Employer Used As Means to Commit Crime not a Victim under Restitution Act, Fourth Circuit Court Rules

Jackson Lewis Logo

The Mandatory Victims Restitution Act of 1996 (“MVRA”) provides that a victim of a federal crime may be entitled to an order of restitution for certain losses suffered as a direct result of the commission of the crime for which the defendant was convicted.  A question that courts sometimes face is whether a company can be considered a “victim” under the MVRA if an employee uses that company as an instrument to defraud the federal government.

Looking at this issue, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit on April 4, 2014, declined to allow a company’s bankruptcy estate to receive restitution for a large debt caused by an owner/employee’s fraud because that company was used as an instrument for that fraud.  In re Bankruptcy Estate of AGS, Inc., No. 12-cr-113 (4th Cir., April 4, 2014).

Dr. Allen G. Saoud was convicted after a June 2013 jury trial of five counts of health care fraud.  Dr. Saoud, who is a dermatologist, in 2005 was excluded from participating in Medicare and Medicaid for 10 years.  He then plotted to maintain ownership and control of his dermatology practice, AGS, Inc. in violation of the exclusion.  He founded a new dermatology practice and transferred all of his patients to this new practice.  After selling  his new practice to Dr. Fred Scott for $1.8 million,  Dr. Saoud then sold AGS, which had lost its value, for $1 million to nurse practitioner Georgia Daniel.  Despite  these sales, he continued to control and profit from both entities, partly by collecting Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement funds.

After Dr. Saoud was convicted, the estate of AGS, Inc., which had filed for bankruptcy, sought a $1 million restitution award to cover bankruptcy creditor claims that stemmed partly from the underlying fraud.   The district court declined.  The Estate of AGS, Inc. then filed a writ of mandamus with the Fourth Circuit.

The Fourth Circuit also refused  to award restitution to the Estate.  The Court held that Dr. Saoud used AGS, Inc. as an instrument in his scheme to illegally obtained Medicare and Medicaid funds, and as such, the Court declined to “also hold that AGS was one of the scheme’s victims.”

AGS, Inc. should be a source of concern to companies that have sustained losses as a result of employee fraud.  If an employee, director, officer or owner uses a company to defraud the government and that company incurs tax or other debt liability as a result of that fraud, that company may not be able to receive restitution under the MVRA.  Jackson Lewis attorneys are available to advise companies on the scope of the Mandatory Victims Restitution Act and their rights in collecting amounts lost to criminal acts.


Detecting FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act) Abuse

McBrayer NEW logo 1-10-13

Dealing with employees who abuse FMLA can be difficult. Letting abuse run rampant, however, can impact business productivity and put a damper on company morale (as present employees often have to pick up the slack of someone on leave). Employers who detect abuse must proceed with caution because it is very easy to run afoul of regulations.

Under the FMLA, it is unlawful for any employer to interfere with, restrain, or deny the exercise of any right provided by the Act. Further, employers cannot use the taking of FMLA leave as a negative factor in employment actions, such as hiring, promotions, or disciplinary actions. Violating these provisions can lead to employee lawsuits for interference or retaliation. Having said that, an employer is not helpless in thwarting employees’ ill-intentioned leaves.

If there is suspected abuse, it should be documented in detail. Who reported it? Is the source credible? Is there evidence (i.e., photographs)? Employers should refrain from overzealously playing detective or prompting other employees to snoop on a coworker – doing so may violate privacy laws. However, if there is a reasonable belief or honest suspicion that abuse is occurring, an employer may begin a confidential investigation, perhaps with the aid of private investigator. Surveillance of an employee should only be used in the most egregious situations and should always be conducted by a professional. Be sure to allow the employee the chance to refute the allegation and present his or her side of the story before taking any adverse action against him or her.

FMLA leave is a right for covered employees, but it does not act as a shield for misconduct nor does it prohibit termination of an employee who abuses the terms of an FMLA leave. You can terminate an employee on FMLA leave, but caution must be used. If you are an employer and detect abuse, it is highly recommended you contact an employment attorney about how to proceed so as to avoid costly lawsuits alleging interference or retaliation.

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Register today for IQPC's Trademark Infringement & Litigation Summit

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming Trademark Infringement & Litigation Summit hosted by IQPC.



Monday April 28 & Tuesday April 29, 2014


San Francisco, California, USA

Trademark law may not be changing, but its application certainly has and will continue to do so. Brands are increasingly global, which opens up new possibilities for companies… but also new trademark issues and potential pitfalls. The online experience adds to this global focus and changes the interaction between brands and consumers dramatically.

IQPC’s Trademark Infringement & Litigation Summit will address the topics that you grapple with on a daily basis, including:

  • How business and infringement concerns guide strategic registration and vigilance
  • Methods of enforcing your mark, including a “soft approach,” ICANN dispute resolution, cancellation and opposition
  • Litigation and enforcement management
  • Evolving company domain name strategy

Perhaps the biggest benefit of attending, however, is the practical, frank conversation about the legal and business choices involved in protecting and maintaining your brand. Attend the Trademark Infringement & Litigation Summit to work through these issues with your colleagues.

Do not miss your opportunity to network and engage with top in-house and outside counsel working in the area. Register today!

NOTE: IQPC plans on making CLE credits available for the state of California (number of credits pending).  In addition, IQPC processes requests for CLE Credits in other states, subject to the rules, regulations and restrictions dictated by each individual state.  For any questions pertaining to CLE Credits please contact: amanda.nasner@iqpc.com.

Retirement Plan Fee Litigation Finds Its Way to North Carolina

Poyner Spruill

Over the last few years, we have seen a significant increase in litigation involving the fees paid by retirement plans. However, until recently, no major litigation had occurred in North Carolina.  On March 12, 2014, one of these cases was filed against Winston-Salem-based Novant Health, a large hospital system in the southeast.  This case and other recent litigation should serve as a reminder to retirement plan fiduciaries of the need to monitor their plans’ service provider arrangements.

The complaint against Novant Health alleges that Novant’s retirement plan paid unreasonable fees to the plan’s recordkeeper and to an investment advisor.  The plaintiffs argue that the fees paid by the plan were unreasonable because, among other things, plan expenses increased more than 10-fold in one year without a corresponding increase in services.  The plaintiffs also claim that the fiduciaries breached their duties by failing to leverage the size of the plan to negotiate lower fees and by selecting retail mutual fund share classes when cheaper, “institutional” share classes were available.

While this case is still a long way from being decided, it should serve as a pointed reminder to plan sponsors and other plan fiduciaries that they need to routinely monitor the reasonableness of plan fees and expenses.

If the plan document so provides, a plan can pay its own administrative expenses, but only if the appropriate fiduciary determines that those expenses are reasonable.  Before entering into a service provider relationship, the fiduciary must first make a determination that the services are necessary and the fees are reasonable.  The fiduciary then must monitor the arrangement over time to ensure that it remains reasonable.

The following fiduciary risk-management practices are worth considering for any plan committee or other fiduciary involved in the selection or monitoring of service providers:

  • Regularly identify all service providers that directly or indirectly receive fees from the plan.
  • Make sure each service provider has provided the plan fiduciaries with fee disclosures required by ERISA.
  • Regularly calculate the amounts that each service provider directly or indirectly receives from the plan.
  • Understand what services are provided to the plan for the fees paid.  If one vendor provides both services to the plan and non-plan services, make sure that the plan is not subsidizing any non-plan services.
  • Periodically confirm whether the service provider’s pricing is competitive.  This is particularly important as the size of the plan grows because the fiduciary will be expected to leverage the plan’s size to reduce fees.  Depending on the circumstances, it might be best to conduct a formal request for proposals from time to time.
  • If an advisor questions whether a fee arrangement is reasonable, take prompt action to investigate the issue and determine whether the arrangement is reasonable.
  • Make sure that participant communications accurately reflect how plan expenses are paid.
  • Document, document, document!  Document the decision-making process used to select a service provider, and document the fiduciary’s monitoring and review process.

These practices will assist the fiduciary in meeting its fiduciary duties and, perhaps more importantly, demonstrate fiduciary prudence to any inquiring party.

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Register for the Trademark Infringement & Litigation Summit – April 28 & 29, San Francisco, California

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming Trademark Infringement & Litigation Summit hosted by IQPC.



Monday April 28 & Tuesday April 29, 2014


San Francisco, California, USA

Trademark law may not be changing, but its application certainly has and will continue to do so. Brands are increasingly global, which opens up new possibilities for companies… but also new trademark issues and potential pitfalls. The online experience adds to this global focus and changes the interaction between brands and consumers dramatically.

IQPC’s Trademark Infringement & Litigation Summit will address the topics that you grapple with on a daily basis, including:

  • How business and infringement concerns guide strategic registration and vigilance
  • Methods of enforcing your mark, including a “soft approach,” ICANN dispute resolution, cancellation and opposition
  • Litigation and enforcement management
  • Evolving company domain name strategy

Perhaps the biggest benefit of attending, however, is the practical, frank conversation about the legal and business choices involved in protecting and maintaining your brand. Attend the Trademark Infringement & Litigation Summit to work through these issues with your colleagues.

Do not miss your opportunity to network and engage with top in-house and outside counsel working in the area. Register today!

NOTE: IQPC plans on making CLE credits available for the state of California (number of credits pending).  In addition, IQPC processes requests for CLE Credits in other states, subject to the rules, regulations and restrictions dictated by each individual state.  For any questions pertaining to CLE Credits please contact: amanda.nasner@iqpc.com.

Chief Litigation Officer Summit Spring 2014 – March 20-22, 2014

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming Chief Litigation Officer Summit hosted by Marcus Evans.

Chief Lit.March2014


Thursday March 20 – Saturday March 22, 2014


Las Vegas, Nevada

Register here!

America’s In-house Litigators Network and Benchmark in Vegas
Here are the nuts and bolts.

  • The summit is complimentary to in-house Chief Litigation Executives who come from companies with a minimum of $750 million revenue. Though titles also include AGC-Litigation, Head of Litigation, SVP/VP Litigation and so forth. Inquire within!

  • There are only around 100 total heads of litigation and all have similar profiles, which means similar challenges and opportunities. You will be meeting with and talking with some of the brightest thinkers in the legal industry

  • Speakers include:
    Lily Yan Hughes, VP and AGC – Corporate, Ingram Micro Inc.
    Eva Lehman, VP Litigation and Chief Compliance Officer, Western Digital Corporation
    Frederick Egler Jr., Chief Counsel – Litigation, The PNC Financial Services Group
    Steve Taub, Assistant General Counsel, U-Haul International, Inc.

And more

  • Your delegate package at the Chief Litigation Officer Summit includes all the essentials needed for a productive and rewarding event. As a delegate at the summit, you will receive:

  • A three-day streamlined agenda

  • Access to the secured event website

  • A comprehensive directory of solution providers

  • An experienced event management team

  • All meals and networking activities

  • Two nights’ accommodation at a luxury five star venue

For the event brochure visit: http://www.marcusevans-conferences-northamerican.com/chieflitigationofficer_assetpage

Contact Jenny Keane, marketing manager at
+1312-540-3000 x6515

Do Your Plans Include a Time Limit on a Participant’s Right to Sue?

Poyner Spruill


Some, but far from all, employee benefit plans set a limit on the amount of time a participant has to file a lawsuit claiming benefits under the plan.  Until recently, however, not all courts would recognize these plan imposed lawsuit filing deadlines.  The Supreme Court case of Heimeshoff v. Hartford Life, decided in December 2013, changed that by ruling that employee benefit plan contractual provisions that limit the time to file a lawsuit to recover benefits are enforceable, provided the time limitations are not unreasonably short or contrary to a controlling statute.

The Heimeshoff decision involved a plan that provided a participant must file a lawsuit to recover benefits within three years from the date proof of loss was due.  The Supreme Court decision found that the three year limitation period was not too short, noting the plan’s internal claims review process would be concluded in plenty of time for a participant to file a lawsuit to recover benefits. Based on the court’s reasoning, it appears likely that a shorter limitation on filing claims might also be upheld as long as there is sufficient time for the participant to file a lawsuit once the claims procedure period has ended.

While Heimeshoff involved a disability plan, the decision applies equally to all ERISA covered health and welfare plans, retirement plans, and top hat plans.

So, do your employee benefit plans include a limitation on the time a participant has to file a lawsuit to recover benefits?  Don’t assume that they do.  Many plans do not provide a time limit for filing a lawsuit, and now would be a great time to amend those plans to add the limitation.

Article by:


Poyner Spruill LLP

Bittersweet Ending for Plaintiffs in Chocolate Price-Fixing Litigation

In a February 26, 2014 Memorandum, Chief Judge Christopher C. Conner of the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania granted summary judgment for three defendants Mars, Inc., Nestlé USA, Inc., and The Hershey Company in a detailed opinion. The plaintiffs filed suit against chocolate manufacturers nearly six years ago, claiming that they conspired to fix the prices of various chocolate products. The decision is helpful for defendants as precedent that even lock-step price increases are not enough to survive summary judgment in a price-fixing case, at least in a market with few competitors. Judge Conner’s decision also demonstrates for defendants the value of developing and shepherding a comprehensive record to support the argument that their decisions were independent and economically and rationally defensible.

The plaintiffs relied on circumstantial evidence and an inference that parallel price increases were the result of a tacit agreement to engage in collusive behavior, “actuated” by a conspiracy in Canada that resulted in at least one guilty plea by a Canadian chocolate manufacturer. Judge Conner relied in part on a finding that the Canadian conspiracy made a similar conspiracy in the United States more plausible in denying the defendants’ motion to dismiss the complaint. In re Chocolate Confectionary Antitrust Litig., 602 F. Supp. 2d 538 (M.D. Pa. 2009).

Judge Conner found at the summary judgment stage, however, that there was no evidence that executives responsible for pricing in the United States were aware of any anticompetitive activity in Canada, and concluded that the rest of the plaintiffs’ evidence was insufficient to preclude summary judgment for the defendants. The plaintiffs had no direct evidence of conspiracy, so they were required to show both that the defendants consciously raised prices in parallel as well as sufficient evidence of “plus factors.” In this case, the court considered three plus factors: (1) the defendants’ motive and market factors; (2) whether the defendants’ behavior was against their self-interest; and (3) traditional conspiracy evidence. The plaintiffs’ evidence of parallel pricing was the strongest part of their case. The court concluded that Mars, Nestle, and Hershey raised prices in parallel because¾three times over the course of five years¾Mars initiated a price increase, and both Hershey and Nestle followed in quick succession (within one to two weeks) with nearly identical price increases (varying only once, and even then only by two-tenths of a penny).

The court recognized, however, that parallel price increases were not sufficient, especially in a market controlled by a few competitors (or an oligopoly) to support an inference of antitrust liability. The court concluded that the plaintiffs failed to demonstrate that the defendants acted against their own self-interest as required by the second plus factor. In reaching this conclusion, the court first pointed to evidence that the defendants increased prices in anticipation of cost increases, stating “it is rational, competitive, and self-interest motivated behavior to increase prices for the purpose of mitigating the effect of anticipated cost increases.” Judge Conner also cited to what he described as “extensive” internal communications before each increase in which each defendant unilaterally discussed whether they could raise prices as evidence of “independent and fiercely competitive business conduct,” not collusion. Finally, the court agreed with Nestle’s argument that widely supported economic principles supported its decision as the defendant with the smallest market share to follow the price increases of its competitors. In doing so, the court likely rejected an argument¾often made by plaintiffs¾that it was in Nestle’s best interest to cut prices and gain market share.

The court also concluded that the plaintiffs’ traditional evidence of conspiracy was insufficient to satisfy the third plus factor. The plaintiffs relied on three pieces of evidence to satisfy this factor: (1) the Canadian conspiracy; (2) the defendants’ possession of competitors’ pricing information; and (3) the defendants’ opportunity to conspire at trade association meetings. While the court accepted that the Canadian conspiracy could, in theory, facilitate a conspiracy in the United States, it found the facts did not support the application of the theory in this case because there was no evidence that U.S. decision-makers had knowledge of the Canadian conspiracy and there was no tie between the pricing activities in the two countries. From the court’s opinion, it appears the plaintiffs had little traditional conspiracy evidence beyond the supposed connection to Canada. The court rejected an argument that a “handful” of documents suggesting that the defendants were aware of competitors’ price increases before they were made public supported an inference of conspiracy. There was no evidence that the pricing information came from competitors, and the court concluded that this exchange of advance price information was as consistent with independent competitive behavior as it was with collusion. Finally, the court ruled that the presence of company officers at trade meetings¾without any evidence that they discussed prices there¾was insufficient to permit an inference that the price increases were the result of collusive behavior. Reviewing the record as a whole, the court concluded that the plaintiffs had produced no evidence tending to exclude the possibility that the defendants acted independently.

Judge Conner’s opinion is a relatively straightforward application of the standard for ruling on summary judgment in antitrust cases set forth in the Supreme Court’s Matsushita decision and for parallel pricing cases as set forth in the Third Circuit’s Baby Food and Flat Glass opinions. If appealed, Chocolate Confectionary is unlikely to result in a decision changing these standards significantly.

On the bright side for the plaintiffs, they reached a settlement with at least one defendant, Cadbury, before the summary judgment motion was ruled upon, so they will not be left empty handed.

Article by:


Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP

Join IQPC for their Trademark Infringement & Litigation Summit – April 28 & 29, San Francisco

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming Trademark Infringement & Litigation Summit hosted by IQPC.



Monday April 28 & Tuesday April 29, 2014


San Francisco, California, USA

Trademark law may not be changing, but its application certainly has and will continue to do so. Brands are increasingly global, which opens up new possibilities for companies… but also new trademark issues and potential pitfalls. The online experience adds to this global focus and changes the interaction between brands and consumers dramatically.

IQPC’s Trademark Infringement & Litigation Summit will address the topics that you grapple with on a daily basis, including:

  • How business and infringement concerns guide strategic registration and vigilance
  • Methods of enforcing your mark, including a “soft approach,” ICANN dispute resolution, cancellation and opposition
  • Litigation and enforcement management
  • Evolving company domain name strategy

Perhaps the biggest benefit of attending, however, is the practical, frank conversation about the legal and business choices involved in protecting and maintaining your brand. Attend the Trademark Infringement & Litigation Summit to work through these issues with your colleagues.

Do not miss your opportunity to network and engage with top in-house and outside counsel working in the area. Register today!

NOTE: IQPC plans on making CLE credits available for the state of California (number of credits pending).  In addition, IQPC processes requests for CLE Credits in other states, subject to the rules, regulations and restrictions dictated by each individual state.  For any questions pertaining to CLE Credits please contact: amanda.nasner@iqpc.com.

Chief Litigation Officer Summit Spring 2014 – March 20-22, 2014

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming Chief Litigation Officer Summit hosted by Marcus Evans.

Chief Lit.March2014


Thursday March 20 – Saturday March 22, 2014


Las Vegas, Nevada

Register here!

America’s In-house Litigators Network and Benchmark in Vegas
Here are the nuts and bolts.

  • The summit is complimentary to in-house Chief Litigation Executives who come from companies with a minimum of $750 million revenue. Though titles also include AGC-Litigation, Head of Litigation, SVP/VP Litigation and so forth. Inquire within!

  • There are only around 100 total heads of litigation and all have similar profiles, which means similar challenges and opportunities. You will be meeting with and talking with some of the brightest thinkers in the legal industry

  • Speakers include:
    Lily Yan Hughes, VP and AGC – Corporate, Ingram Micro Inc.
    Eva Lehman, VP Litigation and Chief Compliance Officer, Western Digital Corporation
    Frederick Egler Jr., Chief Counsel – Litigation, The PNC Financial Services Group
    Steve Taub, Assistant General Counsel, U-Haul International, Inc.

And more

  • Your delegate package at the Chief Litigation Officer Summit includes all the essentials needed for a productive and rewarding event. As a delegate at the summit, you will receive:

  • A three-day streamlined agenda

  • Access to the secured event website

  • A comprehensive directory of solution providers

  • An experienced event management team

  • All meals and networking activities

  • Two nights’ accommodation at a luxury five star venue

For the event brochure visit: http://www.marcusevans-conferences-northamerican.com/chieflitigationofficer_assetpage

Contact Jenny Keane, marketing manager at
+1312-540-3000 x6515