Antitrust, Intellectual Property Rights, and the Online Music Industry: An Antitrust Analysis of Apple’s Combination of Services and Products

The National Law Review would like to congratulate Rui Li of the The University of Iowa College of Law one of our Spring 2011 Student Legal Writing Contest Winners.  Rui’s topic is An Antitrust Analysis of Apple’s Combination of Services and Products:       


For many music consumers, the ideal medium for music is digital. It offers many advantages over CDs, including easier distribution, decreased physical size, greater choice in the medium of sound reproduction, and the ability to include digital data such as artistic information and graphic artwork.i Online music stores offer more variety than consumers would get in a brick-and-mortar store, including reviews, recommendations, and other interactive features which increase the choices for consumers.ii The advantages of digital music, coupled with the efficiency of online purchasing, have helped online music stores such as Apple’s iTunes Store become the most prevalent form of commercial music distribution.iii However, online music piracy has been harming the music industry via lost CD sales even before commercial distribution of music over the Internet became prevalent. As online music firms attempt to tackle online music piracy, both antitrust enforcement agencies and private plaintiffs have raised concerns. Some of the solutions implemented by online music firms appear to promote competition by protecting intellectual property rights. However, others require closer scrutiny because some actions taken to protect these intellectual property rights have been, at times, abusive.

The tactics used by Apple to combat digital piracy have drawn legal scrutiny from a number of sources in recent years. In June 2006, the antitrust enforcement agencies of Norway, Sweden and Denmark filed a complaint against Apple regarding the restrictions it placed on iTunes audio downloads, an action that was later joined by Germany and France.iv On December 31, 2007, a group of plaintiffs brought an antitrust lawsuit against Apple in the United States District Court for the Northern District Court of California, charging Apple with maintaining an illegal monopoly on the digital music market.v On December 28, 2008, the court granted plaintiffs’ motion for class certification against On May 25, 2010, the New York Times reported that the United States Department of Justice was examining Apple’s tactics in the market for digital music.vii In light of this scrutiny, in 2009 Apple stopped selling music downloads with its proprietary digital rights management (“DRM”) restrictions, a technology that prevented audio downloads purchased through the iTunes Store from playing on portable media players other than Apple’s iPod.viii Given the dominant position of iTunes in online music distribution, the effect of Apple’s decision to remove DRM restrictions on the online music industry and the fight against online music piracy remains to be seen.ix

Apple’s digital music business has important ramifications for antitrust law that this Note explores. Part II of this Note examines Apple’s digital music business practices with particular emphasis on the manner in which Apple combines products and services. Part III engages in an antitrust analysis of four possible causes of action against Apple’s business conduct with an eye toward the market structure of the digital music industry. The Note concludes that Apple’s combination of products and services is procompetitive, and, in addition, offers a promising solution to digital music piracy.


In 2001, Apple introduced the iTunes music software application to help music consumers organize, browse, and play digital media. In 2003, Apple launched the iTunes Store which, in April 2008, became the number one music vendor in the United States.x On February 24, 2010, the Store had its 10 billionth song download and a music catalog of over 12 million songs.xi iTunes Store now accounts for seventy percent of the worldwide digital music download retail market.xii

Until January 2009, Apple restricted iTunes Store and iTunes Software to work only with its own portable media player, the iPod, a product that currently claims 70 percent of the portable media player market.xiii Apple restricted the iPod so it could only play files embedded with Apple’s own DRM downloads called “FairPlay”, and no one else’s. Likewise, files downloaded from the iTunes Store could only be played on an iPod. Apple maintained this closed system through regular updates and the threat of legal action. Most notably, in 2005, Apple forced RealNetworks to abandon its “Harmony” technology through software updates and the threat of patent infringement lawsuit.xiv Harmony allowed music downloads purchased through RealNetworks direct playback on iPod.


As a precursor to an analysis of Apple’s conduct from an antitrust perspective, an inquiry must be made into the market structure of the music industry.

A.  The Equilibrium Between Major Labels, Online Music Vendors, and Customers

The music market is highly concentrated, dominated by a small number of large firms (hereinafter “Major Labels”: Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music Group, Warner Music Group, and EMI Music Group). Major Labels’ collective catalogs comprise about 85 percent of the distribution rights in the music industry.xv Each of these firms has exclusive control of a large and fungible catalog of intellectual property. In the past, Major Labels have taken advantage of their dominant position to extend market power into downstream distribution channels.xvi These practices have at times drawn the attention of antitrust enforcement agencies. In 2000, the Major Labels settled the Federal Trade Commission’s charge of restraining competition in the music market.xvii

The significant economies of scale achieved through the grouping of thousands of authors’ and composers’ copyrighted music products operate as a barrier for other firms to enter the music licensing market. This concentrated market structure lays the groundwork for a tacitly collusive environment in which Major Labels can achieve collusive results in the online music market through the non-collusive exercise of their power in the licensing market. Under this tacitly collusive structure, they may be able to reach a consensus about how to develop the online music market without explicitly agreeing with each other. If one of the Major Labels sets a high and relatively profitable licensing price, the rest of the Major Labels may follow the practice of the price-setting firm even though they do not formally communicate with each other.

The appearance of online music vendors poses a threat to this shared dominant market position. Scholars estimate that Major Labels would lose thirty to forty percent of their profit margins if online music vendors could freely compete with Major Labels.xviii To protect their advantage, it is in the Major Labels’ best interest to either deny market entry to online music vendors or bring them into the fold in an advantageous manner. Fortunately for the Major Labels, this is not much of a challenge because the barriers to entry are high and the products are fungible.xix In addition, copyright laws have given Major Labels influence over online music vendors.xx Major Labels can potentially use licensing practices to create prohibitive barriers to entry or to contractually bind online music vendors to the pricing structure of the CD market.xxi Because of this market structure, online music vendors stand little chance of success competing with the traditional distribution networks established by the Major Labels over the decades.xxii

A major, common priority of Major Labels is to gain control of the digital music distribution market. To achieve this goal, in descending order of preference, Major Labels have the potential strategies of: 1) attempting to terminate online music piracy through vigorous infringement suits or other form of antipiracy enforcement measures, 2) extracting shared monopoly profits from online sales at a rate higher than or equal to that from CD sales, or 3) expanding volume of online sales at lower profit levels by licensing online music at reasonable rates.xxiii An examination of the economic theories explaining the behaviors of oligopolies lends support to the prediction of strategies laid out above.xxiv The part that follows will compare the actual practices of Major labels to the behaviors predicted above.

Strategy No.1: Terminating online music piracy through vigorous infringement suits or other form of antipiracy enforcement measures. In 2003, the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), the representative of Major Labels, began attacking online music piracy by filing mass infringement suits. However, this approach, besides being expensive and time consuming, backfired.xxv It not only failed to win public sympathy for the music industry but also demonized the plaintiffs, the Recording Industry Association of America and the copyright holders they represented.xxvi In light of this, the RIAA announced in December 2008 that it was ending its mass infringement suits and attempting to cooperate with Internet Service Providers whereby Internet Service Providers will suspend or terminate Internet users’ service after repeated RIAA notices of alleged piracy.xxvii

Strategy No.2: Extracting shared monopoly profits from online sales at a rate higher than or equal to that from CD sales. In 2001, Major Labels pooled their catalogs into two non-overlapping online music vendors, MusicNet and Pressplay.xxviii They refused to license music for less than two dollars per song, and, in some cases, as much as three and a half dollars.xxix In addition, the music downloads are not transferable to CDs. In 2002, the Major Labels licensed for a price of 99 cents per song, roughly the equivalent to the price of a Still, most of that music could not be burned to a CD.xxxi In March 2001, U.S. Department of Justice opened an investigation into alleged collusion in the online market.xxxii However, the DOJ later dropped the investigation in 2003 because “major labels licensed their music to a broader array of third-party music services that compete on price and features” and that unrelated firm Roxio’s acquisition of Pressplay diminished the possibility of collusion.xxxiii

Strategy No.3: Expanding volume of online sales at lower profit levels by licensing online music at reasonable rates. By the end of 2002, the Major Labels had licensed their catalogs to all major online music vendors which charged a nine to ten dollars per month subscription fee, plus 99 cents per burnable download.xxxiv

During this period Apple launched iTunes Store with a market model combining iTunes Store, iTunes Software, and iPod. The combination proved to be a huge success. Apple was thus able to dispense with subscription fees.xxxv In 2008, Apple became the number one music vendor.xxxvi The entrance of a radically efficient product model, the iTunes-iPod combination, coupled with the shared interest of Apple and Major Labels in eliminating online music piracy, promoted competition, lowered costs, improved services, and increased overall economic efficiency in the music industry.

The evolution of the online music market showed that even though Major Labels’ preference of options may partially be explained as legitimate attempts to eliminate online music piracy, they still had every incentive to thwart the development of the online music market despite the fact that customers preferred music downloads. Major Labels thought the rising of the online music market and the new business models for delivering music would deprive them of their control over the market. But when they realized they were not able to stop the development of online music distribution, they attempted to control the pace and the manner of development of online music.xxxvii

Apple’s business model combines pricing, ease of use, and technical prohibition in a way that significantly decreases the incentives for customers to choose pirated music. However, it remains to be seen whether the appearance of powerful market participant such as Apple will eventually create a more competitive environment, bring down the costs of online music, and terminate online music piracy. Therefore, the courts and the antitrust enforcement agencies should understand the equilibrium between the music industry’s interest in controlling mechanisms of distribution, the threat of online music piracy, online music vendors’ interest in lowering licensing costs, and the consumers’ interest in innovative and effective access to music. The courts could consider refraining from imposing direct legal action against online music vendors such as Apple. History has shown that time and market forces often provide equilibrium in balancing interests, whether the new technology is a player piano, a copier, a tape recorder, a video recorder, a personal computer, or a MP3 player.

B.  The Alleged “Tying Arrangement” of iPod, iTunes Music Store, And iTunes Software

“Tying” occurs when a seller insists that the buyer take a second, or “tied”, product as a condition of obtaining the seller’s initial “tying” product.xxxviii Tying arrangements can be condemned either as contracts in restraint of trade under section 1 of the Sherman Act, or else under the more explicit provisions of section 3 of the Clayton Act.xxxix

Prior to January 2009, Apple had created something that resembles a tying arrangement by using its FairPlay technology to require owners of iPods to purchase digital music from the iTunes Store (users could still use music ripped from CDs or downloaded from unauthorized websites).

Tying is illegal per se when the defendant ties two separate products and has market power in the tying product.xl The “leverage” theory articulated by Justice Brandeis in Caprice was the only theory articulated by the Supreme Court supporting the per se approach. The theory understood tying arrangements as inherently anticompetitive because it permitted a monopoly firm to “leverage” its market power to a product market in which it lacked market power, increasing its monopoly profits.xli The leverage theory has largely been discredited by economists who argue that when the second product is imposed as a cost of using the first monopoly product, the monopolists are not necessarily better off because the elevated price of the tied product reduces the consumers’ willingness to pay for the tying product. It is now widely accepted most tying arrangements are procompetitive and efficient.xlii While the “leverage” theory of tying has been largely debunked, the market foreclosure theory continues to have relevance. It is now understood that tying arrangements are anticompetitive only in the rare cases that tying denies rivals access to markets.xliii However, economists have argued that this “access denial” or “entry barrier” theory is only marginally more plausible than the “leverage” theory.xliv

Courts have followed the lead of economists and become skeptical of antitrust claims based on tying theories. In the Microsoft case, the D.C. Circuit Court held that integration in the software industry involving computer operating systems promised significant efficiencies and that even relatively low-tech ties typically produce significant efficiencies by enabling firms to control the quality of collateral products.xlv The D.C. Circuit Court further concluded that the rule of reason should be applied to the Windows and Internet Explorer tie because a per se rule could act as an irrational restraint on efficiency and innovation, which often consists in combining features or functions that previously were separate.xlvi The court recognized the difficulty in distinguishing anticompetitive forced package sales from those that are efficient and effective. This is exactly the reason why a “rule of reason” analysis should be applied to all tying arrangements, the court explained.

In a “rule of reason” analysis, an antitrust enforcer proceeds by asking first whether the tying arrangement unreasonably excludes rivals.xlvii If the products are widely available separately, then there is no market foreclosure because widespread availability of alternatives indicates that no rival is foreclosed by the tie.xlviii Applying this analysis to the subject of this Note, Apple’s online music business, it is clear that alternatives to iTunes Music Store and iPod are widely available. Alternatives to iTunes Music Store include: RealNetworks, Wal-Mart, Amazon, Napster and Yahoo. In the portable media player market, alternatives to the iPod include: Microsoft, Sony, Creative, and SanDisk. Therefore, no rival is foreclosed by the tying from a properly defined market.

Courts should not substitute their own product designs for those generated by the market. Nevertheless, courts are often asked to determine whether a tying bundle is unreasonably anticompetitive. iTunes Music Store, the dominant online music vendor, needs to combat online music piracy and perform additional functions besides distributing music in order to develop the online music market. iTunes Music Store now offers customer support, a platform for customer reviews, Podcasts subscriptions, music and audio book previews, and iTunes U online service at no extra cost. A price-cutting online music vendor or online music piracy service might take advantage of the fact that Apple cannot charge separately for these services. The other vendors might charge a lower markup and refuse to provide essential services such as combating online music piracy and developing the online music market, knowing that the consumer will keep enjoying the free services provided by iTunes Store. Undoubtedly, iTunes Store cannot survive by only supplying uncompensated services that benefit other dealers. One strategy Apple can employ to minimize free riding is to tie iTunes and iPod to ensure a healthy supply of consumers who have subscribed to either iPod or iTunes.

While all these practices are readily defended as procompetitive, the defense is unnecessary in the first place when there is no injury to competition. The purchasers of iPod and iTunes bundle simply want a smaller product than the one that Apple is offering. But that desire does not harm competition. Apple’s bundle is simply the equivalent of the land developer who refuses to subdivide before selling. It is not the purpose of antitrust law to regulate the size of the products that Apple chooses to sell.

C.  Refusal To License FairPlay Patent

Apple used its FairPlay digital rights management system to require owners of iPods to purchase digital music from iTunes Store. Apple refused to license its patented FairPlay technology to other portable media player manufacturers such as Microsoft and declined to support alternative digital rights management systems such as RealNetworks’ Harmony technology that circumvented Apple’s FairPlay system. Generally, the owner of an intellectual property right does not have a duty to deal with a competitor, even if the owner refusing to deal is a monopolist, as long as there are valid business reasons for refusing to deal. In CUS, L.L.C. v. Xerox Corp., the Federal Circuit held that a “patent holder may enforce the statutory right to exclude others free from liability under the antitrust laws” in the “absence of an indication of illegal tying, fraud in the Patent and Trademark Office, or sham litigation.”xlix In addition, the patent statute contains no compulsory licensing provisions and even stipulates that there is no patent “misuse” when a patentee refuses to license its patent to competitors.l The provisions of 35 U.S.C. § 271 provide that “No patent owner shall be denied relief or deemed guilty of misuse or illegal extension of the patent right by reason of his having refused to license or use any rights to the patent.”li Although in Image Technical Services, Inc. v. Eastman Kodak Co.lii, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a finding of antitrust violation where Kodak refused to sell patented products to competitors, it is now widely accepted that the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals made a significant error. In that case, Kodak refused to license its patented parts to firms that wanted to compete with Kodak in the repair of Kodak photocopiers.liii The court determined that Kodak was unlawfully creating a second monopoly in service by refusing to sell the patented parts.liv The court based its decision on the theory that under the patent laws, a patent may legally create a monopoly in only one Kodak reflects an erroneous understanding of the nature and functions of a patent. Rather than market rights, patent claims create exclusive rights in technologies.lvi A compulsory licensing of intellectual property rights is only justified where a monopolist’s refusal to license is profitable only because it tends to extend or preserve a monopoly.lvii Apple’s refusal to license its FairPlay technology to any other online music vendor and MP3 manufacturer would easily pass this test because licensing FairPlay to a rival such as Microsoft or RealNetworks would deprive Apple of both online music and iPod sales and that is always an adequate business justification. A compulsory licensing of Apple’s FairPlay technology to competitors would effectively turn Apple into a public utility and places the court in the undesirable position of price regulator.

D.  Patent Misuse

Patent misuse refers to improper acts committed by a patent or other intellectual property rights holder.lviii In 1952 and again in 1988 Congress amended the Patent Act to bring the concept of misuse more closely in line with antitrust principles.lix Congress intended to put a stop to the expansionist applications of patent misuse doctrine to reach practices which were not anticompetitive under any definition.lx For example, in Brulotte v. Thys Co., 379 U.S. 29 (1964), the Supreme Court condemned a contract under the patent misuse doctrine demanding royalty payments after the patent expired, even though there was no showing of anticompetitive practices.lxi In response to the Court’s application of the patent misuse doctrine to reach practices which are irrelevant to the concerns of antitrust law, Congress limited the use of the doctrine by providing that a patent owner is not guilty of patent misuse if it refuses to license, requires licensees to purchase goods that would work effectively only with the patent, or ties different products in the absence of showing of market power in the primary product.lxii Therefore, whether Apple’s use of FairPlay technology is a patent misuse may not have independent relevance when Congress limited its scope to antitrust violations. Thus, there is no need to make an independent inquiry as to whether Apple’s use of FairPlay technology is a patent misuse.

E.  Product Design: Strategic Creation of Incompatibility

Apple engaged in strategic creation of incompatibility by designing an exclusive combination or system of iPod, iTunes Software, and iTunes Store. Generally speaking, antitrust courts are not competent to second-guess decisions about product design.lxiii In most circumstances, the conduct that creates excessive incompatibility is also self-deterring.lxiv The market provides strong discipline for firms that produce innovations that customers reject. This suggests that truly anticompetitive product redesigns are uncommon.lxv Therefore, Apple’s regular updates to iTunes Software and iPod, which add new features as well as maintain the closed system of iPod, iTunes software, and iTunes Store are presumably procompetitive. However, Microsoft showed that a product redesign is anticompetitive if the firm has very substantial market power and the redesign is sufficient to exclude complementary products from the market.lxvi Moreover, the firm must intend the injury caused by the selection of a particular technology.lxvii In addition, the injury must greatly outweigh the benefits that the redesign produces for consumers.lxviii As explained in Part B, Apple’s redesign serves the purpose of its unique product model. It provides consumers through various updates with new features such as visual music, podcasts, playback capacities, and seamless management of music. Unlike the case in Microsoft, there is integrative benefit from combining the iTunes and iPod.


Apple’s business practices of combining services and products have raised antitrust concerns. This Note analyzed Apple’s practices with an eye toward the realities of the music market. For courts and antitrust enforcement agencies to continue to serve as competition and innovation facilitators, they need to fully understand what the structure and the landscape of the music market are and how the entrance of a new and aggressive business model such as Apple’s exclusive system alters the competitive landscape of the music market. The most serious impact of a court’s finding of antitrust violation is not the large damages awarded to the plaintiffs. Rather, it is the loss of healthy competition and the innovative and effective access to copyrighted materials. An antitrust analysis of the possible causes of action against Apple shows that Apple’s conduct may not have harmed competition after all. If balancing is required to determine whether certain restraint is anticompetitive or not, antitrust should stand aside, trusting that the market rather than the government will strike the right balance.

i Brendan M. Schulman, The Song Heard ‘Round the world’: The Copyright Implications of MP3s and the Future of Digital Music, 12 HARV. J.L. & Tech. 589, 626-27 (1999).

ii Press Release, NDP Group, Amazon Ties Wal-Mart as Second-Ranked U.S. Music Retailer, Behind Industry-Leader iTunes, May 26, 2010, available at

iii Press Release, Apple, Inc., iTunes Store Top Music Retailer in the U.S., Apr. 3, 2008, available at

iv Thomas Crampton, Apple Faces Fresh Legal Attacks in Europe, New York Times, June 6, 2006, available at

v In re Apple iPod iTunes Antitrust Litig., C05-00037 JW, 2009 WL 249234 (N.D. Cal. Jan. 15, 2009).

vi Id.

vii Brad Stone, Apple Is Said To Face Inquiry About Online Music, New York Times (May 25, 2010), available at….

viii Press Release, Apple, Inc., Changes Coming To The iTunes Store (Jan. 6, 2009), available at

ix See NDP Group Press Release, supra note 2.

x See Apple Press Release, supra note 3.

xi Press Release, Apple, Inc., iTunes Store Tops 10 Billion Songs Sold (Feb. 25, 2010), available at

xii See NDP Group Press Release, supra note 2.

xiii Jessica Hodgson, Leap Year Trips Zune in Black Eye for Microsoft, WALL ST. J. (Jan. 2, 2009), at A9, available at

xiv Real Reveals Real Apple Legal Threat, MACWORLD(Aug. 10, 2005), available at =12310.

xv In re Time Warner et al., F.T.C. File No.971-0070 (2000) (Statement of Chairman Robert Pitofsky and Commissioners Shelia F. Anthony, Mozelle W. Thompson, Orson Swindle, and Thomas B. Leary), available at

xvi Greg Kot, Are We Finally Buying It?: New Model Will Change the Way Musicians Approach Craft, Chicago Tribune, May 11, 2003, § 7, at 1.

xvii See FTC Press Release, supra note 15.

xviii Matthew Fagin et al., Beyond Napster: Using Antitrust Law to Advance and Enhance Online Music Distribution, 8 B.U. J. Sci. & Tech. L. 451, 457 (2002).

xix Anthony Maul, Are the Major Labels Sandbagging Online Music? An Antitrust Analysis of Strategic Licensing Practices, 7 N.Y.U. J. Legis. & Pub. Pol’y 365, 373-75 (2004).

xx Id.

xxi Id.

xxii Id.

xxiii Id. at 373-74.

xxiv Herbert Hovenkamp et al., Antitrust Law, Policy and Procedure: Cases, Materials, Problems 290-96 (6th ed., 2009).

xxv Sarah McBride & Ethan Smith, Music Industry to Abandon Mass Suits, WALL ST. J. (Dec. 19, 2008), available at

xxvi Id.

xxvii Id.

xxviii See Maul, supra note 19.

xxix Id.

xxx Id.

xxxi Id.

xxxii Id.

xxxiii Statement by Assistant Attorney General R. Hewitt Pate, Regarding the Closing of the Digital Music Investigation, (Dec. 23, 2003) available at

xxxiv See Maul, supra note 19.

xxxv Id.

xxxvi See NDP Group Press Release, supra note 2.

xxxvii See Maul, supra note 19.

xxxviii N. Pac. Ry. Co. v. United States, 356 U.S. 1, 5-6 (1958).

xxxix Id.

xl Id.

xli Cabrice Corp. v. American Patents Development Corp., 283 U.S. 27, 31-32 (1931).

xlii Herbert Hovenkamp, The Antitrust Enterprise: Principle and Execution 261 (1st ed., 2005).

xliii Id. at 263.

xliv Id.

xlv United States v. Microsoft Corp., 253 F.3d 34, 84-90 (D.C. Cir.), cert. denied, 534 U.S. 952 (2001).

xlvi Id.

xlvii Hovenkamp, supra note 42, at 265.

xlviii Id.

xlix CSU, L.L.C. v. Xerox Corp., 203 F.3d 1322, 1328 (Fed. Cir. 2000).

l Hovenkamp, supra note 42, at 265.

li 35 U.S.C § 271(d).

lii Eastman Kodak Co. v. Image Technical Servs., 125 F.3d 1195, 1196 (9th Cir. 1997), cert. denied, 523 U.S. 1094 (1998).

liii Id.

liv Id. at 1218-1219.

lv Id.

lvi Hovenkamp, supra note 42, at 269.

lvii Id. at 270.

lviii Id. at 272.

lix 35 U.S.C. § 271(d).

lx Hovenkamp, supra note 42, at 274.

lxi Brulotte v. Thys Co., 379 U.S. 29 (1964).

lxii 35 U.S.C. § 271(d).

lxiii Hovenkamp, supra note 4, at 274.

lxiv Id. at 275.

lxv Id.

lxvi See Microsoft, supra note 45.

lxvii Hovenkamp, supra note 42, at 276.

lxviii Id.

© Copyright 2011 Rui Li  

7th Patent Strategies Summit April 27 – 29, 2011, Four Season Hotel Silicon Valley at East Palo Alto

The National Law Review would like to remind you of the upcoming  Patent Strategies:   Summit Focusing on Optimizing your Patent Portfolio April 27-29 in East Palo Alto, CA  

Developing Innovative Strategies To Optimize Your Patent Portfolio

Companies prioritize patents as securing intellectual property rights is often the key to the foundation, growth, and ultimate survival of a company. foundation, growth, and ultimate survival of a company. Now more than ever before, patent practitioners must have up-to-the-minute strategies to effectively protect, monetize and leverage their company’s patent portfolio. The market demands companies to anticipate competitor’s movements, sustain innovation, license strategically and ultimately increase revenue. In order to do this, they must be cognizant of the shifting litigation landscape as a result of new court decisions and changing regulations.

IQPC’s 7th Patent Strategies Summit examines the latest changes in the industry and leverage your patent portfolio to extract innovation and financial gain. Corporate Patent experts will discuss:

  • Changes in patent strategy brought about by the current economic downturn
  • Best practices in Global IP Management
  • Prospects for the future in light of new regulations and potentially adverse court decisions
  • Trends in enforcement actions and litigation by NPEs
  • Tips for licensing in and licensing out intell

For More Details and to Register:




IQPC’s 11th eDiscovery Summit – April 27-29, 2011 San Francisco, CA – Save Big if Registered Before April 1st!

The National Law Review is a proud media partner for IQPC’s 11th eDiscovery Summit – April 27-29, 2011 San Francisco, CA

IQPC’s 11th eDiscovery Summit features hands on sessions and practical instruction to bring back to your eDiscovery teams. You will engage with IT and legal focus groups to candidly discuss anticipated push back issues, observe how different roles within your company approach imminent litigation and put bridging the gap strategies into practice.

It is no secret that you want to reduce the cost of eDiscovery, yet how do you know if you are paying a reasonable price for ESI processing and review? Do not miss this unique opportunity to learn about outside the box pricing structures and benchmark with your peers to gain a realistic picture of fair pricing for electronic information management.

Why attend the 11th eDiscovery Summit?

  • United States District Court Judges share their experiences with companies committing costly electronic discovery mistakes
  • Bridge the gap between IT and legal through a practical exercise with IT and legal focus groups
  • Learn practical steps to create a solid cross-functional eDiscovery team fostering communication and effective workflow between departments
  • Gain valuable metrics to assess the repeatability and defensibility of your eDiscovery procedures
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Registration, Location & Details…..

  • April 27 – 29, 2011 The Hyatt Regency San Francisco, CA

  • Save Big on Registration – if you sign up prior to April 1st
  • For More Information and to Register – Please Click Here:

Preparing for the Launch of New Generic Top Level Domain Names (gTLDs) in 2011

Recently posted at the National Law Review  by Monica Riva Talley of Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox P.L.L.C. – a great overview of the upcoming changes to domain names by ICANN:

On June 16, 2008 the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers announced that it would allow an unlimited number of new gTLDs (generic top level domain names) to populate the web.  Expanding on the current limited offerings of gTDLs (such as .com, .net, .org., .info, and .mobi), these new gTLDs will be comprised of virtually any possible term — including brand names (“.BRAND”), generic names (e.g., .CAR, .HOME), and city names — opening-up the web to an infinite number of naming possibilities.

Although the process has been delayed several times, the current belief is that ICANN will begin accepting applications for these new gTLDs by July or August 2011.  However, it is likely that the start of the application process will be delayed further, as various trademark organizations have raised concerns about the award and dispute resolution process. 

Why Expanding The Number of gTLDs is a Good Idea

ICANN has stated that its aim in creating more gTLDs is to enhance competition and promote choice and innovation.  Of particular note to companies, not only will it now be possible for  them to register brand names as gTLDs, they  will also have control of second level domain names issued under potential new gTLDs, and can sell these second level domain names to third parties.  Thus, this new system could allow not only for enhanced brand promotion and visibility, but also for secure corporate and client networks (used for purposes such as facilitating the provision of services to clients via a dedicated portal) – which could prevent fraudulent practices such as offers of counterfeit products via the Internet.

And Why it Might Not Be

On the down side, increasing the number of top level domain names means more opportunities for cybersquatters, those who register, traffic in, or use domain names with bad faith intent to profit from the goodwill of a trademark belonging to someone else.  It will  also significantly increase defensive registration and dispute costs.  Many in the trademark community are concerned that this dramatic increase in the number of gTLDs will inevitably cause a considerable burden on trademark owners who will need to carefully consider online strategies.  In particular, not every country makes use of the Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP), making it difficult to address abuses that originate abroad.  Moreover, while the variation of domain name dispute mechanisms available worldwide is considered complex today, in a world with only a handful of gTLDs, it will only get more complex as the domain name platform increases exponentially.  Finally, the high cost of obtaining one of these new domains is thought to exclude many worthwhile non-profit organizations and developing countries, for whom such domains might prove a useful resource.

Cost to Apply for a New gTL

As alluded-to above, the cost to apply for one of these new gTLDs is steep — $185,000, a price that ensures only well-financed organizations operate the domains, and involves a lengthy application process and evaluation. 

Will Someone Else be Able to Register My Trademark as a gTLD?

After the application period closes, ICANN will verify all of the applications for completeness and will then release on its website the list of strings, applicant names, and other application data.  ICANN plans to then implement an objection-based process that will enable trademark owners to demonstrate that a proposed gTLD would infringe their legal rights. In the event that the legal rights objection is successful, the application will not proceed.

At this time, ICANN is not contemplating a system that would notify a trademark owner if a third-party applies to register a trademark that does not belong to them.  ICANN is conducting global public outreach to educate the community on what their responsibilities are, as well as what the formal objection mechanism and timeline is, before the program launches.  ICANN will publish the list of all applications received after the application submission period closes, and will continue to publicize the objection process and deadlines. 

For More Information . ..

General information about ICANN can be found at its website.  A discussion from ICANN regarding the new gTLD program (the dates on this document are no longer correct, because of delays) can be found here. Parties interested in providing input or voicing concerns regarding the plan or the process can attend the next ICANN meeting, scheduled to take place in San Francisco, March 13 – 18, 2011.

© 2011 Sterne Kessler

H.R. 848, The Performance Rights Act: The Recording Industry’s Saving Grace?

The National Law Review is proud to announce that Nyasha Shani Foy of  New York Law School   is one of our Student Legal Writing Contest Winners for March of 2011.  Nyasha’s article explains House Bill 848, the ‘Performance Rights Act,’ which proposes to expand copyright protection for sound recordings and require broadcast radio stations to pay performers for the use of their sound recordings

In February 2009, Representative John Conyer, Jr. (D-MI) introduced H.R. 848, the ‘Performance Rights Act,’ to Congress. This legislation proposes to expand copyright protection for sound recordings and require broadcast radio stations to pay performers for the use of their sound recordings. If passed, H.R. 848 would provide another source of revenue for copyright holders, musicians, and performers. This paper will analyze the major provisions in H.R. 848 and its potential effects on the broadcast radio and recorded music industries. 

State of the Music Recording Industry: Who Is To Blame?

The recorded music industry is in a state of emergency. The RIAA reports that record sales have steadily decreased for the past ten years.[i] The sale of physical records, has declined by approximately sixty (60) percent from 1999 to 2008.[ii] CD sales decreased nearly twenty-two (22) percent from 2008 to 2009 alone.[iii]

Industry analysts contend that this decline is directly linked to new music technology and the rise in piracy.[iv] Technology has enabled listeners to hear music without buying it and has shifted consumers away from the purchasing behavior that historically supported the recording industry.[v] The Internet, piracy, and the ability to acquire music-on demand has created a culture where listeners believe that music should be free.[vi] According to theInternational Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), a membership organization representing the worldwide recording industry,there are 29.8 million frequent users of file-sharing services in the top five EU markets alone.[vii]

Industry analysts also attribute changing consumer-purchasing habits to the decline in sales. Consumers have shifted from physical to digital sales. In 2009, more than one quarter of domestic record companies’ revenues came from digital channels.[viii] The a-la-carte download model, pioneered by iTunes, remains the largest revenue source in the online sector, with more than 100 million accounts across 23 countries.[ix] Recent reports suggest that while these downloads do generate revenue for the recording industry, the move to digital sales has not completely offset the revenues lost to piracy.[x]

The recording industry has struggled with identifying effective solutions that will offset the declining sales. The courts have provided assistance, as evidenced by the recent injunction on LimeWire.[xi] Similarly, Congress is doing their part to ensure the health of this industry going forward. In February 2009, Representative John Conyer, Jr. (D-MI) introduced H.R. 848, commonly known as the Performance Rights Act,[xii] which offers to provide another revenue stream for the recording industry.

Performance Right Act

The primary purpose of H.R. 848 is to “provide parity in radio performance rights under title 17, United States Code.”[xiii] Under current law, broadcast radio (analog, non-subscription AM and FM radio) is exempt from paying a performance license fee for sound recordings. The proposed billwould require broadcast radio stations to pay performance fees to copyright holders and would bring terrestrial radio into line with its digital counterparts.[xiv] The following provides a brief overview of the major provisions of H.R. 848:

H.R. 848 Section 2: Establishing Equitable Treatment for Terrestrial, Cable, Satellite, and Internet Services:

This section amends §§106 and 114 of the Title 17 and provides for:

  • A performance right applicable to radio transmissions generally and inclusion of terrestrial broadcasts in existing statutory license;
  • Reasonable rates and terms of royalty payments for transmissions; and
  • Procedures for determining reasonable terms and rates of royalty payments for a new type of service on which sound recordings are performed or those that will become operational.

H.R. 848 Section 3: Treatment for Minority, Female, Religious, Rural, Small, Noncommercial, Public Educational, and Community Stations and Certain Uses

Amends §114(f)(1) and provides for the following:

  • Each individual terrestrial broadcast station that has gross revenues in any calendar year of:
  • Less than $100,000 may elect to pay its over the air non-subscription broadcast transmission a royalty fee of $500 per year;
  • At least $100,000 but less than $500,000 may elect to pay for its over-the-air non-subscription broadcast transmission a royalty fee of $2,500 per year; and
  • $500,000, but less than $1,250,000 may elect to pay for its over-the-air non-subscription broadcast transmissions a royalty fee of $5,000 per year.
  • Each individual terrestrial broadcast station that had total gross revenues during the 4 full calendar quarters immediately preceding the date of enactment of the Performance Rights Act of:
  • Less than $5,000,000 shall not be required to pay a royalty during the three years immediately following the date of enactment of the Performing Rights Act; and
  • $5,000,000 or more shall not be required to pay during the one year immediately following the enactment of the Performance Rights Act.
  • Each public broadcasting entity as defined in §118(f) and has gross receipts in any calendar year of:
  • Less than $100,000 may elect to pay for its over-the-air non-subscription broadcast transmission a royalty fee of $500 per year; and
  • $100,000 or more may elect to pay for its over-the-air non-subscription broadcast transmission a royalty fee of $1,000 per year.

Section 4: Availability of Per Program License

Amends § 114(f)(1)(b) by providing a per program license option for terrestrial broadcast that make limited feature uses of sound recordings.

Section 5: No Harmful Effects on Songwriters

Amends § 114(i) and provides that:

  • License fees for public performance of sound recordings under § 106(6) shall not be cited, taken into account or used in any administrative, judicial or governmental forum or proceeding, to set or adjust the license fees payable to copyright owners of music works for the purpose of reducing or adversely affecting such license fees;
  • Nothing in this Act or the amendments made by the Act shall adversely affect the public performance rights of or royalties payable to songwriters or copyright owners of musical works; and
  • Notwithstanding the grant of a license under §106(6) to perform work publicly, a licensee of that sound recording may not publicly perform such sound recording unless a license has been granted for the public performance.

Section 6: Payment of Royalties

Amends § 114(g) and provides that:

  • Featured artists who perform on a sound recording will be entitled to payments from the copyright owner in accordance with the terms of the artist’s contract.
  • Copyright owners will be required to deposit 1% of the receipts from the license with the American Federation of Musicians and American Federation of Television and Radio Artists Intellectual Property Rights Distribution Fund for non-featured performers who have performed on sound recordings.
  • The Fund will be distributed as follows: 50% to non-featured musicians (whether or not members of American Federation of Musicians) and 50% to non-featured vocalists (whether or not members of American Federation of Television and Radio Artists); the fund may deduct reasonable costs related to making such distributions.
  • Amounts that are not paid by the date specified in such clause shall be subject to interest at the rate of 6% per annum for each day of nonpayment.
  • Sound recording copyright owner will be required to include with deposits, “subject to consent, if necessary,” the following information: identity of the artist; International Standard Recording Code; title of the sound recording; number of times the recording was transmitted; and total amount of receipts collected from that service.
  • To the extent that the license extends to a station’s non-subscription broadcast otherwise licensable under a statutory license, the station shall pay to the agent designated to distribute statutory license receipts 50% of the total royalties that the station is required to pay for such transmissions and payments shall be the sole payments to which featured and non-featured artists are entitled by virtue of such transmissions under the direct license with that station.

Section 7: No effect on Local Communities:

Adds an additional section to §114(f), which ensures that the payment of royalties will not affect the public interest obligations of a broadcaster to its local community.

Section 8: Preservation of Diversity

Amends §114(f) of Title 17 and requires that the Copyright Royalty Board, in making their determinations or adjustments to the rates and terms of royalty payments, consider “religious, minority-owned, female-owned, and noncommercial broadcasters;” “non-music programming;” and “religious, minority-owned, or female-owned royalty recipients”

The GAO Report on H.R. 848 and its Effects

Congress asked the United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) to analyze the potential effects of H.R. 848. The GAO reviewed 1) the current economic challenges facing the recording and broadcast radio industries; 2) the benefits both industries receive from their current relationship; 3) the potential effects of the proposed act on the broadcast radio industry; and 4) the potential effects of the proposed act on the recording industry.[xv]The GAO released two reports: a draft report in February 2010[xvi] and a final report in August 2010.[xvii]

The GAO reports that the broadcast radio and recording industries have maintained a mutually beneficial relationship. The broadcast radio industry benefits from using sound recordings to attract listeners, which in turn generates advertising revenue.[xviii] The recording industrybenefits from receiving airplay. Stakeholders from both industries agree that broadcast radio airplay facilitates the discovery of new music; increases exposure and raises awareness of sound recordings; and promotes music sales.[xix] However, the GAO found no consistent pattern between broadcast radio airplay and the cumulative number of digital single sales.

The GAO indicates that H.R. 848 would result in an overall gain for record companies, musicians, and performers.[xx]Several factors would influence potential revenues including: the individual or organizational role in the creation of a sound recording,the amount of airplay a sound recording receives, andtotal royalty payments paid by the broadcast radio industry.[xxi]Using a 2.35 percent royalty rate[xxii], the GAO estimated that fifty-six (56) percent of performers would receive $100 or less per year, and fewer than six (6) percent of performers would receive $10,000 or more per year in royalties from airplay in the Top 10 markets.[xxiii]

H.R. 848 has many supporters. To date, nearly 50 representatives in the House have signed their names in support. The bill is also backed by the United States Department of Commerce, which “has long endorsed amending the U.S. copyright law to provide for an exclusive right in the public performance of sound recordings.” The Department believes that this proposed legislation will “provid[e] fair compensation to America’s performers and record companies through a broad public performance right in sound recordings;” “provide a level playing field for all broadcasters to compete in the current environment;” and “provid[e] incentives for America’s performing artists and recording companies.”[xxiv] President Barack Obama also supports the bill.[xxv]

Proponents argue that adopting H.R. 848 would correct an imbalance in the current system. As Cameron Kerry, General Counsel for the Department of Commerce has pointed out, the United States is the only major industrialized country to have an exemption for over-the-air radio.[xxvi]Foreign musicians and performers receive a performance royalty when their music is broadcast on the radio.[xxvii] Many American artists are unable to collect the public performance money due from  foreign countries because of the lack of reciprocal protection under U.S. copyright law.[xxviii] As a result, substantial royalties for the public performance of U.S. sound recordings abroad are either not collected or not distributed to American performers and record companies. The U.S. Copyright Office estimated the amount of international performance royalties due in 2007 to be about $70 million dollars.[xxix] Adopting H.R. 848 would both protect our American copyrights in the international market by putting us on equal footing with our international counterparts, and add value to our American copyrights by providing a multi-million dollar annual revenue stream for copyright holders. Record industry stakeholders have suggested that the additional revenue could lead to more investment in the creation of music. Additional revenue for artists and musicians, especially session performers, would allow these groups to remain working in the music industry.[xxx]         

Not surprisingly the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), a trade association representing radio and television broadcasters,does not support H.R. 848. They argue that this “new performance tax” would financially cripple local radio stations, stifle new artists trying to break into the recording business, and harm the listening public who rely on local radio.[xxxi] Others more see the bill as “an attempt by the record labels to get their own bailout courtesy of radio stations.”[xxxii] Opponents argue that H.R. 848 offers a zero-sum equation as a solution: the recording industry gains, while the broadcast industry loses.[xxxiii] Clearly, this result would be counterproductive to the overall system. Opponents of H.R. 848 also suggest that the new “tax” will largely benefit foreign record companies such as Universal (France), Sony (Japan), and EMI (UK).[xxxiv]

Broadcast radio industry stakeholders argue that they already provide revenue to copyright owners by purchasing licenses that allow radio stations to broadcast music. The cost for this license varies by station, however, the GAO estimates the industry pays approximately 3 percent of its annual revenues to the performance rights organizations (PROs) and SoundExchange.[xxxv] Adopting this legislation would add additional financial costs, in the form of royalty payments for the use of sound recordings,[xxxvi] and administrative costs, in complying with the reporting requirements.[xxxvii] The total additional annual costs to the industry could range from $258 million to $1.3 billion.[xxxviii]

The main concern regarding the adoption of H.R. 848 is that an additional license fee might cause some radio stations to shut down.[xxxix] A limited or narrow play-list would accordingly decrease the number of potential licenses the radio station would need to acquire and would ease the work needed to fulfill the reporting requirement. However, a narrow play-list could potentially alienate listeners by decreasing the variety of music offered, which could lead to fewer listeners and decreased advertising dollars. The GAO reports that the broadcast radio industry is already experiencing an 8 percent decline in advertising revenue from its peak of $18.1 billion.[xl] However, if a station uses a large music library, then the reporting would become more tedious. This result could likely lead to an increase in staffing costs and license fees, but could also likely ensure a broader listening audience and attract potential advertisers.[xli] A radio station would also have the option of switching to a non-music format or ceasing operation altogether to reduce the license fees, however, these options would not benefit the broadcast radio industry.[xlii]

The GAO offered both the draft and final report to Federal Communication Commission (FCC) and the U.S. Copyright Office for comments. The CopyrightOffice generally supports the proposed legislation. Speaking on behalf of the Copyright Office, Marybeth Peters, former Registrar of Copyrights, mentioned that the Office has established a long history of recommending extension of full performance rights to sound recordings, including recently voicing support for the Performance RightsAct in Congressionalhearings.[xliii] The FCC critiqued the GAO’s analysis on the effects of the broadcast radio industry.[xliv]

Another significant critique of H.R. 848 is that the legislation is short-cited in its scope in that it targets an increasingly less-influential industry. While broadcast radio remains the most common place to discover new music, this reliance has decreased with younger audiences, who increasingly rely on the Internet to learn about new music. A recent Arbitron research study reports that 52% of 12-34 year olds turn to Internet to learn about new music first.[xlv]The presence of other promotional outlets, such as music blog sites, puts a strain on an already complex relationship between the recording and broadcast industries.[xlvi] Although requiring performance fees for radio may create parity within our own laws and on an international scale, it is likely not the most effective means to achieve the overall goal of monetizing the recording industry. Using the underlying premise of monetizing uses of copyrighted material, Congress may be better suited to consider focusing on other businesses and industries that are tangentially related to the recording industry. For example, the IFPI reports that there has been last a sharp rise in non-peer-to-peer piracy, such as downloading from hosting sites, mobile piracy, stream ripping, instant message sharing, and downloading from forums and blogs.[xlvii] Urban music creators, in particular with its mixtape culture, often usurp radio’s ability to attract new listeners and break new music by releasing their new music thru music blogs. Instead of working to shut down these illegal music channels, Congress should draft legislation that monetizes these consumer habits. Perhaps, if music blogs, or the hosting sites that they use to share copyrighted works, were taxed in a similar fashion to what H.R. 848 proposes (however which greatly reduced fees), then the proposed legislation would have a greater effect.


 While H.R. 848 may not provide the “perfect” solution, this legislation does demonstrate Congress’ dedication and commitment to intellectual property issues. Regardless of the outcome, this will remain to be an important piece of legislation for all intellectual property practitioners.

[i]See RIAA, 2008 Consumer Profile, visited Dec. 26, 2010).

[ii]See GAO, Preliminary Observations on the Potential Effects of the Proposed Performance Rights Act on the Recording and Broadcast Radio Industries, GAO-10-428R (Washington, D.C.: Feb. 26, 2010) at 7. Available at

[iii]See, RIAA, 2009 Year-End Shipment Statistics, (last visited Dec. 30, 2010).

[iv]See Growing Threat From Illegal Web Downloads,December 18, 2009,…); IFPI Digital Music Report 2010, January 21, 2010, at 6 (last visited Dec. 28, 2010).

[v]GAO-10-428R at 8.

[vi]SeeGAO-10-428R at 7; IFPI Digital Music Report 2010 at 23 (“We live in a world where 1€ is considered extravagant for a music download, but a couple of euro is considered reasonable for a Starbucks coffee.”).

[vii]IFPI Digital Music Report 2010 at18.

[viii]See IFPI Digital Music Report 2010 at 3.

[ix]SeeIFPI Digital Music Report 2010 at 4.

[x]Eric Pfanner, Music Industry Counts the Cost of Piracy, N.Y. Times, January 21, 2010. Available at (last visited Dec. 29, 2010).

[xi]See; The Song Is Over, Portfolio, Oct. 27, 2010, visited December 29, 2010).

[xii]The Senate has also proposed a similar bill, S. 379, 111th Cong. (2009), sponsored by Senator Patrick Leahy. This bill can be found at: While the House and Senate bills differ in detail, both bills include a statutory royalty with a tiered structure.

[xiii]H.R. 848, 111th Cong. (2009). Full text of this bill can be found at:

[xiv]The Digital Performance Right in Sound Recordings Act of 1995 (17 U.S.C. §§ 106, 114-115; Pub. L. No. 104-39, 109 Stat. 336)created an exclusive public performance right for copyright owners of sound recordings for certain performances made by satellite and cable digital subscription services, but exempted broadcast radio.….

[xv]See GAO-10-428R at 2.

[xvi]See GAO-10-428R (Washington, D.C.: Feb. 26, 2010).

[xvii]See GAO, The Proposed Performance Rights Act Would Result in Additional Costs for Broadcast Radio  Stations and Additional Revenue for Record Companies, Musicians, and Performers, GAO-10-826, (Washington, D.C.: Aug 4, 2010). Available at  

[xviii]See GAO-10-826 at 12.

[xix] 12-15.

[xx]SeeGAO-10-428R at 4.

[xxi]SeeGAO-10-826 at 27-28.

[xxii]SeeGAO-10-826 at 4. (The GOA used royalty rates considered in previous rate-setting decisions—2.35, 7.25, and 13 percent).

[xxiii]SeeGAO-10-826 at 28-29; 2, fn. 4.(“While the proposed statutory license requires direct payment to musicians and performers, agreements between record companies and artists could take into consideration this additional source of revenue. Record companies and others in the recording industry have signed a Memorandum of Understanding agreeing that those signing the memorandum will not attempt to recover any performance royalties from the musicians or performers.”).

[xxiv]Available at… (last visited on Dec. 27, 2010).

[xxv]See Nate Anderson, Obama admin: time to make radio pay for its music,… (last visited Dec. 28, 2010).

[xxvi]Id.; Fair or Not “The Performance Rights Act” will affect more than Artists’ Royalties, Oct. 24, 2010, (last visited Dec. 27, 2010)(Currently, China, Iran, and North Korea are the only foreign countries that do not provide a fair performance right on radio.).

[xxvii]See GAO-10-428R at 14.

[xxviii]Available at visited on Dec. 27, 2010).

[xxix]See GAO-10-826 at30. The GAO report, however, did not factor into its calculations royalties that may due to foreign artist, which could negative the overall sum collected domestically.

[xxx]GAO-10-428R at 15.

[xxxi]Anderson, Obama admin: time to make radio pay for its music…. (last visited Dec. 27, 2010).

[xxxii]Mike Masnick, How The Recording Industry Changes Its Own Story, Jun 16, 2009, (last visited Dec. 28, 2010); Masnick, Bailing Out The RIAA?, May 14, 2009, (last visited Dec. 29, 2010).

[xxxiii] Matthew Lasar, Performance Rights Act might shut down some radio stations… (last visited Dec. 29, 2010).

[xxxiv]Anderson, Obama admin: time to make radio pay for its music…. (last visited Dec. 27, 2010).

[xxxv]GAO-10-826 at 14; Donald Passman, All You Need To Know About The Music Industry, Seventh Edition, Free Press (New York 2009) at 234-236.

[xxxvi]See H.R. 848 Section 3: Treatment for Minority, Female, Religious, Rural, Small, Noncommercial, Public Educational, and Community Stations and Certain Uses.

[xxxvii]See Section 6: Payment of Royalties.


[xxxix]Lasar, Performance Rights Act might shut down some radio stations…. (last visited Dec. 29, 2010).

[xl]GAO-10-826 at 8.

[xli]Amos Biegun, Fair Or Not, The Performance Rights Act Will Affect More Than Artists’ Royalties, Oct. 24, 2010, (last visited Dec. 27, 2010).

[xlii]GAO-10-428R at 12.

[xliii]Comments From The Copyright Office On GAO-10-428R (GAO-10-707SP), an E-supplement to GAO-10-428R, April 16, 2010. Available at (last visited Dec. 30, 2010).

[xliv]GAO, The Proposed Performance Rights Act Would Result in Additional Costs for Broadcast Radio  Stations and Additional Revenue for Record Companies, Musicians, and Performers, GAO-10-826,  Appendix V: Comments from the Federal Communications Commission, page 56-57 (July 21, 2010).

[xlv]The Infinite Dial 2010: Digital Platforms and the Future of Radio at 15-16.  Available at (last visited Dec. 29, 2010).

[xlvi]GAO-10-826 at 11-20.

[xlvii]IFPI Digital Music Report 2010 at 19. 

© Copyright 2011 Nyasha S. Foy

Notions of the Transformative in Law and the Visual Arts

The National Law Review is proud to announce that Aimée Scala of Brooklyn Law School  is one of our Student Legal Writing Contest Winners for March of 2011.  Aimee’s article focuses on what constitutes a “transformative” work for purposes of fair use under copyright law

In January 2011, artist Shepard Fairey and the Associated Press reached a settlement out of court regarding Fairey’s ubiquitous Hope poster (now in the collection of the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, D.C.), created and used during Barack Obama’s presidential campaign. Fairey’s image was based on a photograph of Obama, then an Illinois senator, taken by photographer Manny Garcia for the Associated Press. The A.P. accused him of copyright infringement because of the substantial similarity between the two images. In response, Fairey brought suit seeking a declaration that his use of the photograph was not infringement, but instead a fair use of the copyrighted image, a statutory exception to the exclusive grants given to authors and creators under federal copyright law. Because the parties settled their dispute, the merits of Fairey’s fair use claim were not addressed. Some commentators, however, have argued that the case would have turned primarily on whether Fairey’s use of the photograph was “transformative.” Though this case made headlines, another fair use case, one whose holding has far-reaching implications for artists and others that rely on the doctrine, fell largely under the radar of popular media.

The case of Gaylord v. United Statesi addressed and refined some of the blurry borders surrounding the fair use doctrine, particularly what constitutes a “transformative” work for purposes of fair use. Because the judicial determination of whether use of a copyrighted work in another work is “fair” requires balancing both law and fact, predicting the outcome in a specific set of circumstances is difficult, if not outright impossible. Indeed, the fair use doctrine has been described as “the most troublesome in the whole law of copyright.”ii Accordingly, artists who incorporate copyrighted material into their works often don’t know until a suit arises whether their use will be labeled infringement or protected artistic expression. The uncertainty surrounding the doctrine necessarily increases the risk of using any copyrighted material and artists are beginning to express concern. In Gaylord, the Center for Internet & Society filed an amicus brief on behalf of the Warhol Foundation, the Warhol Museum, Barbara Kruger, Thomas Lawson, Jonathan Monk, Allan Ruppersberg, and eleven law professors urging the court to affirm the lower court’s finding of fair use and reject the standard for “transformative” that it subsequently adopted.

The case involved the Korean War Memorial in Washington DC, in particular a sculpture by artist Frank Gaylord known as The Column, consisting of nineteen stainless steel statues of foot soldiers in staggered formation. Dedicated in 1995, the Memorial was commissioned and funded by the United States and constructed by Cooper-Leckey Architects. Shortly thereafter, amateur photographer and military officer John Alli photographed the monument as a retirement gift for his father, a Korean War veteran. Alli took hundreds of photographs of the sculpture using different angles, lighting, shutter speeds, varying both the time of the year and time of day. The photograph he ultimately chose for his father, which he titled Real Life, captured the monument at dawn during a snowstorm

Alli explained at trial that the he felt the subdued early morning light and falling snow evoked a surreal sensation, drawing the viewer into the photograph and communicating the harsh, freezing conditions soldiers in the Korean conflict were forced to endure. Before Alli began selling prints of his photograph, he reached out to Cooper-Leckey for permission. Though Cooper-Leckey granted a license in exchange for royalties, Gaylord sued him in 2006. Alli settled the dispute by agreeing to give Gaylord 10% of any net sales.

 The photograph was selected in 2002 by the United States Postal Service for use on a stamp to commemorate the Korean War. The Postal Service contacted Alli for the image, and he sold it to them for $1500. Alli suggested that the Postal Service contact both Cooper-Leckey and Gaylord for permission, but they did not contact anyone about licensing. They altered Real Life so as to make it monochromatic and grey, and sold the stamps until 2005 when they decided to retire it.

 In 2006 Gaylord sued the United States for copyright infringement in Federal Claims Court. The court found the United States’ use of the copyrighted material in the stamp qualified as fair use, and Gaylord appealed. The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit reversed and remanded the case for an assessment of damages.

 The decision largely turned on whether the Postal Service’s use of the copyrighted sculpture in the stamp was “transformative.” Fair use is determined by balancing four non-exclusive factors that are weighed together with an eye towards the fundamental purposes of copyright.iii The first factor, the purpose and character of the use,iv asks, among other things, whether the second work is “transformative.”vIf it is indeed found to be a transformation of the copyrighted material, the factor will weigh in favor of a finding of fair use.

By ultimately concluding that the Postal Service’s use of Alli’s image of The Column was not fair use, the Court of Appeals narrowed what constitutes a transformative work in the fair use context. The court explained that the use was not transformative because “the stamp did not use The Column as part of a commentary or criticism.”vi This understanding of the meaning of “transformative” poses severe limits on what may now be considered fair use of copyrighted materials. Unlike the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in Blanch v. Koonswhich explained that a subsequent work could use copyrighted works as “raw materials” to further creative or communicative objectives and still be considered transformative,vii the Federal Circuit—by narrowing transformative to include only comment or criticism of the copyrighted work—dismisses wholesale a broad range of established artistic practices and ignores the constitutional mandate that grounds U.S. copyright law, namely that exclusive intellectual property rights be granted to authors and inventors for limited times “to promote the progress of science and the useful arts.”viii The intent behind the intellectual property clause is to benefit society and encourage a flourishing of artistic practice by creating incentives. The holding of Gaylord may strangle creative energy and stifle previously protected artistic expression with the ominous threat of legal repercussions while rejecting important and established artistic practices

The idea that by changing context one can radically change the meaning of an object is a well-established notion in modern and contemporary art. Indeed, one landmark work that aptly illustrates the point is Marcel Duchamp’s 1917 workFountain. Probably his most famous readymade, replicas of Fountain (the original was lost) are housed in museum collections the world over. Fountain consists only of a found object the artist installed with no changes apart from his scrawling of “R. Mutt” onto the side. As Duchamp biographer and art critic Calvin Tomkins notes, “it does not take much stretching of the imagination to see in the upside-down urinal’s gently flowing curves the veiled head of a classic Renaissance madonna or a seated Buddha or, perhaps more to the point, one of Brâncuşi’s polished erotic forms.”ix Once the object was placed in an art exhibition, it ceased to be a functional item and was transformed into an object of beauty.

Further, appropriation art, a movement that gained popular ground in the late 1970s, makes broad uses of found images (or photographs of them). Sometimes incorporating images wholesale with little or no alteration, this type of practice again emphasizes that changing the context of an image, from being seen on a billboard to the wall of a gallery, is transformative because the image becomes a work of art. Artist Richard Prince’s work Spiritual America, 1983, appropriated a photograph of a young Brooke Shields, originally the work of commercial photographer Gary Gross, while the work’s title is borrowed from a 1923 photograph by Alfred Stieglitz. The subject of a retrospective at the Guggenheim Museum in 2007, Richard Prince’s influence on art history is undisputed. Unfortunately, because this work and others like it do not explicitly comment on or criticize the incorporated copyrighted material, they could very well be considered infringing under the standard the Federal Circuit has adopted.

Renowned jurist Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. once stated that:

“[i]t would be a dangerous undertaking for persons trained only to the law to constitute themselves final judges of the worth of pictorial illustrations.”x

Though oft-quoted, his candid and self-aware remark seems to have lost its footing within contemporary copyright jurisprudence. As the boundaries of the copyright “monopoly” continuously expand like a snowball rolling down a mountain, a broad conception of fair use becomes increasingly important to promoting artistic expression. Our contemporary jurists should take heed of Holmes’s remarks as well as consider the constitutional principles on which copyright law is grounded—not exclusively to protect authors and creators, but instead to provide an incentive for individuals to make creative works for the benefit the public.

 This delicate balance requires an interpretation of fair use that allows artists to feel free to “quote” from other works, and it requires judges to acknowledge that perhaps it is the place of art historians, viewers, or artists themselves, to determine whether the intent behind work is transformative. Indeed, art history has long recognized that changing the context of a work changes its meaning: something largely worthless, once altered to become an art object, becomes invaluable. Though no explicit comment or criticism is made about the original work, a new work is created whose transformative nature has been acknowledged by art historians for almost a century. Courts must recognize that people draw creative inspiration from the world around them to make new works that benefit our society, and that world includes other people’s creative endeavors.

i 595 F.3d 1364 (Fed. Cir. 2010).

ii Dellar v. Samuel Goldwyn, Inc., 104 F.2d 661,662 (2nd Cir. 1939).

iii Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Music, Inc., 510 U.S. 569, 577-78 (1994).

iv 17 U.S.C. § 107 (1) (2006).

v Campbell 510 U.S. at 578-79.

vi Gaylord 595 F.3d at 1373 (Fed. Cir. 2010).

vii Blanch v. Koons 467 F.3d 244, 253 (2nd Cir. 2006) (internal quotation marks and citations omitted).

viii U.S. Const., Art. I, § 8, cl. 8.

ix Calvin Tompkins, Duchamp: A Biography (New York: Henry Holt, 1998). 186

x Bleistein v. Donaldson Lithographing Co. 188 U.S. 239, 251 (1903).

Aimée Scala © Copyright 2011

The "Initial Interest Confusion" Test – Analysis and Proposal for a Sensible Formulation for Use on the Internet

The National Law Review is proud to announce that Jaclyn Coronado Sitjar of Saint Louis University School of Law is one of our Student Legal Writing Contest Winners for March of 2011. Jaclyn’s article focuses on the element of likelihood of consumer confusion which is the crux of many trademark infringement claims.


The Internet facilitates online commerce and provides a wealth of information to consumers by allowing users to search for a product or brand and to receive results, suggestions, and advertisements.  Internet consumers using search engines are familiar with search-based advertising, where advertisements appear next to search results.  Google provides an advertising service, AdWords.[i]AdWords allows advertisers to bid on search terms, called keywords, and then Google links those keywords to the advertiser’s advertisements or hyperlinks.[ii]When an Internet consumer searches for the keyword the advertiser purchased, the sponsored link or advertisement is triggered and appears either above or to the right of the organic search results.[iii] Other search engines including Netscape and Excite use programs similar to Google AdWords to allow advertisers to either bid for or purchase specific search terms.[iv]

During the first half of 2010, U.S. Internet advertising revenue broke a new half-year record with U.S. Internet advertisers spending $12.1 billion.[v] The average American spends more than sixty hours a month online and 55% of American adults use the Internet daily.[vi] With increasing Internet advertising and use, the possibility of consumer confusion exists on the Internet.  Advertisers can buy keywords related to their line of business, which may include buying a competitor’s trademark.  For example, if Advertiser A buys Competitor B’s trademark as a keyword, then an Internet search for Competitor B’s product will trigger Advertiser A’s ads in a list of sponsored links along the search results.  This example presents a possibility of consumer confusion on the Internet.[vii] One way to alleviate Internet consumer confusion is through the court’s regulation of trademarks in metatags, domain names, and keyword-sponsored advertising and the adoption of the initial interest doctrine.[viii]

I.  Background Information

The Lanham Act of 1946 federally regulates trademarks by creating a registration system for marks used in U.S. commerce and providing causes of action for the infringement of both registered and unregistered marks.[ix] Under the Lanham Act, a trademark is “any word, name, symbol, or device, or any combination thereof . . . to identify and distinguish his or her goods, including a unique product, from those manufactured or sold by others and to indicate the source of the goods.”[x]Trademark law serves two primary purposes:  (1) to protect the trademark owner’s private interests of the resources and efforts invested into establishing trademarks and (2) to protect the public by reducing the likelihood of consumer confusion by prohibiting misleading trademark practices.[xi]

Section 43 of the Lanham Act defines trademark infringement of unregistered trademarks, which is a cause of action allowing trademark owners the right to bring a civil suit against anyone who “uses” another’s trademark “in commerce” when such use is likely to confuse or deceive consumers in advertising or promotion.[xii] Section 32 of the Lanham Act is the provision for trademark infringement of a registered trademark.[xiii] Although the Lanham Act provides for protection against infringement of both registered and unregistered marks, courts and litigants tend to look to Section 43, which also protects unfair methods of competition, e.g. false designation of origin, sponsorship, or approval.[xiv] Courts interpret both Section 32 and Section 43 to require a plaintiff to establish three elements for a successful trademark infringement action.[xv] First, the plaintiff shows a valid trademark entitled to protection under the Lanham Act.[xvi] Second, the plaintiff shows the defendant used the plaintiff’s mark or a similar mark in commerce.[xvii] Third, the plaintiff must prove the defendant’s use will create a likelihood of confusion.[xviii]

A.  Use in Commerce

At issue in many online trademark infringement cases is the second element of the infringement analysis, use in commerce.[xix] The Lanham Act defines “use in commerce” as the bona fide use of a mark either on goods or services.[xx] In the offline context, selling a product with another’s trademark affixed to the carton is an example of sufficient use in commerce.[xxi] In the online context without tangible products to affix trademarks to, courts have had to determine Internet-specific issues such as whether domain names including competitor trademarks or using metatags of a competitor’s trademark constitute sufficient use in commerce.[xxii]With the rise in search-based advertising,[xxiii] the most recent issue with online use in commerce is buying and selling trademarks as keywords.  In Rescuecom Corp v. Google Inc., the Second Circuit Court of Appeals recently ruled that buying another’s trademark through Google’s advertising service AdWords constitutes use in commerce.[xxiv] Rescuecom aligned the Second Circuit with the majority of other circuits finding that a defendant’s use of plaintiff’s trademarks to trigger keyword advertising is sufficient use in commerce.[xxv]

B.  Likelihood of Confusion

The final element, likelihood of consumer confusion, forms the crux of most trademark infringement claims.[xxvi] Courts employ a multifactor test to determine the likelihood of confusion by applying a version of the eight factors established by the Ninth Circuit in AMF, Inc. v. Sleekcraft Boats:

(1) similarity of the conflicting marks; (2) proximity of the two companies’ products or services; (3) strength of the plaintiff’s mark; (4) marketing channels used by the two companies; (5) degree of care likely to be exercised by purchasers in selecting goods; (6) defendant’s intent when selecting the mark; (7) evidence of actual consumer confusion; and (8) likelihood of expansion of product lines.[xxvii]

The multifactor test is flexible and other circuits may apply fewer or more factors.[xxviii] Whatever factors a court employs, the ultimate test focuses on whether defendant’s use is likely to confuse or deceive customers into thinking there is some sponsorship between the trademark owner and the infringing mark.[xxix]

Usually courts determine likelihood of confusion at the time the consumer makes the purchase.  However, sometimes circumstances arise where the consumer is actually confused before making the purchase.  For example, an Internet consumer may only be confused into visiting a website, not into actually purchasing a product.  A consumer could click on an ad triggered by a keyword containing the competitor’s trademark.  Since the traditional likelihood of confusion standard does not translate well to such keyword cases, some courts have turned to initial interest confusion.

II.  Initial Interest Confusion

A.  Introduction to Initial Interest Confusion

Initial interest confusion is the temporary, pre-sale confusion that occurs when a consumer is drawn to a product believing it to be affiliated with another company because the product somehow evokes that company’s trademark.[xxx] Initial interest confusion is a judicially created doctrine applied where a product generates initial customer interest by using another’s trademark, even if the customer never actually buys the infringing product.[xxxi] Courts applying initial interest confusion can hold defendants liable based on an unfair “bait-and-switch theory” for practices that “affect the buying decisions of consumers in the market for the goods, effectively allowing the competitor to get its foot in the door by confusing consumers.”[xxxii]

The Second Circuit first developed initial interest confusion in 1975 in Grotrian v. Steinway & Sons after finding the traditional likelihood of confusion analysis insufficient to hold the culpable defendants liable.[xxxiii] In Grotrian, a German corporation sold pianos under the trade name “Grotrian-Steinweg” which competed with the well-known piano manufacturer Steinway & Sons.[xxxiv] The district court applied the traditional likelihood of confusion test with special focus on the “degree of likely consumer care” factor.[xxxv] Although expensive piano consumers have a high sophistication level, this sophistication did not eliminate the possibility of consumer confusion between the similar marks.[xxxvi] The court coined the initial interest confusion theory by noting that a potential Steinway buyer might initially be misled to the less expensive Grotrian-Steinweg, which injures Steinway.[xxxvii] The issue was “not the possibility that a purchaser would buy a Grotrian-Steinweg thinking it was actually a Steinway, but rather that, by virtue of “initial confusion,” the “‘Grotrian-Steinweg’ name … would attract potential customers based on the reputation built up by Steinway in this country for many years.”[xxxviii] The consumer’s confusion occurred before the purchase when a consumer would initially afford Grotrian-Steinweg pianos positive credibility because of the consumer’s mental association with the Steinway & Sons mark, regardless of whether the consumer actually purchased a Grotrian-Steinweg piano or not.[xxxix] Therefore, the Second Circuit found the absence of point-of-sale confusion was irrelevant because harm resulted from the initial interest confusion.[xl]

The Second Circuit used the same rationale twelve years later in Mobil Oil Corp. v. Pegasus Petroleum Corp., holding defendant’s “Pegasus Petroleum” name for an oil trading company infringed on plaintiff’s trademarked flying horse logo.[xli] There was a likelihood of confusion “not in the fact that a third party would do business with Pegasus Petroleum believing it was related to Mobil, but rather in the likelihood that Pegasus Petroleum would gain crucial credibility during the initial phases of a deal.”[xlii]

Since Grotrian and Mobil, other circuits have applied initial interest confusion to trademark infringement cases.[xliii] With the rise of the Internet, courts also apply initial interest confusion in the online context.[xliv] The landmark case on online initial interest confusion is Brookfield Communications, Inc. v. West Coast Entertainment Corp.[xlv] Plaintiff Brookfield Communications offered an Internet software database of the entertainment industry using the trademark “MovieBuff.”[xlvi] Brookfield claimed trademark infringement against defendant West Coast’s use of the domain name “” and the term “MovieBuff’ in metatags for its own entertainment industry database.[xlvii] Metatags are lines of code in a website’s Hyper Text Mark-Up Language (HTML) invisible to the internet user that older search engine technologies used to compile and order search results lists.[xlviii] The Ninth Circuit held for Brookfield, finding initial interest confusion is likely to result from West Coast Entertainment’s metatag use.[xlix]Internet users searching for Brookfield’s MovieBuff product may discover West Coast’s website and, finding a free database similar to Brookfield’s product, the user may “simply decide to utilize West Coast’s offerings instead.”[l] This is actionable initial interest confusion “in the sense that, by using ‘’ or ‘MovieBuff’ to divert people looking for ‘MovieBuff’ to its website, West Coast improperly benefits from the goodwill that Brookfield developed in its mark.”[li]

B.  Criticism and Proposal for Courts Applying Initial Interest Confusion

Brookfieldwas a controversial decision that has been criticized by scholars and judges.[lii] In reaching its conclusion, the Ninth Circuit did not employ the eight-factor Sleekcraft test.[liii] Instead, the court stated “the traditional eight-factor test is not well-suited for analyzing the metatags issue,” then considered only whether the metatags caused initial interest confusion.[liv] This departure from the likelihood of confusion test sparked criticism over whether initial interest confusion is a viable theory to find trademark infringement liability.[lv]

Another criticism is that unlike the earlier offline cases ofGrotrian and Mobilinvolving both the presence of confusion and the misappropriation of goodwill in famous marks[lvi]Brookfield found initial interest confusion merely on the potential that West Coast might receive some benefit from Brookfield’s mark.[lvii]Another common criticism of initial interest confusion is there is no real economic justification for its application, especially online where there is only a de minimiscost to consumers to click back and forth between websites.[lviii] However, because the internet affords a plethora of advertising techniques ranging from metatags to keyword advertising, the online consumer may actually be confused more often than the offline consumer.[lix] Furthermore, Rescuecom shows that with courts in agreement that using trademarks in these contexts is actionable trademark use, infringement claims will survive summary judgment, urging some standard of uniformity among courts applying initial interest confusion.[lx]

In response to this criticism, the Second, Third, Sixth, Seventh, Ninth and Tenth Circuits have recognized online initial interest confusion.[lxi] Just as courts apply different variations of the likelihood of consumer confusion tests,[lxii] courts are also applying different variations of initial interest confusion analysis.[lxiii] Circuit courts and district courts within these circuits are even applying different variations of initial interest confusion.[lxiv] This paper organizes the conundrum of initial interest confusion by three different approaches used by the courts:  (1) Engaging in the entire traditional likelihood of confusion analysis and then considering initial interest confusion as a separate factor, (2) Only considering initial interest confusion or giving undue weight to diversion, and (3) Analyzing initial interest confusion within the “evidence of actual confusion” factor or “customer care” factor.

1.  Courts analyzing initial interest confusion separately before or after the traditional likelihood of confusion test

Courts in the Second, Third, Sixth and Ninth Circuits analyze initial interest confusion separately from the traditional likelihood of confusion analysis.[lxv] These courts either assess initial interest confusion before or after the traditional likelihood of confusion factors.  In the Second Circuit, Savin Corp. v. The Savin Group involved a domain name dispute.[lxvi] The Polaroid factors are the eight factors that the Second Circuit applies to determine whether there is a likelihood of confusion in a trademark infringement case.[lxvii] The Savin court considered initial interest confusion separately after the Polaroid analysis because it “does not fall neatly under any of the Polaroid factors.”[lxviii] The Savin court relied on precedent in Bihari v. Gross, which required a showing of intentional deception before finding initial interest confusion.[lxix] Because the plaintiff had failed to raise a triable issue of fact on either a likelihood of confusion or intentional deception, the Second Circuit affirmed the district court’s summary judgment to the defendant.[lxx]

In Checkpoint Systems, Inc. v. Check Point Software Technologies, Inc., the Third Circuit assesses all ten Lapp factors and then analyzes initial interest confusion.[lxxi] The Lapp factors are the Third Circuit’s ten factors used to determine likelihood of confusion in trademark infringement cases.[lxxii] Furthermore, all Lapp factors should be considered whether a plaintiff alleges initial interest confusion, point-of-sale confusion, or both.[lxxiii] Two district courts in the Third Circuit addressed initial interest confusion in keyword advertising cases with the District Court of New Jersey following Checkpoint and the Eastern District of Pennsylvania deviating from Checkpoint.[lxxiv] The District Court of New Jersey in 800-Jr Cigar, Inc. v., Inc. followed Checkpoint by applying all ten Lapp factors and then engaged in a more comprehensive initial interest confusion analysis.  [lxxv] The court looked at (1) product relatedness, (2) the level of care exercised by consumers in making purchasing decisions, (3) the sophistication of the purchaser/consumer; and (4) the intent of the alleged infringer in adopting the mark.[lxxvi] The court ultimately found genuine issues of material fact in four of the ten Lapp factors and the impact, if any, of initial interest confusion and denied both parties’ motions for summary judgment.[lxxvii]

Conversely, the court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania in the Third Circuit declined to extend initial interest confusion in keyword advertising in JG Wentworth v. Settlement Funding LLC.[lxxviii] JG Wentworth alleged Settlement Funding LLC’s purchase of the keyword “JG Wentworth” from Google AdWords for sponsored link advertisements and using JG Wentworth’s trademarks as metatags in Settlement Funding LLC’s websites caused initial interest confusion.[lxxix] Instead of applying the Lapp factors, the court hastily decided there was no likelihood of confusion and no trademark infringement because Settlement Funding LLC’s website link was “separate and distinct” from JG Wentworth’s website link, therefore eliminating potential consumers from the “opportunity to confuse defendant’s services, goods, advertisements, links or websites for those of JG Wentworth’s.”[lxxx]

Since Brookfield, the Ninth Circuit has encountered a variety of cases alleging initial interest confusion on the Internet.[lxxxi] In the Internet context, the Ninth Circuit has applied its Sleekcraft factors before addressing initial interest confusion in trademark infringement cases involving a domain name, keyword advertising, and most recently with Google’s AdWords program.[lxxxii] However, the Ninth Circuit has also held that in the Internet context, the three most importantSleekcraft factors are (1) the similarity of the marks, (2) the relatedness of the goods or services, and (3) the parties’ simultaneous use of the Web as a marketing channel.[lxxxiii] These three factors have been dubbed the “controlling troika” or the “internet trinity.”[lxxxiv] When the Internet trinity factors suggest likely confusion, the other factors must “weigh strongly” against a likelihood of confusion to avoid finding infringement.[lxxxv]

For example, in Interstellar Starship Services, Ltd. v. Epix, Inc., the plaintiff alleged that the defendant’s domain name caused a likelihood of initial interest confusion.[lxxxvi] The Ninth Circuit affirmed the district court’s holding of no likelihood of initial interest confusion, explicitly stating that the district court correctly applied all Sleekcraft factors instead of just the internet trinity factors.[lxxxvii] However, courts have interpreted Interstellar to engage in a type of burden-shifting analysis between the internet trinity factors and the rest of theSleekcraft factors.[lxxxviii] After finding the internet trinity factors favor a plaintiff, the burden shifts to the defendant to prove the remaining factors “weigh strongly against a likelihood of confusion.”[lxxxix] This was seen in Inc. v. eBay Inc. with seeking declaratory judgment that its various forms of the mark “Perfumebay” did not infringe eBay’s trademark.[xc] The Ninth Circuit affirmed the district court’s holding that a likelihood of consumer confusion and initial interest confusion existed.[xci] There was a likelihood of consumer confusion because the trinity factors (strong similarity between the marks “Perfumebay” and “eBay,” both parties used the internet as a marketing channel, and both parties sold similar products) weighed strongly in eBay’s favor and the plaintiff could not outweigh this showing with any of the other Sleekcraftfactors.[xcii]

The Sixth Circuit, like the Ninth Circuit, applies the Internet trinity factors and the other remaining five factors from its traditional likelihood of confusion test.[xciii] InPaccar Inc. v. TeleScan Technologies, L.L.C., the trucking company Paccar claimed trademark infringement against TeleScan Technologies, the owner of a used truck locator website, based on Paccar’s trademarks in its domain names and meta tags.[xciv] After the district court granted a preliminary injunction against the defendants, Sixth Circuit affirmed the preliminary injunction due to Paccar’s demonstration of “a likelihood of confusion and, thus, a strong likelihood of success on the merits of its trademark infringement claim.”[xcv] Central to its holding, the court relied on the internet factors of mark similarity, relatedness of goods or services, simultaneous use of the Internet as a marketing channel, without relying much on the other likelihood of confusion factors.[xcvi]

2.  Courts analyzing only initial interest confusion or giving undue weight to diversion

Some courts found a likelihood of confusion because of initial interest confusion without engaging in the traditional multi-factor analysis or give undue weight to diversion in finding a likelihood of ocnfusion exists.[xcvii] At least one district court is not applying any of the factors tests and instead is relying solely on the initial interest doctrine.[xcviii] In Morningware, Inc. v. Hearthware Home Products, Inc., the court for the Northern District of Illinois found the plaintiff had sufficiently alleged evidence of initial interest confusion to deny the defendant’s Rule 12(b)(6) Motion to Dismiss.[xcix] The defendant had purchased plaintiff’s trademark and variations of plaintiff’s trademark as a keyword from Google’s AdWords program.[c] In finding a likelihood of confusion, the Morningware court relied on a previous Seventh Circuit ruling in Promatek Indus., Ltd. v. Equitrac Corp.[ci]

Promatek involved analogous facts to Morningware, finding a likelihood of confusion when the defendant used the plaintiff’s trademarks in the defendant’s website metatags.[cii] In Promatek, the Seventh Circuit recognized that initial interest confusion can arise even if consumers who are misled to a website are only briefly confused.[ciii] Under Promatek, “What is important is not the duration of the confusion, it is the misappropriation of Promatek’s goodwill.”[civ] InMorningware, “Hearthware’s advertisement does not mention Hearthware and the consumer who views the Hearthware advertisement searched for the term ‘Morningware,’ the advertisement could mislead consumer to believe that the link is associated with Hearthware.”[cv] Following Promatek, Morningware had sufficiently alleged initial interest confusion.[cvi] In reaching this conclusion, the court did not engage in any likelihood of confusion analysis.  The court cited seven factors to assess for the likelihood of consumer confusion, but then spent the rest of the likelihood of confusion discussion only on Promatek.[cvii]

The Tenth Circuit in Australian Gold, Inc. v. Hatfield is an example of a court giving undue weight to diversion.[cviii] Defendant Hatfield sold plaintiff Australian Gold’s (“AG”) tanning products over the internet without AG’s authorization.[cix] Hatfield used AG’s trademarks in website metatags and paid a search engine for search result priority.[cx] The Tenth Circuit affirmed the district court’s finding Hatfield liable for trademark infringement for using AG’s trademark within Hatfield’s metatags.[cxi] The court found that the defendant’s intent in using the marks, similarity of products and manner of marketing, the degree of care consumers were likely to exercise, and mark strength all weighed in plaintiff’s favor.[cxii] However, the court went a step further and found that diversion was inherently damaging even though the plaintiffs did not offer any evidence of actual confusion.[cxiii] The court found that “the original diversion of the prospective customer’s interest to a source that he or she erroneously believes is authorized” is a harm caused by initial interest confusion.[cxiv]

Additionally, the court’s treatment of Hatfield’s website disclaimers bolstered the court’s belief that diversion is inherently damaging.  Hatfield’s disclaimers disavowed any connection with plaintiffs and clarified the true source of the website.[cxv] Adhering to its belief that damage had already been done once consumers were diverted to defendant’s websites, the court found defendant’s disclaimers to be irrelevant.[cxvi] The purpose of Hatfield’s disclaimers were to clear up any consumer confusion, but the court found the damage from the original diversion was sufficiently actionable.  Australian Gold suggests that diversion is inherently damaging and even absent a defendant’s use of disclaimers or plaintiff’s evidence of actual confusion, the Tenth Circuit will still find actionable trademark infringement based on initial interest confusion.[cxvii]

3.  Courts analyzing initial interest confusion within the “evidence of confusion” or “customer care” factor of the traditional likelihood of confusion test

The last formulation is courts analyzing initial interest confusion within the “evidence of confusion” factor or the “customer care” factor.  Including this analysis as part of the traditional likelihood of confusion factors adheres to the Lanham Act standard for trademark infringement, “likely to cause confusion.”[cxviii] Subsuming initial interest confusion within the complete factors test also reconciles criticism that initial interest confusion is inappropriately expanding trademark infringement to include diversion.[cxix]

The Fifth Circuit applied initial interest confusion in the “evidence of actual confusion” factor based on witness testimony in Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. v. Capece.[cxx] Elvis Presley Enterprises (“EPE”) claimed trademark infringement against Capece for using the service mark “The Velvet Elvis” for his nightclub and for using Elvis Presley’s image and likeness in advertising and promoting.[cxxi] Within its seven-factor analysis, the court discussed initial interest confusion within evidence of actual confusion because customers were lured into “The Velvet Elvis” thinking it was associated with the “Elvis Presley” trademark name.[cxxii] The court reasoned there was initial interest confusion even if the customers realized there was no association with “The Velvet Elvis” and “Elvis Presley” upon entering the nightclub.[cxxiii] According to the court, “Despite the confusion being dissipated, this initial-interest confusion is beneficial to the Defendants because it brings patrons in the door; indeed, it brought at least one of EPE’s witnesses into the bar.  Once in the door, the confusion has succeeded because some patrons may stay, despite realizing that the bar has no relationship with EPE.”[cxxiv] The court found this initial interest confusion coupled with actual confusion from Capece’s advertising practices weighed “evidence of actual confusion” in EPE’s favor.[cxxv] Although the Fifth Circuit has not ruled specifically on initial interest confusion and keyword advertising cases, one scholar hypothesizes that based on Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc., the Fifth Circuit may apply initial interest confusion because a sponsored link advertisement luring online customers into a website based on the use of a trademark is analogous to the luring rationale between “The Velvet Elvis” and “Elvis Presley.”[cxxvi]

As Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. found a likelihood of confusion based on both actual confusion and initial interest confusion,[cxxvii] courts have also reached similar conclusions even in the absence of actual confusion.[cxxviii] The Sixth Circuit has even gone so far to state that, “evidence of initial-interest confusion comes into the eight factor Frisch test as a substitute for evidence of actual confusion.”[cxxix] The court for the Southern District of Ohio adopted this approach in Tdata Inc. v. Aircraft Technical Publishers.[cxxx] In Tdata Inc., the plaintiff alleged that the defendant’s website metatags containing plaintiff’s trademarks constituted trademark infringement.[cxxxi] Before applying the eight factor Frischtest, the court decided to apply initial interest confusion, reasoning that, “use of the company’s mark in metatags constitutes infringing use of the mark to pull consumers to Tdata’s website and the products it features, even if the consumers later realize the confusion.”[cxxxii] Instead of just stopping there and concluding a likelihood of confusion, the court went through the eight factor Frisch test.[cxxxiii] The previous finding of initial interest confusion was substituted into the “actual confusion” factor, even without evidence of actual confusion.[cxxxiv] Tdata Inc.exemplifies the benefit of applying all of the factors instead of prematurely resting solely on initial interest confusion.  This case also shows that absent actual confusion, a court can properly assess the other factors and find a likelihood of confusion.[cxxxv]

The Second Circuit and the Seventh Circuit have also incorporated initial interest into the “consumer care” factor.[cxxxvi] In Mobil, the Second Circuit affirmed the district court’s finding of initial confusion based on “the probability that potential purchasers would be misled into an initial interest in Pegasus Petroleum.”[cxxxvii] In Promatek, the Seventh Circuit placed importance on consumer care, explicitly stating, “The degree of care exercised by consumers could lead to initial interest confusion,” before finding a likelihood of confusion existed.[cxxxviii]

A recent example of courts including initial interest analysis into the factors test, Inc. v. Leachco, Inc. from the District Court of the Middle District of Pennsylvania.[cxxxix]’s baby product website includes “featured brand” manufacturers, including Leachco.[cxl] The “featured brand” webpage displayed Leachco’s trademark and included a section entitled “Pregnancy Pillows.”[cxli] The webpage also contained hyperlinks that would take the viewer to webpages containing non-Leachco products.[cxlii] Leachco argued under a “bait and switch theory” that “prospective customers are ‘baited’ by Leachco’s brand into visiting the Leachco “featured brand” webpage on the Baby-Age Website, baited into pursuing a Leachco pregnancy pillow, and then “switched” to non-Leachco pregnancy pillows by the hyperlinks.[cxliii] The court applied theLapp factors and analyzed initial interest confusion within both the customer care and the actual confusion factors.[cxliv] Under customer care, the court found that low price alone was insufficient to make an appropriate conclusion on the level of customer care.[cxlv] Under actual confusion, Leachco sought more information on point of sale and internet traffic that may be probative of initial interest confusion.[cxlvi] The court ultimately denied Leachco’s motion for summary judgment because more development was needed for the customer care and actual confusion factors.[cxlvii]

III.  Criticism of Tests 1 and 2 and Proposal for Courts to Adopt Test 3

A.  Criticism of Tests 1 and 2

The strongest argument against Test 1, courts analyzing initial interest confusion separately before or after the traditional likelihood of confusion, is that this approach is inefficient and more time-consuming.  Instead, courts should include the initial interest analysis within one of the factors as proposed in Part III(B).  Separating the initial interest analysis from the likelihood of confusion factors is also problematic because it could run the risk of turning into the formulation in Part II(B)(2), just applying the initial interest analysis.

Analyzing initial interest confusion as a separate doctrine without engaging in the traditional likelihood of confusion test in Test 2 is problematic because it acts as a shortcut to finding trademark infringement.[cxlviii] Completely discarding the multi-factor test makes it easier for a plaintiff to prove trademark infringement if only initial interest confusion is needed.[cxlix] Lowering the bar for plaintiffs to bring trademark infringement would not only strain the judicial system with increased cases, but would also adversely harm consumers and defendant trademark owners.  If trademark owners were more susceptible to trademark infringement cases, they would have to reallocate resources to defend themselves in court.  Instead of using resources to improve product quality and create new products, trademark owners would have to resources to defend trademark infringement suits, thereby depriving consumers.

Finding a likelihood of confusion solely on initial interest confusion in the Internet is dangerous and threatens to undermine the purposes of trademark law.  For example, a plaintiff could allege initial interest confusion based on diversion resulting from a defendant’s use of the plaintiff’s trademark in keyword advertising or metatags.  Suppose plaintiff and defendant compete in completely unrelated markets, have dissimilar marks, and both have high levels of consumer sophistication.  Under a traditional likelihood of confusion test, it is unlikely a court would find a likelihood of confusion under these circumstances.  However, a court choosing to solely apply initial interest confusion could focus on the defendant’s use of the plaintiff’s mark to divert consumers and find a likelihood of initial interest confusion.  Although no cases have gone to this extreme of finding initial interest confusion, some courts are inappropriately expanding the scope of initial interest confusion by giving undue weight to the misappropriation of goodwill.[cl]

Another statutory argument against courts just using initial interest confusion is this formulation conflates the trademark infringement test by using misappropriation of goodwill to satisfy both threshold use and likelihood of confusion.[cli] Such a construction is doctrinally inappropriate because likelihood of confusion, not the misappropriation of goodwill, is the “hallmark” of analyzing trademark infringement.[clii] Conflating the trademark infringement test would make it much easier for plaintiffs to bring trademark infringement cases, which would negatively affect the trademark owners who would have to expend time and resources to defend these cases.

The greatest danger of applying solely initial interest confusion is that this approach disregards the Lanham Act.  The Lanham Act does not expressly state that trademark infringement is actionable based on initial interest confusion.  Instead, the only analysis within the Lanham Act is the likelihood of confusion test, so therefore the likelihood of confusion doctrine should be the only analysis applied to trademark infringement claims.[cliii] One scholar likened initial interest confusion on the Internet to judicial activism.[cliv] The argument was that since the Lanham Act does not include pre-sale confusion as actionable trademark infringement, courts could erroneously extend initial interest confusion to cover consumers searching on the Internet who become initially confused and interested in a competitor’s product.[clv] Without the traditional likelihood of confusion factors test, courts could just apply initial interest confusion to almost any alleged defendant’s use of a sponsored link advertisement, which would frustrate consumers’ intent and interest.[clvi]

As this section demonstrates, courts should not base a finding of consumer confusion solely on initial interest confusion because this formulation contravenes the trademark goals of protecting the trademark owner’s interests and benefiting consumers.

B.  Proposal for Test 3

The District Court of the Middle District of Pennsylvania in, Inc.demonstrates a trend in the right direction of courts applying initial interest confusion within the factors test.  For the reasons stated above, courts should continue to apply the traditional likelihood of confusion factors and incorporate initial interest confusion within either the “evidence of actual confusion” or “customer care” factors.  Analyzing initial interest confusion within the likelihood of confusion test has already garnered support from some courts and scholars and the remaining courts should follow.[clvii]

This approach is preferable for three reasons:  (1) Maintaining the Lanham Act standard for finding a likelihood of confusion instead of giving undue weight to diversion, (2) Serving trademark goals of protecting trademark owner’s interests and benefit consumers, and (3) Incorporating the factors into the traditional likelihood of confusion test is efficient and easily applicable.

Firstly, analyzing initial interest confusion within the factors test maintains the Lanham Act standard because the court will still engage in the likelihood of confusion analysis without the risk of using initial interest as a shortcut to find trademark infringement.  Courts should still retain the power to decide whether or not some factors should be given more weight than others depending on the particular facts.  Secondly, this approach will satisfy the trademark goals because it will keep the focus on consumer confusion instead of consumer diversion.  Lastly, incorporating the factors is a timely solution for courts that are already familiar with their respective likelihood of confusion tests.  This approach is not drastically different nor does it change the standard, so judges can easily transition into analyzing initial interest confusion within one of their pre-existing factors during the routine likelihood of confusion test.

IV.  Conclusion

Post-Rescuecom recognition that use of another’s trademark to trigger keyword advertising is actionable trademark use will allow more Internet trademark infringement claims to pass summary judgment.[clviii] In response, courts need a streamlined test for how to apply initial interest confusion in the Internet.  Among the confusing variations of the initial interest confusion doctrine, courts should incorporate the initial interest confusion analysis within the “evidence of actual confusion” factor or the “customer care” factor and continue to apply the traditional likelihood of confusion factors test.  This formulation of the initial interest confusion doctrine will promote trademark law’s dual purpose of protecting trademark owners’ interest in the mark and protecting consumers.

[i][i]1.1 Overview of AdWords – AdWords Help,…(last visited Oct. 3. 2010).



[iv][iv]See, e.g. Playboy Enters., Inc. v. Netscape Commc’ns Corp., 354 F.3d 1020, 1022-23 (9th Cir. 2004) (involving Netscape and Excite); Gov’t Employees Ins. Co. v. Google, Inc., 330 F.Supp.2d 700, 701-02 (E.D. Va. 2004) (involving Overture Services, Inc.).

[v]Search Ad Revenues Strong in Record-Breaking Half Year, IAB Reports #SEWatch, (last visited Oct. 31, 2010).

[vi]How The World Spends Its Time Online –,…(last visited Oct. 3, 2010).

[vii]See Brookfield Commc’ns, Inc. v. West Coast Entm’t Corp., 174 F.3d 1036 (9th Cir. 1999).

[viii]See, e.g., Rescuecom Corp. v. Google Inc., 562 F.3d 123, 127-31 (2d Cir. 2009) (involving keyword-based advertising); PACCAR Inc. v. TeleScan Techs., L.L.C., 319 F.3d 243, 247-48 (6th Cir. 2003) (involving both unlawful domain name and metatag use).

[ix]15 U.S.C. §§ 1051, 1051-1072, 1091-1096, 1111-1127 (2009).

[x]Id. at §1125.

[xi]See also Two Pesos, Inc. v. Taco Cabana, Inc., 505 U.S. 763, 782 at n.15 (Scalia, J., concurring) (quoting S. Rep. No. 1333, 79th Cong., 2d Sess., 3, 4 (1946)); See Graeme B. Dinwoodie & Mark D. Janis, Trademarks and Unfair Competition:  Law and Policy 15 (2d ed. 2007) (introducing the “two primary justifications … traditionally … offered in support of trademark protection”).

[xii]15 U.S.C. § 1125.

[xiii]15 U.S.C. § 1114(1).

[xiv]15 U.S.C. § 1125.

[xv]DeCosta v. Viacom Int’l, Inc., 981 F.2d 602, 605 (1st Cir. 1992); Checkpoint Sys., Inc. v. Check Point Software Tech., Inc., 269 F.3d 270, 279 (3d Cir. 2001).




[xix]See Brookfield Commc’ns, Inc., 174 F.3d 1036 (using competitor’s mark as a metatag is actionable trademark use); Merck & Co., Inc. v. Mediplan Health Consulting, Inc., 425 F. Supp. 2d 402 (S.D.N.Y. 2006) (using plaintiff’s trademark for keyword advertising on Google’s AdWords is not actionable trademark use).

[xx]15 U.S.C. §1127.

[xxi]Mark Bartholomew, Article, Making a Mark in the Internet Economy:  A Trademark Analysis of Search Engine Advertising, 58 Okla. L. Rev. 179, 187 (2005).

[xxii]PACCAR Inc. v. TeleScan Techs., L.L.C., 319 F.3d 243, 247-48 (6th Cir. 2003).

[xxiii]See supra note 5 (Search advertising is the largest form of online advertising, accounting for 47% of first-half spending at $5.7 billion in 2010, an increase of 11.6% compared to the first half of 2009 at$5.1 billion).

[xxiv]Rescuecom Corp. v. Google Inc., 562 F.3d 123, 129 (2d Cir. 2009).

[xxv] Seee.g., N. Am. Med. Corp. v. Axiom Worldwide, Inc.,522 F.3d 1211, 1220 (11th Cir. 2008) (“[A]xiom’s use of NAM’s trademarks as meta tags constitutes a ‘use in commerce…”); Google Inc. v. Am. Blind & Wallpaper, No. C 03-5340 JF (RS), 2007 WL 1159950, at *6 (N.D. Cal. Apr. 18, 2007) (“[T]he sale of trademarked terms in the AdWords program is a use in commerce for the purposes of the Lanham Act.”); Boston Duck Tours, LP v. Super Duck Tours, LLC, 527 F. Supp. 2d 205, 207 (D. Mass. 2007) (“Because sponsored linking necessarily entails the ‘use’ of the plaintiff’s mark as part of a mechanism of advertising, it is ‘use’ for Lanham Act purposes.”); Edina Realty Inc. v., No. 04-4371JRTFLN, 2006 WL 737064, at *3 (D. Minn. Mar. 20, 2006) (“Based on the plain meaning of the Lanham Act, the purchase of search terms is a use in commerce.”); J.G. Wentworth, S.S.C. LP v. Settlement Funding LLC, No. 06-0597, 2007 WL 30115, at *6 (E.D. Pa. 2007); (“By establishing an opportunity to reach consumers via alleged purchase and/or use of a protected trademark, defendant has crossed the line from internal use to use in commerce under the Lanham Act.”).

[xxvi]See, e.g. Allard Enters. v. Advanced Programming Res., Inc., 146 F.3d 350, 355 (6th Cir. 1998) (internal quotations omitted) (describing the likelihood of confusion as the “touchstone of liability”); Thomas McCarthy, McCarthy on Trademarks and Unfair Competition § 23:1 (4th ed. 2009) (noting that “the test of likelihood of confusion is the touchstone of trademark infringement”).

[xxvii]AMF Inc. v. Sleekcraft Boats, 599 F.2d 341, 346 (9th Cir. 1979).

[xxviii]Interpace Corp. v. Lapp, Inc., 721 F.2d 460, 463 (3d Cir. 1983) employing theLapp factors:  (1) degree of similarity between owner’s mark and alleged infringing mark; (2) strength of owner’s mark; (3) price of goods and other factors indicative of the care and attention expected of consumers when making a purchase; (4) the length of time the defendant has used the mark without evidence of actual confusion; (5) the intent of the defendant in adopting the mark; (6) the evidence of actual confusion; (7) whether the goods are marketed through the same channels of trade and advertised through the same media; (8) the extent to which the targets of the parties’ sales efforts are the same; (9) the relationship of the goods in the minds of consumers because of the similarity of functions; and (10) other facts suggesting that the consuming public might expect the prior owner to manufacture a product in the defendant’s market or that he is likely to expand into that market.

[xxix]McCarthy, supra 26, at 23-29.

[xxx]See, e.g., Eli Lilly & Co. v. Natural Answers, Inc., 233 F.3d 456, 464 (7th Cir. 2000) (“Such confusion, which is actionable under the Lanham Act, occurs when a consumer is lured to a product by its similarity to a known mark, even though the consumer realizes the true identity and origin of the product before consummating a purchase.”); Playboy Enters., Inc. v. Netscape Commc’ns Corp., 354 F.3d 1020, 1025 (9th Cir. 2004) (“Initial interest confusion is customer confusion that creates initial interest in a competitor’s product.  Although dispelled before an actual sale occurs, initial interest confusion impermissibly capitalizes on the goodwill associated with a mark and is therefore an actionable trademark infringement.”).

[xxxi]McCarthy, supra 26, at 23-28.

[xxxii]Dorr-Oliver, Inc. v. Fluid-Quip, Inc., 94 F.3d 376, 382 (7th Cir. 1996).

[xxxiii]Grotrian, Helfferich, Schulz, Th. Steinweg Nachf. v. Steinway & Sons (Grotrian II), 523 F.2d 1331, 1342 (2d Cir. 1975).

[xxxiv]Id. at 1333-34.

[xxxv]Id. at 716-17.

[xxxvi]Id. at 717.


[xxxviii]Grotrian II, 523 F.2d 1331 at 1342.



[xli]Mobil Oil Corp. v. Pegasus Petroleum Corp., 818 F.2d 254 (2d Cir. 1987).

[xlii]Id. at 259.

[xliii]See Elvis Presley Enters, Inc. v. Capece, 141 F.3d 188, 203 (5thCir. 1998) (applying initial interest confusion to the name of a night club); Dorr-Oliver, Inc. v. Fluid-Quip, Inc., 94 F.3d 376, 382-83 (7th Cir. 1996) (applying initial interest confusion to trade dress infringement).

[xliv]See Promatek Indus., Ltd. v. Equitrac Corp., 300 F.3d 808, 812-13, (7th Cir. 2002) (applying initial interest confusion to metatags); Inc. v. eBay Inc., 506 F.3d 1165, 1176 (9th Cir. 2007) (applying initial interest confusion comparing two websites); PACCAR Inc., 319 F.3d at 253-54 (applying initial interest to domain name and meta tags); Gov’t Employees Ins. Co. v. Google, Inc., No. 1:04CV507, 2005 WL 1903128 at *4, (E.D. Va. Aug. 8, 2005). (recognizing initial interest confusion as a viable theory for keyed advertising).

[xlv]Brookfield Commc’ns, Inc. v. West Coast Entm’t Corp., 174 F.3d 1036 (9th Cir. 1999).

[xlvi]Id. at 1042.

[xlvii]Id. at 1041-43.

[xlviii]See Ira S. Nathenson, Note, Internet Infoglut and Invisible Ink:  Spamdexing Search Engines with Metatags, 12 Harv. J. Law & Tech. 43, 62-63 (1998).

[xlix]Brookfield, 174 F.3d at 1062.



[lii]See J.G. Wentworth, S.S.C. LP v. Settlement Funding LLC, No. 06-0597, 2007 WL 30115 at *7 (E.D. Pa. 2007) (After discussing Brookfield, Judge J. O’Neill of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania states, “I respectfully disagree with the Ninth Circuit’s conclusion in Brookfield,” and refuses to apply initial interest confusion),and Bryce J. Maynard, Note, The Initial Interest Confusion Doctrine and Trademark Infringement on the Internet, 57 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 1303, 1336-43 (2000) (Brookfield (1) does not protect consumer interests because Ninth Circuit failed to understand search engine mechanics and (2) does not protect trademark owners interests because initial interest confusion does not work when companies are not direct competitors).

[liii]Brookfield, 174 F.3d 1036 at 1062.

[liv]Id. at 1062 n. 24.

[lv]See Niki R. Woods, Note, Initial Interest Confusion in Metatag Cases:  The Move from Confusion to Diversion, 22 Berkeley Tech. L.J. 393 (2007) (arguing against broad application of initial interest confusion in the Internet).

[lvi]Grotrian, Helfferich, Schulz, Th. Steinweg Nachf. v. Steinway & Sons (Grotrian II), 523 F.2d 1331, 1340 (2d Cir. 1975) and Mobil Oil Corp. v. Pegasus Petroleum Corp., 818 F.2d 254 at 259 (2d Cir. 1987).

[lvii]Brookfield, 174 F.3d at 1062.

[lviii]Zachary J. Zweihorn, Note, Searching for Confusion:  The Initial Interest Confusion Doctrine and Its Misapplication to Search Engine Sponsored Links, 91 Cornell L. Rev. 1343, 1355-56 (2006) (“Because any time wasted would be de minimis, users interested in Brookfield’s product would be unlikely to feel that they had wasted so much time by clicking a link that seeking out the correct Web site would unacceptably raise their search costs.”).

[lix]See Note, Confusion in Cyberspace:  Defending and Recalibrating the Initial Interest Confusion Doctrine, 117 Harv. L. Rev. 2387 (2004) (arguing that initial interest should apply in the Internet because under a cost-benefit analysis, the big cost of decrease in producers’ incentives to conduct business online and to provide consumers with high-quality online services does not outweigh the benefit to producers of cheap advertising from online trademark use).

[lx]Rachel R. Friedman, Note, No Confusion Here:  Proposing a New Paradigm for the Litigation of Keyword Advertising Trademark Infringement Cases, 12 Vand. J. Ent. & Tech. L. 355, 379 (2010).

[lxi]PACCAR Inc. v. TeleScan Techs., L.L.C., 319 F.3d 243, 255-58 (6th Cir. 2003); Promatek Indus., Ltd. v. Equitrac Corp., 300 F.3d 808, 812-13, (7th Cir. 2002); Brookfield Commc’ns, Inc. v. West Coast Entm’t Corp., 174 F.3d 1036, 1062 (9th Cir. 1999); Australian Gold, Inc. v. Hatfield, 436 F.3d 1228, 1239-40 (10th Cir. 2006); Savin Corp. v. The Savin Group, 391 F.3d 439, 462 (2d Cir. 2004); 800-Jr Cigar, Inc. v. Goto.Com, Inc., 437 F.Supp.2d 273, 290 (D. New Jersey 2006).

[lxii]See supra note 28.

[lxiii]See discussion infra Parts II.B.1, II.B.2, II.B.3.

[lxiv]CompareHasbro, Inc. v. Clue Computing, Inc., 231 F.3d 1, 2 (1st Cir. 2000) (refusing to apply initial interest confusion) with Inc. v. eBay Inc., 506 F.3d 1165, 1176 (9th Cir. 2007) (applying initial interest confusion); CompareMorningware, Inc. v. Hearthware Home Products, Inc., 673 F.Supp.2d 630, 636-38 (N.D. Il. 2009) (no likelihood of confusion factor analysis) with Trans Union LLC v. Credit Research, Inc., 142 F.Supp.2d 1029, 1043-44 (N.D. Il. 2001) (analyzing initial interest confusion within “evidence of actual confusion” factor).

[lxv]Savin Corp. v. The Savin Group, 391 F.3d 439, 462 (2d Cir. 2004); Checkpoint Systems, Inc. v. Check Point Software Technologies, Inc., 269 F.3d 270, 297-98 (3d Cir. 2001); Interstellar Starship Servs., Ltd. v. Epix, Inc., 304 F.3d 936, 945 (9th Cir. 2002).

[lxvi]Savin Corp., 319 F.3d 439 at 446.

[lxvii]Id. at 456.

[lxviii]Savin Corp. v. The Savin Group, No. 02 Civ.9377 SAS, 2003 WL 22451731 at *12 (S.D.N.Y. Oct. 24, 2003).

[lxix]Id. at *12, *13.

[lxx]Savin Corp. v. The Savin Group, 391 F.3d 439, 462 (2d Cir. 2004).

[lxxi]Checkpoint Systems, Inc. v. Check Point Software Technologies, Inc., 269 F.3d 270, 297-98 (3d Cir. 2001).

[lxxii]Id. at 280.

[lxxiii] 297.

[lxxiv]800-Jr Cigar, Inc. v., Inc., 437 F.Supp.2d 273, 290 (D. N.J. 2006); JG Wentworth v. Settlement Funding LLC, No. 06-0597, 2007 WL 30115 at *7 (E.D. Pa. Jan. 4, 2007).

[lxxv]800-JR Cigar, Inc., 437 F.Supp.2d at 290.


[lxxvii]Id. at 292.

[lxxviii]JG Wentworth, No. 06-0597, 2007 WL 30115, at *7.

[lxxix]Id. at *2.

[lxxx]Id. at *8.

[lxxxi] Inc. v. eBay Inc., 506 F.3d 1165, 1176 (9th Cir. 2007); Interstellar Starship Servs., Ltd. v. Epix, Inc., 304 F.3d 936, 942-46 (9th Cir. 2002); Storus Corp. v. Aroa Marketing, Inc., No. C-06-2454 MMC, 2008 WL 449835 at *4-5 (N.D. Cal. 2008); Google Inc. v. Am. Blind & Wallpaper, No. C 03-5340 JF (RS), 2007 WL 1159950 at *9-10 (N.D. Cal. 2007); Soilworks, LLC v. Midwest Industrial Supply, Inc., 575 F.Supp.2d 1118, 1130-33 (D. Ariz. 2008).

[lxxxii] Inc., 506 F.3d 1165 (9th Cir. 2007) (keyword advertising);Interstellar Starship Servs., Ltd., 304 F.3d 936 (9th Cir. 2002) (domain name);Storus Corp., No. C-06-2454 MMC, 2008 WL 449835 (N.D. Cal. 2008) (Google AdWords); Google Inc., No. C 03-5340 JF (RS), 2007 WL 1159950 (Google AdWords).

[lxxxiii] v. Walt Disney Co., 202 F.3d 1199, 1204 (9th Cir. 2000).

[lxxxiv]Id. at 1207.

[lxxxv]Brookfield Commc’ns, Inc. v. West Coast Entm’t Corp., 174 F.3d 1036, 1058 (9th Cir. 1999).

[lxxxvi]Interstellar Starship Servs., Ltd., 304 F.3d at 938.

[lxxxvii]Id. at 942-43.

[lxxxviii] Inc v. eBay Inc., 506 F.3d 1165, 1173-74 (9th Cir. 2007); Storus Corp. v. Aroa Marketing, Inc., No. C05-2454 MMC, 2008 WL 449835 at *5 (N.D. Cal. 2008).

[lxxxix] Inc., 506 F.3d at 1174-75.

[xc]Id. at 1168.

[xci]Id. at 1176.


[xciii]Paccar Inc. v. TeleScan Technologies, L.L.C., 319 F.3d 243, 255-258 (6th Cir. 2003).

[xciv]Id. at 248-49.

[xcv]Id. at 248-49, 255, 258.

[xcvi]Id. at 255.

[xcvii]Australian Gold, Inc. v. Hatfield, 436 F.3d 1228, 1239-40 (10th Cir. 2006); Morningware, Inc.v. Hearthware Home Products, Inc., 673 F. Supp.2d 630, 636-38 (N.D. Ill. 2009); Gov’t Employees Ins. Co., No. 1:04CV507, 2005 WL 1903128 at *4 (E.D. Va. Aug. 8, 2005).

[xcviii]Morningware, 673 F.Supp.2d 630.

[xcix]Id. at 636-38.

[c]Id. at 633.

[ci]Id. at 636-7.

[cii]Promatek Industries, Ltd. v. Equitrac Corp., 300 F.3d 808, 812-13 (7th Cir. 2002).


[civ]Id. at 813.

[cv]Morningware, Inc. v. Hearthware Home Products, Inc., 673 F.Supp.2d 630, 638 (N.D. Ill. 2009).


[cvii]Id. at 636-38.

[cviii]Australian Gold, Inc. v. Hatfield, 436 F.3d 1228, 1239-40 (10th Cir. 2006) (Although the Tenth Circuit seems to base its decision on the fact that diversion is inherently damaging, it was also affirming the district court’s analysis under a six-prong factor test for likelihood of confusion, so it is not a complete departure from the likelihood of confusion test. In fact, the court briefly analyzed the factors and then discussed the inherently damaging effect of diversion after stating the plaintiffs did not offer any direct evidence of actual confusion. This suggests that the court did not even need initial interest confusion to find a likelihood of confusion and that stating diversion as inherently damaging was just a broad application of initial interest confusion.).

[cix]Id. at 1232.

[cx]Id. at 1233.


[cxii]Id. at 1239-40.

[cxiii]Id. at 1239.


[cxv]Id. at 1240.


[cxvii]Woods, supra note 55, at 406-7.

[cxviii]15 U.S.C. § 1125.

[cxix]Woods, supra note 55, at 411-13 (arguing that courts are broadening the scope of initial interest by (1) giving goodwill too much importance in protecting trademarks’ goodwill rather than looking for confusion and (2) allowing misappropriation of goodwill to constitute use).

[cxx]Elvis Presley Enters., Inc. v. Capece, 141 F.3d 188, 203-4 (5th Cir. 1998).

[cxxi]Id. at 191, 193.

[cxxii]Id. at 204.




[cxxvi]Patrick Ryan Barry, Comment, The Lanham Act’s Applicability to the Internet and Keyword Advertising:  Likelihood of Confusion v. Initial Interest Confusion, 47 Duq. L. Rev. 355, 366 (2009) (“If the court would find that a sponsored link advertisement lured an online customer into a website based on the use of a trademarked name, that court might be inclined to rule that there was initial interest confusion and trademark infringement even if the customer knew the true source of the website and its products before making a purchase.”).

[cxxvii]Elvis Presley Enters., Inc. v. Capece, 141 F.3d 188, 204 (5th Cir. 1998).

[cxxviii]Trans Union LLC v. Credit Research, Inc., 142 F. Supp.2d 1029, 1043-44 (N.D. Ill. 2001); Tdata Inc. v. Aircraft Technical Publishers, 411 F.Supp.2d 901, 908 (S.D. Oh. 2006).

[cxxix]Gibson Guitar Corp. v. Paul Reed Smith Guitars, LP, 423 F.3d 539, 550 (6th Cir. 2005).

[cxxx]Tdata Inc., 411 F.Supp.2d at 908 (“[T]he initial interest confusion doctrine is applicable as but one part of a relevant eight-factor inquiry.”).

[cxxxi]Id. at 904.

[cxxxii]Id. at 907.

[cxxxiii]Id. at 908-12.

[cxxxiv]Id. at 909.

[cxxxv]Id. at 908-12.

[cxxxvi]Promatek Indus., Ltd. v. Equitrac Corp., 300 F.3d 808, 812 (7th Cir. 2002); Mobil Oil Corp. v. Pegasus Petroleum Corp., 818 F.2d 254, 260 (2d Cir. 1987).

[cxxxvii]Mobil Oil Corp., 818 F.2d 254 at 260.

[cxxxviii]Id. at 812-14.

[cxxxix], Inc. v. Leachco, Inc., No. 3:08-cv-1600, 2009 WL 82552 at *8-12 (M.D. Pa. Jan. 12, 2009).



[cxlii]Id. at *6.


[cxliv]Id. at *10.



[cxlvii]Id. at *12-13.

[cxlviii]Woods, supra note 55, at 405-6.


[cl]Australian Gold, Inc. v. Hatfield, 436 F.3d 1228, 1239 (10th Cir. 2006); Promatek Indus., Ltd. v. Equitrac Corp., 300 F.3d 808, 812-13 (7th Cir. 2002); See alsoWoods, supra note lxxiii at 411-12 (arguing against broadening initial interest confusion to protect trademarks’ goodwill rather than looking for confusion).

[cli]Woods, supra note 55, at 412.

[clii]Lamparello v. Falwell, 420 F.3d 309, 314 (4th Cir. 2005).

[cliii]15 U.S.C. § 1125.

[cliv]Barry, supra note 126, at 370.


[clvi]Id. at 371.

[clvii]See infra part II.B.3; see also Gregory R. Shoemaker, Comment, Don’t Blame Google:  Allowing Trademark Infringement Actions Against Competitors Who Purchase Sponsored Links on Internet Search Engines Under the Initial Interest Confusion Doctrine, 58 Cath. U. L. Rev. 535, 564 (2009).

[clviii]See Note, supra note 59.

Jaclyn Sitjar © Copyright 2011


Feb. 25th Deadline Approaching for March Publication for the National Law Review Student Legal Writing Contest

Everybody’s talking about how abysmal the job market is for law students – why not build your resume while still in school?  Young lawyers are under increasing pressure to start thinking about business development activities earlier than ever in their careers.  One tried and true way of building one’s professional reputation is by publishing.  One sure way to get noticed and to help others is to write  in a style which is helpful and educational to prospective clients.  The National Law Review is one of the nation’s premier resources for secondary legal analysis for businesses and in the Spring & Fall we offer students the opportunity to submit consumer-friendly articles for publication

The winning articles will be published online starting March. The top article(s) chosen will be featured on the NLR home page and will remain in our searchable database for up to two years. 

Please note that although students are encouraged to submit articles addressing Intellectual Property Law for the March publication, you  may also submit entries covering current issues related to other areas of the law.  Please spread the word !!! Thanks!

New Guidelines for Preservation of Electronically Stored Information "ESI" Released; Federal Court Rules that Metadata Subject to FOIA

Recently posted at the National Law Review by Bracewell & Giuliani – some news about Delaware’s Chancery court’s recent publication of  Guidelines for Preservation of Electronically Stored Information and  Judge Shira A. Scheindlin’s  ruling  that metadata is “an integral or intrinsic part of an electronic record, and, consequently, part of the public record that must be produced by the Government in response to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests:  

In an effort to advise parties to a litigation, the Delaware Court of Chancery released last month its Guidelines for Preservation of Electronically Stored Information. The publication of the Guidelines is timely in light of a decision released late last month in Victor Stanley, Inc. v. Creative Pipe, Inc., Civil No. MJG-06-2662 (D. Md. Jan. 24, 2011), where defendants were ordered to pay over $1 million in sanctions for the willful loss and destruction of electronically stored information (ESI).

As a preliminary matter, the Guidelines advise litigants to take all reasonable steps to preserve ESI that is potentially relevant to a litigation and within their possession, custody or control.  This requires the parties and counsel to “develop and oversee a preservation process.” Key to the preservation process is identifying potentially relevant sources of ESI, i.e. custodians and devices, and enacting a litigation hold. Although there is no single definition among the State and Federal Courts for a litigation hold, the Guidelines advise that, at the least, it entails developing well-written instructions for the preservation of ESI that are then distributed to all custodians of potentially relevant ESI.

Just as important is the timing of the litigation hold.  Various courts have found that the duty to preserve potentially relevant documents occurs once litigation is “reasonably anticipated,” not once litigation has commenced. As a result, theGuidelines recommend that, to the extent a litigation hold has not been disseminated before litigation has commenced, counsel should instruct their clients to do so quickly and “to take reasonable steps to act in good faith and with a sense of urgency to avoid the loss, corruption or deletion of potentially relevant ESI.” While the Guidelines note that this may not be sufficient to avoid the imposition of sanctions if potentially relevant ESI is lost or destroyed, the Chancery Court “will consider the good-faith preservation efforts of a party and its counsel.”

Counsel is well-advised to reference the Guidelines in light of the significant increase in the number of motions and awards for e-discovery sanctions. See Dan H. Willoughby, Jr. et al., Sanctions for E-Discovery Violations: By the Numbers, 60 Duke L.J. 789 (2010). In fact, in the past six years, there have been over five cases where sanctions exceeded $5 million, with one leading the pack at $8.8 million. See id. at 814-15.

As noted above, defendants in Victor Stanley were recently ordered to pay over $1 million in sanctions for the willful loss and destruction of ESI. See also Sanctionable Conduct Involving E-Discovery, Bracewell & Giuliani Legal Advisory, dated Sept. 28, 2010. Magistrate Judge Paul W. Grimm found defendants’ acts of spoliation to be so “extraordinary” as to treat them as contempt, pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 37(b)(2)(A)(vii). As such, failure to pay the ordered amount within 30 days will subject the owner of the defendant corporation to up to two years of jail time. Not surprisingly, one of the many actions cited by the court that defendants failed to take: enforcing a litigation hold.

In other e-discovery developments, Judge Shira A. Scheindlin of the Southern District of New York, and author of the instructive Zubalake series of opinions, ruled this week that metadata is “an integral or intrinsic part of an electronic record,” and, consequently, part of the public record that must be produced by the Government in response to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. Nat’l Day Laborer Org. Network v. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency, 10 Civ. 3488 (S.D.N.Y. Feb. 7, 2011). Although the issue had been addressed by several state courts, this was a matter of first impression for a Federal Court. 

Noting that different types of metadata are inherent to different types of electronic records, Judge Scheindlin determined that “metadata maintained by the agency as a part of an electronic record is presumptively producible under FOIA, unless the agency demonstrates that such metadata is not ‘readily producible.'” (Emphasis in original). She further determined that the onus is on the requesting part to specifically request the metadata. However, Judge Scheindlin found that it was “no longer acceptable” for a party to produce “a significant collection of static images of ESI without accompanying load files.” Citing to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 34 as a source that should inform FOIA productions, Judge Scheindlin’s ruling will likely carry equal weight in the context of civil discovery. 

© 2011 Bracewell & Giuliani LLP

Patent Reform Is Again Before Congress – The Patent Reform Act of 2011

Recently posted at the National Law Review by Ashley Merlo of Sheppard Mullin – details on recent bill introduced by Senator Leahy.  

Patent reform has been a topic of congressional debate since the introduction of the Patent Reform Act of 2005. Having failed to enact the 2005 legislation or any subsequently proposed reform, patent reform has again been introduced into the Senate, this time entitled The Patent Reform Act of 2011. (S. 23, 112th Cong. (2011).)

In introducing the new bill, Senator Leahy noted the following: “China has been modernizing its patent laws and promoting innovation while the United States has failed to keep pace. It has now been nearly 60 years since Congress last acted to reform American patent law. We can no longer wait.” (157 Cong. Rec. S131 (2011).)

As Leahy further explained, the proposed reforms aim to accomplish three goals: (1) “improve the application process by transitioning to a first-inventor-to-file system”; (2) “improve the quality of patents issued by the USPTO by introducing several quality-enhancement measures”; and (3) “provide more certainty in litigation.” The most significant changes to implement these goals are described below.

The Application Process: Shift To First-To-File System

In an effort to harmonize the U.S. patent system with the systems of other countries, The Patent Reform Act of 2011 proposes to change the U.S. Patent System from a first-to-invent to a first-to-file system. This change means that patents will be awarded to the earliest-filed application for a claimed invention, regardless of the date of actual invention. In other words, under the proposed reform, if A invents a new, novel and non-obvious widget in April but fails to file its patent application (or disclose it) until August, and B invents the same widget in June and files its patent application at that time, B gets the patent under the new system, not A.

The change to the first-to-file system also impacts the prior art analysis. Under current law, for prior art that is publicly — available less than one year before an application for a patent is filed, an inventor can still obtain a patent if she can prove that she invented the claimed invention prior to the date of the prior art. The new bill, however, appears to limit a patent applicant’s ability to negate prior art. Namely, only disclosures by the inventor or someone who obtained the disclosure from the inventor are excluded as prior art.

However, inventors that get beat to the patent office are not entirely out of luck; the reforms provide for “derivation” proceedings to determine if the inventor of an earlier-filed patent “derived” the invention from the inventor of a later-filed application. In other words, returning to the example above, if A could show that B’s widget invention was derived from his widget invention, A may nonetheless obtain a patent despite B’s earlier filing date.

Patent Quality: Submission of Prior Art / Post-Grant Review Procedures

In an effort to improve patent quality, the proposed act establishes the opportunity for third parties to submit information (i.e., prior art) related to a pending application. This, in turn, should assist the examiner in determining whether an applied-for patent is indeed patentable.

In addition, the proposed act incorporates a post-grant 9-month window in which a person who is not the patent owner can institute a post-grant review proceeding to cancel as unpatentable one or more claims of the patent. However, post-grant review can only commence if, following petition, it is determined that it is more likely than not that at least one of the claims challenged is unpatentable.

To protect against abuse of the post-grant review procedure, the act also specifies that an accused infringer may not seek review (1) after it has already filed a lawsuit in district court challenging the patent, or (2) more than three months after the date the accused infringer must answer, or otherwise respond to, a complaint for patent infringement filed by the patentee. The post-grant review proceeding also has estoppel effect, i.e., the petitioner in a post-grant review proceeding cannot raise in a subsequent action any ground of invalidity that was raised or reasonably could have been raised in the post-grant proceeding.

Improve Certainty Surrounding Litigation: Damages

The proposed legislation aims to provide more certainty to litigants as to damage calculations and enhanced damages.

Specifically, the act empowers judges to serve as a gatekeeper on damages. The proposed legislation specifies that the court “shall identify the methodologies and factors that are relevant to the determination of damages, and the court or jury shall consider only those methodologies and factors relevant to making such determination.” As Senator Leahy explained: “the gatekeeper compromise on damages . . . is what is needed to ensure an award of a reasonable royalty is not artificially inflated or based on irrelevant factors.”

In addition, on a showing of good cause, litigants are entitled to have the trial sequenced such that the trier of fact decides the questions of validity and infringement prior to damages.

Finally, the proposed legislation would codify case law regarding willfulness, requiring a plaintiff to demonstrate by “clear and convincing evidence that the accused infringer’s conduct with respect to the patent was objectively reckless.” Objectively reckless conduct will be found where the infringer acted “despite an objectively high likelihood that his actions constituted infringement of a valid patent, and this objectively-defined risk was either known or so obvious that it should have been known.” Mere knowledge of a patent is insufficient to show willfulness for an enhanced damage award.


As Senator Leahy explained in his remarks presenting the bill to the Senate, reform of the American patent law system is long overdue. Overall, the proposed legislation is similar to previously proposed legislation; indeed it was structured around the legislative proposal from 2005. The 2011 Patent Reform Act proposes significant changes to American patent law, surely to receive comment from those in favor and those against. Whether patent reform will actually make its way onto the books is a question yet to be determined.

Copyright © 2011, Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP.