Chief Litigation Officer Summit – March 20-22 in Las Vegas

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the Marcus Evan  Chief Litigation Officer Summit taking place March 20-22, 2014 at the Red Rock Resort & Spa in Las Vegas, NV.

Chief Lit.March2014

Qualifying titles include:
Associate General Counsel
Chief Litigation Officer
Chief Litigation Counsel
Head of Litigation
SVP/VP Litigation
Senior Litigation Counsel

Key Topics in 2013 include:

  • Mitigating the Risks – Safeguarding your organization from whistleblower and retaliation claims

  • Taking the Reins – Solutions for controlling e-Discovery costs and driving efficiency

  • The Best Defense is Prevention – Uncovering practical approaches to litigation avoidance

  • Spotlight on Dispute Resolution – Determining whether to arbitrate vs. litigate

  • Working Hand in Hand – Creating valuable partnerships and synergy with your outside counsel


Distinguish Speakers Include:

Tanya Menton
Vice President, Litigation

Eva Lehman
VP, Litigation and Chief Compliance Officer
Western Digital Corporation

Mark LoSacco
EVP and General Counsel – Litigation, Labor and Employment
HSBC North America

Christopher E. Paetsch
Vice President and AGC Litigation
Kaplan, Inc.

Phyllis Golden Morey
VP and Deputy General Counsel – Litigation

Steve Taub
Assistant General Counsel
U-Haul International, Inc.

Reagan Bradford
Deputy General Counsel
Chesapeake Energy Corporation

Tiffany Woodie
Senior Counsel/Head of Litigation
PetSmart Corporation

To watch a testimonial video click:

To receive the full agenda and to register, contact:
Jenny Keane
Marketing Manager
+1.312.540.3000 x6515

Register for IQPC's Trademark Infringement & Litigation Summit – April 28 & 29, San Francisco

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming Trademark Infringement & Litigation Summit hosted by IQPC.


 Register by Friday February 28th and receive up to $400 off!


Monday April 28 & Tuesday April 29, 2014


San Francisco, California, USA

Trademark law may not be changing, but its application certainly has and will continue to do so. Brands are increasingly global, which opens up new possibilities for companies… but also new trademark issues and potential pitfalls. The online experience adds to this global focus and changes the interaction between brands and consumers dramatically.

IQPC’s Trademark Infringement & Litigation Summit will address the topics that you grapple with on a daily basis, including:

  • How business and infringement concerns guide strategic registration and vigilance
  • Methods of enforcing your mark, including a “soft approach,” ICANN dispute resolution, cancellation and opposition
  • Litigation and enforcement management
  • Evolving company domain name strategy

Perhaps the biggest benefit of attending, however, is the practical, frank conversation about the legal and business choices involved in protecting and maintaining your brand. Attend the Trademark Infringement & Litigation Summit to work through these issues with your colleagues.

Do not miss your opportunity to network and engage with top in-house and outside counsel working in the area. Register today!

NOTE: IQPC plans on making CLE credits available for the state of California (number of credits pending).  In addition, IQPC processes requests for CLE Credits in other states, subject to the rules, regulations and restrictions dictated by each individual state.  For any questions pertaining to CLE Credits please contact:

American Conference Institute National Forum on Securities Litigation & Enforcement – Feb. 27-78, 2014

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming American Conference Institute National Forum on Securities Litigation & Enforcement. Only one week away from the event!

ACI Securities


Thursday, February 27 – Friday, February 28 ,2014


Washington, D.C.

ACI’s 3rd National Advanced Forum on Securities Litigation and Enforcement, this time in Washington, DC, is the only event in the industry where experienced in-house counsel, leading litigators, renowned jurists, and regulatory and enforcement officials from federal and state agencies will assemble in our nation’s capital to provide the highest level insights on the most current developments in the field.

Now, more than ever, lenders/issuers, officers and directors, underwriters, auditors, investment managers and broker-dealers need to know how to prepare for and respond to litigation, and how to deal with regulation and enforcement initiatives from various federal and state agencies.

In response, ACI has developed the 3rd installment of its lauded Securities Litigation and Enforcement conference, which will provide practitioners with the knowledge and expert strategies that they need in order to prepare for and defend against the newest claims and claimants.

Join us in Washington, DC, and hear from a highly regarded faculty featuring in-house counsel from the top financial services companies and leading outside counsel from law firms that excel in securities litigation, renowned judges, and key government bodies, including SEC, FINRA, PCAOB, U.S. Attorney’s Offices (EDNY & SDNY), and various state securities departments.

Trademark Infringement & Litigation Summit, San Francisco, April 28 & 29 – R

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming Trademark Infringement & Litigation Summit hosted by IQPC.



Register by Friday February 28th and receive up to $400 off!


Monday April 28 & Tuesday April 29, 2014


San Francisco, California, USA

Trademark law may not be changing, but its application certainly has and will continue to do so. Brands are increasingly global, which opens up new possibilities for companies… but also new trademark issues and potential pitfalls. The online experience adds to this global focus and changes the interaction between brands and consumers dramatically.

IQPC’s Trademark Infringement & Litigation Summit will address the topics that you grapple with on a daily basis, including:

  • How business and infringement concerns guide strategic registration and vigilance
  • Methods of enforcing your mark, including a “soft approach,” ICANN dispute resolution, cancellation and opposition
  • Litigation and enforcement management
  • Evolving company domain name strategy

Perhaps the biggest benefit of attending, however, is the practical, frank conversation about the legal and business choices involved in protecting and maintaining your brand. Attend the Trademark Infringement & Litigation Summit to work through these issues with your colleagues.

Do not miss your opportunity to network and engage with top in-house and outside counsel working in the area. Register today!

NOTE: IQPC plans on making CLE credits available for the state of California (number of credits pending).  In addition, IQPC processes requests for CLE Credits in other states, subject to the rules, regulations and restrictions dictated by each individual state.  For any questions pertaining to CLE Credits please contact:

Insurance by Number – Metrics in Litigation


Jurist and law professor Richard Posner recently commented on a common problem among lawyers, namely, that they believe they have a “math block.”  Jackson v. Pollion, 733 F.3d 786, 788 (7th Cir. 2013).  More recently, Judge and Mediator Wayne D. Brazil noted that even sophisticated risk analysts “cannot reliably determine the ‘discounted settlement value’ of a case” because of their misunderstanding of how to apply mathematical principles to real-world decision making.[1]  In fact, if you are a lawyer, you have likely heard other lawyers make jokes about how if they could do math, they would not have gone to law school, but rather business or medical school.  You may have even made these jokes yourself.

Posner, however, believes that lawyers’ basic discomfort around math is a serious matter, and one that disadvantages clients.  He points to the need for lawyers in litigation related to emerging science or technology to understand the evidence and underlying facts.  We posit that the need for comfort with math applies much more broadly.  In fact, if a lawyer is uncomfortable with “math,” “numbers,” or “metrics,” there are an ever-vanishing number of circumstances where the lawyer can do his or her job effectively.  Our expertise is insurance recovery.  The underlying fact patterns in our field more frequently deal with decades-old contracts than cutting-edge technology.  Nevertheless, we quantify, organize data, make calculations, and wrestle with financial concepts in virtually every matter we encounter.

Here are just a few of the particular circumstances where a comfort with numbers and math come into play in insurance coverage, and many other types of litigation:

  • When we communicate with the CFO or other finance experts within our client organizations, or assist our client contacts in doing so, we must be able to communicate in the language of numbers, balance sheets and quantifiable results.  Speaking this language is similarly necessary to understand fully our clients’ business goals and constraints and the part our legal strategies may play within those goals.
  • Budgeting complicated long-term matters with various contingencies and uncertainties requires that you approach numbers without fear.
  • Evaluating the settlement value of a case with multiple potential issues requires, in the simplest terms, a probability analysis; but as Judge Brazil’s article points out, that may be more complex than many practitioners appreciate.
  • In large, multiparty matters where resolutions may require structures other than a single payment for dismissal, creating and evaluating settlement proposals (often in real time during a negotiation) requires a detailed understanding of how those proposals will translate to a client’s bottom line.
  • The various creative settlement solutions that are proposed may have tax or accounting impacts that must be considered.
  • Simple calculation of damages may become a complex mathematical exercise when lost profits or other complicated losses are involved.  Answering the question of “what did my client lose,” may require examination of balance sheets, income statements, cash flow statements, sales histories, cost histories, and other mathematic and economic evidence.

As insurance recovery lawyers, we deal with these and many more issues that require us to dig deep into data analysis, spreadsheets, numbers and accounting.  Understanding the complicated interaction between multiple dependent and variable outcomes on various insurers and policies necessitates a comfort with math and numbers.  Some lawyers may point out that where the “math part” becomes particularly complicated, experts are typically employed to handle those issues.  But the involvement of an expert does not excuse a lawyer from understanding the expert’s work.  It is ultimately the responsibility of the lawyer to understand and convey the meaning of those calculations to his or her client, opposing counsel, or trier of fact.  Indeed, an understanding of mathematical concepts helps a lawyer know what to ask his or her expert for in the first place.  Knowing how to direct consultants effectively reduces costs, and ultimately creates a greater value to the client.

[1] Judge Wayne D. Brazil, Don’t Apply Risk Analysis To Discounted Settlement Value(February 03, 2014, 9:49 AM),

Article by:


Gilbert LLP

Supreme Court Limits Stipulations to Circumvent CAFA (Class Action Fairness Act)

ArmstrongTeasdale logo


The U.S. Supreme Court decided in State Fire Insurance Co. v. Knowles that a class representative plaintiff cannot use a precertification stipulation to evade the federal jurisdictional amount of CAFA. 28 U.S.C. 1332 (d)(2) &(6). In Knowles, plaintiff sued State Fire Insurance Co. but stipulated precertification that damages would not exceed $5 million dollars, the threshold limit to invoke CAFA jurisdiction. State Fire removed the case from Arkansas state court but the Federal District Court remanded it to the state court concluding that the amount in controversy fell below the CAFA threshold in light of plaintiff’s stipulation. The Supreme Court found that the stipulation could tie plaintiff’s hands because stipulations are binding on the party that makes them. However, such a stipulation would not be binding at this stage of the litigation because a plaintiff who files a proposed class action cannot legally bind members of the proposed class before the class is certified. The Court therefore, vacated and remanded the case for further proceedings.

A good practice pointer learned from this case is that defendant’s should be mindful of the advantages of the CAFA and invoke federal court jurisdiction where possible. Also, a pretrial stipulation by the class representative does not prevent using CAFA if the other jurisdictional requirements for CAFA are met.

Article by:

Casey O. Housley


Armstrong Teasdale

ACI's 3rd National Forum on Securities Litigation & Enforcement – February 27-28, 2014

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming American Conference Institute National Forum on Securities Litigation & Enforcement.

ACI Securities


Thursday, February 27 – Friday, February 28 ,2014


Washington, D.C.

ACI’s 3rd National Advanced Forum on Securities Litigation and Enforcement, this time in Washington, DC, is the only event in the industry where experienced in-house counsel, leading litigators, renowned jurists, and regulatory and enforcement officials from federal and state agencies will assemble in our nation’s capital to provide the highest level insights on the most current developments in the field.

Now, more than ever, lenders/issuers, officers and directors, underwriters, auditors, investment managers and broker-dealers need to know how to prepare for and respond to litigation, and how to deal with regulation and enforcement initiatives from various federal and state agencies.

In response, ACI has developed the 3rd installment of its lauded Securities Litigation and Enforcement conference, which will provide practitioners with the knowledge and expert strategies that they need in order to prepare for and defend against the newest claims and claimants.

Join us in Washington, DC, and hear from a highly regarded faculty featuring in-house counsel from the top financial services companies and leading outside counsel from law firms that excel in securities litigation, renowned judges, and key government bodies, including SEC, FINRA, PCAOB, U.S. Attorney’s Offices (EDNY & SDNY), and various state securities departments.

Supreme Court Affirms Contractually Reduced Limitations Periods for Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) Benefit Claims Date

Jackson Lewis Logo

A contractual limitations period in an ERISA disability benefits plan that required participants to bring suit within three years after “proof of loss is due” is enforceable, theU.S. Supreme Court has ruled unanimously. Heimeshoff v. Hartford Life & Accident Ins. Co. et al., 134 S.Ct. 604, 187 L. Ed. 2d 529 (2013).

Whether and under what circumstances an otherwise applicable statute of limitations can be contractually shortened where a claim for benefits is made under a plan subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 has divided the courts of appeals for years. A participant in an employee benefit plan covered by ERISA may bring a civil action under §502(a)(1)(B) to recover benefits. Courts have generally required participants to exhaust the plan’s administrative remedies before filing these suits. ERISA, however, does not specify a statute of limitations for filing such a suit.

Heimeshoff is significant for three reasons. First, implicit in the Court’s decision is the recognition that “reasonable” contractual limitations periods are generally enforceable for ERISA claims. According to the Court, “in the absence of a controlling statute to the contrary, a provision in a contract may validly limit, between the parties, the time for bringing an action on such contract to a period less than that prescribed in the general statute of limitations, provided that the shorter period itself shall be a reasonable period” (quoting Order of United Commercial Travelers of America v. Wolfe, 331 U.S. 586, 608 (1947)).

Second, the decision also appears to assume, if not specifically hold, that contractual limitations periods for insured ERISA plans (at least where the limitations period is in the insurance policy) are subject to state laws that expressly prohibit contractual limitations periods shorter than a defined period (as opposed to state laws that merely set a default minimum statute of limitations that applies only in the absence of a contractual limitations period).

Finally, the decision overturns the law in certain circuits holding a contractual limitations period cannot begin to run until available administrative remedies have been exhausted. Heimeshoff should not have any application to claims of breach of fiduciary duty under ERISA; it is limited to ERISA benefits claim matters. It is certainly possible that the limitations Heimeshoff applies will have the effect of increasing ERISA fiduciary claims actions, although the federal courts are wary of benefits claim cases denominated as ERISA fiduciary breach matters.

The Court, referring to state insurance statutes, pointed out that “the vast majority of States require certain insurance policies to include 3-year limitations periods that run from the date proof of loss is due.” On the theory that federal law determines when an ERISA cause of action accrues, some circuits previously held the time for bringing the action does not begin to run until the administrative review process has been completed. In Heimeshoff, the Supreme Court held that such a hard and fast rule is inappropriate. Absent unreasonable limitations barring a participant’s ability to assert a claim, it said, the terms of the written plan are paramount and should be enforced. The new rule is more fact-specific. The contractual limitations period, including its commencement date as specified in the policy, should be enforced unless the claimant is left with an unreasonably short period to file suit after the administrative review process ends. The Court recognized that starting the limitations period at the point “proof of loss is due,” which necessarily is before the completion of the administrative review process, “will, in practice, shorten the contractual limitations period.” But the Court nevertheless held that such a requirement is enforceable, provided the claimant is left with a “reasonable” period of time to file suit.

The Court did not indicate what remaining period of time might be unreasonable. Because the plaintiff in Heimeshoff had about one year left to file a complaint following the completion of the review of her claim, 12 months presumably is not “too short” in the run of cases. Relying upon Heimeshoff, a federal District Court in New Jersey dismissed an ERISA benefits claim as untimely, finding a nine-month residual period for filing suit after exhaustion of administrative remedies provided the plaintiff with “ample opportunity to seek judicial review.” Barriero v. NJ BAC Health Fund, 2013 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 181277 at *12-*13 (D.N.J. Dec. 27, 2013).

In Heimeshoff, the Supreme Court recognized that the district courts retain the discretion to use appropriate traditional doctrines to free claimants from a contractual limitations provision “in the rare cases where internal review prevents participants from bringing §502(a)(1)(B) actions within the contractual period.” The Court observed, “[i]f the administrator’s conduct causes a participant to miss the deadline for judicial review, waiver or estoppel may prevent the administrator from invoking the limitations provision as a defense.” The Court also suggested that the doctrine of “equitable tolling” may apply “[t]o the extent the participant has diligently pursued both internal review and judicial review but was prevented from filing suit by extraordinary circumstances.” (Emphasis added.) These cases often include allegations of fraud and other extraordinary facts and are likely to define the limits of Heimeshoff.

Article by:


Jackson Lewis P.C.

Are Union-Free Strikes Protected? The NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) Thinks So.

Michael Best Logo


In June 2013, we issued a client alert discussing the efforts of unions and the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to target the primarily union-free big box retailer and fast food industries. After describing how Target had come under scrutiny from the NLRB, the client alert detailed how the United Food & Commercial Workers Union (UFCW) and the UFCW-backed group “OUR Walmart” had been coordinating strikes and filing charges with the NLRB against Walmart. The client alert then foreshadowed: “[g]iven the Board’s recent penchant for union activism, do not be surprised if it takes a close look at Walmart’s policies and practices in the coming months.”

As predicted, the Board filed a consolidated complaint against Walmart on January 14, 2014 alleging the union-free retailer violated workers’ rights in response to coordinated strikes across 13 states. The complaint alleges dozens of Walmart supervisors and one corporate executive threatened, disciplined, surveilled, and/or terminated more than 60 workers in response to the union-free strikes.

The complaint is significant for two reasons: (1) the Board is taking the position that union-free workers have a protectable right to strike; and (2) the Board is testing its position against the nation’s largest employer. The Board views the union-free strikes as a form of protected concerted activity, and its press release states that the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) guarantees employees the right to “act together to try to improve their wages and working conditions with or without a union.” The complaint alleges Walmart violated the NLRA by maintaining a policy that treats absences for participation in strikes as unexcused. The complaint also details alleged retaliatory disciplinary actions taken by Walmart supervisors at particular store locations, though many of the listed locations involved only a single worker being absent.

From an employer perspective, the Board’s position raises many questions. For example, how is a supervisor to know whether a non-union worker is participating in a “strike” or just absent? Can a single worker go on strike, or is there a minimum number of strikers for the activity to be “concerted”? Can strikers be permanently replaced? Are “intermittent” strikes prohibited? It is easy to see why union-free strikes create tough questions for union-free employers.

The Board’s actions against Walmart are worth watching as they come amidst a larger backdrop of worker protests and political debates over minimum wage and working conditions that are likely to remain in the spotlight for the foreseeable future. How courts ultimately grapple with the Board’s position and the resulting questions could have far-reaching effects on the labor market in 2014 and beyond.

Article by:


Michael Best & Friedrich LLP

Chief Litigation Officer Summit Spring 2014 – March 20-22, 2014

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming Chief Litigation Officer Summit hosted by Marcus Evans.

Chief Lit.March2014



Thursday March 20 – Saturday March 22, 2014


Las Vegas, Nevada

Register here!

In the current legal environment, the number of claims and costs associated with litigation are expected to escalate. With the pressure on to optimize legal spend, Chief Litigation Counsel are implementing cutting-edge solutions to reduce costs whilst maintaining high quality work. Deploying proactive procedures which focus on risk mitigation and litigation avoidance will be the key to overcoming litigation challenges.

 The Chief Litigation Officer Summit is the premium forum for bringing leading in-house litigation counsel across the nation together with service providers. As an invitation-only event taking place behind closed doors, the Summit offers a unique forum for service providers to interact with heads of litigation from the country’s leading organizations in an intimate environment.