Prayers for Religious Holiday Time Off May Need to be Accommodated by Employers

Knowing several religious holidays are coming up soon, employers can take steps to avoid triggering religious discrimination and reasonable accommodation lawsuits. Consistently applying paid time off rules can help to prevent discrimination, retaliation, and religious reasonable accommodation claims.

Quick Hits

  • Private and public employers with fifteen or more workers must accommodate reasonable requests from workers to observe religious holidays (pursuant to federal law; however, state law coverage varies and might only require one or more workers).
  • Employers may avoid confusion by clearly stating leave policies and company holidays in the employee handbook.
  • Employers can use online systems or software to detect patterns in approving or denying requests for leave on religious holidays.

With many religious holidays taking place in the next two months, employers are likely to see many requests for time off for religious celebrations.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employers from discriminating against workers for practicing their religion unless the worker’s religious practice cannot reasonably be accommodated without an undue hardship to the business. If a manager approves holiday leave requests from Christian employees, but rejects holiday leave requests from Muslim or Jewish employees, that could raise the risk of religious discrimination lawsuits. Additionally, some states, including California, also prohibit religious discrimination and require reasonable accommodation.

In June 2023, in Groff v. DeJoy, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that employers cannot legally deny a valid religious accommodation request, unless they can show a substantial burden from a proposed religious accommodation. In Groff, an evangelical Christian postal worker sued the U.S. Postal Service for failing to accommodate his request to not work on Sundays for religious reasons. The Supreme Court held in favor of the postal worker and remanded the case to lower courts.

This decision raised the bar for employers to invoke an undue hardship defense. A de minimiscost is no longer enough to demonstrate an undue burden. If an employee holds a sincere religious belief or practice that conflicts with a workplace policy or staffing schedule, then the employer must engage in an interactive process to see whether an accommodation can be made without substantially interfering with its overall business operations.

Some workplaces, including in the healthcare, hospitality, and transportation industries, require staffing 24/7 every day. In that situation, it may be possible to coordinate schedules so that leave requests can be honored for religious holidays. For example, non-Jewish employees may agree to work during Jewish holidays, and non-Muslim workers may agree to work during Muslim holidays. And, then, those employees might cover gaps in staffing caused by time off for Christian holidays. Compliance with the religious accommodation laws contemplates this type of interactive process and teamwork to find an appropriate solution.

If this type of shift-swapping is not possible or practical, it may be helpful for an employer to document why that is the case.

Next Steps

Employers may wish to review their religious accommodation request procedures, leave policies, scheduling process, and related practices to ensure that managers do not engage in religious discrimination when they approve or deny leave requests. In addition, employers may wish to train managers to apply all of the time off rules consistently.

These holidays are upcoming:

  • The Jewish holidays Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur fall on October 3, 2024, and October 12, 2024, respectively. Hanukkah will be celebrated December 25 through January 2, 2025.
  • The Hindu holiday Diwali falls on November 4, 2024.
  • The Buddhist holiday Bodhi Day falls on December 8, 2024.
  • The Christian holiday Christmas Day falls on December 25, 2024.

Preparing For the Return of Dealer Distress

Over the last five years, auto and equipment dealers experienced a period of low inventory levels with high margins on the limited inventory they had for sale and lease. Used automotive and equipment wholesale and retail prices surged. At the same time, merger and acquisition activity drove dealer valuations to record highs especially in the automotive segment.

Dealer merger and acquisition activity has started to cool even though valuations and activity remain elevated above pre-pandemic levels1. New automotive inventory levels have risen during 2024 to the point that Ford’s CFO, John Lawler, expressed worry regarding rising new car inventory levels in June2. Used automotive and equipment wholesale prices have declined from their pandemic era highs as well.

Record profits, low inventory levels, and strong merger and acquisition activity led to low delinquency and default levels in the dealer lending space, but current trends indicate those days may be coming to an end. For floor plan lenders, they should be thinking about dealer distress happening again. While times are still good, there are some steps lenders can take to prepare for distress down the road.

Review Your Documents and Security Interests

It is always easier to fix documentation and security interest deficiencies when times are good. Lenders should be checking to make sure their loan documents are correct and most importantly, their security interest position reflects their expectations. One area of particular concern is making sure no other parties have filed security interests against the dealer including merchant cash advance, factoring and other “short term” funding sources that might not show up as debt on financial statements. Even other lenders providing longer term debt financing secured by other assets like real estate may be taking a security interest in your inventory as well.


As part of your documentation review, you should verify the dealer’s insurance meets the requirements of your loan documents, lists your interest properly, and is adequate for the dealer’s exposure. Insurance coverage tied to inventory levels can become insufficient if inventory levels rise faster than the coverage limits increase. Also ensuring the insurance covers all collateral locations is a requirement that might slip through the cracks especially if collateral locations change frequently.

Where is Your Collateral?

One benefit of low inventory levels was that dealers stopped storing inventory at satellite lots. The practice of old is starting to return as inventory levels build. Lenders want to make sure they know of these locations (they should if they are on top of the audits) and obtain landlord waivers if necessary to access the inventory upon a default.

Keeping Up on Audits

Anyone who knows the floor plan business knows the importance of audits. Low inventory levels and well performing dealers made audits easy. With increasing inventory levels, audit complexity is returning to pre-pandemic norms. Audit issues are often one of the first signs of dealer distress. A prominent example of a dealer issue recently being unearthed through audits involves a boat dealer who allegedly sold boats, but stored them for the customers and alleged the boats were still for sale3.

Financial Reporting and Covenants

Financial reporting deficiencies and financial covenant violations are also warning signs of potential distress on the horizon. Dealers rarely go bad overnight. Financial reporting and covenants going downhill are an obvious warning sign.


Not just limited to dealers, but tax delinquencies are always a big red flag. Confirming the payment of taxes and the existence of no tax liens should be part of reviewing any dealer relationship especially one showing other signs of distress.

Used Inventory Levels and Advance Rates

During the pandemic when used vehicle and equipment prices shot through the roof, lenders became permissive of advancing beyond their standard advance rates. As used inventory values decline for vehicles4 and agricultural equipment5, dealers can be underwater on used inventory.

Manufacturer Specific Issues

Not all dealers are equal and the same is true for manufacturers. Monthly inventory level data from Cox Automotive6 shows inventory levels being substantially higher among some vehicle brands compared to others. Keeping an eye on your dealer and the average inventory levels of the brands they carry should be on your radar.

Explaining What You Do

As someone who spent a decade as lead counsel at two different financial institutions being lead counsel for floor plan businesses, I spent a lot of time explaining to others outside the floor plan businesses the nuances of floor plan lending. If things start going downhill with a dealer, be prepared for the inevitable basic questions from those not used to the dealer business.

Conclusion – Hope for the Best, Prepare For The Worst

One of the best credit people I ever worked with described a dealer failure as like a war. When a dealer failure occurs, most likely through a selling inventory out of trust, you don’t have time to learn what to do. You got to know what to do. You must have someone ready to take command and quarterback the response. You got to know who will help you accomplish your ends. If you don’t act quickly, your inventory will be gone and your losses can be in the millions within days.

1 “Dealership Buy-Sell Activity and Blue Sky Values are declining, but are elevated well above pre-pandemic levels”, The Haig Report, August 29, 2024 (2024-Q2-Haig-Report-Press-Release-FINAL.pdf (
2 “Ford CFO says growing dealer inventory ‘worries me’”, Breana Noble, The Detroit News, June 11, 2024 (Ford CFO John Lawler says growing dealer inventory ‘worries me’ (
3 “Lender Alleges Dealer Diverted Millions in Sales Proceeds”, Kim Kavin, Soundings Trade Only, April 16, 2024 (
4 “Wholesale Used-Vehicle Prices Decrease in First Half of September”, Cox Automotive, September 17, 2024 (Wholesale Used-Vehicle Prices Decrease in First Half of September – Cox Automotive Inc. (
5 “Lower Used Equipment Prices Are Another Sign of the Challenges in the Ag Sector”, Jim Wiesenmeyer, Farm Journal, August 14, 2024 (Lower Used Equipment Prices Are Another Sign of the Challenges in the Ag Sector | AgWeb).
6 “New-Vehicle Inventory Stabilizes as Sales Incentives Increase and Model Year 2025 Vehicles Arrive”, Cox Automotive, September 19, 2024 (New-Vehicle Inventory Stabilizes as Sales Incentives Increase and Model Year 2025 Vehicles Arrive – Cox Automotive Inc. (

Administration Action Could Unravel the De Minimis Exception for Goods From China

Many e-commerce retailers are closely monitoring increasing bipartisan criticism of the Section 321 de minimis program. This program, which provides an exemption for goods valued at $800 or less destined to a single person on a given day, allows these goods to enter the US duty and tax-free without formal entry.

While this expedited clearance process has been beneficial for many retailers, critics argue that it creates loopholes that can be exploited, particularly by foreign sellers, to bypass tariffs and import restrictions. Addressing US Congress’ inability to pass de minimis reform legislation, on September 13, the Biden-Harris Administration took decisive action to address these concerns. They announced a notice of proposed rulemaking aimed at reducing de minimis import volumes and strengthening trade enforcement through the following measures:

  • Limiting De Minimis Exemptions for Products Subject to Other Trade Remedies: Removal of the de minimis exemption for shipments that contain products subject to additional tariffs under Sections 201 and 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 and Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 (e.g., from China).
  • Increased Disclosure Requirements for De Minimis Shipments: Additional information would be required for de minimis shipments, including the 10-digit tariff classification and identification of the person claiming the exemption.
  • Compliance Requirements for the CPSC: All importers of consumer products must file Certificates of Compliance (CoC) with the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).

It is unclear when the proposed rule will be published.

The Administration also calls on Congress to implement legislation to further reform the de minimis program. Earlier this year, the House Ways and Means Committee introduced H.R. 7979 – End China’s De Minimis Abuse Act, which would similarly limit the use of this program for products subject to Sections 201, 301, and 232 and require a 10-digit Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States declaration. There have been several other de minimis reform bills proposed however, Congress has struggled to pass comprehensive legislation to reform the program. This announcement may be the push Congress needs to pass legislation during the lame duck session, but we will see…

Although these measures are primarily aimed at restricting Chinese e-commerce giants like Shein and Temu, these government actions could have long-term implications for direct-to-consumer sales. Any changes to the program will impact other US retailers that benefit from Section 321, small start-up companies, as well as consumers who might experience longer wait times and higher costs for their online orders due to these changes.

What’s the Problem?

Over the past decade, the rise of online shopping has led to a sevenfold increase in the number of shipments that enter the United States through the de minimis exemption. The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has reported that nearly 4 million de minimis shipments enter the United States per day. This volume makes it impossible for the government to properly screen the shipments for import violations. The government is concerned because contraband, including drugs, counterfeit goods, goods violating the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA), and undervalued shipments are allegedly entering the United States through this program. DHS reported that as of July 30, 89% of cargo seizures in fiscal year 2024 originated as de minimis shipments. We have previously reported on proposed legislation and government actions aimed at addressing the alleged misuse of this program to import contraband or improperly declare shipments, particularly those originating from China.

A Focus on China

Most of these shipments are sold on e-commerce platforms and originate in China. As a result, many of these shipments would normally be subject to additional duties under the Section 232, 301, or 201 programs. According to the Administration’s announcement, Section 301 tariffs apply to 40% of US imports, including 70% of textile and apparel goods from China. The Administration’s proposed rule would significantly limit the scope of goods eligible for the Section 321 de minimis program.

Enhancing Transparency in De Minimis Shipments

To assist in targeting problematic shipments and expediting the clearance of lawful shipments, the Administration will also solicit comments on a proposed rule that would require submission of more detailed information in order to use the de minimis exemption. Currently, these shipments can be entered through informal entries by providing the bill of lading or a manifest that outlines the shipment’s origin, the consignee, and details about the merchandise’s quantity, weight, and value. The additional data points required would include the tariff classification number and the identity of the individual claiming the exemption. The Administration asserts that these requirements will protect US business from unfair competition against imported goods that would otherwise be subject to duties and will facilitate US Customs and Border Protection’s (CBP) ability to detect the illicit goods at the border.

Protecting Consumers From De Minimis Shipments

The Administration also announced that the CPSC plans to propose a final rule that would require importers of consumer products to electronically file CoC with CBP and CPSC upon entry, including de minimis shipments. This action is intended to prevent foreign companies from exploiting the de minimis exemption to circumvent consumer protection testing and certification requirements.

Focus on Textiles

The Administration has committed to prioritizing enforcement efforts to prevent importation of illicit shipments of textile and apparel imports through increased targeting of de minimis shipment, more customs audits and verification, as well as the expansion of the UFLPA Entity List.

The Administration’s focus on the textile and apparel industry follows DHS’s enforcement initiative to curb illicit trade to support American textile jobs. Since the DHS announcement in April, we have seen a notable increase in enforcement actions such as CBP requests for information, risk assessment questionnaires, and detentions under the UFLPA.

Potential Legislative Implications

The Administration has also advocated for further legislative action by Congress including:

  • Exclusion of import-sensitive products such as textiles from the de minimis exemption, the exclusion of shipments containing products covered by certain trade enforcement actions, and the passage of previously proposed de minimis reforms.
  • Legislation that would expedite the process of excluding products covered by Sections 301, 201, and 232 from the de minimis exemption.
  • Reforms in the previously introduced Detect and Defeat Counter-Fentanyl Proposal, which would require more data from shippers under the de minimis program and strengthen the CBP’s ability to detect and seize illicit drugs and raw materials.

What This Means for Retailers and How We Can Help

The Administration’s notice of proposed rulemaking suggests that changes to the de minimis program are on the horizon. For e-commerce retailers, these changes could mean a shift in how they manage their imports. Stricter eligibility criteria and enhanced enforcement may require more diligent documentation and compliance efforts. Retailers should stay informed about these proposed changes and prepare to adapt their operations accordingly.

Recent Federal Strike Force Prosecutions Serve as Warning to U.S. Manufacturers and Other Exporters

The recent enforcement activities of the newest federal strike force serve as a warning to U.S. manufacturers and other businesses involved in the export of products that the government is doubling down on prosecuting trade violations. The expressed mission of the multi-agency Disruptive Technology Strike Force (Strike Force) is “to counter efforts by hostile nation states to illicitly acquire sensitive U.S. technology to advance their authoritarian regimes and facilitate human rights abuses.” The latest Strike Force criminal indictments focus on technology such as:

  • Aerospace and defense source code,
  • Aircraft components,
  • Microelectronic components used in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs),
  • Laser welding machinery.

There is every reason to expect that the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) future targets will extend beyond the kind of individual defendants who have been the focus of the 24 criminal indictments to date and include legitimate companies whose compliance program deficiencies allow the illicit exports to occur. Ensuring that a company’s trade compliance program meets or exceeds the expressed standards of the DOJ and the Department of Commerce (DOC) is now more essential than ever.

Compliance Keys

  • Exposure Risk for Manufacturers and Distributors. The export-diversion schemes prosecuted to date share a common element—a bad actor sought to exploit innocent U.S. manufacturers and distributors by misrepresenting their identity and end-use plans or by seeking to compromise the manufacturer’s computer systems. As U.S. export controls (particularly those aimed at Russia and China) have expanded over the past several years, schemes like those alleged in these indictments have proliferated. Failing to be alert for the warning signs of such schemes may expose a company to becoming a victim of sanctions evaders or, worse, an enforcement target for ignoring red flags. The Export Administration Regulations prohibit companies from engaging in a transaction with the knowledge that a violation has occurred or will occur. “Knowledge” is not limited to actual knowledge; it can also be inferred from turning a blind eye to red flags in a transaction. As a result, having personnel trained to identify and respond appropriately to red flags suggesting that diversion could be occurring can be crucial to avoiding export violations.
  • Precautions to Detect and Prevent Imposter Schemes.
    • First, a written risk-based export control compliance plan can be a valuable aid in detecting diversion schemes and other illicit behavior. Such plans detail procedures employees must follow for conducting diligence on new and existing customers and transactions, evaluating when export licenses are required for a transaction, and detecting and responding to red flags. They provide clear guidance on when and how to escalate potential issues. Such a compliance plan gives employees the tools to help them identify when their company may be facing a diversion scheme and how to respond appropriately before a transaction is executed.
    • Second, companies can emphasize conducting “know your customer” (KYC) diligence on transactions. The importance of such diligence is heightened when new customers are involved, when business with an existing company is expanding to new products, or to involve new product destinations. The DOC has published extensive guidance on KYC diligence (often in conjunction with other U.S. government agencies and with enforcement authorities in allied countries). This week, the DOC and export control authorities from the other G7 countries issued new guidance that identifies items most likely to be the subject of diversion efforts by Russia, lists common red flags suggesting potential export control and sanctions evasion in a transaction, and suggests some diligence best practices to prevent diversion and evasion. This new guidance echoes similar guidance issued by U.S. and allied government agencies over the last two years for detecting diversion schemes in the current environment of export controls and sanctions regarding Russia and China. (For example, our summary of the joint guidance issued last year by export-control authorities in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand addressing 45 types of goods at high risk for diversion and recommended KYC diligence steps can be found here.) Companies should be tracking and incorporating, as appropriate, these guidance updates
    • Third, companies can be knowledgeable about the potential uses of their products and technology. This knowledge informs when and where a company may face diversion risk. Products and technology with permissible uses could be a target for diversion where they can be used for purposes the U.S. government restricts. For example, in one of the recent Strike Force cases, U.S. v. Postovoy, the alleged diversion scheme targeted a company whose microelectronic components could be used in drones and UAVs. Keeping U.S.-origin components out of such vehicles used by Russia in the war with Ukraine has been a major U.S. export control policy priority. Similarly, in another Strike Force case, U.S. v. Teslenko, the alleged diversion scheme targeted a company whose laser welders had applications that could aid Russia’s nuclear weapons program. Knowing the market for illicit uses for a company’s products and technology helps a company tailor its compliance efforts by identifying what products may be attractive to bad actors and what specific red flags may be of most concern regarding the company’s products and technology.
  • Cybersecurity Vigilance to Prevent Technology Theft. Another case announced alongside the Strike Force cases, U.S. v. Wei, is a reminder that U.S. manufacturers of sensitive technology face a multifront effort by foreign malign actors to gain access to that technology. In addition to ensuring up-to-date export controls and sanctions compliance programs, U.S. manufacturers should consider measures to protect their technology from misappropriation through cyber intrusion by implementing appropriate processes and tools to prevent and detect such activity by these actors. These processes and tools can include:
    • Regularly sharing cyber hygiene tips and training on current phishing schemes and conducting phishing tests to increase employee awareness of these risks,
    • Maintaining system hygiene by regularly scanning systems for vulnerabilities and unauthorized accounts, monitoring access logs for suspicious activity, and prohibiting automatic email forwarding to external addresses to prevent data leakage,
    • Installing a secure email gateway to filter out spam, malware, and phishing attempts and employing email authentication techniques (e.g., SPF, DKIM, and DMARC),
    • Tracking and monitoring all endpoints and mobile devices to detect suspicious activities and regularly auditing access logs to identify violations or attempted violations of access policies, and
    • Restricting administrative and privileged account access to minimize potential damage and limiting remote access to critical data and functions.

The Indictments

The six most recent indictments relating to the Strike Force’s efforts confirm that export control and sanctions compliance, particularly concerning Russia, China, and Iran, is a significant enforcement priority for the DOJ and other government agencies. As one Strike Force member stated, the DOJ, “through the work of the Strike Force, will continue to do all [it] can to prevent advanced technologies from falling into the hands of our adversaries and protect our national security.” These indictments and a related indictment announced simultaneously highlight the risks of manufacturers and distributors falling victim to schemes like those alleged in the indictments or becoming the focus of enforcement efforts for committing export control violations.

U.S. v. Postovoy. A Russian citizen living in the United States was indicted for conspiring to violate the Export Control Reform Act (ECRA), to smuggle, launder money, and defraud the United States. After Russia invaded Ukraine, the individual used a series of companies he owned around the world to obtain and unlawfully export microelectronic components that could be used in drones and UAVs from the United States to Russia. The individual concealed and misstated end-user and destination information in communications with U.S.-based distributors.

U.S. v. Song. A Chinese national was indicted for wire fraud and aggravated identity theft in connection with attempts to obtain software and source code from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), research universities, and private companies. Over several years, the individual “spear phished” individuals at NASA, the Air Force, Navy, Army, and Federal Aviation Administration; research universities; and aerospace companies in an attempt to obtain code to which the individual suspected the victims had access. At all relevant times, the individual, who assumed the identities of persons known to the victims, was an employee of a Chinese state-owned aerospace and defense contractor.

U.S. v. Teslenko. A U.S. resident and a Russian national were indicted for smuggling and conspiracy to violate the ECRA, smuggle, and defraud the United States. For approximately six years, the individuals exported laser welding machines from one’s employer in the United States to a Russian company involved in Russia’s nuclear weapons program. The individuals falsified export documentation to conceal the end user.

U.S. v. Goodarzi. A dual U.S. and Iranian citizen was charged with smuggling UAV components to Iran from the United States. For four years, the individual obtained U.S.-originated parts and either transshipped them, typically through the United Arab Emirates or transported them in his own checked luggage during trips to Iran. The individual had acknowledged in numerous emails with U.S. suppliers that the parts could not be transferred to Iran because of sanctions. The individual also lacked the proper export license to send these items to a sanctioned country like Iran.

U.S. v. Nader. A dual U.S. and Iranian citizen was indicted for violating U.S. economic sanctions and other federal laws in connection with procuring U.S.-originated aircraft components for Iran’s armed forces. Customers in Iran placed orders with the individual, who, in turn, directly or through others, contacted U.S. companies for the components. The individual falsely identified himself or his U.S.-based company as the end user of the components. The individual attempted to export the components, including transshipment to Iran, on several occasions; however, DOC agents detained each export.

U.S. v. Wei. In addition to the above criminal cases brought through the work of the Strike Force, the DOJ announced the indictment of a Chinese national on charges of fraud, conspiracy, computer intrusion, and aggravated identity theft for unlawfully accessing the computer network of a U.S. telecommunications company. The individual—a member of the People’s Liberation Army—and co-conspirators accessed the company’s systems in 2017 and stole documents relating to communications devices, product development, testing plans, internal product evaluations, and competitive intelligence. The individual attempted to install malicious software to maintain access to the company’s systems; his access continued for approximately three months.

Application of New Mental Health Parity Rules to Provider Network Composition and Reimbursement: Perspective and Analysis

On September 23, 2024, the U.S. Departments of Labor, the Treasury, and Health and Human Services (collectively, the “Departments”) released final rules (the “Final Rules”) that implement requirements under the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA).

The primary focus of the Final Rules is to implement new statutory requirements under the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, which amended MHPAEA to require health plans and issuers to develop comparative analyses to determine whether nonquantitative treatment limitations (NQTLs)—which are non-financial restrictions on health care benefits that can limit the length or scope of treatment—for mental health and substance use disorder (MH/SUD) benefits are comparable to and applied no more stringently than NQTLs for medical/surgical (M/S) benefits.

Last month, Epstein Becker Green published an Insight entitled “Mental Health Parity: Federal Departments of Labor, Treasury, and Health Release Landmark Regulations,” which provides an overview of the Final Rules. This Insight takes a closer look at the application of the Final Rules to NQTLs related to provider network composition and reimbursement rates.

Provider Network Composition and Reimbursement NQTL Types

A key focus of the Final Rules is to ensure that NQTLs related to provider network composition and reimbursement rates do not impose greater restrictions on access to MH/SUD benefits than they do for M/S benefits.

In the Final Rules, the Departments decline to specify which strategies and functions they expect to be analyzed as separate NQTL types, instead requiring health plans and issuers to identify, define, and analyze the NQTL types that they apply to MH/SUD benefits. However, the Final Rules set out that the general category of “provider network composition” NQTL types includes, but is not limited to, “standards for provider and facility admission to participate in a network or for continued network participation, including methods for determining reimbursement rates, credentialing standards, and procedures for ensuring the network includes an adequate number of each category of provider and facility to provide services under the plan or coverage.”[1]

For NQTLs related to out-of-network rates, the Departments note that NQTLs would include “[p]lan or issuer methods for determining out-of-network rates, such as allowed amounts; usual, customary, and reasonable charges; or application of other external benchmarks for out-of-network rates.”[2]

Requirements for Comparative Analyses and Outcomes Data Evaluation

For each NQTL type, plans must perform and document a six-step comparative analysis that must be provided to federal and state regulators, members, and authorized representatives upon request. The Final Rules divide the NQTL test into two parts: (1) the “design and application” requirement and (2) the “relevant data evaluation” requirement.

The “design and application” requirement, which builds directly on existing guidance, requires the “processes, strategies, evidentiary standards, or other factors” used in designing and applying an NQTL to MH/SUD benefits to be comparable to, and applied no more stringently than, those used for M/S benefits. Although these aspects of the comparative analysis should be generally familiar, the Final Rules and accompanying preamble provide extensive new guidance about how to interpret and implement these requirements.

The Final Rules also set out a second prong to the analysis: the requirement to collect and evaluate “relevant data” for each NQTL. If such analysis shows a “material difference” in access, then the Final Rules also require the plan to take “reasonable” action to remedy the disparity.

The Final Rules provide that relevant data measures for network composition NQTLs may include, but are not limited to:

  • in-network and out-of-network utilization rates, including data related to provider claim submissions;
  • network adequacy metrics, including time and distance data, data on providers accepting new patients, and the proportions of available MH/SUD and M/S providers that participate in the plan’s network; and
  • provider reimbursement rates for comparable services and as benchmarked to a reference standard, such as Medicare fee schedules.

Although the Final Rules do not describe relevant data for out-of-network rates, these data measures may parallel measures to evaluate in-network rates, including measures that benchmark MH/SUD and M/S rates against a common standard, such as Medicare fee schedule rates.

Under the current guidance, plans have broad flexibility to determine what measures must be used, though the plan must ensure that the metrics that are selected reasonably measure the actual stringency of design and application of the NQTL with regard to the impact on member access to MH/SUD and M/S benefits. However, additional guidance is expected to further clarify the data evaluation requirements that may require the use of specific measures, likely in the form of additional frequently asked questions as well as updates to the Self-Compliance Tool published by the Departments to help plans and issuers assess whether their NQTLs satisfy parity requirements.

The Final Rules require plans to look at relevant data for network composition NQTLs in the aggregate—meaning that the same relevant data must be used for all NQTL types (however defined). As such, the in-operation data component of the comparative analysis for network composition NQTLs will be aggregated.

If the relevant data indicates a “material difference,” the threshold for which the plan must establish and define reasonably, the plan must take “reasonable actions” to address the difference in access and document those actions.

Examples of a “reasonable action” that plans can take to comply with network composition requirements “include, but are not limited to:

  1. Strengthening efforts to recruit and encourage a broad range of available mental health and substance use disorder providers and facilities to join the plan’s or issuer’s network of providers, including taking actions to increase compensation or other inducements, streamline credentialing processes, or contact providers reimbursed for items and services provided on an out-of-network basis to offer participation in the network;
  2. Expanding the availability of telehealth arrangements to mitigate any overall mental health and substance use disorder provider shortages in a geographic area;
  3. Providing additional outreach and assistance to participants and beneficiaries enrolled in the plan or coverage to assist them in finding available in-network mental health and substance use disorder providers and facilities; and
  4. Ensuring that provider directories are accurate and reliable.”

These examples of potential corrective actions and related discussion in the Final Rules provide an ambitious vision for a robust suite of strategies that the Departments believe that plans should undertake to address material disparities in access as defined in the relevant data. However, the Final Rules put the onus on the plan to design the strategy that it will use to define “material differences” and remedy any identified disparity in access. Future guidance and enforcement may provide examples of how this qualitative assessment will play out in practice and establish both what the Departments will expect with regard to the definition of “material differences” and what remedial actions they consider to be sufficient. In the interim, it is highly uncertain what the practical impact of these new requirements will be.

Examples of Network Analyses Included in the Final Rules

The Final Rules include several examples to clarify the application of the new requirements to provider network composition NQTLs. Unfortunately, the value of these examples for understanding how the Final Rules will impact MH/SUD provider networks in practice may be limited. As a result, given the lack of detail regarding the complexity of analyzing these requirements for actual provider networks, as well as the fact that the examples fail to engage in any meaningful discussion of where to identify the threshold for compliance with these requirements, it remains to be seen how regulators will interpret and enforce these requirements in practice.

  • Example 1 demonstrates that it would violate the NQTL requirements to apply a percentage discount to physician fee schedule rates for non-physician MH/SUD providers if the same reduction is not applied for non-physician M/S providers. Our takeaways from this example include the following:
    • This example is comparable to the facts that were alleged by the U.S. Department of Labor in Walsh v. United Behavioral Health, E.D.N.Y., No. 1:21-cv-04519 (8/11/21).
    • Example 1 is useful to the extent that it clarifies that a reimbursement strategy that specifically reduces MH/SUD provider rates in ways that do not apply to M/S provider rates would violate MHPAEA. However, such cut-and-dried examples may be rare in practice, and a full review of the strategies for developing provider reimbursement rates is necessary.
  • Example 4 demonstrates that plans may not simply rely on periodic historic fee schedules as the sole basis for their current fee schedules. Here are some key takeaways from this example:
    • Even though this methodology may be neutral and non-discriminatory on its face, given that the historic fee schedules are not themselves a non-biased source of evidence, to meet the new requirements for evidentiary standards and sources, the plan would have to demonstrate that these historic fee schedules were based on sources that were objective and not biased against MH/SUD providers.
    • If the plan cannot demonstrate that the evidentiary standard used to develop its fee schedule does not systematically disfavor access to MH/SUD benefits, it can still pass the NQTL test if it takes steps to cure the discriminatory factor.
    • Example 4 loosely describes a scenario where a plan supplements a historic fee schedule that is found to discriminate against MH/SUD access by accounting for the current demand for MH/SUD services and attracting “sufficient” MH/SUD providers to the network. Unfortunately, however, the facts provided do not clarify what steps were taken to achieve this enhanced access or how the plan or regulator determined that access had become “sufficient” following the implementation of the corrective actions.
  • Example 10 provides that if a plan’s data measures indicate a “material difference” in access to MH/SUD benefits relative to M/S benefits that are attributable to these NQTLs, the plan can still achieve compliance by taking corrective actions. Our takeaways from this example include the following:
    • The facts in this example stipulate that the plan evaluates all of the measure types that are identified above as examples. Example 10 also states that a “material difference” exists but does not identify the measure or measures for which a difference exists or what facts lead to the conclusion that the difference was “material.” To remedy the material difference, this example states that the plan undertakes all of the corrective actions to strengthen its MH/SUD provider network that are identified above as examples and, therefore, achieves compliance. However, this example fails to clarify how potentially inconsistent outcomes across the robust suite of identified measures were balanced to determine that the “material difference” standard was ultimately met. Example 10 also does not provide any details about what specific corrective actions the plan takes or what changes result from these actions.

Epstein Becker Green’s Perspective

The new requirements of the Final Rules will significantly increase the focus of the comparative analyses on the outcomes of the provider network NQTLs. For many years, the focus of the comparative analyses was primarily on determining whether any definable aspect of the plan’s provider contracting and reimbursement rate-setting strategies could be demonstrated to discriminate against MH/SUD providers. The Final Rules retain those requirements but now put greater emphasis on the results of network composition activities with regard to member access and require plans to pursue corrective actions to remediate any material disparities in that data. This focus on a robust “disparate impact” form of anti-discrimination analysis may lead to a meaningful increase in reimbursement for MH/SUD providers or other actions to more aggressively recruit them to participate in commercial health plan networks.

However, at present, it remains unclear which measures the Departments will ultimately require for reporting. Concurrent with the release of their Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on July 23, 2023, the Departments published Technical Release 2023-01P to solicit comments on key approaches to evaluating comparability and stringency for provider network access and reimbursement rates (including some that are referenced as examples in the Final Rules). Comments to the Technical Release highlighted significant concerns with nearly all of the proposed measures. For example, proposals to require analysis of MH/SUD and M/S provider reimbursement rates for commercial markets that are benchmarked to Medicare fee schedules in a simplistic way may fail to account for differences in population health and utilization, value-based reimbursement strategies, and a range of other factors with significant implications for financial and clinical models for both M/S and MH/SUD providers. Requirements to analyze the numbers or proportions of MH/SUD and M/S providers that are accepting new patients may be onerous for providers to report on and for plans to collect and may obscure significant nuances with regard to wait times, the urgency of the service, and the match between the provider’s training and service offerings to the patient’s need. Time and mileage standards highlighted by the Departments not only often fail to capture important access challenges experienced by patients who need MH/SUD care from sub-specialty providers or facilities but also fail to account for evolving service delivery models that may include options such as mobile units, school-based services, home visits, and telehealth. Among the measures identified in the Technical Release, minor differences in measure definitions and specifications can have significant impacts on the data outcomes, and few (if any) of the proposed measures have undergone any form of testing for reliability and validity.

Also, it is still not clear where the Departments will draw the lines for making final determinations of noncompliance with the Final Rules. For example, where a range of different data measures is evaluated, how will the Departments resolve data outcomes that are noisy, conflicting, or inconclusive? Similarly, where regulators do conclude that the data that are provided suggest a disparity in access, the Final Rules identify a highly robust set of potential corrective actions. However, it remains to be seen what scope of actions the Departments will determine to be “good enough” in practice.

Finally, we are interested in seeing what role private litigation will play in driving health plan compliance efforts and practical impacts for providers. To date, plaintiffs have found it challenging to pursue litigation on the basis of claims under MHPAEA, due in part to the highly complex arguments that must be made to evaluate MHPAEA compliance and in part to the challenge for plaintiffs to have adequate insight into plan policies, operations, and data across MH/SUD and M/S benefits to adequately assert a complaint under MHPAEA. Very few class action lawsuits or large settlements have occurred to date. These challenges for potential litigants may continue to limit the volume of litigation. However, to the extent that the additional guidance in the Final Rules does give rise to an uptick in successful litigation, it is possible that the courts may end up having a greater impact on health plan compliance strategies than regulators.


[1] 26 CFR 54.9812- 1(c)(4)(ii)(D), 29 CFR 2590.712(c)(4)(ii)(D), and 45 CFR 146.136(c)(4)(ii)(D).

[2] 26 CFR 54.9812- 1(c)(4)(ii)(E), 29 CFR 2590.712(c)(4)(ii)(E), and 45 CFR 146.136(c)(4)(ii)(E).

White House OSTP Releases PFAS Federal R&D Strategic Plan

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) announced on September 3, 2024, the release of its Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Federal Research and Development Strategic Plan (Strategic Plan). Prepared by the Joint Subcommittee on Environment, Innovation, and Public Health PFAS Strategy Team (PFAS ST) of the National Science and Technology Council, the Strategic Plan provides a federal strategy and implementation plan for addressing the strategic areas identified in the 2023 Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) Report (PFAS Report). The Strategic Plan is intended to be a companion document to the PFAS Report. The activities described in the Strategic Plan are reviewed through the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) annual budget process and subject to available resources.


As reported in our March 16, 2023, blog item, the PFAS Report provides an analysis of the state of the science of PFAS and information that will be used to direct the development of a federal strategic plan. The PFAS Report focuses on the current science of PFAS as a chemical class, identifies scientific consensus, and portrays uncertainties in the scientific information where consensus is still sought. The PFAS Report identifies four key strategic areas that, when addressed, will generate actionable information to address PFAS: removal, destruction, or degradation of PFAS; safer and environmentally friendlier alternatives; sources and pathways of exposure to PFAS; and toxicity of PFAS. The gaps and opportunities identified in the PFAS Report were used to develop the Strategic Plan.

Strategic Plan

Based on the four strategic areas presented in the 2023 PFAS Report, the PFAS ST identified four strategic goals that will drive federal research and development (R&D) efforts regarding PFAS:

  • Provide relevant, high-quality scientific data that increase the understanding of PFAS exposure pathways to inform federal decisions that reduce risks to human health and the environment;
  • Effectively and equitably communicate federal work and results regarding PFAS R&D through engagement with impacted communities and federal, Tribal, state, and local agencies;
  • Identify research and technologies to address PFAS contamination and mitigate the adverse impacts on communities; and
  • Generate information that facilitates informed procurement decisions by federal agencies, manufacturers, and consumers regarding products that contain or use PFAS and PFAS alternatives to reduce adverse human health and environmental effects.

According to the Strategic Plan, the PFAS ST identified five R&D strategies within the strategic research areas that address the identified knowledge gaps. The R&D strategies and select tasks to achieve the objectives within each strategy include:

  • Understand PFAS exposure pathways to individuals and communities:
    • Further characterize potential PFAS exposures in the built environment, including schools, workplaces, and other indoor/household environments. According to the Strategic Plan, this would include the co-occurrence and use of consumer products and understanding the lifecycle of products with regard to PFAS exposure;
    • Initiate studies regarding PFAS co-exposure and potential interactions with other contaminants (including other PFAS) in environmental samples, such as nano- and microplastics, petroleum constituents, metals, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals;
    • Initiate and continue studies of the physical-chemical properties of PFAS and mixtures of PFAS;
    • Investigate additional pathways and routes of exposure, such as direct contact, dermal absorption, oral ingestion, and inhalation from indoor and outdoor environments (residential, consumer, and occupational exposures); and
    • Develop and support studies of PFAS exposures in indoor environments through collection of dust, air, consumer products, and other media where biomonitoring may also be conducted;
  • Address current PFAS measurement challenges through the development of standards, advanced sampling, and analytical methodologies:
    • Develop and refine analytical methods and data collection methods to evaluate PFAS content, migration, and emissions from consumer, commercial, and industrial products, and their impact on workplace and indoor environments;
    • Develop testing programs and methods related to quantifying PFAS content, migration, and emissions in animal/livestock feed, food and food packaging, indoor exposure (dust, home/office materials), workplace settings, and consumer products; and
    • Develop and validate real-time, rapid, and remote PFAS screening methods using analytical sensors, PFAS proxies, passive sampling devices, and other novel technologies for the detection of PFAS in media;
  • Understand the toxicological mechanisms, human and environmental health effects, and risks of PFAS exposure:
    • Develop scientifically supported classification schemes for PFAS with respect to adverse impacts on human health and the environment;
    • Develop and support research regarding the human toxicity and ecotoxicity testing of PFAS as mixtures with PFAS and other co-occurring chemicals;
    • Support research to understand further the mechanism of action of PFAS toxicity, advance development of adverse outcome pathways, and understand the impact of PFAS mixture toxicities when evaluating cumulative health effects;
    • Develop and support epidemiological studies designed to identify communities near significant sources of PFAS contamination that may have environmental justice concerns, including occupationally exposed populations and populations, communities, and/or lifestages that are more susceptible to PFAS exposure or adverse health outcomes;
    • Explore the development of a federal data-sharing strategy to use interagency toxicological and epidemiological data to determine human health endpoints of concern from PFAS exposure; and
    • Develop classification strategies that enable grouping of PFAS by hazard identification, exposure assessment, and dose-response studies in support of risk assessments;
  • Develop, evaluate, and demonstrate technologies for the removal, destruction, and disposal of PFAS:
    • Continue to support the foundational research that advances technologies for the destruction of PFAS by both thermal and non-thermal approaches;
    • Support the implementation of removal and destruction technologies that apply to discharge and releases at the point of manufacturing; and
    • Develop and implement models to evaluate technology performance, short-term and long-term costs, energy demands, scalability, and the composition of treated materials that are released to the environment;
  • Identify PFAS alternatives and evaluate their human health and environmental effects:
    • Engage with academic and private sector industrial researchers to support the development of novel, less toxic alternative chemistries and processes for sustainable PFAS alternatives;
    • Identify and evaluate critical and essential uses of PFAS within individual agencies and sectors;
    • Develop an interagency-aligned evaluation framework for prioritizing research on specific PFAS alternatives that includes considerations regarding sustainability; performance; viability and timeframe to transition; dependency on foreign sources of materials; criticality of the current product to national security, critical infrastructure, climate change mitigation, and public health; and criticality of the need for a replacement product or process;
    • Support research to advance sustainable manufacturing and circularity of PFAS-based processes and products to preserve current critical and essential uses, which will enable an orderly transition to PFAS alternatives in critical manufacturing sectors that are dependent on PFAS;
    • Develop a database of the current commercial inventory of alternative materials and products with relevant chemical and toxicological information, manufacturer production capacity, and performance comparison of the alternatives to PFAS-containing materials and products; and
    • Continue to assess human health and environmental effects posed by alternative materials and products for use in comparison to other product formulations, including PFAS-containing product formulations.


Bergeson & Campbell, P.C. (B&C®) acknowledges that OSTP’s PFAS Strategy may benefit from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) regulatory activities under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and other initiatives. We provide below representative examples of these activities.

Between 2022 and 2024, EPA issued TSCA Section 4 test orders requiring manufacturers and/or processors to perform various studies on four PFAS (i.e., 6:2 fluorotelomer sulfonamide betaine [6:2 FTSB], trifluoro(trifluoromethyl)oxirane [HFPO], 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoro-2-heptafluoropropoxy) propanoyl fluoride [HFPO-DAF], and 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8-Heptadecafluoro-N-(2-hydroxyethyl)-N-methyloctane-1-sulfonamide [NMeFOSE]).

EPA also intends on initiating ten additional TSCA Section 4 test orders per year on PFAS between fiscal year (FY) 2024 and FY 2026 (i.e., October 1, 2024-September 30, 2027). EPA’s activities under TSCA Section 4 may lead to the development of data that provide a better understanding of the human health and environmental effects of specific types of PFAS.

The TSCA Section 8(a)(7) rule on the reporting and recordkeeping of manufacture and import of PFAS will provide additional information on PFAS uses, production volumes, disposal, exposures, and hazards. In addition, EPA’s publication of its updated PFAS category analysis may help frame how to use data on PFAS for which testing has been (or is in the process of being) completed to fill data gaps on related PFAS.

Further, EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) and Office of Land Use and Emergency Management (OLEM) have made significant contributions on analytical methods for detecting PFAS in various media and guidance for destroying and disposing of PFAS and PFAS-containing materials, respectively. The TSCA Section 8(a)(7) information along with EPA’s advancements with identifying PFAS in environmental media may aid with identifying those PFAS and the associated uses that lead to the greatest environmental releases.

Collectively, EPA’s activities on PFAS will advance the objectives of OSTP’s PFAS Strategy. This information may also aid with differentiating the types of PFAS that present the greatest concerns to human health and the environment versus those chemistries that do not. After all, many chemical substances, including pharmaceuticals and pesticides, meet one or more of the existing definitions for PFAS and have clear public health benefits, yet do not present the same concerns as those PFAS that have significant concerns (e.g., perfluorooctanoic acid).

Missouri Cannabis Regulators Show Me a Well-Considered Clarification of Earlier Rule Essentially Banning Hemp Products

I can only assume that being a cannabis regulator is a challenging and usually thankless job. The laws are relatively new and constantly evolving. Operators are always pushing the science faster than regulators can promulgate thoughtful new rules. And of course, there is no shortage of bad actors in the cannabis business.

That said, Budding Trends has been tough on cannabis regulators when it seemed warranted. And we’ve had no shortage of material.

We wanted to take this occasion to applaud the recent letter from the Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services announcing a substantial rollback of Gov. Mike Parson’s Executive Order that appeared to ban all “psychoactive cannabis products.”

The governor’s order would, by its terms, essentially destroy the state’s market for products containing hemp-derived THC. To be fair, the stated purpose of the order – to keep psychoactive cannabis products out of the hands of children – is a noble goal and one shared by any responsible operator in the hemp-derived THC business. Unfortunately, the plain language of the order goes much further and threatens to end the sale of most hemp products in Missouri.

In comes Missouri Department of Health & Senior Service Deputy Director and General Counsel Richard Moore to the rescue. In a recent letter, Moore “clarify[ied] any misunderstandings about the Department’s efforts to keep Missourians and their children safe from psychoactive cannabis products, sometimes called intoxicating cannabis products.” As part of this clarification, and in furtherance of the department’s commitment to “transparency in its enforcement efforts,” the department will limit its focus to (1) hemp-derived THC products targeting children and (2) “any deception, fraud, false pretense, false promise, misrepresentation, unfair practice or the concealment, suppression, or omission of any material fact in connection with the sale or advertisement of [hemp-derived THC products].”

The department does not have any intention, however, of initiating enforcement actions against other hemp-derived THC products. Specifically, “[h]emp or cannabidiol (CBD) products which are collected by extraction and have not been changed into a new substance, such as hemp protein powders, hemp milk, hemp flower, hemp teas or other drinks, CBD gummies, CBD drink additives, or foods with CBD” are not the focus of the department’s enforcement efforts.

I believe this represents a fair compromise that accomplishes both the governor’s stated and worthwhile goals of eliminating deceptive hemp operators and those who would sell hemp-derived THC products to children, as well as keeping the hemp regime implemented by the Missouri Legislature in place.

More states would do well to consider this approach. For an example of the opposite approach, consider our recent post on Mississippi’s potential ban on hemp beverages. Consider, too, a much different approach taken by the solicitor general of South Carolina, which we will write about in the coming days.

And perhaps most importantly, consider whether Congress can fashion a similar compromise as it considers federal hemp policy in the next Farm Bill in the coming months.

Non-Compete Associated with Partial Sale of Business Must Be “Reasonable” To Be Enforced

Samuelian v. Life Generations Healthcare, LLC, 104 Cal. App. 5th 331 (2024)

Robert and Stephen Samuelian co-founded Life Generations Healthcare, LLC. When they sold a portion of the business, the company adopted a new operating agreement that restrained its members (including the Samuelians) from competing with the company. The Samuelians later filed a dispute in arbitration challenging the enforceability of the non-compete, contending that it was per se unenforceable pursuant to Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 16600; in response, the company contended that the “reasonableness standard” (as set forth in Ixchel Pharma, LLC v. Biogen, Inc., 9 Cal. 5th 1130 (2020)) should be applied to determine the enforceability of the non-compete.

The arbitrator and the trial court agreed with the Samuelians and held that the agreement was per se unenforceable pursuant to Section 16600. In this opinion, the Court of Appeal reversed, holding that Section 16600 only applies if the restrained party sells its entire business interest and that the statute does not apply “to partial sales after which an individual retains a significant interest in the business.” In the case of a partial sale, the Ixchel reasonableness standard applies to determine the enforceability of the noncompete. The court also held that the “sale of the business” exception to Section 16600 (Sections 16601, et seq.) only applies if there has been: (1) a sale of the entire business interest; and (2) a transfer of “some goodwill” as part of the transaction. The opinion also contains a detailed discussion of members’ fiduciary duties in a manager-managed company under the Revised Uniform Limited Liability Company Act (RULLCA) and holds that an operating agreement can impose reasonable non-compete restrictions on members of a manager-managed company.

The Fifth Circuit Confirms the DOL’s Authority to Use Salary Basis Test for FLSA Overtime Exemptions

On September 11, 2024, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in Mayfield v. U.S. Department of Labor confirmed that the United States Department of Labor (“DOL”) has the authority to use a salary basis to define its white-collar overtime exemptions. This is a significant win for the DOL as it is presently defending its latest increase to the minimum salary thresholds for executive, administrative, and professional exemptions under the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”), also known as the FLSA’s “white-collar exemptions,” in litigation pending in the U.S. District Courts for the Eastern and Northern Districts of Texas.

The Mayfield Decision

In Mayfield, a unanimous three-judge panel of the Fifth Circuit provided that the DOL has the authority to “define and delimit” an exemption from overtime pay under the FLSA. In so ruling, the Court affirmed the dismissal of a lawsuit initiated by a Texas fast-food operator, Robert Mayfield, who claimed Congress never authorized the DOL to use salaries as a test for whether workers have managerial duties.

The Court rejected Mayfield’s argument. In response, the Fifth Circuit wrote that “[d]istinctions based on salary level are… consistent with the FLSA’s broader structure, which sets out a series of salary protections for workers that common sense indicates are unnecessary for highly paid employees.” Upon issuing the Mayfield decision, the Fifth Circuit joined the four other federal appeals courts that have considered this issue previously (including the D.C. Circuit, Second Circuit, Sixth Circuit, and the Tenth Circuit).

2024 DOL Rule

The 2024 DOL rule effectively focused on three main points. First, it raised the minimum weekly salary to qualify for the FLSA’s white-collar exemptions from $684 per week to $844 per week (equivalent to a $43,888 annual salary) on July 1, 2024. Second, it called for another increase of the minimum weekly salary to $1,128 per week (equivalent of a $58,656 annual salary) on January 1, 2025. Third, under the 2024 DOL rule, the above salary threshold would increase every three years based on recent wage data.

As mentioned above, the Mayfield decision comes at a time when the DOL is defending its recent 2024 rule increasing the salary thresholds for white-collar exemptions in both the Eastern and Northern Districts of Texas. Indeed, the Mayfield decision’s timing could not have come at a more opportune time for the DOL because it supplies these Texas federal judges with new direction from the Fifth Circuit to consider when making their rulings.

What Does This Mean for Employers?

The Mayfield decision bolsters the DOL in its bid to set and increase the minimum salary requirements for its white-collar overtime exemptions, which will certainly pose challenges for employers in creating compliant employee compensation structures. In short, if the 2024 DOL rule goes into effect, employers will have to substantially raise their employees’ salaries to ensure they remain properly exempt from the overtime provisions of the FLSA.

by: Derek A. McKee of Polsinelli PC

For more news on Overtime Exemption Litigation, visit the NLR Labor & Employment section.

The Corporate Transparency Act Requires Reporting of Beneficial Owners

The Corporate Transparency Act (the “CTA”) became effective on January 1, 2024, requiring many corporations, limited liability companies, limited partnerships, and other entities to register with and report certain information to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”) of the U.S. Department of Treasury (“Treasury”). The CTA marks a substantial increase in the reporting obligations for many U.S. companies, as well as for non-U.S. companies doing business in the United States.

Most corporate entities are now required to file a beneficial ownership information report (“BOI Report”) with FinCEN disclosing certain information about the entity and those persons who are “beneficial owners” or who have “substantial control.” BOI Reports for companies owned by trusts and estates may require significant analysis to determine beneficial ownership and substantial control.

The CTA imposes potential penalties on entities that fail to file BOI Reports with FinCEN by the prescribed deadline. For entities formed prior to January 1, 2024, a BOI Report must be filed by January 1, 2025. For entities formed on or after January 1, 2024, but prior to January 1, 2025, a BOI Report must be filed within 90 days of the entity’s formation. For entities formed on or after January 1, 2025, a BOI Report must be filed within 30 days of the entity’s formation.

Entities formed after January 1, 2024, must also report information regarding “company applicants” to FinCEN. If certain information within a BOI Report changes, entities are required to file a supplemental BOI Report within 30 days of such change.

While Winstead’s Wealth Preservation Practice Group will not be directly filing BOI Reports with FinCEN, our attorneys and staff will be available this year, by appointment, to answer questions regarding reporting requirements if scheduled by Friday, November 22, 2024. We strongly recommend that company owners begin analyzing what reporting obligations they may have under the CTA and schedule appointments with their professional advisors now to ensure availability.

Congress passed the CTA in an effort to combat money laundering, fraud, and other illicit activities accomplished through anonymous shell companies. To achieve this objective, most entities operating in the United States will now be required to file BOI Reports with FinCEN.

The CTA applies to U.S. companies and non-U.S. companies registered to operate in the United States that fall within the definition of a “reporting company.” There are certain exceptions specifically enumerated in the CTA, which generally cover entities that are already subject to anti-money laundering requirements, entities registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission or other federal regulatory bodies, and entities that pose a low risk of the illicit activities targeted by the CTA.

Entity Information. Each reporting company is required to provide FinCEN with the following information:

  1. the legal name of the reporting company;
  2. the mailing address of the reporting company;
  3. the state of formation (or foreign country in which the entity was formed, if applicable) of the reporting company; and
  4. the employer identification number of the reporting company.

Beneficial Owner and Applicant Information. Absent an exemption, each reporting company is also required to provide FinCEN with the following information regarding each beneficial owner and each company applicant:

  1. full legal name;
  2. date of birth;
  3. current residential or business address; and
  4. unique identifying number from a U.S. passport or U.S. state identification (e.g., state-issued driver’s license), a foreign passport, or a FinCEN identifier (i.e., the unique number issued by FinCEN to an individual).

Reporting Company. A “reporting company” is defined as any corporation, limited liability company, or any other entity created by the filing of a document with a secretary of state or any similar office under the law of a State. Certain entities are exempt from these filing requirements, including, but not limited to:

  1. financial institutions and regulated investment entities;
  2. utility companies;
  3. entities that are described in Section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code;
  4. inactive, non-foreign owned entities with no assets; and
  5. sizeable operating companies that employ more than 20 full-time employees in the United States that have filed a United States federal income tax return in the previous year demonstrating more than $5,000,000 in gross receipts or sales.

A reporting company that is not exempt must register with and report all required information to FinCEN by the applicable deadline.

Beneficial Owner. A “beneficial owner” is defined as any individual who, directly or indirectly, (i) exercises substantial control over such reporting company or (ii) owns or controls at least 25% of the ownership interests of such reporting company.

Substantial Control. An individual exercises “substantial control” over a reporting company if the individual (i) serves as a senior officer of the reporting company, (ii) has authority over the appointment or removal of any senior officer or a majority of the board of directors (or the similar body governing such reporting company), or (iii) directs, determines, or has substantial influence over important decisions made by the reporting company, including by reason of such individual’s representation on the board (or other governing body of the reporting company) or control of a majority of the reporting company’s voting power.

Company Applicant. A “company applicant” is any individual who (i) files an application to form the reporting company under U.S. law or (ii) registers or files an application to register the reporting company under the laws of a foreign country to do business in the United States by filing a document with the secretary of state or similar office under U.S. law.

Entities Formed Before January 1, 2024. A reporting company that was formed prior to the effective date of the CTA (January 1, 2024) is required to register with FinCEN and file its initial BOI Report by January 1, 2025.

Entities Formed After January 1, 2024, but Before January 1, 2025. A reporting company that was formed after the effective date of the CTA (January 1, 2024), but before January 1, 2025, must register with FinCEN and file its initial BOI Report within 90 calendar days of formation.
Entities Formed After January 1, 2025. A reporting company formed after January 1, 2025, will be required to register with FinCEN and file its initial BOI Report within 30 calendar days of formation.

Supplemental BOI Reports. If any information included in a BOI Report changes, a reporting company must file a supplemental report with FinCEN within 30 days of such change. This includes minor changes, such as an address change or an updated driver’s license for a beneficial owner or someone who has substantial control over the reporting company.

The CTA and Treasury regulations impose potential civil and criminal liability on reporting companies and company applicants that fail to comply with the CTA’s reporting requirements. Civil penalties for reporting violations include a monetary fine of up to $500 per day that the violation continues unresolved, adjusted for inflation. Criminal penalties include a fine of up to $10,000 and/or two years in prison.

When a trust or estate owns at least 25% of a reporting company or exercises substantial control over the reporting company, the BOI Report must generally include (i) the fiduciaries of the trust or estate (i.e., the trustee or executor), (ii) certain individual beneficiaries, and (iii) the settlor or creator of the trust. If the trust agreement gives other individuals certain rights and powers, however, such as a distribution advisor, trust protector, or trust committee member, the reporting company may also be required to disclose such individuals’ information in the BOI Report. Similarly, if a corporate trustee or executor is serving, the BOI Report must contain the names and information of the employees who actually administer the trust or estate on behalf of the corporation. Due to these nuances, it is often necessary to engage in additional analysis when a trust or estate is a beneficial owner of or has substantial control over a reporting company.

The CTA and its BOI Report filing requirement are still relatively new, and although FinCEN continues to publish additional guidance, many open questions remain. All companies formed or operating in the United States should carefully review whether they are required to file an initial BOI Report in accordance with the CTA, and take further steps to identify all individuals who must be included in such BOI Report.