MAXIMUM PRESSURE: Stratics Networks Hit With Massive DOJ Complaint Related to RVM Use by Customers and The Heat is Really On Platforms Right Now

So just last month the covered the story of Phone Burner being absolutely destroyed by a recent FCC order directing carriers to stop carrying its traffic. It be came the most read story EVER on

This one might be even bigger.

Before I get to the punchline, bear with me for a second.

Ringless voicemail.

I have been saying for many years that these things are covered by the TCPA. The Courts have said it. The FCC has said it.

But the ringless voicemail providers, by and large, refused to get the message. As recently as late last year I still have people coming to me telling me that this platform or that service was telling them that the TCPA does not apply to ringless voicemail. And I have personally heard sales pitches within the last couple of years where a ringless voicemail provider told potential customers the TCPA does not apply to the technology.

Lies, lies and more lies. And I hate lies.

The argument for RVM not being covered by the TCPA is a dreadful one. Some lawyer–NOT ME– long ago prepared a white paper suggesting that because voicemail is a title III information service and not a title II communication service that, somehow, that means the direct drop process to leave a voicemail also wasn’t a communication. Its nuts. Totally irrational. And beyond that, it was just dumb.

There was a better rationale for the argument–that the messages traversed business class landlines and not cellular networks–but that argument, too, has been rejected in recent years.

Anyhoo, RVM are definitely covered by the TCPA and that is a fact that has been known for many years. But that did not stop one major RVM provider from–allegedly–allowing its users to blast folks without consent.

And here is where we get to the big news: On Friday the Department of Justice filed a massive complaint–on referral from the FTC–against a debt relief company that was allegedly violating the TSR by sending RVMs without consent and failing to include content required by the TSR in the message.

Please notice that the complaint was NOT just filed against the debt relief company. It was filed against Stratics Networks–the wholesale carrier that permitted the traffic and also, apparently, supplied the RVM platform that was used to send the messages. But the complaint was also filed against the intermediary VOIP service provider, Netlatitude, Inc.–and its president Kurt S. Hannigan personally (!),  that provided access to the debt relief company through Stratics (or perhaps vice versa.)

The actual wrongdoers were apparently a debt relief company called Tek Ventures, LLC, doing business as Provident Solutions and a marketing company hired by Provident–Atlas Marketing Partners, Inc.

A bunch of other players, including INDIVIDUALS are also named as the FTC and DOJ really came to play with a sledgehammer here.

Each of these companies (and people) are alleged to have done something a bit different wrong. And its worth seeing how the government is going after each member of the alleged illegal robocall ring.

Of most interest to me–and I suspect most of you–is the case against Stratics. Like Phone Burner, Stratics is a very well known platform out there. Big footprint. And it is perceived to be a fairly compliant player.

Out of the gate, some of the allegations of the Complaint seek to impose a MUCH broader set of requirements on a carrier than have ever been seen before. For instance, the DOJ complains:

  • Despite acknowledging in its terms and conditions of service that its customers must “obtain the prior written consent from each recipient to contact such recipient” “[w]here required by applicable law or regulation,” Stratics Networks did not have evidence of such consent and did not request or require that its customers submit such evidence;

  • Stratics Networks has access to the prerecorded messages its customers upload to its RVM platform and reserves the right to audit its customers’ accounts in its terms and conditions of service, but it does not conduct due diligence to ensure that the messages actually identified the seller or caller, or to prohibit the transmission of prerecorded messages that failed to do so, or to ensure that that the call recipient had given express consent to receive the call; and

  • Stratics did not “require[]” and “ensur[e] that users  obtain prior express written consent from recipients, scrub lists of uploaded phone numbers against the DNC Registry, or otherwise comply with the TSR as a condition of using the platform.

But, so what?

A carrier owes no duty to at law to review the content of messages sent over its network. Gees, it would be a huge violation of privacy if it did. And sure an RVM platform may have access to the voicemails that were uploaded but since when is it required to review those and provide compliance advice? That’s just plain nuts.

Further, the fact that Stratics required consent for users of its platform is plenty. Folks use AUPs and disclosures to assure their platforms are not being misused. Since when does the law require them to actually possess consent–or “require” and “ensure” compliance– before allowing someone to use their network? Since never. And its just nuts for the FTC and DOJ to suggest otherwise.

Outside of really extreme cases, a carrier is still just a carrier. And a platform is still just a platform. Sure there can be times when these companies are so involved with messages–or know (we’ll get to that) of abuses–such that they are responsible as if they had sent them. But in the ordinary course these folks have NO DUTY to ensure…. anything.

So I’m a bit perturbed by the insinuation that these allegations, alone, make Stratics blameworthy. They speak to duties that do not exist in the law. If the DOJ and FTC doesn’t like the current state of the law they should take it up with Congress (or, in the case of the FTC, start an NPRM process, hint hint.)

But other allegations are more damaging–particularly those related to the knowledge Stratics had about the use of its platform. And, here again, we see the ITG playing a big role.

Per the Complaint, “Stratics Networks received numerous Traceback Requests from USTelecom’s ITG alerting it to suspected illegal robocall traffic delivered via Stratics Networks’ RVM platform service and seeking its assistance in identifying the source(s) (i.e., upstream carrier or originating end-user) of these “likely illegal” robocalls, including over 30 such requests between August 2019 and February 2021.”

Now 30 requests may seem like a lot, but you have to keep in mind how active the ITG is. They’re firing off a ton of “tickets” every single day. So I’m not convinced that 30 tickets over a year and a half is really that big of a deal. Plus, these tickets are directed at the content of user messages traversing the Stratics network–it does not mean that any of these were actually Stratics customers. (BTW, the DOJ was kind enough to name a bunch of the ticket sources: “Atlas Marketing, Telecord, Telesero, Health Innovations, National Homebuyers, Elite Processing, Deltracon, Technest Limited, Shamoon Ahmad, Progressive Promoting, Nitzke Enterprize, Care Advocacy Solutions, and PubClub.” Hope your name isn’t in there!)

So, again, I don’t love the government’s case so far. But it does get stronger. For instance:

  • In some instances, even when Stratics Networks did identify the RVM customers responsible for these illegal robocalls, Stratics Networks allowed these RVM customers to open additional accounts and/or continue utilizing its RVM platform service for several weeks or months without suspending or terminating their RVM accounts.

  • In some instances, Stratics Networks did not suspend these RVM customers’ accounts until after it received a civil investigative demand from the FTC in November 2020 inquiring about prerecorded messages delivered using its RVM platform service.

Ok, now the government is getting closer. The case law is reasonably clear that where a carrier or platform knows of illegal traffic on its network it does need to take some action to prevent it. If Stratics allowed customers who were committing violations to open new accounts or run new campaigns that could be a problem, unless it did extra heightened diligence to assure compliance.

But now, the big allegations:

  • Several of US Telecom’s ITG’s Traceback Requests to Stratics Networks concerned robocalls delivered over Stratics Networks’ RVM platform as part of the Atlas Defendants’ debt relief telemarketing campaign, including Traceback Requests Stratics Networks received between April and June 2020. These Traceback Requests indicated that they concerned a “DebtReduction-Hardship” or “DebtReduction CoronaHardship” campaign, and they noted that the robocalls delivered prerecorded messages offering preapproved loans and did not identify the caller.

  • Notwithstanding Stratics Networks’ representation to US Telecom’s ITG in response to a April 29, 2020 traceback request that it “ha[d] taken immediate action and triggered a full investigation” into the Traceback Request and “also suspended traffic,” Stratics Networks permitted Atlas Marketing to continue using its RVM platform service to deliver millions more robocalls for over five more months;

  • After April 29, 2020, Stratics Networks permitted Atlas Marketing to use its RVM service to deliver more than 23 million additional ringless voicemail robocalls to American consumers.

Ok so Stratics allowed 23 million voicemails by Atlas after telling the ITG it would suspend its traffic. Now that could be a problem. Especially if those 23MM voicemails violated the TSR and TCPA (although that fact is, perhaps tellingly, left out of the complaint.)

Notice the timing here also. ITG tickets went out in April, 2020. A CID followed in October, 2020. And then the complaint was filed in February, 2023 two and a half years later.

So all of you carriers and platforms that have received ITG tickets followed by CIDs, keep this in mind. Even if a year or more has passed, the FTC might still be working the case.

So what did Netlatitude do wrong? Well this appears to be a volume play. Specifically the FTC is concerned that Netlatitude allowed Atlas to send “136,000 robocalls” using Stratics Networks’ SIP termination service on just two days in September 2020.

Again, I kind of want to shrug at that. While high volume traffic can be a red flag, there is ZERO requirement a carrier decline to carry traffic merely because there might be a lot of it.

Netlatitude also apparently received several ITG tickets but it is not clear that they had anything to do with Atlas. So I am very fuzzy as to why Netlatitude is in the case–except that Stratics apparently pointed the finger at Netlatitude and its President.

As to the debt relief companies, the claims here are wide and varied. First, there is a claim of straight consumer deception. They allegedly promised consumers they’d be out of debt in two years and that monthly payments would be used in a way that turned out not to be true. Ok. Makes sense.

Next they allegedly sent voicemails that did not identify the sender and sent calls to numbers on the DNC list without consent. Again, pretty straightforward.

They also allegedly received a fee prior to providing debt relief, which is also not permitted. So… if true, open and shut case. I think.

In the end the government is asking for a bunch of stuff. Most damaging for Stratics is the injunctive relief provision:

A. Enter a permanent injunction to prevent future violations of the TSR and the FTC Act by Defendants;

B. Award monetary and other relief within the Court’s power to grant;

C. Award Plaintiff monetary civil penalties for every violation of the Telemarketing Sales Rule; and

D. Award Plaintiff such other and additional relief the Court may determine to
be just and proper

Lots of big take aways here. We already knew that carriers and platforms can’t turn a blind eye to bad traffic on their networks, but in this case the government seeks to go much further and impose duties on these companies to “require” and “ensure” only lawful traffic traverses their networks. That is just craziness and I think a lot of carriers will fold up shop if they suddenly become strictly liable for misconduct on their networks. Indeed, just 8 years ago carriers were completely beyond liability for traffic on their network and now they are to be treated as always liable for it? That is unfair and absurd.

Obviously those of you in the debt relief game need to pay careful attention here as well. NO cheating allowed. If you make a representation it has to be true. And don’t charge that fee up front–can get you into trouble.

Notice also that NONE of these claims are brought under the TCPA. But some could have been. The TCPA also prevents the use of RVMs to to cell phones without the proper level of consent. And the TCPA bans solicitations to residential numbers on the DNC list. I presume the DOJ didn’t want to tangle with any additional issues here–or perhaps the FTC did not want to tread on the FCC’s toes by moving into TCPA issues. Unclear to me.

But what IS clear to me is that this complaint is a huge deal and should really have every carrier and platform out there asking itself what the future may hold…

Read the complaint here: Complaint Against Stratics, et al.

© 2023 Troutman Firm

8 Best Lawyer Forums Online

Though unorthodox for a traditional profession like the law, remote work is becoming a more realistic option for lawyers all over the country. With the help of tools like legal practice management software and options to practice law in multiple states, lawyers everywhere are tackling the challenges of remote work.

But one obstacle that remains is networking. Remote lawyers need to put extra work into maintaining professional connections and building an online presence, both of which are made easier with online forums designed specifically for legal professionals.

What Is an Online Forum?

An online forum is an internet space dedicated to conversation using questions, answers, responses, and prompts. Typically, online forums are asynchronous — users post a question, then other users respond at their leisure.

Posts in forums are archived and arranged into categories like post date, popularity, and more. Discussions can last for hours, days, months, or possibly years, as long as users continue to contribute.

Why Should Lawyers Use Online Forums?

After the rapid shift to remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic, plenty of industries saw the value of allowing employees to work from home – including law firms. More and more lawyers are working remotely, but that could come at the cost of networking.

Networking doesn’t have to mean interactions that take place over coffee, lunch, cocktails, golf excursions, or big events. In the strictest sense, networking is any meeting between people, whether in a group or one on one, online or in-person, which can be done using online forums.

Online forums dedicated to lawyers and the legal industry are an effective way to facilitate networking opportunities when in-person meetings aren’t an option. Getting involved in online forums help lawyers discuss industry topics with experts and thought leaders, stay current on trends and technology, and learn valuable tips from other lawyers.

Top 8 Online Forums for Lawyers

Curious about online forums? Here are the best options for lawyers and legal professionals to engage with other legal professionals and build a network as a remote attorney:

1. Quora

Quora is a broad forum that covers a variety of topics in question-and-answer formats, including the legal industry. You can easily search for questions or topics that are trending in the legal industry and contribute expert answers to boost your credibility. The more answers you provide, and the more other users engage with you, the closer you can get to becoming a thought leader in the space.

2. Bar Association Forums

Bar association forums are always a benefit to lawyers, remote or otherwise. There are plenty of options to choose from, including local bar associations or forums dedicated to your practice area. Best of all, you’ll be engaging with other knowledgeable legal professionals to connect and network.

3. Social Media Groups

Social media channels like Facebook and LinkedIn have dedicated groups that bring together users based on interests or industries, such as the legal industry. These two platforms are among the best for getting into a private or public group and enhancing your online presence. Keep in mind that you are representing yourself as a lawyer in these groups, so use a professional social media account, not your personal one.

The Thomson Reuters Legal Community is an exclusive option for customers of Thomson Reuters that brings together a virtual community of lawyers to network and engage in group settings. You can connect with lawyers from all different practice areas, both locally and nationally, and gain valuable insights from industry experts.

5. The Lawyerist Community

The Lawyerist is an online community dedicated to small firm lawyers to provide coaching, podcasts, books, guides, and other insights. The company has its own online lawyer forum – The Lawyerist Community – on Facebook to discuss law firm best practices, trends, and ideas.

6. Reddit

Reddit has some of the best online forums for a range of different topics, from broad subjects like sports to niche communities dedicated to obscure literature. There’s also a legal forum, r/LawFirm, that’s an informal community for lawyers to discuss running a law firm and the legal industry as a whole. There’s also a lawyer subreddit that you can join if you’re licensed.

7. Slack

Slack is a top-rated collaboration platform that offers individual channels for groups of users. There are several communities dedicated to the law, including LawyerSmack, which is comprised of private attorneys.

8. Law School Alumni Forums

Some law schools have online forums for alumni to stay connected with faculty and colleagues. While not every school offers an online forum for networking, if yours does, you can build vital industry contacts and further your practice. You’ll also get updates on news, trends, and in-person network events by participating in the forum.

Outlook on Online Forums

Remote and hybrid working models are the “new normal,” even for lawyers. Now that law firms and lawyers have seen the benefits in productivity, work-life balance, and enhanced communication afforded by remote work, there’s no going back.

Still, lawyer networking is essential for lawyers to grow their practice, no matter if it’s online or in-person. Along with joining forums to engage in discussions with other industry professionals, you can enhance your remote work with law practice management software. The right law firm software empowers lawyers to manage their practice from anywhere.

Start Networking Remotely

Networking is a big part of successful client acquisition for lawyers. Though it takes a little more work to keep up with networking as a lawyer working remotely, online lawyer forums can keep you connected to other industry professionals. And because you can engage with lawyers all over the country, you can find even more opportunities online than in person at networking events.

© Copyright 2023 PracticePanther

Australia: ASIC Reveals 2023 Enforcement Priorities

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) has revealed its key enforcement priorities for 2023. This year, ASIC has signalled an expanded focus on enforcement activity targeting:

  • sustainable finance practices and disclosure of climate risks;
  • financial scams;
  • cyber and operational resilience; and
  • investor harms involving crypto-assets.

In its release, ASIC has emphasised that the regulator’s prioritisation of monitoring in these areas intends to “address misconduct, market integrity threats and consumer harms in sectors including financial services, retail and crypto-assets.”

The warning coincides with this month’s release of ASIC’s enforcement and regulatory report that highlights the major uptick in enforcement and regulatory actions taken by ASIC during the last half of 2022, including:

  • 173 criminal charges being laid and $76.3 million in civil penalties imposed;
  • heightened action against money laundering risks;
  • the issuance of 22 design and distribution obligations (DDO) stop orders to prevent consumers and investors being targeted by products inappropriate to their objectives, financial situation and needs; and
  • the regulator’s first action for greenwashing and consequential issuance of infringement notices for misleading sustainability-related statements.

Another priority of ASIC for the coming year is to increase its transparency to industry and streamline its interactions with the entities it regulates. For the first time, ASIC has released a regulatory developments timetable setting out projected timeframes for ASIC regulatory work, such as the publication of draft or final guidance, and the anticipated making of a legislative instrument. ASIC’s release of these key enforcement priorities and regulatory developments timetable gives us a clear indication of ASIC’s intention to continue its heightened level of surveillance and enforcement action into 2023.

Copyright 2023 K & L Gates

DOL Issues Guidance on Handling Telework Under FLSA, FMLA

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has issued guidance on the application of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to employees who telework from home or from another location away from the employer’s facility.

The Field Assistance Bulletin (FAB) 2023-1, released on February 9, 2023, is directed to agency officials responsible for enforcement and provides employers a glimpse into how the DOL applies existing law and regulations to common remote-work scenarios. FAB 2023-1 addresses FLSA regulations governing “hours worked,” rules related to break time and privacy for nursing employees, and FMLA eligibility factors.

Hours Worked

In the FAB, the DOL reviews the rules governing compensability of work time, explaining that, regardless of work location, short breaks (typically, 20 minutes or less) generally are counted as compensable hours worked, whereas, longer breaks “during which an employee is completely relieved from duty, and which are long enough to enable [the employee] to use the time effectively for [their] own purposes[,] are not hours worked.” Examples of short breaks, whether at home or in the office, include when an employee takes a bathroom or coffee break or gets up to stretch their legs.

Longer rest breaks and periods of time, when employees are completely relieved from duty and able to use the time for their own purposes, are not considered work time. Just as would be the case when an employee is working in the office, if during remote work an employee’s 30-minute lunch break is interrupted by several work-related phone calls, that 30-minute period would be counted as hours worked. Conversely, if an employee working from home takes a three-hour break to pick up their child or to perform household chores, that time does not count as work time under the FLSA. In short, the FAB reiterates the telework guidance set forth by the DOL in a Q&A series published during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The FAB emphasizes that, regardless of whether an employee performs duties at home, at the worksite, or at some other location, if the employer knows or has reason to believe that work is being performed, the time must be counted as hours worked. Importantly, the FAB notes that an employer may satisfy its obligation to exercise reasonable diligence to acquire knowledge regarding employees’ unscheduled hours of work by providing a reasonable reporting procedure for employees to use when they work non-scheduled time and paying employees for all hours worked. This guidance was addressed in greater detail in FAB 2020-5.

Guidelines for Nursing Employees

The FAB further clarifies that, under the FLSA, an employer’s obligation to provide employees “reasonable break time,” as well as an appropriate place to express breast milk, extends to employees who are teleworking or working at an off-site location. Just as an employer has an obligation to provide an “appropriate place” for an employee to express milk while working at a client site, the employer should ensure a teleworking employee has privacy from a “computer camera, security camera, or web conferencing platform” to express milk.

Employers are not required to pay employees for otherwise unpaid breaks simply because the employee is expressing breast milk during the break, but if an employee is working while pumping (or if the pumping occurs during an otherwise paid break), they must be paid for that time. For example, in most cases, if a remote employee attends a call or videoconference off camera while pumping, that employee would be considered on duty and must be paid for that time.

The recently enacted PUMP Act expanded existing employer obligations under the FLSA to cover exempt employees, as well as non-exempt employees. The DOL has published more guidance on breast milk pumping during work.

Eligibility Under FMLA

The DOL also addresses FMLA eligibility requirements for remote employees both in terms of hours worked (employee must work 1,250 hours in the previously 12 months) and the small worksite exception (employee must work at a worksite with at least 50 employees in a 75-mile radius).

As with the FLSA, it is important for employers to have a system to track their remote workers’ hours. With respect to hours worked, the FAB reiterates that the 1,250 hours determination for remote worker is based on compensable hours of work under FLSA principles.

With respect to the worksite size determination, the FMLA regulations explain that an employee’s personal residence is not a worksite. Instead, whether a remote employee is FMLA-eligible is based on the size of the worksite from which “they report to” or “their assignments are made.” If a remote employee reports into or receives assignments from a site with 50 or more employees working at that site (or reporting to or receiving assignments from that site) or within 75 miles, then that employee would meet that eligibility factor.

The DOL provided two examples of this rule:

  • When both a store employee and their supervisor are working from their homes temporarily due to a weather emergency, for FMLA eligibility purposes, the store remains their worksite.

  • When remote employees are working in various cities more than 75 miles away from the company headquarters but receiving assignments from a manager working at the headquarters, for FMLA-eligibility determination, the company’s headquarters would be considered the workplace for the remote employees.

Employers are reminded to review state and local wage and hour laws, paid and unpaid leave laws, and lactation accommodation laws.

Jackson Lewis P.C. © 2023

EPA Updates TSCA Inventory, Plans Next Update in Summer 2023

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced on February 16, 2023, that the latest Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Chemical Substance Inventory is now available on its website. The TSCA Inventory is a list of all existing chemical substances manufactured, processed, or imported in the United States. According to EPA, this update to the public TSCA Inventory is part of its biannual posting of non-confidential Inventory data. EPA plans the next regular update of the TSCA Inventory for summer 2023.

EPA states that the TSCA Inventory contains 86,685 chemicals, of which 42,170 are active in U.S. commerce. Other updates to the Inventory include new commercial activity data, unique identifier data, and regulatory flags (e.g., significant new use rules and test orders). EPA notes that additionally, several hundred substances are now listed with their specific chemical identities after having been moved from the confidential portion of the Inventory to the public portion as part of EPA’s TSCA confidential business information (CBI) review efforts.

Lastly, EPA reminds TSCA submitters to check regularly for any correspondence relating to their submissions in EPA’s Central Data Exchange (CDX). EPA states that it sends “critical and time-sensitive information regarding confidentiality claims through CDX, and failing to open this correspondence can delay the Agency’s processing of those claims.”

©2023 Bergeson & Campbell, P.C.

Non-Negotiable Arbitration Agreements May Be Required as a Condition of Employment

On February 15, 2023, the Ninth Circuit struck down AB 51, a California statute that imposed criminal and civil penalties against employers who required employees to enter into an arbitration agreement as a condition of employment, finding the statute to be an “unacceptable obstacle to the accomplishment and execution of the full purposes and objectives” of the Federal Arbitration Act (“FAA”).  Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America, et al. v. Bonta, et al., No. 20-15291 (9th Cir. 2023).

As discussed in our prior post and articles (link here), in August 2022 the Ninth Circuit withdrew its prior decision, which had upheld portions of AB 51, following the United States Supreme Court’s June 2022 decision in Viking River Cruises v. Moriana.

AB 51, embodied in California Labor Code §432.6 effective January 1, 2020, prohibited an employer from entering into a non-negotiable agreement that required the employee to waive “any right, forum, or procedure” for a violation of the Fair Employment and Housing Act or the California Labor Code, including “the right to file and pursue a civil action.”  Further, AB 51 imposed harsh penalties for employers who violated the statute, including a fine of up to $1,000 and up to six months’ imprisonment, as well as the potential for civil litigation by the State of California or by private individuals.  In an effort to avoid Supreme Court decisions striking down state laws that improperly targeted arbitration agreements, the California legislature also created the confusing outcome that potentially criminalized the formation of non-negotiable arbitration agreements, but permitted their enforcement once executed.

Noting that arbitration agreements by their very nature require parties to waive their rights to bring disputes in court, and crediting the plaintiffs’ evidence that the possible imposition of civil and criminal penalties deterred employers from attempting to enter into non-negotiable agreements with employees, the court affirmed the district court’s preliminary injunction in favor of several trade associations and business groups who sought to block the implementation of the statute.  Relying on principles of preemption and judicial precedent striking down similar state laws or judge-made rules that singled out executed arbitration agreements, the Court found AB 51 improperly “burden[s]” the formation of arbitration agreements in violation of the FAA.

Having written the previous 2-1 decision upholding AB 51, Judge Lucero now found himself dissenting.  Arguing that the majority “misconstrue[d] the jurisprudence” of the Supreme Court, the dissent claimed that arbitration was permissible only if consensual and that AB 51 only applied to conduct occurring prior to the formation of the contract and thus was not an obstacle to the objectives of the FAA.

Employers may require their California employees to sign non-negotiable arbitration agreements to obtain or maintain their employment.  Arbitration agreements may still be unenforceable however if they are procedurally and substantively unconscionable, if the agreement lacks mutual consent because a party was forced to sign by threats or physical coercion or “upon such grounds as exist at law or in equity for the revocation of any contract.”  Thus, employers should review their agreements to ensure they are in compliance with other California requirements, that the terms are not unfair or one-sided, and, the agreement presented is not unfair, surprising or oppressive.

© 2023 Vedder Price

Biden Administration Sets New Course on ESG Investing in Retirement Plans

In late 2022, the Department of Labor finalized a new rule titled “Prudence in Selecting Plan Investments and Exercising Shareholder Rights,” largely reversing Trump-era guidance that had strictly limited the ability of plan fiduciaries to consider “environmental, social, and governance” (ESG) factors in selecting retirement plan investments and generally discouraged the exercise of proxy voting. In short, the new rule allows a fiduciary to consider ESG factors in selecting investment options, provided that the selection serves the financial interests of the plan and its participants over an appropriate time horizon, and encourages fiduciaries to engage in proxy voting.

The final rule moves away from 2020 Trump-era rulemaking by allowing more leeway for fiduciaries to consider ESG factors in selecting investment options. Specifically, the rule states that a “fiduciary’s duty of prudence must be based on factors that the fiduciary reasonably determines are relevant to a risk and return analysis and that such factors may include the economic effects of climate change and other ESG considerations on the particular investment or investment course of action.” The rule makes clear, however, that there is no requirement to affirmatively consider ESG factors, effectively limiting its scope and effect and putting the onus on fiduciaries to determine whether they want to incorporate ESG factors into their assessments of competing investments.


  • Similar to the Trump-era guidance, there is no definition of “ESG” or an “ESG”-style fund. Debate continues over what kinds of funds can be considered ESG investments, especially in light of the fact that some companies in industries traditionally thought to be inconsistent with ESG conscious investing are now trying to attract ESG investors (e.g. industrials, energy).
  • Fiduciaries are not required to consider ESG factors in selecting investment options. However, the consideration of such factors is not a presumed violation of a fiduciary’s duty of loyalty or prudence. Unlike the prior rule, which suggested that consideration of ESG factors could only be considered if all other pecuniary factors between competing investments were equal (the “tiebreaker” approach), the new rule allows a fiduciary to consider potential financial benefits of ESG investing in all circumstances.
  • Plan fiduciaries may take into account participant preferences in constructing a fund lineup. Therefore, if participants express a desire for ESG investment options, then it may be reasonable for plan fiduciaries to add ESG funds or to consider ESG factors in crafting the fund lineup.
  • ESG-centric funds may be used as qualified default investments (QDIAs) within retirement plans, reversing the prior outright prohibition on use of such funds as QDIAs.
  • In some situations, fiduciaries may be required to exercise shareholder rights when required to protect participant interests. It is unclear whether the exercise of such rights is only limited to situations that have an economic impact on the plan, or applies to additional situations. The clarification suggests that the exercise of proxy voting is not disfavored as an inefficient use of fiduciaries’ time and resources, as the prior iteration of the rule suggested.

Effective Date and Challenges to the Regulation

The new rule became effective in January 2023, except for delayed applicability of proxy voting provisions. However, twenty five state attorneys general have joined a lawsuit in federal court in Texas that seeks to overturn the regulation. The court is in the Fifth Circuit, which historically has been hostile to past Department of Labor regulations (including Obama-era fiduciary rules overturned in 2018, though the ESG rule is less far-reaching than the fiduciary rule and may survive a challenge even in the Fifth Circuit). Congressional Republicans have also introduced a Congressional Review Act (CRA) review proposal to repeal the regulation that has gained the support of Joe Manchin (D-WV). Although CRA actions are not subject to Senate filibuster rules, they are subject to presidential veto, which President Biden is sure to do if the repeal reaches his desk.

Action Steps

Employers should assume that the ESG rules will remain in effect and engage with plan fiduciaries, advisors, and employees and determine the extent to which ESG considerations should (or should not) enter into fiduciary deliberations when considering plan investment alternatives. Some investment advisors have already begun to include separate ESG scorecards for mutual funds and other investments in their regular plan investment reviews. Fiduciaries should also consider whether and how the approach that is ultimately taken should be reflected in the plan’s investment policy statement. Plans that delegate full control over investments to an independent fiduciary (an ERISA 3(38) advisor) should engage with their advisor to determine whether and the extent to which ESG considerations will be part of that fiduciary’s process, and whether that is consistent with the desires of the plan fiduciaries and participants.

© 2023 Jones Walker LLP

Was This The Least Transparent Report In SEC History?

Professor Alexander I. Platt at the University of Kansas School of Law has just released a draft of a forthcoming paper that takes the Securities and Exchange Commission to task for the lack of transparency in its whistleblower program, Going Dark(er): The SEC Whistleblower Program’s FY 2022 Report Is The Least Transparent In Agency History.  As Professor Platt notes in a footnote, I have been complaining about the whistleblower’s lack of transparency since at least 2016.  See Five Propositions Concerning The SEC Whistleblower Program.  Last summer, I observed that “There is certainly no dearth of irony in a federal agency dedicated to full disclosure cloaking in secrecy a billion dollar awards program”.

Professor Platt offers four possible reasons for the SEC’s lack of transparency: (1) resource constraints; (2) lack of respect for public participation and accountability; (3) data problems; and/or (4) an intent to bury something controversial or embarrassing.  My concern is, and has been, that whatever the reason(s), the SEC’s lack of transparency creates an ideal substrate for fraud.  Unless the SEC drops its cloak of secrecy and exposes its whistleblower program to public scrutiny, it is highly likely that the next article will be about how the whistleblower program was used and abused.

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SUPERBOWL CIPA SUNDAY: Does Samsung’s Website Chat Feature Violate CIPA?

Happy CIPA and Super Bowl Sunday TCPA World!

So, Samsung is under the spotlight with a new CIPA case brought by a self-proclaimed “tester.” You know like Rosa Parks?? Back to that in a bit.

The California Invasion of Privacy Act (“CIPA”) prohibits both wiretapping and eavesdropping of electronic communications without the consent of all parties to the communication. The Plaintiff’s bar is zoning in to CIPA with the Javier ruling.

If you recall, Javier found that “[T]hough written in terms of wiretapping, Section 631(a) applies to Internet communications. It makes liable anyone who ‘reads, or attempts to read, or to learn the contents’ of a communication ‘without the consent of all parties to the communication.’ Javier v. Assurance IQ, LLC, 2022 WL 1744107, at *1 (9th Cir. 2022).

Here, Plaintiff Garcia claims that Defendant both wiretaps the conversations of all website visitors and allows a third party to eavesdrop on the conversations in real time during transmission. Garcia v. Samsung Electronics America, Inc.

To enable the wiretapping, Plaintiff claims that Defendant has covertly embedded software code that functions as a device and contrivance into its website that automatically intercepts, records and creates transcripts of all conversations using the website chat feature.

To enable the eavesdropping, Defendant allows at least one independent third-party vendor to secretly intercept (during transmission and in real time), eavesdrop upon, and store transcripts of Defendant’s chat communications with unsuspecting website visitors – even when such conversations are private and deeply personal.

But Plaintiff currently proceeds in an individual action but if Samsung does not take appropriate steps to fully remedy the harm caused by its wrongful conduct, then Garcia will file an amended Complaint on behalf of a class of similarly aggrieved consumers.

Now back to Civil Rights.

According to this Complaint, Garcia is like Rosa Parks, you know, the civil rights activist. Why?

Well, because “Civil rights icon Rosa Parks was acting as a “tester” when she initiated the Montgomery Bus Boycott in 1955, as she voluntarily subjected herself to an illegal practice to obtain standing to challenge the practice in Court.”

Because Wiretapping and civil rights are similar right??


The Plaintiff’s bar has no problem muddying the waters to appeal to the courts.

Do better.

CIPA is some dangerous stuff. Websites use chat features to engage with consumers all the time. It seems like it is easier to communicate via chat or text than to sit on a call waiting for an agent – assuming you get an agent. But maybe not?

Stay safe out there TCPA World!

Til next time Countess!! back to the game, GO EAGLES!!! #Phillyproud

© 2023 Troutman Firm

Available Options for Completing Form I-9 in Remote-Work Scenarios

The American Immigration Lawyer’s Association (AILA), through its Verification and Documentation Liaison Committee (“Verification Committee”) recently issued an FAQ compiling updated information related to employment verification (I-9) compliance requirements during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The FAQ addresses the viable options for completing the Form I-9 in remote-work scenarios and the most current developments in each type of process. Below are the main takeaways:

Process 1: In-person New Employee and HR/Admin Document Review: HR/Admin timely reviews the employee’s identity and employment authorization documents in the employee’s physical presence. Where employers have fully returned to in-office operations, or where they are no longer maintaining COVID-19 precautions, they must complete an in-person review of Form I-9.

Process 2: “Remote Hire” In-Person New Employee & Employer Authorized Representative Document Review: This is the so-called “Remote Hire” process, typically used in situations of on-boarding and new remote employee. Note that this is still an in-person document review conducted by a third party designated by the employer who acts as the agent. Also note that this process is not restricted only to employees based at remote locations but can also be used in any situation. Since the employer bears the liability for the agent’s errors it is best practice for the employer to train and/or provide instructions to the agents as well as perform a detailed review upon receipt of the completed Form I-9.

Process 3: Limited Temporary Option: HR/Adm’s Electronic Document Review: The virtual review option was first implemented March 20, 2020, and has been extended multiple times. The current extension expires July 31, 2023. With this process, HR/Adm timely reviews the employee’s identity and employment authorization documents electronically, not in the employee’s physical presence, but via video link, fax, email, etc.

Who can benefit from this option? The U.S. Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) confirmed to the Verification Committee the general rule in applying this option:

  • Before April 1, 2021, the temporary I-9 option was available if a business was operating 100% remotely as a result of the pandemic. If it was not, the in-person verification for Form I-9 was required. ICE acknowledged, however, that the Agency will handle audits and future enforcement on a case-by-case basis. Employers do not need to have 100% of their workforce working remotely to take advantage of the virtual option if the employer has a record supporting that the virtual review option was necessitated by the pandemic.
  • On or after April 1, 2021, the temporary virtual document review option is available, but only where the remote employment is a result of COVID-19-related precautions. Employers hiring “true remote” employees should conduct in-person reviews as they would have prior to the COVID-19 virtual review option being offered.

While virtual review provides a practical alternative to the in-person review, there are additional requirements in this process in order to maintain compliance:

  • Create and retain a written document that captures the remote onboarding and telework policy in place when this option is used for any Form I-9 created under this process;
  • Retain copies of the documents presented, as per the original guidance issued by ICE Note that security of sensitive personal information must be maintained, and the company should work with its information-security team regarding the transmission and/or capture of personal information in these situations;
  • Add “COVID-19” in the Additional Information field/box on Section 2 of the Form I-9;
  • Tell the employee that no later than three business days of cessation of this temporary electronic document review option or once the employee commences non-remote employment on a regular, consistent, or predictable basis (whichever is earlier), an in-person meeting and physical inspection of the document(s) will occur;
  • Within three business days of such a date, coordinate the in-person meeting and physical inspection of the document(s); and,
  • Add “documents physically examined,” date and initial in Section 2 Additional Information field/box, or to Section 3 of Form I-9, as appropriate.

Importantly, the virtual review process requires the employer to “perfect” the Form I-9 with an in-person meeting at a future date.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is currently reviewing the regulatory framework for document review in considering making virtual review a permanent option for I-9 compliance. DHS published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in the Federal Register and, since November 2022, has been reviewing comments. Simultaneously, ICE has ramped up audits and investigations as the pandemic has waned. Therefore, employers should maintain a fluid line of communication with their attorneys and employees to avoid any compliance issues.

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