bringing that kind of a claim.” United States ex rel. Kane v. Healthfirst, Inc., 120 F. Supp. 3d 370, 389 (S.D. N.Y. 2015).

It remains to be seen whether this change will result in an increased pursuit of reverse FCA cases. The proposed rule would eliminate an explicit diligence period (generally not to exceed six months, except in particularly complicated analyses, such as under the Physician Self-Referral or “Stark” Law) to ascertain the validity and amount of a potential obligation to refund an overpayment. The proposed rule does not explain whether providers, suppliers, and others still will have an opportunity to conduct a reasonably diligent inquiry into whether any obligation to refund exists at all, prior to the ACA 60-day clock starting to run. Ideally CMS would make clear in any preamble that the government still expects reasonable and professional efforts be undertaken before making refunds, even if that process may take some time to complete

Absent such clarity, the fact remains that it is difficult to “identify” an obligation to refund, much less any refundable amounts, without first validating the alleged overpayment and quantifying any obligation.

Additionally, this standard may prompt entities to submit an HHS-OIG self-disclosure before all facts are known. While OIG requires a disclosing party to conduct an internal investigation prior to submission, it is near impossible to thoroughly investigate issues and identify any refund 60 days from learning of a possible issue that might result in a refund (especially when multiple payors are involved). Even if a disclosing party notes within a self-disclosure that an investigation is ongoing, the disclosing party must certify that it will complete its investigation within 90 days of the submission date – which still may not be enough time based on the complexity of the allegations or claims review required. The resulting back-and-forth of incomplete information likely would create unnecessary delays in reaching a resolution and frustration among all parties involved.

We encourage all providers, suppliers, Medicare Advantage organizations, Part D participants, and other stakeholders to submit comments on this proposed rule. The public has until 5 p.m. ET on February 13, 2023 to submit comments, which are accepted, electronically or by mail.

© 2023 Foley & Lardner LLP

Feds Announce More Aggressive Enforcement of Poor Performing Nursing Homes

In February of 2022, during his State of the Union Address, President Biden announced an action plan to improve the safety and quality of care in the nation’s nursing homes.[i] On October 21, 2022, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced new requirements to help with oversight of facilities selected to the Special Focus Facilities (SFF) Program.[ii]

The SFF Program was created to help and oversee the poorest performing nursing homes in the country and improve nursing homes that have a history of noncompliance.  The goal is to improve safety and quality of care. The facilities selected for the SFF Program must be inspected no less than once every six months and if severe enforcement is needed, it is at the discretion of the state surveyors. The main objective for the SFF Program is for facilities to show exponential improvement, graduate from the program, and then maintain compliance and better quality of care and safety.

The new CMS requirements, outlined below, are aimed at facilities that continuously fail to improve and remain in the SFF Program for a prolonged period of time. Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra stated, “Let us be clear: we are cracking down on enforcement of our nation’s poorest-performing nursing homes. As President Biden directed, we are increasing scrutiny and taking aggressive action to ensure everyone living in nursing homes gets the high-quality care they deserve. We are demanding better because our seniors deserve better.”

CMS announced the following revisions to the SFF Program:

  • Effective immediately, CMS will use escalating penalties for violations for deficiencies cited at the same level in subsequent surveys. This can include possible discretionary termination from Medicare and/or Medicaid funding for facilities that are cited with immediate jeopardy deficiencies on any two surveys while participating the in the SFF Program.
  • CMS will consider facilities’ efforts to improve when considering discretionary termination from Medicare and/or Medicaid programs.
  • CMS will impose more severe escalating enforcement remedies for SFF Program facilities for noncompliance and no effort to improve performance.
  • Increased requirements that nursing homes in the SFF Program must meet to graduate from the SFF Program.
  • For three years after graduation from the SFF Program, CMS will ensure nursing homes consistently maintain compliance with safety requirements by continuing to closely monitor these facilities.
  • CMS is offering more support resources to facilities selected for the SFF Program.

Additionally, the Biden administration released a fact sheet with the steps they are taking to in improve the quality of nursing homes. [iii] Some of the steps mentioned include more resources to support union jobs in nursing home care, establishing minimum staffing requirements, incentivizing quality performance through Medicare and Medicaid funding, and enhanced efforts to prevent fraud and abuse.

  1. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/02/28/…
  2. https://www.cms.gov/files/document/qso-23-01-nh.pdf
  3. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/10/21/…

Article By Thomas W. Hess, Kelly A. Leahy, Sydney N. Pahren, and Bryan L. Cockroft of Dinsmore & Shohl LLP

For more health law and managed care legal news, click here to visit the National Law Review.

© 2022 Dinsmore & Shohl LLP. All rights reserved.

Medical Staff Leaders: 10 Things Your Lawyers Want You to Know

Whether you are new to medical staff leadership or have served in the past and have been called to serve again, there are times when you will need to consult a lawyer who specializes in medical staff matters. While there is nothing simple about medical staff affairs, there are some basic guidelines and protections that your lawyers would like you to know that will make your term easier and make you more effective.

Understand that hospitals and medical staffs are highly regulated organizations with a myriad of laws and standards that must be followed. As a medical staff leader, advisor or medical staff professional, you are leading and advising the professionals responsible for practitioner competence and conduct within the organization. Medical staff law has evolved from the lawyer in the office who would return your call in a week, or fax you a letter, to a specialty area where your lawyer is your partner and there to assist in all aspects of medical staff affairs.

We hope you will benefit from and find the following 10 recommendations make your term or role more informed and manageable.

10. Keep Your Governance Documents Up to Date and Reflective of Actual Practice.

We don’t suggest you must read every page of your governance documents, but you should be sure you know where to look and how to use them. Governance documents include the medical staff bylaws, credentialing manual, hearing plan, rules and regulations, policies and other documents approved by the medical staff and designed to set and guide medical staff processes. Too often we have found the documents will conflict or are missing critical passages. Your medical staff bylaws or medical staff governance committee can be one of the strongest committees in the organization. This is the committee that will annually review the documents and make sure they are internally consistent, reflect actual practice and are relevant to your organization’s practice and clinical services. Remember the medical staff bylaws set the overall guiding principles for the medical staff organization. All other governance documents flow from the foundation of the medical staff bylaws and must be consistent with their principles and mission. Undoubtedly, there will be some inconsistencies but look at those inconsistencies as opportunities to reexamine the principles and consider what is best for your organization. All governance documents should be reviewed in the context of the laws and regulations that require these documents. State and federal laws and regulations set out the basic requirements for the contents of the documents, as do many of the accreditation standards. It is far better to review and revise your governance documents regularly, rather than learn they are deficient during an unannounced survey or regulatory proceeding.

9. Use Your Committees Effectively.

There are two types of committees: those with authority to act and those that are advisory. The committees with authority are generally the Medical Executive Committee (“MEC”) and clinical department committees. All other committees are advisory to the MEC. Advisory committees can develop and recommend policies, rules and clinical practices. Authoritative committees approve policies and rules, take disciplinary action and make recommendations to the MEC. The MEC is the final medical staff authority that submits recommendations for final approval to the governing body. Knowing which committees to use and when is key to leadership success.

8. Know the Scope of Your Authority.

As a leader, you are an agent of the medical staff and the spokesperson for the committee/ department you chair. There are times when you will need to act without the benefit of input from your committee/department. Medical staff bylaws will generally identify the circumstances under which you can act alone and when your action(s) will need to be ratified by the committee. As the chair, you are acting on behalf of the committee/ department between meetings. Do what is needed when needed, within the scope of your authority, but report your actions to the committee/department on a regular basis and be sure your actions are properly recorded in the appropriate minutes. If summary or urgent action is needed, do not hesitate to call a special meeting. You are better off to have the protection of a committee action than to be acting alone or without ratification.

7. Know the Peer Review Protections of HCQIA, Your State and Organization.

Many, if not most, of your actions and the actions of your committees will be covered by federal, state and organizational protections. The Healthcare Quality Improvement Act (“HCQIA”) provides protection from liability for members of a professional review body/ medical staff, who take a professional review action (a) in the reasonable belief the action was in furtherance of quality health care, (b) after a reasonable effort to obtain the facts, (c) after adequate notice and hearing and (d) in the reasonable belief that the action was warranted by the facts. In addition to this federal protection, many states have laws that similarly protect peer review participants, and often, your organization will have an indemnification policy or provision that further protects you and your committee members from damages. Remind your committee participants and members on a regular basis of these protections and that they were specifically designed to encourage peer review by allowing free discussions aimed at improving patient care.

6. Know Your Reporting Obligations.

The National Practitioner Data Bank (“NPDB”) defines the circumstances under which a physician or dentist must be reported. Those include (a) when a professional review action adversely affects their clinical privileges for 30 days or longer or (b) when a physician surrenders clinical privileges while under investigation or in exchange for not conducting an investigation. The failure to report when required to do so can result in the loss of immunities under HCQIA for up to three years, along with a monetary fine. There are many nuances to reporting to the NPDB and we recommend you consult a medical staff attorney who can assist with identifying when to report and what to say. Additionally, each state may have reporting requirements for professional review actions to the state licensing board that exceed the NPDB’s requirements. The state licensing board may also have defined penalties for failure to report. In one state, the knowing failure of a physician leader to report a practitioner to the state licensing board can be considered unprofessional conduct, which can subject the physician leader to state board action.

5. Understand Confidentiality and Peer Review Privilege Protections.

A best practice at the beginning of each meeting is to remind committee members of the importance of maintaining confidentiality. State peer review privileges and protections are often dependent on maintaining confidentiality of the records and proceedings. The failure to maintain confidentiality can act as a waiver of the privilege and permit the introduction of confidential peer review documents and testimony in litigation in the future. Peer review privileges and protections are designed to promote candor in the peer review process. This permits free discussion and identification of opportunities to improve patient care. Without confidentiality and the corresponding privileges and protections, committee members would be reluctant to analyze and frankly discuss areas for improvement in a peer’s clinical care. Obtain information about your state’s peer review privilege and protections and fully understand the circumstances that may cause a waiver, which would permit confidential peer review information to be discussed in open court and stifle important, free-flowing discussion of quality of care at peer review meetings.

4. Know Your Options.

Every professional competence or conduct situation you face will be different. A sound guideline to generally follow is selecting the least restrictive action that will protect patients. Keep in mind that the goal of all peer review is education and remediation. For example, if a practitioner is having complications with robotic surgery, evaluate whether the complications are the result of technical skill, which can be remediated with more practice, or if the complications are the result of poor clinical judgment, which reaches into all areas of performance. In the first case, proctoring, monitoring or an additional educational course may correct the problem. But with the second, the cause of poor judgment is more challenging and may require a further workup, including a fitness for duty evaluation, retrospective review of cases, or an external expert review. Work with your committee and medical staff lawyer to identify all the facts and options to address the problem that has been brought to your attention. In some cases, it may be appropriate to have the issue addressed by the individual’s department or interdisciplinary peer review committee, but in others, the nature of the problem may require the immediate attention of the MEC. In some cases, a discrete referral to your organization’s well-being committee may be appropriate. Regardless, each matter must be carefully and thoughtfully analyzed in light of all the available facts. Then, with all appropriate actions on the table, an informed determination may be made.

3. Act When Indicated but Don’t Shortcut the Process.

. The law and your medical staff bylaws provide for the ability to take emergency action against a practitioner’s privileges when there is a concern of imminent threat to patients or others. What constitutes an “imminent” threat or danger is often the source of hours of discussion and analysis by medical staff lawyers throughout the country. Your legal team is invaluable in working through the facts of a given matter and determining whether a decision for summary suspension is legally sound. If there is a circumstance where emergency intervention via summary suspension is necessary to avoid patient harm after an initial evaluation of the matter, do not hesitate! Take the action to summarily suspend and remove an errant practitioner from the bedside. Afterward, there is time to re-examine the basis for the action and analyze whether continued suspension is necessary to protect patients or others. At that time, it is important to call on your MEC and legal team for their analysis and determination of whether the summary suspension should be upheld.

There are also times when summary suspension will be considered prospectively to address a chronic problem that is rising to an acute stage. The practitioner whose disruptive, bullying and retaliatory conduct has been tolerated may have reached a level where the cumulative effect creates the potential for patient harm because staff, for example, are afraid to call the physician at night about a patient’s health condition, seek clarification of an order, or question whether a procedure is being done on the right side or on the correct patient. Following the medical staff bylaws investigation process will allow for a careful analysis of the reported conduct, which will provide a solid framework for later defense, should it be necessary. That process will almost always involve a committee evaluation of the facts, interview of the practitioner, and a determination of the appropriate next steps. Each of these steps, if followed, will support the action when later scrutinized by a court or jury.

2. Do What is Right for the Patients.

Always put the patients first. There may be procedural missteps during a disciplinary process as the healthcare organization balances the need to protect patients with providing a practitioner due process. However, if the peer review being conducted is based in the foundation of improving patient care and patient safety, courts will generally consider the health care organization’s goals before making a determination that would go against the organization and potentially place patients in harm’s way.

1. Utilize Internal or External Counsel to Navigate Medical Staff Law so You Can Focus on Improving Patient Care.

I (Erin) was asked recently what possible motivation there would be for a physician to enter leadership in a medical staff organization if their role consisted solely of consulting with a medical staff lawyer. In response, I reminded this physician that medical staff leadership and medical staff lawyers work together on challenging matters and daily operations with the lawyer recommending limitations and guardrails and advising on how to avoid legal missteps and pitfalls. This advice from the lawyer enables the leader to focus on monitoring the business of the organization and improving patient care.

Final Take-Aways

Our medical staff organizations need people who are willing to serve as leaders during challenging times when caregivers are stretched thin, suffering burnout and subjected to daily difficulties that can be demoralizing. Strong leaders who are reassured of their legal protections can perform their leadership responsibilities without fear of reprisal when following the advice of their legal counsel. We encourage you to reach out and make your lawyer an integral part of your team so that they can understand your organization and business and provide you the best available advice that will reassure you and other leaders in the organization of the legal protections and immunities.

© Polsinelli PC, Polsinelli LLP in California

Medicare CERT Audits and How to Prepare for Them

CERT audits are an unfortunate part of doing business for healthcare providers who accept Medicare. Failing the audit can mean the provider has to pay back overcharges and be subjected to increased scrutiny in the future. 

The best way to be prepared for a CERT audit is to have a compliance strategy in place and to follow it to the letter. Retaining a healthcare lawyer to craft that strategy is essential if you want to make sure that it is all-encompassing and effective. It can also help to hire independent counsel to conduct an internal review to ensure the compliance plan is doing its job.

When providers are notified of a CERT audit, hiring a Medicare lawyer is usually a good idea. Providers can fail the audit automatically if they do not comply with the document demands.

What is a CERT Audit?

The Comprehensive Error Rate Testing (CERT) program is an audit process developed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). It is administered by private companies, called CERT Contractors, which work with the CMS. Current information about those companies is on the CMS website.

The CERT audit compares a sampling of bills for Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) payments, which were sent by the healthcare provider to its Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC), against medical records for the patient. The audit looks at whether there is sufficient documentation to back up the claim against Medicare, whether the procedure was medically necessary, whether it was correctly coded, and whether the care was eligible for reimbursement through the Medicare program.

Every year, the CERT program audits enough of these FFS payments – generally around 50,000 per year – to create a statistically significant snapshot of inaccuracies in the Medicare program.

The results from those audits are reported to CMS. After appropriately weighing the results, CMS publishes the estimated improper payments or payment errors from the entire Medicare program in its annual report. In 2021, the CMS estimated that, based on data from the CERT audits, 6.26 percent of Medicare funding was incorrectly paid out, totaling $25.03 billion.

The vast majority of those incorrect payments, 64.1 percent, were marked as incorrect because they had insufficient documentation to support the Medicare claim. Another 13.6 percent were flagged as medically unnecessary. 10.6 percent was labeled as incorrectly paid out due to improper coding. 4.8 percent had no supporting documentation, at all. 6.9 percent was flagged as incorrectly paid for some other reason.

The CERT Audit Process

Healthcare providers who accept Medicare will receive a notice from a CERT Contractor. The notice informs the provider that it is being CERT audited and requests medical records from a random sampling of Medicare claims made by the provider to its MAC.

It is important to note that, at this point, there is no suspicion of wrongdoing. CERT audits examine Medicare claims at random.

Healthcare providers have 75 days to provide these medical records. Failing to provide the requested records is treated as an audit failure. In 2021, nearly 5 percent of failed CERT audits happened because no documentation was provided to support a Medicare claim.

Once the CERT Contractor has the documents, its team of reviewers – which consists of doctors, nurses, and certified medical coders – compares the Medicare claim against the patient’s medical records and looks for errors. According to the CMS, there are five major error categories:

  • No documentation

  • Insufficient documentation

  • Medical necessity

  • Incorrect coding

  • Other

Errors found during the CERT audit are reported to the healthcare provider’s MAC. The MAC can then make adjustments to the payments it sent to the provider.

Potential Repercussions from Errors Found in a CERT Audit

CERT audits that uncover errors in a healthcare provider’s Medicare billings lead to recoupments of overpayments, future scrutiny, and potentially even an investigation for Medicare fraud.

When the CERT audit results are brought to the MAC’s attention, the MAC will adjust the payments that it made to the provider. If the claims led to an overpayment, the MAC will demand that money back.

But Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) can go further than just demanding restitution for overpayments. They can also require prepayment reviews of all of the provider’s future Medicare claims, and can even suspend the provider from the program, entirely.

Worse still, CERT audits that uncover indications of Medicare fraud may be reported to a law enforcement agency for further review. This can lead to a criminal investigation and potentially even criminal charges.

Appealing a CERT Audit’s Results

With penalties so significant, healthcare providers should seriously consider hiring a lawyer to appeal the results of a CERT audit.

Appeals are first made to the MAC, requesting a redetermination of the audit results. The request for redetermination has to be made within 120 days of receiving notice of the audit results. However, if the provider wants to stop the MAC from recouping an overpayment in the meantime, it has to lodge the request within 30 days.

Providers can appeal the results of the redetermination, as well. They can request a reconsideration by a Qualified Independent Contractor within 180 of the redetermination, or within 60 days to stop the MAC’s recoupment process.

Providers who are still dissatisfied can appeal the case to an administrative law judge, then to the Medicare Appeals Council, and finally to a federal district court for review.

How to Handle a CERT Audit

The best way to handle and to prepare for a CERT audit is to hire Medicare audit attorneys to guide you through the process. It would also help to start internal audits within the company.

For providers who have been notified that they are under an audit, getting a lawyer on board immediately is essential. An experienced healthcare attorney can conduct a thorough internal investigation of the claims being audited. This can uncover potential problems before the audit points them out, giving the healthcare provider the time it needs to prepare its next steps.

Providers who are not currently being audited can still benefit from an attorney’s guidance. Whether by drafting a compliance plan that will prepare the provider for an inevitable CERT audit or by conducting an internal investigation to see how well a current compliance plan is performing, a lawyer can make sure that the provider is ready for an audit at a moment’s notice.

Taking these preventative steps soon is important. CMS put the CERT audit program on halt for the coronavirus pandemic, but that temporary hold was rescinded on August 11, 2020. While the CMS has reduced the sample sizes that will be used for its 2021 and 2022 reports, it will likely go back to the original numbers after that. Healthcare providers should prepare for this increased regulatory oversight appropriately.

Oberheiden P.C. © 2022

Medicare Advantage: OIG Report Finds Improper Denials

On April 27,2022, the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services (OIG), Office of Evaluations and Inspections, issued a report on the performance of Medicare Advantage Organizations (MAOs) in approving care and payment consistently with Medicare coverage rules. In its review, OIG found that 13% of MAO denials of prior authorization requests should have been approved and that 18% of payment requests from providers were improperly denied. OIG also made a number of recommendations to the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) with respect to its oversight of MAOs.

Purpose and Method of the Study

OIG undertook the study to assess whether MAOs are appropriately providing access to medically necessary services and making payment to providers consistently with Medicare coverage rules. Since CMS pays MAOs principally by capitation, MAOs have a potential incentive to increase their profits by denying access to care of beneficiaries or by denying payments to providers. CMS’s annual audits of MAOs have indicated some persistent problems related to inappropriate denials of service and payment. As enrollment in Medicare Advantage continues to grow, OIG viewed it as important to ensure that medically necessary care is provided and that providers are paid appropriately.

OIG conducted the review by randomly selecting 250 denials of prior authorization requests and 250 payment request denials by 15 of the largest MAOs during a week in June of 2019. OIG had coding experts review the cases and had physician reviewers examine the medical records. Based on these reviews, OIG estimated the rates at which MAOs issued denials of services or payment that met Medicare coverage rules and MAO billing rules. OIG also examined the reasons for the inappropriate denials and the types of services involved.


MAOs must cover items and services included in fee-for-service Medicare, and may also elect to include additional items and services. MAOs are required to follow Medicare coverage rules that define what items and services are covered and under what circumstances. As the OIG states in the Report, MAOs “may not impose limitations – such as waiting periods or exclusions from coverage due to pre-existing conditions — that are not present in original Medicare.” In following Medicare coverage rules, MAOs are permitted to use additional denial criteria that were not developed by Medicare when they are deciding to authorize or pay for a service, provided the clinical criteria are “no more restrictive than original Medicare national and local coverage policies.” MAOs may also have their own billing and payment procedures, provided all providers are paid accurately, timely, and with an audit trial.

MAOs utilize prior authorization requests before care is furnished to manage care and payment requests from providers to approve payment for services provided. Beneficiaries and providers may appeal such decisions, and beneficiaries and providers are successful in many of the appeals (for a one-time period, as many as 75% of the appeals were granted).


Prior Authorization Denials

In the study, OIG found that 13% of prior authorization denials were for services that met Medicare coverage rules, thus delaying or denying care that likely should have been approved. MAOs made many of the denials by applying MAO clinical criteria that are not part of Medicare coverage rules. As an example, a follow-up MRI was denied for a beneficiary who had an adrenal lesion that was 1.5 cm in size, because the MAO required the beneficiary to wait one year for such lesions that are under 2 cm in size. OIG’s experts found such a requirement was not contained in Medicare coverage rules and was therefore inappropriate. Rather, the MRI was medically necessary to determine if the lesion was malignant.

OIG also found instances where MAOs requested further documentation that led to a denial of care when it was not furnished, as such additional documentation was not required to determine medical necessity. OIG’s reviewers found that either sufficient clinical information was in the medical record to authorize the care or the documentation requested was already contained in the medical record.

Payment Denials

OIG found in the study that 18% of payment denials fully met Medicare coverage rules and MAO payment policies. As a result of these denials, payment was delayed or precluded for services that should have been paid.

OIG found that common reasons for these inappropriate payment denials were human error in conducting manual reviews (for example, the reviewer not recognizing that a skilled nursing facility (SNF) was an in-network provider), and inaccurate programming.

OIG also found that advanced imaging services (including MRIs and CT scans), stays in post-acute facilities (including SNFs and inpatient rehabilitation facilities), and injections were the services that were most prominent in the inappropriate denials that should have been authorized for care and payment in accordance with Medicare coverage rules.

OIG Recommendations

Based on the study, OIG recommended that:

  • CMS should issue new guidance on both the appropriate and inappropriate use of MAO clinical criteria that are not contained in Medicare coverage rules. In particular, OIG recommended that CMS should more clearly define what it means when it states that MAO clinical criteria may not be “more restrictive” than Medicare coverage rules.

  • CMS should update its audit protocols to address issues identified in the report such as MAO use of clinical criteria and/or examine particular service types that led to more denials. OIG suggests CMS should consider enforcement actions for MAOs that demonstrate a pattern of inappropriate payment denials.

  • CMS should direct MAOs to identify and address the reasons that led to human errors.

CMS reviewed the OIG report and concurred with each of OIG’s recommendations. Those recommendations can affect future coverage decisions as well as utilization of prior authorization tools. AHIP, a national association of health care insurers, challenged the OIG’s sample size as inappropriate to support the agency’s conclusions, and defended prior authorization tools.


Given CMS’s concurrence with the report’s findings, we recommend that MAOs track these issues over the next several months in advance of CMS’s Final Rate Announcement for CY 2024.

MAOs should also be aware of potential False Claims Act (FCA) exposure in this area. FCA exposure can arise when a company seeks and receives payments despite being out of compliance with the basic terms for its participation. If an MAO knew it was denying claims that should be paid because they would be covered under traditional Medicare, but the MAO was still collecting full capitation, it is possible that a whistleblower or the government may pursue FCA liability. This risk warrants attention because whistleblowers can bring qui tam suits under the FCA, with resulting high costs for defense and potentially high penalties if a violation is proven (or settled to avoid further litigation). That said, an FCA suit based on this theory would raise serious questions, including whether any non-payment actually met the FCA’s “knowingly” standard (which includes reckless disregard), or whether any non-payment met the materiality threshold necessary to demonstrate a violation of the FCA.

© 2022 Foley & Lardner LLP

OIG: Telehealth “Critical” to Maintaining Access to Care Amidst COVID-19

The federal Office of Inspector General (OIG) recently published a report (OIG Report) as part of a series of analyses of the expansion and utilization of telehealth in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency.  In its report, the OIG concludes that telehealth was “critical for providing services to Medicare beneficiaries during the first year of the pandemic” and that the utilization of telehealth “demonstrates the long-term potential of telehealth to increase access to health care for beneficiaries.” The OIG’s conclusions are notable because they come at a time when policymakers and health care stakeholders are determining whether and how to make permanent certain expansions of telehealth for patients nationwide.

The OIG Report is based on Medicare claims and encounter data from the “first” year of the pandemic (March 1, 2020 through February 28, 2021) as compared to data for the immediately preceding year (March 1, 2019 through February 29, 2020). Per the OIG Report, the OIG observed that approximately 43% of Medicare beneficiaries used telehealth during the first year of the pandemic, and that office visits were the most common telehealth encounter for those patients. The telehealth utilization data showed an 88-fold increase over the utilization of telehealth services for the prior year, which in part reflects the significant limitations on telehealth reimbursement under Medicare prior to COVID-19, in addition to the significant regulatory expansion of telehealth at the federal and state levels in response to COVID-19.

Interestingly, the OIG Report states that beneficiaries enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan “were more likely to use telehealth” than Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries, and that “CMS’s temporary policy changes enabled the monumental growth in the use of telehealth in multiple ways,” including by expanding the permissible patient locations, and the types of services that could be provided via telehealth. In addition, the OIG indicated that the use of telehealth for behavioral health services by beneficiaries “stands out” because of the higher incidence of beneficiaries accessing those services via telehealth, which may in turn influence policymaking and increase access to critical behavioral health care services.

Finally, the OIG Report notably includes a footnote which indicates that a separate report on “Program Integrity Risks” is forthcoming, which may shed light on corresponding compliance concerns that have arisen in connection with the significant expansion of telehealth in response to COVID-19.

Copyright © 2022 Robinson & Cole LLP. All rights reserved.

Study Demonstrates Earlier Physician Retirement Overall and Increased Pay Equity Concerns for Female Doctors During the Pandemic

This month, Doximity issued its Fifth Annual 2021 Physician Compensation Report. With the continued strain of the pandemic spanning 2021, the self-reported physician data reflected widespread burnout and early retirement, especially by female physicians. With respect to physician compensation, Doximity findings demonstrated:

  • While average doctor pay increased 3.8 percent between 2020 and 2021, there was a decline of real income compared to 2020 given the CPI 6.2% rate of inflation in 2021.
  • The top five metro areas with the highest physician pay were Charlotte, NC; St. Louis, MO; Buffalo, NY; Jacksonville, Florida; and, Orlando, Florida.
  • The top five metro areas with the lowest physician pay were Baltimore, MD; Providence, RI; San Antonio, TX; Washington, D.C.; and Boston, MA.
  • A widening gender pay gap of 28.2% this year, with female physicians making $122,000 less than male physicians in 2021.
  • Based on 2014-2019 data, Doximity estimates that over the course of a career, female physicians will earn over $2 million less than male physicians.

Specialties with the largest pay equity gaps between men and women are oral & maxillofacial surgery; allergy and immunology; ENT; pediatric nephrology; and thoracic surgery. Significantly, there is no one medical specialty where women earned the same or more than men in 2021. All specialties had a pay gap over 10%, except Pediatric Rheumatology (which had a gap of 7.9%). To compound matters, a recent Jama Network Open research letter found that physician residents who were mothers – compared to physician residents who were fathers – were more likely to be responsible for childcare or schooling (24.6% v. .8%), household tasks (31.4% v. 7.2%), to work primarily from home (40.9% to 22%), and to reduce their work hours (19.4% to 9.4%). The study reflected the significant concern that these “short-term adjustments can have serious long-term repercussions as they may lead to lower earnings and negatively impact advancement.”

Doximity’s research also revealed that due to the pandemic, over 1% of physicians retired before expected, which is feared to strain an already tight labor market. The report also highlighted studies suggesting about half of doctors are considering an employment change due to the “COVID-related overwork.” The overwork also had a disproportionate impact on women physicians, with 25% of them reporting they are “considering early retirement” due to increased work during the pandemic.

This research reflects the importance of a physician/employer in any setting reflecting on the impact of the pandemic on its healthcare team. Moreover, the research shows continued pay equity deficits between female and male physicians, which may be exacerbated by the pandemic. Internal reflection on current pay practices to identify the factors contributing to it are critical to maintain top talent, improve morale amidst very difficult times and avoid wage and hour litigation.

Article By Dorothy Parson McDermott of Jackson Lewis P.C.

For more healthcare and health law legal news, click here to visit the National Law Review.

Jackson Lewis P.C. © 2021

CMS Removes All Nursing Home Visitation Restrictions as COVID-19 Cases Decrease

In order to continue addressing the impacts of COVID-19 on nursing home residents, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently issued a memo updating guidance for nursing home visitation. You can read the full memo here.

Early in the pandemic, CMS implemented visitation restrictions to mitigate the risk of visitors introducing COVID-19 to nursing homes. Now, CMS is updating its guidance and allowing visitation for residents at all times. CMS explained its decision to allow visitation is based upon data which shows approximately 86% of residents and 74% of staff are fully vaccinated, and the number of new COVID-19 cases each week in nursing homes has dramatically decreased.

Under the new guidance, nursing homes cannot limit the frequency and length of visits for residents, the number of visitors, or require advance scheduling of visits as mandated under the previous guidance. However, CMS is still directing nursing homes to follow infection-control policies and procedures. Visitors who have tested positive for COVID-19, have symptoms of COVID-19, or currently meet the criteria for quarantine, should not enter the facility. Nursing homes should still screen all visitors before entry.

Although not required, CMS is encouraging nursing homes in counties with substantial or high levels of community transmission to offer testing to visitors, if feasible. Nursing homes should also educate and encourage visitors to become vaccinated. Visitors should still wear face coverings and social distance at all times while in the nursing home. Nursing homes should stay diligent in their infection-control efforts.

© 2021 Dinsmore & Shohl LLP. All rights reserved.