A Primer on Executive Orders and a Preview of the Road Ahead

On January 20, 2025, a new administration took control of the Executive Branch of the federal government, and it has signaled that it will make aggressive use of executive orders.

This would be a good time to review the scope of executive orders and how they may affect employers and health care organizations.

Executive orders are not mentioned in the Constitution, but they have been around since the time of George Washington. Executive orders are signed, written, and published orders from the President of the United States that manage and direct the Executive Branch and are binding on Executive Branch agencies. Executive orders can be used to implement or clarify existing federal law or policies and can direct and manage the way federal agencies interact with private entities. However, executive orders are not a substitute for either statutes or regulations.

The current procedure for implementing executive orders was set out in a 1962 executive order that requires that all such orders must be published in the Federal Register, the same publication where executive agencies publish proposed and final rules. Once published, any executive order can be revoked or modified simply by issuing a new executive order. In addition, Congress can ratify an existing executive order in cases where the authority may be ambiguous.

Although the President has extensive powers under Article II of the Constitution, that does not necessarily mean that executive orders can be issued and enforced on a whim. Over time, federal courts have reviewed executive orders and typically base their decisions on three questions: (1) has Congress delegated any authority to the President to act through an executive order?; (2) if so, what is the scope of any delegation?; and (3) did the President act within the scope of that delegation?

In a seminal case, Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579 (1952), the Supreme Court reviewed an executive order signed by President Truman directing the Secretary of Commerce to take possession of and operate most of the nation’s steel mills to prevent a strike from disrupting steel production during the Korean War. On appeal, the Court ruled that the executive order was not authorized under the Constitution or any statute, and that the President lacked any legislative power. It also rejected the argument that the President had an implied authority to issue the executive order under the military powers delegated to the President, as that did not extend to labor disputes.

More recently, during the COVID-19 pandemic, an executive order used the authority delegated in the Defense Production Act to address potential national defense and food supply disruptions. Nevertheless, deference to an executive order should not be presumed. Yet, even at the height of the pandemic, the Sixth Circuit ruled that the President lacked the authority to issue an executive order mandating that federal contractors be vaccinated against the COVID virus. In Kentucky v. Biden, 23 F.4th 585 (6th Cir. 2022), the Sixth Circuit ruled that the President’s reliance on the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 (“FPASA”) was misplaced and did not authorize issuing an executive order binding on federal contractors; it determined that the act’s goal of improving economy and efficiency in federal procurement of property and services applied to the government itself and did not extend to issuing directives that may “improve the efficiency of contractors and subcontractors.”

The question of a delegation of authority to a President is not necessarily solved with an executive order directing an agency to issue regulations. For example, President Biden signed an executive order directing the Secretary of Labor to publish regulations setting a minimum wage of $15 per hour for federal contractors, based on his reading of FPASA. The regulations were challenged, and two Courts of Appeal reached opposite conclusions. In Bradford v. U.S. Dep’t of Labor, 101 F.4th 707 (10th Cir. 2024) the Tenth Circuit ruled that Congress had delegated broad authority under FPASA to the President in the language setting out the act’s purpose, and that he was justified in determining that a $15 minimum wage was consistent with the act’s goals. Nevertheless, in State of Nebraska v. Su, 121 F.4th 1 (9th Cir. 2024), the Ninth Circuit determined that the minimum wage mandate did exceed the authority granted to the President and the Department of Labor. That decision relied on a narrow reading of FPASA, and concluded that the intent of the statute was limited to ensuring that the federal government received value in contracts with private entities, and that setting a minimum wage for the employees of those contractors fell outside the reach of FPASA. Although there was a clear split among the circuits, the Supreme Court declined to resolve the matter. For now, disputes involving executive orders may have to be resolved on a case-by-case basis.

In the future, employers and health care organizations that supply goods or services to federal agencies or federally-funded programs should be concerned that if there are executive orders that affect their business, those orders should be examined carefully to evaluate not only the content of those orders, but whether they are authorized by law. EBG intends to monitor these developments along with any relevant rulemaking by federal agencies.

Unitary Executive Theory Surfaces in Court: District Court Rules Qui Tam Provisions of the False Claims Act Unconstitutional

On September 30, 2024, the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida ruled that filing claims on behalf of the government under qui tam provisions of the False Claims Act (FCA) is unconstitutional in United States of America ex rel. Clarissa Zafirov v. Florida Medical Associates, LLC, et al. The ruling, made by Judge Kathryn Mizelle, a 33-year-old Trump-appointee, declares that False Claims Act whistleblowers undermine executive power by filing qui tam lawsuits.

The Zafirov decision follows a recent dissent by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas in which he questioned the constitutionality of the FCA’s qui tam provisions. It also follows a political movement pushing the Unitary Executive Theory in the United States judicial courts.

This controversial decision mischaracterizes the qui tam provisions of the FCA and will likely be appealed to the Eleventh Circuit. Should the ruling stand, however, it and other similar challenges to the constitutionality of the FCA’s qui tam provisions will cripple what has been America’s number 1 anti-fraud law. Since the False Claims Act was modernized in 1986, qui tam whistleblower cases have allowed the government to recover more than $52 billion from fraudsters, over $5 billion of which came in cases where the government chose not to intervene.

Applying the ‘Unitary Executive’ Theory to Paint Whistleblowers as ‘Self-Selected Private Bounty Hunters’

Originally passed during the Civil War, the False Claims Act contains qui tam provisions enabling whistleblowers, also known as ‘relators’, to report government contracting fraud and work directly with government investigators. Once the whistleblower brings forward the suit, the government may intervene and continue to prosecute the litigation as the plaintiff. However, in the interest of accountability, the qui tam provision of the FCA permits the whistleblower to pursue a case even if the United States declines prosecution. Whistleblowers who file successful qui tam lawsuits are eligible to receive up to 30% of recovered damages.

The question of the constitutionality of the False Claims Act’s qui tam provisions was notably raised in a dissent by Justice Clarence Thomas in the 2023 Supreme Court case U.S., ex rel. Polansky v. Executive Health Resources. While Polansky discussed the issue of a relator pursuing a lawsuit after the government declines to intervene, Thomas raised a separate issue of constitutionality in his dissent. He stated that “there are substantial arguments that the qui tam device is inconsistent with Article II and that private relators may not represent the interests of the United States in litigation.” In a one-paragraph concurrence, Justice Brett Kavanaugh, joined by Justice Amy Coney Barrett, invited challenges to the constitutionality of the FCA’s qui tam provisions, writing that “In my view, the Court should consider the competing arguments on the Article II issue in an appropriate case.”

Judge Mizelle, a former clerk of Justice Thomas, drew heavily upon Justice Thomas’ dissent in her decision. Echoing Thomas’ dissent in Polansky, JudgeMizelle concluded that the qui tam provision “directly defies the Appointments Clause by permitting unaccountable, unsworn, private actors to exercise core executive power [litigating on behalf of the government] with substantial consequences to members of the public.” The District Court thus agreed with the defendants that the FCA’s qui tam provisions indeed violates the Appointments Clause of Article II of the Constitution.

The Zafirov ruling relies upon the ‘unitary executive theory,’ a constitutional law theory that states the President of the United States has sole authority over the executive branch and that power cannot be limited by Congress.

According to then-Assistant Attorney General William Barr’s 1989 Memo Constitutionality of the Qui TamProvision of the False Claims Actwhich repeatedly cited by both the judgment and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce amicus brief, the move to enable private citizens to file on behalf of the government represents a breach of the separation of powers allowing “Congress to circumvent the Executive’s check.” Barr rebrands whistleblowers as “private bounty hunters” and claims that the 1986 amendments which reincorporated the FCA’s qui tam provisions was a tactic by Congress to override presidential powers. Barr maintains that “only a unitary executive” that is, “only the President” can “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.”

In a dissent in the 1988 Supreme Court case Morrison v OlsenJustice Antonin Scalia interpreted the ‘Unitary Executive’ to have unchecked authority to appoint and remove executive officials, claiming that the firing of an independent counsel without cause falls within the limitless power of the President over the executive.

The Middle District of Florida ruling draws on Scalia’s rationale arguing that the right to pursue a qui tam case denies the President the executive authority of appointment of the relator. Under the FCA, however, whistleblowers are granted certain rights. For example, the executive must guarantee a whistleblower the “right to continue as a party” with or without the United States intervening and wait for the relator’s approval before settling the action.

The court agrees with the defendants’ argument that the FCA therefore “den[ies] the President necessary removal authority and sufficient supervisory control over [the relator].”

The court contends that the physician-turned-whistleblower Zafirov was “an improperly appointed officer” in violation of the Appointments Clause and the Take Care and Vest Clause of the Article. According to the ruling, by filing a qui tam against Medicare fraud, Zafirov was granted “core executive power” without any “proper appointment under the Constitution.”

A Mischaracterization of Qui Tam Whistleblowing

Judge Mizelle’s decision in United States ex rel. Zafirov v. Fla. Med. Assocs. first mischaracterizes the FCA’s qui tam as a breach of presidential power instead of as a provision that strengthens checks and balances. Second, the court ignores case law outlining government prerogatives over relators such that they are not menacing to the core Executive powers.

The revived qui tam provision of 1986 was a legislative move to improve government accountability over fraud—neither expanding Congressional oversight nor the size of government—by mobilizing private citizens rather than public agents. The Florida court wrongfully elevates the status of a relator to an ‘officer’ responsible to the government. A citizen pursuing a claim on behalf of the government is not and does not pretend to be an extension of the Executive Office and, therefore not subject to administrative appointment procedure. Rather the relator is a private person, and the government is a third party to the case. The Vt. Agency of Natural Res. v. United States ex rel. Stevens majority opinion also written by Justice Scalia discussing whether relators have judicial standing under Article III, qualifies that the relator is on “partial assignment of the Government’s damages claim.” A ‘partial assignee’—to which only some rights are transferred—may “assert the injury suffered by the assignor” (the U.S.) so long as the harm done is sufficient. Scalia reiterates the ‘representational standing’ of relators and makes no remarks on its challenge to the Unitary Executive. Judge Mizelle’s reliance on Morrison v Olsen to claim that like an independent counsel, a relator should also qualify as an officer ignores the Stevens Supreme Court ruling distinguishing relators as a type of assignee.

Mizelle also raises that relators seem to enjoy unbridled authority over the Executive by initiating a qui tam suit without government intervention. While Mizelle points to 31 U.S.C. § 3730 (c) to demonstrate the unchecked power of the relator, she neglects the numerous limitations specified in § 3730 (c)(2), including the broad power of the government to dismiss the qui tam action after intervening notwithstanding any objections from the relator. She frames the government intervention as “the government’s ability to pursue a parallel action and to exert limited control [which] does not lessen a relator’s unchecked civil enforcement authority to initiate.” In truth, the statute and years of judicial history maintain the government’s absolute discretion over whether to intervene in or completely stop the case by dismissing the action.

Contrary to Judge Mizelle’s belief, relators are not free from potential government intervention even when independently pursuing the case. On the contrary, relators are not able to independently pursue any binding action on the government unimpeded by the government. While Zafirov independently pursued the claim for five years, the government could have intervened and then dismissed the claim at any time. If the government intervenes, underlined in 31 U.S.C. § 3730 (c)(2), the government is empowered to settle the action with the defendant notwithstanding any objections from the relator and to restrict their participation in the course of the litigation. The fact that the government may choose not to intervene at one point does not divest them of their ability to intervene later and exercise significant authority over the relator.

Implications: Crippling the False Claims Act

Judge Mizelle’s decision seeks to end the historic success of the qui tam provision of the FCA by declaring the government’s most effective mechanism of detecting fraud as unconstitutional. While the decision does not invalidate the FCA nationally, this case could be the first step in a series of appeals that may elevate the issue to the Supreme Court.

The government’s largest obstacle to fighting white-collar crime such as fraud is detection. The diffuse and indirect nature of fraud requires those with insider knowledge to assist the government in pursuing corruption. In terms of the effectiveness of the qui tam provision, between 1987 and 2022, the Department of Justice Civil Fraud Division recovered $22.1 billion without the help of whistleblowers versus $50.3 billion with the help of whistleblower lawsuits. Since the 1986 amendments to the FCA, whistleblowers have been the direct source of approximately 70% of civil fraud recoveries by the federal government. From the Medicare billing fraud committed in Florida Medical Associates to Russian money laundering, the United States may lose its most effective tool to fight fraud fraud if the qui tam provisions of the FCA are ruled unconstitutional.

Federal District Court in Florida Holds FCA’s Qui Tam Provisions Unconstitutional

In the Supreme Court’s 2022 decision in United States ex rel. Polansky v. Executive Health Resources, Inc., three justices expressed concern that the False Claims Act’s qui tam provisions violate Article II of the Constitution and called for a case presenting that question. Justice Clarence Thomas penned a dissent explaining that private relators wield significant executive authority yet are not appointed as “Officers of the United States” under Article II. Justice Brett Kavanaugh and Justice Amy Coney Barrett, concurring in the main opinion, agreed with Justice Thomas that this constitutional issue should be considered in an appropriate case.

Earlier this year, several defendants in a non-intervened qui tam lawsuit in the Middle District of Florida took up the challenge. The qui tam, styled United States ex rel. Zafirov v. Florida Medical Associates, LLC et al., involves allegations of Medicare Advantage coding fraud. After several years of litigation, the defendants moved for judgment on the pleadings, arguing the relator’s qui tam action was unconstitutional, citing Justice Thomas’s dissent in Polansky.

The defendants’ motion prompted a statement of interest from the United States and participation as amici by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the Anti-Fraud Coalition. The Court also asked for supplemental briefs on Founding-era historical evidence regarding federal qui tam enforcement.

On September 30, 2024, Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle granted the defendants’ motion, agreeing the relator was unconstitutionally appointed and dismissing her complaint. Judge Mizelle, who clerked for Justice Thomas, held a private FCA relator exercises significant authority that is constitutionally reserved to the executive branch, including the right to bring an enforcement action on behalf of the United States and recover money for the U.S. Treasury. In doing so, a relator chooses which claims to prosecute, which theories to raise, which defendants to sue, and which arguments to make on appeal, resulting in precedent that binds the United States. Yet, a relator is not appointed by the president, a department head, or a court of law under Article II, making the qui tam device unconstitutional.

Judge Mizelle distinguished historical qui tam statutes, which were largely abandoned early in our nation’s history, on the ground that few gave a relator the level of authority the FCA does. And while the FCA itself dates back to the Civil War, the statute largely remained dormant (aside from a flurry of use in the 1930s and 40s) until the 1986 amendments set off a new wave of qui tam litigation.

The ruling is significant for the future of the FCA. As Judge Mizelle’s opinion explains, most FCA actions are brought by relators as opposed to the government itself. If the decision is upheld on appeal, a number of outcomes are possible. If the FCA is to continue as a significant source of revenue generation for the government, the DOJ must devote more resources to bringing FCA actions directly. Congress may also consider amending the FCA’s qui tam provisions to limit relators’ authority to conduct FCA litigation, thereby maintaining the statute as a viable avenue for whistleblowing.

One thing is almost certain, however. FCA defendants across the country will likely raise similar arguments in light of Judge Mizelle’s ruling. Whether in Zafirov or another case, it appears the Supreme Court will get to decide the constitutionality of the FCA’s qui tam provisions sooner rather than later.

Is It the End of the False Claims Act As We Know It? District Court Rules Qui Tam Provisions Unconstitutional

In a first-of-its-kind ruling on 30 September 2024, Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle of the US District Court for the Middle District of Florida held in United States ex rel. Zafirov v. Florida Med. Assocs., LLC that the qui tam provisions of the False Claims Act (FCA) are unconstitutional. No. 19-cv-01236, 2024 WL 4349242, at *18 (M.D. Fla. Sept. 30, 2024). Specifically, Judge Mizelle found that qui tam relators in FCA actions qualify as executive branch “Officers” who are not properly appointed, thereby violating the Appointments Clause of Article II of the US Constitution.

The holding adopts Appointments Clause arguments that have been gaining traction in recent Supreme Court opinions. It also addresses some of the “serious constitutional questions” that Justice Clarence Thomas had raised regarding the FCA’s qui tam provisions in his dissent in the Supreme Court’s June 2023 decision in United States ex rel. Polansky v. Exec. Health Res., Inc., 599 U.S. 419, 449 (2024) (Thomas, J., dissenting). Notably, Judge Mizelle’s decision in Zafirov is contrary to a number of other decisions post-Polansky that rejected similar constitutional arguments.

The decision is sure to be appealed to the Eleventh Circuit and it remains to be seen whether Judge Mizelle’s rationale will withstand appellate scrutiny. In any event, for the time being, the defense bar has a new tool in its arsenal to seek dismissal of qui tam FCA actions. Moreover, if the decision stands, it will have broad ramifications on the FCA, which has provided for qui tam actions (a form of “whistleblower” activity) since the FCA’s enactment in 1863. Cases filed by qui tam relators have comprised the largest portion of overall FCA recoveries for years, accounting for 87% of FCA recoveries in the most recent fiscal year. For additional data on qui tam cases, see our firms’ recent white paper here.

Summary of the Decision

In 2019, the relator, a board-certified family care physician, filed a qui tam FCA action against her employer and several other providers, as well as Medicare Advantage Organizations (MAOs). The relator alleged that the providers acted in concert with the MAOs to artificially increase the risk adjustment scores of Medicare Advantage enrollees, in turn increasing the defendants’ capitated payments from the government.

After a lengthy procedural history involving multiple rounds of motions to dismiss, in February 2024, the defendants sought judgment on the pleadings, arguing that the FCA’s qui tam provisions violate the Appointments, Vesting, and Take Care Clauses of Article II of the US Constitution. The defendants also argued that historical practice does not cure the qui tam provisions’ constitutional defects. The United States intervened solely to defend the constitutionality of the FCA’s qui tam provisions, with several amici curiae also filing briefs.

The court did not reach the Vesting and Take Care Clause arguments but agreed with defendants that the qui tam provisions violate the Appointments Clause. Analyzing that question, the court first found that qui tam relators are “Officers of the United States” because: (1) relators exercise significant authority by possessing civil enforcement authority on behalf of the United States; and (2) relators occupy a “continuing position” established by law given that the FCA prescribes their statutory duties, powers, and compensation and the position is analogous to other temporary officials that wield core executive power, such as bank receivers and special prosecutors. Second, the court found that Article II of the US Constitution contains no qui tam exception, rejecting arguments that historical practice confirms the qui tam provisions’ constitutionality. The court stated that “[w]hen the Constitution is clear, no amount of countervailing history overcomes what the States ratified.” Third, the court found that because a relator is an Officer, the relator must be appointed by the president, the head of an executive department, or a court. Because relators are self-appointed by initiating their own FCA actions, the court held that the qui tam provisions violate the Appointments Clause and dismissed the action.

Key Takeaways

  • Although noteworthy, Zafirov is an outlier among the multiple decisions pre- and post-Polansky that have addressed the qui tam provisions’ constitutionality. The case is also expected to be appealed by both the relator and the United States to the Eleventh Circuit. Of note, the Eleventh Circuit is currently considering an appeal of a separate Appointments Clause ruling that found a special counsel was improperly appointed in United States v. Trump.
  • This issue could also make its way to the Supreme Court. In addition to Justice Thomas’ comments noted above, Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett (in a concurrence in Polansky) acknowledged that “[t]here are substantial arguments that the qui tam device is inconsistent with Article II” and suggested that the Court consider those arguments in an “appropriate case.” Time will tell whether Zafirov is that case.
  • The anti-whistleblower holding in Zafirov stands in sharp contrast to other recent notable developments that encourage whistleblower activity, including the US Department of Justice’s Corporate Whistleblower Awards Pilot Program and similar initiatives, as well as recent US Securities and Exchange Commission enforcement actions.
  • Despite the expected appeals, the success in Zafirov raises important issues for FCA defendants and the defense bar to evaluate, and the decision may open the door to similar arguments in other FCA qui tam actions. For one, it remains to be seen what impact Zafirov should have where a defendant is considering settling in a nonintervened case and whether a conditional settlement that preserves the right to appeal the constitutional issue is appropriate. Other courts may also draw different lines, including if and how the government’s decision to intervene impacts the constitutional analysis. These will all be important issues for affected companies and FCA practitioners to consider and keep an eye on.

Our Firm’s FCA lawyers will continue to closely monitor these developments.