5 Beliefs About Law Firm PR That Need to Be Retired

One of the best parts of my job as a strategic advisor to law firm leaders is celebrating with them when our work to promote their attorneys and practice groups pays off in the form of a splashy feature article in the business press or an award for one of their up-and-coming lawyers. Not only is it wonderful to deliver great news to our clients, but often it is not until these moments that managing partners and CMOs truly understand what is possible for their firms and how we can help them achieve it.

But some firms never get to experience these victories because unfortunate beliefs about public relations limit their engagement with the professionals who could make a real difference in business development and recruiting. It’s time to “retire” these five outdated notions about law firm PR:

“Our managing partner speaks for the firm, so we don’t need outside support.”

Firms with a prestigious history are proud of the reputation they have built over the decades, and rightly so. But the marketing methods of the past do not offer a sure path to nurturing and protecting that reputation into the future. Your firm likely plays in multiple markets, whether regionally, nationally or globally, which means you are not the same firm in Chicago that you are in Toronto. The specifics of each market require a tailored message. Though every firm is aiming for a unified narrative, a firm’s reputation is actually a collection of the different stories it tells to these different audiences. Relying on a managing partner to represent all the facets of a firm’s identity almost guarantees the firm will miss opportunities to connect with prospects whose needs fall outside the parameters of this one-size-fits-all message. Sophisticated PR support can help firms navigate the tension between staying true to their brand and selling the services of their attorneys in customized ways.

“Our reputation speaks for itself.”

In addition to relying on a single leader to speak for them, firms with esteemed reputations also tend to overestimate the value of their name in today’s market, in terms of both business development and recruiting. Younger generations of lawyers and clients are much less likely to be persuaded to buy on name alone, and in some cases they are more skeptical of the top firms because of their elite status. Recent stories of law students refusing to interview with prominent firms that continue to use binding arbitration agreements serve as excellent examples here: name alone was not enough to overcome what these students perceive to be an unfair practice. Firms, no matter where they fall in the rankings, simply cannot rely on a belief that they are entitled to “first dibs” on the clients and recruits they covet.

PR professionals can make the case that a prestigious reputation is well deserved and built on a solid foundation that will withstand the scrutiny of millennials. Pros take nothing for granted, pursuing media opportunities in high-profile outlets as well as the workhorse legal journals that serve a niche but powerful audience: the buyers of legal services. A trove of credible research shows that these key players value and make decisions more often based on what they learn from the niche outlets that some large firms dismiss as small potatoes. Good PR helps you cover all the bases.

“The marketing department handles PR.”

Because marketing and public relations teams collaborate on many projects, and because digital media has so radically changed the landscape of all kinds of communications over the last decade, law leaders don’t always have a clear understanding of the differences between these disciplines. Marketing professionals directly promote and sell your firm’s services — through activities like writing the RFPs, creating digital and print promotional materials and planning important firm events. With the ongoing responsibility to provide support across practice groups, in-house marketers often do not have the bandwidth to take on more strategic promotional tasks.

That’s where outside public relations support comes in. PR professionals are trained to think like journalists (and of course many of them are former journalists) and to help your firm tell its story and maintain its reputation in the market. By building relationships with key members of the media that outlast a single opportunity, PR support can keep the lines of communication open between your firm and your target market. This takes the form of pitching story ideas to reporters, positioning your attorneys as thought leaders and expert sources, helping them place authored content and nominating them for respected awards. Creating these opportunities for attorneys can be game-changing when it comes to business development and recruiting, but the work requires an investment of time and resources that the in-house marketing department often does not have to give.

“All media is created equal.”

Firms with overextended marketing departments and little PR support sometimes rely too heavily on their own communications channels — company website and blog, social media channels — to push out their message. After all, the firm retains total control of the content and the timing, so doesn’t that make their own channels superior to others? The truth is that the media world has become far more complex in the past two decades and now includes four types of media: paid (sponsored content), earned (traditional media coverage), shared (social media) and owned (blogs, firm-produced videos, etc.). In order to maximize their position, firms need to understand the difference between, say, content best suited for their blog and content that could benefit from the credibility of traditional media outlets. Relationships with key reporters and outlets are an incredibly important piece of building a firm’s brand. They are also time-consuming and tricky to cultivate, and often can be slow to pay off. But when they do, they are worth a hundred sponsored content placements and blog posts.

“We should wait until we get the verdict to enlist PR support.”

Even when law firm leaders do understand the specific skills PR professionals bring to the table, they often wait too long to call them. Strategic-level PR is most effective — and efficient — when the consultants are involved from the beginning and can help your firm create a smart, integrated plan that supports its overall goals. Most firms don’t need a full-time PR strategist on their staff, but they should have access to one who understands their business and clients, strengths and vulnerabilities, and how to save the firm from itself in a crisis. Getting out of reaction mode allows firms to take control of the story they want to tell about themselves, now and in the future as they continue to grow and evolve to serve their clients.

© 2019 Page2 Communications. All rights reserved.

For more Law Firm PR advice, see the National Law Review Law Firm Management page.

Communicate with Clarity and Precision: Five Steps to Improve Your Efficacy

Can You Still Hear Me, Now?

Over-connected. In the history of human life, we have never been so connected to one another. In fact, with the explosion of the internet and social media, social scientists caution on the impact to our over-connected brains.

Per Brandwatch, the world’s leading social intelligence company:

With all this connection, even the most efficient communicators are taxed. According to Gigoam, an international digital tracking firm, Americans consume 31.4 gigabytes of data monthly, primarily on mobile devices. How does that equate to words? Statistically, that’s roughly 100,000 words per day, on average, that Americans consume. Wow!

As technology brings more avenues for communication to our personal and work lives, it’s important for lawyers to keep an eye on their personal communications practices to remain effectual.

In a reasonably short timeframe, people have gone from snail mail to email to messaging each other via social media platforms. And, our society has embraced the new ways of communication in everyday life. The fun fact remains that we are caught in an evolving new normal.

2014 Gallup surveyed 1,015 people on how frequently they used various communication methods the previous day. Seventy-three percent of respondents reported they had read or sent a text every day. Eighty-two percent had made a phone call on a cell phone. Seventy percent had sent or received an email, and 55 percent had used social media to communicate.

Recognizing that communications platforms continue to emerge with essentially an infinite number of data and media messages incessantly bombarding us, we must be highly sensitized to our communication styles if we ever want to be heard by our desired audiences.

Lawyers rely greatly upon the spoken word in their work so perfecting their communication style is a wise investment.

Below are five quick tips:

  1. Think before you speak. No, reallyHumans have a tremendous capacity to listen, absorb and respond to messages at a relatively high rate. Because of this, it is very tempting to get caught up in the fast-paced process (depending upon in what part of the country you live) and instead of actively listening and absorbing your audiences’ messages, you volley back and forth in the interaction, sometimes faster than your mind can compute.

To become a more effective communicator, one must demonstrate a disciplined approach in your oral communications. Before responding too quickly, put the brakes on to consider the impact of your words, verifying whether it is in your or your audience’s best interest to respond so quickly as to either short circuit the communications process and/or suffer the consequences of an ill-timed response. We adapt a 20-second rule. Before you respond, take 20 seconds (at minimum) to consider the implications of your words. Better to be a bit delayed with our response than to kick ourselves later for the words that impulsively escaped through your lips.

  1. audience considerConsider your audience. The same message is not appropriate for every audience. As a private practicing lawyer, what you say to a referral source about your legal focus may be different then how you would explain it to a client or contact. The question to ask is “why would anyone care”? and “what is most important to my audience”? Let these questions guide your communications, both verbal and written.
  2. Listen first and second, and then speak. We do not learn when we are speaking. It is imperative that as professional services providers that we actively listen to our audience to learn how we may help them.
  • Remove distractions immediately. Check the room temperature and light and sound in the room and within proximity. Create a positive environment in which to assure maximum attention and exchange of ideas.
  • Turn off your mobile device (even on vibrate, it can be distracting and disruptive) or leave it in your office.
  • Learn from your speaking partner (whether this is a client, referral source or other valuable contact) by asking select open-ended questions and then really listen to his/her responses to guide further conversation. Be curious.
  1. Speak to be heard; message sent/message received. Mind the communications gap. Too many miscommunications occur when we “think” we told someone (message sent) but found out later either did not and/or the listener did not remember it (message received) as we remembered sending it. It matters not where the miscommunication occurred but rather how to avoid miscommunications. First, refer to tip #1 above: think before you speak to ensure that you are in control of your message. Second, to become a more effective speaker, you are well advised to confirm with your audience that the message received is the message you intended to send.

How do you do this? Ask for feedback “are you with me?” “Does this make sense?” Adapt these feedback questions to your natural communications style and you will likely see eyes light up when you speak.

  1. Accentuate the positive; look inside first. Individuals who choose to lead with the negative often find they are talking only to themselves. Nobody wants to listen to negativity, especially when there is so much coming at us from the media and various social media channels. Learn the positive approach via disciplined practice and/or having a pal send you a signal if you “go off the ‘positive’ reservation”.

BONUS: Make every word count. KISS – – keep it short and simple. Do not offend your audience by offering too many examples when they understand your point in one. Treat words as the golden charms that they are. We simply have too many words in our day to waste the excess unnecessarily.

Becoming a more effective communicator requires a concerted effort, practice and willingness to adapt to new ways of thinking. There are few things more impactful than to present your well-crafted message and to be understood through the spoken and written word.

© 2019 KLA Marketing Associates.

More on successful legal communications on the National Law Review Law Office Management page.

Top 10 Questions Lawyers Ask About LinkedIn

Most lawyers know that LinkedIn is the most-popular social media site for business networking and meaningful interactions with people relevant to their practices. While LinkedIn has emerged as the primary business social media site, the do’s and don’ts of how to interact on the platform can be a bit of a mystery. Over the last several years, I have worked with attorneys across the country on how to use LinkedIn. The list here covers the most-commonly asked questions from attorneys about how to set up and manage a LinkedIn presence.

Q: If I’m not going to post anything on LinkedIn, why do I need a profile?

Even if you don’t plan on interacting and sharing information on LinkedIn, you should still create a profile. Think of LinkedIn as a free, high-quality directory listing that you control. When people search for your name online, LinkedIn profiles typically place high in search results. Therefore, having a well-optimized LinkedIn profile gives you strong online visibility.

Additionally, LinkedIn has more than 180 million members in North America and 645 million members worldwide. Members use the platform as a search engine to find people in specific job positions in areas around the globe. Not having a presence means missing out on becoming part of the most-inclusive business network available online.

The basic elements of a complete LinkedIn profile include:

  • A well-optimized headline — Use your title, but also include your generic position as well (lawyer or attorney) to help improve your visibility in LinkedIn searches.
  • A professional photo — No kids or pets, please.
  • Your location, industry and contact information.
  • Your experience — Tag your current employer in your experience section so your profile appears on the “Employees” list of your firm’s LinkedIn page.
  • Your education.

Q: Do I connect with everyone who asks?

No. While you don’t have to actually know everyone you connect with on LinkedIn, you do want to vet requests to make sure you share some level of business interest — you work in the same industry, have shared connections, live in the same region, etc. If a connection request comes from someone completely unrelated to your business world, you do not have to accept it.

Q: Should I personalize my connection requests?

When you’re asked to connect with someone, LinkedIn gives you the option to send the person a customized message. Including a note to a connection request gives an added layer of personalization and may initiate a back-and-forth conversation. Don’t overthink your message, though. Sometimes just a “It was great to meet you at the conference yesterday”-type message is adequate.

Q: Should I look at other people’s profiles in private or “full profile” mode?

LinkedIn allows you to control whether people see that you viewed their profile. Before you scope people out, think about your desired visibility. Do you want the person to know you viewed their profile or would you rather remain anonymous? Sometimes profile-viewing is the first step in connecting, so when appropriate, I usually recommend that people view in full-profile mode. Obviously, in certain circumstances, you may benefit from using private mode, but be aware that when you switch, LinkedIn disables the “Who Viewed Your Profile” feature and erases your viewer history.

Q: How often should I post?

Posting frequency on LinkedIn should be managed with thoughtful intent. Too many posts may clutter your connections’ feeds, leading them to block you, but posting only occasionally is a lost opportunity to stay top of mind with your network. I generally recommend that attorneys post no more than once a day unless there’s something really important that has to be shared, in which case it is often better to “like” or “share” someone else’s post. When you “like” a post, the original post shows up framed in your feed. This approach achieves the goal of sharing the content without seeming overly self-promotional and sets up the possibility of a reciprocated “like” in the future. Whether you share twice a week or seven times a week, remember that quality is much more important than quantity.

Q: Should I only post content from my firm’s website?

Mix it up a bit. Keep in mind the rule that “you are what you share” when determining what to post on LinkedIn. Just posting content from the firm’s website will come across as overly self-promotional, and doesn’t position you as a well-rounded thought leader who enhances their knowledge base from multiple sources. Good sources to consider include your firm’s resource information, mainstream media outlets, trade and business publications, local outlets, and any other reliable online publishers.

Q: Do I have to use an image with my posts?

Always try to accompany your post with a related image. Stock photos are fully acceptable on LinkedIn as long as there’s a connection between the text and the graphic. Original photos are ideal but not always possible. Some firms create an image template where they can swap out an attorney’s headshot and change the headline text. These enforce a strong brand presence — but shouldn’t be overused because they can lead to a dull uniformity in your post feed.

LinkedIn also allows you to embed videos in your posts, as long as they are under 10 minutes in length. Consider posting original video content in your feed, and become your own broadcast channel!

Q: Should I use hashtags in LinkedIn posts?

LinkedIn posts can include hashtags, but keep in mind that popular hashtags on one social media platform are not the same on another platform. For instance, you would almost never use Instagram hashtags on LinkedIn. When you compose a post, LinkedIn suggests related hashtags that you can choose from, or you can do your own hashtag research using the “#” symbol in the search field and seeing how many people follow a given hashtag. Find hashtags that are relevant to your post and have enough search volume to make them worthwhile.

Q: Should I use LinkedIn’s publishing section?

Yes! Whenever you publish an original blog or article on your firm’s website, you should always replicate it on LinkedIn’s publishing platform. Even third-party publications will often let you republish bylined articles on your LinkedIn account with attribution. After all, it gives them added visibility.

Q: Is it worth paying for a premium account?

If you are looking for basic visibility, networking and engagement functionality, a premium account is not necessary. For attorneys looking to deepen their prospecting capabilities and sales funnel features, upgrading to premium is definitely worth the cost. If you’re not sure, try out the free 30-day trial that LinkedIn offers.

If you still have questions about LinkedIn, the LinkedIn help center publishes a well-organized library of information about managing profiles and engaging on their platform. Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn to recommend additions to my top 10 list.

© Copyright 2008-2019, Jaffe Associates

ARTICLE BY Melanie Trudeau of Jaffe.
For more on social media for lawyers, see the National Law Review Law Office Management page.

Stress Impacting Mental Wellbeing of Law Firm Marketing and Business Staff: Report

96% of legal marketers say that there is significant stress in the profession. 75% feel overwhelmed at work.

These are just a few of the findings from fSquared Marketing’s “Legal Marketing Mental Wellness Survey Report”. The survey polled 200 legal marketers and business professionals working at law firms primarily in the United States and Canada.

Recently, the legal industry has started to take stress and mental health seriously, but the conversation has invariably focused on the wellbeing of lawyers,” says Lynn Foley, CEO of fSquared Marketing. “That’s not the entire picture—stress affects everyone. Law firms often have a clear hierarchy and stress flows downhill to fall on the shoulders of the professional staff.”

Mental Wellness for Legal MarketersThe effects of stress on law firm staff has often been overlooked even though a number of law firm professionals have recently died by suicide.

“When we initially sought out information about mental health within legal marketing and business development, we found that there wasn’t any research on the subject,” explains Foley. “From my experience working with lawyers, I understood that we needed more than anecdotes and emotion to advance the conversation, we needed information and data. While we aren’t actually involved in HR or wellness consulting at fSquared Marketing, we saw that there was a need for this research and we had the skills to pursue it.”

Why are marketing staff so stressed out? There are several compounding factors.

Overworked and overwhelmed

Marketing staff say they have too much work assigned to them and not enough support to effectively manage demands on their time. The vast majority also reported that their department suffered from a lack of marketing resources. This is a sure-fire recipe for chronic stress and, eventually, burnout.

75% of respondents said that they felt overwhelmed at work while two-thirds said that stress is eroding their ability to focus on the task at hand. This is unfortunate and ironic since high-pressure situations are when powers of concentration become most critical.

Mental Wellness Stress ImpactAs one respondent commented: “We aren’t surgeons, but we do carry a tremendous amount of our own stress as well as the stress of others… There are no resources and there are very few people who would ever admit to needing them anyway for fear of appearing weak — stigma is an issue for everyone in the legal industry, not just lawyers.”

A divide between lawyers and “non-lawyers” (professionals)

It’s no secret that attorneys face significant threats to their mental wellbeing. As the American Bar Association describes it, “Lawyers work in an adversarial system with demanding schedules and heavy workloads, which may contribute to increased stress levels.”

A recent survey by Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation and the American Bar Association Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs found that close to 28 percent of licensed, employed attorneys struggle with depression.

The legal industry deserves some credit for recognizing this problem and many law firms are taking steps to improve the mental health of attorneys. Critics would undoubtedly say that change isn’t coming fast enough and that many initiatives are focused on symptoms, not root causes.

While more firms are advancing mental health initiatives, these are not always extended to professional staff. A survey of 30 Am Law Firms found that 36% of firms that offer mental health programming do no offer these programs to staff.

Many respondents to fSquared Marketing’s survey mentioned this divide between lawyers and staff. “Stress and mental health is mostly addressed for the lawyers and not the ‘non-lawyer’ roles, in my opinion,” one respondent noted.

58% of survey respondents agreed or strongly agreed with the statement: “There is a focus on the mental wellbeing of lawyers in our industry.” Compare this with the 9% who agreed with the statement: “There is a focus on the mental wellbeing of non-lawyers in our industry.”

One respondent’s comments summarized a common perspective: “It is unfortunate that law firms segregate mental health awareness between lawyers and non-lawyers. Somehow they feel that staff (with whom they work directly) do not suffer from the same level of stress that the lawyers do.”

A lack of respect for marketers

The good news is that 92% of marketing and BD staff felt that they had an important role to play at their firm and many said that their ideas were often heard, valued, and put into action (73%).

Although professionals recognize their value, they often perceive a lack of respect from attorneys. The majority (51%) agreed with the statement: “There is a lack of respect for me/my role by the lawyers.”

Mental Wellness; Misunderstood RoleFew factors are likely to prove as harmful to staff wellbeing. The divide between lawyers and staff is again a contributing factor. “It’s stressful”, one respondent commented, “when law firms hire ‘smart’ and ‘well-respected’ professionals who really want to do what’s best for the overall business, but then their ideas are brushed aside because they aren’t part of the partnership or don’t have a J.D.”

Changing the culture

The issues raised by this survey are disquieting. It’s clear that law firms need to take mental health seriously, for staff as much as for attorneys.

The survey did, however, find some cause for hope. For one, 62% of respondents said that their team’s marketing ‘wins’ are celebrated.

As one legal marketer said: “The level of stress varies significantly from firm to firm. Even though I am very busy at my firm, my work is appreciated and that goes a long way toward feeling good about my job.”

The fact that staff experiences vary between firms is evidence that law firms do not have to be toxic work environments. It is entirely possible for law firms to foster cultures of respect. Those that do are likely to enjoy a competitive advantage.

As one respondent said, “A good, friendly culture goes a long way”.

© Copyright 2019 fSquared Marketing

For more law firm marketing & business, see the Law Office Management page at the National Law Review.

Legal Industry News for October 1, 2019: Law Firm Mergers, New Additions and the Best Paralegal Programs

With fall officially upon us, the legal industry continues to whirl with change, innovation and movement.  Read on to learn about some of the developments from the past two weeks, covering law school changes, law firm updates and legal technology developments.

Law Firm Moves: Mergers, Practice Group Additions and New Hires

Boston law firm Anderson & Kreiger LLP recently announced Lon F. Povich has joined the firm as Counsel. Povich is former Chief Legal Counsel to Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker.

Mr. Povich says: “As I return to the private practice of law, I wanted to join a firm that offered challenging work in both the public and private sectors as well as an inclusive and supportive culture that prioritizes practicing law with the highest professional standards.”

As Chief Legal Counsel, Povich oversaw the confirmation process for 130 judges across the commonwealth, including 4 on the Supreme Judicial Court.  Additionally, he counseled on the regulation of new industries, such as gig economy staples like Uber, short term rentals like Airbnb and the legal marijuana industry.  Povich also contributed to the 2018 criminal justice reform bill and the 2015 reforms for the Massachusetts Bay Transit Authority (MBTA).  David Mackey, Managing Partner at Anderson & Kreiger says, “Lon will bring to the firm experience with the wide variety of issues he dealt with in the Baker administration as well as a diverse set of experiences in the private sector and as a federal prosecutor. We know that he will be an excellent colleague and he will further strengthen our ability to serve our clients.”

James V. Drew has joined Katten in the firm’s New York office as a partner in its Insolvency and Restructuring practice.  Drew has fifteen years of experience advising clients across a variety of industries on insolvency matters.  He has particular experience in “conflicts counsel” or as an independent director role on investigations or litigations of claims and causes of actions on behalf of debtors, secured and unsecured creditors and indenture trustees.  Additionally, he has experience handling matters as lead counsel for debtors, lenders and other creditors, equity holders, liquidators and defendants in avoidance actions or bankruptcy litigation.

Steven Reisman Katten
Steven Reisman

Steven J. Reisman, the head Katten’s New York Insolvency and Restructuring practice, says, “Jim is a highly skilled attorney who is respected by his clients for his practical advice and business-minded approach to addressing their most pressing insolvency and restructuring issues.”

DLA Piper attorneys Claire Hall (Los Angeles), Richard Hans (New York), Marc Horwitz (Chicago) and Isabelle Ord (Los Angeles) are leading the firm’s new LIBOR Transition practice, assisting companies with impact assessment and advising on benchmark reform implementation across multiple jurisdictions and products. This transition from interbank offered rates to alternative reference rates poses challenges to companies that are operational, legal, related to taxes, accounting and compliance.  DLA will assist companies with these challenges by monitoring developments across industry working groups and addressing benchmark transition across jurisdictions like ISDA, SFIG/SFA, LSTA, SIFMA and the ARRC.

Hans points out that DLA Piper, with its track record of advising some of the largest financial services companies and institutions on operations and strategic planning, is well suited to assist with the LIBOR transition.  He says, “Our LIBOR transition team will be able to assist clients in creating and implementing strategic and customized action plans that lay out the steps needed to implement benchmark transition.”


Karen Mangasarian Haley Guiliano
Karen Mangasarian

Karen Mangasarian has joined Haley Guiliano, a boutique IP law firm as a Partner.  She will join the firm in their New York office, but she was attracted to the firm’s presence in not only New York, but also Silicon Valley and London.  She says: “I was attracted by Haley Guiliano’s entrepreneurial spirits and business value-based approach to intellectual property, as well as its commitment to diversity and the mentoring of junior lawyers and technical advisors.”

Mangasarian has over twenty years of experience in life sciences practice, including patent filing and prosecution, freedom to operate and landscape analyses, and contested proceedings in the USPTO and other patent offices.  Mangasarian earned her JD from New York Law School while working as a post-doctoral fellow in microbiology at the New York University Medical Center.  She has also studied pharmacology, earning a Ph.D., and a BS Degree in Biochemistry from the University of Wisconsin.

Jim Haley, head of the Life Sciences practice at Haley Guiliano, says “Karen is a marvelous addition to our firm and to our Life Sciences practice.”

Full-service business law firm based in Portland, Oregon, Ater Wynne will merge practice into Buchalter, bolstering the latter’s presence in the Pacific Northwest.  Ater Wynne’s 22 attorneys will join Buchalter on in October, bringing Buchalter to roughly 300 attorneys in nine locations across the country, and adding Buchalter’s second office in the Pacific Northwest in under three years.

Todd A. Mitchell, Ater Wynne’s Managing Partner will become Managing Shareholder of the Portland office and a member of Buchalter’s Board of Directors. Mitchell calls the move “an opportunity to provide stronger counsel to our clients in Portland and the surrounding region,” and he says the two groups have a strong cultural fit.

Adam J. Bass, President and CEO of Buchalter, has overseen more than 130 attorneys added to the firm and has opened offices in California and in Washington State.  He calls the move a chance to “stay ahead of the curve.  This move is about looking to the future and the right cultural and business fit.”

Law Firm Awards, Recognitions and Achievements

Zuckerman Law principal Eric Bachman was named to the prestigious “Top Lawyers in America” list for 2020 by Best Lawyers in the field of Labor and Employment.  Lawyers are nominated for this achievement, and then evaluated by their peers based on professional expertise.  Bachman was included in the 2020 Edition of Washington D.C.’s Best Lawyers.

Bachman is the Chair of the discrimination and retaliation practices at Zuckerman Law, and prior to his work with Zuckerman he served in senior roles at the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division and in the U.S. Office of Special Counsel where he worked on class actions and whistleblower protection act settlements.

Preeminent workplace law firm Jackson Lewis once again was listed on the BTI Litigation Outlook 2020 report, earning “Powerhouse” rankings in Complex Employment Litigation and the Employment Litigation categories.  These rankings are based on in-depth interviews with legal decision-makers, involving data from more than 9,000 corporate counsel client interviews.

Jackson Lewis is on track to have a record number of trial victories in 2019, and this is in part due to the firm’s forward-thinking approach through innovative programs like its Advanced Trial Techniques Academy, which enhances the already strong litigation strength of the firm’s attorneys.

Firm Co-Chairs Kevin G. Lauri and William J. Anthony: “Jackson Lewis remains committed to staying abreast of national litigation trends faced by employers and delivering the best possible results, by both providing exceptional client service and retaining a deep bench of top-notch litigators.”

BTI reaches out to legal decision-makers at large organizations, with more than $1 billion in revenue, targeting decision-makers in the industries that have the largest legal spend, consulting Chief Legal Officers, Chief Legal Operating Officers and other executives with a say in the selection of outside counsel.  BTI’s 2019 report indicates an expectation of growth in litigation for the third year in a row.   More information about the BTI Litigation Outlook 2020 report can be found here.

The law firm of Sills Cummis & Gross received top ranking as one of the “highly recommended” New Jersey litigation firms in the 2020 edition of Benchmark Litigation: The Definitive Guide to America’s Leading Litigation Firms & Attorneys. This is the third year in a row Sills Cummis & Gross received this honor. Focusing solely on litigation in the United States, this guide is published by Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC.  Firms recognized are chosen based on interviews with the country’s leading private practice lawyers and in-house counsel. Thirteen members of Sills Cummins & Gross were also included.

ATM Class ActionMoginRubin LLP is representing a class of non-bank ATM operators across the United States arguing that Visa, Mastercard and its affiliated banks conspired to fix ATM fees, requiring anticompetitive overcharges for network processing fees, resulting in higher ATM surcharges and foreign transaction fees when customers use ATM’s not associated with their bank.

The proposed class represents 60% of the U.S. ATM market and includes the following: ATMs of the South, Inc., Business Resource Group, Inc., Just ATMs USA, Inc., Wash Water Solutions, Inc., ATM Bankcard Services, Inc., Selman Telecommunications Investment Group, LLC, Scot Gardner d/b/a SJI, Turnkey ATM Solutions, LLC, Trinity Holdings Ltd, Inc., and T&T Communications, Inc. and Randal N. Bro d/b/a T&B Investments.  Roughly five years ago Visa and Mastercard attempted to have the case dismissed, even taking the matter to the U.S. Supreme Court, however, the Supreme Court found that the companies had changed their argument after the court granted certiorari and dismissed the writ as “improvidently granted.”

Jonathan Rubin of MoginRubin LLP calls the rules governing the fees “absurd” designed to punish consumers who choose less expensive networks or the defendant’s competitor’s networks.  He says, “The independent ATM operators and regional networks are providing a necessary service that banks are unwilling to provide or to invest in, but Visa and Mastercard are using their market power to impose anti-competitive fees and bleed the operators and consumers for their own profit,” he added. “Mastercard and Visa have no business telling independent ATM operators what to charge.”

Legal Industry News, Law School Updates

Leading legal publisher Fastcase announced today the acquisition of NextChapter, the cloud-based bankruptcy software for attorneys and paralegals.

Bankruptcy Bankruptcy Paralegal Janine Sickmeyer used her expertise in preparing bankruptcy cases to create NextChapter, teaching herself to code and building the application from the ground up, launching in 2016.  The service became known as “the turbo tax for bankruptcy filings” and its success was built on the efficiency created by understanding the best workflows and practices into an easy to use, full-circle solution used by several thousand law firms across every district in the U.S.  Upon Fastcase’s acquisition of NextChapter, Sickmeyer will become Managing Director and Founder of NextChapter and Director of Practice Workflow at Fastcase. She calls the acquisition “a dream come true” and she voices her admiration for Fastcase leadership.  She says, “it’s invigorating to collaborate and continue to build NextChapter’s company and products alongside them. Fastcase and NextChapter share the same core beliefs on customer-focused products. I know this opportunity will allow us to continue serving our mission.”

The UCI Law Graduate Tax Program and Alteryx Inc. Announce Tax and Data Analytics Partnership, designed to train future tax attorneys on ways big data analytics can work in tax law.

Students in the UCI Law Graduate Tax Program will learn on the program already used by in-house tax departments–Alteryx Designer, and will learn how to use the data analytics platform to generate data-based legal tax advice, earning a certification for successful completion.  This practicum is the first time Alteryx will work with a law school, and the group will provide software licenses to students who participate in the program. Omni Marian, Professor of Law and the Academic Director of the UCI Graduate Tax Program, says the program is a way to prepare students for the way practicing tax law will be in the future.  He says, “Alteryx for Good’s generosity allows us to help our students to become future leaders of the legal tax profession.”

Bachelor’s Degree Center which provides a free guide to bachelor degree programs across all disciplines, recently released four guides to the best Paralegal bachelor degree programs in the United States,  including the 25 Best for 2020, the 15 Best Online Paralegal Programs,  the 10 Fastest Online Paralegal Programs, and the 10 Most Affordable Paralegal Bachelor’s Programs.

The top 3 Best Paralegal Bachelor’s Programs for 2020 are:

  1. Auburn University
  2. Quinnipiac University
  3. Montclair State University

The Top 3 Online Paralegal Bachelor’s Programs for 2020 are:

  1. Tulane University
  2. University of Central Florida
  3. University of Massachusetts Lowell

The Top 3 Most Affordable Paralegal Bachelor’s Programs for 2020 are:

  1. Bellevue University
  2. Charter Oak State College
  3. Peirce College

The guide points out that while law schools have been graduating new attorneys facing an uphill battle in the legal marketplace, paralegals are still very much in demand.  A standard entry into the profession is a two-year associate degree, however, many paralegals combine work with further study, and a bachelor’s degree in legal studies can be the key to moving ahead in the profession.  Whether an online program or a traditional program, this guide provides important information so students—non-traditional or otherwise, can make the best choice for their situation.

That’s it for now.  We’ll be back in a few weeks with more updates on the legal industry.

Copyright ©2019 National Law Forum, LLC

For more legal marketing developments, see the National Law Review Law Office Management page.

An Introduction to Digital Marketing Analytics for Law Firms

Analytics is the science behind the art of digital marketing and is an invaluable part of any law firm’s marketing strategy.  Digital analytics can provide a wealth of information that not only tells you how effective your digital channels are, but if analyzed properly, can provide fact-based information that can help identify prospect behavior and needs.  Legal marketers must be familiar with the proper web analytics tools to be able to capture and interpret the performance of their website but must also be able to go beyond their website to properly assess the performance and return of their digital marketing efforts. In this article we discuss  how law firms can merge web analytics and digital marketing analytics to improve the overall performance of their online marketing efforts.

Why Marketing Analytics Matter

To benefit from your marketing analytics, you must understand why they are important.  Analytics enables you to measure, analyze, and manage the performance of your digital marketing strategy in real time.  Legal marketers can leverage analytics to pinpoint problems and uncover areas of opportunity and potential growth. Knowing which digital marketing analytics are important to your bottom line will help you stay focused on the metrics that matter.

Why You Need to Measure Your Efforts

Your analytics should always include a measurement of your efforts. This is for one simple reason, sustainability. Essentially, you want to ensure that your marketing efforts are contributing to the growth of your firm and producing a positive return on investment (ROI).  By learning to create custom reports and glean actionable insights that actually matter to your firm, you can begin to make data-driven decisions and strengthen your marketing strategy.  At any point during your campaign, you can apply the data to tweak or remove tactics that are not producing the desired return.  By effectively leveraging data intelligence, you will build a more insightful and effective marketing plan.  The good news is that the process of tracking digital marketing has become very straightforward.  Your chosen marketing tool probably has analytics built-in, helping you measure your efforts.

Web Analytics Can Measure Those Efforts

Supplementing the built-in analytics with your marketing analytics is simple. Numerous websites offer web analytics tools, with Google Analytics being among the most famous and most popular. The most attractive reason to use Google Analytics is that it’s free!  Google Analytics will show you the number of views and visits to your website, where those visitors come from and what pages they are looking at. This information enables you to easily see how your website is performing in real-time. Google Analytics will even allow you to organize and track website data across all devices – smart phones, tablets, computers and even smart TVs.  To learn how to create a custom Google Analytics report, checkout this blog post.

Using KPIs

Evaluation of your efforts will come down to KPIs or Key Performance Indicators. You choose these criteria as measurements to demonstrate how effective your marketing strategies are at achieving your key business objectives. As such, they let you see if you are meeting your business goals, whether they are brand awareness or lead generation. Your marketing plan should include the KPIs that most closely meet your specific business objectives. Consider the following KPIs, as they are the most important for optimizing your campaigns:

  • Qualifies leads: This KPI lets you confirm that your campaign is generating qualified leads for your law firm
  • Cost Per Conversion: This metric allows you to evaluate how much you pay for each conversion to help you confirm that your marketing expenses are worth the expenditure.
  • Online Marketing Return on Investment: It should go without saying that your return on investment will let you know whether your efforts are worth it.
  • Form Conversion Rates: Form conversion rates help you determine how well your content marketing drives people to your law firm’s website and encourages them to take action. You can even use the combination of data from the forms and the form conversion rates to develop strategies that boost conversions.
  • Reach and share of voice on Social Media: Don’t forget to consider the conversions that you get from social media as one of your KPIs. This lets you determine which social media network is the best for you so that you can concentrate your efforts for the best ROI.


As a legal marketer, you must understand the impact of your marketing efforts through the effective use of digital marketing analytics and web analytics.  Applying data intelligence is invaluable to the process of improving and optimizing your marketing strategy.

© Copyright 2019 Good2BSocial

ARTICLE BY Talia Schwartz of Good2bSocial.
For more on marketing for law firms, see the Law Office Management page on the National Law Review.

Online Reviews for Lawyers: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.

As long as attorneys have been advocating for clients, word-of-mouth has been the best way to build a strong returning clientele. Great attorneys who treat their people well have always gathered a positive “buzz” which boosts business.

Today, word-of-mouth is still key for generating business, but the mouth is billions of voices strong and the word is “reviews.”

The evidence for the importance of positive online reviews is an avalanche of statistics. On the Small Business Radio Show, Jeremy Lessaris said that “a one star drop at a plastic surgery office can cost the company millions of dollars.” A study from Speigel Research Center shows that higher-priced goods and services (like attorney’s fees) rely even more heavily on reviews: the better and more reviews, the higher the conversion rate (up to 380% higher than those businesses without reviews).

The Good

Having even a few five-star reviews puts you on a track to have more business and stronger clients in the digital word-of-mouth culture. There are also a number of review-curating sites dedicated to the legal profession that can boost your firm’s online profilel for free.

Google Business Pages. This is one of the easiest ways for potential clients to find you. As long as you have claimed your listing, your clients can share their experiences with you instantly.  And, with Google’s massive search engine behind them, great reviews translate to new leads effortlessly.

LinkedIn. One of the more underutilized review-gathering tools, this is another free and ubiquitous tool to get great feedback on your firm’s business. The added benefit here is that you personally can get reviews from friends, family, colleagues, and clients, with every positive interaction given equal weight.

Facebook Business Pages. Sixty-eight percent of Americans use Facebook daily, the highest-traffic social media outlet second only to YouTube. This makes the reviews on a Facebook Business Page the most likely place for people to find reviews about you.

Avvo. If you are a licensed attorney, it is 97% likely that you have a free listing on the attorney-only review site, Avvo. In addition, their profile listings are searchable by Google and Bing, so they are often one of the first search results that a potential client will find when they search your firm’s name.

Martindale-Hubbell. This is another attorney-specific review site that utilizes Google’s vast search algorithm to bring results to the top of the page. Having great reviews here (especially from colleagues and former clients) can be an excellent source of new business.

The Bad

Unfortunately, like in any game of “telephone,” not every piece of information shared online is correct or even kind. Bad reviews can be devastating to the online reputation of even the best law firm. Unfortunately, potential clients who have never met you do not have anything else to go on except these online reviews.

In addition, potential clients actually seek out negative reviews in an attempt to decide what the “worst case scenario” is in working with your firm. That means that it is vital to police your online brand and be proactive about keeping it spotless.

So, how do you deal with bad review? Here are three things that will almost always work to keep you looking your best online.

  1. Keep your brand consistent and positive. Make sure that your brand comes across loud and clear across all social channels, including branded headers, standard language, and images and posts that fit with your professional image.
  2. Encourage people who leave glowing reviews. When you chime in with a quick “thank you,” or “I am glad you had a great experience,” it sets a tone for your business that you are gracious and willing to take time to engage with your audience.

Deal with negative reviews quickly and impassively. If you are regularly monitoring your reviews, you will know when someone has had a bad experience. The faster you deal with it, the better. It is also important to respond without being defensive. I

The Ugly

Although online reviews are important, there are some things you should never do in order to improve your online branding. A recent case in Pittsburgh highlighted one of these—buying or soliciting positive reviews in exchange for goods or financial rewards.

The case was brought by a former client of a Pittsburgh employment law firm who the plaintiff said defrauded her by soliciting positive reviews from non-legal clients and friends of employees in exchange for paid time off. The case was settled out of court, with the law firm promising never to pay for reviews again, but the trust with the community will be difficult to repair.

Another thing that will absolutely ruin your online reputation is responding to negative reviews with malice or denigration. This can be especially tempting when the person leaving the review is someone who has a personal grudge—I know of a few instances where disgruntled former clients or colleagues will send messages to review outlets like Super Lawyers as a means to lower the attorneys review ranking on the site.

Instead of trying to buy or argue your way out of a bad review, always take the high road. Do a little online research on the person writing the review and imagine that your potential client audience or referral sources are looking at how you respond. If word-of-mouth is the key, you want to make sure that what people hear about you is that you are classy and graceful under negative pressure.

Conclusion – The Best

The great thing about online reviews it that you have power to present your law firm and yourself with dignity and class, regardless of how good or bad your online reviews are. With the right kind of proactive brand management and a positive, responsive, and flexible attitude towards what others say about you, you can rise above the worst and reflect the glowing praises of the best.

© 2019 Denver Legal Marketing LLC

For more on legal marketing, see the National Law Review Law Office Management page.

How Are You Investing in Business-Building Relationships?

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment – Jim Rohn, international business management expert

Some things appear to be so simple that we assume (dangerously) that everyone “gets it.” Bear with me a moment.

For lawyers, it is imperative to consistently and persistently cultivate and nurture their relationships within their network; with clients, to receive more work and strengthen the loyalty bond; with referral sources, to receive more referrals; with prospects, to develop new work; and so on.

Why, then, is it that a significant number of lawyers either have no system — formal or otherwise — for getting and staying in touch with these people or do a dismal job of staying connected?

‘Getting and Staying in Touch’?

Again, a seemingly obvious question, but in my legal marketing practice of more than 25 years, I have worked with very few lawyers who realistically understand, as a practical matter, the fundamental principle of this phrase.

It is a widely known statistic that it takes 7-10 “touches” to achieve “top-of-mind awareness” status. Lawyers are implored to develop – often with the support of their legal assistant/marketing or IT team, a consolidated contact list including clients; industry and professional contacts; referral sources; prospects; friends and family; school classmates — law school, college, high school, etc.; co-workers and former co-workers; contacts from former clerkships; association contacts; community contacts; holiday card recipients; and so on.

Though it may be an arduous task to assemble all the business cards, old Rolodexes (yes, I’m showing my age), database printouts, etc., it is important to have all your contacts in one system. Can we say “CRM” (contact relationship management) system?

As I often relay to my clients, no list equals no connections, no communications with friends, peers, industry contacts and prospects, and, ultimately, no clients. Remember, we’re in the “relationship-building” business, and it becomes much more daunting to foster relationships if we don’t proactively get and stay in touch.

What does this mean to me?

For purposes of communicating regularly with your various constituents (clients, referral sources, prospects, etc.), no one communication message will be of interest to everyone on your contact list. That is to say, if you develop an e-newsletter or legal update on the importance of developing social media policies for the workplace and send it to your human resource clients, that topic may be of little interest to your charitable organization contacts unless they are involved in employment law issues. There is great efficiency and merit to tailor your message to an intended audience and there is no better way than to develop “categories” of contacts.

When it comes to knowing how, when and how often to reach out, paramount on most attorneys’ minds is that they do not want to be perceived as “too pushy” “aggressive” or otherwise annoying. Understandable. One principle I often convey to my clients is that most people are so involved in their own world, business, family, etc.; you are not capturing 100 percent of their attention most of the time. In other words, to adequately “register” on your targets’ radar, there must be regular, consistent and persistent “touch points”, be they via e-mail, phone call, face-to-face contact and social media outlets. You get the point.

Check Motivations

To build and grow a healthy practice, it is imperative to develop a system of getting and staying in touch but doing so with the appropriate mindset. In short, “It’s not about you.”

Lawyers often query, “What is it that I’m saying to all these people?” Lawyers sometimes say, “I don’t want to bother these folks”? Understandable.

My response is usually a variation on the theme of reaching out with a service mindset and with authentic intentions of checking in on your contacts’ business, seeing how they are making out with a recent transition or starting a new position, or a company move, etc. The universal sowing of seeds of goodwill will ultimately reap only good things. Or, relating another way, employing Newton’s Laws of Motion, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” The more “goodwill” you put out, the more it will come back to you … usually multifold.

Time Considerations

Lawyers are very busy. Where do they “find” the time to get and stay in touch with everyone and have the oft-needed downtime?

Just today, I explained to a junior partner client that, if addressed productively, his contacts will soon become his friends. Consider this: we all have certain people with whom we enjoy sharing time. What if those special individuals could be the same ones in your categorized contact lists? How cool would that be? Kill two birds with, well, you know.

Many successful senior attorneys have worked most of their professional careers to create this very scenario though it didn’t happen overnight. It took years, in some cases, one contact at a time. This brings me to my next point.

Leverage Technology

In our digital age, it has never been easier to “get and stay connected” via a host of technological tools (e.g., LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, blogging). Not a technophile? No sweat; there are “people” who make a career of helping clients “connect”. One such job title is “certified social media specialist”.


In the fiercely competitive legal services arena, cultivating strong relationships is more important than ever before. As a successful lawyer and business owner, you must find a way to get and stay in touch with your desired audiences, targeted constituents and those folks who ultimately can help you grow a healthy practice. It is most easily done by:

• Commit to making it happen.

• Seek buy-in from your support resources (internal and/or external) so everyone is on the same page.

• Develop a viable and workable system for gathering, categorizing and maintaining contacts on an ongoing basis.

• Schedule dates/calendar regular communication with your contacts in addition to the other regular “touches”.

  • For example, on Mondays, review last week’s business development actions. Schedule in two blocks of 15-minute increments to follow up with each contact, offering something of value to them…a copy of a new relevant report, a link to an interesting article, a professional announcement of a common acquaintance.
  • On Tuesdays, place three phone calls to inactive clients to check in on their status/business. Ask if there is anything with which you can help them.
  • On Wednesdays, invite three referral sources to schedule a coffee in the next month. Mark your calendar and make it happen.
  • On Thursdays, research upcoming targeted networking events in an industry you serve, a Bar association event and/or other relevant organization.
  • On Friday, consider what concrete steps you’ve taken during the week and consider next steps to nurture the relationships you’ve cultivated. Take the afternoon off to recover from a busy week.
  • Repeat.


© 2019 KLA Marketing Associates.

For more on legal marketing, see the National Law Review Law Office Management page.

Legal Research News; Law Firm Updates and Awards and Law School Admission Changes: September 9, 2019

Labor Day is in the rearview, and the legal world churns on, with new developments, innovations and changes coming in on an almost a daily basis.  This week’s update on the trending news in the legal industry features Clark Hill merging with Las Vegas litigation boutique firm Gentile Cristalli Miller Armeni Savarese, former FedEx Senior Vice President responsible for US Litigation joins Bradley, and six attorneys from Le Clair Ryan move to Fox Rothschild.

Read on to learn more about what’s happening.

Law Firm Hires, Moves and Mergers

Michael Best recently announced the addition of Mark Yacura to the firm’s Washington DC office.  A seasoned attorney with more than 30 years of experience, he will join Michael Best as a partner and focus on FDA Regulatory issues.  In his career, he has advised his clients on FDA approval and clearance processes, and worked on matters regarding synthetic pharmaceuticals, biotechnology diagnostics, medical devices and conventional foods, along with regulatory matters involving other agencies, such as the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), among others.

Eric Callisto, Group Chair of Michael Best’s Regulatory Practice, sees Yacura’s experience as crucial in advising the firm’s international and domestic clients on the shifting political landscape.  Callisto calls Yacura “highly respected” and says, “it’s an honor to welcome him to our team in the Beltway.”

Conne Lensing Fed Ex Bradley
Connie Lewis Lensing

Bradley announced that Connie Lewis Lensing, formerly in house at Fed Ex, has joined the firm’s Nashville office.  Lensing had a long and storied career at Fed Ex, where she most recently served as the Senior Vice President responsible for U.S. Litigation.  In her role at Fed Ex, she pioneered the idea of an in-house law firm, bringing litigation and trial responsibilities into the corporate legal department and also  oversaw litigation across the  United States and the Virgin Islands, with an emphasis on employment matters as well as antitrust, governmental actions, and EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission charges.

Along with being a trailblazer of corporate legal services, Lensing also demonstrated her commitment to civil justice as the Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors and as Chair of the Executive Committee of the US Chamber of Commerce’s Institute for Legal Reform; additionally, she has leadership roles in the organization the Lawyers for Civil Justice.

Throughout her career Lensing has seen the experience of women in legal dramatically changed.  This life experience has given her insight, and she shares her insights by mentoring young women attorneys and championing them.   Kim Martin, chair of Bradley’s Litigation Practice Group, calls Lewis-Lensing’s record of mentoring younger attorneys as “fantastic.”  She says, “We look forward to including her insights and experience in this area to further support Bradley’s mentoring efforts.”

Bradley Nashville Office Managing Partner Lela Hollabaugh calls Lensing joining Bradley “a thrill” and “a tremendous honor” to partner with Lensing as she “enters a new phase of her career as a litigator and innovator in private practice.”

Fox Rothschild LLP recently welcomed six attorneys from Le Clair Ryan to be spread across the firm’s Washington DC, Texas, and New Jersey offices.

Joining the Washington DC office are four attorneys, with Robert Fletcher and Brian W. Stolarz coming in as partners and Kristin W. Broz as counsel in the litigation group.  Ashleigh R. Eames joins the firm as an associate, working in the labor and employment practice group.  Fletcher works with corporate clients on litigation in industries such as retail, government, insurance, pharmaceutical and biotechnology.  Stolarz works with clients on white collar criminal defense, with an emphasis on False Claims Act defense and securities enforcement.  He also assists with internal investigations and securities enforcement.  Broz has experience in class action litigation, and her background also includes experience with US and international regulations, consumer protection data privacy matters. Also joining the DC office is Ashleigh R. Eames, she will be an associate in the labor and employment practice, focusing on wage and hour issues and leave and accommodation matters, as well as hiring and workplace compliance matters.

William E. Hammel joins the firm as a partner focusing on labor and employment matters in Dallas, Texas, he has broad experience across labor and employment law, and in arbitration and litigation, but he has a focus on avoiding litigation through prevention and training, utilizing internal auditing tools and conducting investigations. His Texas roots run deep, with a JD from Baylor University and a BA from the University of Texas.

Christopher L. Pizzo joins Fox Rothschild as a partner in the corporate group in the Morristown, New Jersey office. He has a diverse group of clients, frequently working in industries that have a lot of regulation, and focusing on corporate, transactional and Mergers and Acquisitions.

In other big moves, Clark Hill recently announced it was joining forces with Las Vegas litigation boutique firm Gentile Cristalli Miller Armeni Savarese (GCMAS), with six attorneys joining Clark Hill, four as members, two as senior counsel.  This combination grows Clark Hill’s presence in Las Vegas.  Donald Ridge, Member in Charge of Clark Hill’s Los Angeles, San Francisco and Las Vegas offices, says “We’re excited about the combination as the team brings significant litigation and trial experience, along with a strong presence and network in Nevada that will benefit all of our clients.”

Dominic Gentile Attorney
Dominic Gentile

The attorneys from Gentile Cristalli Miller Armeni Savarese will work out of Clark Hill’s Las Vegas office.  Dominic Gentile, a founding member of GCMAS is a trial attorney with an impressive record of representing his clients in white collar and bet-the-company litigation matters, nationally and internationally on civil, criminal, securities and commercial fraud investigations and litigations.  Gentile is involved in a variety of organizations associated with trial and litigation law, and he has a long career teaching trial advocacy and evidence at law schools across the country.  Michael Cristalli will be a member with Clark Hill, using his experience representing clients in complex criminal, corporate and civil litigation matters.  Some of the cases he worked on may seem familiar, as they have been featured on dateline NBC, CBS 48 Hours, and Cristalli has been a legal analyst on shows like Good Morning America, MSNBS and Fox and Friends.  Ross Miller is a former Secretary of State of Nevada, the youngest to serve in this role in both Nevada and in the country. In this position, he oversaw Commercial Recordings, Securities, Elections, Nevada Business Portal, and Notaries Public.   His public service also includes serving on State of Nevada Boards including the Board of Prison Commissioners, the Governor’s Office of Economic Development, and the State Audit Committee.  Along with this public service, Miller was the Deputy District Attorney in Clark County.  Paola Armeni will join Clark Hill as a Member, and she has a resume that includes representing clients in criminal defense and civil rights cases in Nevada state and federal courts.   Vincent Savarese has worked in federal criminal defense, constitutional law, federal civil rights and asset forfeiture, in complex litigation at the pretrial, trial and appellate stage in state and federal court. He will join Clark Hill as Senior Counsel.  Mark Dzarnoski is joining Clark Hill in the securities and investments group as a Senior Counsel having 30 years of experience.   He guides clients through allegations of criminal fraud and SEC/FTC investigations and civil enforcement actions. s.

Gentile indicates this is a merger based on shared values.  He says, “It was important to all of us that we merge with a firm that shared our client service philosophy, work ethic and values, and in Clark Hill we found the perfect alignment.” (image of Gentile?)

Law Firm Victories, Achievements and Awards

On September 3, 2019, Gilbert LLP announced that the Commercial Division for the Supreme Court for the State of New York ruled that Gilbert client, Michael Cohen, could continue his litigation against the Trump Organization, his former employer.  Cohen is arguing that the Trump Organization failed to provide attorneys’ fees and reimburse his costs in connection to a variety of legal proceedings and investigations.  Hunter Winstead, who serves as the lead attorney on the matter, indicated an intention to pursue this matter to conclusion, saying, “We intend to obtain full payment of Mr. Cohen’s claims.”

Just in time for back to school, Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP, announced the publication of their Third Edition of a 50 State Guide on Student Loan Servicing Regulations.  The second edition was published in June of 2018, and this edition captures the changes in the regulatory landscape of this industry, with 6 additional states enacting laws concerning student loan servicing: Colorado, Maine, Nevada, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island.  The third edition covers changes up to May of 2019, and captures some of the updated regulations on licensing fees, processes and actions—demonstrating the steps loan servicers need to take to remain in compliance.  Additionally, changes made in regulation requirements in Washington, DC-based on court rulings are covered by the guide. In this rapidly shifting regulatory landscape, this guide is designed to be a quick reference for student loan servicers (but does not constitute legal advice or create an attorney-client relationship) with state by state summaries covering state laws, licensing processes, and loan servicers’ duties, as well as each state’s enforcement mechanisms. (link to guide?)

North Carolina law firm Poyner Spruill announced partners Karen ChapmanSarah DiFranco, and Susie Gibbons were recognized as North Carolina Lawyers Weekly’s 2019 Women of Justice Award honorees.  This is a designation that recognizes the highest ideals of the legal profession, and women attorneys in North Carolina who demonstrate leadership, integrity, service, sacrifice and accomplishment in improving justice quality across the state.

Peter Friedenberg and Sara Jane Shanahan of Sherin and Lodgen were both recognized as a “Lawyer of the Year” in Best Lawyers.  Friedenberg was recognized for his work in Real Estate Law, and Shanahan was recognized for Litigation—Insurance.  This is a designation reserved for one attorney in each specialty and location who has received the highest overall peer-feedback for their specific practice area.

Legal Industry and Law School Developments

ScantronContinuing with the back to school theme of this edition of NLR’s Legal Industry Trends; at the end of August Berkeley Law School announced that it will now consider some applicants on the basis of a GRE or GMAT score, and those applicants can avoid the LSAT.  The GRE and GMAT will be accepted for those interested in concurrent or combined degree programs, or for those who are enrolled in graduate school at the time of their application to Berkeley Law.  Part of the reasoning behind this development is the school’s goal to admit “outside-of-the-box thinkers” and a holistic approach to application review, according to Kristin Theis-Alvarex, Assistant Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid.  She says, “Test scores—from any source—are important, but not dispositive.”  Dean Erwin Chemerinksy says, “Allowing these students to apply with the GRE and GMAT will further our interdisciplinary mission and help us to continue to attract outstanding law students.”  This move is part of a pilot program, and the school will evaluate the results of this decision over the next three years carefully to maintain ABA compliance.

ABA ReportOn the other end of the spectrum, The American Bar Association released its white paper, the ABA’s 2019 Profile of the Legal Profession. This report is the first of its kind from the ABA, crammed full of data about the state of the legal profession, compiling information from surveys, studies and reports about lawyers and law firms across the United States.  The report has specific sections devoted to lawyer demographics, pay, legal education, and specific information related to women attorneys, pro bono efforts and legal technology.  Some interesting points below:

  • Male attorneys still outnumber female attorneys, almost 2 to 1. Male attorneys are 64% of all attorneys while women attorneys are at 36%.
  • Most state bar associations do not track race and ethnicity of attorneys, but more did in 2019 (20 states) compared to 16 states tracking in 2009.
  • The average lawyer salary is $144,230, but increases have slowed down after the recession of 2008-09, but from 1998 to 2018 overall, lawyer salaries almost doubled, but the cost of living rose 53%.
  • Of the students who enroll in law school, 35% enroll right after undergrad and 65% take at least a year off between undergrad and law school. The most common reason cited for going to law school was a route to careers in politics, government or public service, at 44%.

Full of information and factoids, this report deserves a close reading by anyone interested in getting a handle on the legal industry.

Gartner, a leading research and advisory company, recently reported the results of a survey on cost-effective legal departments.  To provide this data, Gartner surveyed more than 140  companies in different locations,  industries and revenue size to identify those that spend in the lowest quartile of their peer group, while handling a similar workload.  Overall, the study indicated in house legal departments that invested in improving internal processes and growing internal capabilities with investments in staff training as well as standardizing legal work and developing legal ops capabilities were the most cost-effective.  In fact, 63% of in-house legal work is routine, and can be standardized, and departments that lack legal operations capabilities spend 30% more than those with those abilities.  These steps assist legal departments in bringing work in house and saving outside counsel expenditures for critical matters.

Michael Mayfield, research director in Gartner’s Legal & Compliance practice, says, “General Counsel also need to invest in the right areas to equip their teams to be successful, this is most clearly on display when looking at the differential in training spend between cost-effective legal departments and their higher-cost peers.”

That’s a wrap for this week.  We’ll have more later in the month!

Copyright ©2019 National Law Forum, LLC

Your Firm Is Walking the Walk on Diversity, But Are Your Leaders Talking the Talk?

When it comes to getting the word out about their firm’s gender diversity, many marketing directors focus on publicizing stats that demonstrate progress. Using external communications to spotlight an evenly split associate class, a new equity partner who is a woman or the contributions of women attorneys on marquee cases is a great way to promote your firm’s commitment to gender equality.

But statistics are only one piece of the story about how your firm supports its women lawyers. And that full story may already be on display for prospective clients and recruits, whether you realize it or not. Your overall messaging comes across not just in the communications you produce — on your website, on social media, in ads and thought leadership pieces — but also in who speaks for your firm in the media and what they say. There’s nothing worse than launching an ambitious information campaign to modernize your firm’s image, only to have it undermined by comments to a reporter that are way off message.

Let’s look at two hypothetical cases of law firm leaders quoted in a legal media story on the lack of women represented in banking and finance law.

Law leader A describes his firm’s talent-driven effort to bring in the best women attorneys as well as a robust mentoring and sponsorship program focused on advancing them to leadership positions. “It’s important to us to promote top women attorneys,” he says. “But inclusion isn’t something the firm is embracing out of social correctness or benevolence. Instead, we know, and research shows, that more diverse teams of lawyers are better problem solvers, which means they provide better service to clients. More women in leadership is good for the firm and good for our clients.”

Law leader B talks about his firm’s efforts in a different way. He notes that he’s pretty sure the firm won the business on a $30 billion deal because they included a woman on the team at the pitch meeting, though he doesn’t say whether that woman will play a significant role on the work itself. On the matter of advancing women attorneys in this practice area, he says, “We’re trying, but this job is just inherently demanding and unpredictable, and it’s tough for someone with childcare responsibilities to fully participate.”

Leader A’s comments underscore the marketing department’s work to get the word out about the progress the firm is making on gender diversity. He skillfully articulates not just what the firm is doing but why, and how these initiatives will ultimately benefit clients.

Leader B’s comments, however, will make most marketing directors break into a sweat. He talks about diversity as a legal obligation but also a burden on the firm. And while he seems genuinely to believe that a lack of women in power is a loss for those women, he does not articulate an understanding that the firm and its clients are worse off without the unique contributions those women attorneys would make to the work. Comments like these to a reporter are off message and undermine the firm’s overall goal to demonstrate that it is willing to change things like work processes and schedules to prioritize gender diversity.

Marketing directors don’t always have control over who takes a reporter’s call or what that person chooses to say. But as much as possible, marketers must take proactive steps to harness the power of these media opportunities and make sure they work in service of the firm’s overall communications strategy. Here are three ways you can start this work today:

Integrate messaging across internal and external communications. Has your firm articulated how its gender-equality initiatives line up with its stated values or mission statement? Your internal communications are the place to begin distributing those talking points. All members of the firm should understand not just what you are doing to support the advancement of women but why, and how the initiatives serve clients. This messaging should be consistent across your internal and external outreach.

Advocate for media training. High-quality media training will prepare your firm’s leaders to speak knowledgably about the firm’s diversity initiatives and stay on message. It will also help to create a plan for which leaders should speak on which topics to maximize credibility.

Broker relationships between key reporters and select attorneys. You can influence who becomes the face of the firm in the media by taking proactive steps to match reporters with your best spokespeople and steering them away from less reliable partners. To maximize the effectiveness of these introductions, prepare both parties for the conversation: help your firm representative understand the reporter’s specific interests, and provide the reporter with background on the attorney’s expertise and roles within the firm. Don’t leave anything to chance.

Your efforts to promote your firm’s diversity initiatives will only be successful if your messaging is consistent across all channels. Get proactive to ensure that your firm’s media opportunities support your communication strategy and build the firm’s brand overall.

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