OCR Announces $300,000 Settlement Related to Improper Disposal of Physical PHI

On August 23, 2022, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Office for Civil Rights (“HHS”) announced that it had settled a case involving the disposal of physical protected health information (“PHI”).

OCR alleged that, on March 31, 2021, a specimen containing PHI was found by a third-party security guard in the parking lot of the New England Dermatology and Laser Center (“NEDLC”). The PHI included patient name, patient date of birth, date of sample collection, and the name of the provider who took the specimen, in violation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”).

As part of the settlement, NEDLC agreed to pay HHS $300,640. According to NEDLC’s Resolution Agreement and the Corrective Action Plan, there were two potential violations by NEDLC. First, NEDLC allegedly failed to maintain appropriate safeguards to protect the privacy of PHI,” as required by 45 C.F.R. § 164.530(c). Second, NEDLC allegedly permitted the impermissible disclosure of PHI, in violation of Rule 45 C.F.R. § 164.502(a). The Corrective Action Plan requires NEDLC to develop, maintain and appropriately revise written policies and procedures in accordance with HIPAA.

Several highlights of the settlement include:

  1. Changes to Policies and Procedures. NEDLC must develop, maintain and revise, as necessary, its written HIPAA policies and procedures, and provide such policies and procedures to HHS for review and approval. NEDLC also must assess, update and revise, as necessary, such policies and procedures at least annually, or as needed, and seek HHS’s approval of the revised policies and procedures.
  2. Designation of Privacy Official. NEDLC must designate a privacy official who is responsible for the development and implementation of NEDLC’s HIPAA policies and procedures, and a contact person or office who is responsible for receiving relevant complaints.
  3. Training Requirements. NEDLC must provide HHS with training materials for its workforce members and seek HHS’s approval of such training materials. NEDLC must also distribute the HIPAA policies and procedures to its workforce members and relevant business associates, and obtain a written compliance certification from all such individuals. NEDLC must provide HIPAA training for new workforce members, and all workforce members at least every 12 months. Each workforce member must certify, in electronic or written form, that they received training. NEDLC must review the training at least annually, and update the training where appropriate. NEDLC must promptly investigate, review, report to HHS, and sanction any workforce member that does not comply with its HIPAA policies and procedures.
  4. Implementation Report and Annual Report.  NEDLC is required to submit to HHS a written report summarizing the status of its implementation of the requirements provided set forth in the settlement, and annual compliance reports.

For more Health Care legal news, click here to visit the National Law Review.

Copyright © 2022, Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP. All Rights Reserved.

In One Day, California Governor Signs Into Law Ten Cannabis Bills, Including Authorization for Interstate Commerce

Acting in one fell swoop, on September 18, 2022, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed 10 cannabis-related legislative bills into law. These bills, which touch on issues that run the gamut of the cannabis industry, are intended to “strengthen California’s cannabis laws, expand the legal cannabis market and redress the harms of cannabis prohibition.” Senate Bill 1326 is the most widely recognized bill of the group, and authorizes the Governor the power to sign cannabis trade agreements with other states where cannabis is legal. Other bills address employment protection, labelling, use of cannabis in veterinary medicine and taxation. In his press release, Governor Newsom said: “For too many Californians, the promise of cannabis legalization remains out of reach. These measures build on the important strides our state has made toward this goal, but much work remains to build an equitable, safe and sustainable legal cannabis industry.”

Still before Governor Newsom for his signature is SB 1496, which would implement a series of changes to the state’s cannabis tax policy, including authorizing regulators to extend the deadline for tax payments by cannabis businesses located in areas affected by an emergency proclamation by the Governor.

Below is a discussion of the cannabis-centric Senate and Assembly bills adopted during the 2022 Legislative session.

SB 1326 – Cannabis: Interstate Agreements

SB 1326 adds Chapter 25 to the Business and Professions Code and allows for interstate cannabis commerce from California to and from other states that recognize the legality of cannabis cultivation, production, distribution and/or possession. While seemingly revolutionary, SB 1326 is contingent on an official assurance that the activity would not result in federal enforcement action against California – meaning, most likely, that this bill cannot be utilized until cannabis is federally decriminalized.

Historically, California is an industry leader in product quality and innovation, and this bill, according to SB 1326’s author, Senator Anna Caballero, “provides a relief valve for the oversupply of cannabis, an opportunity to grow California’s brand and market share, support job creation, and gives the state a competitive advantage as federal policy develops…SB 1326 is an essential step to ensure that California can fully capitalize on, and remain a leader in, the forthcoming national cannabis market. Furthermore, SB 1326 would allow California to use its own labor, environmental, and product quality standards be adopted in other states.”

SB 1186– Medicinal Cannabis Patients’ Right of Access Act

SB 1186 prohibits a local jurisdiction from adopting or enforcing any regulation that prohibits the delivery of a medicinal cannabis retail sale to medicinal cannabis patients or their primary caregivers by medicinal cannabis businesses, or that has the effect of prohibiting such delivery. The bill’s author, Senator Scott Weiner, states this bill is a victory for seniors living with chronic illness, and will both improve patient access and help fill voids throughout the state where no cannabis license types have been authorized.

AB 1646 – Cannabis Packaging: Beverages.

AB 1646 authorizes cannabis beverages to be packaged in containers of any material that are clear or any color.

AB 1706 – Cannabis Crimes: Resentencing.

If an eligible cannabis conviction was not challenged by July 1, 2020, AB 1706 requires the California court system to process record sealing and other forms of relief for such convictions by March 1, 2023. AB 1706 also requires the Department of Justice to complete an update of the State’s summary criminal history information database, and ensure that inaccurate state summary criminal history is not reported. The Department of Justice is also required to conduct an awareness campaign so that individuals that may be impacted by this process become aware of methods to verify updates to their criminal history. The bill would make a conviction, arrest, or other proceeding that has been sealed pursuant to these provisions deemed never to have occurred.

AB 1885 – Cannabis & Cannabis Products: Animals: Veterinary Medicine

AB 1885 expands the purpose of the comprehensive system established by Medicinal and Adult-Use Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (MAUCRSA) to include the control and regulation of the cultivation, distribution, transport, storage, manufacturing, processing, and sale of cannabis products intended for use on, or consumption by, animals. The bill makes various related revisions to the definitions under MAUCRSA, would exclude livestock and food animals, as specified, from the definition of “animal,” for these purposes, and would specify that cannabis concentrate and edible cannabis products are not considered processed pet foods as defined under the Pure Pet Food Act of 1969.

AB 1885 would also prohibit the Veterinary Medical Board within the Department of Consumer Affairs from disciplining a veterinarian who recommends the use of cannabis on an animal for potential therapeutic effect or health supplementation purposes, unless the veterinarian is employed by or has an agreement with a cannabis licensee. Under this bill, the Veterinary Medical Board is required to adopt guidelines, by January 1, 2024, for veterinarians to follow when recommending cannabis within the veterinarian-client-patient relationship, and would require the Veterinary Medical Board to post the guidelines on its internet website.

Lastly, AB 1885 would require that cannabis products intended for animals comply with additional concentration and other standards adopted by regulation. These regulations must be promulgated no later than July 1, 2025, and would prohibit the marketing or sale of those products before the regulations take effect.

AB 1894 – Integrated Cannabis Vaporizer: Packaging, Labeling, Advertisement, & Marketing

AB 1894 requires the advertisement and marketing of a cannabis cartridge and an integrated cannabis vaporizer to prominently display a specified message to properly dispose of a cannabis cartridge and an integrated cannabis vaporizer as hazardous waste. This bill also prohibits the package, label, advertisement, and marketing from indicating that the cannabis cartridge or integrated cannabis vaporizer is disposable or implying that it may be thrown in the trash or recycling streams.

AB 2210 – Cannabis: State Temporary Event Licenses: Venues Licensed by the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control: Unsold Inventory

AB 2210 prohibits Department of Cannabis Control (DCC) from denying an application for a state temporary event license solely on the basis that there is a license issued pursuant to the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act for the proposed premises of the event. It also prohibits the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control from taking disciplinary action against a person licensed pursuant to the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act on the basis of a state temporary event license issued by the DCC to a licensee that utilizes the same premises.

AB 2210 requires all on- and off-sale privileges of alcoholic beverages at the venue to be suspended for the day of the event until 6 a.m. on the day after the event has ended, and would prohibit all alcohol consumption on the venue premises for the day of the event, until 6 a.m. on the day after the event has ended. All inventory of cannabis or cannabis products to be sold by a state temporary event license to be transported to and from the temporary event by a licensed distributor or licensed microbusiness. A state temporary event licensee, upon completion or cessation of the temporary event, is authorized to reconcile unsold inventory of cannabis or cannabis products and return it to the licensee’s retail premises.

AB 2188 – Discrimination in Employment: Use of Cannabis[1]

AB 2188 makes it unlawful for an employer to discriminate against a person in hiring, termination, or any term or condition of employment, or otherwise penalize a person” solely because of off-duty, off-site cannabis use. The bill will also eliminate employment-based THC testing, with exceptions for certain positions, such as federal employees or those working in the building and construction trades. AB 2188 does not preempt state or federal laws requiring applicants or employees to be tested for controlled substances as a condition of employment, receiving federal funding or federal licensing-related benefits, or entering into a federal contract.

AB 2568 – Cannabis: Insurance Providers.

AB 2568 provides it is not a crime for individuals and firms to provide insurance and related services to persons licensed to engage in commercial cannabis activity.

AB 2925 – California Cannabis Tax Fund: Spending Reports.

AB 2925 requires that the State Department of Health Care Services submit reports to the legislature, starting no later than July 10, 2023, that accounts for cannabis tax revenue that has been distributed to the Youth Education, Prevention, Early Intervention and Treatment Account, as required under MAUCRSA.

For more Biotech, Food, & Drug Law news, click here to visit the National Law Review.


[1] AB 2188 is discussed in further detail here.

Copyright © 2022, Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP.

Ethylene Oxide Verdict First of Its Kind, and It’s Eye Opening!

Our prior reports discussed when an ethylene oxide case would go to verdict, and what the ensuing result would look like.  We no longer need to speculate.  On September 19, 2022, a Cook County (Illinois) jury awarded $363 million to a plaintiff who alleged that she developed breast cancer as a result of ethylene oxide emissions from the Sterigenics Willowbrook plant.  This was the first ethylene oxide personal injury case to go to trial, but there are hundreds of cases behind it waiting their turn.


After a five week trial in the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, Law Division (Sue Kamuda v. Sterigenics et al, case number 2018-L-010475), the jury returned a verdict in the amount of $363 million.  Plaintiff had requested $21 million in compensatory damages and $325 million in punitive damages.

Plaintiff Kamuda argued that the ethylene oxide utilized at the Willowbrook plant, opened in 1984 and used primarily to sterilize medical equipment, caused serious cancer and reproductive health risks. Kamuda alleged that the company failed to analyze how long the chemical would stay in the air in the Willowbrook community or the distance it would travel. Further, Kamuda argued that Sterigenics recklessly failed to install emission controls decades earlier to reduce releases of the chemical.

For its part, Sterigenics argued that plaintiff Kamuda’s reliance on risk assessment and regulatory studies inaccurately led to her assertion that her breast cancer resulted in part from the plant’s ethylene oxide emissions.

Notably, the facility was closed a few years ago after the state of Illinois issued a seal order in February 2019 directing that ethylene oxide emissions had to be reduced significantly. Ultimately, the company decided to keep the facility closed.


With this very large jury verdict, plaintiff firms will surely be pushing to get their ethylene oxide cases to trial, or, at a minimum, leverage steep pre-trial settlements.  Further, plaintiff firms will surely recruit new plaintiffs who allege some type of cancer as a result of residing in the vicinity of an ethylene oxide plant.

The next ethylene oxide case to go trial is scheduled for two weeks from now in the same court, though with different plaintiff counsel and judge, as well as a different alleged disease (leukemia).

We note that it remains to be seen whether the Kamuda verdict will be appealed. It also remains to be seen whether this verdict is aberrational or is a bellwether for future trials. Will juries return verdicts based on one type of cancer but not for another?  We will continue to report as these ethylene oxide trials go to verdict and analyze the ramifications.

©2022 CMBG3 Law, LLC. All rights reserved.

Whistleblower Receives $11 Million for Reporting Pharmaceutical Fraud

September 16, 2022.  The United States Department of Justice settled a case against the pharmaceutical manufacturer Bayer Corporation.  Under the terms of the settlement, Bayer paid $40 million.  A former employee in the pharmaceutical company’s marketing department filed two qui tam lawsuits alleging violations of the False Claims Act.  For reporting fraud, the whistleblower received approximately $11 million, and they pursued both cases after the Department of Justice (DOJ) declined to intervene.

According to the allegations, the pharmaceutical company was paying kickbacks to healthcare providers to “induce them to utilize the drugs Trasylol and Avelox, and also marketed these drugs for off-label uses that were not reasonable and necessary.”  This lawsuit was filed in the District of New Jersey and alleged that the because of these kickbacks, the pharmaceutical company caused submission of false claims to Medicare and Medicaid.  The lawsuit that was transferred to the District of Minnesota entailed the pharmaceutical company knowingly misrepresenting the safety and efficacy of Baycol, a statin drug, and also renewing contracts with the Defense Logistics Agency based on these misrepresentations.  To settle these allegations, Bayer paid $38,860,555 to the United States and $1,139,445 to the Medicaid Participating States.  The Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General remarked about this settlement, “Today’s recovery highlights the critical role that whistleblowers play in the effective use of the False Claims Act to combat fraud in federal healthcare programs.”

The False Claims Act incentivizes private citizens to report fraud against the government and holds accountable companies that financially benefit from participation in government contracts and government-sponsored programs.  The Department of Justice needs whistleblowers to the be the antidote to pharmaceutical fraud.

© 2022 by Tycko & Zavareei LLP

The Cost of Bicycle Accidents: Why Bike Safety Pays Off

Along with the COVID-19 pandemic’s stay-at-home orders and a worldwide pause on travel plans, 2020 marked the onset of another phenomenon: a boom in bicycle riding. Bicycles gave people a sense of exploration and adventure during this difficult time.

This rise in cyclists comes with some sobering statistics, including a 16% rise in preventable deaths and a 5% increase in non-fatal injuries. Of the 1,260 bicyclist deaths reported in 2020, 806 of those directly involved motor vehicles. These injuries come at a significant expense: the over 13,000 bicycle injuries each year cost more than $23 billion in the United States.

But no one wants to experience a bicycle accident or the long-term consequences of one. Here’s what you need to know about bicycle safety to protect you or your loved ones while exploring the world on two wheels.

Bike accident risk factors

While the rise in bike accidents and their associated medical costs is primarily due to the increased numbers of bicyclists, there are risk factors that can affect specific individuals more than others. Common bike accident risk factors include:


While adolescents, teens, and young adults make up nearly one-third of all cycling injuries treated in emergency departments, bicycle death rates are highest in adults between the ages of 55-69.


Compared to female cyclists, the death and injury rates of males are 6 and 5 times higher, respectively.


Most cycling accidents occur in urban areas, with 64% of deaths occurring away from intersections and 27% occurring at intersections.


Nearly one-third of bicycling fatalities involved alcohol, either from the motor vehicle driver or the cyclist.

Bike accident cost breakdown

Fatal and non-fatal alike, cycling accidents cost the US billions each year. In addition to the injuries and fatalities which occur as a result of road accidents, there are personal costs to account for as well:

  • Medical bills

  • Recovery/rehabilitation costs

  • Loss of wages due to missing work

  • Possible changes to earning potential

  • Possible funeral and burial expenses

In terms of costs, the individual cost of a serious adult bicycle accident has grown from $52,495—medical bills, missed work, loss of quality of life—to $77,308. Today, the number would be even higher.

Of course, that’s not to mention the emotional burden of a cycling accident—especially if a cycling accident results in a long-term injury or the loss of a loved one.

That’s why prioritizing bike safety is so important. To reduce these costs, communities need to create better conditions for cycling, including safer cycling infrastructure (cycling tracks, improved street lighting) and widespread education about safe cycling practices.

Bicycle safety measures at the state level

Personal safety while cycling is critical, but state legislators in New Jersey have been working to improve safety measures for cyclists as well.

The Safe Passing Law, which was put on the books in August of 2021, requires drivers to leave at least four feet of space between vehicles and anyone sharing the road, whether on foot or by bicycle. A violation of these rules can result in a $500 fine and two motor vehicle points if bodily harm is caused.

The Division of Highway Safety and the Department of Transportation has been running a social media campaign to spread awareness about the law, an effort that included a $78,342 grant to the New Jersey Bike & Walk Coalition to educate the public on the law and the community impacts of bicycle and pedestrian safety.

Improving your bicycling safety

It’s essential to take the necessary steps to promote safety—for yourself and for others who share the road. While bicycle safety courses and education are essential, having safe bicycles and gear should also be part of the equation.

Make sure to budget for safety

Appropriate bicycling kits, from bare necessities to high-end gear, can cost anywhere from $150 to $1,000; costs can vary depending on the type of riding you do, the features you prioritize, and your budget.

Helmets, for example, may cost as little as $25 or as much as $500. Active lighting—white front lights, red rear lights, reflective tape, gear, and accessories—will typically cost a minimum of $45. Pumps, multi-tools, and patch kits can cost between $10-30 or more. Of course, investing in bright, visible clothing to wear while riding is also a good idea.

Cyclists should also regularly maintain their bicycles to keep them in good order. Many cyclists perform routine maintenance on their bikes themselves, seeking assistance from bike shops for parts and guidance. This can run between $300-500 a year in expenses.

While the costs of your bike’s features and accessories can add up, keep in mind that the investment is well worth it, as the cost of getting into an accident can be much higher.


EMTALA in the Post-Dobbs World

The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) requires hospitals with emergency departments and participating in Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) programs to provide medical screening, treatment and transfer for patients with emergency medical conditions (EMCs) or women in labor.1 EMTALA, which was enacted in 1986 to address concerns about patient dumping, went unnoticed for many years, but has garnered heightened attention as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and more recently, the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization (Dobbs).2

EMTALA is a federal law and expressly preempts state laws with which it directly conflicts. After the Dobbs decision was officially published in June, a number of states implemented laws that prohibited or restricted access to reproductive care. Many of these laws include potential civil sanctions and criminal liability for healthcare providers offering or performing these services regardless of the circumstances, including emergency situations. The Biden Administration, in contrast, has taken action to preserve access to reproductive care through a number of executive and federal agency actions. These actions are intended by the federal government to apply in all states, including those states where restrictions have been put in place. Following this activity, litigation between the federal government and several states has ensued to address potential conflicts between federal laws requiring the provision of access and state laws that prohibit or restrict access to reproductive health services. A summary of the current EMTALA landscape is set forth below.

EMTALA Requirements

Under EMTALA, hospitals with emergency departments (EDs) must provide a medical screening examination to any individual who comes to the ED, regardless of insurance status. EMTALA prohibits hospitals with EDs from refusing to examine or treat individuals with an EMC. Upon provision of a medical screening examination, hospitals must provide necessary stabilizing treatment for EMCs and labor within the hospital’s capability. If the hospital is unable to properly treat or stabilize the patient, the hospital must provide an appropriate transfer to another medical facility.

Under EMTALA, an EMC includes “a medical condition manifesting itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity (including severe pain) such that the absence of immediate medical attention could reasonably be expected to result in:

(i) placing the health of the individual (or, with respect to a pregnant woman, the health of the woman or her unborn child) in serious jeopardy,

(ii) serious impairment to bodily functions, or

(iii) serious dysfunction of any bodily organ or part…”3

Many common pregnancy-related complications, such as preeclampsia or ectopic pregnancies, qualify as EMCs. However, certain state anti-abortion laws prohibit or criminalize abortions regardless of the existence of an EMC under federal law, which creates a potential conflict when an abortion is necessary to stabilize an EMC under EMTALA. As a result of this friction between state and federal law, EMTALA has received renewed attention at a federal and state level in recent months.

Executive Order on Protecting Access to Reproductive Healthcare Services

On July 8, 2022, after the Dobbs decision was officially issued, President Biden issued Executive Order 14076 (Executive Order), which directed the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to submit a report identifying steps to ensure all patients, including pregnant women and women experiencing pregnancy loss, receive the full protections offered by EMTALA. The Executive Order also directed HHS to consider updates to guidance on obligations under EMTALA.

CMS Memorandum and HHS Letter to Healthcare Providers

On July 11, 2022, in response to the Executive Order, CMS published a memorandum to State Survey Agency Directors to restate existing guidance for hospital staff and physicians in light of new state laws that prohibit or restrict access to abortion (Memorandum). The Memorandum reinforced CMS’ view that:

  • EMTALA mandates that all patients who come to a EDs and request examination or treatment must receive an appropriate medical screening examination, stabilizing treatment, and transfer regardless of any state law restrictions about specific procedures,

  • Only physicians and qualified medical personnel may make the determination of an EMC,

  • Hospitals should ensure that all staff who interact with patients presenting to the ED are aware of the hospital’s obligations under EMTALA,

  • Hospitals may not cite state law or practice as the basis for transfer,

  • Physicians’ professional and legal duties under EMTALA preempt any conflicting state law or mandate,

  • If a physician believes that abortion is the stabilizing treatment necessary to resolve an EMC, the physician must provide that treatment, and

  • State law is preempted by EMTALA when it prohibits abortion and does not include an exception for the life and health of the pregnant person or has a more restrictive definition of EMC.

The Memorandum also clarified that pregnant patients may experience EMCs including, but not limited to, ectopic pregnancy, complications of pregnancy loss, or emergent hypertensive disorders, such as preeclampsia with severe features and that stabilizing treatment encompasses both medical and surgical interventions, such as methrotrexate therapy or dilation and curettage.

The Secretary of HHS also published on July 11, 2022 a letter to healthcare providers reminding them of their obligation to provide stabilizing medical treatment to their pregnant patients in accordance with EMTALA, regardless of the state in which the provider practices (Letter). The Letter also reiterated that:

  • any state laws or mandates which employ a more restrictive definition of EMC are preempted by EMTALA statute, and

  • the course of necessary stabilizing treatment is under the physician’s or other qualified medical personnel’s purview.

The State of Texas Sues the Biden Administration

On July 14, 2022, the Texas Attorney General brought suit against HHS and CMS to challenge the Memorandum and Letter relating to federal law obligations for pregnant patients.4 The complaint alleged that EMTALA does not preempt state law when state law prohibits abortion and does not include an exception for the life of the pregnant person or draws the exception more narrowly than the definition of EMC under EMTALA. Specifically, Texas sought to enforce a state statute, the Human Life Protection Act, which would ban and criminalize abortions unless a woman “has a life-threatening physical condition arising from pregnancy that places her ‘at risk of death or poses a serious risk of substantial impairment of a major bodily function unless the abortion is performed”(emphasis added).5 The complaint also alleged that EMTALA does not require a healthcare provider to perform an abortion if it is the stabilizing treatment necessary to resolve an EMC. On August 23, 2022, the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas (Lubbock Division) blocked enforcement of the Memorandum and Letter in the State of Texas on the basis that federal guidance did not preempt state law, exceeded the authority of EMTALA, and was issued without a proper notice and comment period. The Court found that, because EMTALA is silent regarding abortion and “how stabilizing treatments must be provided when a doctor’s duties to a pregnant woman and her unborn child possibly conflict,” “there is no direct conflict” between federal and Texas law with the end result that “EMTALA leaves it to the states”.6

The Biden Administration Sues the State of Idaho

On August 2, 2022, the Department of Justice (DOJ) sued the State of Idaho, alleging violation of EMTALA. Under Idaho’s proposed abortion law, which was slated to go into effect on August 25th, the performance of all abortions are criminalized regardless of the reason for which they may be performed including to prevent the death of the pregnant woman.7 Instead, the law permits physicians to raise two affirmative defenses to avoid criminal liability:

(i) The physician determined, in h/her good faith medical judgment and based on the facts known to the physician at the time, that the abortion was necessary to prevent the death of the pregnant woman, and

(ii) Prior to the performance of the abortion, the pregnant woman reported the act of rape or incest to a law enforcement agency and provided a copy of such report to the physician.8

The DOJ’s complaint alleged that  Idaho’s law does not provide a defense when the health of the pregnant patient is at stake, which is considered to fall within the definition of an EMC under EMTALA. In addition, the DOJ asserted that the fear of criminal prosecution may lead providers to avoid performing abortions even when it is a medically necessary treatment to prevent severe risk to the patient’s health. On August 24, 2022, the United States District Court for the District of Idaho found that Idaho’s law conflicted with EMTALA and granted the federal government a preliminary injunction blocking the enforcement of Idaho’s proposed abortion law.9 In contrast to the Northern District of Texas Court’s interpretation of the conflict between state law and EMTALA, the District Court of Idaho noted that found that Idaho’s criminal abortion statute deterred abortions given that it provided for an affirmative defense rather than an exception for the provision of emergency care and, therefore, obstructed EMTALA’s purpose.10

Looking to the Future

While EMTALA has been in place for decades, its applications in the post-Dobbs world continue to evolve and will be at the forefront in states with abortion restrictions, particularly where the scope of federal law obligations to provide stabilizing treatment for conditions that threaten the health of the pregnant patient conflict with state law exceptions or affirmative defenses.

The law, policy and regulatory climate surrounding the Dobbs decision is complex and quickly developing. The information included in this article is current as of writing, but it does not address all potential legal issues or jurisdictional differences, and the information presented may no longer be current. Readers should consult counsel regarding their specific situation.


1 42 U.S.C. §1395dd.

For additional information regarding the Dobbs decision, please refer to the following resources: Supreme Court Decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization Overturns 50 Years of Precedent on Abortion Laws and Rights | Healthcare Law Blog (sheppardhealthlaw.com)WHLC Dobbs Series Part 1 Where are we now?: Sheppard Mullin Webinar.

42 U.S.C. §1395dd(e)(1).

4 State of Tex. v. Becerra, et al., No. 5:22-cv-185 (N.D. Tex. Jul. 14, 2022).

Tex. Health & Safety Code § 170A.

State of Tex. v. Becerra, et al., No. 5:22-cv-185 (N.D. Tex. Jul. 14, 2022), Memorandum Opinion and Order at 49.

7 Idaho Code § 18-622.

8  Idaho Code § 18-622(3).

9 U.S. v. Idaho, No. 1:22-cv-00329-BLW.

10 U.S. v. Idaho, No. 1:22-cv-00329-BLW, Memorandum Decision and Order at 26-31.

Copyright © 2022, Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP.

It’s Time To Review Your Online Patient-User Interface: DOJ Issues New Federal Guidance on Telemedicine and Civil Rights Protections

As online digital health services continue to enjoy broader use and appeal, federal regulators are concerned some telemedicine online patient-user interfaces fail to accommodate persons with disabilities and limited English proficiency. Such failures in “product design” can violate federal civil rights laws and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), according to new policy guidance jointly issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Department of Justice (DOJ).

The document, Nondiscrimination in Telehealth, is specifically directed to companies offering telemedicine services and instructs such covered entities to immediately take specific steps to comply with the various “accessibility duties” under federal civil rights laws. The guidance focuses on ensuring accessibility for two populations of users: 1) people with disabilities and 2) people with Limited English Proficiency (LEP).

Who is Subject to these Rules?

The guidance refers to “covered entities” subject to these rules. Under the rules, “covered entities” are any health programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance (in addition to programs and activities administered by either a federal executive agency or an entity created by Title I of the Affordable Care Act). While the guidance does not define what constitutes “receiving federal financial assistance”, HHS has historically held that providers who receive federal dollars solely under traditional Medicare Part B were not covered entities. However, a recently-proposed rule suggests HHS will significantly expand the scope of covered entities, and soon. Telemedicine providers should be prepared to comply with these federal laws.

People with Disabilities

The guidance explains that no person with a disability shall – because of the disability – be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, programs, or activities of a covered entity, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination by a covered entity. The requirements in the guidance is supported by several federal laws, including the Americans With Disabilities Act, the Affordable Care Act Section 1557, and the Rehabilitation Act Section 504.

Applying these federal civil rights protections to telemedicine services, the guidance states companies must make reasonable changes to their policies, practices, or procedures in order to provide “additional support to patients when needed before, during, and after a virtual visit.”

DOJ and HHS provided the following as examples of such “additional support” obligations:

  • A dermatology practice that typically limits telehealth appointments to 30 minutes may need to schedule a longer appointment for a patient who needs additional time to communicate because of their disability.

  • A doctor’s office that does not allow anyone but the patient to attend telehealth appointments would have to make reasonable changes to that policy to allow a person with a disability to bring a support person and/or family member to the appointment where needed to meaningfully access the health care appointment.

  • A mental health provider who uses telehealth to provide remote counseling to individuals may need to ensure that the telehealth platform it uses can support effective real-time captioning for a patient who is hard of hearing. The provider may not require patients to bring their own real-time captioner.

  • A sports medicine practice that uses videos to show patients how to do physical therapy exercises may need to make sure that the videos have audio descriptions for patients with visual disabilities.

People with LEP

The second area of the guidance is protections for LEP individuals under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI). Under Title VI, no person shall be discriminated against or excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of services, programs, or activities receiving federal financial assistance on the basis of race, color, or national origin.

For telemedicine services, the guidance states that the prohibition against national origin discrimination extends to LEP persons. Namely, telemedicine companies must take reasonable steps to ensure meaningful access for LEP persons. Such “meaningful access” includes providing information about the availability of telehealth services, the process for scheduling telehealth appointments, and the appointment itself. In many instances, HHS states, language assistance services are necessary to provide meaningful access and comply with federal law.

These language assistance services can include such measures as oral language assistance performed by a qualified interpreter; in-language communication with a bilingual employee; or written translation of documents performed by a qualified translator

DOJ and HHS provided the following as examples of such “meaningful access” obligations:

  • In emails to patients or social media postings about the opportunity to schedule telehealth appointments, a federally assisted health care provider includes a short non-English statement that explains to LEP persons how to obtain, in a language they understand, the information contained in the email or social media posting.

  • An OBGYN who receives federal financial assistance and legally provides reproductive health services, using telehealth to provide remote appointments to patients, provides a qualified language interpreter for an LEP patient. The provider makes sure that their telehealth platform allows the interpreter to join the session. Due to issues of confidentiality and potential conflicts of interest (such as in matters involving domestic violence) providers should avoid relying on patients to bring their own interpreter.

What if Making These Changes is Expensive?

While not directly addressed in the guidance, the cost for implementing accessibility measures generally falls on the company itself. Federal ADA regulations prohibit charging patients extra for the cost of providing American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters or similar accommodations. In fact, a covered entity may be required to provide an ASL interpreter even if the cost of the interpreter is greater than the fee received for the telemedicine service itself. With respect to LEP interpreters, HHS issued separate guidance stating it is not sufficient to use “low-quality video remote interpreting services” or “rely on unqualified staff” as translators.

However, companies are not required to offer an aid or service that results in either an undue burden on the company or requires a fundamental alteration in the nature of the services offered by the company. This is an important counterbalance in the law. Yet, the threshold for what constitutes an “undue burden” on a company or a “fundamental alteration” to the nature of the services is not bright line and requires a fact-specific assessment under the legal requirements.


Telemedicine companies subject to the guidance should heed the government’s warning and look inward on patient-facing elements. The first step is to simply have the website and app platform reviewed (most particularly the patient online user interface) by a qualified third party to determine if its design and features are sufficiently accessible for people with disabilities, as well as LEP persons. That time is also a prudent opportunity to review the user interface to confirm it complies with state telemedicine practice standards, e-commerce rules, electronic signatures or click-sign laws, and privacy/security requirements. Because these laws have undergone rapid and extensive changes during the Public Health Emergency, it is recommended to conduct these assessments on a periodic/annual basis.

If a company believes the expense of making these product design changes to ensure accessibility would be prohibitively expensive, it should check with experienced advisors to determine if the changes would constitute an “undue burden” or “fundamental alteration.” Otherwise, federal guidance is clear that refusing to make reasonable changes can be a violation of federal civil rights laws.

© 2022 Foley & Lardner LLP

Medical Staff Leaders: 10 Things Your Lawyers Want You to Know

Whether you are new to medical staff leadership or have served in the past and have been called to serve again, there are times when you will need to consult a lawyer who specializes in medical staff matters. While there is nothing simple about medical staff affairs, there are some basic guidelines and protections that your lawyers would like you to know that will make your term easier and make you more effective.

Understand that hospitals and medical staffs are highly regulated organizations with a myriad of laws and standards that must be followed. As a medical staff leader, advisor or medical staff professional, you are leading and advising the professionals responsible for practitioner competence and conduct within the organization. Medical staff law has evolved from the lawyer in the office who would return your call in a week, or fax you a letter, to a specialty area where your lawyer is your partner and there to assist in all aspects of medical staff affairs.

We hope you will benefit from and find the following 10 recommendations make your term or role more informed and manageable.

10. Keep Your Governance Documents Up to Date and Reflective of Actual Practice.

We don’t suggest you must read every page of your governance documents, but you should be sure you know where to look and how to use them. Governance documents include the medical staff bylaws, credentialing manual, hearing plan, rules and regulations, policies and other documents approved by the medical staff and designed to set and guide medical staff processes. Too often we have found the documents will conflict or are missing critical passages. Your medical staff bylaws or medical staff governance committee can be one of the strongest committees in the organization. This is the committee that will annually review the documents and make sure they are internally consistent, reflect actual practice and are relevant to your organization’s practice and clinical services. Remember the medical staff bylaws set the overall guiding principles for the medical staff organization. All other governance documents flow from the foundation of the medical staff bylaws and must be consistent with their principles and mission. Undoubtedly, there will be some inconsistencies but look at those inconsistencies as opportunities to reexamine the principles and consider what is best for your organization. All governance documents should be reviewed in the context of the laws and regulations that require these documents. State and federal laws and regulations set out the basic requirements for the contents of the documents, as do many of the accreditation standards. It is far better to review and revise your governance documents regularly, rather than learn they are deficient during an unannounced survey or regulatory proceeding.

9. Use Your Committees Effectively.

There are two types of committees: those with authority to act and those that are advisory. The committees with authority are generally the Medical Executive Committee (“MEC”) and clinical department committees. All other committees are advisory to the MEC. Advisory committees can develop and recommend policies, rules and clinical practices. Authoritative committees approve policies and rules, take disciplinary action and make recommendations to the MEC. The MEC is the final medical staff authority that submits recommendations for final approval to the governing body. Knowing which committees to use and when is key to leadership success.

8. Know the Scope of Your Authority.

As a leader, you are an agent of the medical staff and the spokesperson for the committee/ department you chair. There are times when you will need to act without the benefit of input from your committee/department. Medical staff bylaws will generally identify the circumstances under which you can act alone and when your action(s) will need to be ratified by the committee. As the chair, you are acting on behalf of the committee/ department between meetings. Do what is needed when needed, within the scope of your authority, but report your actions to the committee/department on a regular basis and be sure your actions are properly recorded in the appropriate minutes. If summary or urgent action is needed, do not hesitate to call a special meeting. You are better off to have the protection of a committee action than to be acting alone or without ratification.

7. Know the Peer Review Protections of HCQIA, Your State and Organization.

Many, if not most, of your actions and the actions of your committees will be covered by federal, state and organizational protections. The Healthcare Quality Improvement Act (“HCQIA”) provides protection from liability for members of a professional review body/ medical staff, who take a professional review action (a) in the reasonable belief the action was in furtherance of quality health care, (b) after a reasonable effort to obtain the facts, (c) after adequate notice and hearing and (d) in the reasonable belief that the action was warranted by the facts. In addition to this federal protection, many states have laws that similarly protect peer review participants, and often, your organization will have an indemnification policy or provision that further protects you and your committee members from damages. Remind your committee participants and members on a regular basis of these protections and that they were specifically designed to encourage peer review by allowing free discussions aimed at improving patient care.

6. Know Your Reporting Obligations.

The National Practitioner Data Bank (“NPDB”) defines the circumstances under which a physician or dentist must be reported. Those include (a) when a professional review action adversely affects their clinical privileges for 30 days or longer or (b) when a physician surrenders clinical privileges while under investigation or in exchange for not conducting an investigation. The failure to report when required to do so can result in the loss of immunities under HCQIA for up to three years, along with a monetary fine. There are many nuances to reporting to the NPDB and we recommend you consult a medical staff attorney who can assist with identifying when to report and what to say. Additionally, each state may have reporting requirements for professional review actions to the state licensing board that exceed the NPDB’s requirements. The state licensing board may also have defined penalties for failure to report. In one state, the knowing failure of a physician leader to report a practitioner to the state licensing board can be considered unprofessional conduct, which can subject the physician leader to state board action.

5. Understand Confidentiality and Peer Review Privilege Protections.

A best practice at the beginning of each meeting is to remind committee members of the importance of maintaining confidentiality. State peer review privileges and protections are often dependent on maintaining confidentiality of the records and proceedings. The failure to maintain confidentiality can act as a waiver of the privilege and permit the introduction of confidential peer review documents and testimony in litigation in the future. Peer review privileges and protections are designed to promote candor in the peer review process. This permits free discussion and identification of opportunities to improve patient care. Without confidentiality and the corresponding privileges and protections, committee members would be reluctant to analyze and frankly discuss areas for improvement in a peer’s clinical care. Obtain information about your state’s peer review privilege and protections and fully understand the circumstances that may cause a waiver, which would permit confidential peer review information to be discussed in open court and stifle important, free-flowing discussion of quality of care at peer review meetings.

4. Know Your Options.

Every professional competence or conduct situation you face will be different. A sound guideline to generally follow is selecting the least restrictive action that will protect patients. Keep in mind that the goal of all peer review is education and remediation. For example, if a practitioner is having complications with robotic surgery, evaluate whether the complications are the result of technical skill, which can be remediated with more practice, or if the complications are the result of poor clinical judgment, which reaches into all areas of performance. In the first case, proctoring, monitoring or an additional educational course may correct the problem. But with the second, the cause of poor judgment is more challenging and may require a further workup, including a fitness for duty evaluation, retrospective review of cases, or an external expert review. Work with your committee and medical staff lawyer to identify all the facts and options to address the problem that has been brought to your attention. In some cases, it may be appropriate to have the issue addressed by the individual’s department or interdisciplinary peer review committee, but in others, the nature of the problem may require the immediate attention of the MEC. In some cases, a discrete referral to your organization’s well-being committee may be appropriate. Regardless, each matter must be carefully and thoughtfully analyzed in light of all the available facts. Then, with all appropriate actions on the table, an informed determination may be made.

3. Act When Indicated but Don’t Shortcut the Process.

. The law and your medical staff bylaws provide for the ability to take emergency action against a practitioner’s privileges when there is a concern of imminent threat to patients or others. What constitutes an “imminent” threat or danger is often the source of hours of discussion and analysis by medical staff lawyers throughout the country. Your legal team is invaluable in working through the facts of a given matter and determining whether a decision for summary suspension is legally sound. If there is a circumstance where emergency intervention via summary suspension is necessary to avoid patient harm after an initial evaluation of the matter, do not hesitate! Take the action to summarily suspend and remove an errant practitioner from the bedside. Afterward, there is time to re-examine the basis for the action and analyze whether continued suspension is necessary to protect patients or others. At that time, it is important to call on your MEC and legal team for their analysis and determination of whether the summary suspension should be upheld.

There are also times when summary suspension will be considered prospectively to address a chronic problem that is rising to an acute stage. The practitioner whose disruptive, bullying and retaliatory conduct has been tolerated may have reached a level where the cumulative effect creates the potential for patient harm because staff, for example, are afraid to call the physician at night about a patient’s health condition, seek clarification of an order, or question whether a procedure is being done on the right side or on the correct patient. Following the medical staff bylaws investigation process will allow for a careful analysis of the reported conduct, which will provide a solid framework for later defense, should it be necessary. That process will almost always involve a committee evaluation of the facts, interview of the practitioner, and a determination of the appropriate next steps. Each of these steps, if followed, will support the action when later scrutinized by a court or jury.

2. Do What is Right for the Patients.

Always put the patients first. There may be procedural missteps during a disciplinary process as the healthcare organization balances the need to protect patients with providing a practitioner due process. However, if the peer review being conducted is based in the foundation of improving patient care and patient safety, courts will generally consider the health care organization’s goals before making a determination that would go against the organization and potentially place patients in harm’s way.

1. Utilize Internal or External Counsel to Navigate Medical Staff Law so You Can Focus on Improving Patient Care.

I (Erin) was asked recently what possible motivation there would be for a physician to enter leadership in a medical staff organization if their role consisted solely of consulting with a medical staff lawyer. In response, I reminded this physician that medical staff leadership and medical staff lawyers work together on challenging matters and daily operations with the lawyer recommending limitations and guardrails and advising on how to avoid legal missteps and pitfalls. This advice from the lawyer enables the leader to focus on monitoring the business of the organization and improving patient care.

Final Take-Aways

Our medical staff organizations need people who are willing to serve as leaders during challenging times when caregivers are stretched thin, suffering burnout and subjected to daily difficulties that can be demoralizing. Strong leaders who are reassured of their legal protections can perform their leadership responsibilities without fear of reprisal when following the advice of their legal counsel. We encourage you to reach out and make your lawyer an integral part of your team so that they can understand your organization and business and provide you the best available advice that will reassure you and other leaders in the organization of the legal protections and immunities.

© Polsinelli PC, Polsinelli LLP in California

DOT Proposes New Guidance For Medical Examiners To Address CBD Use By Commercial Motor Vehicle Drivers

The U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) published a proposed draft Medical Examiner’s Handbook (MEH), including updates to the Medical Advisory Criteria, in the Federal Register on August 16, 2022.  The FMCSA’s regulations provide the basic driver physical qualification standards for commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers, in 49 CFR 391.41 through 391.49. DOT Medical Examiners currently make physical qualification determinations on a case-by-case basis and may consider guidance to assist with making those determinations.

FMCSA stated that the goal of the updated MEH and related Medical Advisory Criteria is to provide information about regulatory requirements and guidance for Medical Examiners to consider when making physical qualification determinations in conjunction with established best medical practices. The revised Medical Advisory Criteria, in addition to being included in the MEH, would also be published in Appendix A to 49 CFR part 391. The final version of the criteria would be identical in both publications. FMCSA is proposing to update both the MEH and Medical Advisory Criteria and seeks public comment on these documents until September 30, 2022.  The draft MEH may be viewed here.

Use of CBD with 0.3% THC or Less Is Not Automatically Disqualifying

Under FMCSA regulation 49 CFR 391.41(b)(12)(i), CMV drivers are not permitted to be physically qualified when using Schedule I drugs under any circumstances. The federal Controlled Substances Act lists marijuana, including marijuana extracts containing greater than 0.3% delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), as Schedule I drugs and substances. A driver who uses marijuana cannot be physically qualified even if marijuana is legal in the State where the driver resides for recreational or medical use.

However, under current federal law cannabidiol (CBD) products containing less than 0.3% THC are not considered Schedule I substances; therefore, their use by a CMV driver is not grounds to automatically preclude physical qualification of the driver under §391.41(b)(12)(i).

FMCSA emphasized that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not currently determine or certify the levels of THC in products that contain CBD, so there is no federal oversight to ensure that the labels on CBD products that claim to contain less than 0.3% of THC are accurate. Therefore, drivers who use these products are doing so at their own risk.

FMCSA now proposes that each driver should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and encourages Medical Examiners to take a comprehensive approach to medical certification and to consider any additional relevant health information or evaluations that may objectively support the medical certification decision. Medical Examiners may request that drivers obtain and provide the results of a non-DOT drug test during the medical certification process, if it is deemed to be helpful in determining whether a driver is using a prohibited substance, such as a CBD product that contains more than 0.3% THC.

This guidance does not impact FMCSA’s drug and alcohol testing regulations.  Use of a CBD product does not excuse a positive marijuana drug test result.

Use of Suboxone and Similar Drugs Is Not Automatically Disqualifying

FMCSA received a large number of inquiries related to Suboxone (a Schedule III drug under federal law, meaning that it has a lower potential for abuse than Schedule I and II drugs).  Treatment with Suboxone and other drugs that contain buprenorphine and naloxone, as well as methadone, are not identified in the FMCSA regulations as precluding medical certification for operating a CMV. FMCSA relies on the Medical Examiner to evaluate and determine whether a driver treated with Suboxone singularly or in combination with other medications should be issued a medical certificate. The Medical Examiner should obtain the opinion of the prescribing licensed medical practitioner who is familiar with the driver’s health history as to whether treatment with Suboxone will or will not adversely affect the driver’s ability to safely operate a CMV. The final medical certification determination, however, rests with the Medical Examiner who is familiar with the duties, responsibilities, and physical and mental demands of CMV driving and non-driving tasks.

Jackson Lewis P.C. © 2022

Wendy’s E. Coli Outbreak Lawsuits

Health Department officials are investigating over one hundred cases of E. coli poisoning in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Pennsylvania. People have been diagnosed with food poisoning in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Indiana. The majority of these people claim that they ate sandwiches topped with lettuce at a Wendy’s Restaurant within the week before their food poisoning diagnosis.

Public health officials in Michigan have confirmed 43 cases of E. Coli that match the strain in a multi-state outbreak. A number of similar cases have been identified in Ohio. The specific source of the food poisoning has not been officially determined, but one possible source is romaine lettuce used to top hamburgers and sandwiches at Wendy’s restaurants.

The illness onset dates range from late July through early August 2022. The sickness and harm have ranged from mild to very severe. Many victims have required extensive hospitalization and medical care. Four cases of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) have been diagnosed and suspected to be related to the contaminated lettuce at Wendy’s Restaurants.

  • E. Coli outbreak cases have been reported in the following counties: Allegan, Branch,Clinton, Genesee, Gratiot, Jackson, Kent, Macomb, Midland, Monroe, Muskegon, Oakland, Ogemaw, Ottawa, Saginaw, Washtenaw, and Wayne and the City of Detroit. Public health departments in those counties are closely monitoring patients and working hard to determine the source of the poisoning.

E. coli is a bacterium that lives in the digestive tracks of animals and humans. Most varieties are harmless, but some can cause severe illness. Common sources of E. coli include:

  • Raw milk or dairy products that are not pasteurized.
  • Raw fruits or vegetables, such as lettuce, that have come into contact with infected animal feces.

Symptoms of E. Coli poisoning are very serious. They include severe stomach cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting. Some people experience high fevers and many develop life-threatening conditions.

E. coli infections often require hospitalization and expensive medical care, the damages from this food poisoning can be extensive.

The Wendy’s food poisoning claims are just at their initial stages.  Very few lawsuits have been filed to date, but it is expected dozens will be filed in courthouses shortly.  At this time, there are no reported Wendy’s food poisoning settlements.

In general, food poisoning settlements include money payment for pain and suffering, mental anguish, and the physical injuries caused by the food contamination. In addition, claims for economic losses and damages are also demanded in a food poisoning lawsuit. These are financial losses and include payment of medical bills and expenses, as well as lost wages and income resulted from missed time at work.

If you ate food at a Wendy’s Restaurant that contained romaine lettuce in July or August and were diagnosed or hospitalized with E. coli poisoning, you may benefit from speaking to a food poisoning attorney.

Buckfire & Buckfire, P.C. 2022