Chief Litigation Officer Summit Fall 2011 15-17 September 2011, Red Rock Casino, Resort, Spa, Las Vegas, NV

The National Law Review is  pleased to announce the Chief Litigation Officer Summit Fall 2011 is taking place on the 15 through 17 of  September 2011, Red Rock Casino, Las Vegas, NV.

A Unique Event

The future of litigation will bring new matters, increased competition and a strong need for budget maximization. Employment, IP, product liability, commercial and securities litigation continue to become more complex and therefore more costly. As a Chief Litigation Officer, one of the main challenges is to stay within budget, and tactics such as eDiscovery and specialized outside counsel certainly compound this challenge.

Executives that can find solutions and best practices to work through these challenges will stand out amid a mounting sea of litigation counsel. By employing alternative billing structures, one can allow for fair and accurate budgeting in hopes of maximizing resources, which will help contribute to a successful trial. Skillful planning, organizing and managing of cases is absolutely necessary to stay on top of your game during the trial or deciding on alternative dispute resolution. Enhancing outside counsel relationships through effective communication can greatly increase your odds and assist in dealing with a building case load.

The Chief Litigation Officer Summit provides a unique forum for service providers to gain access to the leading in-house counsel across the nation. Over three days, service providers will meet and interact with the heads of litigation from the country’s leading organizations through a number of one-on-one business meetings and many networking activities. In addition, service providers will attend strategic conference sessions and keynote presentations delivered by these heads of litigation. Within the luxurious settings of The Red Rock Casino, Resort & Spa, this networking event presents a unique opportunity to develop meaningful and valuable business relations.

marcus evans will seek CLE accreditation in those states requested by registrants which have continuing education requirements. CLE credit hour information will be displayed on the certificate of attendance, which is provided to the attendees after the event has run and once each State has confirmed approval. marcus evans certifies that this activity has been approved for CLE credits by the State Bar of California and the State Bar of Pennsylvania.

Our executive delegation is selected according to the following criteria:

  • Scope of Responsibility
  • Budget
  • Sign-off Authority
  • Company Revenue
  • Interest in Purchasing Products and Services

Delegates will include decision makers with the job titles of General Counsel Litigation, Assistant General Counsel Litigation, Associate General Counsel, Litigation, Chief Litigation Officer, Vice President, Litigation and Senior Litigation Counsel with ultimate responsibility for litigation within their corporations.
Six Reasons Why You Should Attend the Summit:

  • Attend innovative summit sessions that outline tools to maximize the profitability of your company or organization
  • Network with an executive, focused group of your peers to discuss and debate differentiated strategies and develop future business contacts
  • Meet with leading Solution Providers to gain solutions to your most pressing business challenges
  • Maximize your time spent at the event by pre-selecting Keynote presentations, summit sessions, one-on-one meetings and networking activities through the Secured Summit Web site and scheduling software
  • Extensive opportunities for informal peer networking throughout the weekend through day and evening leisure activities
  • Documentation of presentations and information presented at the Summit via the interactive Web site



Delegate Package 

  • Pre-event Secured Web site access for scheduling
  • Executive Summit Program
  • 8-10 one-on-one business meetings with Solution Provider executives
  • Post-event Web site access for documentation and information on next event
  • Two nights accommodation at the Resort
  • All meals, receptions & special events
  • Participation in the Summit networking activities

For information on attending as a Delegate, please contact:
Marketing Manager
T: 246 627 3761


Strategic Marketing in the Modern Law Firm 2.0 – Value at the Intersection of Communication & Collaboration – Sep 21st NYC

Strategic Marketing in the Modern Law Firm 2.0 – Value at the Intersection of Communication & Collaboration- September 21, New York, NY presented by ARK Group :

As clients push for greater value in legal services, the role of law firm marketing is shifting from simply chronicling the firm’s success—to engaging with clients to understand and deliver value. Clients want direct access to a firm’s knowledge assets—both to assess the firm’s expertise and to obtain legal information that will address their basic legal needs—almost as a precursor to determining whether a firm can meet their higher-value needs.  The world is changing and law will “normalize” to look more and more like other industries. Fortunately clients are sharing information about themselves in a variety of new and different ways. And legal marketers with insight and gumption will help their firms deliver superior value at the intersection of communication and collaboration.

Ark Group/Managing Partner’s Strategic Marketing in the Modern Law Firm 2.0—Value at the Intersection of Communication & Collaboration will provide a unique platform for legal marketers to discuss and better understand the value of content and collaboration in creating a “marketing culture” that can help the firm leverage its intellectual capital effectively.

Discussion topics and focal points of the forum include:

  • Identifying the link between Marketing and Knowledge Management to energize client development
  • Actionable business intelligence as a byproduct of Knowledge Management
  • Social CRM & Web 2.0 Collaboration: Elevating the conversation with clients and prospects
  • Strategic alignment and cross-functional efforts that contribute to value creation for the client
  • The role of knowledge in developing and retaining clients: Why fresh content will make your attorneys better business developers
  • Why lawyers and marketers must demonstrate—through their own engagement—that they are worthy of knowledge sharing
  • Positioning your CRM platform as the lifeline between the various departmental silos, enabling access and an opportunity (across the organization) to contribute to client data
  • The integration of law firm functions—such as Marketing, Business Development, Client Relationship Management and Knowledge Management
  • Assessing client relationship-building initiatives: keys to success and seeds of failure

For More Information and to Register:

This event is held on September 21st at the AMA Executive Conference Center ~ New York, NY.  Please click  HERE  for more information.

Intensive One-Day Workshop for Law Firm Practice Group Leaders – Chicago, IL Aug 16th

Firing On All Cylinders: An Intensive One-Day Workshop for Law Firm Practice Group Leaders 16 Aug 2011 The University of Chicago – Gleacher Center Chicago, IL 

You should attend this  program if it is your challenge to:

  • Create a strong cohesive group out of a collection of bright, intelligent, autonomous individuals
  • Identify how, as a practice leader, you add value and what specifically is it that you can do, that is likely to actually affect the success of the group you lead
  • Positively impact and enhance client satisfaction – turning client needs into growth opportunities
  • Find a way to develop a strategic direction in an intensely competitive marketplace and have your colleagues actually want to work together
  • Lead effective meetings that result in some action plans being formulated and your colleagues taking responsibility for actually doing something

For more information and to register – please click here:


2nd Social Media Legal Risk and Strategy Conference Jul 19-21 SanFrancisco

The National Law Review would like you all to know about the upcoming 2nd Social Media Legal Risk and Strategy Conference:  Minimizing Legal Risk for Corporations Engaged in Social Media July 19-21 in San Francisco, CA.  

Key Conference Topics Include:

  • Insights and updates on the changing legal landscape for social media
  • Practical strategies to develop robust and compliant social media strategies
  • The role and involvement of legal in the social media initiatives
  • Overcoming the various legal risk from IP, Employment Law to Privacy when organizations engage in social media engagement
  • Analyzing emerging trends and potential legal risk in social media

Key Conference Features Include:

  • Pre-Conference Workshop A (July 19th): Uncovering Current and Emerging Social Media Trends and Applications To Forecast and Minimize Potential Legal Liabilities
  • Pre-Conference Workshop B (July 19th): Monitoring And Tracking Online Activities To Mitigate Legal Risk
  • For More information and to Register Please Click Here:

Attendees are eligible to receive up to 20 CLE credits!


Just JDs — Business Development Strategies for Lawyers – June 8th Chicago, IL

Looking for new ideas on how to grow your client base?  Trying to determine if social media is a time waister or a great way to reach new audiences or stay in touch with current business contacts? Looking for CLE Credits before the June 30th Illinois Deadline?  The National Law Review  would like to bring your attention to a unique opportunity designed for attorneys by the legal marketing authorities (LMA).  

Just JDs — Business Development Strategies for Lawyers is a one-day program is designed exclusively for lawyers at firms of all sizes who want to build their personal books of business or have responsibility for practice or firm business development efforts including marketing partners, marketing committee members and administrators.

LMA members: Refer attorneys from your firm and they can register at the member rate, a savings of $100.

Click Here For More Details & to Register Online Today
$395 for LMA members
$495 for nonmembers

6th Anti-Corruption and FCPA Compliance Conference Set for June 22-24, 2011 in Washington, DC

The National Law Review wants to bring your attention to the following upcoming event(s): 

Building on our past successful FCPA conference series, marcus evans invites you to attend the 6th Anti-Corruption & FCPA Compliance Conference in Washington, DC, June 22-24, 2011, co-located with the Life Sciences Strategies for Anti-Corruption and Compliance ConferenceThe event will bring together Government officials and industry leaders in FCPA, Anti-Corruption and Compliance to share best practices, strategies and tools on executing, monitoring and auditing a strong and effective anti-corruption / FCPA compliance program.

Now more than ever organizations need to pay close attention to their anti-corruption compliance programs and ensure robust internalcontrols are in place especially in countries with high corruption to ensure their business transactions are compliant with the FCPA as well as  global anti-corruption laws.

Hear From Leading FCPA Compliance and Anti-Corruption Experts Including:

Jay G. Martin, Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer, Senior Deputy General Counsel, Baker Hughes

C. David Morris, Senior Counsel International, Northrop Grumman Corporation

Melissa Chia, Executive Director, Morgan Stanley Investment Management

Debra Kuper, Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary, AGCO

Stephen Donovan, Chief Counsel, Global Compliance, International Paper Company

Why You Should Attend

1. Learn how to embrace a global anti-corruption compliance program
2. Analyze recent regulatory updates and proposals
3. Understand best practices in effective due diligence and management of third parties
4. Discover ways to monitor and disclose FCPA violations
5. Gain insights on how to tackle upcoming regulatory changes and how to best implement updated policies and procedures into your organization
6. Identify possible violations by examining recent enforcement against companies for committing corrupt practices

With a one-track focus, the 6th Anti-Corruption & FCPA Compliance Conference is a highly intensive, content-driven event that includes case studies, presentations and panel discussions over two full days. This conference targets industry leaders from a variety of top industries in order to provide an intimate atmosphere for both the delegates and speakers.

This is not a trade show; our FCPA conference series is targeted at a focused group of senior level executives to maintain an intimate atmosphere for the delegates and speakers. Since we are not a vendor driven conference, the higher level focus allows delegates to network with their industry peers.

marcus evans has requested CLE accreditation from all appropriate states. marcus evans certifies that this conference has been pre approved for CLE credits by the Pennsylvania, California and West Virginia State continuining legal education authorities and also approved for New Jersey and Colorado CLE credit via reciprocity.

 For more information on this conference or to get a complete list of speakers, sessions or past attendees, visit

Anti-Money Laundering Strategies and Compliance Conference May 9-11 New York, NY

Anti-money laundering officers, professionals, and in-house counsel should attend this conference to better understand the changing environment of the financial industry, learn how companies are adapting to these changes, and to identify new measures in which criminals are laundering money through the United States financial system. With technological advancements and the introduction of money laundering into new financial entities, it is important that anti-money laundering professionals and in-house counsel who oversee anti-money laundering compliance to stay abreast of current AML issues and best practices for preventing money laundering and suspicious activities from occurring in their organizations.

The Anti-Money Laundering conference is a highly intensive, content-driven event that includes case studies, presentations, and panel discussions over two full days. This conference targets industry leaders in AML, and Financial Compliance roles in order to provide an intimate atmosphere for both delegates and speakers.

key conference topics include:

Explore the Office of Foreign Assets Control Sanctions Program and updates to the Iranian Sanctions

  • Evaluate the increasing correlation between fraud and money laundering
  • Discuss potential risks that emerging technological products pose to the financial industry
  • Investigate the increase in money laundering through the US from Narcotics Trade and Human Trafficking

 Registration, Location & Details…..

  • May 9-11 Doubletree Metropolitan, New York City, NY, USA
  • To Register and for More information – please click here:

Evaluating Critical Regulatory Reforms to Facilitate Compliance and Effectively Manage Regulatory Risk in the Financial Industry May 9-10 NY, NY

The National Law Review would like to remind you of the upcoming conference in NYC May 9-10:  Evaluating Critical Regulatory Reforms to Facilitate Compliance and Effectively Manage Regulatory Risk in the Financial Industry This conference is geared towards C-Level Executives, EVPs, SVPs, VPs, and Directors involved in compliance, risk, audit, AML or regulatory policy. Hear from leading executives within the financial services industry on how to stay up-to-date and ensure compliance with regulatory reforms such as the Dodd-Frank Act and Basel III.

Attending this premier conference will give you the chance to address critical issues within the industry including new capital and liquidity requirements, economic consequences of new regulations and the restructuring of regulatory bodies. Conference attendees will gain practical knowledge on how to optimize their compliance and regulatory risk management programs.

Attending this conference will allow you to:

  • Examine critical regulatory reforms affecting the financial services industry, including the Dodd-Frank Act and Basel III
  • Address the impact of tighter regulation on the financial sector
  • Evaluate the people, process and technology required to facilitate compliance with regulatory reforms
  • Develop a long term approach to increasing operational efficiency in the compliance arena
  • Discuss best practices for regulatory compliance in the financial industry

The marcus evans Regulatory Risk Compliance conference is a highly intensive, content-driven event that includes presentations and panel discussions over two full days. This conference targets industry leaders in compliance, risk, audit, anti-money laundering, legal, regulatory policy, and general counsel roles in order to provide an intimate atmosphere for both delegates and speakers.

This is not a trade show; our Regulatory Risk Compliance Conference is targeted at a focused group of senior level executives to maintain an intimate atmosphere for the delegates and speakers. Since we are not a vendor driven conference, the higher level focus allows delegates to network with their industry peers.

Current Speakers Include:

  • HSBC North America
  • Wells Fargo Brokerage
  • UBS Wealth Management Americas
  • State Farm Bank
  • JP Morgan Chase
  • Bank of New York Mellon
  • The Northern Trust Company
  • Capital One Financial
  • Societe Generale


Registration, Location & Details…..

  • Doubletree Metropolitan Hotel, New York City, NY, USA 9-10 May 2011
  • For More Information and to Register – Please Click Here:


Life Sciences Strategies for Anti-Corruption & FCPA Compliance 23-24 June Washington, DC

The National Law Review is  a proud media sponsor of the upcoming Life Sciences Strategies for Anti-Corruption & FCPA Compliance – which addresses  the Unique Challenges and Risk Areas Tied to FCPA and Corruption Faced by the Pharmaceuticals, Medical Device and Biotechnology Companies  

Pharmaceutical and medical device companies operating overseas are particularly vulnerable to FCPA violations because of the nature of public health systems in many foreign countries where health care systems are owned and operated by the government. Given the fact that employees are in constant contact with the health care providers at different touch points within the organization, there is a need to ensure all interactions are monitored and effective policies are in place to curb any potential violations.

Gain insights on how to deal with issues stemming from gifts and entertainment of government officials to develop effective training programs and best practices in operating in emerging countries as well as dealing with 3rd parties.

With a one-track focus, the Life Sciences Strategies for Anti-Corruption & FCPA Compliance Conference is a highly intensive, content-driven event that includes case studies, presentations and panel discussions over two full days. This conference targets industry leaders from the pharmaceutical, medical device and biotechnology and clinical research organizations in order to provide an intimate atmosphere for both the delegates and speakers.

key conference topics include:

  • Analyze the key provisions of the UK Bribery Bill and the impact on life sciences industries by Abbott Laboratories
  • Identify practical strategies to develop effective global anti-corruption compliance program from CareFusion
  • Assess the challenges of conducting and implementing effective global traning programs by Medtronic, Inc.
  • Develop robust internal controls for 3rd party due-diligence by Talecris Biotherapeutics, Inc.
  • Address FCPA and corruption risk stemming from sales and marketing activities and interaction from Covidien

    key conference features include:

  • Expert Case Studies and Presentations by Industry Leading FCPA & Anti-Corruption Professionals

  • Illuminating Roundtable Discussions Led by St. Jude Medical (June 23rd) and Johnson & Johnson (June 24th)
  • Earn up to 16 hours of CLE Credits

    for more details and to register:

    7th Patent Strategies Summit April 27 – 29, 2011, Four Season Hotel Silicon Valley at East Palo Alto

    The National Law Review would like to remind you of the upcoming  Patent Strategies:   Summit Focusing on Optimizing your Patent Portfolio April 27-29 in East Palo Alto, CA  

    Developing Innovative Strategies To Optimize Your Patent Portfolio

    Companies prioritize patents as securing intellectual property rights is often the key to the foundation, growth, and ultimate survival of a company. foundation, growth, and ultimate survival of a company. Now more than ever before, patent practitioners must have up-to-the-minute strategies to effectively protect, monetize and leverage their company’s patent portfolio. The market demands companies to anticipate competitor’s movements, sustain innovation, license strategically and ultimately increase revenue. In order to do this, they must be cognizant of the shifting litigation landscape as a result of new court decisions and changing regulations.

    IQPC’s 7th Patent Strategies Summit examines the latest changes in the industry and leverage your patent portfolio to extract innovation and financial gain. Corporate Patent experts will discuss:

    • Changes in patent strategy brought about by the current economic downturn
    • Best practices in Global IP Management
    • Prospects for the future in light of new regulations and potentially adverse court decisions
    • Trends in enforcement actions and litigation by NPEs
    • Tips for licensing in and licensing out intell

    For More Details and to Register: