Are Social Media Posts Discoverable?

The National Law Review recently published an article by Bruce H. Raymond of Raymond Law Group LLC regarding Social Media Posts:


A party files a request for production pursuant to Rule 34 seeking any profiles, messages (including status updates, wall comments, causes joined, groups joined, activity streams, blog entries) from social networking sites that reveal, refer or relate to any emotion, feeling, or mental state of plaintiff as well as communications by the plaintiff that may reveal or relate to events that could be expected to produce a significant emotion, feeling or mental state.

Essentially, the opposing counsel wants your social media activity. Potentially all of it. A party’s first thought might be that is private! I don’t want anyone to see it. However, depending on the claims advanced by a party this information may be discoverable and potential damaging and/or embarrassing posts may be ordered produced.

The production of social media posts, such as Facebook wall posts, are governed by the same relevance standard as any other discovery requests. While this issue is relatively new, cases and discovery orders on motions to compel are starting to become more prevalent. For instance, on Sept 7, 2012 a U.S. District Court granted a motion to compel social media posts from a plaintiff who claimed she was discriminated against by Home Depot. See Mailhoit v. Home Depot U.S.A.2012 WL 3939063 (C.D. Cal. Sept 7, 2012).

The plaintiff had testified at her deposition that as a result of the defendant’s actions, plaintiff suffered from depression. Defendant then sought to discover social media posts such as pictures on Facebook that would undermine the plaintiff’s claims of isolation and loss of friendship.

In examining the defendant’s discovery requests, the court noted that social networking posts are neither privileged nor protected by any right of privacy. However, the court acknowledged FRCP 34 does not allow a requesting party “a generalized right to rummage at will” through a party’s Facebook posts, but rather requires a threshold showing that the requested information is reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence.

Therefore, the court held that a request for any profiles, postings or messages that reveal or relate to plaintiff’s emotional or mental state was too broad and failed to put a reasonable person of ordinary intelligence on notice of which specified documents or information would be responsive to the request.

However, the court did order the plaintiff to produce all social networking posts which in any way refer to her employment at Home Depot. Other courts have applied a similar rationale. For instance, another U.S. District Court denied a discovery request  in a slip and fall case seeking production of the plaintiff’s entire Facebook account.   Tompkins v. Detroit Metro Airport  , 278 F.R.D. 387 (E.D. Mich. 2012).

The defendant attached to their motion to compel pictures that were publically available on the plaintiff’s Facebook wall as well as private surveillance photos which showed her standing at a party and holding a small dog. The defendant argued these posts showed the relevance of the private posts which the defendant could not view. The court disagreed and stated that holding a small dog was not inconsistent with plaintiff’s claim of injury and therefore the defendant did not have a strong enough argument to obtain discovery of the plaintiff’s entire Facebook account. The court noted that if the pictures had showed her playing golf or riding a horse the defendant’s argument would have been stronger.

What is clear is that Facebook posts can be discoverable and that courts will utilize traditional principles of relevance to determine whether social media account information must be produced. While case law is still developing on this issue, counsel would be advised to limit their requests for social media posts to those that are relevant to the case as opposed to seeking a party’s entire Facebook account.

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© 2013 by Raymond Law Group LLC

Chief Litigation Officer Summit – March 21-23, 2013

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming Chief Litigation Officer Summit:

The primary objective of the Chief Litigation Officer Summit is to explore the key aspects and issues related to litigation best practices and the protection and defense of corporations. The Summit’s program topics have been pinpointed and validated by leading litigation counsel as the top critical issues they face.

March 21-23, 2013

The Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, CO

The Debate Rages On Regarding Whether Default Fiduciary Duties Apply to LLC Managers Under Delaware Law

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Earlier this year, we reported on the Delaware Court of Chancery’s decision in Auriga Capital Corp. v. Gatz Properties, LLC, wherein Chancellor Strine held that traditional fiduciary principles apply to LLC managers or members by default. See Delaware Chancery Court Clarifies that Default Fiduciary Duties Apply to LLC Managers, March 15, 2012 available here (discussing Auriga Capital Corp. v. Gatz Properties, LLC, No. C.A. 4390-CS, 2012 WL 361677 (Del. Ch. Jan. 27, 2012)). We emphasized that “until the Delaware Supreme Court or General Assembly state otherwise, Chancellor Strine has definitively established that LLC managers are governed by the same well-established fiduciary duties applicable to corporate fiduciaries, unless explicitly stated otherwise in the LLC Agreement.”

On November 7, 2012, the Delaware Supreme Court issued its decision on appeal. In an en banc opinion, the Supreme Court affirmed the Court of Chancery decision, but declined to reach the issue whether default fiduciary duties exist for LLC managers. See Gatz Properties, LLC v. Auriga Capital Corp., No. 148, 2012 (Nov. 7, 2012). The Supreme Court instead affirmed on the ground that the defendants breached their fiduciary duties arising from an express contractual provision in the operating agreement of the LLC. The Supreme Court’s analysis focused on Section 15 of the LLC Agreement. Section 15 provided, in pertinent part, that no member or manager was permitted to cause the company to “enter into any additional agreements with affiliates on terms and conditions which [were] less favorable to the Company than the terms and conditions of similar agreements which could then be entered into with arms-length third parties . . . .”  Emphasizing that “there is no requirement in Delaware that an LLC agreement use magic words, such as ‘entire fairness’ or ‘fiduciary duties[,]'” the Supreme Court construed Section 15 as an explicit contractual assumption by the contracting parties of a fiduciary duty to obtain a fair price for the LLC in transactions between the LLC and affiliated persons. Viewing Section 15 functionally, the Supreme Court treated it as the contractual equivalent of the entire fairness standard of conduct and judicial review.  Thus, because there was no approving vote by the majority of the Company’s minority members, the Supreme Court held that the defendant – the LLC’s manager – had the burden of establishing the entire fairness of the transaction. Referencing the defendant’s trial testimony and the evidentiary record, the Supreme Court held that he failed to meet this burden, and thus affirmed the Court of Chancery’s holding that he had breached his contractually adopted fiduciary duties.1

While the Supreme Court’s contractual analysis is instructive, the decision has garnered far more attention based on the Supreme Court’s analysis of Chancellor Strine’s holding that default fiduciary duties apply to LLC managers, which it characterized as “dictum without any precedential value.” The Supreme Court reasoned that “[w]here, as here, the dispute over whether fiduciary standards apply could be decided solely by reference to the LLC Agreement, it was improvident and unnecessary for the trial court to reach out and decide, sua sponte, the default fiduciary duty issue as a matter of statutory construction.” The Supreme Court thus intentionally left unresolved the question whether default fiduciary duties apply to managers of an LLC.

However, the debate regarding default fiduciary duties did not end there. Just a few weeks later, Vice Chancellor Laster revisited the issue in Feeley v. NJAOCG, C.A. No. 7304-VCL (Del. Ch. Nov. 28, 2012), a case that, unlike Auriga, put the question of default fiduciary duties squarely before the court. Though he acknowledged that the Auriga decision could not be relied upon as precedent, Vice Chancellor Laster nonetheless adopted Chancellor Strine’s analysis, “afford[ing] his views the same weight as a law review article, a form of authority the Delaware Supreme Court often cites.” Based on Chancellor Strine’s reasoning and “the long line of Chancery precedents holding that default fiduciary duties apply to the managers of an LLC[,]” the Court held that default fiduciary duties apply to LLC managers. Vice Chancellor Laster recognized, however, that “[t]he Delaware Supreme Court is of course the final arbiter on matters of Delaware law.”

Thus, in many ways these two decisions bring things full circle. Until the Delaware Supreme Court or General Assembly address the question whether default fiduciary duties exist for managers of Delaware LLCs, Delaware Chancery precedent provides that they do.  However, while this may suggest extra caution be used when drafting an LLC agreement, the Supreme Court’s contractual analysis in the Auriga decision suggests that the question of default fiduciary duties may often be beside the point. Even in the absence of magic language regarding “fiduciary duties” or “entire fairness,” imprecise language in an LLC agreement may be construed as a contractual assumption by the LLC manager to abide by traditional fiduciary duties. Thus, while we do not expect that Chancellor Strine’s Feeley decision represents the last word in the default fiduciary duty debate, the lesson is the same: LLC agreements should be drafted to expressly address the nature and scope of the LLC managers’ fiduciary duties, or to specifically eliminate fiduciary duties altogether.

1 The Supreme Court also affirmed the Court of Chancery’s determination that the LLC Agreement did not exculpate or indemnify the LLC’s manager due to his bad faith and willful misrepresentations, as well as its awards of damages and attorneys’ fees.

© 2013 Bracewell & Giuliani LLP

Privacy Policies Now a Must for Mobile Apps

The National Law Review recently published an article, Privacy Policies Now a Must for Mobile Apps, written by Tanya L. CurtisLeonard A. Ferber, and Doron S. Goldstein of Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP:

Katten Muchin


California has long been a leader in privacy legislation. That position was strengthened recently when the California Attorney General filed a first-of-its-kind lawsuit against a company for its failure to include a privacy policy with a smartphone application. The lawsuit, filed on December 6 against Delta Airlines, alleges that the airline violated California law requiring online services to “conspicuously post its privacy policy” by failing to include such a policy with its “Fly Delta” mobile application. This action by the state of California has broad implications to anyone developing or distributing mobile apps.


In 2004, California enacted the California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA)requiring commercial operators of websites and online services to conspicuously post detailed privacy policies to enable consumers to understand what personal information is collected by a website and the categories of third parties with which operators share that information. CalOPPA provides that “an operator shall be in violation of this [posting requirement] only if the operator fails to post its policy within 30 days after being notified of noncompliance,” and if the violation is made either (a) knowingly and willingly or (b) negligently and materially. In the case of an online service, “conspicuously posting” a privacy policy requires that the policy be “reasonably accessible…for consumers of the online service.”

While CalOPPA does not define an “online service” or specifically mention “mobile” or “smartphone” applications, the California Attorney General considers any service available over the internet or that connects to the internet, including mobile apps, to be an “online service.” In light of this interpretation, in 2011 the Attorney General’s office contacted the six leading operators of mobile application platforms in an attempt to improve mobile app compliance with CalOPPA. In February 2012, the Attorney General reached an agreement with these companies on a set of principles designed to ensure that mobile apps include a conspicuously posted privacy policy where applicable law so requires (such as in California), and that the policy appear in a consistent location on the app download screen.

Delta markets its Fly Delta mobile app though various online “app stores.” Among other things, the Fly Delta app allows customers to check in to flights, rebook cancelled flights and pay for checked baggage. Delta has a website that includes a privacy policy, but that policy did not mention the Fly Delta app or the types of information collected from the app.

The Case

In October, the California Attorney General’s office sent letters to a number of mobile application makers, including Delta, that did not have a privacy policy reasonably accessible to app users, giving them 30 days to respond or make their privacy policies accessible in their apps. Delta either forgot about or ignored the letter, and the Attorney General filed suit.

The complaint stated that the Fly Delta application did not have a privacy policy within the application itself or in the app stores from which the application could be downloaded. The complaint also noted that, while Delta’s website has a privacy policy, the policy does not mention the Fly Delta app or the personal information collected by the app, and is not reasonably accessible to consumers who download the app. Since Delta failed to respond to the October letter, the Attorney General charged the airline with violating California law by knowingly and willfully, or negligently and materially, failing to comply with CalOPPA. And, in a separate charge under a provision of CalOPPA not requiring 30 days’ notice of noncompliance, the Attorney General alleged that Delta failed to comply with the privacy policy posted on its own website, in that the Fly Delta app does not comply with that policy. The complaint asks for damages of $2,500 for each violation, presumably for each download.

What You Need to Know

While California is currently unique in applying its privacy law to mobile applications, many states look to California, as a leader in this area, for guidance. CalOPPA applies to any “operator of a commercial website or online service that collects personally identifiable information through the Internet about individual consumers residing in California who use or visit its commercial website or online service…” In light of California’s large population, the practical effect of CalOPPA is that an overwhelming number of online businesses (including mobile app developers) must comply with it.

It is now clear that virtually all mobile or smartphone app makers, as well as companies that use smartphone apps as part of their “mobile strategy,” must make privacy policies accessible to app users. The actions of the California Attorney General also make it clear that there is a cost to noncompliance. Such accessibility can be achieved either by including the privacy policy within the app itself or by creating an icon or text link to a readable version of the privacy policy, which may be part of a company’s or developer’s overall web privacy policy.

©2012 Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP

Bid-Rigging Remains Focus of DOJ Antitrust Criminal Enforcement: Businesses Need to Ensure Their Compliance


A number of recent U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division (“Antitrust Division”) press releases highlight the agency’s ongoing criminal enforcement initiatives regarding hard-core antitrust violations such as bid-rigging. Businesspersons often seem to forget that the nation’s antitrust laws carry both civil and criminal penalties. Provisions of both the Sherman Antitrust Act (15 U.S.C. §§ 1-7) and Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. §§ 12-27), the primary federal antitrust statutes, include significant criminal penalties that can be imposed against violators. The statutes do not state what specific violations should result in criminal penalties or the factors to be used in determining when such penalties apply. However, historically, the Antitrust Division (which has exclusive responsibility for criminal enforcement of the federal antitrust laws) has focused its criminal enforcement efforts on so-called hard-core per seviolations of Section 1 of the Sherman Antitrust Act (15 U.S.C. § 1). The recent Antitrust Division press releases announcing guilty pleas, convictions and sentencings of individuals involved in hard-core antitrust violations suggest that the Antitrust Division is, and will be, aggressively pursuing such criminal enforcement, especially regarding the financial industry, for at least the next several years.

Criminal Penalties For Hard-Core Antitrust Violations Are Substantial

Section 1 of the Sherman Antitrust Act prohibits contracts, combinations and conspiracies in restraint of interstate trade or commerce. The maximum criminal penalties for corporations and individuals under this statute are substantial:

Every person who shall make any contract or engage in any combination or conspiracy hereby declared to be illegal shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and, on conviction thereof, shall be punished by fine not exceeding $100,000,000 if a corporation, or, if any other person, $1,000,000, or by imprisonment not exceeding 10 years, or by both said punishments, in the discretion of the court.

15 U.S.C. § 1. Although the maximum $100 million fine for corporations and $1 million fine for individuals may seem stiff enough, the Antitrust Division has also obtained larger maximum fines by arguing that 18 U.S.C. § 3571(d) allows the maximum fine to be increased to twice the gain derived from the violation or twice the loss suffered by the victims if either amount is greater than the statutory maximum.

The Antitrust Division’s 2012 fiscal year (which ended on September 30, 2012) proved to be a record-breaking year regarding criminal fines. The Antitrust Division obtained criminal fines of $1.1 billion in FY2012, the second time it had topped the $1 billion mark since 2003 (the other time was FY2009 when the Antitrust Division obtained criminal fines of $1 billion). The figure for the recently ended fiscal year rises to approximately $1.35 billion when other monetary remedies that the Antitrust Division has obtained, such as disgorgement, restitution and other penalties, are included. In the past two years, the Antitrust Division has been pursuing these other so-called “equitable monetary remedies,” more aggressively. In FY2009, the Antitrust Division filed 72 criminal cases. In FY2012, it filed 67 criminal cases, down from 90 in FY2011. Thus, it is clear that the Antitrust Division is aggressively pursuing, and obtaining, larger fines and monetary remedies against antitrust violators.

In addition, the Antitrust Division has announced that the average prison sentence it has obtained for criminal antitrust violations has been increasing. For fiscal years 2010-2012, the average prison sentence obtained has been 25 months, up from 20 months for fiscal years 2000-2009 and 8 months for fiscal years 1990-1999. In terms of total prison days sentenced, the increase is from an average of 3,313 days for fiscal years 1990-1999, to 12,722 for fiscal years 2000-2009, to 23,398 for fiscal years 2010-2012. Thus, the Antitrust Division has also been successful in obtaining longer prison sentences for individuals who have engaged in per se antitrust violations.

In light of the increasing magnitude of the criminal penalties for hard-core antitrust violations, both corporations and businesspersons must be zealous in their efforts to avoid practices that run afoul of the antitrust laws, especially hard-core per seviolations of Section 1 of the Sherman Antitrust Act that prohibits contracts, combinations and conspiracies in restraint of trade.

Bid-Rigging Is A Per Se Antitrust Violation Often Leading To Criminal Enforcement

So-called per se antitrust violations are practices that historically have been shown to result in harm to competition. They are practices that require little or no economic analysis to determine their negative impact on consumers and/or the competitive process. These violations normally include price-fixing, bid-rigging, and customer or market allocations – i.e., agreements among two or more competitors to eliminate the competition among them so that the participants often obtain higher prices for their products or services.

Bid-rigging is the very antithesis of what should be a competitive bidding process. The entity holding the bidding process – often federal, state, or local governments – is attempting to obtain the best bid (in terms of prices, services, quality, etc.) by soliciting bids from competing providers. It would seem to be common sense that such competitors should not collude or agree to subvert the bidding process by coordinating their bids in some fashion so that the outcome is skewed toward the conspirators’ desired result. However, as the Antitrust Division’s recent press releases show, bid-rigging is still a common practice in some industries. Bid-rigging conspiracies can take many forms, including (i) certain competitors agreeing not to bid so that the conspirators’ chosen competitor will win the bid; (ii) certain competitors submitting purposely inflated bids to give the appearance of a competitive bidding process; and (iii) the conspirators rotating which competitor will be the low bidder. No matter the form, the goal of almost all bid-rigging schemes is that the participants hope to ensure the winning bidder is their chosen participant and the elimination of competition among the conspirators regarding the bidding process.

Obviously, given the nation’s economic woes in recent years, the pressure to maximize profits and secure business can lead businesspersons to make poor decisions regarding their business practices, but certain of the recent enforcement actions have related to bid-rigging conspiracies that took place over numerous years, including prior to the current economic downturn. Whether it is the familiarity with their competitors that businesspersons often gain after years of pursuing the same customers and contracts, or the importance of each long-term or financially sizable contract that is being pursued, businesspersons still engage in bid-rigging practices at a level that it would seem they should not, given the substantial criminal penalties (and prison time) they, and their companies, face for such practices.

Recent Bid-Rigging Enforcement By The Antitrust Division

Just since August 2012, the Antitrust Division has announced convictions, guilty pleas and sentencings regarding bid-rigging practices in several industries, including bidding for contracts for the proceeds of municipal bonds, public foreclosure auctions, municipal tax lien auctions, and the automobile anti-vibration rubber parts industry. The investigation and prosecution of bid-rigging conspiracies often involve joint efforts by the Antitrust Division, the FBI and the U.S. Attorneys’ Office. Indeed, regarding the first three industries – municipal bonds, public foreclosure auctions, and municipal tax lien auctions – the enforcement actions were the result of President Obama’s Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force “created in November 2009 to wage an aggressive, coordinated and proactive effort to investigate and prosecute financial crimes.” The Task Force includes “more than 20 federal agencies, 94 U.S. attorneys’ offices and state and local partners, . . . [and] [o]ver the past three fiscal years, the Justice Department has filed more than 10,000 financial fraud cases against nearly 15,000 defendants including more than 2,700 mortgage fraud defendants.” Id. Such inter-agency coordination at the federal, state and local level highlights the aggressive nature of the efforts to identify and prosecute financial crimes, including criminal antitrust violations such as bid-rigging schemes.

Foreclosure Auctions

The Antitrust Division has obtained guilty pleas from numerous real estate investors who participated in separate bid-rigging conspiracies (taking place at various times from 2001 to 2010) at public foreclosure auctions, including agreeing not to bid against one another and selecting a designated winning bidder or agreeing to bid at suppressed prices, in Alabama, North Carolina and Northern California. The Antitrust Division has stated that such conspiracies “cause financial institutions, homeowners and others with a legal interest in rigged foreclosure properties to receive less than the competitive price for the properties.”

Municipal Bonds

The Antitrust Division obtained the conviction of at least six former financial services executives for their participation in conspiracies related to bidding for contracts for the investment of municipal bond proceeds and other municipal finance contracts. The conspiracies took place from 1999 through 2006 and involved collusion by financial institutions regarding investment agreements offered to state, county and local governments and agencies that the government entities used to raise money for public projects. The Antitrust Division alleged that the conspiracies resulted in the government entities’ obtaining non-competitive interest rates for the investment agreements that cost them millions of dollars.

Municipal Tax Lien Auctions

The Antitrust Division obtained the guilty plea of a Pennsylvania corporation that participated in a conspiracy to rig bids for the sale of tax liens auctioned by municipalities throughout New Jersey. From at least 1998 through 2006, the conspirators allocated bids such that the winning bidder obtained a higher interest rate for the tax lien, to the detriment of the homeowner who had failed to pay property taxes. The Antitrust Division has obtained 10 guilty pleas from the ongoing investigation.

Automobile Anti-Vibration Rubber Parts

The Antitrust Division has obtained guilty pleas, or agreements to plead guilty, from nine companies and 12 executives as a result of an ongoing investigation regarding price-fixing and bid-rigging in the automobile anti-vibration rubber parts industry. As part of a conspiracy that took place from at least 2005 through 2011, the conspirators agreed, in part, to submit noncompetitive bids for parts contracts.

Regular Antitrust Training And Rigorous Oversight Are the Key To Avoiding Violations

These recent enforcement actions and ongoing investigations highlight the need for companies and businesspersons to be knowledgeable about the antitrust laws and vigilant in their compliance with these laws. In light of the significant criminal penalties for corporations and individuals stemming from bid-rigging violations of the antitrust laws, companies should increase their training and oversight of their employees with responsibility for competitive bidding processes. Regularly scheduled training sessions should emphasize the types of unlawful bid-rigging practices that violate the antitrust laws. In addition, companies should perform regular audits of their bidding efforts and the bidding-related activities of the businesspersons responsible for such bids. Such audits should include a rigorous review of entertainment and expense reports that might indicate meetings with businesspersons from competitors that may lead to, or be in furtherance of, anticompetitive bid-rigging conspiracies. The cost of lax oversight may be significant for the company and its employees.

This article appeared in the January 2013 issue of The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel.  

Copyright © 2012 Sills Cummis & Gross P.C.

Congress Passes Bill Fixing Attorney-Client Privilege Waiver Problem for Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

The National Law Review recently published an article, Congress Passes Bill Fixing Attorney-Client Privilege Waiver Problem for Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, written by Phillip L. Stern and Michael C. Diedrich with Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg LLP:

Neal Gerber

The U.S. Senate has passed H.R. 4014, a House bill that adds the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB” or “Bureau”) to the list of federal banking agencies with whom supervised entities may share information without effecting a waiver of the attorney-client privilege as to third-parties. President Obama is expected to sign the bill into law.

The bill, sponsored by Rep. Bill Huizenga of Michigan (R), is intended to address a perceived shortcoming in the original Dodd-Frank Act, which created the Bureau. Under Dodd-Frank, the new Bureau was given broad supervisory and enforcement powers over large swaths of the financial and credit services industries. The Act, however, did not provide – as is the case with other Prudential Regulators, including the Federal Reserve, the FDIC, and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (see12 U.S.C. 1828(x)) – that the attorney-client privilege would not be waived when otherwise privileged information is shared by a supervised entity with the Bureau except with respect to its dealings with the Bureau.

The bill fixes this omission and adds the Bureau to the list of Prudential Regulators for whom the privilege is not waived as to material submitted in the course of any supervisory or regulatory process. Moreover, the Bureau can share the supervised entity’s privileged information with other Prudential Regulators without triggering a waiver of the supervised entity’s privilege except with respect to that Prudential Regulator. The law thus closes what many commentators and members of Congress felt was a loophole that would impede cooperation among supervised entities and the Bureau.

The Bureau had tried to address the omission through a bulletin it issued on January 4, 2012 (CFPB Bulletin 12-01) in which it stated that because its supervisory powers were equivalent to those of the Prudential Regulators, it had the power “to receive privileged information from supervised entities without effecting a waiver of privilege.” Due to the omission in the Act that created the Bureau, most commentators feared that the Bureau’s unilateral decree was insufficient to protect the privilege. Similarly, Congress expressed a preference for a statutory scheme to address inter-agency sharing of privileged material over any agency pronouncement or rule-making. SeeCongressional questioning of Raj Date, Deputy Director of the CFPB, on 7/19/12 before House Committee on Financial Services, Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit.

In addition to adding the Bureau to the list of Prudential Regulators for the purpose of maintaining attorney-client privilege, the bill also adds the Bureau to a different statutory list (12 U.S.C. 1821(t)(2)(A)) of credit agencies among whom sharing of privileged information will not result in a waiver as to third-parties including the Farm Credit Administration, the Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation, the National Credit Union Administration, and the Federal Housing Finance Agency.

Though H.R. 4014 does close the gap as to sharing of information obtained through supervisory examinations and among government regulators, the law does not address a major concern of supervised entities – that material obtained through the course of an examination will be shared with the Bureau’s enforcement division and form the basis of an action. According to the Congressional summary of the bill, the provision prohibiting information gathered by the CFPB in its supervisory or regulatory capacity will not be construed as a waiver of privilege as to “any person or entity other than the CFPB…” (emphasis added). The concern as to the Bureau itself, and its two divisions, remains.

© 2012 Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg LLP

The Top 10 Ways To Reduce Discovery Costs: Nos. 10-6

Barnes & Thornburg

It should come as no surprise to most employers that employment litigation is on the rise. It also should come as no surprise that discovery is seen as the biggest single driver of litigation expenses. Recent studies have shown that discovery can consume up to 68 percent of the costs in a case. Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of attorneys – both plaintiff and defense attorneys alike – agree that the costs of litigation and particularly discovery are not proportional to the value of a case. As a result, far too many cases are settled not to avoid the possibility of an adverse outcome, but simply to avoid the monumental costs of litigation.

The United States is virtually alone when it comes to litigating in this fashion. Most other countries permit discovery only as to those things that are contained in the pleadings.  This was the same methodology employed in the United States prior to the adoption of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure in 1938. The idea behind more expansive discovery was to avoid ambush tactics where litigants could withhold vital information until trial. In many ways, the goals behind the discovery rules have worked. Parties today have greater opportunities to explore the relative strengths and weaknesses of the other side’s case early on so that they can try to work out a negotiated settlement. On the other side of the coin, however, the costs have gone way up – and especially since the advent of the digital revolution over the last few decades.

Grappling with the ever growing costs of litigation – and particularly discovery – is a problem that vexes even the most experienced litigator or in-house counsel. While there are no quick fixes or easy answers, the following top 10 list, which represents the fruits of over a decade of hard-earned lessons drawn from real-world lawsuits, may help guide employers toward regaining some measure of control over their bursting discovery budgets.

The Top 10 Ways To Reduce Discovery Costs: Nos. 10-6

10. Avoid Chasing Shadows. The failure to document key events in the employment of a worker not only creates needless gaps that require quick thinking and explanations from supervisors, but also increases discovery costs. If a document is critical enough, the plaintiff’s lawyer may not simply accept the explanation that it is missing or cannot be found. This could result in every stone being overturned and all avenues being investigated before the attorney (or the court) finally is satisfied that the phantom document is really gone or that it never existed in the first place – leaving the employer to deal with the ramifications of the fact that a critical document wasn’t created and/or maintained as it should have been.

9. Remember The Big Picture. Discovery is a tool – nothing more and nothing less. For any company involved in a lawsuit, the ultimate goal is to achieve the best possible and most economical result.  The goal is not play games in discovery or to fight tooth and nail over something the other side is entitled to anyway just because they happen to be an adversary. Too often discovery takes on a life of its own and takes over the entirety of the litigation process. Obviously, employers should fight over what is important to them, but they are not likely to win by being obstructionists.  Unreasonable conduct will just embitter the other side, antagonize the court and drag out the entire process.

8. Avoid the Data Dump. Employers know their own records and data far better than their outside counsel.  However, many employers responding to discovery simply hand over a ton of data to their counsel and expect them to sort through it. This can be tedious, time consuming and expensive.  While the attorneys need to review the materials for production purposes, providing context is key.  Sheparding the attorney through the materials by giving context such as identifying what is (or is not) the employee’s personnel file, where handwritten notes came from, who wrote the handwritten notes, and why there are multiple versions of the same document all can help defray costs down the line.  Employers don’t need to pay their lawyers to sort out patent inconsistencies in materials that the employer easily can resolve before it sends the items to the counsel for review.

7. Eliminate Chaos. Key documents should be kept in a secure and central location. It makes little sense to produce a personnel file only to discover months later during the deposition of a supervisor that the supervisor kept a separate personnel file with key documents that never were produced in discovery. This results in unnecessary discovery requests for the separate file and worse, exposes the supervisor to yet another deposition about that file. Beyond the inefficiency and duplication of effort, scattershot maintenance of employment records like this also can create the false impression that the company is hiding things.

6. Get Ahead of Electronic Discovery. All employers should have a document retention policy that addresses electronically stored information. Employers should know where their electronic information is stored and make sure they have a process to respond to litigation and discovery requests that may be made.  Employers also should make sure they can process electronically stored materials in the event they do need to produce them.  When involved in litigation, employers should have their counsel work with the other side to come up with manageable and reasonable search terms and iron out processing issues such as how the information should be produced. To the extent that an employer has sufficient resources, processing electronic discovery in-house instead of shipping it to an expensive third-party reviewer or counsel also should be considered as options to reduce costs.


The Sixth Circuit Steps Back in Time on Certification of Consumer Classes

Dickinson Wright Logo

The United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit recently upheld the certification of an Ohio consumer class action in In re: Whirlpool Corporation Front-Loading Washer Products Liability Litigation, 678 F.3d 409 (6th Cir. 2012) (“Glazer”).  Glazer is the Sixth Circuit’s second opinion on class certification since the Supreme Court decided Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Dukes, ___ US ___, 131 S.Ct. 2541, 180 L. Ed. 2d 374 (2011).  The first opinion, Gooch v Life Investors Ins. Co. of America, 672 F.3d 402 (6th Cir. 2012), involved class certification under Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(b)(2).  Glazer was the Sixth Circuit’s first post-Dukes opinion to address certification under Fed. R. Civ. P. 23(b)(3).

For a number of years, culminating in Dukes, federal courts have moved away from deciding class certification based on the allegations in the plaintiff’s complaint and have instead focused on critically analyzing and resolving factual disputes that bear on certification issues, even if those factual disputes involve the merits of the case. In Glazer, the Sixth Circuit returned to an earlier era of class action jurisprudence.  The district court addressed only the plaintiffs’ allegations and theories when it certified a class, and the Sixth Circuit, straining to avoid remand, assumed without any real basis that the district court had conducted the “rigorous analysis” that Dukes requires.  In doing so, the Sixth Circuit overlooked factual issues relevant to certification, resulting in an opinion upholding certification based simply on the plaintiffs’ allegations.

Underlying Facts

Glazer is one of several consumer product putative class actions pending against Whirlpool in Multi-District Litigation (“MDL”) in the Northern District of Ohio.  The plaintiffs in those cases alleged that all of the high efficiency front-load washing machines Whirlpool sold since 2002 were defective because they were more likely to develop mold growth and resulting odors than regular top-load washing machines.  The plaintiffs alleged that the machines fail to completely rinse residue from internal components and remove spent water from the machines after the completion of a wash cycle, which causes mold to grow.  Although the district court and Sixth Circuit opinions refer to “various alleged design defects,” they did not identify any specific defect; they simply described what the machines failed to do.  The mold growth phenomenon was well publicized by consumer groups, and, over time, Whirlpool undertook to reduce the likelihood of mold growth by redesigning the machines, revising use and care instructions, and selling new cleaning products. The plaintiffs alleged that those efforts were ineffective.

In Glazer, the plaintiffs sought certification of an Ohio class made up of people who purchased the washing machines for personal, family or household use, and not for resale.  The district court certified a liability-only class with respect to claims for tortious breach of warranty, negligent design and negligent failure to warn.1  The district court refused to certify the class as to claims under the Ohio Consumer Sales Practices Act.

The District Court Opinion

At the class certification hearing, the district court acknowledged that there were several factual issues relevant to class certification, mostly having to do with “commonality” under Rule 23.  In fact, the parties presented the district court with a mountain of depositions, expert reports and exhibits on those and other issues.  However, the district court resolved none of the certification-related factual issues. Instead, citing Eisen, it took the position that any evidence that was contrary to the plaintiffs’ allegations on class certification, no matter how strong, went to the merits and could not be considered.

The district court granted certification based solely on the plaintiffs’ allegations and theories, and relied upon no facts, let alone did the court resolve any factual disputes.  The district court wrote:

“Plaintiffs Allison and Glazer allege…”

“The defect, the plaintiffs contend…”

“The plaintiffs further allege….”

“The mold problem allegedly persisted …”

“The plaintiffs’ theory is…”

“The first element is common to the class, because, on the plaintiffs’ theory, …”

The district court’s class certification analysis reverted back to what Professor Nagareda has referred to as the “first-generation” of class certification decisions, based on “overreadings of Eisen” where the common questions were essentially defined by the allegations in the plaintiff’s complaint and the court was prohibited from probing the facts behind them, even if those facts were relevant to certification issues. Nagareda, “Class Certification in the Age of Aggregate Proof,” 84 N.Y.U.L. 97, 110 (2009).

Similarly, the district court also refused to analyze the defendant’s argument that the proposed class was overly broad because it included a significant number of class members who had manifested no injuries.  Although the district court asked questions during argument about how many class members’ machines actually manifested the malodor problem, the opinion characterized that question as a merits issue, citing Eisen and Daffin.2

The Sixth Circuit Supported the Plaintiffs’ Theories with “Facts” in the Record

In affirming class certification, the Sixth Circuit observed:

Whirlpool contends that the district court improperly relied on Eisen to avoid consideration of the merits of plaintiffs’ legal claims, failed to conduct the required “rigorous analysis” of the factual record, and failed to make specific findings to resolve factual disputes before certifying the liability class. We disagree. The district court [***11] closely examined the evidentiary record and conducted the necessary “rigorous analysis” to find that the prerequisites of Rule 23 were met. See Gooch, 672 F.3d at 418 (rejecting a similar argument and concluding that the district court “probed behind the pleadings, considering all of the relevant documents that were in evidence”).

Glazer, 678 F.3d at 418.  In light of the argument in the district court and the express language of the district court’s opinion, the Sixth Circuit’s conclusory analysis comes up short.

The oral argument in the district court makes clear that it failed to conduct a rigorous analysis.  During one exchange, the district court pounced on defendant’s counsel after he simply acknowledged the plaintiff’s allegations on commonality, indicating that the court treated that mere acknowledgement as defendant’s concession that there were common questions:

THE COURT: You seem to just have completely undercut your argument. You had earlier argued that all these changes [in the designs of the machines] were significant, and now you are saying that the Plaintiffs’ real claim is, irrespective of any changes made in the machines, that there is one common defect that continues to cause oder [sic] problems without regard to whether you changed it in ’05, ’06, ’07.

So you have characterized their claim as being a common one; that there is something inherent in this design that causes the oder [sic] irrespective of what the consumer uses and irrespective of what changes you have made in the machine.

Trans. at 36. In fact, defense counsel had merely identified some of the individualized questions that would have to be decided in response to Plaintiffs’ claim:

“They will have to prove at trial that each of the design changes Whirlpool made failed to bring the level of malodor down. They will have to prove that for each of the machines, each of the plaintiffs, each of the members of the class, that they complied with the instructions in the owners’ manual.”

Trans. at 35.

Moreover, the district court specifically stated in the hearing that the defendant’s arguments about the lack of common questions based on the numerous design changes went to the merits (Trans. at 51) and, in the court’s written opinion, reaffirmed that it could not make any preliminary inquiry into the merits. Glazer, 2010 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 69254 at *2.  Finally, as described supra, in analyzing commonality the court referred only to the plaintiffs’ theories and allegations.

The district court quite clearly treated any factual rebuttal to the plaintiffs’ allegations relating to class certification issues as merits issues that it could not, and did not, analyze. Nonetheless, the Sixth Circuit concluded that it did so by referring to the Sixth Circuit’s prior decision in Gooch, suggesting that its treatment of the district court’s certification analysis reviewed there applied equally to the analysis being reviewed in Glazer.

However, comparison to or reliance on Gooch is not appropriate for characterizing the district court’s analysis in Glazer.  In Gooch, the district court, in reciting generic class certification law, included the following statement:

Albeit in a different type of legal claim, in Coleman v. General Motors Acceptance Corp., 196 F.R.D. 315, 318 (M.D. Tenn. 2000),vacated on other grounds, 296 F.3d 443 (6th Cir. 2002), the Court stated that: “The Court takes the allegations of the plaintiff as true and any doubts as to certifying the class should be resolved in the plaintiff’s favor.”

Gooch v. Life Investors Insur. Co. of America, 246 F.R.D. 340, 347 (MD Tenn. 2009). However, the district court went on to say that although “sometimes the issues are plain enough from the pleadings to determine whether the interests of the absent parties are fairly encompassed within the named plaintiff’s claim…sometimes it may be necessary for the court to probe behind the pleadings before coming to rest on the certification question.” Id.  The court then said that “the parties had submitted affidavits and exhibits that the court deems sufficient for the limited factual analysis required.” Id. Thus, the district court in Gooch did not take plaintiff’s allegations as true.  The judge conducted the “limited factual inquiry” where it was necessary.  In fact, the district court described the plaintiff’s deposition testimony that it considered on the issue of the plaintiff’s credibility when evaluating adequacy of representation.  As to the issue of commonality, the district court in Goochindicated that the central issue in the case was the interpretation of an insurance policy issued and administered by the defendant which, under Alabama law, was an issue of law for the judge to decide. Thus, no factual analysis was required on the issue of commonality.

The district court in Gooch recited a proposition of law that it did not follow, and the principle claim was largely legal and required no factual analysis.  The Sixth Circuit in Gooch emphasized “that the issues at the core of the certification dispute are legal and not factual.”  Gooch, 672 F.3d at 417.

In stark contrast, in Glazer the issues at the core of the certification dispute were not legal. There were many factual issues presented to the district court, along with a raft of related evidence and testimony.  Given the statements and characterizations in the district court’s opinion, it did not rely on or critically evaluate any of that material.  The district court did not conduct a rigorous analysis, and the Sixth Circuit took it upon itself to identify facts that it determined might support the allegations and theories referenced by the district court, as well as other positions the plaintiffs assert to support certification. The Sixth Circuit went well beyond identifying allegations and theories, like the district court did in a single “Background” paragraph. In comparison, the Background portion of the Sixth Circuit opinion is comprised of 15 paragraphs it distilled from the record on appeal.

The district court opinion in Glazer is also in stark contrast to the district court opinion discussed in Young v. Nationwide Mutual Insur. Co., 2012 U.S. App. LEXIS 18625, 2012 Fed. App. 0302P (6th Cir. 2012).  In Young, the Sixth Circuit held for the third time that it is harmless error for a lower court to state that it must accept the substantive allegations in the complaint as true when evaluating class certification.  However, the district court’s written opinion in Young showed that it conducted a rigorous analysis by analyzing fact issues, and it even conducted a Daubert hearing relating to the plaintiff’s experts’ opinions on class proofs. The lower court’s written opinion in Glazershowed just the opposite.

The Sixth Circuit’s de novo fleshing out of the district court’s less-than-rigorous analysis had two effects.  First, it prevented the defendant from challenging the appellate court’s fact finding, except through its subsequent unsuccessful motion for rehearing.  Second, the appellate court was able to side-step important factual issues that bore on certification.

Proof of Defect Through Common Evidence

The Sixth Circuit’s overly narrow focus on facts supporting the plaintiffs’ allegations and theories caused it to fail to appropriately address a key issue for class certification, which is “predominance.”  The district court found that the plaintiffs satisfied the commonality requirement based solely on the plaintiffs’ allegations and by “Plaintiffs’ theor[ies].” The Sixth Circuit upheld those “findings” based on facts it identified from the record on appeal that supported the plaintiffs’ theories:

Based on the evidentiary record, the district court properly concluded that whether design defects in the [front loading washers] proximately caused mold or mildew to grow and whether Whirlpool adequately warned consumers about the propensity for mold growth are liability issues common to the class…[t]hey will generate common answers likely to drive the resolution of the lawsuit.

Glazer, 678 F.3d at 419.  Neither the district court nor the Sixth Circuit meaningfully analyzed the predominance requirement.  Both simply referred back to what they stated on the issue of commonality.

The Sixth Circuit failed to address whether defects in the washers that allegedly resulted in mold growth could be established through common evidence. Instead of identifying and then rigorously analyzing product specific and manifestation-related facts to determine whether defects could be established through common evidence, the court ignored them in favor of a conclusory opinion by plaintiff’s expert that in effect presupposed commonality, i.e., differences don’t matter. While this may be a step beyond simply relying on the allegations in the complaint, it is not a very big step.3

Whirlpool presented unrebutted testimony that it manufactured the front-load washers over a long period of time (9 years), and that it sold over 3,000,000 units nation-wide (more than 150,000 in Ohio) consisting of 21 different models whose designs changed over time, in some cases to specifically address the mold issue. Maintenance and care instructions also evolved during this period. The plaintiffs’ response to those facts, which the district court accepted at face value, was the conclusory statement that none of it mattered.  Unrebutted testimony also established that all washing machines, regardless of whether they were top or front-load, and regardless of whether the machines were high efficiency, can and do develop mold. Finally, very strong evidence established that less than 5% of consumers experienced a mold issue across all Whirlpool front-load models and designs. The only conflicting evidence on manifestation rates was a single survey that the plaintiffs represented showed that 35-50% of users reported a problem, and two pieces of correspondence, one obvious hearsay, misinterpreting the survey’s results.  In response, Whirlpool established that the survey included both top and front-load washers, without breaking the results down between the two, and included machines manufactured by all manufacturers again, without breaking the results down by manufacturer. The district court did not address those “facts,” and did not resolve any factual issue.  The Sixth Circuit acknowledged some of the positions Whirlpool advanced based on those facts, but made no effort to quantify the manifestation rate and relied only on plaintiffs’ expert’s opinion that changes did not matter.

A real question existed whether the plaintiffs could establish, on a class wide basis, that all products, models, and designs over 9 years had the same “various alleged design defects,” Glazer, 678 F.3d at 417, when 95% of purchasers never experienced a mold issue and, for the 5% that experienced the problem, it was a problem that could occur in non-defective machines. How will proof that one purchaser’s particular model of washing machine developed a mold problem more readily than it otherwise should have, due to any particular set of circumstances and causes, answer the question whether purchasers of all the other different models with different designs and who have not experienced any mold issue have defective machines, or that those defects caused malodor, under different circumstances? The common questions the Sixth Circuit identified essentially assumed a common defect.  Despite the facts Whirlpool presented regarding multiple models and designs and low manifestation rates, the court essentially ignored them in favor of the plaintiffs’ expert’s conclusory opinion that variation doesn’t matter, thus allowing it to treat the case like Daffin where there was a single defect claim in one specific model of a vehicle manufactured during two years based solely on plaintiffs’ allegations.  Glazer and Daffin could not be more different from one another.

Following Dukes, courts have conducted thorough factual analyses of whether defects can be proven through common evidence. Those courts deny certification where the cases involve multiple models and product designs, multiple sources or root causes of the manifestation or occurrence that allegedly results, and/or there is an infrequent likelihood of the manifestation or occurrence.

In Cholakyan v. Mercedes-Benz USA, 2012 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 44073 (C.D. Cal. March 28, 2012), the plaintiff consumer complained of interior water damage caused by leaks.  The plaintiff sought to certify a California class of current or former owners or lessees of all 2003-2009 E-Class vehicles.  The plaintiff alleged that the vehicles had defective “water drainage systems,” and further alleged the defects were unreasonably dangerous because the leaks could cause electrical failures, and that the defendant concealed the water leak defect.

On the issue of common questions, the plaintiff’s “central point” was that the class vehicles have a unitary “water management system” that is uniformly defective. The court did not accept that allegation on its face, but instead it probed the facts behind the contention. As a result, the court rejected the plaintiff’s argument.

Assuming arguendo that class vehicles experience water leaks, and that the leaks have a propensity to cause electrical malfunctions, the crucial question that must be answered is why each class member’s vehicle experienced water leaks. Cholakyan’s attempt to demonstrate that this question has a common answer for all class vehicles fails for several reasons. First, despite his efforts to identify a “water management system” in the class vehicles, the evidence that has been adduced shows that this so-called “system” is in fact an amalgamation of many different vehicle parts. There is no evidence that these disparate parts are conceptually part of a single system or physically connected to one another in any material way.

Id. at *56.  (emphasis added)


Putting aside whether any of these “systems” clog to the extent that they cause electrical malfunctions in the vehicles, Cholakyan has failed to establish that they are connected with one another or that they are designed to work in concert. There is also no evidence that a single design flaw that is common across all of the drains in question is responsible for the alleged water leak defect.

Id. at *58.

The court concluded:

Beyond Cholakyan’s inability to identify a single system causing the water leaks, the parties adduce evidence that there is substantial design variation among the class vehicles. Cholakyan’s proposed class definition includes owners and lessees of Model 211 vehicles manufactured and sold over six years. As one example of this variation, Cholakyan relies on defects in the purported “sunroof drainage system.” Not all the class vehicles even have a sunroof, however, much less a drainage system connected to a sunroof. [footnote omitted] There is also variation in vehicles that have sunroofs, specifically in whether they have drain tubes [*65] that run down the A-pillars and exit through the areas identified in the DTBs. 98 Additionally, the design of the vehicles varied from year to year, further undercutting Cholakyan’s evidence of commonality. [footnote omitted] While it is not entirely clear that these variations are material to the functioning of the vehicles’ drains, it is Cholakyan’s burden to demonstrate commonality, and he has failed convincingly to rebut defendant’s evidence regarding the lack of an integrated water management system and regarding design variations among class vehicles.

Id. at *64-5.  In addition, the court observed in a footnote that “[c]ausation problems also stand in the way of identifying common issues here because environmental circumstances, use factors, and a vehicle owner’s maintenance habits all contribute to whether or not the vehicle’s drains clog.”

Relying in part on Cholakyan, a similar result was reached in Edwards v. Ford Motor Company, 2012 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 81330 (S.D. Cal. June 12, 2012). In Edwards, the plaintiff sought certification of a putative class of current and former California residents who owned 2005 – 2007 Ford Freestyle vehicles with allegedly defective electronic throttle control (“ETC”) systems.  The plaintiff claimed that this common defect caused sudden, unintended “surging.” She claimed that Ford knew about the defective ETC system but failed to disclose the defect to consumers.

Initially, the court noted that because all of the plaintiff’s claims depended on the a defect that causes surging, the fundamental question in the case was “whether the 2005 through 2007 Ford Freestyle models contain a defect that causes the cars to accelerate without corresponding driver input, and, if so, how to define the defect.” Id. at *12.

On that issue, Ford presented unrebutted expert testimony indicating that numerous systems and components in the vehicles besides the ETC system could cause the problem plaintiff described as surging.  Although there may have been a common manifestation of a defect – surging — there was not a common cause of the manifestation.  Because the cause of the surging would have to be analyzed for each individual plaintiff, common questions did not predominate.

In Johnson v. Harley-Davidson Motor Company Group LLC, 2012 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 72048 (E.D. Cal. May 23, 2012), the plaintiffs claimed that certain motor cycle engines generated too much heat which resulted in premature engine wear, alleging that all of the engines suffered from a common design defect.  The plaintiffs identified the “defect” as a combination of the size of the engines and the fact they were designed to operate on lean fuel mixtures to satisfy emissions regulations.  In addition, the plaintiffs alleged that the excessive heat could distract the rider, which raised safety concerns.  The plaintiffs sought to certify a class of “[a]ll persons who between October 1, 2006 and the date the class may be certified, purchased in California a motorcycle manufactured by Defendants with an air-cooled 88 or 96 cubic inch V-Twin Cam engine.” Id. at *6.

On the issue of common proof of defect, the plaintiffs’ position was that both parties could simply measure the temperature of the skin of riders to prove or disprove whether the air-cooled V-Twin design causes riders to experience excessive and unsafe skin temperatures.  However, the defendant produced evidence that the task would not be so easy.

The defendant noted that the motorcycles at issue were comprised of over 130 different configurations and designs, with varying engine sizes and output and various exhaust system designs, that could affect both engine temperature and the rider’s sensation of the heat.  In addition, the defendant identified numerous other factors, such as the rider’s sitting position, posture and leg position that could affect the heat experienced by the rider. Based on those facts, the court held that proof of defect could not be established through common evidence.

Johnson relied on In re Hitachi Television Optical Block Cases, 2011 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 109995, 2011 W.L. 4499036 (S.D. Cal. Sept. 27, 2011)Johnson described In re Hitachi as follows:

In Hitachi, the Plaintiffs identified forty-three different model televisions alleged to have the same design defect. 2011 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 109995, 2011 WL 4499036, at *3. These models all used one of seven different Optical Blocks. Id. The Hitachi Plaintiffs’ expert stated, similar to Darnell’s testimony, that although there are minor differences in the Optical Blocks, there is no material difference amongst them in the common design scheme. 2011 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 109995, [WL] at *3-4. The Hitachi Defendants, like the Defendants here, pointed out that there were numerous and significant distinctions in specific parts of the product. 2011 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 109995, [WL] at *4. The Hitachi Plaintiffs, like the instant Plaintiffs, did not appear to dispute that these differences exist, instead they argued the differences were immaterial. 2011 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 109995, [WL] at *5. The Hitachi court held that:

There is no dispute that the Optical Block is made up of numerous component parts. It is not a single piece of equipment, nor was its design uniform across the different models at issue in this case. Under these circumstances, common issues do not predominate over individual issues on the issue of a design defect.


Johnson at *12-13.  Based on the facts and the decision in In re Hitachi, the court in Johnson concluded that there was no common method of proof to show whether there is a design defect.  The court also noted that it was telling that there were literally no customer complaints about allegedly excessive heat.

Other courts have made similar rulings in cases involving multiple models or alleged defects, emphasizing the low rates of manifestation of the injury resulting from the alleged defects.  In Maloney v. Microsoft Corporation, 2012 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 28676 (D. N.J. March 5, 2012), the court denied certification of a class in a matter involving multiple alleged design defects and low manifestation rates.  The plaintiff sought to represent a class of purchasers and owners of certain MP3 players whose LCD inner screens cracked without cracking of the outer skin.  The cracks allegedly resulted from 5 alleged design defects, and the manifestation rate of cracking was 1.3% of the MP3 players the defendant sold.  The court found that common questions did not predominate on either causation or defect.  As to causation the court stated:

To begin, any factual dispute concerning whether causation is capable of proof at trial through common evidence must be determined by the Court. See In re Hydrogen Peroxide, 552 F.3d at 307. This requires the “weighing [of] conflicting expert testimony,” and the Court must “[r]esolve expert disputes in order to determine whether [the predominance] requirement has been met.” Id. at 323-24. The Court must engage in this analysis even if it overlaps with the merits. Id. at 317-18. However, “[t]he Court’s role is not to determine which side will prevail on the merits, but [only] to determine if the putative class could prevail on the merits using common proofs.” Marcus v. BMW of N.A., LLC, No. 08-5859, 2010 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 122908, at *30-31 (D.N.J. Nov. 19, 2010).

Id. at *7.  The court also stated that:

Plaintiff then points to three pieces of evidence that are purportedly common proof that these alleged design defects caused each proposed class member’s injury: (1) proposed class members’ LCD screens fractured without external damage to the outer lens covering the LCD screen; (2) these LCD screen fractures were “disproportionately clustered around [*7] four identified internal design defects”; and (3) 30gb model Zunes “were 20 times more likely to crack without external damage than were LCD screens on the later-model 80GB Zune.” (Id. 2). These purported proofs, however, fail to establish that any of the five alleged design defects caused class members’ injuries because this evidence suffers from what the United States Supreme Court has termed a “failure of inference.” Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. v. Dukes, U.S. , 131 S. Ct. 2541, 2555, 180 L. Ed. 2d 374 (2011).

Id. at *6-7.


….. As framed by the Plaintiff, the LCD cracks covered under the proposed class result from a muddled mix of causes and effects. There is no indication that each purported cause led to a uniform result (e.g., an origination point in the same location), which would permit the Court or a jury to draw an inference of a design defect. See Ford Ignition, 194 F.R.D. at 490, n.4 Thus, there is no way to determine which of these [*13] five purported causes or which grouping of these causes led to which individual LCD crack or group of LCD cracks.

Id. at *13-14.

With respect to proof of a defect by common evidence, the court similarly found that common questions would not predominate:

…..Plaintiff’ s claim, however, is premised on a design defect in all 30gb Zunes– the vast majority of which showed no signs of a defect. This “lack of evidence of a common defect amongst the majority of users [is] instructive as to the plaintiff’s failure to demonstrate that common factual issues predominate over individual ones.” Payne, 2010 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 52808, at *14 (citing Arabian v. Sony Elecs. Inc., No 05-1741, 2007 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 12715, at *39).

Id. at *22. See also, In re Canon Cameras Litigation, 237 F.R.D. 357 (S.D.N.Y. 2010) (Plaintiff could not establish predominance in its claims that purchasers of 13 specific Canon cameras were defective due to various defects. Canon pointed out that less than 0.2% of the cameras in issue malfunctioned for any reason and those few that did, malfunctioned so due to a variety of factors, including customer misuse.) Payne v. Fujifilm USA, 2010 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 52808 (D. N.J. May 28, 2010) (class not certified where manifestation rate for all problems was 4% and less than 2% for specific problem at issue).

Glazer has many of the same attributes that led to denial of certification in these decisions – multiple defects, multiple models and designs, changing use and care instructions, and low rates of manifestation.  Thus, the issue of whether the plaintiffs could establish a defect and causation through common evidence, and whether common issues predominated, should have been more thoroughly evaluated in this case.  Instead, the district court and Sixth Circuit effectively mischaracterized the facts and claims as “Daffin-like” and misdirected its attention elsewhere.

Certification of a Class of Ohio Purchasers of Front-Load Washers Where a Majority of the Class Has Not Sustained Any Injury

Instead of properly analyzing the fact issues, including lack of manifestation, presented to the court on whether defect and causation could be proven with common evidence, or whether like proof of damages, individual questions would predominate, both the district court and the Sixth Circuit in Glazer instead looked at the issue of manifestation only in the context of whether the class as defined was overly broad because it included class members whose washers had not developed mold or malodor. That focus resulted largely from Whirlpool’s briefing.

In the district court, Whirlpool argued that, as defined, the proposed class was overly broad because it included purchasers whose washers had not manifested any mold problems.  The district court rejected that argument, stating that “whether any particular plaintiff has suffered harm is a merits issue not relevant to class certification.”  The court cited Eisen and Daffin for the general proposition that the court should not make a merits inquiry in evaluating certification.  The district court’s reliance on Daffin was misplaced because Daffin contains no such holding.  Daffin simply held that whether the express warranty at issue required manifestation was a merits issue that could not decide in determining whether to certify.  Because it could not address that predicate issue, the lack of manifestation could not be a factor in evaluating typicality.  The court went on to say that if the district court subsequently determined that the warranty required manifestation, the class could be decertified.

On appeal in Glazer, Whirlpool made the same argument, albeit in a limited way.  Its basic point was that “a class comprised primarily of uninjured persons who would not have standing to bring a claim on their own behalf cannot be certified.”  Phrased differently, no class may be certified that contains members lacking standing. Several circuit courts have held this to be the law. Arvitt v. Reliastar Ins. Co., 615 F.3d 1023(8th Cir. 2010); Denny v. Deutsche Bank AG, 443 F.3d 253 (2nd Cir. 2006); Mazza. v. American Honda Motor Co., Inc., 666 F.3d 581 (9th Cir. 2011).

The Sixth Circuit rejected that argument referencing an eclectic collection of precedent.  First, the court referenced (b)(2) class decisions:

“What is necessary is that the challenged conduct or lack of conduct be premised on a ground that is applicable to the entire class.” Gooch, 672 F.3d at 428 (internal quotation marks omitted). Class certification is appropriate “if class members complain of a pattern or practice that is generally applicable to the class as a whole. Even if some class members have not been injured by the challenged practice, a class may nevertheless be appropriate.” Id. (quoting Walters v. Reno, 145 F.3d 1032, 1047 (9th Cir. 1998)) (internal quotation marks omitted).

Glazer, 678 F.3d at 420.  Walters was a civil rights case challenging, on procedural due process grounds, administrative procedures used by the INS.  The class certified below was a Rule 23(b)(2) class. The language quoted in Glazer actually appears in a statement distinguishing a (b)(2) from a (b)(3) class action.

 Although common issues must predominate for class certification under Rule 23(b)(3), no such requirement exists under 23(b)(2). It is sufficient if class members complain of a pattern or practice that is generally applicable to the class as a whole. Even if some class members have not been injured by the challenged practice, a class may nevertheless be appropriate.”

Walters, 145 F.3d at 1047.  Thus, the applicability of this language to a (b)(3) class requiring that common questions predominate is questionable.

Next, the Sixth Circuit properly did not rely on Daffin for the proposition that “proof of manifestation is not a prerequisite to class certification.” Instead it cited a Ninth Circuit decision, Wolin v. Jaguar Land Rover North America, LLC 617 F.3d 1168 (9th Cir. 2010).4  Wolinindeed contains the quoted language, but it too cites to an earlier decision, Blackie v Barrack, 524 F.2d 891 (9th Cir. 1975), for the proposition.

Blackie was a securities fraud case, and was an appeal from a “conditional” grant of class certification.  The defendants contended that the district court engaged in improper speculation when it determined whether common questions existed.  The Ninth Circuit’s response was as follows:

Defendants misconceive the showing required to establish a class under Hotel Telephone Charges. We indicated there that the judge may not conditionally certify an improper class on the basis of a speculative possibility that it may later meet the requirements. 500 F.2d at 90. However, neither the possibility that a plaintiff will be unable to prove his allegations, nor the possibility that the later course of the suit might unforeseeably prove the original [**28] decision to certify the class wrong, is a basis for declining to certify a class which apparently satisfies the Rule. The district judge is required by Fed. R. Civ. P. 23 (c)(1) to determine “as soon as practicable after the commencement of an action brought as a class action . . . whether it is to be so maintained.” The Court made clear in Eisen IV that that determination does not permit or require a preliminary inquiry into the merits, 417 U.S. at 177-178; thus, the district judge is necessarily bound to some degree of speculation by the uncertain state of the record on which he must rule. An extensive evidentiary showing of the sort requested by defendants is not required. So long as he has sufficient material before him to determine the nature of the allegations, and rule on compliance with the Rule’s requirements, and he bases his ruling on that material, his approach cannot be faulted because plaintiffs’ proof may fail at trial…..

524 F.2d at 901.

It made some sense in the age of overreadings of Eisen and in the context of addressing class certification on a conditional basis very early in the case, when little discovery has been done, that speculative manifestation rates would not preclude class certification. The court would likely not know whether 90% or 2% of the putative class had actually suffered the complained of failure.  However, it makes much less sense today when conditional certification is no longer  allowed and where thorough discovery precedes consideration of class certification.  Manifestation rates can be thoroughly tested and analyzed in this context, especially when the class period spans a decade or more during which manifestation rates can be more easily verified.  Today, the blanket proposition upon which Wolinrelied is an anachronism. The proposition should not be used as a basis for excluding consideration of the lack of manifestation where it bears on certification requirements like predominance or typicality. It makes little sense to certify a huge class in which all but a few of the putative class have not been harmed through the manifestation of a defect.

Next, the court cited opinions from the Ninth Circuit for the proposition that Article III standing in California state Unfair Competition Law (UCL) claims can be established by alleging point-of-sale injury (i.e., that the plaintiff paid more for the product than it was worth).  The court presents the proposition without discussion of the facts and Ohio tort law causes of action in Glazer.

Finally, Glazer cited Sullivan v. DB Investments, Inc., 667 F.3d 273 (3rd Cir. 2011), for the proposition that “’Rule 23(b)(3) does not…require individual class members to state a valid claim for relief’ and that the ‘question is not what valid claim can plaintiffs assert; rather, it is simply whether common questions of common fact or law predominate.’” Glazer 678 F3d at 421. Glazer’s citation to Sullivan is interesting and shows how far a court can go in glossing over certification requirements in certifying a settlement class, something Glazer suggested be done in this case.5

Setting aside Glazer’s reliance on a mixed collection of inapposite authority, there is a practical problem with the result. Certifying a broad class comprised of all owners or purchasers of many different models of a product where the manifestation rate for the alleged defect is very small creates a pretty big cudgel to brandish against a defendant. That problem has been recognized in the context of overly broad class definitions.

In Kohen v. Pacific Investment Management Company LLC, 571 F.3d 672 (7th Cir. 2009), the plaintiff accused the defendants of violating the Commodity Exchange Act by cornering a futures market. The defendant claimed that the class should not be certified because not all class members lost money while speculating in the futures market.  Some made money. The court responded in part as follows:

A related point is that a class should not be certified if it is apparent that it contains a great many persons who have suffered no injury [**13] at the hands of the defendant, [citations omitted] if only because of the [*678] in terrorem character of a class action. [citations omitted]  When the potential liability created by the lawsuit is very great, even though the probability that the plaintiff will succeed in establishing liability is slight, the defendant will be under pressure to settle rather than to bet the company, even if the betting odds are good. [citations omitted] For by aggregating a large number of claims, a class action can impose a huge contingent liability on a defendant…..This suit does not jeopardize [PIMCO’s] existence.  But it has good reason not to want to be hit with a multi-hundred-million-dollar claim that will embroil it in protracted and costly litigation – the class has more than a thousand members, and determining the value of their claims, were liability established, might thus require more than a thousand separate hearings.

So if the class definition clearly were overbroad, this would be a compelling reason to require that it be narrowed. [citations omitted]

Id. at 677-8. The court concluded that PIMCO had not yet established the magnitude of the class members that had not been injured and hence the extent to which the class was overly broad.

The Sixth Circuit’s complete rejection of the argument that a class definition should be narrowed where it includes mostly uninjured members while at the same time avoiding the issue of lack of manifestation in the context of predominance does nothing to alleviate the impact certification can have on the defendant.  Although Glazer only involved an Ohio class, at least 13 other cases involve other state-wide classes pending in the MDL.  The impact of class certification on the defendant is not at all small.  Given the evolution of class action law away from determining certification based on the plaintiff’s allegations and requiring a more meaningful and rigorous analysis of the underlying facts, factual disputes and expert testimony relating to certification after full discovery of class issues, courts should consider lack of manifestation in determining whether to certify the class and not simply reject it out of hand. Put another way, if the certified class, like the class in Glazer, contains mostly members whose machines have not and likely will not develop mold and odors, then the court should take a harder look at certification issues of predominance and typicality.6


Glazer is a step back in time to the days of the “first generation” class certification decisions.  Its outcome was dictated by complete reliance on the plaintiffs’ allegations, theories and causes of action, with little attention given to analyzing underlying factual disputes bearing on certification.  Although the Sixth Circuit acknowledged the admonitions in Dukes concerning the proper interpretation of Eisen, it did not follow those principles. Instead, the court back-tracked to the pre-Dukes era where the plaintiffs’ allegations guided the decision, while largely ignoring the underlying facts and issues bearing on certification. As a result, the Sixth Circuit upheld certification of a consumer product class without the necessary rigorous analysis of all of the class certification requirements.

1 Plaintiffs conceded that damages required individualized proofs. In re: Whirlpool Corporation Front-Loading Washer Products Liability Litigation, 2010 US Dist LEXIS 69254 (ND Ohio July 12, 2010)*9 (hereinafter also referred to as “Glazer”).

Daffin v. Ford Motor Company, 458 F.3d 549 (6th Cir. 2006). The Sixth Circuit in Daffin said that whether Ford’s express warranty requires that a defect manifest itself in order to make the warranty applicable is a question of contract interpretation, which is a merits issue the court could not decide in a class certification motion. Ford’s express warranty said it would “repair or replace…any parts on your vehicle that are defective in material or workmanship….” [as opposed to parts that fail due to a defect]. Ford argued the warranty required manifestation, but the warranty did not expressly say so.  Therefore that the defect had not manifested itself in some class members’ vehicles was not a basis to deny certification at that stage of the litigation.  A single defect was alleged in a single vehicle model, so whether there was a defect in that vehicle was a common question.  If the district court later agreed with Ford’s interpretation of its warranty, the court could de-certify the class.

3 Professor Nagareda made a similar observation in the context of reliance on expert opinions of aggregate proof of sophisticated statistical or economic analysis “that presumes a view of the proposed class in the aggregate.”

“Certification based simply on the assertions in the complaint or an admissible expert submission exhibits a troubling circularity. The legitimacy of aggregation as a procedural matter would stem from the [strategic] shaping of proof [for purposes of class certification] that presupposes the very aggregate unit whose propriety the court is to assess.”

Nagareda, 84 N.Y.U.L. at 125-26.

4 The appellate court in Wolin reversed a lower court ruling that certification is not appropriate unless the plaintiffs proved that the defect manifested itself in a majority of the class’s vehicles.

5 In the “Background” section of its opinion, the Circuit Court in Glazer included reference to the fact that Whirlpool had settled an earlier class action involving different washing machines that allegedly experienced some degree of mold growth.  Later, it also referenced the possibility of settlement is this action as well.  One can’t help but wonder whether the direction of the Circuit Court’s opinion was influenced by a belief that settlement was the appropriate resolution for this case as well and it was, in effect, certifying a settlement class.

6 The Sixth Circuit implicitly acknowledged concern about including members in the class who had no manifest injury.  It suggested that the district court consider certifying a Rule 23(b)(2) subclass of members who have not had any mold issues which could obtain declaratory and injunctive relief to protect their interests should they experience the problem in the future. Glazer, 678 F3d at 421.  Effectively, the court would rewrite Whirlpool’s warranty for this subclass to waive time limits.  This of course does not resolve the issue of whether, under a more thorough predominance analysis, the class of predominantly uninjured consumers should have been certified in the first place.

© Copyright 2012 Dickinson Wright PLLC

Holiday Warning: Cut Sexual Harassment From Your Holiday Party Invitation List

The National Law Review recently published an article by Matthew J. Kreutzer of Armstrong TeasdaleHoliday Warning: Cut Sexual Harassment From Your Holiday Party Invitation List:

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A recent federal judge’s decision allowing a sexual harassment case to proceed against an employer is a sobering reminder that the lighthearted, and sometimes drunken, atmosphere at office holiday parties does not equate to a free pass for your employees to engage in unwanted touching, lewd comments and other types of inappropriate behavior that otherwise would not be tolerated. Indeed, employers who fail to protect themselves can be held liable for workers’ conduct that might easily get out of hand at festive events particularly when there is drinking.

Just in time for the 2012 holiday party season, the U.S. District Court for the Western District of New York refused to dismiss a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against the State University of New York growing out of just such a party. (Shiner v. State University of New York, University at Buffalo, No. 11-CV-01024.)

The plaintiff, a clerk working at the University at Buffalo Dental School, alleged she had not wanted to attend the school’s annual holiday party because the conduct at previous events made her uncomfortable. However, a supervisor encouraged her to attend the party, which was held at a local bar. During the party, an associate dean, with supervisory authority over the plaintiff, allegedly made sexual advances toward her that included fondling her, putting his tongue in her ear and pulling her onto his lap. Another department official with supervisory authority allegedly cheered him on.

The plaintiff filed claims of sexual harassment under state and federal anti-discrimination laws, as well common law claims of assault and battery. The judge is allowing the case to proceed to trial, exposing (no pun intended) the employer to a potentially large monetary liability.

Employers can reduce the threat of misbehavior that gives rise to these kinds of allegations by, for example:

  • Reminding employees prior to the event that the company’s code of conduct remains in effect during the event
  • Establishing procedures in advance to handle any inappropriate behavior that might occur
  • Limiting the amount of drinking

If an employee does come to you with a sexual harassment complaint, please consider it seriously and take prompt action as necessary to investigate and stop the harassment.

© Copyright 2012 Armstrong Teasdale LLP

Private Equity Fund Is Not a “Trade or Business” Under ERISA

An article, Private Equity Fund Is Not a “Trade or Business” Under ERISA, written by Stanley F. Lechner of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP was recently featured in The National Law Review:

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District court decision refutes 2007 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation opinion letter and could provide potential clarity to private equity firms and private equity funds in determining how to structure their investments.

In a significant ruling that directly refutes a controversial 2007 opinion by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) Appeals Board, the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts held in Sun Capital Partners III, LP v. New England Teamsters & Trucking Industry Pension Fund that a private equity fund is not a “trade or business” under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and therefore is not jointly and severally liable for millions of dollars in pension withdrawal liability incurred by a portfolio company in which the private equity fund had a substantial investment.[1] This ruling, if followed by other courts, will provide considerable clarity and relief to private equity funds that carefully structure their portfolios.

The Sun Capital Case

In Sun Capital, two private equity funds (Sun Fund III and Sun Fund IV) invested in a manufacturing company in 2006 through an affiliated subsidiary and obtained a 30% and 70% ownership interest, respectively, in the company. Two years after their investment, the company withdrew from a multiemployer pension plan in which it had participated and filed for protection under chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code. The pension fund assessed the company with withdrawal liability under section 4203 of ERISA in the amount of $4.5 million. In addition, the pension fund asserted that the two private equity funds were a joint venture or partnership under common control with the bankrupt company and thus were jointly and severally liable for the company’s withdrawal liability.

In response to the pension fund’s assessment, the private equity funds filed a lawsuit in federal district court in Massachusetts, seeking a declaratory judgment that, among other things, they were not an “employer” under section 4001(b)(1) of ERISA that could be liable for the bankrupt company’s pension withdrawal liability because they were neither (1) a “trade or business” nor (2) under “common control” with the bankrupt company.

Summary Judgment for the Private Equity Funds

After receiving cross-motions for summary judgment, the district court granted the private equity funds’ motion for summary judgment. In a lengthy and detailed written opinion, the court made three significant rulings.

First, the court held that the private equity funds were passive investors and not “trades or businesses” under common control with the bankrupt company and thus were not jointly and severally liable for the company’s withdrawal liability. In so holding, the court rejected a 2007 opinion letter of the PBGC Appeals Board, which had held that a private equity fund that owned a 96% interest in a company was a trade or business and was jointly and severally liable for unfunded employee benefit liabilities when the company’s single-employer pension plan terminated.

A fundamental difference between the legal reasoning of the court in the Sun Capital case compared to the reasoning of the PBGC in the 2007 opinion is the extent to which the actions of the private equity funds’ general partners were attributed to the private equity fund. In the PBGC opinion, the Appeals Board concluded that the private equity fund was not a “passive investor” because its agent, the fund’s general partner, was actively involved in the business activity of the company in which it invested and exercised control over the management of the company. In contrast, the court in Sun Capital stated that the PBGC Appeals Board “misunderstood the law of agency” and “incorrectly attributed the activity of the general partner to the investment fund.”[2]

Second, in responding to what the court described as a “creative” but unpersuasive argument by the pension fund, the court concluded that the private equity funds did not incur partnership liability due to the fact that they were both members in the affiliated Delaware limited liability company (LLC) that the funds created to serve as the fund’s investment vehicle in purchasing the manufacturing company. Applying Delaware state law, the court stated that the private equity funds, as members of an LLC, were not personally liable for the liabilities of the LLC. Therefore, the court concluded that, even if the LLC bore any responsibility for the bankrupt company’s withdrawal liability, the private equity funds were not jointly and severally liable for such liability.

Third, the court held that, even though each of the private equity funds limited its investment in the manufacturing company to less than 80% (i.e., 30% for Fund III and 70% for Fund IV) in part to “minimize their exposure to potential future withdrawal liability,” this did not subject the private equity funds to withdrawal liability under the “evade or avoid” provisions of section 4212(c) of ERISA.[3] Under section 4212(c) of ERISA, withdrawal liability could be incurred by an entity that engages in a transaction if “a principal purpose of [the] transaction is to evade or avoid liability” from a multiemployer pension plan. In so ruling, the court stated that the private equity funds had legitimate business reasons for limiting their investments to under 80% each and that it was not clear to the court that Congress intended the “evade or avoid” provisions of ERISA to apply to outside investors such as private equity funds.

Legal Context for the Court’s Ruling

Due to the distressed condition of many single-employer and multiemployer pension plans, the PBGC and many multiemployer pension plans are pursuing claims against solvent entities to satisfy unfunded benefit liabilities. For example, if a company files for bankruptcy and terminates its defined benefit pension plan, the PBGC generally will take over the plan and may file claims against the company’s corporate parents, affiliates, or investment funds that had a controlling interest in the company, or the PBGC will pursue claims against alleged alter egos, successor employers, or others for the unfunded benefit liabilities of the plan that the bankrupt company cannot satisfy.

Similarly, if a company contributes to a multiemployer pension plan and, for whatever reason, withdraws from the plan, the withdrawing company will be assessed “withdrawal liability” if the plan has unfunded vested benefits. In general, withdrawal liability consists of the employer’s pro rata share of any unfunded vested benefit liability of the multiemployer pension plan. If the withdrawing company is financially unable to pay the assessed withdrawal liability, the multiemployer plan may file claims against solvent entities pursuant to various legal theories, such as controlled group liability or successor liability, or may challenge transactions that have a principal purpose of “evading or avoiding” withdrawal liability.

Under ERISA, liability for unfunded or underfunded employee benefit plans is not limited to the employer that sponsors a single-employer plan and is not limited to the employer that contributes to a multiemployer pension plan. Instead, ERISA liability extends to all members of the employer’s “controlled group.” Members of an employer’s controlled group generally include those “trades or businesses” that are under “common control” with the employer. In parent-subsidiary controlled groups, for example, the parent company must own at least 80% of the subsidiary to be part of the controlled group. Under ERISA, being part of an employer’s controlled group is significant because all members of the controlled group are jointly and severally liable for the employee benefit liabilities that the company owes to an ERISA-covered plan.

Private Investment Funds as “Trades or Businesses”

Historically, private investment funds were not considered to be part of an employer’s controlled group because they were not considered to be a “trade or business.” Past rulings generally have supported the conclusion that a passive investment, such as through a private equity fund, is not a trade or business and therefore cannot be considered part of a controlled group.[4]

In 2007, however, the Appeals Board of the PBGC issued a contrary opinion, concluding a private equity fund that invested in a company that eventually failed was a “trade or business” and therefore was jointly and severally liable for the unfunded employee benefit liabilities of the company’s defined benefit pension plan, which was terminated by the PBGC. Although the 2007 PBGC opinion letter was disputed by many practitioners, it was endorsed by at least one court.[5]

The Palladium Capital Case

In Palladium Capital, a related group of companies participated in two multiemployer pension plans. The companies became insolvent, filed for bankruptcy, withdrew from the multiemployer pension plans, and were assessed more than $13 million in withdrawal liability. Unable to collect the withdrawal liability from the defunct companies, the pension plans initiated litigation against three private equity limited partnerships and a private equity firm that acted as an advisor to the limited partnerships. The three limited partnerships collectively owned more than 80% of the unrestricted shares of the defunct companies, although no single limited partnership owned more than 57%.

Based on the specific facts of the case, and relying in part on the PBGC’s 2007 opinion, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan denied the parties’ cross-motions for summary judgment. Among other things, the court stated that there were material facts in dispute over whether the three limited partnerships acted as a joint venture or partnership regarding their portfolio investments, whether the limited partnerships were passive investors or “investment plus” investors that actively and regularly exerted power and control over the financial and managerial activities of the portfolio companies, and whether the limited partnerships and their financial advisor were alter egos of the companies and jointly liable for the assessed withdrawal liability. Because there were genuine issues of material fact regarding each of these issues, the court denied each party’s motion for summary judgment.

Significance of the Sun Capital Decision

In concluding that a private equity fund is not a “trade or business,” the Sun Capital decision directly refutes the 2007 PBGC opinion letter and its reasoning. If the Sun Capital decision is followed by other courts, it will provide welcome clarity to private equity firms and private equity funds in determining how to structure their investments. Among other things, both private equity funds and defined benefit pension plans would benefit from knowing whether or under what circumstances a fund’s passive investment in a portfolio company can constitute a “trade or business” thus subjecting the private equity fund to potential controlled group liability. Similarly, both private equity firms and private equity funds need to know whether a court will attribute to the private equity fund the actions of a general partner or financial or management advisors in determining whether the investment fund is sufficiently and actively involved in the operations and management of a portfolio company to be considered a “trade or business.”

The Sun Capital decision was rendered, as noted above, against a backdrop in which the PBGC and underfunded pension plans are becoming more aggressive in pursuing new theories of liability against various solvent entities to collect substantial sums that are owed to the employee benefit plans by insolvent and bankrupt companies. Until the law becomes more developed and clear regarding the various theories of liability that are now being asserted against private equity funds investing in portfolio companies that are exposed to substantial employee benefits liability, it would be prudent for private equity firms and investment funds to do the following:

  • Structure carefully their operations and investment vehicles.
  • Be cautious in determining whether any particular fund should acquire a controlling interest in a portfolio company that faces substantial unfunded pension liability.
  • Ensure that the private equity fund is a passive investor and does not exercise “investment plus” power and influence over the operations and management of its portfolio companies.
  • Conduct thorough due diligence into the potential employee benefits liability of a portfolio company, including “hidden” liabilities, such as withdrawal liability, that generally do not appear on corporate balance sheets and financial statements.
  • Be aware of the risks in structuring a transaction in which an important objective is to elude withdrawal liability.

Similarly, until the law becomes more developed and clear, multiemployer pension plans may wish to devote particular attention to the nature and structure of both strategic and financial owners of the businesses that contribute to their plans and should weigh and balance the risks to which they are exposed by different ownership approaches.

[1]Sun Capital Partners III, LP v. New England Teamsters & Trucking Indus. Pension Fund, No. 10-10921-DPW, 2012 WL 5197117 (D. Mass. Oct. 18, 2012), available here.

[2]Sun Capital, slip op. at 17.

[3]Id. at 29-30.

[4]. See e.g., Whipple v. Comm’r., 373 U.S. 193, 202 (1963).

[5]See, e.g., Bd. of Trs., Sheet Metal Workers’ Nat’l Pension Fund v. Palladium Equity Partners, LLC (Palladium Capital), 722 F. Supp. 2d 854 (E.D. Mich. 2010).

Copyright © 2012 by Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP