Unlocking India’s Space Potential: India Liberalizes Foreign Direct Investment Regime

  1. The foreign investment policy was ambiguous about space activities beyond satellites, leading to different interpretations.
  2. Some companies made investments basis the view that investments in the activities not listed under the FDI policy in this sector could be made up to 100% without prior government approval.
  3. The proposed FDI Space Policy addresses these concerns and allows 100% foreign investments under the automatic and governmental approval route.
  4. Formal notification is awaited which will make this policy effective as law.


India currently is home to more than 200 space start-ups, and the space sector in India has attracted USD 124.7 million investment in the year 2023. The existing foreign investment policy of India (“FDI Policy”) requires foreign investors to obtain prior government approvals for investing in the space sector, particularly for the establishment of satellites.

Considering the growth of this sector, the Indian government has been periodically releasing policies / notifications, establishing organizations, etc. with the intent to allow more private participation in this sector. This has led to the establishment of an organization to promote the sector called the Indian National Space Promotion and Authorization Centre in 2020, as well as the introduction of the National Geospatial Policy, 2022 followed by the Indian Space Policy, 2023.

On February 21, 2024, the Union Cabinet approved amendments to the Foreign Direct Investment (“FDI”) policy and communicated it in a press release (“FDI Space Policy”) which proposes to liberalize investments in the space sector. However, a formal notification from the relevant authorities is still awaited for the amendments to become enforceable as law.

Existing FDI Policy 

Existing foreign investment limits in the space sector are provided under the Schedule I of Foreign Exchange Management Act (Non-Debt Instrument) Rules, 2019 (“NDI Rules”). The current norms do not recognize “space” as a sector in itself. Instead, the space related activities are primarily captured under the head – “satellites – establishment and operation”. 100% foreign investment is allowed in this sector but the same is subject to approval from the government along with compliance of sectoral guidelines from Department of Space / Indian Space Research Organisation. In essence, all foreign investments in companies undertaking the activities of satellites-establishment and operations require government approval.

Reforms – New FDI Space Policy 

The proposed FDI Space Policy allows 100% foreign investment in the space sector and has also created sub-categories, entry route and investment thresholds for various space related activities, which are as follows:

S.no. Activity FDI Thresholds
1. Satellites-manufacturing & operation, satellite data products and ground segment & user segment Up to 74% under automatic route

and beyond 74% (up to 100%) under government route

2. Launch vehicles and associated systems or subsystems, creation of spaceports for launching and receiving spacecraft Up to 49% under automatic route and beyond 49% (up to 100%) under government route
3. Manufacturing of components and systems/ sub-systems for satellites, ground segment and user segment Up to 100% under automatic route


(i) Status of existing investments

The existing FDI policy did not include space sector related activities (other than satellites-establishment and operation) such as launch vehicle business, ground segment, user segment, sub-component / sub-systems manufacturing, data products etc.

Various stakeholders argued that since the existing FDI policy did not specify certain activities such as launch vehicles, data sets, manufacturing of space systems / components etc. under the head of “satellites-establishment and operation”, foreign investments in such cases should be permitted up to 100% under the automatic route. This was based on the interpretation under the FDI policy that sectors / activities not specifically listed or prohibited, are permissible for foreign investment up to 100% under the automatic route, subject to sectoral conditionalities. Relying on the same, foreign investors made investments in space start-ups whose activities were not explicitly listed or regulated under the current FDI regime without obtaining government approval.

Some stakeholders interpreted “satellites” very broadly and took a more conservative view that all space related activities required government approval. Similarly, there were overlaps in activities / interpretation of the FDI policy under the sectors of defence, telecom and manufacturing.

The space liberalization norms under the proposed FDI Space Policy may have actually de-liberalized this sector for certain companies who received investments in allied space activities based on the understanding that sectors / activities not specifically listed or prohibited, should be eligible for foreign investments up to 100% under the automatic route. In such cases where the investment thresholds under the proposed FDI Space Policy may be breached, it would be interesting to see the government’s approach including granting approvals on a post-facto basis.

(ii) Sub- categorizations of activities within the Space Sector

While the government has acknowledged the sub-categories of activities within the space sector, it hasn’t clarified its rationale for providing different foreign investment thresholds for such activities. Relaxed thresholds for satellites (i.e., 74% under the automatic route (up to 100% under government route)) and its sub-components (i.e., 100% under the automatic route) encourage foreign participation in commercial aspects of space activities. In contrast, the 49% cap on foreign investments under the automatic route (up to 100% under government route) on launch vehicles acknowledge their dual-use potential for both civilian and defence purposes. This sensitivity, combined with the launching state’s heightened liability under Article II of the Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects (“Liability Convention”), may be viewed as necessitating greater government oversight.

However, industry players have also criticized the differential treatment provided to launch vehicles vis-a-vis satellites. They believe, in essence, both industries have similar sensitivity issues and hence should be treated at par from a foreign investment perspective. Hence, the difference in foreign investment thresholds require more explanation from the government.

(iii) Satellite Data Products

The term ‘satellite data products’ has not been defined under the proposed FDI Space Policy but investments in such activities would be permitted up to 74% under the automatic route (up to 100% under government route). This may lead to some conflict from a satellite imagery / data perspective read along with the liberalized Geospatial Guidelines, 2021. (“Geospatial Guidelines”).

The Geospatial Guidelines largely permit foreign investments up to 100% under the automatic route with limited foreign investment restrictions especially if the activity is for (i) creation / ownership / storage of geospatial data of a certain accuracy (as defined under the Geospatial Guidelines); (ii) terrestrial mobile survey, street view survey and surveying activities in Indian territorial waters. There seems to be no specific restriction on satellite generated data (other than the above) under the Geospatial Guidelines. Thus, the proposed FDI Space Policy may end up limiting foreign investments for activities relating to Satellite Data Products (which would include geo-spatial data) in which otherwise is viewed to be permissible up to 100% under the automatic route.

The government should also define what constitutes satellite data products and to the extent possible it would be recommended that foreign investment up to 100% should be permitted under the automatic route.

Additionally, the rationale for capping investments for satellite data products under the proposed FDI Space Policy seems unclear as these are data sets which could be regulated under the Geospatial Guidelines and the new Indian privacy law.

(iv) Where are sub-components for launch vehicles covered?

The proposed FDI Space Policy explicitly covers the manufacturing of components and systems / sub-systems for the satellite sector, ground & user segment, and permits 100% FDI under automatic route for the same. With the absence of similar language for components in launch vehicles, it could imply its inclusion under the broader launch vehicle category, hence falling under the 49% automatic route (up to 100% under government route). Alternatively, it could also be argued since it is not expressly specified, the same could be covered under the 100% automatic route category. However, considering the critical role of such components in the sector’s development, clarification from the government would provide much-needed comfort especially if the components are dual use (satellite and launch vehicle usage).

(v) What about ground segment and user segment for launch vehicles?

Following the pattern observed with the satellite and ground segment categories, the absence of specific mention for the “ground segment & user segment” in the launch vehicle section raises further questions. This omission could be an oversight or intentional, but the lack of clarity hinders transparency and predictability for potential investors. Further clarity on the inclusion from an industry perspective in the official amendment notification would ensure a comprehensive and consistent policy framework for the entire launch vehicle sector.

(vi) Were any sub-categories / activities missed?

As space activities may expand to include space mining, exploration, international space station construction, space tourism etc., India needs to proactively address these areas. Especially, if these should be interpreted for foreign investments up to 100% under the automatic route, as this would have a bearing on India’s ability to attract foreign investment while safeguarding national interests, technological competitiveness, and responsible stewardship of India in space.


While the proposed FDI Space Policy provides substantial liberalization, further clarity is awaited based on the formal notification which will make this effective as law. Ideally, the Government should provide definitions / explanations for the proposed categorization and sub-categorizations, and further clarity on the inclusions and omissions of activities which may be related to most space sector functions such as user and ground segments.

While the move towards liberalization significantly reduces government control over the space sector, its inherent interconnectedness with other regulated domains like telecommunications / geospatial cannot be ignored. Despite these challenges, the government’s willingness to open the space sector to foreign investments is a positive step offering greater confidence to foreign investors. Relaxation in the existing norms also signifies a supportive stance towards the industry, encouraging both domestic and international participation. Notably, India successfully attracted substantial foreign investment even during the era of full government control. Therefore, with the current reforms, a significant increase in foreign investments is expected.

[1] Rajya Sabha Questions, Department of Space, available at
[2] Notification, Department of Space, available at https://pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1988864
[3] Notification, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, available at
[4] Article II of the Liability Convention provides that a launching State shall be absolutely liable to pay compensation for damage caused by its space object on the surface of the earth or to aircraft flight.

Compliance Update — Insights and Highlights January 2024

On December 7, 2023, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) ordered Atlantic Union Bank, an approximately $20 billion bank headquartered in Richmond, Virginia, to pay $6.2 million for “illegal overdraft fee harvesting” and “illegally enrolling thousands of customers in checking account overdraft programs.” The bank was ordered to pay $5 million in refunds and $1.2 million to a victims’ relief fund.

Regulation E provides that a bank may not charge a fee for an ATM or one-time debit card transaction unless it completes four steps. First, the bank must provide the customer with a notice describing the bank’s overdraft services in writing. Then, the bank must provide the customer with a “reasonable opportunity” for that customer to “affirmatively consent” to the payment of the ATM or one-time debit card transaction fee. Third, the customer must provide that “affirmative consent” or opt-in to the bank. And finally, the bank must provide the customer with written confirmation of their consent, including a statement of the right to revoke the consent at any time.

The CFPB alleged that Atlantic Union Bank failed to obtain proper consent when an account was opened in person at a branch. Bank employees orally provided customers with options for opting in to the payment of one-time debit card and ATM transaction fees pursuant to Regulation E. Bank employees asked customers to opt in orallyand then input the option into the bank’s account-opening computer system before printing the written consent form. The consent form was printed at the end of the account-opening process and was pre-populated with the customer’s oral opt-in choice.

In instances in which a customer was given options for opting in to the payment of one-time debit card and ATM transaction fees over the phone, bank employees did not have a script and allegedly provided misinformation and misleading statements about the benefits, costs, and other aspects of opting in to the payment of one-time debit card and ATM transaction fees pursuant to Regulation E.

The CFPB has taken the logical approach that a bank must provide the customer with a written disclosure of its overdraft practices prior to having them opt in. Additionally, without providing the customer with a prior written disclosure, a bank should not pre-populate its Regulation E opt-in form. Now is the time to review the consent order and your bank’s Regulation E opt-in processes and procedures.

For more news on CFPB Compliance, visit the NLR Financial Institutions & Banking section.

Third Time’s a Charm? SEC & CFTC Finalize Amendments to Form PF

On February 8, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) jointly adopted amendments to Form PF, the confidential reporting form for certain registered investment advisers to private funds. Form PF’s dual purpose is to assist the SEC’s and CFTC’s regulatory oversight of private fund advisers (who may be both SEC-registered investment advisers and also registered with the CFTC as commodity pool operators or commodity trading advisers) and investor protection efforts, as well as help the Financial Stability Oversight Council monitor systemic risk. In addition, the SEC entered into a memorandum of understanding with the CFTC to facilitate data sharing between the two agencies regarding information submitted on Form PF.

Continued Spotlight on Private Funds

The continued focus on private funds and private fund advisers is a recurring theme. The SEC recently adopted controversial and sweeping new rules governing many activities of private funds and private fund advisers. The SEC’s Division of Examinations also continues to highlight private funds in its annual examination priorities. Form PF is similarly no stranger to recent revisions and expansions in its scope. First, in May 2023, the SEC adopted requirements for certain advisers to hedge funds and private equity funds to provide current reporting of key events (within 72 hours). Second, in July 2023, the SEC finalized amendments to Form PF for large liquidity fund advisers to align their reporting requirements with those of money market funds. And last week, this third set of amendments to Form PF, briefly discussed below.

SEC Commissioner Peirce, in dissent:

“Boundless curiosity is wonderful in a small child; it is a less attractive trait in regulatory agencies…. Systemic risk involves the forest — trying to monitor the state of every individual tree at every given moment in time is a distraction and trades off the mistaken belief that we have the capacity to draw meaning from limitless amounts of discrete and often disparate information. Unbridled curiosity seems to be driving this decision rather than demonstrated need.”

Additional Reporting by Large Hedge Fund Advisers on Qualifying Hedge Funds

These amendments will, among other things, expand the reporting requirements for large hedge fund advisers with regard to “qualifying hedge funds” (i.e., hedge funds with a net asset value of at least $500 million). The amendments will require additional disclosures in the following categories:

  • Investment exposures, borrowing and counterparty exposures, currency exposures, country and industry exposures;
  • Market factor effects;
  • Central clearing counterparty reporting;
  • Risk metrics;
  • Investment performance by strategy;
  • Portfolio, financing, and investor liquidity; and
  • Turnover.

While the final amendments increase the amount of fund-level information the Commission will receive with regard to individual qualifying hedge funds, at the same time, the Commission has eliminated the aggregate reporting requirements in Section 2a of Form PF (noting, in its view, that such aggregate information can be misleading).

Enhanced Reporting by All Hedge Funds

The amendments will require more detailed reporting on Form PF regarding:

  • Hedge fund investment strategies (while digital assets are now an available strategy to select from, the SEC opted not to adopt its proposed definition of digital assets, instead noting that if a strategy can be classified as both a digital asset strategy and another strategy, the adviser should report the strategy as the non-digital asset strategy);
  • Counterparty exposures (including borrowing and financing arrangements); and
  • Trading and clearing mechanisms.

Other Amendments That Apply to All Form PF Filers

  • General Instructions. Form PF filers will be required to report separately each component fund of a master-feeder arrangement and parallel fund structure (rather than in the aggregate as permitted under the existing Form PF), other than a disregarded feeder fund (e.g., where a feeder fund invests all its assets in a single master fund, US treasury bills, and/or “cash and cash equivalents”). In addition, the amendments revise how filers will report private fund investments in other private funds, “trading vehicles” (a newly defined term), and other funds that are not private funds. For example, Form PF will now require an adviser to include the value of a reporting fund’s investments in other private funds when responding to questions on Form PF, including determining filing obligations and reporting thresholds (unless otherwise directed by the Form).
  • All Private Funds. Form PF filers reporting information about their private funds will report additional and/or new information regarding, for example: type of private fund; identifying information about master-feeder arrangements, internal and external private funds, and parallel fund structures; withdrawal/redemption rights; reporting of gross and net asset values; inflows/outflows; base currency; borrowings and types of creditors; fair value hierarchy; beneficial ownership; and fund performance.

Final Thoughts

With the recent and significant regulatory spotlight on investment advisers to private funds and private funds themselves, we encourage advisers to consider the interrelationships between new data reporting requirements on Form PF and the myriad of new regulations and disclosure obligations being imposed on investment advisers more generally (including private fund advisers).

The effective date and compliance date for new final amendments to Form PF is 12 months following the date of publication in the Federal Register.

Robert Bourret also contributed to this article.

New Diligence Opportunity for Financial Institutions

On Jan. 1, 2024, the Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA”) took effect. As a result, all business entities, unless expressly exempt by the CTA, must file Reports of Beneficial Ownership Information (“BOI”) with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”), a unit of the U.S. Treasury. Under the CTA, “financial institutions,” i.e., banks and other entities that provide financings and are subject to the “Know Your Customer” and “Customer Due Diligence” regulations of FinCEN pursuant to the Bank Secrecy Act, the USA Patriot Act, and the Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2020, may access the BOI on reports filed with FinCEN.

To gain access to the BOI, the financial institution MUST:

  1. Obtain the written consent of the customer, i.e., the borrower, guarantor, or other loan party, in connection with the diligence process required before entering a business relationship with the customer, or as part of the continuing diligence required in an existing relationship. Accordingly, forms used by the financial institution to open or to continue an existing business relationship must include a clear and conspicuous provision in which the customer gives consent. This will probably require a complete review and revision of those forms;
  2. Determine that obtaining access to the BOI is reasonably necessary for the financial institution to meet its diligence obligations. That determination should be spelled out in the written request to FinCEN for access; and
  3. Acknowledge the scope of confidentiality obligations with respect to the BOI obtained, including the limited use permitted of the information, as well as safeguarding that accessed BOI from misuse.

Financial institutions should be prepared to request access to BOI as a matter of course. In any case where a customer engages in violative activity, and the BOI would have alerted the financial institution to possible risks, that institution could be exposed to sanctions by its principal prudential regulator and/or by other law enforcement agencies.

Recent FinCEN FAQs Provide Additional Guidance on Compliance

The US Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) released several new FAQs this month to provide further clarity on the Corporate Transparency Act’s (CTA) provisions.
Notably, FinCEN provided guidance on who is considered “primary responsible” for directing a filing, as well as what is necessary to qualify under the subsidiary exemption, among other matters.

The CTA’s requirements went into effect on January 1, 2024. As we’ve previously detailed, reporting companies formed prior to that date will be required to file their initial reports with FinCEN no later than January 1, 2025. A reporting company created during 2024 is required to file its initial report within 90 days of its creation or registration, and one created on or after January 1, 2025, will have 30 days to file its initial report. A previously registered company will need to update its registration within 30 days of a change in its beneficial ownership or other information reported to FinCEN. For detailed overviews of the CTA, please visit our earlier posts located here, here, and here.

Company Applicants: Who is “Primarily Responsible” for Directing a Filing?
The CTA requires that reporting companies formed on or after January 1, 2024, disclose their “company applicant.” An individual is a “company applicant” if (1) they directly file the company’s formation or registration documents with a secretary of state or similar office or (2) if more than one person is involved in the filing, they are primary responsible for directing or controlling the filing. A maximum of two individuals can be reported as company applicants.

The FAQs clarify that the person who signs the formation document, such as an incorporator, is not necessarily a company applicant. Instead, the rule focuses on the person responsible for making decisions about the filing, including how the filing is managed, what contents to include, and when and where filing will occur.

FinCEN provides three scenarios to illustrate the rule. In two of the scenarios, an attorney or a paralegal instructed by that attorney completes a company creation document using information provided by a client and sends the document to a corporate service provider to be filed with a secretary of state. In this scenario, the attorney will one of the company applicants, and the employee at the corporate service provider who directly filed the document with the secretary of state will be the other company applicant. In the third scenario, the attorney’s client initiated the company creation directly with the corporate service provider — in this case, the client will be a company applicant (as will the employee at the corporate service provider who directly filed the document).

Subsidiary Exemption: Is Partial Control of a Subsidiary’s Ownership Interests By an Exempt Entity Sufficient to Qualify for the Subsidiary Exemption?
The short answer is — no.

The CTA lists 23 categories of entities that are exempt from the beneficial ownership information (BOI) reporting requirements. A subsidiary of certain categories of exempt entities will also be exempt if the subsidiary is controlled or wholly owned, whether directly or indirectly, by one or more of such exempt entities.

The FAQs clarify what happens when the exempt entity partially controls the subsidiary. Partial control is insufficient for an entity to fall within the subsidiary exemption — a subsidiary’s ownership interests must be fully, 100% owned or controlled by the exempt entity to qualify for this exemption. Thus, control of ownership interests means that one or more exempt entities entirely control all of the ownership interests in the reporting company, in the same way that an exempt entity must wholly own all of a subsidiary’s ownership interests for the exemption to apply.

Selected Additional Matters Covered by the New FAQs
Reporting Company Ownership Subject to Dispute: If ownership of a reporting company is the subject of active litigation, all individuals who own or control (or claim to own or control) at least 25% of the company’s interests are considered beneficial owners, and BOI must be submitted for each individual (in addition to BOI for all individuals who exercise substantial control over the company). If, after the legal dispute is solved, the reporting company has different beneficial owners from those initially reported, an updated BOI report must be filed within 30 calendar days after the litigation is resolved.
Third-Party Couriers or Delivery Service Employees: Third-party courier or delivery service employees who solely deliver documents to a secretary of state are not company applicants, as long as the third-party courier, the delivery service employee, and the delivery service that employs them play no other roles in the creation or registration of the reporting company.
Automated Incorporation Service: An automated incorporation service’s employees are not company applicants if the service solely provides software, online tools, or generally applicable written guidance for the creation of a reporting company and its employees are not directly involved in filing creation documents.
No Photo on Identification Document for Religious Reasons: If a beneficial owner’s or company applicant’s identification document does not include a photograph for religious reasons, the reporting company may submit an image of that identification document when submitting its report, provided that the document is otherwise an acceptable type of identification. If the individual in question obtains a FinCEN identifier, then the burden of providing the identification document to FinCEN would fall on the individual and not on the company (which would only need to report the FinCEN identifier).
No Permanent Residential Address: When a reporting company must report an individual’s residential address, but no such permanent address is available, the reporting company should report the residential address that is current at the time of filing the report. If the address later changes, the reporting company must submit an updated report within 30 days from such change. The use of a FinCEN identifier by the individual will eliminate the company’s need to submit an updated report, although the individual would be required to update his or her address with FinCEN directly.

© 2024 ArentFox Schiff LLP

by: Evgeny Magidenko of ArentFox Schiff LLP

For more news on Corporate Transparency Act Compliance, visit the NLR Corporate & Business Organizations section.

2024: The Year of the Spot Bitcoin ETP

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is making 2024 a significant year for exchange-traded products (ETPs) by declaring effective the registration statements of ten Bitcoin ETPs, and approving their listing on one of the major stock exchanges. This is a monumental step to bringing access to Bitcoin to a broader retail market in the US For over a decade, the staff of the SEC (Staff) had denied or otherwise blocked applications to list spot Bitcoin ETPs, claiming, in part, that there were insufficient protections against market manipulation in the underlying Bitcoin market. The approvals issued this week unlock – although do not widely open – a previously dead bolted door to registered products offering direct exposure to Bitcoin, providing an opportunity for retail investors to have easier access to exposure to Bitcoin in a regulated product.

The approvals follow the US federal appeals court ruling in August 2023 that the SEC was “arbitrary and capricious” in its decision to reject an application by the NYSE Arca to list shares of the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust. In granting the approvals, Chair Gensler acknowledged that the law had changed following the Grayscale decision stating “we are now faced with a new set of filings similar to those we have disapproved in the past. Circumstances, however, have changed.” Rather than appeal the court ruling, the staff of the SEC chose to engage with the sponsors of proposed spot Bitcoin ETPs to discuss parameters necessary for approval, including the inclusion of additional disclosure and other requirements to provide for investor protection. In approving the listing of the ETPs, the SEC relied, in part, on its confirmation that the “CME bitcoin futures market has been consistently highly correlated with this subset [(Coinbase and Kraken)] of the spot [B]itcoin market throughout the past 2.5 years,”1 a fact which was heavily leaned upon in the Grayscale decision. Among the requirements insisted upon by the Staff were requirements that the ETPs effect sales and redemptions of ETP creation units solely in cash (rather than in-kind) and hardcoding of key service providers (including Bitcoin custodians) into the listing rule. The SEC’s approved all listing rule applications simultaneously, in an effort to prevent a single ETP from having a first mover advantage.

While this initial round of approvals is promising for the ETP and cryptocurrency industries, it does not signal a general acceptance of all spot cryptocurrency ETPs. Rather, the SEC granted approval only to ETPs investing in Bitcoin, and it is unclear whether it will be receptive to products investing in other crypto assets. Chair Gensler’s statement in announcing the approvals indicated that he and the staff remain skeptical of digital assets generally, including Bitcoin, stating that the approval is not an endorsement of Bitcoin and that investors should remain cautious and aware of the risks. Issuers wishing to offer similar products with other digital asset investments may now have examples to follow, but will still need to undergo a comprehensive review process, and ultimate approval is not guaranteed. Moreover, future exchange-traded products seeking to directly invest other cryptocurrencies or digital assets may have to satisfy a correlation test similar to that which was relied on by the SEC in approving the current products and may not be able to do so.

1 SEC Release, Order Granting Accelerated Approval of Proposed Rule Changes, as Modified by Amendments Thereto, to List and Trade Bitcoin-Based Commodity-Based Trust Shares and Trust Units, No. 34-99306 (10 January 2024).

2024 Regulatory Update for Investment Advisers

In 2023, the Securities and Exchange Commission issued various proposed rules on regulatory changes that will affect SEC-registered investment advisers (RIAs). Since these rules are likely to be put into effect, RIAs should consider taking preliminary steps to start integrating the new requirements into their compliance policies and procedures.

1. Updates to the Custody Rule

The purpose of the custody rule, rule 206(4)-2 of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (Advisers Act), is to protect client funds and securities from potential loss and misappropriation by custodians. The SEC’s recommended updates to the custody rule would:

  • Expand the scope of the rule to not only include client funds and securities but all of a client’s assets over which an RIA has custody
  • Expand the definition of custody to include discretionary authority
  • Require RIAs to enter into written agreements with qualified custodians, including certain reasonable assurances regarding protections of client assets

2. Internet Adviser Exemption

The SEC also proposed to modernize rule 203A-2(e) of the Advisers Act, whose purpose is to permit internet investment advisers to register with the SEC even if such advisers do not meet the other statutory requirements for SEC registration. Under the proposed rule:

  • Advisers relying on this exemption would at all times be required to have an operational interactive website through which the adviser provides investment advisory services
  • The de minimis exception would be eliminated, hence requiring advisers relying on rule 203A-2(e) to provide advice to all of their clients exclusively through an operational interactive website

3. Conflicts of Interest Related to Predictive Data Analytics and Similar Technologies

The SEC proposes new rules under the Adviser’s Act to regulate RIAs’ use of technologies that optimize for, predict, guide, forecast or direct investment-related behaviors or outcomes. Specifically, the new rules aim to minimize the risk that RIAs could prioritize their own interest over the interests of their clients when designing or using such technology. The new rules would require RIAs:

  • To evaluate their use of such technologies and identify and eliminate, or neutralize the effect of, any potential conflicts of interest
  • To adopt written policies and procedures to prevent violations of the rule and maintain books and records relating to their compliance with the new rules

4. Cybersecurity Risk Management and Outsourcing to Third Parties

The SEC has yet to issue a final rule on the 2022 proposed new rule 206(4)-9 to the Adviser’s Act which would require RIAs to adequately address cybersecurity risks and incidents. Similarly, the SEC still has to issue the final language for new rule 206(4)-11 that would establish oversight obligations for RIAs that outsource certain functions to third parties. A summary of the proposed rules can be found here: 2023 Regulatory Update for Investment Advisers: Miller Canfield

Another Government Shutdown Looms: What It Means For Employers With Foreign National Employees

Only two days before the deadline in November 2023, the U.S. Senate passed a temporary budget to fund federal agencies through Jan. 19, 2024, marking the first time since 2012 that Congress entered a holiday season without the threat of a December shutdown. Now, following the start of a new year, lawmakers have less than two weeks to advance a recent spending agreement and reach a more permanent solution.

The November 2023 vote marked the second time Congress extended the budget for fiscal year 2023, which expired in September, to avert a government shutdown.


For employers, immigration funding and legislation are top of mind whenever a shutdown looms. Each time the government is on the verge of a shutdown, employers must identify cases that are affected and attempt to locate an avenue to mitigate the impact of the potential shutdown. This increases costs and reduces efficiency, among other complex consequences.

During the 2019 government shutdown, the U.S. Department of Justice suspended 60,000 hearings for non-detained migrants, causing significant delays in the immigration system. Rescheduling an appearance on the immigration docket can often take years, leaving migrants and their families to wait in uncertainty in the interim.

On the employment-based side of immigration, a mad dash ensues each time a government shutdown becomes imminent because applications made to the Department of Labor that are critical steps in both nonimmigrant and immigrant visa categories come to a halt. With already lengthy processing times, foreign national beneficiaries and their employers cannot afford to wait 90 days, as we saw in 2019, for government processing to resume.

Employers and their legal teams would be wise to shift their focus during these times to pushing forward the submission of as many Labor Condition Applications (LCAs), permanent labor certification applications (PERM), and prevailing wage determination requests as possible. A missed window of opportunity can result in years-long delays, or worse, the loss of work authorization, for critical foreign national talent in the U.S.


With deadline déjà vu, now is the time for employers to prepare. Employers should consider the following three actions:

1) Submit Labor Condition Applications for all foreign nationals with a nonimmigrant visa (NIV) status expiring within the next six months, should the relevant nonimmigrant visa category require an application, such as for H-1B, H-1B1, and E-3 visa classifications

2) Submit Prevailing Wage Requests for all initiated PERM processes

3) File any PERM applications of individuals for whom the requisite recruitment steps and waiting periods have been completed

2024 New Years’ Resolutions for Retirement Plans

Over the past few years, numerous pieces of legislation affecting retirement plans have been signed into law, including the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the Bipartisan American Miners Act, and the SECURE 2.0 Act (the “Acts”). While some of the changes, including both mandatory and optional provisions under the Acts previously became effective, other provisions under the SECURE Act and SECURE 2.0 Act had a delayed effective date. As we enter into 2024, many of the remaining mandatory and optional provisions established under these Acts are now going into effect. As a refresher, we have compiled a brief list of some of the important changes that will affect retirement
plans in 2024:

Long-Term Part-Time (“LTPT”) Employee Rule –
We resolve to permit more part-time employees to defer to our plans.

Beginning January 1, 2024, 401(k) plans are required to allow eligible employees who have at least 500 hours of service over 3 consecutive, 12-month periods beginning on or after January 1, 2021 to participate for purposes of making elective deferrals only, even where the 401(k) plan provides for a longer service requirement for deferral eligibility. See our prior SECURE Act and SECURE 2.0 Act newsletters, linked below, for more details on the LTPT employee rule; however, note that the IRS recently published proposed regulations on the LTPT employee rule, which are not addressed in these newsletters.

Effective January 1, 2025, the SECURE 2.0 Act changed the rule to require only 2 consecutive 12-month periods of service with at least 500 hours of service, and to apply the LTPT employee rule to 403(b) plans.

RMD Age and Roth Accounts –
We resolve to permit our elders to stay in our plans longer (again).

The age at which required minimum distributions (“RMDs”) must commence was increased again by SECURE 2.0, this time to age 73 for individuals who turn age 72 on or after January 1, 2023. Additionally, pre-death RMDs are no longer required for Roth accounts in retirement plans, generally effective for taxable years after December 31, 2023.

New Emergency Withdrawals –
We resolve to permit more access to retirement plan savings.

Beginning January 1, 2024, plan sponsors may add a number of new optional features addressing emergency situations, including:

  • Emergency Expense Distributions – Plans may permit participants to receive one emergency distribution of up to $1,000 per calendar year to cover unforeseeable or immediate financial needs relating to personal or family emergency expenses.
  • Distributions for Victims of Domestic Violence – Plans may permit a participant who is a domestic abuse victim to take a distribution up to the lesser of $10,000 (indexed) or 50% of the participants vested account balance during the 1-year period beginning on the date on which the individual is a victim of domestic abuse by a spouse or domestic partner.
  • Emergency Savings Accounts – Plan sponsors may offer an emergency savings account linked to their defined contribution retirement plan. Participants who are not highly compensated employees may contribute (on a post-tax, Roth basis) a maximum of $2,500 (indexed), or such lower amount that may be set by the plan sponsor. The account must allow for withdrawal by the participant at least once per calendar month, and the first 4 distributions per year from the account cannot be subject to fees or charges.

Mandatory Distribution Threshold –
We resolve to increase our automatic IRA rollover threshold.

The limit on involuntary distributions (i.e., the automatic IRA rollover limit) is increased from $5,000 to $7,000 for distributions occurring on or after January 1, 2024. However, this increase is optional – therefore, the limit under a plan will stay at $5,000 unless the plan administrator takes action to increase it to $7,000.

Roth Employer Contributions –
We resolve to treat employer contributions more like Roth.

Plans may permit employees to designate employer matching contributions or nonelective contributions as Roth contributions if such contributions are 100% vested when made.

Matching Contributions on Student Loan Payments –
We resolve to treat student loan payments like employee deferrals.

Plan sponsors may treat certain “qualified student loan payments” as elective deferrals for purposes of matching contributions.

2024 Resolutions Saved for Another Year

Roth Catch-Up Contribution Requirement is Pushed Back.

SECURE 2.0 required that all catch-up contributions made to a retirement plan by employees paid more than $145,000 (indexed) in FICA wages in the prior year be made on a Roth basis. The original effective date of this requirement was generally January 1, 2024 – however, in September, the IRS provided for a 2-year administrative transition period, which essentially moved the effective date for this requirement from January 1, 2024 to January 1, 2026. This extension provides plan sponsors with additional time to prepare for this new requirement.

Amendment Deadline to Reflect the Acts

IRS Notice 2024-02, released in the last week of December 2023, further extended the amendment deadline for changes made by the Acts. In general, the deadline to adopt an amendment to a qualified plan for required and discretionary changes made by the Acts is now December 31, 2026.

For more in-depth analysis of the new provisions briefly described above, please refer to our prior newsletters linked below:

The Secure Act Becomes Law!

SECURE 2.0 Passes

IRS Relief for Roth Roth Catch-up Requirement

Wealth Management Update January 2024


The January applicable federal rate (“AFR”) for use with a sale to a defective grantor trust, self-canceling installment note (“SCIN”) or intra-family loan with a note having a duration of 3-9 years (the mid-term rate, compounded annually) is 4.37%, down from 4.82% in December 2023.

The January 2024 Section 7520 rate for use with estate planning techniques such as CRTs, CLTs, QPRTs and GRATs is 5.20%, down from the 5.80% Section 7520 rate in December 2023.

The AFRs (based on annual compounding) used in connection with intra-family loans are 5.00% for loans with a term of 3 years or less, 4.37% for loans with a term between 3 and 9 years, and 4.54% for loans with a term of longer than 9 years.


On November 13, 2023, the Department of the Treasury and IRS released Proposed Regulation REG-142338-07 under Section 4966; providing guidance related to numerous open-issues with respect to certain tax rules relating to donor advised funds “(DAFs”).

Pursuant to §4966(d)(2)(A), a DAF is defined generally as a fund or account (1) that is separately identified by reference to contributions of a donor or donors, (2) owned and controlled by a sponsoring organization, and (3) with respect to which a donor (or person appointed or designated by such donor) has, or reasonably expects to have, advisory privileges with respect to the distribution or investment of amounts held in the fund or account by reason of the donor’s status as a donor.

Under the proposed regulations, the definition of a DAF is consistent with the definition under the statute (the same three elements), however, the proposed regulations provide key definitions with respect to specific terms under the Statute.

Element #1: a fund that is separately identified by reference to contributions of a donor or donors.

Separately Identified: The proposed regulations provide that a fund or account is separately identified if the sponsoring organization maintains a formal record of contributions to the fund relating to a donor or donors (regardless of whether the sponsoring organization commingles the assets attributed to the fund with other assets of the sponsoring organization).

If the sponsoring organization does not maintain a formal record, then whether a fund or account is separately identified would be based on all the facts and circumstances, including but not limited to whether: (1) the fund or account balance reflects items such as contributions, expenses and performance; (2) the fund or account is named after the donors; (3) the sponsoring organization refers to the account as a DAF; (4) the sponsoring organization has an agreement or understanding with the donors that such account is a DAF; and (5) the donors regularly receive a statement from the sponsoring organization.

Donor: The proposed regulations broadly define a Donor as any person described in 7701(a)(1) that contributes to a fund or account of a sponsoring organization. However, the proposed regulations specifically exclude public charities defined in 509(a) and any governmental unit described in 170(c)(1). Note: Private foundations and disqualified supporting organizations are not excluded from the definition of a donor since they could use a DAF to circumvent the payout and other applicable requirements.

Element #2: a fund that is owned or controlled by a sponsoring organization. The definition of a sponsoring organization is consistent with §4966(d)(1), specifically, an organization described in §170(c), other than a private foundation, that maintains one or more DAFs.

Element #3: a fund under which at least one donor or donor-advisor has advisory privileges.

Advisory Privileges: In general, the existence of advisory privileges is based on all facts and circumstances, but it is presumed that the donor always has such privileges (even if no advice is given).

The proposed regulations provide that advisory privileges exist when: (i) the sponsoring organization allows a donor or donor-advisor to provide nonbinding recommendations regarding distributions or investments of a fund; (ii) a written agreement states that a donor or donor-advisor has advisory privileges; (iii) a written document or marketing material provided to the donor or donor-advisor indicates that such donor or donor-advisor may provide advice to the sponsoring organization; or (iv) the sponsoring organization generally solicits advice from a donor or donor-advisor regarding distributions or investment of a DAF’s assets.

Donor-Advisor: Defined by the proposed regulations as a person appointed or designated by a donor to have advisory privileges regarding the distribution or investment of assets held in a DAF. If a donor-advisor delegates any of the donor-advisor’s advisor privileges to another person, such person would also be a donor-advisor.

Potential Issue related to Investment Advisors: Is a donor’s personal investment advisor deemed a “donor-advisor?” Pursuant to the proposed regulations:

  • An investment advisor will not be deemed a donor-advisor if he or she:
    • Serves the supporting organization as a whole; or
    • Is recommended by the donor to serve on a committee (of more than 3) of the sponsoring organization that advises as to distributions
  • However, an investment advisor will be deemed a donor-advisor if he or she manages the investments of, or provides investment advice with respect to, both assets maintained in a DAF and the personal assets of a donor to that DAF while serving in such dual capacity. This provision, if finalized may have important consequences for fee structures used by supporting organizations since payments from a DAF to an investment advisor who is considered a donor-advisor will be deemed a taxable distribution under §4966. The IRS is requesting additional comments on this potential issue and is still under consideration.

Exceptions to the Definition of a DAF Under the Proposed Regulations:

  • A multiple donor fund or account will not be a DAF if no donor or donor-advisor has, or reasonably expects to have, advisory privileges.
  • An account or fund that is established to make distributions solely to a single public charity or governmental entity for public purposes is not considered a DAF.
  • A DAF does not include a fund that exclusively makes grants for certain scholarship funds related to travel, study or other similar purposes.
  • Disaster relief funds are not DAFs, provided they comply with other requirements.

Applicability Date: The proposed regulations will apply to taxable years ending on or after the date on which final regulations are published in the Federal Register.


Miami Circuit Court enters significant judgment for liability related to ownership of golf cart.

Eileen Gonzalez and Luis Chiong and their families were neighbors in a Miami suburb. The families were good friends and had many social interactions. Luis owned a golf cart which he constantly allowed to be driven and used by other people and Eileen’s minor children were often passengers on this specific golf cart.

Luis’ step-niece, Zabryna Acuna, was visiting for July 4th weekend in 2016. Zabryna (age 16 at that time) visited often and during each visit, she had permission to drive the golf cart. On July 4, 2016, Zabryna took the golf cart for a drive with Luis’ son and Eileen’s minor children as passengers.

While driving on a public street, Zabryna ran a stop sign and collided with another car which caused all of the passenger to be ejected from the golf cart. Every passenger suffered injuries, however, Eileen’s son, Devin, suffered a particularly catastrophic brain injury. This led to an eventual lawsuit.

The Circuit Court ruled that Luis owed the plaintiffs a duty of reasonable care which he breached and was negligent in entrusting the golf cart to his niece who negligently operated it causing the crash and injuries at issue. The Court further held that pursuant to the Florida Supreme Court, a golf cart is a dangerous instrumentality, and the dangerous instrumentality doctrine imposes vicarious liability upon the owner of a motor vehicle who voluntarily entrusts it to an individual whose negligent operation if it causes damage to another.

Ultimately, the Court awarded a total judgment of $50,100,000 (approximately $46,100,000 to Devin and approximately $4,000,000 to his parents).

IR-2023-185 (OCT 5, 2023)

The IRS warns of Art Valuation Schemes (Oct 5, 2023).

The IRS essentially issued a warning to taxpayers that they will be increasing investigations and taxpayer audits for incorrect or aggressively creative deductions with respect to donations of art. Additionally, the IRS is paying attention to art promoters who are involved in such schemes.

The IRS is warning taxpayers to exercise caution when approached by art promoters who are commonly attempting to facilitate the following specific scheme wherein: (i) a taxpayer is encouraged to purchase art at a significantly discounted price; (ii) the taxpayer is then advised to hold the art for a period of at least one year; and (iii) the taxpayer subsequently donates the art to a charity (often times a charity arranged by the promoter) and claim a tax deduction at an inflated market value, often significantly more than the original purchase price.

This increased scrutiny has led to over 60 completed audits with many more in process and has led to more than $5,000,000 in additional tax.

The IRS reminds taxpayers that they are ultimately responsible for the accuracy of the information reported on their tax return regardless of whether they were enticed by an outside promoter. Therefore, the IRS has provided the following red flags with respect to the purchase of artwork: (i) taxpayers should be wary of buying multiple works by the same artist that have little to no market value outside of what a promoter is advertising; and (ii) when the appraisal coordinated by a promoter fails to adequately describe the artwork (such rarity, age, quality, condition, stature of the artist, etc.).

Within the Notice, the IRS details the tax reporting requirements for donations of art. Specifically, whenever a taxpayer intends to claim a charitable contribution deduction of over $20,000 for an art donation, they must provide the following: (i) the name and address of the charitable organization that received it; (ii) the date and location of the contribution; (iii) a detailed description of the donated art; (iv) a contemporaneous written acknowledgement of the contribution form the charitable organization; (v) completed Form 8283, Noncash Charitable Contribution, Section A and B including signatures of the qualified appraiser and done; and (vi) attach a copy of the qualified appraisal to the tax return. They may also be asked to provide a high-resolution photo or digital image.


An amendment to Section 2981 of New York Public Health Law was signed into law by the governor on November 17, 2023.

Section 2981 was amended to add a new subdivision 2-a, as follows:

2-A. Alternate procedure for witnessing health care proxies. Witnessing a health care proxy under this section may be done using audio-video technology, for either or both witnesses, provided that the following conditions are met:

  1. The principal, if not personally known to a remote witness, shall display valid photographic identification to the remote witness during the audio-video conference;
  2. The audio-video conference shall allow for direction interaction between the principal and any remote witness;
  3. Any remote witness shall receive a legible copy of the health care proxy, which shall be transmitted via facsimile or electronic means, within 24 hours of the proxy being signed by the principal during the conference; and
  4. The remote witness shall sign the transmitted copy of the proxy and return it to the principal.


On October 12, 2023, the Small Business Succession Planning Act was introduced to provide businesses with resources to plan successions, including a one-time $250 credit to create a business succession plan and an additional one-time $250 tax credit when the plan is executed.

Under the proposed Bill, the SBA will provide a “toolkit” to assist small business concerns in establishing a business succession plan, including:

  1. Training resource partners on the toolkit;
  2. Educating small business concerns about the program;
  3. Ensuring that each SBA district office has an employee with the specific responsibility of providing counseling to small business concerns on the use of such toolkit; and
  4. Hold workshops or events on business succession planning.

Pursuant to the proposed Act, the following credits would be available:

  1. $250 for the first taxable year during which the SBA certifies that the taxpayer has: (a) established a business succession plan; (b) is a small business concern at that time; and (c) does not provide for substantially all of the interests or assets to be acquire by one or more entities that are not a small business concern.
  2. An additional $250 for the first taxable year which the SBA certifies that the taxpayer has successfully completed the items described above.

Look-back Rule: If substantially all of the equity interests in business are acquired by an entity that is not a small business concern within three-years of establishment of a business succession plan or completion of such responsibilities (as the case may be) the credits will be subject to recapture.

Small Business Concern (defined under Section 3 of the Small Business Act): A business entity that (a) is legal entity that is independently owned and operated; and (b) is not dominant in its field of operation and does not exceed the relevant small business size standard (subject to standards and number of employees provided by the North American Industry Classification System).

Henry J. Leibowitz, Caroline Q. Robbins, Jay D. Waxenberg, and Joshua B. Glaser contributed to this article.