Avoiding Ambiguity in Patent License Agreements

National Law Review featured guest blogger James M. Singer of Pepper Hamilton LLP provides a great analysis of why companies need to take a very close look at the wording in their licensing agreements. 

Recent publications indicate that intangible assets account for between 70 percent and 80 percent of the overall value of United States companies.  For companies that are involved in intellectual property licensing, a significant portion of this value is derived from licensing revenues.  Thus, the agreements in which licenses are granted must be carefully drafted to ensure that agreement clearly explains the rights and obligations of each party.

Unfortunately, too often companies start a license discussion with a form document that does not anticipate issues that the parties may encounter during the licensing relationship.  In addition, a slight ambiguity in the agreement can create headaches for both parties down the road.

In early November I will have the opportunity to speak about patent licensing at a CLE seminar, and when preparing my comments I started thinking about situations that I’ve seen where just a few words in the agreement caused the parties to significantly disagree about the scope of the license, the payment obligations, or other key terms.

For example, when licensing a patent, the licensee also may expect to receive a license to general categories of “related know-how” or “related intellectual property.”  For some companies, it may be relatively easy to identify exactly what falls into these general categories.  However, other licensors — such as large companies, research institutions, and contract manufacturers — may have a wide variety of projects that could be considered “related” to the licensed IP.  These licensors should avoid general categories like “related IP”, or at least narrowly define “related IP” to that developed by specific individual, at a specific time, or under specific conditions.

Another example can be found in a 2009 Seventh Circuit court decision of Sunstar Inc. v. Alberto-Culver Company, which reviewed an agreement whereby Alberto-Culver granted Sunstar a senyoshiyoken in certain trademarks.  The parties differed as to whether the word senyoshiyoken — a Japanese word essentially meaning “exclusive use right” — allowed Sunstar to vary the trademark’s font. The court analyzed the agreement and the term’s Japanese meaning and concluded that the right granted was broad enough to permit the licensee to change the font.

In a 2009 Federal Circuit decision, Corebrace LLC v. Star Seismic LLC, the Court considered whether a license to “make” a patented invention inherently includes the right to have the invention made by a third party contract manufacturer.  The court analyzed its own precedent, along with California state law and concluded that a “have made” right is implicit in a right to “make, use and sell” an invention unless the agreement expressly says otherwise.

The licensing of intangible assets is big business.  Situations such as these show the importance of carefully drafting license agreements to avoid ambiguity.

Unless the agreement is clear, the parties can find themselves interpreting the agreement in vastly different ways, with a significant revenues riding on whose interpretation is correct.

Copyright © 2010 Pepper Hamilton LLP

About the Author:

James M. Singer is a partner in the Intellectual Property Practice Group of Pepper Hamilton LLP.  A registered patent attorney, Mr. Singer provides strategic counseling that helps businesses identify, acquire, license, protect and maximize the value of intangible assets.  Mr. Singer is the author and co-author of several publications, and he publishes IP Spotlight, a blog about topics relevant to the intersection of business and intellectual property law, at http://www.ipspotlight.com/. He also is a frequent public speaker on issues relating to technology and the law, and is recognized in Intellectual Asset Management (IAM) Licensing 250: The World’s Leading Patent and Technology Licensing Lawyers 2010. 412-454-5023 / www.pepperlaw.com

The Impact of ACTA on China’s Intellectual Property Enforcement

The National Law Review is proud to announce one of three winners of our Fall Student Legal Writing Contest.  Yicun Chen is is an LL.M candidate at American University Washington College of Law in Washington DC and she has provided an interesting perspective and explanation of Intellectual Property Right enforcement in China and other developing countries: 

Since October 2007, the United States, Europe and a few close allies[1] have been negotiating a new intellectual property enforcement treaty, Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)[2]. Although China is identified as the main target of counterfeiting activities, it has not been invited to the negotiation table of ACTA. It appears that ACTA negotiating partners have deliberately opted for a plurilateral approach to circumvent possible opposition from developing countries such as China, Brazil and India. However, the long–term aim of ACTA is to establish it as a global standard for intellectual property right (IPR) enforcement and developing countries will face a great pressure to adhere to the treaty. Therefore it is necessary to analyze ACTA in China’s perspective and discuss its potential impacts on China and other developing countries.

This paper will analyze ACTA’s impact on China in both legislative and practical perspectives. Part I will take a text analysis of ACTA and compare it with Chinese intellectual property (IP) law. Part II will discuss the practical problem of IP enforcement in China and the potential impact of ACTA on it. Part III will give the conclusion that ACTA will not improve the IP enforcement in China even if it becomes a global standard.

I. Legislation—Text Comparison of ACTA and Chinese IP Laws

The main body of the draft ACTA has four sections, making provisions on “Civil Enforcement”, “Border Measures”, “Criminal Enforcement” and “Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement in the Digital Environment.” The following paragraphs will analyze the key issues in these sections and compare them with the corresponding parts in Chinese IP laws.

A. Intermediary Liability

The draft text of ACTA proposes to impose intermediary liability on Internet service providers (ISPs) and other third parties. This provision is broadly criticized for its threat to free speech and access to information. Moreover, some worry that governments would take advantage of this provision for censorship.

Similar to ACTA, China also imposes the intermediary liability on ISPs and adopts “notice and take down” system. The main legislation regulating Internet piracy and liability of ISPs is Measures for the Administrative Protection of Internet Copyright of China (MAPIC). Effective on May 30, 2005, the MAPIC provides that an ISP will be liable for administrative penalties if it clearly knows an Internet content provider’s copyright-infringing act through its network or if it fails to remove copyright infringed material upon the request of a copyright holder. [3] Different from ACTA, to balance the rights between copyright holders and Internet content providers, MAPIC also provides that where any ISP removes relevant content in light of the notice of a copyright owner, the Internet content provider may send a counter-notice to both the ISP and the copyright owner, stating that the removed content does not infringe upon the copyright.[4] After the counter-notice is sent, the ISP may immediately reinstate the removed content without liabilities for the reinstatement.[5]

However, MAPIC then provides that if an ISP fails to take measures to remove relevant content after it receives the copyright owner’s notice and meanwhile the content damages the “public benefits,” it may be punished by administration departments.[6] But the content providers do not have equal remedy when the ISP ignores theirs counter-notice. Thus, the law induces ISPs to perform in favor of copyright holders’ interests. Moreover, the definition of “public benefit” under MAPIC is very ambiguous and it often used by government as justification for censorship. Accordingly, people worry that if ACTA put liability for file sharing on ISPs, then they will be forced to create their own censorship campaigns, especially in the countries with a lack of democracy. The facts in China prove that such anxiety is not groundless. The burden on ISPs to act as gatekeepers is likely to be onerous. Their liabilities are not limited to IP infringement but also cover defamation, privacy and sensitive political content. With the limited resources of ISPs and special political environment in China, the intermediary liability makes Chinese ISPs play an active role in censorship but rather ineffective role in IPR protection.

B. Damage

With respect to damage assessment, ACTA would require courts to consider certain measures of damage submitted by the right holder, including “the lost profits, the value of the infringed good or service, measured by themarket price, [o]r the suggested retail price.”  Compare to ACTA, the assessment of damage in Chinese IP laws is more general and abstract. Chinese IP laws (including copyright, trademark and patent law) only provide that the damage awards are based on the losses suffered by the right holders or the profit obtained by the infringers.[7] But no provision in these laws provides the specific measures to determine the losses and profits. Thus in practice, different courts and different cases in the same court share different criteria when determining the amount of damages. The recoveries are also usually quite low by Western standards. That is an important reason for West claiming weak IPR enforcement in China.

However, the damage assessment based on market price or suggested retail price as proposed in ACTA is also unreasonable, especially in developing countries like China. The IPR holders from developed countries always complain about the great losses they suffer in China. The lost profits they claimed are based on the market price of a genuine item multiplied by the number of illegal copies sold in Chinese market. But they may ignore the fact that the number of consumers of genuine items cannot be as many as the consumers of fake ones. For example, suppose the market price of genuine software is $ 100, while the price of the pirated one is only $ 5. Then suppose ten million consumers would buy the pirated software, but you cannot imagine the same amount of consumers in China can afford the genuine ones. Therefore, the normal measure of damage in China’s court is usually based on the defendant’s illicit gains rather than the plaintiff’s own losses due to the uncertainty associated with calculating theoretical losses. Since the infringers usually sell their illegal copies at a much lower price than the market price charged by IPR holders, such illicit gains is often modest compared to the lost profits the right holders claim.

C. Criminal Liability

Article 61 of TRIPS requires that criminal liability should be applied “in cases of willful trademark counterfeiting or copyright piracy on a commercial scale.” China applies this provision to its domestic laws providing that infringers shall be prosecuted for his criminal liability for IPR infringement on a commercial scale where circumstances are serious.[8] By clarifying “serious circumstances,” Chinese IP laws raise the threshold for criminal prosecution—the illegal profits gained from trademark counterfeiting or copyright piracy must exceed $8,500 and the burden of the proof rests on prosecutors or police. Thus in practice, the criminal enforcement of IPR infringement is rare and unusually, and most IP cases continue to be handled through the civil procedure or administrative system. Developed countries often criticize the high threshold for China to initiate criminal enforcement. However, it is groundless to say Chinese IP law is beyond the scope of TRIPS since “commercial scale” under TRIPS means “counterfeiting or piracy carried on at the magnitude or extent of typical or usual commercial activity with respect to a given product in a given market.”

In contrast, ACTA dramatically lowers the bar for individuals to be found criminally liable for a variety of offences. As Kimberlee Weatherall[9] summarizes, ACTA “redefines ‘commercial scale’ to include: 1. Any IPR infringement for purpose of commercial advantage or private finical gain (no matter how low the number); and 2. Significant willful infringement without motivation for financial gain.” Since ACTA asserts to target at criminal and commercial activities rather than private acts, then there is no justification for extending criminal liability beyond large scale infringement that is direct and intentional.

Nevertheless, were China forced to adopt criminal provisions as ACTA provides, there would still be flexibility in enforcement. The definition of “significant willful” in ACTA is ambiguous, thus signatory parties have discretions to detail their own criteria to determine the infringers’ “significant willfulness.”

D. Border Measure

In terms of border measure, TRIPS only applies custom measures to copyright piracy and trademark counterfeiting. However, ACTA expands the provision to patent infringement. Many people question the practicability of this provision since patent infringement is usually less obvious compared to trademark counterfeiting.  As Kimberlee Weatherall[10] points out, for trademark- infringing goods, such as fake Louis Vuitton bags, the infringing nature is clear on the face of the goods. For patent-infringing goods, the infringement is not so obvious on surface and thus it would impose heavy burden on custom resources.

Similar to ACTA, the border measures in China include trademark, copyright as well as patent infringement.[11] But in practice, the great majority of cases dealt with by Chinese Customs involved trademarks, with only a few cases related to copyrights or patents. One key reason is the relative ease of discovering and distinguishing infringing trademarks.

II. Practice—The Impact of ACTA on the IP Enforcement in China

After having access to WTO, China has made great progress in IP law legislation. And according to the above text comparison, we can see the gap between ACTA and Chinese IP law is much narrower than many people’s imagination. However the effective enforcement of IPR has been little explored in China. Therefore, it is important to explore not only legislative but also practical cause of the problem and evaluate the impact of ACTA on China’s IPR progress. Examining the history and reality in Chinese society, there are three rooted reasons leading to the enforcement deficiency of IP law: China’s cultural uniqueness, innovation insufficiency and institutional impediments.

A. Culture Uniqueness

In contrast to individualism in the West, collectivism — a traditional and socialist value — substantially influences the cultural, social and legal areas in China. Collectivism has a long tradition based on Confucianism, which prioritizes the needs of the group over the rights of individuals.[12] Historically, there was little protection of individual rights, especially in the intellectual property field.[13]Copying and sharing created works without any compensation was widely accepted in traditional China. Moreover, intellectuals, much esteemed in Chinese society, wanted their work to be copied because the highest form of admiration is in the imitation and recreation of writings, art, or other works.

With the establishment of Socialist China in 1949, the Chinese government set up a political and legal system based on the Soviet model, which deemed individual property rights to be the antitheses of socialist principles. As China Expert Dr. Robert Weatherley has pointed out, for the sake of maintaining a stable and harmonious community, Chinese citizens are strongly promoted to abandon any rights in favor of the society.[14] IPR, as a form of individual right, is often sacrificed in favor of collective interests. Thus collectivist ideology is bound to erode the foundation of IPR protection. In a word, communal property is a part of Chinese culture that dates from the teaching of Confucianism through the birth of Communism. Questioning the idea of public property and recognizing the importance of private property takes great resources and social will.

However, collectivism has been facing new challenges since 1979, when the Chinese government initiated economic reform. The dramatic transformation in the economic, cultural and social areas fundamentally reshaped the mind of Chinese citizens. Unfortunately, the government did not bring political reform in line with its economic reform. A consequence has been that “individual aspirations of the citizens are fostered and fulfilled without a corresponding regulatory system.”[15] The increasing social and political problems, due to the unbalanced economic growth, frustrate the effort of ordinary Chinese citizens to earn their living through normal channels. In order to survive in such disordered society, people have to try every possible approach. Ironically, the money worship that socialist society criticized over decades ago now has been upheld as a recognized credo of many people, [16] who are shameless to earn money even through illegal ways like piracy and counterfeiting. Therefore, traditional values have been dramatically diminished and replaced by extreme pragmatism, which gives rise to moral vacuum and thus undermines the ethical foundation of IPR protection.

From the analysis above it is evident that the problematic IPR enforcement in China results from its cultural and political uniqueness. Now China has been moving towards establishing a legal system that increasingly seeks to restrain the power of the state, and promises individuals the ability to assert their rights and interests in reliance on law. Chinese authorities note that China is “trying to achieve in a dozen years what it had taken the Western world a century to do.”[17]In only a quarter century, China has evolved from a country with no IP protection to one with a broad system of IP laws. However, Rome was not built in a day. The standards developed in ACTA in protection and enforcement of IPR are much higher than what already exists under the TRIPS Agreement and IP laws in most developing countries. As Professor Peter Yu points out, developing countries have struggled to meet their obligations under TRIPS Agreement.[18] It is unreasonable to require them to abide by the much more stringent ACTA standards. Moreover, the efficient enforcement of law depends on healthy political and legal environments; it is impossible for a society with upheaval and extreme pragmatism to perfectly enforce a stringent treaty like ACTA. As the largest developing country in the world facing many challenges, such as political reform, adopting ACTA to improve IPR enforcement is unpractical and unlikely to be the top priority in China.

B. Innovation Insufficiency

As scholars John R. Allison and Lianlian Lin observed, “China has followed the typical pattern of a developing nation by depending heavily on foreign investment and imported technology before being able to generate substantial internal growth and technological advancement on its own.”[19] Due to the lack of technological innovation in China, strict IPR enforcement cannot bring great benefit to current Chinese companies. In contrast, it means many Chinese companies have to pay a large sum of royalties to foreign proprietors, thereby resulting in increasing production costs. Correspondingly, the Chinese government finds neither political will nor domestic pressure to substantially enforce IPR.

Moreover, the enforcement of the international IP agreements like ACTA is difficult for many developing countries partly because the developed countries have set the intellectual property standards. Although commentators and policymakers in developing countries have questioned the fairness of the agreement, developed countries won the negotiation game by forming coalitions among themselves and by convincing their less-developed counterparts to join them. However, since China and many other developing countries lack technological innovation, the incentives provided by IPR (for investment in research and development) are not meaningful.

Admittedly, it is necessary to create home-grown intellectual property in China. Although imitation provides many Chinese companies with great short-term profits, it discourages domestic innovation, which is a long-run driver of economic growth. However, as Yu point out, the linkage between IP protection and innovation ability depends on whether the intellectual property system is struck at the right balance.[20] If the IP system overprotects, it will limit public access to needed knowledge and eventually impede innovations based on existing technologies. Unfortunately, ACTA is a treaty that prioritizes enforcement of IP through a strong penalty scheme without the essential protection like fair use that provide much needed balance. Therefore, enforcing such treaty will favor foreign rights holder at the expense of the local constituents.

C. Institutional Impediments

Intellectual property protection in China follows a two-track system. The first is the judicial track, where complaints are filed through the court system. The second and most prevalent is the administrative track, where an IPR holder files a complaint at the local administrative office. Unfortunately, the lack of legal formalism in judicial system and ambiguous responsibility in administrative agencies contribute to inefficiencies in IPR enforcement. Accordingly, if these specific problems are not solved, the adoption of ACTA will still be inefficient in improving the IRP enforcement in China.

The lack of judicial independence, which results in local protectionism, greatly harms the efficiency of IPR enforcement. Although China’s Constitution gives a textual commitment to an independent judiciary, the practical operation of the institutional system precludes any true independence. Judges are subject to removal by the local congresses, which create political pressure to rule in favor of local agencies and businesses rather than foreign rights holders.

Another element that harms the efficiency of IPR enforcement is overlapping jurisdictions among national ministers and between central and local government administrations. Effective enforcement of IPR protection requires reasonable arrangement of responsibility and resources among different authorities. However, China’s vertical administration system not only results in overlapping jurisdiction between enforcement administrations, but it also causes parallel enforcement mechanisms.

Although China’s IP enforcement through judicial and administrative tracks is imperfect, it is by no means a good way to solve the problem by adopting the uniform rules of ACTA. Because of differences in political, economic and cultural conditions, laws that work well in on country do not always suit the needs and interests of another.[21] Many westerners believe the main cause of IP infringement is that the penalties in developing countries are too light to prohibit the infringing activities. Thus many provisions in ACTA provide civil and criminal liabilities.  However, according to China’s specific condition, it is more important to establish judicial independence and arrange reasonable responsibilities between different IP authorities, without which other strategies are meaningless. In a word, people in different countries should decide by themselves what laws they want to adopt to make the legislation process more accountable to the local conditions.

III. Conclusion

The goal of ACTA is to create a new standard of intellectual property enforcement above the TRIPs Agreement, and then establish the treaty as global standard. However, the universal provisions of ACTA ignore the uniqueness of different countries, especially the unique conditions in developing countries. The extremely high standards provided in ACTA for IPR enforcement are beyond the ability of China and many other developing countries. And for developed countries, strong IP protection in treaties with weak enforcement in global practice is meaningless.

[1]The negotiating parties include: the United States, the European Community, Switzerland, Japan, Australia, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand, Mexico, Jordan, Morocco, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates and Canada


[2] Anti- Counterfeiting Trade Agreement Informal Predecisional/Deliberative Draft: Aug. 25, 2010, PIJIP IP ENFORCEMENT DATABASE,http://sites.google.com/site/iipenforcement/acta

[3]Measures for the Administrative Protection of Internet Copyright of China, Admin Regs. §5 to 6 (2005).

[4]Id. § 7.


[6]Id. §11.

[7]See Copyright Law of China, §48, Trademark Law of China, §56; Paten Law of China, § 60.

[8].  See Copyright Law of China, § 47; Trademark Law of China, § 59.

[9]Kimberlee Weatherall, ACTA in April 2010: Summary of Concerns,http://works.bepress.com/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1019&context=kimweatherall


[11]See generally Border Measure, Regulations, 2010.

[12]See William P. Alford, To Steal a Book is an Elegant Offense: Intellectual Property Law in Chinese Civilization 10, 12 (1995).

[13]Id. at27.

[14]Robert Weatherley, The Discourse of Human Rights in China: Historical and Ideological Perspectives 93, 104 (1999)

[15]Wei Shi, Incurable or Remediable? Clues to Undoing the Gordian Knot Tied by Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement in China, 30 U. Pa. J. Int’l L. 541, 550(2008)


[17]Mark Landler, At Forum, Leaders Confront Annual Enigma China, N.Y. Times, Jan 30,2005

[18]Yu, Peter K.  Six Secret (And Now Open) Fears of ACTA, June,14 2010. Southern Methodist University Law Review, Vol. 63, 2010

[19]John R. Allison & Lianlian Lin, The Evolution of Chinese Attitudes Toward Property Rights in Invention and Discovery, 20 U. Pa. J. Int’l Econ. L. 735, 774 (1999)

[20]Yu, supra note 17

[21]John F. Duffy,  Harmony and Diversity in Global Patent Law, 17 Berkeley Tech. L.J. 685, 707-08(2002).


About the Author:

Yicun Chen is an LL.M candidate at American University Washington College of Law. She has broad legal background with in-depth experience in intellectual property, media and business law. Prior to her move to Washington, DC, she worked as an assistant professor at Zhejiang University City College in China, researching and publishing intellectual property papers in both Chinese and English. She also supported local municipality with projects on intellectual property and media law. In addition, she was an experienced attorney, supporting and advising corporations, non-profit organizations, and governmental agencies on licensing issues, patents, corporate compliance, and negotiating / closing high-value deals.

Search and You’ll Be Found – Two Recent Lawsuits Allege that ISP's Violated Privacy by Sharing Referrer Data.

From the National Law Review’s Featured Guest Blogger(s) this week  Damon E. Dunn and Seth A. Stern of Funkhouser Vegosen Liebman & Dunn Ltd – some interesting insight on some recent lawsuits pending against Google and Facebook:  

Two recent lawsuits allege that internet service providers violated users’ privacy by sharing “referrer data” containing potentially identifying information.

A former technologist with the Federal Trade Commission filed a privacy complaint(link via WSJ) against Google with his ex-employer.   The complaint alleges that Google does not allow users to easily prevent transmission of information that allows website operators to determine the search terms used to access their sites.  It claims that this constitutes a deceptive business practice by Google because “if consumers knew that their search queries are being widely shared with third parties, they would be less likely to use Google.”

According to the complaint, Google search URLs contain the user’s search terms, and when users click on a search result the webmaster of that site can see the terms used to access it.   The complaint alleges that this conflicts with Google’sPrivacy Policy and cites to Google’s court admissions that search queries may reveal “personally identifying information” and that consumers trust Google to keep their information private.

Google has allegedly tested products that deleted search terms from the referrer data visible to webmasters but discontinued them after receiving complaints and posted reassurances that search terms would remain visible. Apparently Google now offers an SSL encrypted search engine at https://www.google.com which protects search terms from being intercepted, but the complaint notes that this is not the default setting and it is not linked from the regular Google site.  It also notes that Google provides search term protection to Gmail users searching their inboxes.

The merits of the complaint may hinge on whether search terms should be considered “personal information.”  The complaint notes that the New York Times was able to indentify supposedly anonymous AOL searchers in 2006 when AOL leaked a dataset of search queries.

The second suit alleges that, from February through May, Facebook transmitted referrer information to advertisers about users who clicked on their ads.  It alleges violations of the federal Electronic Communications Privacy Act and Stored Communications Act as well as California computer privacy and unfair competition laws and common law claims of breach of contract and unjust enrichment.

The suit claims that “Facebook has caused users’ browsers to send Referrer Header transmissions that report the user ID or username of the user who clicked an ad, as well as the page the user was viewing just prior to clicking the ad . . . For example, if one Facebook user viewed another user’s profile, the resulting Referrer Headers would report both the username or user ID of the person whose profile was viewed, and the username or user ID of the person viewing that profile.”

As in the Google complaint discussed above, the plaintiffs allege that Facebooks actions violate its privacy policy (which allegedly states “we never share your personal information with our advertisers”) and other representations to users as well as state and federal privacy laws.   The amended complaint may be stronger than the suit against Google because referring Facebook pages, unlike Google searches, are often highly personalized and contain the Facebook user’s name.  Facebook allegedly stopped embedding referrer data in May after media accounts exposed the practice.

Although some tech executives have been quick to sound the death knell for online privacy, consumers – even those who are products of the Internet generation – continue to disagree.   A recent poll shows that 85 percent of teens believe social media sites should obtain their permission before using their information for marketing purposes.

Excerpted from FVLD’s blog, http://www.postorperish.com, which regularly discusses these and other issues facing online publishers.

© Copyright 1999-2010, Funkhouser Vegosen Liebman & Dunn Ltd. All rights reserved.


ABA's Fourth Annual National Institute on Criminal Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights November 5th San Francisco, CA

The National Law Review is proud to support the ABA’s Fourth Annual National Institute on Criminal Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights November 5th at the Hotel Nikko in San Francisco, CA. 

This comprehensive, one-day program will provide in-depth information concerning the complex issues that arise in connection with criminal enforcement of intellectual property rights (primarily involving trade secrets, copyright, and trademarks). The program consists of five panels whose members are key government insiders; policy makers; Assistant U.S. Attorneys; defense counsel; trade group leaders; and rights holders. Panel topics focus on current issues, trends, legal strategies, private industry case development and criminal referral, parallel proceedings and ethical issues in intellectual property enforcement.

This program brings together defense attorneys, prosecutors, members of law enforcement, policy makers, and business leaders to discuss hot topics and legal trends in the rapidly evolving field of intellectual property enforcement.

Mandatory continuing legal education (MCLE) accreditation has been requested from all states which require continuing legal education. 5.75 hours of CLE credit have been requested from those states recognizing a 60-minute credit hour and 6.90 hours of CLE credit have been requested from those states recognizing a 50-minute credit hour.

For more information & to register – click here:

Peeled, Inc. Seeks Injunction, Damages in Trademark Infringement Suit Against Peeled Fruit LLC

This week’s featured blogger at the National Law Review is Jonathan C. Stagg of Stoel Rives LLP who writes an interesting tale about a fruity trademark infringement case. Read On: 

Peeled, Inc. (“Peeled”) www.peeledsnacks.com, a company specializing in healthy, natural snack foods including dried fruits and dry roasted nuts, recently filed a trademark infringement suit in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York against Peeled Fruit LLC (“Peeled Fruit”) www.simplypeeled.com.  Peeled Fruit sells frozen soft-serve fruit, with fresh fruit toppings. Peeled alleges that Peeled Fruit is attempting to cash in on the brand awareness and goodwill associated with Peeled’s marks.

Peeled began marketing its products under the marks “Peeled,” “Peeled Fruit,” and “Peeled Snacks” as early as 2004. Since that time, Peeled’s marks have received extensive coverage in television and print media, including receiving a coveted spot on Oprah’s O List as one of Oprah’s favorite afternoon snacks, and receiving the 2008 “Best of Food” award from Health Magazine. Peeled registered the mark “PEELED SNACKS” on January 10, 2006 with the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

Peeled alleges in its complaint that long after it began marketing its products with the Peeled marks, Peeled Fruit began infringing on the marks by using the words “Peeled” and “Simply Peeled” in its marketing materials. Peeled argues that Peeled Fruit sells similar products with similar ingredients, and that as a result the products are confusingly similar. Peeled claims that Peeled Fruit had full knowledge of Peeled’s prior use of the marks, and that in spite of Peeled’s requests, Peeled Fruit has refused to cease its use of the marks.

Peeled alleges that Peeled Fruit not only knew about Peeled’s use of the marks, Peeled Fruit “adopted the trademarks with the intent to trade and capitalize on the goodwill generated by Peeled, Inc.’s extensive and widespread use of its trademarks, as well as its extensive sales, advertising and consumer acceptance and recognition.” Peeled argues that the similarities between the products sold by both companies make the shared use of the marks likely to cause confusion, mistake and deception among consumers.

As a result, Peeled is seeking an injunction against Peeled Fruit, which would restrict Peeled Fruit from further use of the marks. Peeled is also seeking a monetary damage award, under federal trademark law (15 U.S.C. § 1117), in an amount equal to either 1) three times the amount by which Peeled was damaged by the alleged infringement, or 2) three times the total profits Peeled Fruit obtained from the use of the allegedly infringing marks.  Finally, Peeled is seeking an order from the court, under 15 U.S.C. § 1118, requiring Peeled Fruit to destroy all materials that display the allegedly infringing marks.

Reposted with permission from Stoel Rives’ Essential Nutrition Law Blog.

Copyright 2010 Stoel Rives LLP

Authored by:

Jonathan Stagg is an associate practicing in the Corporate, Securities and Finance section of the firm’s Corporate group. Jonathan assists clients with mergers and acquisitions, business formation, public and private offerings, venture capital and general securities law compliance. www.stoel.com / 801-428-6338