The National Law Review Launches ‘Legal News Reach’ Podcast, Featuring Experts in the Legal Marketing Industry

The National Law Review is excited to announce the launch of Legal News Reach, a new bi-weekly podcast that features guests with expertise in legal marketing, SEO, law firm best practices, and more. Hosted by NLR’s Editorial Manager Rachel Popa, and Web Content Specialist Jessica Scheck, Legal News Reach highlights for listeners the latest legal marketing strategies to help them stand out and stand firm in the legal industry.

The first season of the podcast focuses on topics such as hiring and marketing in the legal industry, legal marketing budgets post COVID-19, the attorney-client relationship, diversity and inclusion initiatives (D&I) and law firm pro bono initiatives.

In the inaugural episode, Rachel and Jess discussed marketing tactics for law firms in the post-COVID work environment with Melanie Trudeau, Director of New Business & Digital Strategies at Jaffe PR.

“A few things I would like to see stick around would be giving some more autonomy to attorneys to just do their work effectively from a home office. They don’t have to spend all that time getting ready to go to work, and juggling childcare. If you can create a lot more flexibility in the work environment, that’s going to make firms competitive,” Ms. Trudeau said.

To adjust to the challenges of COVID-19, the legal industry pivoted and made adjustments as to how they delivered their services and how attorneys work. However, as the pandemic continues, law firms that remain flexible will find it easier to stand out from their competitors. Legal News Reach provides a platform for legal professionals to learn from the top experts in the industry, as well as showcase their own expertise. Episodes are published and featured on the National Law Review website, which today is one of the highest volume business law publications in the US after over 10 years of steady growth.

“Law firm marketers have a wealth of knowledge and experience that’s often unique to the legal industry. Legal News Reach provides a forum for them to share their insights, discuss industry trends, and showcase examples of real-world experience,” Ms. Trudeau said.

Pivoting to changes brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic carried over into the second episode of the podcast, with Rachel and Jess discussing the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on legal marketing budgets with Guy Alvarez, Founder and Chief Engagement Officer of Good2bSocial.

“What we’re seeing is really a shift in terms of budget from the real world into the virtual world. And as a result, we’re seeing law firms spend a lot of their budget on digital marketing, ways that they can enhance their website, and how they can communicate to their clients and prospects their knowledge, their experience and basically stay top of mind and develop strategic relationships,” Mr. Alvarez said.

Prior to the pandemic, many firms focused on live events, conferences and trade events. Now that meeting in person is more difficult, firms are pivoting to hosting more webinars and podcasts. Both lawyers and legal marketers can pick up tips from legal marketing leaders on Legal News Reach on how to stay connected with their clients, and highlight their firm’s unique value proposition.

“The National Law Review’s Legal News Reach podcast is a great platform for lawyers and legal marketers to learn the latest trends affecting the industry,” Mr. Alvarez said.

In the third episode of the Legal News Reach podcast, Rachel and Jess spoke with Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz President and Chief Operating Officer Jennifer Keller, and Chief Marketing and Business Development Officer Adam Severson about law firm management, D&I initiatives and attorney-client relationship building.

“I think from the law firm management perspective, there’s a lot of interesting work going on right now in analyzing the changes in law firm management the last 18 months have brought us. I think what you’re going to see looking 5 to 10 years ahead is younger, more diverse teams of leadership in firms,” Ms. Keller said.

“D&I is one of those areas that I think we all recognize that we can all be better. It’s an area that I think has been important for everybody. Without a clear roadmap and some specificity to it, we’re not going to get to where we need to be as a firm and candidly, as an industry,” Mr. Severson said.

Despite the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, many law firms found silver linings as well, embracing new diversity initiatives that will have an impact for years to come. Legal News Reach builds off the National’s Law Review’s audience of over 2 million legal and business professionals to highlight the best practices of leading-edge law firms.

“It was great to be featured in the Legal News Reach podcast to share some of the great things Baker Donelson is doing. The National Law Review’s audience has tremendous reach so it was great to be highlighted,” Mr. Severson said.

The first four episodes of the first season of Legal News Reach are currently available on, as well as major podcast platforms such as SpotifyApple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsBreaker, Anchor.fmPocket CastsRadio PublicSoundcloud and more. Listeners can also find Legal News Reach podcast clips on the National Law Review YouTube channel. The first season of the podcast includes 10 episodes, with the second season planned to launch in 2022.

For more articles on legal marketing, visit the NLR Law Office Management section.

Law Firm Culture After COVID-19 with McCarter & English [PODCAST]

How has law firm culture changed in the world post-COVID-19? Rachel and Jessica discuss that and DEI with Bernadette DeCelle with McCarter & English law firm.

Read on for a transcript of our conversation, transcribed by AI:


Hello and welcome to legal news reach, the official podcast for the National Law Review. Stay tuned for a discussion on the latest trends in legal marketing, SEO law firm best practices and more.


I’m Rachel, Editorial Manager for the National Law Review.

And I’m Jessica, a web content specialist. And we’re the CO hosts for legal news reach

Today Bernadette DeCelle Senior Director of Client Development and Marketing for McCarter and English joins us for a discussion on law firm culture COVID-19, and more. Bernadette, would you like to introduce yourself to our listeners?

Sure. Thank you for having me today. I’m Bernadette DeCelle. I am senior director in charge of client development and I have over 20 years in legal marketing. And before that I started as a graphic designer doing consumer product designs, quite a range of experiences over the past 20 years starting in communications and then learning business development and eventually leading teams at Weil, Gotshal, Herrick Feinstein and now at McCarter.

Thank you for joining us today. We’re excited to get your insights. So one of the questions I want to dive in first here was we wanted to learn a little bit more about how what McCarter has done differently in terms of other law firms of its culture compared to other law firms you’ve worked with.

So McCarter is based in Newark, New Jersey. And I think maybe that has something to do with there’s a real lack of pretension among the lawyers, which is refreshing. There are plenty of smart people. We have 27 PhDs on the staff, and we work for very sophisticated fortune 100 clients, but you just don’t get that arrogance that maybe it’s a New York thing, I don’t know. But that sense of down-to-earth quality is really nice to be part of that kind of a collaborative team. There are no lawyers versus staff kind of mentality in our firm. Everybody collaborates together. It’s a real collective team, which is, I think, great for the clients. Because everybody gets together does whatever it takes to solve client problems, I think makes it a lot more rewarding for a lot of the lawyers here working and stuff as well.

We want to talk a little bit more about just law firm culture and pro bono in general. So I was curious if you could speak a little bit about McCarter’s DEI initiatives and how that affects law firm culture.

Sure. McCarter has been very involved like most firms in expanding their lawyer ranks, especially on diversity. And they’ve been doing all types of partnerships with different organizations from sponsoring high school programs and debate programs in high schools even adopting a few high schools in each of our cities so that students see what a law career could look like. High school students spent a week in our New York office during the summer, you know, doing intern positions after 2020. And after the murder of George Floyd, it was really great to see our firm, combining the efforts of our pro bono team and our Diversity Committee to create the Social Justice Project. And that has been a great initiative, having McCarter behind ways to really dismantle structural racism. And what we’re going to do is it’s really through we’re looking at it through the lens of criminal expungements Housing and Economic Development. So there are three pillars to the Social Justice Project, which allow both lawyers and staff to do community service and pro bono projects. One of the best things I think about the social justice project has been the educational component so far, because we put on educational webinars that were open to both staff and to clients. And one of the first ones was three of our lawyers giving very powerful stories of what it was like to be a black lawyer in America and in the ratio of things that they’ve faced the hurdles that they’ve overcome, and really poignant stories, some of them had, they said they hadn’t even shared with their own families, but it’s, it was eye-opening, I think, to a lot of us who don’t understand every day what they go through just being a person of color and being treated differently.


So how do these pro bono efforts fit into McCarter’s overall Legal Marketing Program?


Our pro bono program is great because it gives us a chance to partner with clients on pro bono projects. Oftentimes corporations and legal departments don’t have the same either time or structure to bring pro bono and to do pro bono internally. So it allows our team our pro bono partner to come up with ways to collaborate with clients on immigration clinics, we do things with veterans, helping them get medical things past appeals, there are things that the VA hospitals have turned down on the business development side always see pro bono as a way to reach out to clients and to do something different with them. And they welcome it helps our without our partners don’t have to do an ask, you know, in terms of getting new business, it’s just a way to work with the clients in a different way. There’s a number of clinics, we’re going to start a housing clinic soon as well. So there’s a bunch of ways we can collaborate with clients. And that’s been huge for business development purposes.


I just want to comment that I think it’s great, you guys have those initiatives. I know the general public has a really strong distrust for attorney offices in the legal industry, just in general. And the fact that you guys acknowledge and try to host those webinars on minority attorneys can really create a different kind of trust that, oh, this law firm acknowledges that this is something that exists. And I think just saying that you see that and that you want to try to be better with the initiatives you have helps people see that maybe things could change, or, you know, I want to hire this attorney because they’re not ignoring something that I’m worried about. Not me personally, but somebody who’s affected by those things.

I’m impressed that we’re putting our money where our mouth is basically it’s not just saying and putting a statement up on the website, we’ve also hosted two or three webinars where we invited professors from different universities, people from the University of Chicago, who are experts on either criminal reintegration and all of the problems with the prisons or on voting rights. So we’ve had some really interesting speakers from outside, we’ve decided as well to hire a full-time social justice fellow, and part of their role is to help with the educational programming, but to also work with the pro bono committee in terms of doing a lot more pro bono that’s focused on social justice issues. We had a pro bono fellow for the City of Newark, where I’m proud of the fact that we have two full-time lawyers just focused on various social justice issues. It is part of that culture that makes McCarter unique.

So to dive in on COVID. That’s kind of been a common theme with some of our other interviews with marketing and law firms. On our other episodes of this podcast, how have your guys’ communications and marketing efforts changed since the pandemic started?

Well, it’s been all webinars all the time, it’s really was a complete pivot to what we used to do, or which were so many in-person events, we quickly realized there was such a need for alerts and all the new rules that were coming out. Our lawyers really stepped up and created a lot of content. For the website, two of my team were working almost full time on just webinars last year, it was crazy. It really was amazing that the amount of content they created.

I’m sure that was a shift by itself. Are there any other surprises that you guys had to deal with also, because of the pandemic?


I was quite surprised by the number of lawyers who actually stepped up and lawyers who didn’t, in the past, write as many alerts became subject matter experts almost overnight, and really read through all those regulations and PPP loans and really became creative in their responses and ways to create short alerts that our clients could digest quickly. I was also surprised at the demand for legal work, everybody thought things would slow down, but it seemed like clients needed our expertise in different areas, Employment Insurance recovery, what they could get back from, you know, their insurance companies. So it really created demands and other areas, which was nice since the litigation, you know, slow down for a while, but then litigation did pick up again, once they figured out how to do courts do everything over zoom.

And I’m sure anything related to real estate and property and evictions was probably another surprise with COVID especially so it’s good. You guys had that initiative kind of already in place to help those people because that’s going to be a large trend that we see still being talked about, especially when the moratorium was still in place or

Right yeah, once the moratorium lifts me with I think it just lifted right it depends but some states where we are have extended it through the state not through you know, but it is gonna really create a huge crisis, I think. And that’s where our social justice fellow is going to be working with the pro bono fellow in Newark to really work on different things.

It was definitely a huge worry among people. And, you know, reaching out to attorneys, even just calling I’m sure to ask a question about it. Among those surprises that you guys had, do you still have any challenges that you’re dealing with? In the firm? Now,

I think, you know, keeping our lawyers engaged right now in business development activities a little more challenging, because we don’t see them, we can’t go knock on their office door, you know, they might be working more from home permanently. So it’s as much on our part to reach out to them and communicate and stay top of mind. When they see us. They’re reminded, oh, yeah, I have to write that client alert. I have to, you know, get ready for that presentation. But out of sight, out of mind, I think sometimes and that’s a definite challenge for us.

So you spoke a little bit about the surprises brought on by the pandemic, and what you guys have been doing to sort of keep things going, I guess, moving for, like, how do you see things changing the legal industry, in terms of like these topics of like, remote work, like how to keep attorneys engaged? How will we work with people working remotely and be working in the office? I think these are things that are really on top of mind for a lot of firms right now.

I agree. There are so many unknowns out there. And firms are doing it in so many different ways. I’m hoping that a hybrid workforce becomes the norm. Now, I hope law firms get to that point where they realize all of the teams were amazing and productive during the pandemic, at home. So there’s no point in thinking you have to be in the office to be very productive. But I also see real shifts in technology. So my firm went to paperless billing during the pandemic, it was maybe the second month and I applaud my IT and finance department for rolling that out. It was out of necessity, I actually think they never would have gotten it done as quickly had had we been in the office. And I think they agree you know that because it was imperative because nobody wanted to be shipping out bills and having that back and forth. On paper, it really was a success. So I think you’ll see a lot more technology being rolled out a lot easier than in the past because we all know lawyers don’t like change, but technological advances for the better are welcome.

And do you think an increasing focus on technology will help law firms be more prepared for future challenges? Like COVID or after COVID? I think one of the things that we’ve talked about in the last episode is really just how to pivot when things like this happen when like these are large disruptions occur?

Absolutely. I think technology’s going to really be a factor in firms that succeed. I think firms that stay nimble, you know, and lose, I think also a lot of the bureaucratic approval processes, there was no time to go through approvals. People just had to get things done. Right. They had to move forward and come up with decisions quickly, whoever was on, you know, committee call made those decisions. They didn’t wait. Slow grinding process of approvals. Staying nimble is really going to be I think, a key to a lot of law firms succeeding in the future.

Yeah, so one thing you said earlier about how moving from paperless billing to now using virtual billing. So sort of like it was something that happened because of COVID. And like really sped it along because of COVID. I think that’s something that we’ve heard from other guests, too, that the pandemic really spurred law firms to make these changes that they had been considering for a long time, but just hadn’t had the catalyst to do it. So I think that probably has been a really big lesson as well.

Our IT department had to train everybody over Zoom remotely. And it was tough.

Obviously, law firms didn’t really have much of a choice, either switch or you know, stuff doesn’t get done. So sort of like in that same vein of working remotely doing things over zoom. How has McCarter really made hybrid work arrangements work during the pandemic? And how do you think you know, other law firms can really learn from that moving forward?

I think the biggest thing is to trust your team. And so, again, when you have a collaborative culture already that it really helps. Our Managing Partner and our chairman did a great job communicating, especially at the beginning, when everybody was feeling really unsure and not knowing what was going to happen next, they would send almost daily emails, those daily emails and that communication and keeping people in feeling like they’re in touch, we’re really important. Our Chief Human Resources Officer also sent out one to the staff and hers were kind of funny and just kind of motivational to make people feel like they were still part of the team and in touch with each other, you know, should send out Happy Anniversary things. And I think going forward, people just have to maintain that trust in that everybody’s going to rise to the occasion, you know, everybody’s going to do their best job, whether they’re in an office or whether they’re at home, people want to perform and do well, that hasn’t changed. And that’s not going to change.

Right. I think that is something really important to move forward with, I think, especially code has shown us that it is possible to have people working remotely. And now that, you know, I think some people have gone back to the office. But if it’s working well now, then I think you can trust that it’s going to work well in the future.

Yeah, we’re back in the office two days. I, you know, I think they want us to get back five days eventually. I hope, maybe four days would be nice. It feels nice to be in the office. But I sure would love to not have that commute.

Oh, yeah. I understand that. So we also have a Q&A section here. So if you have any questions you’d like to ask us, we’d be happy to answer them.

Yeah, I was wondering what you guys have seen in terms of any new marketing trends that have emerged since COVID? Or even just in general, not because of the pandemic?

Yeah, so we sort of already touched on two of the ones in our conversation so far. But I think one thing that we’ve definitely seen is the sort of switch to virtual events, and also this really big influx of more firms doing webinars and things like that, we specifically have a place on our website where our publishing clients can share their webinars with us. And I think, you know, we’ve had a pretty full schedule of things that people are putting on basically, since last March, when things really started to get really crazy. And I think also, one of the things that I think has been really important Since COVID started is just the focus on social media, lots of people being more active on LinkedIn, people staying connected with their clients and other followers on Twitter. I think that’s a really great way. You know, if you can’t meet in person, you know, you can’t network in person, like just staying connected, when people just can’t physically be in the same room together, I think has been really important.

We’ve been posting a lot more on social media ourselves, it’s a good way to stay in touch. Do you see technology like artificial intelligence? How do you see that in the marketing space changing?

Well, it’s interesting, because you already mentioned that you guys just switched to electronic billing. And I think that’s been one of the first changes law firms have made with AI, it’s already a difficult task as a firm to keep your clients updated to make sure attorneys are submitting their billables. And if there’s a way to automate that, that just takes maybe one task, but it makes a huge difference. Sometimes when you have such a heavy workload. I know in small ways firms usually have, you know, their chat bots on the websites. So somebody is going on their site has a question, it’ll usually try to divert them to a different way that might be helpful, you know, instead of having a person have to monitor that, or maybe it could bring down some of the call volume. I think some of the concerns that attorneys have when it comes to implementing more technology is, you know, this huge concern with cybersecurity. We see that a lot when it comes to business. A lot of our clients write about that, just because I mean, the more in depth you get with technology, the more you intertwine your business with it, you are opening yourself up to more risks, especially with a law firm, you know, you have very sensitive information, attorney client privilege, you really don’t want someone to hack, even if you’re a smaller firm. So I think some people are really resistant to that part. And I think everybody’s always afraid of technology replacing people. So support staff, if you have AI that can look up case law. There’s a law clerk you didn’t need in your office that can help you with that or your paralegal. So,

Well, one of the heads of our emergent growth practice only says that young lawyers need to be coders because, you know, even just in contract law, there’s a lot of AI starting to do the basic template and contracts. So there goes the junior lawyers work they might need to be coders instead of lawyers.

I worked at a law firm when COVID first started. And one of the big, I think the first change they made was getting people to be electronic notaries just because everybody was now either in office or not in office. So it’s not technically AI, per se. But just having that, I guess they use something similar to blockchain, to know that someone’s signed it at this specific time on this computer to make sure it’s just as legitimate as in person signature. So that’s kind of been interesting as well, I think can be for the better, though. Now you can reach clients anywhere.

I totally agree, I think there’s gonna be a lot of good changes. But as we all know that lawyers don’t like that they don’t adapt so quickly. So maybe the adaption rate will be quicker. And they’ll say that it’s not so bad after all.

Another sort of technology adjacent thing that we’ve been seeing is just lawyers feeling more empowered having more readership analytics available to them, we of course, offer a platform of analytics to our publishing clients. But one of the things that we’ve heard from other people is that, you know, since people are working remotely, especially from like a legal marketing perspective, like just having that information, that data at your fingertips, like sort of informs lawyers on in terms of like how their content is doing, and, you know, trends that they can follow, and things like that. So that’s been another thing that we’ve noticed,

Those kinds of analytics are really helpful, especially for us to say, this is what you should be writing about, you know, with so many great firms out there. And that’s what I try to get my lawyers to understand to differentiate yourself is pretty difficult because there are so many smart, talented lawyers what to you to recommend to, you know, to differentiate themselves on a platform like the National Law Review, how did they go about that?

So a few things that we often recommend to people who publish with us is to post regularly. So if you’re going to launch a new blog, don’t just like post one thing on it, and then like, not touch it again, for six months. So that’s, that’s also important. Another thing is to post timely content. So if there’s like a new decision out of I don’t know, the Biden administration, or the EPA or something like that, like right on it ASAP. And basically, as soon as that decision comes out, otherwise, you know, if it’s already been out for a couple weeks, it may not be as successful as article, it was posted pretty quick to win the decision happened. And then also, like, just another thing in terms of like, us being a news website, if at all possible, we try to encourage our clients to publish articles, you know, in the afternoon, like earlier in the day, rather than like, 5pm on a Friday, you know, because often, you know, people just won’t see it. And, um, you know, you put all this effort into something and you know, no one really looks at it. So those are just like a few, just like sort of basic timing, things that we find is useful. And then like moving forward from that, in terms of how the content is format is also important. So we find that like strong use of keywords, bullet points, header status questions, just trying to imagine the piece of content in terms of how your audience will actually find it. So you know, if they’re looking for information on California Employment Law, like trying to imagine the questions they have, and try to work that into your articles, you’ll be more likely to find it that way. And then also, you know, like a wide array of different pieces of content. So a lot of our clients, they don’t just do blog posts, they also do videos and podcasts, things like that, just so they even tie the two together, where have an article that has a video component, or if they post a podcast that also include the transcripts, just sort of making content go farther, and just making it as diverse as possible. And then other thing is just like to make it personal and to sort of tailor it to your audience like trying to imagine who’s going to be reading this, and how can you make it as digestible and relevant as possible. As always, as we discussed earlier, just having a presence on social media, getting your work out there and finding your audience in your platform have all been really important, useful things you find for clients to do.


One of the most important things to remember is that there are people out there who want the content that you guys would create, like there are people who want that information. They want your expertise. And when law firms maybe specialize in certain areas, that’s a way you can differentiate yourself and produce content that’s really valuable with any website, anything that you’re going to post on any page. If the content is relevant to an audience, and it’s informational and useful. That’s always going to do better with SEO. And just get more eyes on in general because, you know, a lot of legal information on cases and case law is not public knowledge. And the public really wants that they will eat that up at any chance they get, especially if it’s really relevant to what you know this user wants, or this visitor really is looking for specifically.

Do you see a lot more video? And do you see a lot more eyeballs on video on your web, on your platforms, because we’re starting to dip our toe in, but it’s a whole different world for our lawyers.


So a lot of our clients do use video really effectively. And they have been successful with video, probably the most prominent example I have is Epstein Becker Green does, like an employment law this week video every week. And I think that’s pretty popular. And they also do a podcast, they do articles, and they’re all sort of under that same umbrella. So it’s just a way for them to sort of integrate video into the written content, and also have a podcast on it. And they have, you know, the same attorney does it every week. So it’s a way for that attorney to really be front and center.

And I think when it comes to video, you know, the biggest hurdle is when people are hesitant about it, or they’re not comfortable with video, just to remember that putting your face on someone’s screen – clients already like to talk to the attorney directly, whether it’s over the phone or in person. So having a video kind of also tones that need down or takes care of it a little bit better, I think. And if they’re a little hesitant, even just what is the question, our clients are asking a lot, and then just doing a really short video on that just to get started doesn’t have to be a whole event, or it doesn’t have to be a long video with guests. It can just be I’ve seen attorneys just sit down on a video for Facebook, like their Facebook page and just do a real quick video on a very specific topic. And I think people are so used to being visual online now that that tends to garner more interest just because they get to just sit and watch it. That or listening to something.

I think you’re right that people are watching a lot more video on every platform. So even for law firm websites, because people are used to it like maybe eight years ago, and they didn’t want to watch a talking head on a law firm website. But now everybody watches videos pretty much all the time.

I think one of the other important facets of it is just like doing what the attorneys are comfortable with. So some attorneys are better talkers than they are writers. So if they’re comfortable being in front of a camera, and sort of speaking about employment law, that’s definitely something they should do. I think, you know, just really thinking of who the attorney is and who their clients are. It’s an important aspect of that.

And that weekly repetition is huge, because that’s one way that you really create an audience. So what are ways that you guys are hearing trends in recruiting? And how are people attracting talent, I know a tight labor market out there.

Right. So I think one of the things that we’re definitely hearing the most, and like I said, from other guests, we’ve had on this podcast, a lot of people are finding it really hard to find good talent right now. Um, and I think one of the big trends that we’re seeing is just people wanting to keep the remote flexible working options, sort of going back to our conversation earlier, just the trust that people can work from home, and that they can basically have more control over their schedule. And if they have a really big commute, then they don’t really want to have to sit in the car be pm the train for an hour, I think a lot of people have really realized just how much sense remote work really makes. Um, and so I think firms that embrace that they, you know, are nimble and allow their employees to work remotely and have that flexible hybrid option. I think that will make a big difference. Um, I think also just up on the big trends that we’re seeing is just firms like really strong company values, like diversity inclusion initiatives, um, you know, feeling like you have a voice and that your firm does really great work, I think also helps set it apart.

Making sure people are heard in it during the pandemic and actually our head of human resources sent out a survey on our wellness initiatives and how well we’re doing. So I thought that was really nice today to make sure that what we’re actually doing is what people want. And again, that’s part of communication, which is the world the three of us are in so it all comes down to communicating I think.

Yeah, and I’ve heard of other firms just staying connected with their employees sort of like what you mentioned earlier with sending out you know, e cards on anniversaries and birthdays and things like that. I think just finding ways to stay connected and making people feel appreciated is also important. I think especially now that I think because of the pandemic, like workloads are just really high. And I think people might start to feel a bit burnt out, and trying to cope as best as they can.

There’s been so many challenges. And on top of the increased workload is everything. You know, if you have kids at home, and all of the issues that people have been facing, you know, whether people in their family are sick, or whether it’s just been a lot for so many people, it’s important to step back and remember that we’re all we’re all human. And just to celebrate little things like birthdays and anniversaries are really important, just to be with the fact that you remember and recognize somebody’s birthday is always nice. I think we covered a lot today. Thank you. Again, I really appreciate the opportunity to be on the show and look forward to speaking with you and listening to the podcasts later.

Yeah. Well, thank you so much for taking the time to come on today. We really appreciate it. So yeah, special thanks to Bernadette DeCelle for joining us today.


Copyright ©2021 National Law Forum, LLCNational Law Review, Volume XI, Number 307

Article By Rachel Popa and Jessica Scheck of The National Law Review / The National Law Forum LLC

For more articles on legal marketing, visit the NLR Law Office Management section.

Legal Marketing in the Post COVID-19 Work Environment with Jaffe PR [PODCAST]

In this inaugural episode of the Legal News Reach podcast, Rachel and Jessica discuss marketing in the post-COVID work environment with Melanie Trudeau, Director of New Business & Digital Strategies with Jaffe PR.

Tips to Determine Your Law Firm’s Contingency Fee

In the legal world, there are a lot of outlying factors to consider when setting up a new law firm or maximizing an existing one. And one of those factors is determining whether or not your firm needs a contingency fee, and, if so, how much that contingency fee should be.

What are contingency fees?

Law firm contingency fees are rates that a client agrees to pay after a lawyer successfully wins the case. Typically, these fees are agreed upon for cases involving money claims, such as workers’ compensation or personal injury. If the lawyer wins the case, they’re given a certain percentage of the money claimed. If not, then neither the lawyer nor the client receives any money. While in the latter situation, the client doesn’t have to pay the lawyer for working on the case, there are still court filing fees and other costs that occur, no matter if the lawyer wins or loses.

Lawyers who use contingency fees—also referred to as “no win, no fee” lawyers—can exist in almost any specialty area. However, contingency can only be used in civil litigation, not criminal justice. While the percentage of the fee varies by lawyer, typically contingency fees are 33 ⅓ percent of the case if a lawsuit is not filed and 40% if a lawsuit is filed.

5 Tips to establish contingency fees

Now that the basics of law firm contingency fees are covered, it’s time to go over the five best tips for determining your law firm’s contingency.

#1 Ask your network

Unfortunately, there are no hard and fast rules on contingency fee percentages in the legal industry. Books and statutes will give a lot of vague information but no straight answers on what’s reasonable for you and your clients. Because of this, it’s helpful to reach out to your colleagues and mentors for advice.

Sure, it can be a little awkward and uncomfortable to ask your peers what their contingency fee percentages are, but it’s one of the few ways to collect accurate data about rates in your area. And if it’s people you’ve worked with for some time, they most likely won’t mind the question. Just be polite, professional, and make sure they know that they only have to answer if they’re comfortable revealing that information.

#2 Discover your state’s rules

Once you’ve gathered examples from your colleagues on their contingency fee percentages, it’s important to verify that information against your state’s rules. This might seem obvious, but many lawyers fail to do so then have to pay for it later. And as an attorney, you know that rules change all the time.

So before you set your own contingency fee, spend some time getting to know the rules and regulations within the state you’re practicing. Be sure to make a note somewhere in your calendar to do an annual check in to see if those rules have changed to avoid falling into any unnecessary ethical traps.

#3 Weigh all the factors

You would think that having your colleagues’ data and your state rules would be enough to determine a reasonable percentage, but they might not.

Every state has a complex set of factors used to determine the reasonableness of client costs in addition to a set of rules about the fee. Get comfortable with these factors and weigh the average percentage from your colleagues against them. Spending some time scrutinizing now will save you a lot of headaches down the road.

#4 Get familiar with other types of contingency fees

That’s right—there’s more than just the standard type of contingency fee. Lawyers also have to consider using reverse contingency fees and hybrid fee arrangements.

In reverse contingency fees, lawyers are given a percentage based on how much money they saved the client rather than how much money the client was rewarded. For example, if you’re representing a client who is being sued for $1 million, but you negotiated the settlement down to $100,000, then you would be given a percentage of the $900,000 you saved the client.

Reverse contingency fees get tricky because someone can sue for an outrageous amount of cash that is unlikely to be paid in full. So a lawyer may have just negotiated down to a more reasonable rate, not really “saving” any money at all. However, because of the problems that can arise with these cases, they are very uncommon.

Hybrid fee arrangements, on the other hand, are a little more common. They include both a fee that’s based on the lawyer winning the case and the lawyer’s fixed, hourly rate. These arrangements must also hold up to the state’s requirements regarding contingency fees, but the fees are more of a bonus rather than the lawyer’s entire paycheck.

#5 Secure informed consent from clients

No matter how brilliant a lawyer you are and how hard you work to win your clients’ cases, you always run the risk of a client refusing to pay the agreed-upon contingency fee. They can then complain to the state bar. When you’ve done your homework and crafted a reasonable fee, this is unfair. But it happens, and it helps to be prepared for it.

It’s imperative to get informed consent from your client that explains the risk of the case, the likelihood of securing a victory, and the monetary amount that you could be taking home if the case is won. A good statement to use in your Informed Consent Agreement is the following: “the fee is not set by law but is negotiable between attorney and client.” A written and signed agreement protects both you and your client from any surprises at the end of the trial.


As confusing as they are to navigate and understand, contingency fees are standard practice in most law firms. They not only provide a great incentive for lawyers to win cases, but they also give an avenue for those who can’t afford legal help to have it.

© Copyright 2021 PracticePanther

For more articles on the legal industry, visit the NLRLaw Office Management section.

How to Develop a Content Marketing Strategy for a Law Firm

There are many avenues through which law firms can attract clients, but it’s no secret that the internet is one of the most powerful lead generation tools to date.

Law firms of all sizes use the internet to market their services, follow up with clients, and publish thought-provoking content.

With the help of the internet, law firms can now market themselves across a variety of channels. This is where content marketing comes in to assist firms in creating the right content for the right audience at the right time.

How can you use content marketing to grow your law firm? Read on for tips on how to create an effective, client-attracting content plan.

Why Content Marketing Matters for Law Firms

Content marketing is a type of law firm internet marketing strategy that involves creating and distributing informative, audience-focused content online with the goal of attracting website visitors and, hopefully, new clients. It can take on a variety of forms and serve a variety of objectives, but the main purpose is to help law firms draw in new clients online.

In fact, studies show that 65% of law firms spend the majority of their marketing dollars online, which indicates that today’s law firms see the value in and are taking advantage of online marketing.

A content marketing strategy can assist law firms in reaching more customers through valuable, relevant, and engaging content.

10 Steps to Creating a Law Firm Content Strategy

Legal content gets a bad rap for being “boring”, but it doesn’t have to be.

In fact, your clients are searching for information and this puts you in a great position to create content that helps them navigate the legal process with ease.

Below, we’ve outlined 10 steps to uncovering smart content ideas, distributing your content, and using content to attract new clients.

1. Identify Your Main Objective

Content can serve a variety of purposes – from attracting website visitors to increasing engagement on social media to growing your email list.

Before creating content, you should consider what your primary objective is so you’re prepared to create content that helps you accomplish this goal. Different types of content work to generate different results, so it’s worth identifying your main objective(s) from the very beginning.

With your content, are you trying to:

  • Attract website visitors?

  • Grow your email list?

  • Increase social media engagement?

  • Increase your law firm’s authority online?

  • Run a PR campaign?

  • Improve your search engine optimization (SEO)?

  • Turn visitors into leads?

  • Attract backlinks?

These are just a few of the many objectives you may have for your content. Consider these before creating your content marketing strategy so you’re sure to create the right kind of content to achieve your goals.

2. Research Keywords for SEO

If one of your objectives is to improve your law firm’s SEO, then you will want to research searchable keywords to use in your content.

This involves identifying keywords your target audience is searching for to find law firms like yours, or otherwise find information about the type of legal services you offer.

To do this, you can use keyword research tools like or to find keywords to you on your web pages or in your blog posts.

Here’s how to do keyword research for your blog articles:

  1. Use keyword research tools to search for any terms you can think of that might describe the services you offer or some questions your target audience may have.

  2. Look at the search volume and competition score of these keywords to see if they are worth targeting on your site. The sweet spot is keywords that have high traffic volume but low competition.

  3. Use the “Related Keywords” function to find relevant keywords you might not have thought of during your original search.

  4. Make a list of the keywords you think make the most sense for your site and write out some potential blog post titles that relate to these keywords. For example, “how to file for divorce” could become “How to File for Divorce – X Steps” or “How to File for Divorce – Avoid Stress & Animosity”.

  5. Use your target keyword (for each post) throughout your content, paying special attention to your post’s title tag, meta description, and H1 and H2 headings.

3. Spy on Your Competitors’ Content

Sometimes you’ll find yourself a bit stumped on what content topics to tackle on your website. This is when it’s a good idea to scope out your competitors’ content strategies to see what keywords they are targeting and what content they’re posting on social media.

You can use the same keyword research tools as above (SEMRush and Ahrefs) to search for your competitors’ domain names and see what keywords they are ranking for. This can be a great way to find keywords you should be targeting on your own site.

Not all content needs to serve an SEO purpose, however. If you see your competitors posting thought-provoking content on their blogs or social media channels, this can give you some ideas for content you can create to increase engagement, improve your firm’s authority, and even attract clients to your website.

4. Ask Your Audience

The legal niche is highly competitive, which often makes it difficult to come up with content ideas that haven’t been tackled before. It’s a smart idea to ask your audience what topics they’re interested in and what questions they have about the services you offer and the legal process in general.

You can do this by posting a question like “What questions do you have about X?” on social media, by sending out an anonymous survey, or by sending out a campaign to your email subscribers. Then you can turn these questions/topics into blog posts and/or create a Frequently Asked Questions page on your website.

5. Establish a Content Schedule

When it comes to content marketing, quality comes first but consistency makes the difference. Your law firm’s content marketing strategy is made more effective when you are publishing, posting, and marketing your content on a regular basis.

In the beginning, you may want to start slow so you can keep up with a regular posting schedule. Even if you’re only posting two times per month, this is better than skipping months at a time. Later on, you might consider hiring help (like a blog writer) to create more content on a consistent basis.

Project management tools like Asana and can help you stay on schedule, organize your content details, and ensure that you’re distributing your content across multiple channels.

6. Write with “EAT” in Mind

EAT (Expertise, Authority, and Trust) is a concept in SEO that applies to creating content that’s written with users and search engines in mind. It’s used to guide brands in creating content that provides value to readers and includes relevant, accurate information users can trust.

By contrast, many brands simply write with Google in mind – chocking their content full of keywords and hoping for the best. Instead, you should focus first on providing content that helps your audience learn, accomplish their goals, and find the best law firm for their needs.

SEO powerhouse Moz published an in-depth guide on how to write for EAT so you can create content that both Google and users want.

7. Create a Content Distribution Plan

You’ve planned your topics, written your content, and have hit “publish”… now what?

After creating your content, you’ll want to have a plan for distributing your content across platforms to get as many eyes on it as possible. This can be done manually or through the use of content distribution tools like Buffer or Hootsuite.

Here are a few places you can share your content to generate more traffic, engagement, and views:

  • Facebook posts

  • Facebook Ads

  • Instagram posts or stories

  • Email list/newsletter

  • Repurpose as YouTube video

  • Twitter

  • LinkedIn

  • Google Ads

  • Pinterest

  • Reddit

  • SMS (text message marketing)

  • Blog

  • Messenger bots

  • HARO (Help a Reporter Out)

  • Google My Business posts

  • Guest posting on third-party sites


  • Quora

  • Bing Ads

8. Focus on Lead Generation

If one of your objectives is to generate more leads for your law firm, then you will want to give your readers various opportunities to contact you (i.e. “convert”).

When publishing and sharing your content, consider what action(s) you want users to take. Do you want them to download an ebook? Give you a call? Fill out a form? Whatever it is, make this clear so you can generate as many leads as possible.

Here are a few ways to generate leads from your content:

  1. Include contact forms on the service pages of your website.

  2. Add downloadables like ebooks and infographics to your blog posts so users have to provide their email addresses.

  3. Include calls-to-action on your social media posts to encourage followers to contact you.

  4. Add your phone number to your web pages to make it easy for prospects to reach you.

  5. Promote your email newsletters to collect more email addresses.

  6. Create “lead magnet” content users would be interested in. Make is so they have to provide their contact information before downloading this content.

9. Follow Up with Prospects

What use is a lead if you don’t follow up with them? Unfortunately, this is a mistake a lot of law firms make (as shown in Hennessey Digital’s law firm intake study) and it can really cost them potential clients. Don’t forget to follow up with your leads!

When you collect information from prospects (whether it’s via email, social media, your contact forms, or by phone), you should record this information and outline a process for follow-up. This can involve having an automated email campaign or having someone on your team following up with the prospect directly.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools can help you keep your lead information organized, check follow-up status, send client documents, and much more. Use these to ensure that you’re following up with every lead and aren’t missing out on new client opportunities.

10. Create Linkable Assets

A linkable asset is a type of content that works to attract backlinks to your website. Links from high-quality sites can improve your own site’s SEO, increasing your rankings and drawing in new website visitors.

There are many types of linkable assets you can create. These range from ebooks to guest articles to interviews to webinars and beyond. We’ve provided 8 ways to attract backlinks so you can improve your website’s SEO and generate even more traffic.

The great news is that your content can serve many purposes at once. For instance, you can publish an SEO-friendly blog post that generates traffic, attracts backlinks, drums up engagement on social media, AND converts readers into clients. The more you can “kill two birds with one stone” with your content, the better!

Law Firm Content Marketing Made Simple

By now you see that content marketing for your law firm doesn’t have to be a difficult task. With the right planning, tools, schedule, and writing know-how, you can create amazing content that moves your law firm forward.

Create content that gets your audience buzzing and itching to work with you. The more content you create, the more your skills will improve and the better you’ll be at using content to turn passive visitors into new clients.

Copyright 2021 © Hennessey Digital

For more articles on the legal industry, visit the NLR Law Office Management section

“I always make it the lawyers’ idea.”

Marketer: “When I want to get the lawyers on board, I always make it their idea.”

I’ve never cared for that approach — that’s not respecting the lawyers as intelligent adults. That’s infantilizing them; it’s treating them like children whose little egos need to be soothed and pampered so they don’t throw a tantrum. I say the heck with that.

They’re smart, tough, professionals who only bestow their respect upon those who have earned it. And marketers who let others to take credit for their ideas are teaching their employers that they don’t have any good ideas of their own. That’s not demonstrating that you’re invaluable and need a big raise. Rather, you’re making yourself replaceable by someone younger, cheaper, or less experienced.

Some time ago, I was asked on a Legal Marketing Association (LMA) email group how I structure my arguments to achieve effortless buy-in of innovative ideas and initiatives with skeptical groups of lawyers and marketing committees. My fundamental point was that it all comes down to education.

As a simple example, let’s say we’d like to redesign a firm’s letterhead  to remove a long list of lawyer names. We’ve done this dozens of times for firms of all sizes, and I always follow the formula detailed below. Once I figured out this secret 25 years, I increased my professional effectiveness by 1,000%. It’s arguably the most vital lesson I teach marketers.

I think this is critical for everyone who works with lawyers to thoroughly understand.

First, as I regularly comment, “If (1) what I’m recommending is the best idea or action, and (2) I can teach lawyers what they need to know to position them to make a good decision, then (3) they should see that I’m right and agree with me.”

However, if they disagree with what I’m proposing, then either (1) I was wrong, (2) they’re stupid, or (3) I’ve failed to educate them sufficiently.  I don’t know any stupid lawyers, which means that any battles are likely caused by a poor job of educating the lawyers. And that’s our fault, not the lawyers’.

I can explain something to marketers in two minutes that takes me an hour-long presentation with 50-100 PPT slides to explain to lawyers. Most marketers and administrators come from a similar vantage, experience, and frame of reference — we start generally on the same page, and we’re open to new ideas.  Lawyers are not especially open, they don’t know much about marketing, and they have an exceptionally skeptical thought process.

That’s not a criticism, it’s many marketers’ personal experiences in marketing committee meetings. As marketers, we spend 8 hours a DAY thinking about marketing — our lawyers may not spend 8 hours a YEAR.  We exhaustively research every variable before recommending a particular course of action to the marketing committee. Why should we expect lawyers to be able make an intelligent, educated, and correct decision the first time we throw it at them? 

Regardless, in spite of their lack of information and education on any particular topic, if the lawyers are asked, they’ll always have an opinion.  And once they voice that opinion in front of others, it’s very difficult to persuade them to change it. So before we allow them to subconsciously formulate that opinion, we must get them to buy into our view on the topic.

Here’s how I do that:

First, I do not lead with the conclusion. That is, I do not open with a general topic sentence using the classic journalistic style, something like “I think we should remove the names from our letterhead,” If I do that, they’ll disagree and pick me apart. They’ll identify 100 reasons why that’s a dumb idea, for example:

  • “We’ve always done it this way!”
  • “Everyone does it this way.”
  • “My clients like seeing my name near the top!”
  • “It’s more traditional, it’s classier.”
  • “It shows how big we are.”
  • “We don’t want people unknowingly calling our associates.” Etc.

I can never let that argument start.

Once it does, I’ve already lost. I’m done. It’s dead.  Even though I may be 100% right, once they start piling on with “And here’s another reason you’re wrong!” it’s too late. I spent a lot of my early years in marketing losing important debates with my lawyers even though what I was advocating was right. In a free-flowing debate, they’ll win. They love arguing and they won’t stop until you give up, because from their experience they’re right and you’re wrong. So we must first provide them the information required to position them to make a well-informed decision.

Instead, I might start by quickly discussing design trends in the legal marketplace, what the leading firms are doing (discussing firms they’d aspire to become).  I show actual examples of beautiful design from competing local firms (you can get them from your printing company), that don’t have the lawyers’ names on them.

I’ll validate that what they currently have was the right answer at the time it was created, that it looked absolutely beautiful. That is, I’m never suggesting that the original design was bad or poorly conceived, simply that since then, design has changed — as it always does over time. I might mention other obvious types of designs that have changed since the time this letterhead was created, i.e. it’s not just the firm’s letterhead — men were wearing three-piece suits, suspenders, and yellow ties, while women lawyers wore stiff, poofy hair and dresses with shoulder pads rather than the more open and casual approach we have today. Design changes have been spurred by the clean lines of Apple and the Internet. The business culture is less formal than it was back then and today’s design reflects that.

That is, I create hard evidence in support of my argument.

I might provide highlighted copies of any articles and blog posts that I can find that discuss and support the removal of names from the letterhead.  I pull relevant quotes from articles, blog posts.  

I’ll ask a friendly engraving or printing company how many of the past 25 letterhead re-designs they’ve printed have included all the lawyers names, and quote them. I’d ask a client/friend which design they prefer and provide the results, e.g. “I think having the lawyers’ names along the margin looks silly, and alphabetizing them implies that the most-senior lawyers have giant egos. At my company, we want to show our younger employees that we value them.” Lawyers are persuaded by client quotes. Note, whatever I’m advocating, I make a persuasive, logical evidence-based case for change. This helps the lawyers think “Huh, that makes sense. I never thought about it that way.”

I’d print out a sample letter on the current letterhead, then paste that same text into one of the printing company samples that have larger margins because they don’t have all the cluttering names on them, and show them how much more content fits on the new style — fewer two-page letters.

THEN, after they’re fully educated about this topic (this should take 15-20 minutes), NOW I can suggest that I’d like to update the firm’s letterhead to the same type of modern layout that all the top firms are using. At this point, they have learned why what they have isn’t good any more. They may have walked into the meeting loving their stationery, but 20 short minutes later, I’ve taught them to hate it, in a friendly, educational, interesting, and highly professional way, and lawyers love learning new things.

This is the structure I use when pitching anything — e.g. a new brand or website.  I recommend that all marketers and administrators use it regardless of what we are seeking their agreement to — whether it’s a new piece of technology we want to purchase, a marketing-training program or other initiative we want to launch, a new employee to hire, or a big raise or bonus.

One added benefit of doing it this way is that we don’t have to “make it the lawyers’ idea.” I want marketers to make it YOUR idea. It’s a GOOD idea, it’s the RIGHT idea, and we are gradually teaching the lawyers that we are high-quality professionals whose ideas and efforts they should respect and trust. We’re not winging it, we’re approaching our decisions with a thoughtful, well-researched process and methodology that they can understand and respect, just like they’d have done it themselves if they were in our shoes. Lawyers appreciate that.

At least that’s how I approach it, and it’s served me well in conversations with lawyers and marketing committees for 25 years.

What do you think? What works for you? Do you have a different perspective?

© 2021 Fishman Marketing

For more articles on legal marketing, visit the NLR Law Office Management section.

Relationships Creating Commerce: How to Get the Most Out of Professional Networking and Referral Groups

Since in-person networking opportunities, such as industry conferences, are almost non-existent during the coronavirus pandemic, professional networking and referral groups are gaining popularity and becoming the go-to choice for creating referral relationships for lawyers. The format, makeup and style of the groups may vary, but the overall concept and purpose are the same: Grow your network, obtain new clients and bring in more revenue.

If you are thinking of joining a professional referral network, there are a few best practices, factors and concepts to keep in mind.

Your Circle of Trust

We all know it takes time to build your network the old-fashioned organic way — attending networking events, speaking at conferences and just meeting people over time. However, joining a professional networking and referral group will accelerate the growth of your network in three ways.

  • Joining the group expands your network immediately, since these groups typically have 20 to 30 members.
  • Those 20 to 30 people in the group are trusted advisors to their clients. As a fellow group member, they come to know you as someone they can trust. If their clients have a need that you can fulfill, your cohort will not hesitate to refer you. You can think of it as having 20 to 30 salespeople working on your behalf in the market.
  • Practicing the law of reciprocity is an accelerator. For every introduction you provide to your fellow members to help grow their networks, you can anticipate the boomerang effect because the person you gave to will want to return your gift in kind.

Selecting the Right Group

Several group options are available; joining the one that’s right for you is key to gaining value for your time and investment. Most professional networking groups have a monthly membership fee that, for the most part, is comparable, so don’t plan on distinguishing based on cost. There are four other factors to consider when you are deciding which group to choose.

Ask about the selection process — not only whom the group recruits, but how. For example, in an invitation-only process, you must attend a meeting first and if there is a mutual fit, the group extends an invitation for you to join. Consider how the group fills its rosters. Does it vet member candidates to ensure they have extensive tenure within their practice areas? Does it require that groups are curated with a mix of focuses to maximize cross-referrals?

You should also ask about the attendance policy. Make certain the required time commitment is a fit, because it’s important for presence to be a priority. You need your fellow members to attend consistently and participate actively to truly refer each other. The group should meet monthly at a minimum, and should also create opportunities for fellow members to network in smaller groups between monthly meetings.

Consider the broader networking opportunities the group offers. How large is the total network? How does it create opportunities to meet geographically distant members? Does it offer affinity or subgroups? There is added value to your membership if you can network regionally or nationally as well.

Finally, research the makeup and history of the organization itself. Does it have a credible story to tell about its members and opportunities? Does it have a strong onboarding program and proven systems for how members meet and create commerce? Does the organization have a tenured support staff? Another key benefit is if the organization provides a platform to share thought leadership, news and accomplishments, as well as a community board to ask for needed introductions and referrals.

The Perfect Combo Creates the Ideal Referral Source

Some professional referral networking groups have a specific formula or membership mix that encompasses a broad range of practices or professions. Such groups usually allow just one representative or member from each area. While all of your fellow members are potential referral sources, a handful will naturally complement each other and lend themselves to creating opportunities to cross-sell and cross-serve the same client. A best practice is to focus on these particular relationships within your group. Meet with these complementary professionals often and discuss creative strategies to create combined offerings for each other’s clients.

If you expect to gain quality, be sure to educate your fellow members about your ideal client and referral. Be sure that your fellow members know and understand where your ideal client can be found, and how your ideal client typically finds you. Let your group know about where your target-rich audiences are, the most common reasons you are retained and the kinds of problems you solve.

The Law of Reciprocity

One business development strategy that will always harvest results is to fulfill a need for the person you’re trying to gain something from. Regardless of what it is (an introduction, a recommendation, a referral, expanding your current work, or gaining new business or a new client), your only focus and approach should be that of a giver, not a taker. Members who grow their businesses from group relationships do so because they focus on giving referrals, as opposed to seeking referrals.

The “giving” doesn’t always have to be a referral. It can be a recommendation, a solution to a problem or a shared idea. The law of reciprocity will always work because the receiver naturally wants to return your “gift” in kind.

Bottom Line: Trusted Advisors Create Commerce

Other best practices of professional networking are obvious: Attend your group meetings regularly and participate actively. Consider providing educational training and thought leadership to the group as well as serving on leadership committees or boards.

The benefits of a professional referral network are far-reaching. Winning one new matter or client will pay for your membership. There is also more juice for the squeeze, since the time you commit to membership is actually minimal compared to other business development activities, especially those that involve cold networking, such as sending unsolicited emails or social media invitations. You also enhance your own value to your clients because you have an ever-expanding network of trusted advisors and referrals to tap into.

In a world where you should never underestimate the power of a relationship, professional networking and referral groups will play a key role in the number and quality of relationships you cultivate. As long as opportunities to meet in person remain limited, these resources will only increase in value for everyone.

© Copyright 2008-2021, Jaffe Associates

ARTICLE BY Glennie J. Green of Jaffe
For more articles on legal marketing, visit the NLR Law Office Management section.

How to Elevate Your Law Firm Brand

You can have the best law firm in the world, but if no one knows you exist, you will not attract business. Marketing your law firm is incredibly important because you need to constantly broadcast your firm’s messaging, offering, and identity. You want to establish yourself as the go-to law firm of the community. Even by attempting new marketing strategies for lawyers, you are outpacing most of your peers.

However, most solo attorneys and small law firms are not taking an intentional marketing approach and instead engage in “random acts of marketing.” The American Bar Association states the majority of small law firms do not have a strategic marketing plan in place.

This behavior is self-sabotaging as it is critical for law firms to stay relevant in the legal community and firmly establish their brand voice and marketing plan.

Overall, lawyers have an incredible opportunity to network and expand their brand in a world that has seemingly gone virtual. To grow your practice, you need to experiment with new marketing strategies and mediums. After all, if you do not market your services, how would anyone know your services are available?

This article will cover some ideas on how to determine what your brand identity is and how to elevate it through marketing tactics.

Be Crystal Clear on Your Law Firm’s Brand Identity

A law firm should establish the message they want their clients to remember them for. Start by asking yourself the following:

  • What is the identity of our law firm?
  • What are the values of our law firm?
  • What makes our law firm unique from competitors?
  • What makes our legal services different from other firms?

It is often said in marketing, “People do not buy from businesses; they buy from people.” Answer these questions to establish your unique perspective and differentiator, and then move onto executing traditional marketing tactics for lawyers.

6 Ways to Elevate Your Legal Brand with Marketing Tactics

Potential clients are looking for lawyers who are good at what they do, helpful to the people they serve, and that show strong leadership skills and community commitment. Marketing is a holistic tool that helps the best attorneys become more visible to their clients and in the legal community, which grows their reputation, increases their referrals, and grows their practice.

  1. Utilize Snail Mail.

Striking the right balance between traditional and digital advertising is tough; however, traditional media still has tremendous value for law firms, and its utilization continually carries an air of authority and prestige. Direct mail  is not dead, and in fact, postcards outperforother mediums, leading to a response rate of 42%. Creating personalized postcards that have a unique touch also increases the likelihood your potential clients will respond. You can include an incentive such as first-time client deals, a free consultation, or a local resource list.

  1.  Radio Still Wins

The majority of the Americans are still tuning into the radio; 90% of adults ages 18 to 30, 94% of adults ages 35 to 49, and 91% of adults over 50 years old are listening to their local radio station, making it the leading platform for reach in the US.

Additionally, radio audiences are also becoming more diverse. 45 million Latinos and 35 million Black Americans are tuning in monthly.

Radio advertising also offers the unique advantage of a high frequency, meaning how many times the average person hears your ad over the course of a week. It can take your customer seven times to hear about your legal service before they take action. Radio provides many opportunities to get in front of your community again and again. It is scientifically proven that a person needs to hear an ad about three to four times per week to achieve maximum effectiveness.

  1. Embrace Virtual Networking Sessions

As the legal community is a relationship-based industry, in-person activities historically laid the foundation for the most powerful marketing strategies. However, COVID-19 brought those activities to a grinding halt, pausing almost all face-to-face marketing opportunities for law firms.

However, Zoom usage soared from 10 million daily meeting participants back in December 2019 to over 300 million in April 2020. There are endless opportunities to get involved with networking. Search for areas in your legal specialty for speaking opportunities, mentorships, or even just a monthly meetup. Take advantage of the new ability to catch up and network with multiple people a day, from the comfort of your home office, without having to drive around town.

  1. Email Marketing is Powerful

Email marketing is still one of the most popular traditional marketing practices. Over half of the world’s population uses email every day, and 54% of email is read on a mobile device. Also, email marketing continues to deliver one of the strongest returns on investment, with every $1 spent averaging an ROI of $42.

Building out monthly newsletters and embracing consistent email communication is key in staying top of mind with your community.

  1. Collaborate with Fellow Attorneys in Your Area

I often advise legal professionals to capitalize on developing an attorney-to-attorney referral network. Instead of seeing local law firms as competition, it is essential to create a reciprocal relationship among ten to twelve attorneys that practice in non-competing areas. Develop authentic relationships with your peers, and you will find that more business will come your way, making collaborative advertising one of the most affordable forms of marketing.

Even though you can’t grab dinner or coffee, there are many ways to stay connected with other local attorneys virtually, including the following:

  • Consistently engaging with their LinkedIn posts, offering congratulations on a hard-won case, or simply adding your insight to their thought leadership.
  • Not forgetting milestones such as birthdays or work anniversaries – for your fellow local lawyers building their business, their fifth-year anniversary of starting their firm is an emotional milestone for them. Send a handwritten congratulations card or a special treat to their office.
  • Staying connected on inside jokes, sending a funny gift through the mail, or shooting over an email that references a great time you had together in the past.
  1. Billboard Advertising Offers High Frequency and Familiarity 

Billboard advertising utilizes local awareness and promotes your law firm to a broad range of your local community. Like radio ads, billboard advertising offers a high frequency, meaning your potential customers are driving or walking by your signage every day, becoming more and more familiar with your face and brand name.

This familiarity breeds comfort; studies show that brand familiarity is the most rudimentary form of consumer knowledge and increases your customer’s likelihood of seeking out your services when they need legal help. This continued exposure builds trust and establishes your image as the go-to attorney in your area.

Elevate Your Brand Through Trusted Marketing Strategies for Lawyers

As a lawyer, you first need to establish what you and your firm stand for. Create a solid brand identity that guides your usage of traditional marketing strategies. Put pen to paper on your vision and know how impactful you can be in your community, which directly leads to your firm’s branding. Once this is created and solidified, experiment with trusted traditional marketing strategies like postcards, email, billboards, radio, and virtual networking sessions, and you will find that marketing your business was well worth the investment.

© 2021 Denver Legal Marketing LLC

For more articles on the legal industry, visit the NLR Law Office Management section.


Professional Photography is More Than Just Your Attorney Headshot

Lawyers, did you know that professional photography can help your law firm’s marketing efforts by increasing your conversion rates by up to 161%? These returns are made possible through the buyer psychology of connection. It is an opportunity for your target audience to know, like, and trust you in a very tangible way.

Employing a professional photographer might seem like an expensive outlay in the short term. However, the long-term effect it has on your brand, engagement rates, and sales makes it the perfect investment for your law firm.

Simply put, fresh photographs are essential to your law firm’s success.

When prospective clients see your photos, they understand who you are beyond what outdated photographs can provide. As consumers, they are more informed than ever, and outdated, recycled photographs stop having the same effect as newer ones.

From staff changes to annual modernizations, professional photography for law firms is vital to keeping your brand fresh while building a treasure trove of personalized and exciting content for your law firm marketing strategy.

Professional Photography Placement Beyond Your Attorney Biography

Your professional photography is important to use beyond your attorney biography on your website. While those are imperative to place, other mediums are enhanced by professional law firm photography.

People get used to the same photos over time. Make yourself stand out by regularly updating your photos to be used for your promotional and public relations materials.

Places that you can use them include:

  • Website Attorney Biography
  • Third-Party Legal Directories
  • Blog Posts
  • Social Media Posts
  • Collateral Materials
  • Press Releases
  • And more

Law firms that regularly promote their content, website, and services will significantly benefit by having current, fresh photos. It will also keep staff and attorney promotions up-to-date. The expectation of an annual photoshoot will ensure everyone feels included as well.

Some changes occur over time beyond appearance and staff. Consider the new, socially-distanced world we live in right now. Updated photography can also convey safety and convenience to prospective clients as well.

Types of Attorney Photography

The digital era brings new opportunities and, thus, new requirements. In the era of Zoom calls, it is best to have an updated headshot available.

Since first impressions always matter, ask yourself this: what if your first impression of someone is filled with confusion because they do not recognize you? Help set the right expectation and tone from the outset.

An array of photos that you should take include:

  • Attorney headshots
  • Staff headshots
  • Group photos
  • Behind-the-scenes working

Make sure that your photography supports your law firm’s brand. For example, if you brand yourself as an aggressive firm, your shots should reflect this attitude and style. A professional photographer will have an instinct and eye for encapsulating the desired effect while aligning with your brand.

Tips for a Smooth Photo Session

Before scheduling your photography session with a professional, ask around. Research reviews and hire someone with experience in photographing law firms.

It is also worth talking with your legal marketing agency for local recommendations as well. They may offer in-house services or discounts, which would be ideal and convenient.

#1: Manage your time

Check your calendar and block off extra time before and after the photo shoot is scheduled. Tell the other lawyers and support staff members about it as well so that they can prepare.

2. Deal with the contract before the photo session

Tie up as many loose ends as you can before the photo session, including signing and returning the service agreement. Ensure that you review and complete any contractual requirements before the big day.

Photo shoots most definitely run more smoothly when everyone is happy, well-rested, and in a good mood. Try to facilitate this attitude as much as you possibly can on picture day.

3. Declutter the office and inspect the exterior

Most law firms, especially attorney’s desks, get cluttered over time. Spend time getting your office shooting locations in order, as it will likely become the backdrop of your photos.

Get windows cleaned professionally, run a vacuum, and put all documents in drawers or filing cabinets.

4. Provide photoshoot guidelines

While most legal professionals generally look sharp on a daily basis, it is always helpful to receive tips for dressing on photoshoot day. These guidelines typically go beyond standard grooming tips.

Here are a few tactics that you can use to make your law firm’s photo session look aesthetically better:

  • Coordinate colors that compliment the location as well as each other
  • Clothes should be fresh, clean, and wrinkle-free
  • Solid colors and tones with minimal designs are better than busy patterns
  • Well-fitting clothes are critical since discomfort translates into photos
  • Discourage short sleeves if you can
  • White shirts are distracting, which means they should be worn under jackets
  • Avoid clothing with decals or brand logos

You can also check with your photographer for additional guidelines that they may have. Be sure to communicate any guidelines to your staff.

As you can see, the benefits and returns on new professional photography is an excellent investment for lawyers and law firms. Ensure that you hire a professional photographer who takes the time to understand your needs and organize a flawless shoot.

When executed well, you will enjoy the positive audience response that keeps those cases rolling in like clockwork. After all, that is the main objective.

© 2020 Denver Legal Marketing LLC

For more, visit the NLR Law Office Management section.