Don’t be Content with Subpar Content: Five Content Marketing Best Practices

In the past, we have outlined eMarketing best practicesintegrating your eMarketing system with other marketing technology, and even discussed using artificial intelligence in your email marketing strategy. However, if you’ve got all the elements in place and your email marketing metrics are still disappointing, what else can you improve? Well, let’s address the 10,000-pound elephant in the room – your content.

For many law firms, content is typically written by lawyers. This can be a challenge because lawyers by trade, are legal writers – favoring a particular writing style that often is not favorable for eMarketing purposes. This leaves the marketing department to attempt to shape the content to make it as effective as possible.

So what is a marketer to do when faced with a partner who is convinced that posting 5,000 words (1,000 of which are footnotes) on the latest regulation change is the best way to communicate with clients and prospective clients? Here are five suggestions and talking points to help build consensus and buy-in for improving your firm’s publications and content marketing.

1. Best of the Bunch

Take a look at some of your firm’s recent publications by practice area. Are there one or two groups that consistently provide concise, well-written content that is not drowning in legalese? Next, it can be a good idea to look at their metrics. If their mailing list is in good shape, they should also have some of the best open and click-through rates at the firm.

These are the folks to hold up as examples of how to correctly write marketing content. Anyone who has been a marketer in a professional service firm knows that capitalizing on the competitive nature of professionals can be a powerful tool for changing behavior. If you can find one or two practices with superior metrics and can tie it to their content, then you have something to hold up as an example to the rest of the firm.

2. Train ’em Young

Today, associates have grown up with unparalleled access to the internet, email, Twitter (now X) and LinkedIn, so they get it. Firms should capitalize on the technology-savvy and sponge-like nature of the younger members and utilize them by creating content that resonates with their clients. They will likely already understand the importance of concise messaging as the key to effective communication.

3. Break Down Their Mailing Metrics

Lawyers tend to write for other lawyers. As marketers, we need them to write for people from all walks of life. Remember, many CEOs probably don’t have a JD. A quick analysis of their mailing lists may help persuade them that they are not just sending to other lawyers. It is important for lawyers who write to understand that well-written and relevant pieces are often the ones that are most likely to be circulated throughout companies.

Human resources and marketing, for example, are the two departments that are often the ‘beneficiaries’ of law firm alerts. Writing in heavy legalese can be counterproductive for these groups. For attorneys who are still hesitant to alter their writing style, remind them that lawyers also read newspapers, magazines, and even novels. Some of the most important and complex issues of our time, involving matters such as foreign policy, terrorism, taxes, the economy, and healthcare, are communicated every day in these publications—without the use of footnotes.

4. First Is Not Always Best

While it is important your clients know your firm is on top of recent developments, simply sending out a regurgitation of the new regulation doesn’t necessarily convey that your firm understands the impact of the law on the client’s business. Yes, you want your email on the topic to be among the first received, but there’s more to it. You need to demonstrate an understanding of the implications of the law by addressing questions like, “What does this mean for me? Do I need to be concerned? What can I do to prepare or minimize the risk for the company?”

Both speed and depth are important when it comes to content marketing. Get the alert out quickly and explain why it is important to your readers. Later, your lawyers can write a longer, in-depth piece for an outside publication which can also be forwarded to their mailing list.

5. Size Matters

65% of digital media consumption occurs on mobile devices. No one, including your own lawyers, would be inclined to read a 3,000-word piece on their iPhones, no matter how much time they have. The fact is, today’s professionals use their phones to consume quick-hit content – get in, get the jist, and get out, onto the next. This means we need to meet them where they are and produce similarly easy-to-digest content.

An excellent way to help dissuade your lawyers from writing lengthy, dense alerts, is to appeal to their billable hour. Long pieces take longer to write – when a piece half the size will not only take them half the time but ultimately increase readership by twice as much.

For more news on Content Marketing for Law Firms, visit the NLR Law Office Management section.

Email Marketing for Law Firms: Good2bSocial Digital Certification Part 7

Continuing the National Law Review’s overview of the Good2bSocial digital marketing certification, this week we look to Email Marketing for law firms. Email Marketing is a critical element of law firm digital marketing, and the Good2bSocial Digital Marketing Certification provides an overview of key principles such as Email Segmentation, A/B Testing and Email Marketing Drip Campaigns. Kevin Vermeulen Good2bSocial’s COO:, “There is a natural sense of urgency that tends to accompany the legal field that marketers can take advantage of with email marketing.”

HowEmail Marketing Benefits your Law Firm

Email Marketing, if done correctly, can be a great way to stay top of mind as a regular presence in your client’s and potential client’s inbox, and a consistent source of leads.  Modern life requires close attention to email, so if you can build a list that is engaged, and if you provide useful content, your law firm’s email marketing program will become a crucial part of your digital marketing strategy. Refining your email marketing strategy to increase your open rate helps stretch your digital marketing dollars and increases your ROI.

Some basic things to consider when putting together an email campaign:

  1. Make sure your email template displays well on mobile.  Mobile is a huge factor in email opens, so make sure your email looks good no matter what device your subscriber is using.
  2. Images:  Less is more.  An email with too many images can negatively impact your click-through rate and often takes too much time to download or may become truncated.
  3. Be strategic about when you hit “send.”  Research indicates mid-morning is the best, but it’s also important to consider the day of the week.
  4. Using the recipient’s name in the subject line or the body of the email can drastically increase click-thru rates.

Email List Segmentation: Give Your Email Subscribers What They Want:

Providing your subscribers with content they find useful and appealing should be a cornerstone strategy of your email marketing program. If your subscribers are finding your content helpful, they are more likely to be engaged, forward your emails to others, not report you as spam, and ultimately look to you as an expert resource–and then service provider.  To accomplish this goal, dividing your email list into segments is a good way to target your content to appeal to the right audience.

Options abound for email segmentation, so starting small can make the process manageable and still yield results.

Ways to Segment Your Email Lists to Reach the Right Audience:

  1. How did they sign up?  If they were looking for information on a particular topic or area, crafting a list or related lists based on the subscriber’s expressed interest is a reasonable inference.
  2. Where is the subscriber on the buyer’s journey?  This can provide clues into what kind of information they may find useful.
  3. How engaged is the subscriber?  Are they opening your emails consistently?  If not, pelting them with every email you send is not a way to increase engagement. For low-engaged subscribers, perhaps send a reminder campaign of their options, so they can more efficiently tailor their preferences to their needs.
  4. Where is the subscriber located?  Some clients or potential clients may be interested in regional information–relevant to their geographic area..

The Importance of A/B Testing or Split Testing in Email Marketing.

A/B Testing involves creating two different versions of the same email, sending out both, and comparing the results in terms of clicks and responses to extrapolate the variations that are more effective for your audience. Many email marketing programs provide for A/B testing, and provide the analytic data you need to make an informed decision about results.  It’s important to test on a large email list, to ensure the data you garner is significant, and weave the takeaways into your email design strategy.

Email Marketing is highly dependent on context, so looking at pre-existing information can give your law firm insight into what areas to A/B test, to funnel results into recommendations that can have a broad impact.  Some areas you can A/B test are:

  • Subject line
  • Layout design–one column or two columns?
  • Body text
  • Closing text
  • Images
  • Personalization

It’s important to A/B test one variable at a time, so you can clearly identify what is responsible for the differences in the results.  It’s important to start at a point that makes sense for the situation; for example, if you are seeing low open rates, start with the subject line.  The open rate, the click-through rate, and the conversation rate are metrics most often used to evaluate the results.  If changing the layout design results in a higher click-through rate, that is a change you might want to consider incorporating across your emails.

A/B testing is important to keep your email marketing fresh, and responsive to the interests of your subscribers.

How Email Marketing Drip Campaigns Help Your Law Firm.

Email Marketing Drip campaigns are a way to send crafted messages to each segment of your email audience to stay top of mind, deliver helpful information, and nurture professional relationships.

Drip Campaigns pick up where email segmentation left off.  Identifying a segment–and then creating triggers–either action triggers or demographic triggers that kick off a domino effect.  In many instances, this can be automated, making the work involved more supervisory–and less labor-intensive.  For example, you have a group of prospects segmented by how they signed up–and you send them emails that provide them with options–so if they click on a specific link, it indicates an interest or preference, transferring that contact into a different bucket–so they are sent content based on that preference.

Email drip campaigns are highly customizable and require strategic thinking about your client persona and Client Journey Mapping for law firms.  The Good2bSocial Digital Marketing Certification provides resources to help law firm marketers look at their audience, and help design a customizable program for them.  Kevin Vermeulen, COO of Good2bSocial:

“It can be a tedious and time-consuming process to get a drip email campaign put together, but because of the hyper-efficient and automated targeting, the results are well worth it. It may take days or weeks to get everything exactly where you want it, but once it’s working, you’ll have something that can run for months or years, completely automated, constantly working to bring your firm new clients, and ultimately more revenue.”

Email Marketing Big Picture Campaigns

It’s important to make sure any email marketing campaign your firm does complies with all relevant privacy legislation and regulations.  For example, the GDPR in Europe, the CCPA and CPRA in California, and Virginia’s latest data protection legislation, and more states, countries and regions are drafting new legislation at a rapid pace.  Additionally, there is always the possibility of a comprehensive federal law on privacy that would impact email marketing efforts.

To Read Part 1 Good2bSocial Digital Academy for Law Firms — Inbound Marketing and Client Journey Mapping, click here.

To read Part 2 Good2bSocial Digital Academy — Content Marketing Strategy for Law Firms, click here.

To read Part 3 Good2bSocial Digital Academy — Developing a Successful Social Media Strategy for Law Firms, click here

To read Part 4 Good2bSocial Digital Academy — Paid Social Media Advertising Campaigns for Law Firms, click here

To read Part 5 Good2bSocial Digital Academy — Search Engine Optimization for Law Firms, click here.

Stay tuned for more details on the topics and  key takeaways included in the other modules of the Good2bSocial Academy.

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For more articles on legal marketing, visit the NLR Law Office Management section.