The Do’s and Don’ts of Investing in a Lead Generation Service



In order to grow your firm, you need to invest in a reliable marketing and advertising program. Lead generation services are a great alternative to investing and managing your own campaigns, which can be both costly and time consuming for the average attorney. Lead generation services can not only offer you consistent, quality leads but also provide you with a total marketing package that allows you to manage those leads. There are a slew of companies that will make you a lot of promises, but how do you know which ones are legitimate?

What steps should you take before you decide the right company for your firm’s needs?

Lead Generation Service Marketing Law Firm Legal

Do Your Research

Not all lead generation services are equal. Some will scam you. Some will give you old or undesirable leads. Some will give you leads but don’t offer additional marketing services and support that will ensure continued success.

Research several companies and find out their reputation. Look for a company with longevity, positive client testimonials and a desire to see your law firm succeed. One who knows that their best interest as a marketing firm is to do whatever it takes to grow your law firm; their success is 100% dependent upon yours. No other lead generation service will be worth your hard earned dollars if they don’t care enough to be the best.

Do Make a Long Term Commitment to Your Firm’s Success

Be wary of companies that encourage a short-term approach to your advertising needs. Marketing and advertising is an ongoing commitment. Any successful advertising program, whether it’s done internally or through lead generation services requires two things: patience and time. A consistent stream of new potential clients is the key to long-term, sustained growth for any firm. This can’t be done with a stop and start approach to your marketing.

Don’t Ignore Industry Trends

Effective marketing for a personal injury practice is changing and evolving. It is imperative that you invest in an advertising service that follows closely with potential client’s search behaviors. The firm must employ a diversified approach that will reach at anytime a wide variety of potential clients. Advances in media means potential clients use various devices to stay connected. Whether it’s TV, internet or mobile, the right company will employ more than one of these sources to generate leads for your firm. Using an agency that employs only one of these methods means you are putting all your eggs in one basket – which is never an effective way to spend your advertising dollars.

Getting your firm’s name out there and making it effortless for potential clients to reach you in their time of need is critical to growing your practice. Paid lead generation can be beneficial when used and managed correctly.

Finding the right legal marketing firm that can provide you the ultimate lead generation service, that has exclusive, quality leads in your geographic area in combination with a marketing package that is all inclusive, can be a challenging process.

Article by:

Anush Alexander


RW Lynch Company, Inc.