(Employee) Therapy Anyone?

The recent WSJ article about employer-provided in-office therapy sessions raises some good points about destigmatizing mental health in the workplace and promoting overall wellness generally. But the article also reminds us about the risks of blurring lines between an employee’s personal and professional life and the potential dangers inherent in the spillover of confidential (personal, medical, and other information) in the workplace. I have written previously about the beneficial role performance evaluations may have as “talk therapy” in an employee’s career based upon the learning that comes with balanced feedback. But it seems to me that true talk therapy – undertaken by a licensed and trained professional in an appropriate diagnostic setting – does not belong in the workplace.

The article features an employer who provides an annual benefit of a dozen free on-site therapy sessions to its employees. While it is commendable to care about the whole employee, providing on-site therapy touches upon a few somewhat sensitive employment topics. The first concerns confidentiality of health information, which includes an employee’s decision to seek (or even not seek) medical treatment. The employer in the article was reported to have taken steps to provide a separate location for the therapy sessions so employees did not encounter each other during on-site therapy visits, as well as other privacy preservation measures. But the simple fact is that confidentiality is hard to guarantee for on-site employment activities. And even though GenX employees (and the generation of workers who follow them) do think differently about mental health and wellness than the generations preceding them, there is a real risk that an employee’s use of this benefit will become the topic of what used to be known as water cooler – now Slack – talk.

The other employment risk on-site therapy poses is the potential use of information that is disclosed during a therapy session. Ethical, licensing and medical rules govern what a therapist must and must not do with information learned about a patient, but what about information the therapist learns about an employer? This is particularly a concern if the information source and content is confirmed by several different employees and might be information that merits action (such as information suggesting that a manager is engaging in harassing or other actionable or illegal conduct). There is a reason employers follow guidelines when reports or complaints are made concerning such conduct. It is unclear how those guidelines should be followed if the contents of a therapy session are supposed to remain confidential, for good legal, therapeutic and ethical reasons.

It seems to me a far better approach for employers wishing to explore this benefit is to provide employees with a set amount of money (perhaps as part of a tax-advantaged benefit plan ) that the employee is encouraged to use at the employee’s discretion as part of well-being program designed to support all aspects of health (mental, physical and even financial fitness). That way therapy can be encouraged and supported, but kept separate in all other respects from the workplace. Therapy for all may be an excellent idea, but conducting it outside the confines of the workplace seems like a better one.

For more news on Employer Provided Therapy, visit the NLR Labor & Employment section.

Dependent Work Permits – Is the U.S. Catching Up with Other Immigration Destinations?

There are many ways in which the U.S. immigration system is lagging behind those of other countries. We still put physical visas in passports – something Australia stopped doing nearly 10 years ago when they converted to a purely electronic visa system. Our immigration system is predominantly paper-based, with limited options for electronic filings, an area where other countries have fully embraced modern solutions. We also lag behind in other areas including processing times, expedite options, digital nomad immigration pathways, and having an immigration system responsive to changing economic needs for workers in specific occupations and sectors.

For a long time, the U.S. also lagged behind other countries when it came to supporting the immigration of dual-career couples, but that has changed over the last 10 years. This evolution was recently reinforced by the decision in Save Jobs USA v. DHS.

Since 2015, H-4 dependent spouses have been eligible for employment authorization documents (EADs) if they meet certain criteria, including being eligible for a green card but for a long wait due to annual and per-country limitations on green card approvals; criteria most H-4 spouses do not meet until they have been in the US for several years. The plaintiff in Save Jobs USA challenged this extension of work authorization as an unlawful use of the executive power of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). On August 2, 2024, the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ruled that this was a lawful use of DHS’s power. Absent an appeal to the Supreme Court, this ends the uncertainty over H-4 EADs. This ruling, combined with a USCIS announcement in April 2024 that extended H-4 EADs for up to 540 days for those waiting for their EADs to be renewed, means that nearly 100,000 H-4 spouses can now pursue careers without fearing unexpected gaps in work authorization.

In addition, since 2021, the US has not required EADs for certain E and L spouses. Although this is not widely known (our team often gets asked about it), starting in November 2021, U.S. immigration agencies began issuing documents that allowed these spouses to work based only on their I-94 entry document, without requiring a separate EAD application. This eliminated lengthy delays and gaps in work authorization that inhibited the ability of dual-career couples to continue their dual pursuits following a relocation to the U.S. With these developments, the US is slowly aligning with other similar economies around the world that allow dependent spouses to work automatically.

There is still more progress that can be made. Currently, the Permits Foundation, an advocacy group focused on “enabling dual careers in the global workplace” characterizes 35 countries as allowing spouses or partners to work freely. The U.S. is included on that list, but the foundation notes that spouses are only allowed to work in certain categories and that work authorizations are often subject to long delays. In the U.S., access to work authorization is not available to all types of dependents. H-4 spouses are excluded until their H-1B spouse reaches a certain point in the green card process (something that takes about 4 years for many, amounting to a major career gap for a trailing spouse). Spouses of J-1 visa holders still need to apply separately for an EAD. Spouses of F-1 student visa holders are not allowed to work, even during the one to three years of post-graduation work authorization granted to international graduates of U.S. universities. We also do not grant any immigration status to unmarried partners. Although many other countries including Canada, the UK, the Netherlands, and Australia, provide an immigration path for non-married partners, there is no option for that when an unmarried couple wants to relocate together to the US (resulting in some interesting conversations and sometimes resulting in the complete cancellation of a proposed relocation). Overall, expanding work authorization to married (and even unmarried) partners of the workers already employed in the US in various non-immigrant categories could be a boon to the labor market. Our team is often asked how they can find new sources of skilled an unskilled workers to fill open positions. Expanding this avenue of work authorization would enable this latent talent pool, many of whom are already here in the US, to enter the US workforce.

Bottom line, if you are an accompanying spouse in one of the limited categories of dependents who do not need separate employment authorization (E or L), rejoice. You are probably be able to work in the US without needing anything more than the entry document issued when you arrive. If you are not one of those lucky ones, review your options with immigration counsel, and hope the U.S. continues to catch up with other immigration destinations.

Federal Circuit Weighs in on Exceptional Case Determinations in Realtime Adaptive Streaming v. Sling TV and Dish

A recent Federal Circuit decision provided some additional insight into exceptional case determinations in patent infringement disputes. In Realtime Adaptive Streaming v. Sling TV, the Federal Circuit reviewed an award of attorneys’ fees granted to DISH and related Sling entities (collectively, DISH) by the United States District Court for the District of Colorado. Realtime Adaptive Streaming LLC v. Sling TV, L.L.C. , Fed. Cir., 23-1035, vacated 8/23/24.

History of Events

On August 31, 2017, Realtime Adaptive Streaming LLC sued DISH and related Sling entities for alleged infringement of U.S. Patent Nos. 8,275,897; 8,867,610; and 8,934,535. Early in the case, the Defendants filed motions to dismiss and motions for judgment on the pleadings, asking the district court to find the asserted claims invalid under § 101. The district court denied these motions.

In October 2018, the Central District of California issued an order finding Claims 15-30 of the ‘535 patent ineligible under § 101 (Google decision). In December 2018, a magistrate judge in the District of Delaware found Claim 15 of the ‘535 patent ineligible (Netflix decision). Shortly after that, the district court stayed the infringement litigation pending IPR proceedings.

During the IPR proceedings claims 1-14 of the ‘535 patent were found to be unpatentable on obviousness grounds. Realtime then withdrew its claims under the ‘535 patent.

The district court lifted the stay on January 15, 2021. Shortly after stay was lifted the USPTO rejected claim 1 of the ‘610 patent as obvious as part of an ex parte reexamination.

In February 2021, DISH sent Realtime a letter conveying its belief the ‘610 patent was invalid and expressing its intention to seek attorneys’ fees.

On July 31, 2021, the district court granted DISH’s motion for summary judgment of invalidity, finding Claims 1, 2, 6, 8-14, 16, and 18 of the ‘610 patent directed to ineligible subject matter under § 101 and ultimately granted DISH’s Motion for Attorneys’ Fees, highlighting six “red flags” that Realtime’s case was fatally flawed.

On May 11, 2023, the Federal Circuit affirmed the district court’s order concluding that the asserted claims of the ‘610 patent are directed to ineligible subject matter under § 101. On August 23, 2024, it issued its opinion on the appeal of the attorneys’ fees award under 35 U.S.C. § 285, vacating the district court’s opinion and remanding for further consideration.

Federal Circuit’s Analysis of the District Court’s Red Flags

The Federal Circuit reviewed each of the six red flags identified by the district court:

a) Google and Netflix decisions: The Federal Circuit agreed that these decisions, which found claims of a related patent ineligible, were significant red flags.

b) Adaptive Streaming decision: The Federal Circuit found that the district court erred in treating this as a red flag, as it involved different technology and lacked sufficient analysis to show the patent infringement claim was exceptionally meritless.

c) Board’s invalidation of the ‘535 patent: The Federal Circuit found that the district court failed to adequately explain how these decisions supported a finding of exceptionality.

d) Reexamination of the ‘610 patent: The Federal Circuit found that the district court’s analysis was lacking and failed to adequately explain how these decisions supported a finding of exceptionality.

e) DISH’s notice letter: The Federal Circuit found that the letter alone was not sufficient to trigger § 285 and support an exceptionality finding.

f) Expert analysis evidence: The Federal Circuit found that the district court erred in its justification of Dr. Bovik’s opinions as a red flag.

Notice Letter Insufficient

The notice letter from DISH was not considered sufficient to trigger § 285 and support an exceptionality finding for several reasons:

  1. Limited analysis: The letter contained only two paragraphs dedicated to discussing the ineligibility of the asserted claims of the ‘610 patent. These paragraphs were described as “conspicuously short” and “riddled with conclusory statements” asserting similarities between the ‘610 patent claims and those of the ‘535 patent and the Adaptive Streaming patent.
  2. Lack of specific comparisons: The letter did not provide any further analysis or specific comparisons to support its assertions about the similarities between the patents.
  3. Insufficient notice: The court found that simply being on notice of adverse case law and the possibility that opposing counsel would pursue § 285 fees does not amount to clear notice that the ‘610 claims were invalid.
  4. Potential for abuse: The court noted that if such a notice letter were sufficient to trigger § 285, then every party would send such a letter setting forth its complaints at the early stages of litigation to ensure that—if it prevailed—it would be entitled to attorneys’ fees.
  5. Lack of follow-up: DISH did not follow up regarding its allegations after Realtime responded to the notice letter eleven days later.

The Federal Circuit concluded that without more substantive analysis or specific comparisons, the notice letter alone was not enough to put the patentee on notice that its arguments regarding ineligibility were so meritless as to amount to an exceptional case.


In conclusion, while the Federal Circuit agreed that some of the red flags identified by the district court were valid considerations, it found that others were not properly justified or explained. As a result, the court vacated the attorneys’ fees award and remanded the case for reconsideration consistent with its opinion.

The findings regarding the notice letter are not surprising. Patent cases may take a long time to develop and typically include an enormous amount of information. Both parties have a limited amount of information early in the case and so positions are staked out carefully. The court did not give an indication of what would be necessary to serve as adequate notice of the defects of a plaintiff’s patent assertion. It remains to be seen how the court treats the exceptional case analysis in light of the remand guidance from the Federal Circuit.

Boeing Whistleblower Continues to Raise Concerns

At the National Whistleblower Day celebration held on Capitol Hill on July 30, a Boeing whistleblower announced new documents which he claims further demonstrate shortcomings by Boeing around the manufacturing of the 737 Max which crashed in Ethiopia on March 10, 2019.

During his speech, Ed Pierson, the Executive Director of The Foundation for Aviation Safety, an aviation industry watchdog group, stated “since it’s Whistleblower Day, I thought I’d do some whistleblowing.”

Pierson went on to detail three sets of documents which he said Boeing employees had recently shared with him. The documents include the production records for the Ethiopian Airlines 737-8 MAX airplane, which according to the Foundation for Aviation Safety “paint a clear picture of the confusing and chaotic production operations going on at the 737 factory when this airplane was being manufactured.”

The documents also include information about a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) investigation into whistleblower complaints about alleged loss of quality control at Boeing’s Electrical Systems Responsibility Center (ESRC) in Everett, Washington. According to Pierson, this investigation occurred the same week that the Ethiopian Airlines 737-8 MAX airplane was being manufactured in nearby Renton, Washington.

Lastly, the documents include communication between Boeing and Ethiopian Airlines about an uncommanded roll that plane had allegedly taken within three weeks of being delivered to Ethiopia.

In recent months, a number of Boeing whistleblowers have come forward alleging both safety concerns as well as a culture of retaliation at the company.

Copyright Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto, LLP 2024. All Rights Reserved.
by: Geoff Schweller of Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto
For more on Whistleblowers, visit the NLR Criminal Law Business Crimes section

Handling an EPA Inspection: What to Do Before, During, and After the Process

Regardless of a company’s environmental compliance record, facing a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) inspection can present significant risks. When conducting inspections, EPA inspectors and technical personnel examine all aspects of companies’ operations, and it is up to companies to demonstrate that enforcement action is unwarranted. When faced with uncertainty, EPA personnel will err on the side of non-compliance with EPA regulations, and this means that companies that are unable to affirmatively demonstrate compliance can find themselves facing unnecessary consequences under federal environmental laws.

With this in mind, all companies need to take an informed, strategic, and systematic approach to defending against EPA inspections. While EPA inspections can present significant risks, companies can—and should—manage these risks effectively. Effectively managing the risks of an EPA inspection starts with understanding what companies need to do before, during, and after the process.

To be clear, while there are several steps that companies can—and generally should—take to prepare for their EPA inspections, there is no single “right” way to approach the inspection process. A custom-tailored approach is critical, as companies facing scrutiny from the EPA must be prepared to address any and all compliance-related concerns arising out of their specific operations.

What to Do Before an EPA Inspection

With this in mind, what can companies do to maximize their chances of avoiding unnecessary consequences during an EPA inspection? Here are five steps that companies should generally take upon learning of an impending visit from EPA personnel:

1. Make Sure You Know What Type of EPA Inspection Your Company is Facing 

One of the first steps to take is to ensure that you know what type of EPA inspection your company is facing. The EPA conducts multiple types of inspections, each of which involves its own protocols and procedures and presents its own risks and opportunities. As the EPA explains:

“Inspections are usually conducted on single-media programs such as the Clean Water Act, but can be conducted for more than one media program. Inspections also can be conducted to address a specific environmental problem (e.g., water quality in a river), a facility or industry sector (e.g., chemical plants), or a geographic (e.g., a region or locality) or ecosystem-based approach (e.g., air or watershed).”

Under the EPA’s current approach to environmental compliance enforcement, most inspections fall into one of five categories:

  • On-Site Inspections – The EPA routinely conducts on-site inspections. During these inspections, EPA personnel may observe the company’s operations, collect samples, take photos and videos, interview company personnel, and review pertinent environmental compliance documentation.
  • Evaluations – The EPA conducts evaluations to assess facility-level compliance under the various federal environmental statutes. These evaluations may be either “full” or “partial,” with full compliance evaluations (FCEs) examining all pertinent areas of compliance and partial compliance evaluations (PCEs) “focusing on a subset of regulated pollutants, regulatory requirements, or emission units at a given facility.”
  • Record Reviews – Record reviews typically take place at an EPA field office or other government location, and they “may or may not be combined with field work.” With that said, in many cases, on-site inspections and record reviews go hand-in-hand.
  • Information Requests – An information request is, “an enforceable, written request for information to a regulated entity, a potentially regulated entity, or a potentially responsible party about a site, facility, or activity.” The EPA uses information requests to “substantiate the compliance status of [a] facility or . . . site,” and the EPA may issue an information request either in connection with or after conducting an on-site inspection.
  • Civil Investigations – The EPA describes civil investigations as, “an extraordinary, detailed assessment of a regulated entity’s compliance status, which requires significantly more time to complete than a typical compliance inspection.” In most cases, a civil investigation will follow an inspection that uncovers significant or systemic compliance failures.

2. Make Sure You Understand the Scope of the EPA’s Inspection 

After discerning the nature of the EPA’s inquiry, the next step is to ensure that you understand its scope. Is the EPA focusing on a specific environmental statute (i.e., the Recovery Act, the Clean Air Act (CAA) or Clean Water Act (CWA)); or, is it conducting a comprehensive assessment of environmental compliance? If the EPA is focusing on a specific environmental statute, is it focusing on all areas of compliance monitoring under the statute, or is it focusing on a particular enforcement priority like resource conservation? Answering these types of questions will be critical for efficiently implementing an informed defense strategy.

3. Locate All Relevant Compliance Documentation 

Once you know what the EPA will be looking for, the next step is determining what it is going to find when they request information. This begins with locating all of the company’s relevant compliance documentation. This will facilitate conducting an internal EPA compliance assessment (more on this below), and it will also allow the company to efficiently respond to document requests and other inquiries during the inspection process.

4. Conduct an Internal EPA Compliance Assessment (if There is Time)

If there is time, it will be important to conduct an internal EPA compliance assessment, like a mock audit, before the EPA’s inspection begins—unless the company has recently completed a systematic environmental compliance audit in compliance with the relevant EPA Audit Protocols. There is incentive for self-policing which incentivizes you to voluntarily discover and fix violations. If there is not time to conduct an internal assessment before the inspection begins, then this should be undertaken in parallel with the company’s inspection defense, with a focus on accurately assessing the risks associated with the inspection as quickly as possible.

5. Put Together Your EPA Inspection Defense Strategy and Team 

Effectively responding to an EPA inspection requires an informed defense strategy and a capable team. A company’s EPA inspection defense team should include appropriate company leaders and internal subject matter experts as well as the company’s outside EPA compliance counsel.

What to Do During an EPA Inspection

Here are some important steps to take once an EPA inspection is underway:

1. Proactively Engage with the EPA’s Inspectors and Technical Personnel 

Companies facing EPA inspections should not take a back seat during the process. Instead, they should seek to proactively engage with the EPA’s inspectors and technical personnel (through their EPA compliance counsel) so that they remain fully up to speed and can address any potential issues or concerns as quickly as possible.

2. Use the Company’s EPA Compliance Documentation to Guide the Process 

For companies that have a strong compliance record and clear documentation of compliance, using this documentation to guide the inspection process can help steer it toward an efficient and favorable resolution.

3. Carefully Assess Any Concerns About Non-Compliance 

If any concerns about non-compliance arise during the EPA inspection process, company leaders should work with the company’s EPA compliance counsel to assess these concerns and determine how best to respond.

4. Work with the EPA’s Inspectors and Technical Personnel to Resolve Compliance Concerns as Warranted 

If any of the EPA’s concerns about non-compliance are substantiated, companies should work with the EPA’s inspectors and technical personnel (through their EPA compliance counsel) to resolve these concerns as efficiently as possible—and ideally during the inspection process so that no follow-up interactions with the EPA are necessary.

5. Focus on Achieving a Final Resolution that Avoids Further Inquiry

Overall, the primary focus of a company’s EPA inspection defense should be on achieving a final resolution that avoids further inquiry. Not only can post-inspection civil investigations present substantial risks, but unresolved compliance concerns can leave companies (and their owners and executives) exposed to the possibility of criminal prosecution in some cases as well.

What to Do After an EPA Inspection 

Finally, here are some key considerations for what to do after an EPA inspection:

1. Complete Any Necessary Follow-Up as Efficiently as Possible 

If any follow-up corrective or remedial action is necessary following an EPA inspection, the company should prioritize completing this follow-up as efficiently as possible. Not only will this help to mitigate any penalty exposure, but it will also help mitigate the risk of raising additional concerns with the EPA.

2. Implement Any Lessons Learned 

If the EPA’s inspection resulted in any lessons learned, the company should also prioritize implementing these lessons learned in order to prevent the recurrence of any issues uncovered during the inspection process. This is true whether implementation involves making minor tweaks to the company’s documentation procedures or completing a substantial overhaul of the company’s environmental compliance program.

3. Use Systematic EPA Compliance Audits to Evaluate and Maintain Compliance 

Systematic auditing is one of the most efficient and most effective ways that companies can evaluate and maintain EPA compliance. For companies that are not using the EPA’s Audit Protocols already, working with experienced outside counsel to implement these protocols will be a key next step as well.

4. Challenge Any Unwarranted Conclusions as Warranted 

If the company’s EPA inspection resulted in unwarranted determinations of non-compliance, seeking to reverse the agency’s conclusions may involve working with its lawyers post-inspection. Depending on the circumstances, it may also involve going to court. Whatever it takes, ensuring that the company does not face unjustified penalties will be essential for both short-term and long-term environmental compliance risk management.

5. Prepare for Further Enforcement Action as Necessary 

If an EPA inspection results in substantial findings of non-compliance, it may be necessary to prepare for further enforcement action. Depending on the circumstances, this could involve facing a civil investigation, a criminal investigation conducted jointly by the EPA and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), or litigation in federal court. Here, too, an informed and strategic defense is essential, and it will be critical to continue working with experienced EPA compliance counsel throughout this process.

A Look at the Evolving Scope of Transatlantic AI Regulations

There have been significant changes to the regulations surrounding artificial intelligence (AI) on a global scale. New measures from governments worldwide are coming online, including the United States (U.S.) government’s executive order on AI, California’s upcoming regulations, the European Union’s AI Act, and emerging developments in the United Kingdom that contribute to this evolving environment.

The European Union (EU) AI Act and the U.S. Executive Order on AI aim to develop and utilize AI safely, securely, and with respect for fundamental rights, yet their approaches are markedly different. The EU AI Act establishes a binding legal framework across EU member states, directly applies to businesses involved in the AI value chain, classifies AI systems by risk, and imposes significant fines for violations. In contrast, the U.S. Executive Order is more of a guideline as federal agencies develop AI standards and policies. It prioritizes AI safety and trustworthiness but lacks specific penalties, instead relying on voluntary compliance and agency collaboration.

The EU approach includes detailed oversight and enforcement, while the U.S. method encourages the adoption of new standards and international cooperation that aligns with global standards but is less prescriptive. Despite their shared objectives, differences in regulatory approach, scope, enforcement, and penalties could lead to contradictions in AI governance standards between the two regions.

There has also been some collaboration on an international scale. Recently, there has been an effort between antitrust officials at the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the European Commission, and the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority to monitor AI and its risks to competition. The agencies have issued a joint statement, with all four antitrust enforcers pledging to “to remain vigilant for potential competition issues” and to use the powers of their agencies to provide safeguards against the utilization of AI to undermine competition or lead to unfair or deceptive practices.

The regulatory landscape for AI across the globe is evolving in real time as the technology develops at a record pace. As regulations strive to keep up with the technology, there are real challenges and risks that exist for companies involved in the development or utilization of AI. Therefore, it is critical that business leaders understand regulatory changes on an international scale, adapt, and stay compliant to avoid what could be significant penalties and reputational damage.

The U.S. Federal Executive Order on AI

In October 2023, the Biden Administration issued an executive order to foster responsible AI innovation. This order outlines several key initiatives, including promoting ethical, trustworthy, and lawful AI technologies. It also calls for collaboration between federal agencies, private companies, academia, and international partners to advance AI capabilities and realize its myriad benefits. The order emphasizes the need for robust frameworks to address potential AI risks such as bias, privacy concerns, and security vulnerabilities. In addition, the order directs that various sweeping actions be taken, including the establishment of new standards for AI safety and security, the passing of bipartisan data privacy legislation to protect Americans’ privacy from the risks posed by AI, the promotion of the safe, responsible, and rights-affirming development and deployment of AI abroad to solve global challenges, and the implementation of actions to ensure responsible government deployment of AI and modernization of the federal AI infrastructure through the rapid hiring of AI professionals.

At the state level, Colorado and California are leading the way. Colorado enacted the first comprehensive regulation of AI at the state level with The Colorado Artificial Intelligence Act (Senate Bill (SB) 24-205), signed into law by Governor Jared Polis on May 17, 2024. As our team previously outlined, The Colorado AI Act is comprehensive, establishing requirements for developers and deployers of “high-risk artificial intelligence systems,” to adhere to a host of obligations, including disclosures, risk management practices, and consumer protections. The Colorado law goes into effect on February 1, 2026, giving companies over a year to thoroughly adapt.

In California, a host of proposed AI regulations focusing on transparency, accountability, and consumer protection would require the disclosure of information such as AI systems’ functions, data sources, and decision-making processes. For example, AB2013 was introduced on January 31, 2024, and would require that developers of an AI system or service made available to Californians to post on the developer’s website documentation of the datasets used to train the AI system or service.

SB970 is another bill that was introduced in January 2024 and would require any person or entity that sells or provides access to any AI technology that is designed to create synthetic images, video, or voice to give a consumer warning that misuse of the technology may result in civil or criminal liability for the user.

Finally, on July 2, 2024 the California State Assembly Judiciary Committee passed SB-1047 (Safe and Secure Innovation for Frontier Artificial Intelligence Models Act), which regulates AI models based on complexity.

The European Union’s AI Act

The EU is leading the way in AI regulation through its AI Act, which establishes a framework and represents Europe’s first comprehensive attempt to regulate AI. The AI Act was adopted to promote the uptake of human-centric and trustworthy AI while ensuring high level protections of health, safety, and fundamental rights against the harmful effects of AI systems in the EU and supporting innovation.

The AI Act sets forth harmonized rules for the release and use of AI systems in the EU; prohibitions of certain AI practices; specific requirements for high-risk AI systems and obligations for operators of such systems; harmonized transparency rules for certain AI systems; harmonized rules for the release of general-purpose AI models; rules on market monitoring, market surveillance, governance, and enforcement; and measures to support innovation, with a particular focus on SMEs, including startups.

The AI Act classifies AI systems into four risk levels: unacceptable, high, limited, and minimal. Applications that pose an unacceptable risk, such as government social scoring systems, are outright banned. High-risk applications, including CV-scanning tools, face stringent regulations to ensure safety and accountability. Limited risk applications lack full transparency as to AI usage, and the AI Act imposes transparency obligations. For example, humans should be informed when they are using AI systems (such as chatbots) that they are interacting with a machine and not a human so as to enable the user to make an informed decision whether or not to continue. The AI Act allows the free use of minimal-risk AI, including applications such as AI-enabled video games or spam filters. The vast majority of AI systems currently used in the EU fall into this category.

The adoption of the AI Act has not come without criticism from major European companies. In an open letter signed by 150 executives, they raised concerns over the heavy regulation of generative AI and foundation models. The fear is that the increased compliance costs and hindered productivity would drive companies away from the EU. Despite these concerns, the AI Act is here to stay, and it would be wise for companies to prepare for compliance by assessing their systems.

Recommendations for Global Businesses

As governments and regulatory bodies worldwide implement diverse AI regulations, companies have the power to adopt strategies that both ensure compliance and mitigate risks proactively. Global businesses should consider the following recommendations:

  1. Risk Assessments: Conducting thorough risk assessments of AI systems is important for companies to align with the EU’s classification scheme and the U.S.’s focus on safety and security. There must also be an assessment of the safety and security of your AI systems, particularly those categorized as high-risk under the EU’s AI Act. This proactive approach will not only help you meet regulatory requirements but also protect your business from potential sanctions as the legal landscape evolves.
  2. Compliance Strategy: Develop a compliance strategy that specifically addresses the most stringent aspects of the EU and U.S. regulations.
  3. Legal Monitoring: Stay on top of evolving best practices and guidelines. Monitor regulatory developments in regions in which your company operates to adapt to new requirements and avoid penalties and engage with policymakers and industry groups to stay ahead of compliance requirements. Participation in public consultations and industry forums can provide valuable insights and influence regulatory outcomes.
  4. Transparency and Accountability: To meet ethical and regulatory expectations, transparency and accountability should be prioritized in AI development. This means ensuring AI systems are transparent, with clear documentation of data sources, decision-making processes, and system functionalities. There should also be accountability measures in place, such as regular audits and impact assessments.
  5. Data Governance: Implement robust data governance measures to meet the EU’s requirements and align with the U.S.’s emphasis on trustworthy AI. Establish governance structures that ensure compliance with federal, state, and international AI regulations, including appointing compliance officers and developing internal policies.
  6. Invest in Ethical AI Practices: Develop and deploy AI systems that adhere to ethical guidelines, focusing on fairness, privacy, and user rights. Ethical AI practices ensure compliance, build public trust, and enhance brand reputation.

Court Affirmed Holding That Plaintiffs Did Not Have Standing To Sue Regarding A Charitable Trust

In Dao v. Trinh, a group of five individuals who contributed money for membership in a religious community sued the person who they alleged misapplied their money for the benefit of a different religious community. No. 14-23-00131-CV, 2024 Tex. App. LEXIS 3208 (Tex. App.—Houston [14th Dist.] May 9, 2024, no pet. history). The plaintiffs brought fraud claims for alleged misrepresentations and breach of contract. The defendant filed a plea to the jurisdiction, alleging that the plaintiffs did not have standing to sue. The trial court entered an order dismissed the plaintiff’s claims with prejudice and expressly found that the plaintiffs lacked standing to bring their fraud and breach of contract claims.

The court of appeals affirmed. The court first discussing standing to sue over a charitable trust:

No party disputes that the Cao Dai organization in question, for which Trinh is the founder and director, is a “charitable trust”. This is particularly significant because the attorney general “is the representative of the public and is the proper party to maintain” a suit “vindicating the public’s rights in connection with that charity.” A private individual has standing to maintain a suit against a public charity only if the person seeks vindication of some peculiar or individual rights, distinct from those of the public at large. Moreover, a private individual must similarly establish standing in a case such as this, brought against the trustee of a public charity in connection with their office or service.

Id. The court concluded that whether framed as a fraud or breach of contract claim, the plaintiffs did not have standing to sue for the return of their donations:

Based on the holding in Eshelman, we conclude the Temple Donor Parties’ allegations and proof for their fraud claims pertaining to their donations to a charitable fails to establish standing to bring their claims (whether under a fraud theory or conditional gift theory); that is, the facts alleged and undisputed do not vindicate of some peculiar or individual rights, distinct from any other donor or from the public at large.


2025: SLATs on the Brink of a Rapid Rise in Popularity?

The 2010 Tax Relief Act temporarily increased the federal estate and gift tax exemption to $5 million per individual, a significant rise from prior years. As the 2012 fiscal cliff approached, concerns grew that these higher exemptions might be reduced, prompting a surge in estate planning activities. During this period, Spousal Lifetime Access Trusts (SLATs) gained popularity as estate planners promoted them as a strategic tool to lock in the increased exemption, allowing one spouse to make substantial gifts to a trust benefiting the other spouse while still retaining some access to the assets.

Figure 1: Google Search Volume Jul 2011 – Aug 2024 for GRATs (yellow) and SLATs (red)

The outlook – Estate tax exemption down to $3.5 Million in 2025?

Since the introduction of a higher gift and estate tax lifetime exemption after 2017, the focus of tax planning for many clients has shifted from reducing estate taxes to minimizing income taxes. In 2024, each taxpayer can pass up to $13.61 million to beneficiaries without incurring gift and estate taxes or $27.22 million for married couples. With the top estate tax rate at 40% for amounts exceeding these limits, many believe that the high exemption eliminates the need for complex end-of-life tax planning. However, these elevated exemption amounts are set to revert to pre-2017 levels in 2026, potentially lowering the exemption to around $5 million per individual.

Adding to this urgency, proposals like Elizabeth Warren’s tax plan (1) could further reduce the estate tax exemption to $3.5 million per individual, with increased tax rates on larger estates. Such changes would significantly broaden the scope of estates subject to taxation, making proactive planning essential. In this context, many savvy taxpayers are turning to strategies like Spousal Lifetime Access Trusts (SLATs) to maximize the current exemption while it remains high, allowing them to lock in tax advantages before the expected changes take effect.

What to do?

Use the higher exemption amounts before they go away by establishing trusts that remove assets from the taxable estate. Spousal Lifetime Access Trusts, or “SLATs,” have emerged as one of the most popular and effective estate planning tools for this purpose.

Type of Trust Purpose Key Features Tax Implications
Spousal Lifetime Access Trust (SLAT) Remove assets from taxable estate while providing spouse access One spouse creates trust for the benefit of the other; assets grow outside estate; irrevocable Assets removed from grantor’s estate; no estate tax on appreciation; spouse can access funds
Grantor Retained Annuity Trust (GRAT) Transfer asset appreciation to heirs with minimal gift tax Grantor retains an annuity for a set period; remaining assets pass to beneficiaries Minimal gift tax on remainder interest; potential to transfer appreciation tax-free
Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust (ILIT) Exclude life insurance proceeds from taxable estate Owns and controls life insurance policy; proceeds not included in estate Life insurance proceeds are estate tax-free; may have gift tax on premiums paid
Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) Provide income stream to grantor and charity, reduce estate size Income stream to grantor or beneficiaries; remainder to charity; irrevocable Partial estate tax deduction; reduces taxable estate; income stream taxed
Qualified Personal Residence Trust (QPRT) Transfer primary or vacation home out of estate Grantor retains right to live in home for set period; home passes to heirs afterward Reduces estate tax by freezing value of home; gift tax on remainder interest

How do SLATs work?

SLATs allow one spouse, known as the donor spouse, to transfer assets into an irrevocable trust for the benefit of the other spouse, the beneficiary spouse. This transfer uses the donor spouse’s lifetime exclusion amount, effectively removing the assets from their taxable estate, including any future appreciation. The beneficiary spouse can access the trust’s assets as needed, providing flexibility and financial security. Meanwhile, the donor spouse maintains indirect access to the assets through their marriage. The donor spouse also controls how the trust assets will be managed and distributed when the SLAT is created. Additionally, SLATs offer strong asset protection, as the trust structure can help defend against potential creditor claims.

Some Caveats

It’s important to also consider and discuss with clients the potential drawbacks of SLATs. Some of the key disadvantages include:

Risk of Divorce or Death: If the donor spouse and beneficiary spouse divorce or if the beneficiary spouse predeceases the donor spouse, the donor risks losing access to the assets in the SLAT. To mitigate this risk, a “floating spouse” provision can be included in the trust, identifying the beneficiary as the “person to whom the settlor is currently married” rather than naming a specific individual. Additionally, the trust can be drafted to allow the trustee to make loans to the donor spouse for further protection.

Unwanted Tax Consequences: SLATs can lead to unfavorable estate, gift, and income tax outcomes. If the donor spouse retains certain powers over the trust, such as the unrestricted ability to replace the trustee, the SLAT’s assets might be included in the donor spouse’s estate, undermining the trust’s tax avoidance objectives. Contributions to a SLAT are also considered completed gifts, so if the contribution exceeds the annual gift tax exclusion ($18,000 in 2024), it will reduce the donor spouse’s lifetime exclusion. Additionally, because SLAT assets typically do not receive a “step up” in cost basis at either spouse’s death, this can increase capital gains taxes for beneficiaries when the assets are eventually sold.

Application of the Reciprocal Trust Doctrine: Couples must be cautious about creating reciprocal SLATs, as this could lead to the trusts being “uncrossed” and included in each spouse’s estate, defeating the primary purpose of the SLAT. Proper planning and drafting are essential to avoid this pitfall.

Indirect Gift Doctrine: According to Internal Revenue Code (IRC) § 2036, if an individual transfers assets but retains the right to income, possession, or enjoyment of the assets or retains control over who will benefit from them, those assets will be included in their gross estate for estate tax purposes.

This situation can easily occur when creating a Spousal Lifetime Access Trust (SLAT). For example, both spouses may intend to create SLATs with each other as beneficiaries while introducing various differences to avoid the “reciprocal trust” doctrine established in the Grace case, 395 U.S. 316 (1969) (see above). However, if one spouse lacks significant assets, the wealthier spouse might give assets to the less affluent spouse, who then uses those assets to fund a trust that names the wealthier spouse as a beneficiary. If the indirect gift principle is applied, the wealthier spouse could be considered the trust’s grantor for estate tax purposes, thus including the trust’s assets in their gross estate under § 2036. Additionally, if the wealthy spouse is the trustee or holds certain tax-sensitive powers, estate inclusion may also result under § 2036(a)(2) or § 2038. This scenario is common among couples with significant differences in wealth. For this reason, many practitioners avoid reciprocal SLATs.

A practical example

James owns an LLC that he has held for about three or four years. He wants the LLC’s investments to support his wife, Emma, during her lifetime and then pass on to benefit their children and later their grandchildren without being subject to federal estate tax.

To achieve this, James forms an irrevocable SLAT for Emma and the children, naming Emma and their friend, Grace, as co-trustees. James retains the right to replace the trustee of the trust at any time and for any reason, provided the replacement is someone who is not related to him or employed by him.

The trust stipulates that Emma can make distributions to herself based on what is reasonably needed for her health, education, maintenance, and support (HEMS standard). Grace, as an independent trustee who is not a beneficiary of the trust, has the power to distribute any or all of the trust assets to Emma at any time and for any reason, according to her sole and absolute discretion, with no obligation to make such distributions.

The trust also grants Emma the right to redirect how the trust assets will be distributed upon her death, provided they are used solely for their descendants. This is known as a “limited power of appointment.”

In this scenario, James retains the right to replace trust assets with assets of equal value, making the trust “disregarded” during James’s lifetime for federal income tax purposes. Additionally, Emma’s role as both a trustee and beneficiary of the trust also causes the trust to be “disregarded” for federal income tax purposes during James’s lifetime. In other words, James and not the trust pays income taxes (2).


As we look toward 2025, Spousal Lifetime Access Trusts (SLATs) are positioned for a significant surge in popularity. Initially gaining traction during the uncertainty of the 2012 fiscal cliff, SLATs have continued to evolve as a cornerstone of strategic estate planning, especially as clients face the prospect of a reduced federal estate tax exemption. With the exemption potentially dropping to $3.5 million per individual if the Warren tax proposals are enacted, SLATs offer a timely and powerful tool to lock in current tax advantages, allowing couples to transfer substantial wealth while maintaining flexibility and financial security.

However, SLATs are not without their complexities and potential pitfalls. The risks of divorce, death, and unfavorable tax consequences highlight the need for careful drafting and planning. By integrating provisions such as a “floating spouse” clause and adhering to the Health, Education, Maintenance, and Support (HEMS) standard, practitioners can mitigate these risks and enhance the trust’s effectiveness.

Ultimately, as the landscape of estate planning continues to shift, the steady rise of SLATs will likely accelerate, making them an increasingly essential part of the conversation between clients and their advisors. Whether as a means to navigate the complexities of estate tax law or to ensure the financial well-being of future generations, SLATs stand ready to play a pivotal role in the years ahead.


  1. American Housing and Economic Mobility Act of 2024 https://www.warren.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/final_text_-_ahem_2024.pdf
  2. Adapted from an example in Alan S. Gassman, Christopher J. Denicolo & Brandon Ketron, SLAT-OPEDIA: Considering All Options and a Client-Friendly Letter, Tax Mgmt. Est., Gifts & Tr. J. (2021). PermaLink https://perma.cc/5636-T5W5

US Department of State Announces Annual Limit Reached in EB-5 Unreserved Category

The U.S. State Department and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services announced that they have issued all legally available visas in the unreserved EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program categories for Fiscal Year 2024. Embassies and consulates have been directed to not issue immigrant visas in these categories until the new fiscal year (FY 2025) starts on Oct. 1, 2024.

As discussed in our recent blog post on EB-5 filing strategies, a total of approximately 140,000 immigrant visas are available every fiscal year for employment-based immigrant visas, including the EB-1, EB-2, EB-3, EB-4, and EB-5 categories. Of the 140,000 immigrant visas available annually, the government allocates approximately 10,000 to the EB-5 investor visa program. The visas are also subject to per-country visa quotas. The Immigration and Nationality Act sets the annual limit for EB-5 visas at 7.1% of the worldwide employment limit, of which 68% is available for unreserved visa categories (C5, T5, I5, R5, RU, NU). Additionally, the EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act of 2022 makes unused EB-5 reserved visas from FY 2022 available in the EB-5 unreserved categories for FY 2024.

AI-Generated Content and Trademarks

The rapid evolution of artificial intelligence has undeniably transformed the digital landscape, with AI-generated content becoming increasingly common. This shift has profound implications for brand owners introducing both challenges and opportunities.

One of the most pressing concerns is trademark infringement. In a recent example, the Walt Disney Company, a company fiercely protective of its intellectual property, raised concerns about AI-generated content potentially infringing on its trademarks.  Social media users were having fun using Microsoft’s Bing AI imaging tool, powered by DALL-E 3 technology, to create images of pets in a “Pixar” style.  However, Disney’s concern wasn’t the artwork itself, but the possibility of the AI inadvertently generating the iconic Disney-Pixar logo within the images, constituting a trademark infringement. This incident highlights the potential for AI-generated content to unintentionally infringe upon established trademarks, requiring brand owners to stay vigilant in protecting their intellectual property in the digital age.

Dilution of trademarks is another critical issue. A recent lawsuit filed by Getty Images against Stability AI sheds light on this concern. Getty Images, a leading provider of stock photos, accused Stability AI of using millions of its copyrighted images to train its AI image generation software. This alleged use, according to Getty Images, involved Stability AI’s incorporation of Getty Images’ marks into low-quality, unappealing, or offensive images which dilutes those marks in further violation of federal and state trademark laws. The lawsuit highlights the potential for AI, through the sheer volume of content it generates, to blur the lines between inspiration and infringement, weakening the association between a trademark and its source.

In addition, the ownership of copyrights in AI-generated marketing can cause problems. While AI tools can create impressive content, questions about who owns the intellectual property rights persist.  Recent disputes over AI-generated artwork and music have highlighted the challenges of determining ownership and copyright in this new digital frontier.

However, AI also presents opportunities for trademark owners. For example, AI can be employed to monitor online platforms for trademark infringements, providing an early warning system. Luxury brands have used AI to authenticate products and combat counterfeiting. For instance, Entrupy has developed a mobile device-based authentication system that uses AI and microscopy to analyze materials and detect subtle irregularities indicative of counterfeit products. Brands can integrate Entrupy’s technology into their retail stores or customer-facing apps.

Additionally, AI can be a powerful tool for brand building. By analyzing consumer data and preferences, AI can help create highly targeted marketing campaigns. For example, cosmetic brands have successfully leveraged AI to personalize product recommendations, enhancing customer engagement and loyalty.

The intersection of AI and trademarks is a dynamic and evolving landscape. As technology continues to advance, so too will the challenges and opportunities for trademark owners. Proactive measures, such as robust trademark portfolios, AI-powered monitoring tools, and clear internal guidelines, are essential for safeguarding brand integrity in this new era.