What’s New Out There? A Trade and Business Regulatory Update

Sheppard Mullin 2012Proposed DoD Rule: Detection and Avoidance of Counterfeit Electronic Parts (DFARS Case 2012-D-005)

On May 16, 2013, the Department of Defense (“DoD”) issued a proposed rule that would amend the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (“DFARS”) relating to the detection and avoidance of counterfeit parts, in partial implementation of the National Defense Authorization Act (“NDAA”) for Fiscal Year (“FY”) 2012 (Pub. L. 112-81) and the NDAA for FY 2013 (Pub. L. 112-239). 78 Fed. Reg. 28780 (May 16, 2013). The proposed rule would impose new obligations for detecting and protecting against the inclusion of counterfeit parts in their products. Public comments in response to the proposed amendment are due by July 15, 2013.

The proposed rule, titled Detection and Avoidance of Counterfeit Electronic Parts (DFARS Case 2012-D-005), partially implements Section 818 of the NDAA for FY 2012 requiring the issuance of regulations addressing the responsibility of contractors (a) to detect and avoid the use or inclusion of counterfeit – or suspect counterfeit – electronic parts, (b) to use trusted suppliers, and (c) to report counterfeit and suspect counterfeit electronic parts. Pub. L. 112-81,§ 818(c). Section 818(c) also requires DoD to revise the DFARS to make unallowable the costs of re-work or other actions necessary to deal with the use or suspected use of counterfeit electronic parts. Id. The new rule also proposes the following in order to implement the requirements defined in Section 818.

  • Definitions: Adds definitions to DFARS 202.101 for the terms “counterfeit part,” “electronic part,” “legally authorized source,” and “suspect counterfeit part.”
  • Cost Principles and Procedures: Adds DFARS section 231.205-71, which would apply to contractors covered by the Cost Accounting Standards (“CAS”) who supply electronic parts, and would make unallowable the costs of counterfeit or suspect counterfeit electronic parts and the costs of rework or corrective action that may be required to remedy the use or inclusion of such parts. This section provides a narrow exception where (1) the contractor has an operational system to detect and avoid counterfeit parts that has been reviewed and approved by DoD pursuant to DFARS 244.303; (2) the counterfeit or suspect counterfeit electronic parts are government furnished property defined in FAR 45.101; and (3) the covered contractor provides timely notice to the Government.
  • Avoidance and Detection System: Requires contractors to establish and maintain an acceptable counterfeit avoidance detection system that addresses, at a minimum, the following areas: training personnel; inspection and testing; processes to abolish counterfeit parts proliferation; traceability of parts to suppliers; use and qualification of trusted suppliers; reporting and quarantining counterfeit and suspect counterfeit parts; systems to detect and avoid counterfeit electronic parts; and the flow down of avoidance and detection requirements to subcontractors.

Potential Impacts on Contractors and Subcontractors

Although the rule is designed constructively to combat the problem of counterfeit parts in the military supply chain, it imposes additional obligations and related liabilities on contractors and subcontractors alike.

  • The proposed rule shifts the burden of protecting against counterfeit electronic parts to contractors, thus increasing contractor costs and potential contractor liability in this area.
  • Under the proposed rule, contractors would need to take steps to establish avoidance and detection systems in order to monitor for and protect against potential counterfeit electronic parts, also increasing the financial and temporal impact on contractors.
  • Avoidance and detection system requirements will need to be flowed down to subcontractors, increasing subcontractors’ responsibility – and thus liability – for counterfeit parts.
  • The proposed rule would also make unallowable the costs incurred to remove and replace counterfeit parts, which could have a significant financial impact on contractors – even under cost type contracts.
  • As it currently stands, the narrow exception regarding the allowability of such costs applies only where the contractor meets all three requirements of the exception, which likely would be a rare occurrence.

Interim SBA Rule: Expansion of WOSB Program, RIN 3245-AG55

On May 7, 2013, the Small Business Administration (“SBA”) issued an interim final rule implementing Section 1697 of the NDAA for FY 2013, removing the statutory dollar amount for contracts set aside for Women-Owned Small Business (“WOSB”) under the Women-Owned Small Business Program. 78 Fed. Reg. 26504 (May 7, 2013). Comments are due by June 6, 2013.

The new rule would amend SBA 127.503 to permit Contracting Officers (“COs”) to set aside contracts for WOSBs and Economically Disadvantaged WOSBs (“EDWOSBs”) at any dollar amount if there is a reasonable expectation of competition among WOSBs as follows: (1) in industries where WOSBs are underrepresented, the CO may set aside the procurement where two or more EDWOSBs will submit offers for the contract and the CO finds that the contract will be awarded at a fair and reasonable price; or (2) in industries where WOSBs are substantially underrepresented, the CO may set aside the procurement if two or more WOSBs will submit offers for the contract, and the CO finds that the contract will be awarded at a fair and reasonable price.

The new rule would amend SBA 127.503 to permit Contracting Officers (“COs”) to set aside contracts for WOSBs and Economically Disadvantaged WOSBs (“EDWOSBs”) at any dollar amount if there is a reasonable expectation of competition among WOSBs as follows: (1) in industries where WOSBs are underrepresented, the CO may set aside the procurement where two or more EDWOSBs will submit offers for the contract and the CO finds that the contract will be awarded at a fair and reasonable price; or (2) in industries where WOSBs are substantially underrepresented, the CO may set aside the procurement if two or more WOSBs will submit offers for the contract, and the CO finds that the contract will be awarded at a fair and reasonable price.

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Weighing Going Private or Sale to Carl Icahn, Dell Cuts off Info

McBrayer NEW logo 1-10-13

As Dell Inc. considers its future after a massive loss in value over the past decade, the question may fundamentally be this: are the company’s problems are the result of poor leadership or a relatively straightforward matter of shedding its stock obligations?

Two proposals are on the table. First, founder Michael Dell has proposed taking the company private by buying out the company’s stock for $24.4 billion through a private equity firm called Silver Lake. Second, business magnate Carl Icahn’s Southeastern Asset Management has offered to buy Dell for $12 in cash per share. Unfortunately, it’s not clear how the buyout negotiations are going.

An unquestioned leader in the personal computer industry in the 90s, Dell had lost some $68 billion in stock market value by 2010, reportedly due to a change in its customer base and inability to respond to Apple’s iPhone and iPad products. Sales at Dell continue to shrink, reportedly showing a 79 percent drop in a quarterly profit report filed last week.

As part of the buyout negotiations, Icahn sent a letter on seeking more detailed information from Dell, including data room access for a certain potential lender This week, however, a special committee of Dell’s board of directors sent Icahn a letter refusing access to that information until it can determine whether his offer is “superior” to Michael Dell’s.

Meanwhile, Dell insisted upon more information from Icahn — such as whether his offer is even serious. In its response, the committee specifically asked Icahn to make “an actual acquisition proposal that the Board could evaluate” as opposed to merely offering the board a backup plan in case Michael Dell’s proposal fails to move forward.

“Please understand that unless we receive information that is responsive to our May 13 letter, we are not in a position to evaluate whether your proposal meets that standard,” the special committee reportedly wrote in response to Icahn’s request.

The question on Wall Street is the same as Dell’s: Is the Southeastern Asset Management offer serious? Icahn reportedly already owns 4.5 percent of Dell’s stock, while Southwest, already Dell’s largest outside shareholder, owns 8 percent.


White Collar Crime

The National Law Review would like to advise you of the upcoming White Collar Crime conference sponsored by the ABA Center for CLE and Criminal Justice SectionGeneral Practice,  &   Solo and Small Firm Division:

Event Information


February 29 – March 02, 2012


  • Eden Roc Renaissance Miami Beach
  • 4525 Collins Ave
  • Miami Beach, FL, 33140-3226
  • United States of America
Primary Sponsors
  • Highlight

The faculty includes some of the leading white collar lawyers in the United States.  The keynote panels for the 2012 program will continue to focus on the role of ethics and corporate compliance in today’s business environment.

  • Program Description

Each year the National Institute brings together judges, federal, state, and local prosecutors, law enforcement officials, defense attorneys, corporate in-house counsel, and members of the academic community.  The attendees include experienced litigators, as well as attorneys new to the white collar area.  Attendees have consistently given the Institute high ratings for the exceptional quality of the Institute’s publication, its valuable updates on new developments and strategies, as well as the rare opportunity it provides to meet colleagues in this field, renew acquaintances and exchange ideas.

The faculty includes some of the leading white collar lawyers in the United States.  The keynote panels for the 2012 program will continue to focus on the role of ethics and corporate compliance in today’s business environment.  Once again, we expect excellent representation from the corporate sector.

  • CLE Information

ABA programs ordinarily receive Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit in AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, DE, FL, GA, GU, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, ME, MN, MS, MO, MT, NH, NM, NV, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, VI, WA, WI, WV, and WY. These states sometimes do not approve a program for credit before the program occurs. This course is expected to qualify for 11.0 CLE credit hours (including TBD ethics hours) in 60-minute-hour states, and 13.2 credit hours (including TBD ethics hours) in 50-minute-hour states. This transitional program is approved for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys in NY. Click here for more details on CLE credit for this program.

White Collar Crime

The National Law Review would like to advise you of the upcoming White Collar Crime conference sponsored by the ABA Center for CLE and Criminal Justice SectionGeneral Practice,  &   Solo and Small Firm Division:

Event Information


February 29 – March 02, 2012


  • Eden Roc Renaissance Miami Beach
  • 4525 Collins Ave
  • Miami Beach, FL, 33140-3226
  • United States of America
Primary Sponsors
  • Highlight

The faculty includes some of the leading white collar lawyers in the United States.  The keynote panels for the 2012 program will continue to focus on the role of ethics and corporate compliance in today’s business environment.

  • Program Description

Each year the National Institute brings together judges, federal, state, and local prosecutors, law enforcement officials, defense attorneys, corporate in-house counsel, and members of the academic community.  The attendees include experienced litigators, as well as attorneys new to the white collar area.  Attendees have consistently given the Institute high ratings for the exceptional quality of the Institute’s publication, its valuable updates on new developments and strategies, as well as the rare opportunity it provides to meet colleagues in this field, renew acquaintances and exchange ideas.

The faculty includes some of the leading white collar lawyers in the United States.  The keynote panels for the 2012 program will continue to focus on the role of ethics and corporate compliance in today’s business environment.  Once again, we expect excellent representation from the corporate sector.

  • CLE Information

ABA programs ordinarily receive Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit in AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, DE, FL, GA, GU, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, ME, MN, MS, MO, MT, NH, NM, NV, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, VI, WA, WI, WV, and WY. These states sometimes do not approve a program for credit before the program occurs. This course is expected to qualify for 11.0 CLE credit hours (including TBD ethics hours) in 60-minute-hour states, and 13.2 credit hours (including TBD ethics hours) in 50-minute-hour states. This transitional program is approved for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys in NY. Click here for more details on CLE credit for this program.

White Collar Crime

The National Law Review would like to advise you of the upcoming White Collar Crime conference sponsored by the ABA Center for CLE and Criminal Justice SectionGeneral Practice,  &   Solo and Small Firm Division:

Event Information


February 29 – March 02, 2012


  • Eden Roc Renaissance Miami Beach
  • 4525 Collins Ave
  • Miami Beach, FL, 33140-3226
  • United States of America
Primary Sponsors
  • Highlight

The faculty includes some of the leading white collar lawyers in the United States.  The keynote panels for the 2012 program will continue to focus on the role of ethics and corporate compliance in today’s business environment.

  • Program Description

Each year the National Institute brings together judges, federal, state, and local prosecutors, law enforcement officials, defense attorneys, corporate in-house counsel, and members of the academic community.  The attendees include experienced litigators, as well as attorneys new to the white collar area.  Attendees have consistently given the Institute high ratings for the exceptional quality of the Institute’s publication, its valuable updates on new developments and strategies, as well as the rare opportunity it provides to meet colleagues in this field, renew acquaintances and exchange ideas.

The faculty includes some of the leading white collar lawyers in the United States.  The keynote panels for the 2012 program will continue to focus on the role of ethics and corporate compliance in today’s business environment.  Once again, we expect excellent representation from the corporate sector.

  • CLE Information

ABA programs ordinarily receive Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit in AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, DE, FL, GA, GU, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, ME, MN, MS, MO, MT, NH, NM, NV, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, VI, WA, WI, WV, and WY. These states sometimes do not approve a program for credit before the program occurs. This course is expected to qualify for 11.0 CLE credit hours (including TBD ethics hours) in 60-minute-hour states, and 13.2 credit hours (including TBD ethics hours) in 50-minute-hour states. This transitional program is approved for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys in NY. Click here for more details on CLE credit for this program.

White Collar Crime

The National Law Review would like to advise you of the upcoming White Collar Crime conference sponsored by the ABA Center for CLE and Criminal Justice SectionGeneral Practice,  &   Solo and Small Firm Division:

Event Information


February 29 – March 02, 2012


  • Eden Roc Renaissance Miami Beach
  • 4525 Collins Ave
  • Miami Beach, FL, 33140-3226
  • United States of America
Primary Sponsors
  • Highlight

The faculty includes some of the leading white collar lawyers in the United States.  The keynote panels for the 2012 program will continue to focus on the role of ethics and corporate compliance in today’s business environment.

  • Program Description

Each year the National Institute brings together judges, federal, state, and local prosecutors, law enforcement officials, defense attorneys, corporate in-house counsel, and members of the academic community.  The attendees include experienced litigators, as well as attorneys new to the white collar area.  Attendees have consistently given the Institute high ratings for the exceptional quality of the Institute’s publication, its valuable updates on new developments and strategies, as well as the rare opportunity it provides to meet colleagues in this field, renew acquaintances and exchange ideas.

The faculty includes some of the leading white collar lawyers in the United States.  The keynote panels for the 2012 program will continue to focus on the role of ethics and corporate compliance in today’s business environment.  Once again, we expect excellent representation from the corporate sector.

  • CLE Information

ABA programs ordinarily receive Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit in AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, DE, FL, GA, GU, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, ME, MN, MS, MO, MT, NH, NM, NV, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, VI, WA, WI, WV, and WY. These states sometimes do not approve a program for credit before the program occurs. This course is expected to qualify for 11.0 CLE credit hours (including TBD ethics hours) in 60-minute-hour states, and 13.2 credit hours (including TBD ethics hours) in 50-minute-hour states. This transitional program is approved for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys in NY. Click here for more details on CLE credit for this program.

White Collar Crime

The National Law Review would like to advise you of the upcoming White Collar Crime conference sponsored by the ABA Center for CLE and Criminal Justice SectionGeneral Practice,  &   Solo and Small Firm Division:

Event Information


February 29 – March 02, 2012


  • Eden Roc Renaissance Miami Beach
  • 4525 Collins Ave
  • Miami Beach, FL, 33140-3226
  • United States of America
Primary Sponsors
  • Highlight

The faculty includes some of the leading white collar lawyers in the United States.  The keynote panels for the 2012 program will continue to focus on the role of ethics and corporate compliance in today’s business environment.

  • Program Description

Each year the National Institute brings together judges, federal, state, and local prosecutors, law enforcement officials, defense attorneys, corporate in-house counsel, and members of the academic community.  The attendees include experienced litigators, as well as attorneys new to the white collar area.  Attendees have consistently given the Institute high ratings for the exceptional quality of the Institute’s publication, its valuable updates on new developments and strategies, as well as the rare opportunity it provides to meet colleagues in this field, renew acquaintances and exchange ideas.

The faculty includes some of the leading white collar lawyers in the United States.  The keynote panels for the 2012 program will continue to focus on the role of ethics and corporate compliance in today’s business environment.  Once again, we expect excellent representation from the corporate sector.

  • CLE Information

ABA programs ordinarily receive Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit in AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, DE, FL, GA, GU, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, ME, MN, MS, MO, MT, NH, NM, NV, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, VI, WA, WI, WV, and WY. These states sometimes do not approve a program for credit before the program occurs. This course is expected to qualify for 11.0 CLE credit hours (including TBD ethics hours) in 60-minute-hour states, and 13.2 credit hours (including TBD ethics hours) in 50-minute-hour states. This transitional program is approved for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys in NY. Click here for more details on CLE credit for this program.

10 Tips for Conducting an Internal Investigation

Recently posted in the National Law Review an article by Catherine Salmen Wright of  Dinsmore & Shohl LLP regarding conducting an internal investigation:

The recent news involving Penn State highlights how high the stakes can be when conducting an internal investigation. In fact, Penn State has hired former FBI director Louis Freeh to lead its internal investigation into alleged criminal conduct by a former employee. But while most employers do not face circumstances this challenging, the reality is that employers are presented with circumstances on a regular basis that must be investigated effectively to avoid significant legal liability.

Of course, this begs the question of when an employer needs to investigate. The simplest answer is when the employer has knowledge of misconduct. Misconduct can include a breach of an employer policy, violation of a drug or alcohol policy, theft or other criminal activity, or even misuse of company property. Employers should not, however, too narrowly construe what constitutes “knowledge,” which can include formal and informal complaints, information obtained during exit interviews, anonymous tips and third-party information.

Employers should also keep in mind that an internal investigation may become your defense in any subsequent litigation and therefore may be subject to significant scrutiny by the plaintiff, the plaintiff’s lawyer and possibly a jury. For example, in a sexual harassment lawsuit, the employer’s investigation is what typically shows that the employer exercised reasonable care to prevent and correct any harassing behavior. Another defense used by employers in wrongful termination lawsuits is the “honest belief” rule. Specifically, if the employer can show that it reasonably relied on the particularized facts that were before it at the time the decision was made, it can potentially avoid liability over a challenged decision. The investigation does not need to be perfect, but the employer must make a reasonably informed decision before taking an adverse employment action.

As a result, conducting an effective internal investigation is critically important. Every investigation comes with a unique set of facts and challenges, but the following 10 principles serve as a guide for conducting an effective investigation.

1. Determine the objectives and strategy for the investigation.

At the outset, employers must establish the objectives of the investigation. Questions that should be addressed include:

  • Are you trying to develop a complete record to justify a decision?
  • Are you attempting to avoid litigation?
  • What are your legal obligations?
  • Do you need an attorney involved?

Evaluating the answers to these questions will allow you to tailor your investigation.

2. Maintain confidentiality.

A guiding principle in any investigation is confidentiality, which employers should maintain to the extent possible. However, don’t promise what you can’t deliver. Absolute confidentiality when employees will be interviewed is virtually impossible. Also, employers need to be vigilant when it comes to thoroughness and promptness. For example, if you had to answer questions one year later in a deposition, can you give a reasonable explanation of why it took the amount of time it did to complete the investigation?

3. Determine if immediate actions need to take place to protect the workforce.

Based on what you know at the time the investigation begins, you may need to take immediate steps to protect the complaining party, alleged victim or the workforce in general. For example, an accused harasser may be put on a paid or unpaid leave, supervisory responsibilities could be changed or an employee could be temporarily transferred pending an investigation, but in no case should an employer penalize the alleged victim.

4. Review company policies.

Take an inventory of employer policies that may impact the investigation process. For example, a collective bargaining agreement may provide an employee the right to have a representative present at any interview.

5. Conduct a preliminary search of available records.

This includes reviewing personnel files and any documents relating to the misconduct. Act quickly to retrieve what electronic information is still available, including emails and text messages.

6. Select the appropriate personnel to conduct the investigation.

Investigators should be unbiased and unprejudiced — and perceived as such. Good investigators are skilled at setting people at ease and drawing out reticent witnesses in order to collect facts. They also need knowledge of company policies and procedures, the ability to maintain confidentiality and a level of authority consistent with the significance of the matter being investigated.

7. Control the interview process.

Obtaining detailed statements from interviews with the complaining party and the accused are a critical part of any investigation. Documentation should include the facts, not legal conclusions, or your interpretations and assumptions. Give witnesses ground rules: No conclusion has been reached, no reprisal will be taken, and no discussions about the interview are allowed with anyone.

8. Communicate throughout the process.

Many employers launch an investigation, only to fail to keep the complainant reasonably informed during the process. Unfortunately, this results in the complaining party believing their complaint was ignored, which may prompt them to involve an attorney.

9. Close the investigation properly.

Having invested the time and cost associated with the investigation, protect your investment by properly closing out the investigation. Make a decision, communicate the decision and document the process.

10. Ensure against retaliation.

Employees who make complaints may be legally protected from experiencing an adverse employment action. This includes complaints involving discrimination, harassment, safety violations, wage and hour violations and more. Do ensure against retaliation by continuing to monitor the situation.

As seen in the December 9th issue of Business Lexington.

© 2011 Dinsmore & Shohl LLP. All rights reserved.

Talent Shortage: A Top Risk Facing Businesses

Recently Posted in the National Law Review an article by Emily Holbrook of Risk and Insurance Management Society, Inc. (RIMS) about  the shortage of talent and skills in hiring:



No, it’s not the credit crisis or the looming threat of cyber crime or business continuity during a natural disaster or the overall state of the national economy that keeps American business owners awake at night. It is, according to most, the shortage of talent and skills.

This may seem strange, seeing as were are still experiencing record unemployment numbers — meaning the pool of seemingly qualified employees should be vast to say the least. But in fact, the 2011 Lloyd’s Risk Index found that talent and skills shortage ranked as the number two risk facing American business leaders — shooting up from the number 22 spot in 2009.

“These findings show that talent is now firmly part of the risk lexicon — high levels of unemployment have boosted the quantity of candidates, but employers are still wrestling with the quality. Our own Global Talent Index echoed these concerns and highlighted two factors underscoring this risk: population demographics and skills gaps,” said Kevin Kelly, CEO of Heidrick & Struggles the leadership advisory firm providing executive search and leadership consulting services worldwide.

Are business leaders prepared to handle not only the number two risk on the list, but all 50 in the index? Apparently they are. Respondents said they are more than adequately prepared for 48 out of the 50 risks listed. That is in comparison to 2009, when leaders said they were not adequately prepared for eight of the 40 listed risks. Leaders cited “boosting talent retention” as one of the most overall effective risk management actions taken over the last three years, showing how eager businesses are to retain the staff they have.

Speaking of risk management, when respondents were asked to identify the most effective risk management action their organization had taken over the last three years, they cited the introduction of formal risk management strategies and systems, stating that “risk management is now one of the most important roles in the business community.”


It may have taken the collapse of the U.S. housing market, a worldwide recession and the continuous uncovering of massive fraud to push the idea of risk management to the forefront of global business programs, but at least the discipline is now moving to where it belongs.

And it is apparently now focused on retaining the talent and skills that are greatly needed in a business world full of continuously evolving risks.

Risk Management Magazine and Risk Management Monitor. Copyright 2011 Risk and Insurance Management Society, Inc. All rights reserved.

White Collar Crime

The National Law Review would like to advise you of the upcoming White Collar Crime conference sponsored by the ABA Center for CLE and Criminal Justice SectionGeneral Practice,  &   Solo and Small Firm Division:

Event Information


February 29 – March 02, 2012


  • Eden Roc Renaissance Miami Beach
  • 4525 Collins Ave
  • Miami Beach, FL, 33140-3226
  • United States of America
Primary Sponsors
  • Highlight

The faculty includes some of the leading white collar lawyers in the United States.  The keynote panels for the 2012 program will continue to focus on the role of ethics and corporate compliance in today’s business environment.

  • Program Description

Each year the National Institute brings together judges, federal, state, and local prosecutors, law enforcement officials, defense attorneys, corporate in-house counsel, and members of the academic community.  The attendees include experienced litigators, as well as attorneys new to the white collar area.  Attendees have consistently given the Institute high ratings for the exceptional quality of the Institute’s publication, its valuable updates on new developments and strategies, as well as the rare opportunity it provides to meet colleagues in this field, renew acquaintances and exchange ideas.

The faculty includes some of the leading white collar lawyers in the United States.  The keynote panels for the 2012 program will continue to focus on the role of ethics and corporate compliance in today’s business environment.  Once again, we expect excellent representation from the corporate sector.

  • CLE Information

ABA programs ordinarily receive Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit in AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, DE, FL, GA, GU, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, ME, MN, MS, MO, MT, NH, NM, NV, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, VI, WA, WI, WV, and WY. These states sometimes do not approve a program for credit before the program occurs. This course is expected to qualify for 11.0 CLE credit hours (including TBD ethics hours) in 60-minute-hour states, and 13.2 credit hours (including TBD ethics hours) in 50-minute-hour states. This transitional program is approved for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys in NY. Click here for more details on CLE credit for this program.