Sponsors of Net Neutrality Bill Receive Thousands from Internet Service Providers

MapLight, a nonprofit and political research organization

Late last month, Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI) and Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR) held a hearing to discuss congressional action on net neutrality.  The representatives, who chair House committees that oversee the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), also released an early draft of a bill to regulate the open flow of information on the Internet.

Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR) pictured in foreground
Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR) pictured in foreground. Image source: House GOP Leader/Flickr

Consumer advocates have argued the draft proposal fails to adequately regulate net neutrality, and instead voiced support FCC Commissioner Tom Wheeler’s efforts to regulate the internet like a utility.  The FCC isscheduled to vote on Commissioner Wheeler’s proposal on Feb. 26.

Campaign Contributions: MapLight analysis of campaign contributions from employees and political action committees (PACs) of the four largest internet service providers in the United States, AT&T, Comcast, Time Warner Cable, and Verizon Communications, to the campaign committees of Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI) and Greg Walden (R-OR) during the 2014 election cycle.

Member Amount Received
AT&T Comcast Time Warner Cable Verizon Communications Total
Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI) $10,000 $37,600 $21,500 $30,400 $99,500
Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR) $5,000 $32,050 $14,500 $5,250 $56,800
Total $15,000 $69,650 $36,000 $35,650 $156,300
  • The top four internet service providers, AT&T, Comcast, Time Warner Cable, and Verizon Communications, contributed $156,300 to Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI) and Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR) during the 2014 election cycle.

  • The four companies contributed $99,500 to Rep. Upton.

  • The four companies contributed $56,800 to Rep. Walden.

  • The top contributor, Comcast, contributed $69,650 to the two chairmen during the 2014 election cycle.

To view lobbying data for AT&T, Comcast, Time Warner Cable, and Verizon Communication please click here.

Campaign Contributions Methodology: MapLight analysis of campaign contributions to Rep. Fred Upton (R-MI) and Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR) from PACs and employees of the AT&T, Comcast, Cox Communications, Time Warner Cable, and Verizon Communications, the four largest internet service providers in the United States, from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2014. Contributions data source: Federal Election Commission

Staying Above The Political Fray – The RIA (Registered Investment Adviser) Political Contribution Rule

Sheppard Mullin Law Firm

It is entirely understandable if after the recent hotly contested “mid-term” elections the general public would like to put political campaigns behind them– at least for the few months before the hype around the 2016 U.S. Presidential elections kicks into gear.  For many folks in the U.S. financial services industry, however, political campaigns have to be kept in mind all year round, every year.  This is thanks, foremost, to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s “pay-to-play” rules promulgated under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (the “Advisers Act”).  The so-called “pay-to-play” rules can be found in Advisers Act Rule 206(4)-5 (the “Political Contribution Rules”) (which can be found on page 194 of this PDF).  The Political Contribution Rule was first proposed in 2009, in the wake of the scintillating tales arising out of the unquestioned abuse of position by certain politicians at the pension plans for New York, California, Illinois and New Mexico, to name a few.  The Political Contribution Rule was adopted in 2010 (and went effective in 2011) and has found its place into the compliance programs of RIAs across the US.

In brief (and the Political Contribution Rule should not be thought of in brief, as it is a very complicated rule, and far reaching), the Political Contribution Rule provides that it constitutes fraudulent activity for an SEC registered investment adviser to accept compensation for the provision of advisory services to a US public pension plan (other than a federal pension plan) if within the prior two years certain folks at the firm (or their family members) made non-de minimisdonations (roughly, in excess of $350 or $150 per campaign, depending) to any government official or candidate whose governmental position puts (or would put) them in a position to influence the decisions of a public pension plan.  The express prohibition on “doing indirectly that which you are prohibited from doing directly” (see Rule 206(4)-5(d)) and coverage of political activity committees (PACs) make clear that the Political Contribution Rule is intended to capture a broad range of political giving.  For this reason, an RIA compliance policy designed to avoid any issues with the Political Contribution Rule will pick up RIA staff (regardless of title – to avoid any inference of firm directed giving by senior staff), their immediate family members (including children) and, most conservatively, prohibit all political giving, entirely.  Another reasonable response to the Political Contribution Rule is to simply not manage any money for or accept investments from public pension plans.

As invasive and hard to read as the Political Contribution Rule is, the SEC staff stand ready to enforce the rule.  In the first administrative proceeding brought under the rule, TL Ventures Inc. agreed to pay $295,000 to settle claims made by the SEC under the Political Contribution Rule.  The SEC action against TL Ventures arose out of a pair of political contributions made in 2011 (the year the Political Contribution Rule went into effect) by a “covered associate” of TL Ventures, who donated $2,000 to the governor of the State of Pennsylvania and another $2,500 to a Philadelphia mayoral candidate.  These donations resulted in a violation of the Political Contribution Rule when matched with the fact that TL Ventures had accepted investments by the Pennsylvania State Employees’ Retirement System in two TL Ventures venture funds formed in 1999 and 2000, as well as an investment by the Philadelphia Retirement Board in the TL Ventures venture fund formed in 2000. Although these fund investments were fairly dated by 2011, they were still generating fees to TL Ventures during their run off phase.  The dates involved might suggest to a more sympathetic observer that the violation was an oversight, but (as is often the case) other issues that arose during the SEC exam of TL Ventures likely exhausted any willingness on the part of the staff to give TL Ventures the benefit of the doubt.  The order describing and resolving the TL Ventures case presents an interesting set of facts, generally; you can read more about the TL Ventures settlement here.

However, and not without irony, political developments may draw the Political Contribution Rule out of the shadows of regulatory compliance and plop it squarely onto the political stump.  The reason is that in the upcoming 2016 presidential campaign certain candidates for higher office might find themselves at a disadvantage with deep pocketed would-be campaign contributors (i.e., owners and employees of financial services firms) due to the Political Contribution Rule.  A prime example would be New Jersey Governor Christopher Christie, who is widely expected to throw his hat into the ring for nomination as the presidential candidate for the Republican Party.  As the sitting Governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie is an “official” under the Political Contribution Rule, and as governor of New Jersey holds sway over the approximately $81 billion New Jersey’s Public Employees’ Retirement System, through the Governor’s ability to make appointments to the New Jersey State Investment Council.  The Political Contribution Rule does not apply to U.S. federal officials, but, as a sitting governor, any political contributions to Gov. Chris Christy’s presidential campaign would be picked up by the Political Contribution Rule.  Thus, any contribution to a Christie presidential campaign by an owner or employee of a hedge or private equity fund (or other asset manager) would side line her or his advisory firm from managing investments for New Jersey state pension plans.   And, of course, Governor Christie’s proximity to Wall Street and its deep pocketed financial services firms will make the issue that much more acute for him.

There may be no need to wait for the political fireworks to start popping on this issue.  The New York and Tennessee state Republican parties have already brought a legal action against the SEC to invalidate the Political Contribution Rule.  In that case, the plaintiffs allege that the SEC overstepped its authority because the Political Contribution Rule illegally attempts to regulate activity that is exclusively the responsibility of the Federal Election Commission.  (Copy of the complaint). This is similar to the claims of the law suit that lead to the “Goldstein” decision, which saw the SEC’s initial attempt at forcing hedge fund managers to register with the SEC as investment advisers invalidated in 2006.  However, on September 30, 2014, U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell dismissed the plaintiff’s challenge to the Political Contribution Rule, finding that the court lacked jurisdiction and that only the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit had authority to hear the case. Presently, it remains to be seen whether the New York and Tennessee state Republican parties (or anyone else) will renew the complaint with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.

The political winds seem to be blowing in such a way that the Political Contribution Rule may get blown out of RIA compliance programs.  The SEC staff’s rationale for wanting to address the pay-to-play scandals of the recent and not so recent past are entirely understandable.  But the breadth of the Political Contribution Rule does suggest that the behavior being targeted is best addressed by public pension plans, many of whom have already taken affirmative steps to address the SEC staff’s concerns about the temptations they present to fund manager (many or which are notably doing).  The Political Contribution Rule is hard to implement, cuts too close to the right to political speech, and, ultimately, may hit too close to home for many politicians.



U.S. Supreme Court Finds Aggregate Limits on Federal Campaign Contribution are Unconstitutional

Bracewell & Giuliani Logo

On April 2, 2014, the United States Supreme Court held in a 5-4 decision that aggregate contribution limits, those limits placed on an individual’s overall direct contributions during a two-year election cycle, were unconstitutional as a violation of the First Amendment. The case, McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission, No. 12-536 (U.S. April 2, 2014), is the latest case in which the Supreme Court has loosened federal regulation of campaign contributions.

In a fractured decision, Chief Justice John Roberts authored a plurality opinion that struck down the aggregate limit as a “mismatch” between the government’s goal of curbing corruption and its chosen means of imposing an aggregate limit. Although the government has a valid interest in limiting quid pro quo corruption between contributors and elected officials, the Court explained, an aggregate limit imposed across all candidates does not limit the risk of corruption enough to justify the way it significantly limits the right to support candidates in an election. In the face of core First Amendment guarantees, the aggregate limit could not survive because it was not “closely drawn to avoid unnecessary abridgment of associational freedoms.” Slip opinion at 30 (citation omitted).

The Chief Justice was joined by three of his colleagues: Justices Antonin Scalia, Anthony Kennedy, and Samuel Alito. Justice Clarence Thomas wrote separately to say that he would both strike down aggregate limits and overturn key Supreme Court precedent sanctioning a wide array of campaign finance restrictions.

The Dissent

Writing for the four Justices in dissent, Justice Stephen Breyer argued that aggregate campaign contribution limits had been previously held to be constitutional and that the reversal of existing precedent will come at a grave cost to the U.S. political system. In his view, the decision of the plurality “undermines, perhaps devastates, what remains of campaign finance reform.” Slip opinion at 30 (Breyer, J., dissenting). Justice Breyer was joined by Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan.

Unchanged Rules

Prior to today’s decision in McCutcheon, campaign contributions were subject to two key limitations. The first limit, which remains intact, is the base limit on individual contributions to a single campaign, party committee, or political action committee. That limit remains unchanged, thus there is still a limit of $2,600 that an individual may contribute to a candidate for each election in the two year election cycle. As a result, one may contribute $2,600 for a primary election, $2,600 for a general election, and an additional $2,600 if there is a runoff election. Limits on contributions to other committees may be seen on the below chart.

In addition, the decision has no impact on the operation of a Super PAC, otherwise known as an “independent expenditure-only committee.” Nor does the decision permit corporations to make contributions to federal candidate committees.

New Rule

The limit that was struck down today restricted the overall amount individuals can contribute to election campaigns during a given two-year election cycle. Those aggregate limits were most recently set at $48,600 for federal candidates and $74,600 for other political committees, including national and state party committees, for an overall limit of $123,200 per two-year cycle. As such, prior to this decision a person could give the maximum base contribution of $5,200, for both a primary and a general election, to a maximum of nine federal candidates, whereas now a person can contribute to all federal candidates if she so desires. Similarly, an individual may now contribute to as many PACs as desired, including state and federal committees, such as the Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee, as long as each contribution is within the base limit currently set at $32,400 for the national party committees.

In viewing the below chart from the Federal Election Commission, the box in the upper right corner, under Special Limits, has been eliminated. All the other listed limits continue to be the federal legal limits.

Kedar Bhatia contributed to this article.

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