White Collar Crime

The National Law Review would like to advise you of the upcoming White Collar Crime conference sponsored by the ABA Center for CLE and Criminal Justice SectionGeneral Practice,  &   Solo and Small Firm Division:

Event Information


February 29 – March 02, 2012


  • Eden Roc Renaissance Miami Beach
  • 4525 Collins Ave
  • Miami Beach, FL, 33140-3226
  • United States of America
Primary Sponsors
  • Highlight

The faculty includes some of the leading white collar lawyers in the United States.  The keynote panels for the 2012 program will continue to focus on the role of ethics and corporate compliance in today’s business environment.

  • Program Description

Each year the National Institute brings together judges, federal, state, and local prosecutors, law enforcement officials, defense attorneys, corporate in-house counsel, and members of the academic community.  The attendees include experienced litigators, as well as attorneys new to the white collar area.  Attendees have consistently given the Institute high ratings for the exceptional quality of the Institute’s publication, its valuable updates on new developments and strategies, as well as the rare opportunity it provides to meet colleagues in this field, renew acquaintances and exchange ideas.

The faculty includes some of the leading white collar lawyers in the United States.  The keynote panels for the 2012 program will continue to focus on the role of ethics and corporate compliance in today’s business environment.  Once again, we expect excellent representation from the corporate sector.

  • CLE Information

ABA programs ordinarily receive Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit in AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, DE, FL, GA, GU, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, ME, MN, MS, MO, MT, NH, NM, NV, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, VI, WA, WI, WV, and WY. These states sometimes do not approve a program for credit before the program occurs. This course is expected to qualify for 11.0 CLE credit hours (including TBD ethics hours) in 60-minute-hour states, and 13.2 credit hours (including TBD ethics hours) in 50-minute-hour states. This transitional program is approved for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys in NY. Click here for more details on CLE credit for this program.

Los Angeles County Bar Association 2012 Entertainment Labor Law Symposium

The National Law Review would like to remind you to mark your calendars for the upcoming Los Angeles County Bar Association 2012 Entertainment Labor Law Symposium.   On Feb. 9, 2012, the Los Angeles County Bar Association will hold its bi-annual Entertainment Labor Law Symposium. Barnes & Thornburg Partner, Scott J. Witlin, is scheduled to speak at the event. The topic of Scott’s presentation is entitled, “New Media’s Impact on Production, Residuals, and How Cast and Crew are Engaged.”

Other sessions slated to take place during the event include: “Social Media in the Entertainment Workplace,” “The State of the Plans: Dealing with the Economy and Health Care Reform,” and “Anti-Trust Issues in the Labor-Entertainment Arena.” 

 For registration and other information please see the Los Angeles County Bar Association’s website or click here.

White Collar Crime

The National Law Review would like to advise you of the upcoming White Collar Crime conference sponsored by the ABA Center for CLE and Criminal Justice SectionGeneral Practice,  &   Solo and Small Firm Division:

Event Information


February 29 – March 02, 2012


  • Eden Roc Renaissance Miami Beach
  • 4525 Collins Ave
  • Miami Beach, FL, 33140-3226
  • United States of America
Primary Sponsors
  • Highlight

The faculty includes some of the leading white collar lawyers in the United States.  The keynote panels for the 2012 program will continue to focus on the role of ethics and corporate compliance in today’s business environment.

  • Program Description

Each year the National Institute brings together judges, federal, state, and local prosecutors, law enforcement officials, defense attorneys, corporate in-house counsel, and members of the academic community.  The attendees include experienced litigators, as well as attorneys new to the white collar area.  Attendees have consistently given the Institute high ratings for the exceptional quality of the Institute’s publication, its valuable updates on new developments and strategies, as well as the rare opportunity it provides to meet colleagues in this field, renew acquaintances and exchange ideas.

The faculty includes some of the leading white collar lawyers in the United States.  The keynote panels for the 2012 program will continue to focus on the role of ethics and corporate compliance in today’s business environment.  Once again, we expect excellent representation from the corporate sector.

  • CLE Information

ABA programs ordinarily receive Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit in AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, DE, FL, GA, GU, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, ME, MN, MS, MO, MT, NH, NM, NV, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, VI, WA, WI, WV, and WY. These states sometimes do not approve a program for credit before the program occurs. This course is expected to qualify for 11.0 CLE credit hours (including TBD ethics hours) in 60-minute-hour states, and 13.2 credit hours (including TBD ethics hours) in 50-minute-hour states. This transitional program is approved for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys in NY. Click here for more details on CLE credit for this program.

White Collar Crime

The National Law Review would like to advise you of the upcoming White Collar Crime conference sponsored by the ABA Center for CLE and Criminal Justice SectionGeneral Practice,  &   Solo and Small Firm Division:



Event Information


February 29 – March 02, 2012


  • Eden Roc Renaissance Miami Beach
  • 4525 Collins Ave
  • Miami Beach, FL, 33140-3226
  • United States of America
Primary Sponsors
  • Highlight

The faculty includes some of the leading white collar lawyers in the United States.  The keynote panels for the 2012 program will continue to focus on the role of ethics and corporate compliance in today’s business environment.

  • Program Description

Each year the National Institute brings together judges, federal, state, and local prosecutors, law enforcement officials, defense attorneys, corporate in-house counsel, and members of the academic community.  The attendees include experienced litigators, as well as attorneys new to the white collar area.  Attendees have consistently given the Institute high ratings for the exceptional quality of the Institute’s publication, its valuable updates on new developments and strategies, as well as the rare opportunity it provides to meet colleagues in this field, renew acquaintances and exchange ideas.

The faculty includes some of the leading white collar lawyers in the United States.  The keynote panels for the 2012 program will continue to focus on the role of ethics and corporate compliance in today’s business environment.  Once again, we expect excellent representation from the corporate sector.

  • CLE Information

ABA programs ordinarily receive Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit in AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, DE, FL, GA, GU, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, ME, MN, MS, MO, MT, NH, NM, NV, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, VI, WA, WI, WV, and WY. These states sometimes do not approve a program for credit before the program occurs. This course is expected to qualify for 11.0 CLE credit hours (including TBD ethics hours) in 60-minute-hour states, and 13.2 credit hours (including TBD ethics hours) in 50-minute-hour states. This transitional program is approved for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys in NY. Click here for more details on CLE credit for this program.

ABA Conference: Criminal Tax Fraud and Tax Controversy

The National Law Review wanted to bring your attention to the upcoming 28th Annual National Institute on Criminal Tax Fraude and the Fisrt National Institute on Tax Controversy on December 1-2, 2011 in Las Vegas:

  • Program Description

The  National Institute on Criminal Tax Fraud is the annual gathering of the criminal tax defense bar.  This year, it will be combined with the National Institute on Tax Controversy, bringing together high-level Government representatives, judges, corporate counsel, and private practitioners engaged in all aspects of tax controversy, tax litigation, and criminal tax defense.

The two Institutes will meet each morning of the conference in joint plenary sessions, addressing issues concerning international tax enforcement and ethics.  Participants will then chose break- out sessions that will focus on current civil tax controversy or criminal tax defense topics.

As in past years, these Institutes will offer the most knowledgeable panelists from the government, the judiciary, and the private bar.  Attendees will include attorneys and accountants just beginning to practice in tax controversy and tax fraud defense, as well as highly experienced practitioners.  The break-out sessions will encourage an open discussion of hot topics.  The program will provides valuable updates on new developments and strategies, along with the opportunity to meet colleagues, renew acquaintances and exchange ideas.

The IRS has focused on international enforcement, from its reorganization of its Large Business and International Division to its focus on global high wealth taxpayers and offshore activities, and both Institutes will focus on these issues, in a combined plenary session and in break-out sessions.  The break-out sessions will also include roundtable discussions with senior representatives from the IRS, and the Treasury and Justice Departments, and panels will focus on topics ranging from the nuts-and-bolts of representing clients in examination, at Appeals, at trial and in criminal investigations, to the hottest areas of civil and criminal enforcement.  It promises to be a program that no tax litigator should miss.

  • CLE Information

ABA programs ordinarily receive Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit in AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, DE, FL, GA, GU, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, ME, MN, MS, MO, MT, NH, NM, NV, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, VI, WA, WI, WV, and WY. These states sometimes do not approve a program for credit before the program occurs. This course is expected to qualify for TBD CLE credit hours (including TBD ethics hours) in 60-minute-hour states, and TBD credit hours (including TBD ethics hours) in 50-minute-hour states. This transitional program is approved for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys in NY. Click here for more details on CLE credit for this program.

Turning eDiscovery Strategies into Practical Applications for Your Business

The National Law Review wants to remind you of the upcoming conference Turning eDiscovery Strategies into Practical Applications for Your Business held on December 14th-16th, 2011 in Sentry Center, New York, NY.

Navigating New eDiscovery Challenges and Achieving Records Management Excellence in a Digital Environment

eDiscovery is a maturing discipline in the legal technology field. In many respects, however, emergent technology and legal considerations in eDiscovery create uncertainty and risk more commonly found in a truly emergent field. Indeed the past year in the eDiscovery field has been distinguished by volatility and change as several key players have merged and entered this space.

Across all industries corporations are experiencing exponential growth in the data volumes that must be collected reviewed, and in some cases, produced in litigation. This broadening digital platform implicates new risks and opportunities for your organizations of all sizes in litigation and day-to-day records management. IQPC has paid particular attention to these dynamics in crafting this year’s program. You will benefit from an unparalleled mix of thought leaders and industry movers who will shape the future of eDiscovery for years to come.

This is a must attend event to keep your organization abreast of the developments and new horizons in this critical field.

eDiscovery Resource Center








Early Confirmed Speakers:

Clinton Field
Records Management Specialist
American Eagle Outfitters, Inc.

Lucas G. Paglia
Vice President-Deputy General Counsel
American Eagle Outfitters, Inc.

Kathrin-D Fischer 
Legal, Risk & Capital Management
Deutsche Bank AG, Filiale New York

Andrew Stemmer
Legal Department
Deutsche Bank AG

Eric M. Albert
Director & Senior Counsel
Deutsche Bank AG, New York

Stephen Shine
Chief Regulatory Counsel
Prudential Financial

Ronald Hedges
Special eDiscovery Master

Hon. Richard Kramer
Superior Court Judge
District of California

Dave Shonka
Principal Deputy General Counsel
Federal Trade Commission

» View more speakers

The 16th Annual National Institute on Negotiating Business Acquisitions

The National Law Review wants to remind you to mark your calendars for the 16th Annual National Institute on Negotiating Business Acquisitions presented by the ABA’s  Business Law Section Mergers and Acquisitions Committee, General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Division, and the Center for Continuing Legal Education:

Negotiating Business Acquisitions

Event Information

When:  November 10 – 11, 2011

Where:  The Ritz-Carlton Miami Beach | South Beach Miami
                 1 Lincoln Rd, Miami Beach, FL, 33139-2000


Primary Sponsors



  • Highlights

This National Institute includes an extensive mock negotiation that will give you valuable insights on negotiating key representations, warranties, closing conditions and indemnification provisions in an acquisition agreement. Advance preparation is not needed for this program.

  • Program Description

This two-day National Institute will provide you with an expert perspective on negotiating business acquisitions.

Panelists include nationally known mergers & acquisitions attorneys who will discuss all facets of the acquisition process, including techniques used in structuring and negotiating M&A deals; the tax and securities law aspects of business acquisitions; and the impact of recent legal and regulatory developments on M&A transactions.

The program will examine both fundamental and cutting-edge issues, with sessions addressing
the following:

  • The key business, financial, and legal terms of the acquisition agreement
  • Special issues in asset acquisitions
  • Tax considerations in M&A transactions
  • Acquisitions of public companies and related Delaware and securities law considerations
  • An investment banker’s perspective on M&A trends
  • Recent developments, including the role of private equity buyers
  • Ethical issues in M&A transactions


Mind the Gap: Reducing the Sponsorship Gap Between Men and Women in the Workplace

Recently posted in the National Law Review an interesting  article by Brande Stellings of Catalyst Inc. regarding how a mentor differs from a sponsor and compensation that women face and the gaps in career advancement and compensation that women face

While recently moderating a panel on mentors and sponsors in the workplace, I was struck when one of the panelists, a seasoned, extremely accomplished General Counsel at a prestigious institution, mused aloud that she had had many sponsors in retrospect, but did not know there was a name for it.

This is not surprising.  Everyone knows what a mentor is.  But not everyone knows how a mentor differs from a sponsor.  And recent Catalyst researchindicates it is this critical difference that helps explain the gaps in career advancement and compensation that women face right out of the gate, as well as over time, in comparison to their male peers.  

Statistics regarding women’s advancement in the legal profession are well-known.  The National Association of Women Lawyers (“NAWL”) annual survey of women in AmLaw 200 law firms shows that women’s representation in the equity partner ranks has plateaued at the 15-16% range in the five years since NAWL began the survey.  The MCCA survey of women general counsels in the Fortune500 fares a bit better, with women clocking in just under 19%.  These numbers are not dissimilar to women in US business generally. The annual Catalyst census of women’s representation of Fortune 500 Board directors and executive officers has also stalled out in the 14-15% range.

How do we move off this plateau and get closer to gender parity in our top leadership positions?

For years, many have looked to mentoring as a solution.   Yet, for all the time and resources invested in mentoring, it has not yielded dramatic results. Indeed, Catalyst research has revealed a paradox. According to Catalyst’s landmark study of high-potential MBA graduates, Mentoring: Necessary but Insufficient for Advancement, more women than men reported having mentors, but mentoring provided a much bigger pay-off for men than women.  For example, mentoring was a statistically significant predictor of promotion for men but not for women.   We also found that men with mentors made more than women with mentors in their first post-MBA job – to the tune of $9260.

Why is it that men reap much bigger rewards from mentoring than women in terms of promotion and compensation?

Mentoring: Necessary but Insufficient for Advancement found that although more women than men have mentors, women’s mentors have less clout.  In other words, men are more likely to be mentored by CEOs or other senior executives who are in a position to act on behalf of their protégés.  These powerful mentors act as sponsors.  A sponsor is someone with power and rank and significant influence on decision-making processes.  A sponsor can ensure that a high-performing woman’s work is noticed, that she is put on key projects or client engagements, and advocate for her promotion.

Take the example of a woman partner who is now a leader in her firm and in the profession.  When she first came up for partner at her firm, she and her supporters assumed she would make partner. When she did not, her supporters rallied around her, engaged the support of other partners, including, critically, a member of the partner election committee, and she made partner the following year.

In the example above, note that the most important work of the lawyer’s sponsors was done behind closed doors.  As a sponsor stated in our latest report:

A lot of decisions…are made when you’re not in the room, so you need somebody who can…advocate for you and can bring up the important things of why you should advance. You need somebody or people at that table…speaking for you….I can’t think of a person who rose without a sponsor or significant sponsors.

Catalyst research regarding differences between women and men’s mentors in the high-potential MBA population corresponds to the findings in Catalyst’sWomen of Color in US Law Firms research report.  Of all the groups of lawyers Catalyst surveyed, women of color were the most likely to say they had a mentor, and white men were the least likely to say they had a mentor.  The difference emerges in terms of access to influential mentors.  Women of color were leastlikely to feel their mentors were influential.

Sponsorship does not replace mentoring, by any means.  Mentoring is still necessary, but it is not sufficient on its own.   Good advice without the opportunity to put that advice into action will take one only so far.  As Catalyst research demonstrates, women get a lot of advice, but are not getting ahead.

To learn more about the latest research on sponsorship, and hear from women leaders in the business and legal world, join me at the Seventh Annual National Association of Women Lawyers General Counsel Institute on November 3, 2011 for a panel discussion, Beyond Mentoring: Career Advancement Strategies.  For more information on NAWL’s General Counsel Institute and to register, visit NAWL’s website.

© 2011 Catalyst Inc.

Chief Litigation Officer Summit Fall 2011 15-17 September 2011, Red Rock Casino, Resort, Spa, Las Vegas, NV

The National Law Review is  pleased to announce the Chief Litigation Officer Summit Fall 2011 is taking place on the 15 through 17 of  September 2011, Red Rock Casino, Las Vegas, NV.

A Unique Event

The future of litigation will bring new matters, increased competition and a strong need for budget maximization. Employment, IP, product liability, commercial and securities litigation continue to become more complex and therefore more costly. As a Chief Litigation Officer, one of the main challenges is to stay within budget, and tactics such as eDiscovery and specialized outside counsel certainly compound this challenge.

Executives that can find solutions and best practices to work through these challenges will stand out amid a mounting sea of litigation counsel. By employing alternative billing structures, one can allow for fair and accurate budgeting in hopes of maximizing resources, which will help contribute to a successful trial. Skillful planning, organizing and managing of cases is absolutely necessary to stay on top of your game during the trial or deciding on alternative dispute resolution. Enhancing outside counsel relationships through effective communication can greatly increase your odds and assist in dealing with a building case load.

The Chief Litigation Officer Summit provides a unique forum for service providers to gain access to the leading in-house counsel across the nation. Over three days, service providers will meet and interact with the heads of litigation from the country’s leading organizations through a number of one-on-one business meetings and many networking activities. In addition, service providers will attend strategic conference sessions and keynote presentations delivered by these heads of litigation. Within the luxurious settings of The Red Rock Casino, Resort & Spa, this networking event presents a unique opportunity to develop meaningful and valuable business relations.

marcus evans will seek CLE accreditation in those states requested by registrants which have continuing education requirements. CLE credit hour information will be displayed on the certificate of attendance, which is provided to the attendees after the event has run and once each State has confirmed approval. marcus evans certifies that this activity has been approved for CLE credits by the State Bar of California and the State Bar of Pennsylvania.

Our executive delegation is selected according to the following criteria:

  • Scope of Responsibility
  • Budget
  • Sign-off Authority
  • Company Revenue
  • Interest in Purchasing Products and Services

Delegates will include decision makers with the job titles of General Counsel Litigation, Assistant General Counsel Litigation, Associate General Counsel, Litigation, Chief Litigation Officer, Vice President, Litigation and Senior Litigation Counsel with ultimate responsibility for litigation within their corporations.
Six Reasons Why You Should Attend the Summit:

  • Attend innovative summit sessions that outline tools to maximize the profitability of your company or organization
  • Network with an executive, focused group of your peers to discuss and debate differentiated strategies and develop future business contacts
  • Meet with leading Solution Providers to gain solutions to your most pressing business challenges
  • Maximize your time spent at the event by pre-selecting Keynote presentations, summit sessions, one-on-one meetings and networking activities through the Secured Summit Web site and scheduling software
  • Extensive opportunities for informal peer networking throughout the weekend through day and evening leisure activities
  • Documentation of presentations and information presented at the Summit via the interactive Web site



Delegate Package 

  • Pre-event Secured Web site access for scheduling
  • Executive Summit Program
  • 8-10 one-on-one business meetings with Solution Provider executives
  • Post-event Web site access for documentation and information on next event
  • Two nights accommodation at the Resort
  • All meals, receptions & special events
  • Participation in the Summit networking activities

For information on attending as a Delegate, please contact:
Marketing Manager
T: 246 627 3761


Strategic Marketing in the Modern Law Firm 2.0 – Value at the Intersection of Communication & Collaboration – Sep 21st NYC

Strategic Marketing in the Modern Law Firm 2.0 – Value at the Intersection of Communication & Collaboration- September 21, New York, NY presented by ARK Group :

As clients push for greater value in legal services, the role of law firm marketing is shifting from simply chronicling the firm’s success—to engaging with clients to understand and deliver value. Clients want direct access to a firm’s knowledge assets—both to assess the firm’s expertise and to obtain legal information that will address their basic legal needs—almost as a precursor to determining whether a firm can meet their higher-value needs.  The world is changing and law will “normalize” to look more and more like other industries. Fortunately clients are sharing information about themselves in a variety of new and different ways. And legal marketers with insight and gumption will help their firms deliver superior value at the intersection of communication and collaboration.

Ark Group/Managing Partner’s Strategic Marketing in the Modern Law Firm 2.0—Value at the Intersection of Communication & Collaboration will provide a unique platform for legal marketers to discuss and better understand the value of content and collaboration in creating a “marketing culture” that can help the firm leverage its intellectual capital effectively.

Discussion topics and focal points of the forum include:

  • Identifying the link between Marketing and Knowledge Management to energize client development
  • Actionable business intelligence as a byproduct of Knowledge Management
  • Social CRM & Web 2.0 Collaboration: Elevating the conversation with clients and prospects
  • Strategic alignment and cross-functional efforts that contribute to value creation for the client
  • The role of knowledge in developing and retaining clients: Why fresh content will make your attorneys better business developers
  • Why lawyers and marketers must demonstrate—through their own engagement—that they are worthy of knowledge sharing
  • Positioning your CRM platform as the lifeline between the various departmental silos, enabling access and an opportunity (across the organization) to contribute to client data
  • The integration of law firm functions—such as Marketing, Business Development, Client Relationship Management and Knowledge Management
  • Assessing client relationship-building initiatives: keys to success and seeds of failure

For More Information and to Register:

This event is held on September 21st at the AMA Executive Conference Center ~ New York, NY.  Please click  HERE  for more information.