European Commission Action on Climate Taxonomy and ESG Rating Provider Regulation

On June 13, 2023, the European Commission published “a new package of measures to build on and strengthen the foundations of the EU sustainable finance framework.” The aim is to ensure that the EU sustainable finance framework continues to support companies and the financial sector in connection with climate transition, including making the framework “easier to use” and providing guidance on climate-related disclosure, while encouraging the private funding of transition projects and technologies. These measures are summarized in a publication, “A sustainable finance framework that works on the ground.” Overall, according to the Commission, the package “is another step towards a globally leading legal framework facilitating the financing of the transition.”

The sustainable finance package includes the following measures:

  • EU Taxonomy Climate Delegated Act: amendments include (i) new criteria for economic activities that make a substantial contribution to one or more non-climate environmental objectives, namely, sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources, transition to a circular economy, pollution prevention and control, and protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems; and (ii) changes expanding on economic activities that contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation “not included so far – in particular in the manufacturing and transport sectors.” The EU Taxonomy Climate Delegated Act has been operative since January 2022 and includes 107 economic activities that are responsible for 64% of greenhouse gas emissions in the EU. In addition, “new economic sectors and activities will be added, and existing ones refined and updated, where needed in line with regulatory and technological developments.” “For large non-financial undertakings, disclosure of the degree of taxonomy alignment regarding climate objectives began in 2023. Disclosures will be phased-in over the coming years for other actors and environmental objectives.”
  • Proposed Regulation of ESG Rating Providers: the Commission adopted a proposed regulation, which was based on 2021 recommendations from the International Organization of Securities Commissioners, aimed at promoting operational integrity and increased transparency in the ESG ratings market through organizational principles and clear rules addressing conflicts of interest. Ratings providers would be authorized and supervised by the European Securities and Markets Authority. The regulation “provides requirements on disclosures around” ratings methodologies and objectives, and “introduces principle-based organizational requirements on” ratings providers activities. The Commission is also seeking advice from ESMA on the presentation of credit ratings, with the aim being to address shortcomings related to “how ESG factors are incorporated into methodologies and disclosures of how ESG factors impact credit ratings.”
  • Enhancing Usability: the Commission set out an overview of the measures and tools aimed at enhancing the usability of relevant rules and providing implementation guidance to stakeholders. The Commission Staff Working Document “Enhancing the usability of the EU Taxonomy and the overall EU sustainable finance framework” summarizes the Commission’s most recent initiatives and measures. The Commission also published a new FAQ document that provides guidance on the interpretation and implementation of certain legal provisions of the EU Taxonomy Regulation and on the interactions between the concepts of “taxonomy-aligned investment” and “sustainable investment” under the SFDR.

Taking the Temperature: As previously discussed, the Commission is increasingly taking steps to achieve the goal of reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, known as Fit for 55. Recent initiatives include the adoption of a carbon sinks goal, the launch of the greenwashing-focused Green Claims Directive, and now, the sustainable finance package.

Another objective of these regulatory initiatives is to provide increased transparency for investors as they assess sustainability and transition-related claims made by issuers. In this regard, the legislative proposal relating to the regulation of ESG rating agencies is significant. As noted in our longer survey, there is little consistency among ESG ratings providers and few established industry norms relating to disclosure, measurement methodologies, transparency and quality of underlying data. That has led to a number of jurisdictions proposing regulation, including (in addition to the EU) the UK, as well as to government inquiries to ratings providers in the U.S.

© Copyright 2023 Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP

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Biden Administration Revitalizes and Advances the Federal Government’s Commitment to Environmental Justice

On April 21, 2023, the eve of Earth Day, President Biden continued his Administration’s spotlight on environmental justice issues by signing Executive Order 14096, entitled “Revitalizing Our Nation’s Commitment to Environmental Justice for All.”

This Executive Order prioritizes and expands environmental justice concepts first introduced in President Clinton’s 1994 Executive Order 12898. The 1994 Order directed federal agencies to develop environmental justice strategies to address the disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects of federal programs on minority and low-income populations.

One of President Biden’s early actions [covered here], Executive Order 14008, introduced the whole-of-government approach for all executive branch agencies to address climate change, environmental justice, and civil rights. It created the White House Environmental Justice Interagency Council, comprising of 15 federal agencies, including the United States Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) and the Department of Justice. Biden’s new Executive Order expands the whole-of-government approach by: (1) adding more agencies to the Environmental Justice Interagency Council and (2) establishing a new White House Office of Environmental Justice within the White House Council on Environmental Quality (“CEQ”). The new Office of Environmental Justice will be led by a Federal Chief Environmental Justice Officer and will coordinate the implementation of environmental justice policies across the federal government.

This new Executive Order emphasizes action over aspiration by directing federal agencies to “address and prevent disproportionate and adverse environmental health and impacts on communities.” It charges federal agencies with assessing their environmental justice efforts and developing, implementing, and periodically updating an environmental justice strategic plan. These new Environmental Justice Strategic Plans and Assessments are to be submitted to the CEQ and made public regularly, including through an Environmental Justice Scorecard, a new government-wide assessment of each federal agency’s efforts to advance environmental justice.

Specifically, defining “environmental justice” is one strategy to make concrete what federal agency efforts will address. Under the Executive Order, “environmental justice” means “the just treatment and meaningful involvement of all people, regardless of income, race, color, national origin, Tribal affiliation, or disability, in agency decision-making and other Federal activities that affect human health and the environment so that people: (i) are fully protected from disproportionate and adverse human health and environmental effects (including risks) and hazards, including those related to climate change, the cumulative impacts of environmental and other burdens, and the legacy of racism or other structural or systemic barriers; and (ii) have equitable access to a healthy, sustainable, and resilient environment in which to live, play, work, learn, grow, worship, and engage in cultural and subsistence practices.” This definition adds “Tribal affiliation” and “disability” to the protected categories and expands the scope of effects, risks, and hazards to be protected against. The Fact Sheet accompanying the Executive Order explains that the definition’s use of the phrase “disproportionate and adverse” is a simpler, modernized equivalent of the phrase “disproportionately high and adverse” originally used in Executive Order 12898. Whether this change in language from “disproportionately high” to “disproportionate” will affect agency decision-making is something to watch for in the future.

As part of the government-wide mission to achieve environmental justice, the Executive Order explicitly directs each agency to address and prevent the cumulative impacts of pollution and other burdens like climate change, including carrying out environmental reviews under the National Environmental Policy Act (“NEPA”), by:

  • Analyzing direct, indirect, and cumulative effects of federal actions on communities with environmental justice concerns;
  • Considering the best available science and information on any disparate health effects (including risks) arising from exposure to pollution and other environmental hazards, such as information related to the race, national origin, socioeconomic status, age, disability, and sex of the individuals exposed; and,
  • Providing opportunities for early and meaningful involvement in the environmental review process by communities with environmental justice concerns potentially affected by a proposed action, including when establishing or revising agency procedures under NEPA.
    The Executive Order also emphasizes transparency by directing agencies to ensure that the public, including members of communities with environmental justice concerns, has adequate access to information on federal activities. These activities include planning, regulatory actions, implementation, permitting, compliance, and enforcement related to human health or the environment when required under the Freedom of Information Act, the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, and any other environmental statutes with public information provisions.

CEQ is expected to issue interim guidance by the end of the year and more long-term guidance by the end of 2024 as to implementing the Executive Order’s directives. It is too early to know whether any directives will go through rulemaking under the Administrative Procedure Act. But with a presidential election looming and ongoing budget negotiations between the White House and Congress that propose modest cuts to NEPA as part of permitting reform, CEQ’s efforts may be limited to guidance for now.

© 2023 Ward and Smith, P.A.. All Rights Reserved.

For more environmental legal, news, visit the National Law Review here.

Permitting Reform Package Passes as Part of Debt Ceiling Deal

The past year’s long wrangling between Republicans, Democrats, and the White House on permitting reform finally made progress this month when Congress enacted significant reforms to the National Environmental Policy Act (“NEPA”) as part of the legislation to increase the debt ceiling. Prior to this legislation, the core statutory framework of NEPA had remained relatively unchanged for 50 years. Building from Rep. Garrett Graves’ (R-LA., 6th Dist.) “Building United States Infrastructure through Limited Delays and Efficient Reviews” (“BUILDER”) Act of 2023, the permitting reform title of the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 (“FRA” or “legislation”) tackles four key areas:

(1) reforming NEPA to make the federal environmental review process simpler and quicker;

(2) directing a study of the existing capacity of our transmission grid to reliably transfer electric energy between distinct regions and subsequent recommendations to improve interregional transfer capabilities within the grid;

(3) streamlining permitting for energy storage projects; and

(4) congressional ratification of the Mountain Valley Pipeline.

Several of the reforms to NEPA codify changes to the Council on Environmental Quality (“CEQ”) NEPA implementing regulations made during the Trump Administration.

While these provisions are intended to yield significant benefits for projects requiring federal approvals or funding, the actual impact will depend substantially on how the reforms are implemented, and there remains considerable interest in other aspects of permitting and siting reform making further legislative action likely.

Key NEPA Reforms

The FRA includes numerous changes to NEPA. We have highlighted several key changes here.

Narrowing the Scope of “Major Federal Action”

The term “major Federal action” is the trigger for requiring environmental review under NEPA – federal actions that qualify as a “major Federal action” must be considered under NEPA. The new legislation narrows the definition of what constitutes a “major Federal action” by limiting the term to actions that the lead agency deems are “subject to substantial Federal control and responsibility.” The legislation does not define this phrase, leaving substantial room for agency interpretation. Building on this general concept, the amendments codify the regulatory definition of a “major Federal action,” with modifications. As now defined, certain federal actions will be excluded from the scope of a major federal action, including:

  • non-federal actions (i.e., private or state actions) “with no or minimal Federal funding”;
  • non-federal actions (i.e., private or state actions) “with no or minimal Federal involvement where a Federal agency cannot control the outcome of the project”;
  • funding assistance consisting exclusively of general revenue sharing funds, where the federal agency does not have “compliance or enforcement responsibility” over the use of those funds;
  • “loans, loan guarantees, or other forms of financial assistance where a Federal agency does not exercise sufficient control and responsibility over the subsequent use of such financial assistance or the effect of the action”;
  • Small Business Act business loan guarantees under section 7(a) or (b) of the Small Business Act or title V of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958;
  • federal agency activities or decisions with effects located entirely outside of the jurisdiction of the United States; and
  • non-discretionary activities or decisions that are made in accordance with the agency’s statutory authority.

The meaning and application of these exclusions to specific actions will be subject to interpretation and likely litigation going forward. For example, what constitutes minimal funding—a threshold dollar amount or a percentage of the federal funding contribution in relation to overall project cost—is not clearly identified under the revisions. Resolution of this question will be critical to determining what actions are subject to NEPA review going forward. Given the recent dramatic increase in federal funding opportunities from the Inflation Reduction Act and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, determining what actions are subject to NEPA review based on the level of federal funds involved is likely to become a more frequent and important question.

Scope of Review

When an agency action constitutes a “major Federal action,” the FRA also focuses and limits the scope of the NEPA review in two key ways.

First, the legislation modifies the statute’s existing, broad language requiring that “major Federal actions” significantly affecting the quality of the human environment include a detailed statement on the “environmental impact of the proposed action.” The revised language statutorily limits environmental review of environmental effects to those that are “reasonably foreseeable.” This change follows from a provision of the Trump Administration’s 2020 NEPA rule—later removed by the Biden Administration—which sought to eliminate long-used concepts of direct, indirect, and cumulative effects and instead focus on effects that are reasonably foreseeable and that have “a reasonably close causal relationship to” the proposed action or alternatives. Although the new statutory language does not go as far as the Trump Administration’s rule, which required a “close causal relationship,” it does follow the trend in case law to only require evaluation of reasonably foreseeable impacts. What project-specific impacts are “reasonably foreseeable” is still likely to be the subject of litigation.

Second, the FRA also makes changes regarding the alternatives analysis, often considered the heart of NEPA review. The legislation clarifies that agencies are to consider a “reasonable range” of alternatives to the proposed agency action, and that such alternatives must both be “technically and economically feasible” and “meet the purpose and need of the proposal.” This seems to codify long-standing guidance from CEQ contained in its 40 Most Asked Questions Concerning CEQ’s NEPA Regulations. In addition, it directs that, in assessing the no action alternative, agencies must include an analysis of any negative environmental impacts of not implementing the proposed action. Whether an agency has met its obligations under NEPA to consider “alternatives to the proposed action” is a frequent source of controversy and litigation, particularly for the authorization of large infrastructure and energy projects.

These changes should both help focus environmental reviews and reduce costs and delays associated with challenges to agencies’ alternative analyses and emphasize the importance of properly defining the “purpose and need” of a proposed action.

Data Standards and Requirements

The FRA includes several provisions related to data. First, it clarifies that in making a determination on the appropriate level of review (Environmental Impact Statement (“EIS”), Environmental Assessment (“EA”), or categorical exclusion), the lead agency can make use of any reliable data source—and that “new scientific or technical research [is not required] unless the new scientific or technical research is essential to a reasoned choice among alternatives, and the overall costs and time frame of obtaining it are not unreasonable.” It is unclear whether this will be applied beyond the determination of what level of review is required. This change has the potential to limit delays due to agencies undertaking or requesting additional studies from project proponents. What is deemed “essential” and what costs and timeframe are “not unreasonable,” however, remain undefined.

Second, the legislation requires that the action agency “ensure the professional integrity, including scientific integrity, of the discussion and analysis in an environmental document.” The practical implications and scope of this scientific integrity mandate are unclear—and is likely to be a subject of agency guidance and, potentially, future litigation.

Efficiency Measures

The FRA further codifies several less controversial changes from the Trump Administration 2020 NEPA rule, which the recent Biden rulemaking had left in place. These changes include expressly recognizing and establishing regulations for EAs. Additionally, these changes include setting page limits for EISs—150 pages generally and 300 pages for agency actions “of extraordinary complexity”—and EAs—75 pages—excluding citations and appendices. Additionally, the changes codify the regulatory presumptive deadlines for completion of NEPA reviews—two years for EISs and one year for EAs. The legislation goes beyond existing regulations by creating the right to judicial review when an agency fails to meet a deadline. Under the new legislation, if an agency misses the deadline, the delayed project’s sponsor may seek a court order requiring the agency to act as soon as practicable, which is not to exceed 90 days from the date on which the order was issued unless the court determines that additional time is needed to comply with applicable law.

Further, the legislation clarifies the role of the NEPA lead agency, specifying that the lead agency must develop a schedule, in cooperation with each cooperating agency, the applicant, and other appropriate entities, for the completion of the environmental review and any permit or authorization required to carry out the proposed agency action. This mirrors provisions previously adopted as part of Title 41 of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (“FAST-41”) in 2015, which has demonstrated success in requiring coordination and improving the permitting and authorization processes for certain large infrastructure projects. Although the FRA expressly contemplates extensions to the schedule, just having a schedule in place can be a helpful tool in the timely completion of NEPA reviews.

In addition, the legislation authorizes project applicants to hire independent consultants to prepare EISs and EAs, subject to the independent review of the lead agency. This provision can provide project applicants with a path to minimize delays caused by a lack of staff and resources at federal agencies.

Programmatic Reviews and Categorical Exclusions

The FRA also codifies the current agency practice of preparing and relying on programmatic environmental documents to streamline the review process for subsequent actions that implement the evaluated program. The legislation provides that programmatic review can be relied on for five years without additional review, and after five years if the agency reevaluates the analysis. Although this change promotes further use of programmatic reviews, the five-year period presumption and reevaluation process could present challenges in certain cases given the extensive resources and time required to undertake a programmatic review and tiered reviews.

The FRA also seeks to facilitate the use of categorical exclusions in the NEPA process by authorizing agencies to adopt a categorical exclusion established by another agency. The legislation lays out a process for consulting with the agency that established the exclusion to determine whether adoption is appropriate, notifying the public of the plan to use the categorical exclusion, and documenting adoption of the categorical exclusion. Though dependent upon agencies taking advantage of this new flexibility, this could have the effect of enabling some types of projects to forgo detailed environmental review.

Other Provisions

In addition to the NEPA reforms, the FRA includes several other important permitting provisions. The legislation seeks to streamline and accelerate permitting for “energy storage” projects by adding energy storage to the list of “covered projects” under FAST-41.

Additionally, the legislation provides a clear path for the completion of the much-delayed Mountain Valley Pipeline project. The legislation finds the timely completion of the project is in the national interest, and congressionally approves and ratifies the various federal authorizations required for the project. Further, the legislation bars judicial review of federal agency actions with respect to the project.

Finally, the legislation requires the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (“NERC,” the entity responsible for setting reliability standards for the nation’s electric grid) to undertake a study within a year and a half on whether more transfer capacity is needed between existing transmission planning regions—including recommendations on measures to increase the amount of energy that can be reliably moved between the studied regions. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission will thereafter have a year to seek and consider public comments on the study and file a report with Congress detailing any recommendations for statutory changes. This study provision was in lieu of a larger set of transmission-related actions that are of key interest to Democratic lawmakers that will be the subject of future legislative efforts.


Although the provisions in FRA are not a silver bullet to solve every NEPA woe experienced by project applicants, it is a significant step in the right direction. The codification of key concepts within the NEPA statute itself (rather than regulation, guidance, or case law) will have a durable, long-lasting impact on implementation of environmental reviews because it limits the regulation issuance/withdrawal cycle that we have witnessed with the recent administration changes.

Looking forward, we can expect a rulemaking by CEQ to align the existing regulations with the revised statutory language, as well as additional rulemakings by other agencies to harmonize their NEPA implementing regulations with the revised law. For the last year, we have awaited the Phase 2 NEPA rulemaking from CEQ, as explained in our previous alert. With this new legislation, it seems likely that CEQ will pause and further revise its proposed regulations to capture these new reforms before issuing additional regulations. We can also expect future guidance—and eventual litigation—on several ambiguous provisions in the new legislation as agencies begin to implement them.

While the intention behind the legislation is to speed and ease what has become a very lengthy, expensive, and perilous environmental review process—far exceeding the original intent of NEPA—whether these goals are achieved will depend on whether federal agencies embrace them or look for ways to interpret the reforms to continue “business as usual.”

For example, to meet the new timelines, it is possible that federal agencies will require applicants to provide all documentation needed for the environmental review before starting the clock. This approach would have the effect of undermining the statutory timeframes as well as the efficacy of the public engagement process. Similarly, while the legislation seeks to curtail the extent of the analysis through page limits, it is foreseeable that relatively short EISs and EAs could be weighed down with thousands of pages of analysis contained in the appendices.

It also remains to be seen how courts will interpret these reforms. The “hard look” standard developed by courts to evaluate the adequacy of environmental review documents may have the effect of ballooning the analyses again despite Congress’ intent to streamline the process.

Finally, while these reforms are substantial, Congress continues to discuss and debate additional reforms to address unresolved federal siting and permitting concerns—particularly with respect to energy infrastructure projects. Notably absent from the legislation was transmission permitting reform language of interest to Democratic lawmakers as well as provisions to support oil and gas leasing on federal lands and to facilitate the siting and permitting of mining projects to boost domestic supplies of critical minerals essential for existing and developing clean energy technologies.

© 2023 Van Ness Feldman LLP

For more environmental legal news, click here to visit the National Law Review. 

Is Biodiversity Emerging As A Unifying Concept That Can Help Ease The Political Polarization Surrounding ESG?


    • In addition to global initiatives by the United Nations, G7, and the U.S., the need for protection against biodiversity loss has become a central focus of the business and investment communities
    • Biodiversity protection is emerging worldwide as a unifying concept that can mitigate the political polarization surrounding ESG and promote constructive dialogue about sustainability
    • A number of steps can be taken to capitalize on the unique attributes and appeal of biodiversity and leverage its potential to serve as a unifying concept

International Biodiversity Day, May 22, 2023, with its theme “From Agreement to Action: Build Back Biodiversity” was a powerful reminder that momentum for biodiversity conservation is accelerating globally. Biodiversity is increasingly being recognized as a potential unifying concept that can help alleviate some of the extreme political divergence over the term ESG.

ESG, which encompasses a broad range of environmental, social, and governance factors, has become politically charged and the subject of intense debate and varying interpretations. Biodiversity, on the other hand, is widely recognized as a critical aspect of environmental sustainability and it is increasingly acknowledged as a pressing issue by virtually all stakeholders, including scientists, policymakers, businesses, and communities.

Biodiversity represents the variety of life on Earth, including ecosystems, species, and genetic diversity. It is a tangible and universally valued concept that resonates with people from various backgrounds and ideologies. The preservation, protection and conservation of biodiversity are essential for the health and resilience of ecosystems, as well as for addressing climate change and ensuring the well-being of future generations.

By emphasizing biodiversity within sustainability discussions, stakeholders can find common ground and rally around a shared objective: protecting and restoring the Earth’s natural diversity. Biodiversity provides a unifying language and focus that transcends political divisions, as it highlights the interconnectedness of all life forms. It allows for a more tangible and universally valued point of reference, which can facilitate collaboration and drive collective action towards conservation efforts.

In addition to global initiatives by the United Nations, the Group of Seven (G7), and the U.S., the need for protection against biodiversity loss has also become a central focus of business and investment communities, and appears to be receiving a more favorable reception in the U.S. than the broader concepts associated with and motives attributed to ESG investing. This increased attention has, in turn, opened up a number of practical opportunities for action to leverage the potential of biodiversity as a unifying concept.

International Support for Biodiversity Protection

The United Nations formed the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to promote nature and human well-being. The first draft was proposed on May 22, 1992, which was then designated as International Biodiversity Day. Since the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, nearly 200 countries have signed onto this treaty, which is a legally binding commitment to conserve biological diversity, to sustainably use its components and to share equitably the benefits arising from the use of genetic resources.

In December 2022, at the 15th UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15), the CBD adopted the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework that calls for protecting 30 percent of the planet’s land, ocean, and inland waters and includes 23 other targets to help restore and protect ecosystems and endangered species worldwide, and ensure that big businesses disclose biodiversity risks and impacts from their operations. The Kunming-Montreal framework also focused on increasing funding for biodiversity by at least $200 billion per year (with at least $30 billion per year to developing countries by 2030).

The U.S. is one of just a few countries worldwide that has not yet formally approved the CBD. While President Clinton signed the CBD in 1993, the Senate did not ratify it. Although the U.S. was on the sidelines at COP15 in late 2022, in parallel with the CBD approval of the Kunming-Montreal framework, the U.S. reiterated its support for an ambitious and transformative Global Diversity Framework, outlined in this State Department press release.

In addition to committing to conserve at least 30 percent of U.S. lands and waters by 2030, other U.S. leadership initiatives to mainstream and conserve nature that were announced or reaffirmed at that time include:

    • Conserving forests and combatting global deforestation
    • Prioritizing nature-based solutions to address climate change, nature loss, and inequity
    • Incorporating nature into national economic statistics and accounts to support decision-making
    • Recognizing and including indigenous knowledge in federal research, policy, and decision-making, including protections for the knowledge holder
    • Knowing nature with a national nature assessment that will build on the wealth of existing data, scientific evidence, and Indigenous Knowledge to create a holistic picture of America’s lands, waters, wildlife, ecosystems and the benefits they provide
    • Strengthening action for nature deprived communities by expanding access to local parks, tree canopy cover, conservation areas, open space and water-based recreation, public gardens, beaches, and waterways
    • Conserving arctic ecosystems through increased research on marine ecosystems, fisheries, and wildlife, including through co-production and co-management with Indigenous Peoples

The U.S. also spearheaded efforts to reverse the decline in biodiversity globally by advancing land and water conservation, combating drivers of nature loss, protecting species, and supporting sustainable use, while also enabling healthy and prosperous communities through sustainable development. The U.S. also affirmed its financial commitment to and support for international development assistance to protect biodiversity. Additionally, the U.S. made major policy and financial commitments to protect oceans and advance marine conservation and a sustainable ocean economy.

Of particular importance, the U.S. reaffirmed its commitment to advancing science-based decision making and its support for the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services.

Most recently, the G7 Hiroshima Leaders’ Communique issued at the close of their meeting on May 20 on the cusp of International Biodiversity Day, affirmed that G7 leadership (including the U.S.) welcomed “the adoption of the historic Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030, which is fundamental to human well-being, a healthy planet and economic prosperity, and commit to its swift and full implementation and to achievement of each of its goals and targets.”
G7 leadership also reaffirmed their commitment “to substantially increase our national and international funding for nature by 2025,” and “to supporting and advancing a transition to nature positive economies.” Notably, they also pressed companies to do so as well while at the same time voicing support for TNFD’s market framework for corporate nature related disclosures:

“We call on businesses to progressively reduce negative and increase positive impacts on biodiversity. We look forward to the publication of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures’ (TNFD’s) market framework and urge market participants, governments and regulators to support its development.”

Similarly, multilateral development banks (MDBs) were urged by the leaders of G7 to increase their support for biodiversity by leveraging financial resources from all sources and “deploying a full suite of instruments.”

Increasing Focus On Biodiversity By The Financial Sector

The financial sector has taken note of the growing international support for biodiversity conservation and protection. A 2023 study by PwC found that “55% of global GDP—equivalent to about US $58 trillion—is moderately or highly dependent on nature.” In its report The Economic Case for Nature, the World Bank found that a partial collapse of ecosystem services would cost 2.3 percent of global GDP ($2.7 trillion) in 2030. Conversely, the report found that implementing policies beneficial to nature and biodiversity conservation (including achieving the “30×30” goal subsequently approved by the CBD in the Kunming-Montreal framework and by Executive Order in the U.S.) could result in a substantial increase in global real GDP by 2030.

According to a 2020 report by the World Economic Forum, protecting nature and increasing biodiversity could generate business opportunities of $10 trillion a year and create nearly 400 million new jobs by 2030. Given this economic potential, it comes as no surprise that a growing number of investors are focusing on deploying capital for nature-based opportunities, and trying to assess whether and to what extent companies are susceptible to biodiversity related risks.

Toward those ends, the financial sector has been monitoring and supporting the development of TNFD’s market framework for nature related disclosures that was most recently endorsed by G7. That private global effort was launched in 2021 in response to the growing need to factor nature into financial and business decisions. The fourth and final beta version was issued in March 2023:

“The TNFD is a market-led, science-based and government supported initiative to help respond to this imperative. The Taskforce is nearing the end of its two-year framework design and development phase to provide market participants with a risk management and disclosure framework to identify, assess, respond and, where appropriate, disclose their nature-related issues. The TNFD framework, including TCFD-aligned recommended disclosures, will be published in September 2023 ready for market adoption.”

While the TNFD framework is not legally binding, the final version will be coming on line just in time for use as a guide for compliance with the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which was effective in April 2023. It will require a substantial number of European companies and others operating in the EU, to start making disclosures regarding biodiversity and nature in coming years.

One of the more significant catalysts for investment in the protection of biodiversity and nature was the establishment of the Natural Capital Investment Alliance as part of the United Kingdom’s Sustainable Markets Initiative announced in 2020 and the Terra Carta sustainability charter launched by King Charles a year later. The Alliance is a public/private venture that aims to invest $10 billion in natural capital assets. Speaking at the One Planet Summit on biodiversity where the Alliance was announced in January 2021, King Charles stated “… I have created a Natural Capital Investment Alliance to help us arrive at a common language on Natural Capital Investment so that we can start putting money to work and improve the flow of capital.”

According to research by Environmental Finance, total assets held in thematic biodiversity funds more than tripled in 2022, and it is anticipated that momentum and growth will accelerate in response to COP 15 in December 2023, and approval of the Kunming-Montreal framework.

Positioning Biodiversity As A Unifying Concept

While biodiversity is not replacing ESG, it is gaining more attention within the broader ESG framework. Biodiversity conservation is supported by a vast body of scientific research and has a broad consensus among stakeholders. Many companies are incorporating biodiversity considerations into their sustainability strategies, and setting goals for conservation, habitat restoration, and responsible land use. Investors are also factoring biodiversity into their decision-making processes, looking for companies that demonstrate strong biodiversity conservation efforts.

Given the universal importance of biodiversity, it can serve as a focal point for mutual understanding for stakeholders with varying perspectives. Biodiversity conservation provides a unifying language that encourages collaborative efforts towards shared goals of environmental stewardship and the preservation of natural resources. Protection against biodiversity loss is not an ideological issue. To the contrary, it is fundamental, practical, and existential: the need to preserve the natural systems that support life on Earth. Emphasizing the importance of biodiversity shifts the focus to concrete and tangible actions required globally and locally, such as species preservation, and ecosystem protection, which can garner broader support and participation and help bridge political divides.

While biodiversity protection is by no means a panacea, there are further steps that can be taken to capitalize on its unique attributes and appeal that can improve the potential for biodiversity to serve as a unifying concept that can help reduce the current political polarization in the U.S. over ESG and promote more constructive dialogue around sustainability:

    • Universal concern – Biodiversity loss affects every individual and society, regardless of political affiliation. It is a shared concern that is oblivious to political boundaries, as the preservation of nature’s diversity is vital for the well-being of all life on Earth. By emphasizing biodiversity as a unifying concept, stakeholders can find mutuality and work together towards its conservation.
    • Inclusivity – Biodiversity requires inclusive engagement by diverse stakeholders and technical and scientific support from local communities, indigenous groups, governments, businesses, civil society organizations and the public. Such engagement fosters dialogue, understanding, and collaboration, breaking down political barriers.
    • Tangible and relatable – Biodiversity is a concrete and tangible concept that people can relate to, unlike some of the more complex ESG concepts, like Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and Net Zero. It encompasses the variety of species, ecosystems, and genetic diversity, which are easily understandable and relatable to everyday experiences. This relatability can bridge political divides and foster broader support for conservation efforts.
    • Interconnectedness – Biodiversity underscores the interconnectedness of ecosystems and species emphasizing that actions in one area can have cascading far-reaching consequences on others, including ecological, social, and economic effects. Recognizing this interconnectedness can encourage stakeholders to collaborate across sectors and ideologies to address biodiversity loss collectively.
    • Co-benefits and shared values – Biodiversity conservation often aligns with other societal values and goals, such as climate change mitigation, sustainable development, and human well-being. By emphasizing the co-benefits that arise from biodiversity conservation, such as ecosystem services and resilience, stakeholders can rally around shared values and work towards a common vision.
    • Economic implications – Biodiversity loss can have significant economic implications for industries like agriculture, tourism, and pharmaceuticals. It can also have impacts on supply chains and market access. Recognizing the economic value of biodiversity and the potential risks associated with its decline can bring together diverse stakeholders, including businesses and investors, who recognize the importance of integrating biodiversity considerations into their strategies and decision-making processes.
    • Science-based approach – Biodiversity conservation relies on scientific knowledge and research. Emphasizing the scientific evidence on the importance of biodiversity helps build consensus and transcends political biases, providing a foundation for constructive discussions.
    • Local and global perspectives – Biodiversity conservation is relevant at both local and global scales. It allows for discussions that incorporate local knowledge, values, and practices, while recognizing the need for global cooperation to address biodiversity loss and protect shared resources.

To leverage biodiversity as a unifying concept, it is crucial to promote open dialogue, knowledge sharing, and collaboration. Stakeholders should engage in inclusive decision-making processes that respect diverse perspectives and prioritize equitable and sustainable outcomes.


Biodiversity is emerging as a potential unifying concept that can help mitigate the political polarization surrounding the term ESG. While ESG has become a politically charged and debated topic, biodiversity is widely recognized as a critical aspect of environmental sustainability and has broad support across different stakeholders.

By focusing on biodiversity, stakeholders can find common ground in recognizing the importance of preserving nature’s diversity and ensuring the long-term sustainability of ecosystems. Biodiversity loss is a global challenge that affects everyone, irrespective of political affiliation, and it is increasingly acknowledged as a pressing issue by scientists, policymakers, businesses, and communities.

It is important to note that while biodiversity can be a unifying concept, there will still be debates and differing opinions on specific approaches and trade-offs involved in biodiversity conservation. Different stakeholders may have differing priorities, perspectives, and proposed means and methods to address biodiversity loss. The complexity of biodiversity issues, such as balancing conservation with economic development or navigating conflicts between different stakeholder interests, requires careful consideration and dialogue.


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Biden Administration Initiates Ocean Justice Strategy

On June 8, 2023, the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) and Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), on behalf of the Ocean Policy Committee (OPC), announced the development of a new “Ocean Justice Strategy.” This federal government-wide initiative marks the latest in a long series of Biden administration efforts to promote environmental justice (EJ). The first step is a request for public input through July 24, 2023.


    • Per CEQ, the Ocean Justice Strategy aims to identify barriers and opportunities to incorporate environmental justice principles into the federal government’s ocean-related activities. It will encompass all recent Biden administration Executive Orders and policies relating to environmental justice, including the Ocean Climate Action Plan. The Strategy will serve as a guide to the federal government’s objectives for guiding “ocean justice” activities. It will propose “equitable and just practices to advance safety, health, and prosperity for communities residing near the ocean, the coasts, and the Great Lakes.”
    • The OPC, a Congressionally-created office dedicated to developing federal ocean policy, will draft the Ocean Justice Strategy with input from stakeholders, including Tribes, state and local governments, the private sector, and the public.
    • The Biden Administration previewed its support for ocean justice last year when it announced a commitment to extending environmental justice efforts to coastal and marine contexts. NOAA Fisheries followed suit by releasing its first-ever Equity and Environmental Justice Strategy, which puts equity and environmental justice at the forefront of their effort to steward the nation’s ocean resources and habitats.
    • The Strategy and its underlying EJ-based principles could lead to future policy changes, including for industries such as offshore energy, real estate, shipping, ports, and fisheries. This new effort is somewhat unique among EJ initiatives in that it targets activities that inherently occur along the nation’s coasts or far away from communities. The Strategy could emerge in a variety of directions, from identifying favored or disfavored ocean-based activities to layering additional processes for certain types of proposed projects.

Request for Public Input

OPC seeks public input on the following topics to develop the Ocean Justice Policy:

    • Definitions (namely, what is “ocean justice”)
    • Barriers to ocean justice
    • Opportunities for ocean justice
    • Research and knowledge gaps
    • Tools and practices (e.g., how to use existing tools such as CEJST, EJScreen, and EnviroAtla, in addition to developing new tools)
    • Partnerships and collaboration with external stakeholders
    • Any additional considerations

In addition to these comments, OPC will consider comments submitted in response to its previous request for information on the Ocean Climate Action Plan to inform the development of the Ocean Justice Strategy.

© 2023 Beveridge & Diamond PC

For more Environmental Legal News, visit the National Law Review.

Investigation Spurs Launch of Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) Environmental Crimes Task Force

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) recently announced the launch of a new Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) Environmental Crimes Task Force. The DOJ’s announcement, on May 11, 2023, coincided with its announcement of the grand jury indictments of two individuals in Puerto Rico who are accused of committing environmental crimes between 2020 and 2022.

As noted by the DOJ, its formation of the Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) Environmental Crimes Task Force also comes one year after the Department’s formation of an Office of Environmental Justice within its Environment and Natural Resources Division. This suggests that the DOJ is engaging in a long-term strategy to combat environmental crime, with particular emphasis on combating environmental crime in Puerto Rico and the USVI.

For companies and individuals doing business in Puerto Rico and the USVI, this is cause for concern. Even compliance won’t necessarily prevent an investigation; and, in the event of an investigation, insufficient documentation of compliance can present risks regardless of the underlying facts at hand. As a result, companies and individuals doing business on the islands need to prioritize environmental compliance (and adequately documenting their compliance), and they need to have strategies in place to deal effectively with the DOJ’s Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) Environmental Crimes Task Force if necessary.

Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. By announcing the formation of its new task force on the same date that it announced two grand jury indictments, it is also sending a clear message that it will not hesitate to pursue criminal charges when warranted.

The DOJ’s Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) Environmental Crimes Task Force: An Overview

To be prepared to deal with the DOJ’s Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) Environmental Crimes Task Force, companies and individuals doing business on the islands need to have a clear understanding of the task force’s composition and law enforcement priorities. Here is an overview of what we know so far:

Federal Agencies with Personnel on the DOJ’s Task Force

While the Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) Environmental Crimes Task Force falls under the DOJ’s law enforcement umbrella, it includes personnel from several federal agencies. Each of these agencies is likely to have its own set of enforcement priorities—setting the stage for wide-ranging investigations in Puerto Rico and the USVI.

As identified by the DOJ, the federal agencies with personnel on the Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) Environmental Crimes Task Force include:

  • Army Criminal Investigation Division (Army CID)
  • Army Corps of Engineers
  • Department of Agriculture Office of Inspector General (DOA OIG)
  • Department of Commerce Office of Inspector General (DOC OIG)
  • Department of Homeland Security Homeland Security Investigations (DHS HSI)
  • Department of Transportation Office of Inspector General (DOT OIG)
  • Environmental Protection Agency Criminal Investigation Division (EPA CID)
  • Environmental Protection Agency Office of Inspector General (EPA OIG)
  • Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
  • Food and Drug Administration Office of Criminal Investigations (FDA OCI)
  • Housing and Urban Development Office of Inspector General (HUD OIG)
  • IRS Criminal Investigation (IRS CI)
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office of Law Enforcement (NOAA OLE)
  • U.S. Coast Guard – Sector San Juan (USCG San Juan)
  • U.S. Coast Guard Investigative Service (USCG IS)
  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)

The DOJ’s press release announcing the formation of the task force also notes that its personnel will work closely with local authorities on both islands. This includes the Puerto Rico Department of Natural Resources, Puerto Rico Department of Justice, U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Planning and Natural Resources, and U.S. Virgin Islands Attorney General’s Office.

The Task Force’s Enforcement Priorities in Puerto Rico and the USVI

The DOJ’s press release also identifies several areas of enforcement that are priorities for the Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) Environmental Crimes Task Force. As of the date of its launch, the task force’s priorities will include:

  • Air and water quality violations involving agriculture, construction, transportation, and other industries
  • Fraud, waste, and abuse affecting government programs (including, but not limited to, EPA programs)
  • Harm to wetlands, navigable waters, and wildlife (including harm caused by pesticide misuse)
  • Hazardous material spills and transportation violations
  • Marine environmental violations and harm to federal marine resources
  • Public corruption involving environmental compliance and risks
  • Violations involving medications, foods, cosmetics, and other biological products
  • Violations involving workplace and housing conditions affecting residents working in the islands’ protected environments

As you can see, not all of these violations are strictly related to environmental compliance. This reflects the task force’s composition as well as the DOJ’s general disposition to investigate and prosecute all crimes, regardless of the impetus for a particular inquiry. Environmental crime investigations in Puerto Rico and the USVI will present risks for conspiracy, money laundering, tax evasion, wire fraud, and other federal criminal charges as well—and targeted companies and individuals could potentially face these charges even if they are ultimately cleared of any alleged environmental law violations.

Oberheiden P.C. © 2023
For more Environmental Law news, click here to visit the National Law Review.

Rise in VCM Business May Trigger CFTC Oversight on Sales of Carbon Offset Credits

Many major companies have announced a blueprint to minimize their carbon footprint. Some companies have gone so far as to proclaim that they will achieve “net zero” emissions in the near future. To accomplish their climate goals, many have turned to purchasing products called “carbon offset credits.”

Offset credits are defined as tradable rights or certificates linked to activities that lower the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere. These offsets are purchased and sold on what is commonly referred to as “voluntary carbon markets” (VCMs), where owners of carbon-reducing projects can sell or trade their carbon offsets to emitters who wish to offset the negative effects of their emissions.[1] The VCMs, however, have been subject to criticism and concern due to lack of effective regulation to combat potential fraud. In response, the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has announced its intent to increase enforcement resources and expertise to police the carbon markets.

How It Works

The owner of the carbon-reducing project applies to an independent (and largely unregulated) registry for carbon offsets. The registry then evaluates the project, often relying on complex information submitted by the project owner, to determine whether and how much atmospheric carbon the project will reduce. If the registry determines the project will reduce atmospheric carbon, it will issue a carbon offset credit to the project owner.

Typically, one offset credit represents one metric ton of carbon dioxide removed or kept out of the atmosphere. The price of offset credits will vary depending on different project types, different levels of benefits, and the markets in which they are traded. Once the registry issues the offset credit, the project owner can sell it to whomever it wants on a VCM. It is not uncommon for profit-seeking entities such as brokers or investors to purchase the offset credit and then sell it to the “end user,” which is the entity that wants to take credit for the carbon reduction. Once the “end user” purchases the offset credit, the credit is “retired” to ensure that it cannot be sold again.

Although voluntary carbon markets have been around for decades, they have taken off in recent years amid a deluge of corporate climate commitments. From 2018 to 2021, the VCM’s value grew from $300 million to $2 billion. Global management consultancy company McKinsey estimates that the value of VCMs may reach as high as $180 billion by 2030, while Research and Markets has projected a global value of $2.68 trillion by 2028.

Yet, the voluntary carbon market is fragmented and largely unregulated, suffers from varying accounting standards, and has been described as “the Wild West” for fraud. An investigation by The Guardian found that 90% of offsets issued by one of the largest registries for rainforest preservation projects were worthless because they did not represent legitimate carbon reductions. The voluntary carbon market is largely unregulated in the United States, and carbon offsets are almost exclusively issued by nongovernmental entities. Perhaps not surprisingly, regulators have started to look at the voluntary carbon markets more closely. In particular, the CFTC has shown an increasing interest in carbon in recent years.

Road Ahead

In September 2020, the CFTC’s Climate-Related Market Risk Subcommittee issued a report, “Managing Climate Risk in the U.S. Financial System,” that concluded climate change poses a major risk to the stability and integrity of the US economy and presented several dozen recommendations to mitigate climate risks. Less than a year later, CFTC Chairperson Rostin Behnam created the Climate Risk Unit to focus on the role of derivatives “in climate-related risk and transitioning to a low carbon economy.”

In June 2022, the CFTC held the first ever Voluntary Carbon Markets Convening to discuss issues related to a potential carbon offset market and to solicit input from industry participants in the CFTC’s potential role. After the Convening, the CFTC issued an RFI asking whether and how the CFTC should be involved in creating and regulating a voluntary carbon market. The responses to the RFI reflected that, while most industry participants agreed on the need for additional transparency and standardization in the voluntary carbon markets, they disagreed on the role the CFTC should play in such a market. A group of seven United States senators, including Sens. Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), argued that the CFTC should establish a robust regime governing the carbon market. Others argued that it is too soon for the CFTC to create rules and a registration mechanism, expressing concern that those actions might stifle industry innovation and progress.

At a keynote speech in January 2023, Chair Behnam stated that the CFTC “can play a role in voluntary [carbon] markets.” CFTC Commissioner Goldsmith Romero echoed the sentiment a month later in another speech and gave proposals for the CFTC to “promote resilience to climate risk.” Among those was a proposal that the “Commission should promote market integrity by increasing enforcement resources and expertise to combat greenwashing and other forms of fraud.”

The voluntary carbon market, Goldsmith Romero noted, “carr[ies] particular concerns of greenwashing, fraud, and manipulation” which “can lead to serious harm, distort market pricing, seriously damage a company’s reputation, and undermine the integrity of the markets.” This is particularly true with an esoteric commodity such as carbon offsets. For tangible commodities such as soybeans or oil, verifying delivery of the goods is relatively easy. But for carbon offsets, the offset purchaser often cannot verify that the promised greenhouse gas reduction is actually occurring; instead, the purchaser must rely on the promises made by the project owner or independent registry.

At present, the CFTC has limited enforcement jurisdiction over carbon offsets because only a limited number of carbon derivatives are traded on regulated futures markets. Carbon, as well as carbon and other environmental offsets or credits, are generally considered “commodities” as defined by § 1a(9) of the Commodity Exchange Act of 1936 (CEA). As a regulated commodity, transactions involving carbon credits or offsets are subject to the CFTC’s anti-fraud and anti-manipulation enforcement jurisdiction.

As VCMs continue to grow, it is likely that offerings of carbon derivatives such as futures, options, and swaps will grow with them, which may provide the jurisdictional catalyst for the CFTC to get more involved. The CFTC has exclusive jurisdiction over the regulation of futures markets, including oversight of the listing of new contracts on futures exchanges. Currently, a limited number of carbon futures are available to trade, and most trade on already regulated exchanges such as the Global Emissions Offset (GEO) futures contracts traded at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). The price of CME’s GEO futures contract is based on CORSIA-eligible (Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation) offset credits issued through specific independent registries.

But given the varying standards and methodologies for these registries, combined with an increasing number of investigations that have found significant issues with offset credits, it is reasonable to expect that the CFTC may eventually seek to engage in more oversight of the registries to ensure that futures contracts are not being manipulated and the offset credits are actually delivering the carbon reductions promised. Given that offsets are widely traded as commodities, that demand for offset-based derivatives products is growing, and that fraud may be a widespread problem throughout the marketplace, it seems like a matter of when, not if, the CFTC begins to regulate VCMs more heavily.


[1] Although often used interchangeably, voluntary carbon markets are different from compliance carbon markets. Compliance carbon markets are regulated markets set by “cap-and-trade” regulations at the state, national, or international governmental organizations. Governmental organizations set a cap on carbon emissions and then provide members with credits that act as a “permission slip” for a company to emit up to the cap. Voluntary carbon markets, on the other hand, involve trading of carbon credits between companies to reduce their own carbon footprint.

© 2023 ArentFox Schiff LLP
For more Environmental Law news, click here to visit the National Law Review.

U.S. Department of Transportation Finalizes EV Charging Infrastructure Rules

Effective as of March 30, 2023, the Federal Highway Administration (“FHWA”) within the U.S. Department of Transportation (“DOT”) announced the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Standards and Requirements final rule  (the “Final Rule”) (23 CFR 680).  The Final Rule included several significant updates to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking published on June 9, 2022 which we summarized in our prior article. These updates function to establish a set of minimum standards and requirements for electric vehicle (“EV”) charging infrastructure projects funded with federal dollars from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (“BIL”), and with these updates in place, interested parties will have certainty with respect to NEVI-funded projects.1

The key updates included in the Final Rule are located in the following sections:

  1. Installation, operation, and maintenance by qualified technicians of EV infrastructure (§ 680.106)

  2. Interoperability of EV charging infrastructure (§ 680.108)

  3. Data requested related to a project funded under the NEVI Formula Program, including the format and schedule for the submission of such data (§ 680.112)

  4. Network connectivity of EV charging infrastructure (§ 680.114)

  5. Information on publicly available EV charging infrastructure locations, pricing, real-time availability, and accessibility though mapping applications. (§ 680.116)

Installation and Operation

The Final Rule contains modified language clarifying that any time charging stations are installed, there must be a minimum of four (4) ports, notwithstanding the type of port–including Direct Current Fast Charger (“DCFC”) and AC Level 2 chargers. Additionally, charging stations may also have non-proprietary connectors. This modification allows permanently attached non-proprietary connectors to be provided on each charging port so long as each DCFC charging ports have at least one permanently attached CCS type 1 connector and is capable of charging a CCS compliant vehicle.  These modifications will allow for increased accessibility to owners of all types of electric vehicles.

Concerned commenters expressed distain toward the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for lack of clarity on whether the Final Rule would apply to the NEVI formula program, Title 23, and publicly accessible EV chargers funded as a project on a federal aid highway. The FHWA responded in the Final Rule with modified language to confirm its applicability across these programs. To address concerns about opposition to the rule as applied to Title 23 projects, the language in the Final Rule was revised to provide increased flexibility in the use of funds to install different types of chargers, including for projects not located along Alternative Fuel Corridors and installing AC Level 2 charges and DCFCs at lower power levels. Additionally, AC Level 2 charger capability was modified to incorporate the ability to charge at 208-volt.

The Final Rule also reevaluated and modified charging capacity. Modifications require that each DCFW must simultaneously deliver up to 150 kW. Additionally, each AC level 2 port is required to have the capability of providing at least 6 kW, however, the customer has the option to accept a lower power level to allow power sharing or to participate in smart charge management programs. Smart charge management involves controlling charging power levels in response to external conditions and is typically applied in situations where EVs are connected to charges for long periods of time, such that prolonging charging for the benefit of the grid is not objectionable to charging customers. In contrast, power sharing involves dynamically curtailing power levels of charging ports based on the total power demand of all EVs concurrently charging at the same station. Power sharing is permissible above the minimum per-port requirements for DCFC and AC Level 2 chargers. Further, each DCFC port must support output voltage with a permitted range between 250 and 920 volts. This all allows for greater flexibility to manage the cost of the stations designed to meet current and future demand for increases in power, given the strong market trend towards EV charging power capacity above 150 kW for DCFC and above 6 kW for AC Level 2 charging.

The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking required charging stations to remain open for 24 hours, but commenters believed this requirement did not present a realistic standard nationwide. In the Final Rule, the language was amended to allow for less restrictive charging hours for charging stations located off designated AFCs and requires that the charging station must be available for use at least as frequently as the business operating hours of the site host, with discretion to the site host to allow longer access.

Payment and Price Transparency

Payment and Price Transparency received both modification and expansion under the Final Rule. State programs may allow for certain charging stations to be free, and as such, language in the Final Rule was modified to specify that payment mechanisms may be omitted from charging stations if charging is provided for free. Regarding acceptable payment methods, the Final Rule explicitly incorporated payment by mobile application in the “contactless payment methods” definition. Further, the Final Rule modified acceptable payment methods to include an automated toll-free calling or an SMS option as an additional payment method. While there is no guarantee that every individual will have access or the ability to speak on the phone or send a text, the FHWA sees this addition as a step in the right direction to help bridge the accessibility gap in access and payment for EV charging.

The Final Rule also altered price transparency to require that the dollar per kWh be transparently communicated prior to initiating a charge, and that other fees be clearly explained prior to payment.

Charging Station Information, Data Sharing, and Interoperability of EV Charging Infrastructure

The Final Rule also modified uptime requirements. The uptimes calculations were clarified by modifying the definition of when a charger is considered “up” and further modifying the equation to calculate uptime to the nearest minute to make the calculation more uniform across all charging station operators and network providers.

Open Charge Point Protocol (“OCPP”) and ISO 15118 are key components of interoperability. OCPP is an open source communication standard for EV charging stations and networks, and ISO 15118 is hardware that specifies the communication between EVs including Battery Electric Vehicles and Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles, and the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment. In the Final Rule, the FHWA discussed that OCPP version 2.01 has significant improvements over previous versions and contains compelling benefits to the EV charging ecosystem. As such, the Final Rule contains modifications regarding the charger-to-charger network requiring that charging networks conform to the newer OCPP version 2.01 by one year after the date of publication of the Final Rule in the Federal Register. Additionally, FHWA requires charging station conformance to ISO 15118 and Plug and Charge capability by one year after the date of publication of the Final Rule in the Federal Register. Although many chargers on the market today are not yet using ISO 15118, the FHWA sees value in establishing a national standard for compliance. .

Annual data submittal, quarterly, and one time submittal requirements were modified to be completely streamlined and requiring any data made public to be aggregated and anonymized to protect confidential business information. The Joint Office of Energy and Transportation will establish and manage a national database and analytics platform that will streamline submission of data from States and their contractors along with providing ongoing technical assistance to States.

The Final Rule removed interoperability requirements and instead requires that chargers remain functional even if communication with the charging network is temporarily disrupted.

Community Engagement

For NEVI formula program projects, community engagement outcomes were modified in the Final Rule to require inclusion in the annual state EV infrastructure deployment plan rather than a separate report. This will allow for the type of information and data from the States to be most beneficial for informing and improving community engagement. Though we will have to wait until release of the annual Plan guidance to receive details regarding content expectations, commenters suggested several ways the report could be developed, including (i) conditioning funding for future years on meeting robust engagement requirements, including community engagement and equity and inclusion efforts by States (ii) describing how community engagement informed station and siting operations (iii) describing how workforce opportunities were integrated into community engagement efforts; and (iv) describing engagement with disabled community members.

The Future of EV Infrastructure

We will quickly see the significant effects the Final Rule will have on customers and manufacturers alike in enhancing EV charging capacity across the United States in this rapidly changing and ever-growing sector. As regulators, developers, and financiers of EV infrastructure evaluate the Final Rule, the Foley team is at the ready with significant experience, knowledge and expertise related to each element of this transformation, including issues related to the automotive, manufacturing, supply chain, regulatory, IP, private equity, tax equity, project finance, and public-private financing issues.

© 2023 Foley & Lardner LLP

For more Environmental Law News, click here to visit the National Law Review.


1 For a summary of the NEVI Formula Program, refer to our February 2022 article linked here.

European Commission Aims to Tackle Greenwashing in Latest Proposal

On March 22, the European Commission unveiled a proposal, the Green Claims Directive (Proposal), aimed at combating greenwashing and misleading environmental claims. By virtue of the Proposal, the EC is attempting to implement measures designed to provide “reliable, comparable and verifiable information” to consumers, with the overall high-level goal to create a level playing field in the EU, wherein companies that make a genuine effort to improve their environmental sustainability can be easily recognized and rewarded by consumers. The Proposal follows a 2020 sweep that found nearly half of environmental claims examined in the EU may be false or deceptive. Following the ordinary legislative procedure, the Proposal will now be subject to the approval of the European Parliament and the Council. There is no set date for entry into force at this time.

The Proposal complements a March 2022 proposal to amend the Consumer Rights Directive to provide consumers with information on products’ durability and repairability, as well as to amend the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive by, among other things, banning “generic, vague environmental claims” and “displaying a voluntary sustainability label which was not based on a third-party verification scheme or established by public authorities.” The Proposal builds on these measures to provide “more specific requirements on unregulated claims, be it for specific product groups, specific sectors or for specific environmental impacts or aspects.” It would require companies that make “green claims to respect minimum standards on how they substantiate and communicate those claims.” Businesses based outside the EU that make environmental claims directed at EU consumers will also have to respect the requirements set out in the Proposal. The criteria target explicit claims, such as “T-shirt made of recycled plastic bottles” and “packaging made of 30% recycled plastic.”

Pursuant to Article 3 of the Proposal, “environmental claims shall be based on an assessment that meets the selected minimum criteria to prevent claims from being misleading,” including, among other things, that the claim “relies on recognised scientific evidence and state of the art technical knowledge,” considers “all significant aspects and impacts to assess the performance,” demonstrates whether the claim is accurate for the whole product or only parts of it, provides information on whether the product performs better than “common practice,” identifies any negative impacts resulting from positive product achievements, and reports greenhouse gas offsets.

Article 4 of the Proposal outlines requirements for comparative claims related to environmental impacts, including disclosure of equivalent data for assessments, use of consistent assumptions for comparisons and use of data sourced in an equivalent manner. The level of substantiation needed will vary based on the type of claim, but all assessments should consider the product’s life-cycle to identify relevant impacts.

Pursuant to Article 10, all environmental claims and labels must be verified and certified by a third-party verifier before being used in commercial communications. An officially accredited body will carry out the verification process and issue a certificate of conformity, which will be recognized across the EU and shared among Member States via the Internal Market Information System. The verifier is required to be an officially accredited, independent body with the necessary expertise, equipment, and infrastructure to carry out the verifications and maintain professional secrecy.

The Proposal is part of a broader trend of governmental regulators, self-regulatory organizations, and standard setters across industries adopting a more formalized approach toward greenwashing. For example, as we recently reported, the UK’s Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) published rules on making carbon neutral and net-zero claims. Instances of enforcement actions over greenwashing allegations have also been on the rise. The Securities and Exchange Board of India recently launched a consultation paper seeking public comment on rules to prevent greenwashing by ESG investment funds, and the European Council and the European Parliament reached an agreement regarding European Green Bonds Standards aimed at, among other things, avoiding greenwashing.

© Copyright 2023 Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP

The EU’s New Green Claims Directive – It’s Not Easy Being Green


  • On March 22, 2023, the European Commission proposed the Green Claims Directive, which is intended to make green claims reliable, comparable and verifiable across the EU and protect consumers from greenwashing
  • Adding to the momentum generated by other EU green initiatives, this directive could be the catalyst that also spurs the U.S. to approve stronger regulatory enforcement mechanisms to crackdown on greenwashing
  • This proposed directive overlaps the FTC’s request for comments on its Green Guides, including whether the agency should initiate a rulemaking to establish enforceable requirements related to unfair and deceptive environmental claims. The deadline for comments has been extended to April 24, 2023

The European Commission (EC) proposed the Green Claims Directive (GCD) on March 22, 2023, to crack down on greenwashing and prevent businesses from misleading customers about the environmental characteristics of their products and services. This action was in response, at least in part, to a 2020 commission study that found more than 50 percent of green labels made environmental claims that were “vague, misleading or unfounded,” and 40 percent of these claims were “unsubstantiated.”


This definitive action by the European Union (EU) comes at a time when the U.S. is also considering options to curb greenwashing and could inspire the U.S. to implement stronger regulatory enforcement mechanisms, including promulgation of new enforceable rules by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) defining and prohibiting unfair and deceptive environmental claims.

According to the EC, under this proposal, consumers “will have more clarity, stronger reassurance that when something is sold as green, it actually is green, and better quality information to choose environment-friendly products and services.”

Scope of the Green Claims Directive

The EC’s objectives in the proposed GCD are to:

  • Make green claims reliable, comparable and verifiable across the EU
  • Protect consumers from greenwashing
  • Contribute to creating a circular and green EU economy by enabling consumers to make informed purchasing decisions
  • Help establish a level playing field when it comes to environmental performance of products

The related proposal for a directive on empowering consumers for the green transition and annex, referenced in the proposed GCD, defines the green claims to be regulated as follows:

“any message or representation, which is not mandatory under Union law or national law, including text, pictorial, graphic or symbolic representation, in any form, including labels, brand names, company names or product names, in the context of a commercial communication, which states or implies that a product or trader has a positive or no impact on the environment or is less damaging to the environment than other products or traders, respectively, or has improved their impact over time.”

The GCD provides minimum requirements for valid, comparable and verifiable information about the environmental impacts of products that make green claims. The proposal sets clear criteria for companies to prove their environmental claims: “As part of the scientific analysis, companies will identify the environmental impacts that are actually relevant to their product, as well as identifying any possible trade-offs to give a full and accurate picture.” Businesses will be required to provide consumers information on the green claim, either with the product or online. The new rule will require verification by independent auditors before claims can be made and put on the market.

The GCD will also regulate environmental labels. The GCD is proposing to establish standard criteria for the more than 230 voluntary sustainability labels used across the EU, which are currently “subject to different levels of robustness, supervision and transparency.” The GCD will require environmental labels to be reliable, transparent, independently verified and regularly reviewed. Under the new proposal, adding an environmental label on products is still voluntary. The EU’s official EU Ecolabel is exempt from the new rules since it already adheres to a third-party verification standard.

Companies based outside the EU that make green claims or utilize environmental labels that target the consumers of the 27 member states also would be required to comply with the GCD. It will be up to member states to set up the substantiation process for products and labels’ green claims using independent and accredited auditors. The GCD has established the following process criteria:

  • Claims must be substantiated with scientific evidence that is widely recognised, identifying the relevant environmental impacts and any trade-offs between them
  • If products or organisations are compared with other products and organisations, these comparisons must be fair and based on equivalent information and data
  • Claims or labels that use aggregate scoring of the product’s overall environmental impact on, for example, biodiversity, climate, water consumption, soil, etc., shall not be permitted, unless set in EU rules
  • Environmental labelling schemes should be solid and reliable, and their proliferation must be controlled. EU level schemes should be encouraged, new public schemes, unless developed at EU level, will not be allowed, and new private schemes are only allowed if they can show higher environmental ambition than existing ones and get a pre-approval
  • Environmental labels must be transparent, verified by a third party, and regularly reviewed

Enforcement of the GCD will take place at the member state level, subject to the proviso in the GCD that “penalties must be ‘effective, proportionate and dissuasive.’” Penalties for violation range from fines to confiscation of revenues and temporary exclusion from public procurement processes and public funding. The directive requires that consumers should be able to bring an action as well.

The EC’s intent is for the GCD to work with the Directive on Empowering the Consumers for the Green Transition, which encourages sustainable consumption by providing understandable information about the environmental impact of products, and identifying the types of claims that are deemed unfair commercial practices. Together these new rules are intended to provide a clear regime for environmental claims and labels. According to the EC, the adoption of this proposed legislation will not only protect consumers and the environment but also give a competitive edge to companies committed to increasing their environmental sustainability.

Initial Public Reaction to the GCD and Next Steps

While some organizations, such as the International Chamber of Commerce, offered support, several interest groups quickly issued public critiques of the proposed GCD. The Sustainable Apparel Coalition asserted that: “The Directive does not mandate a standardized and clearly defined framework based on scientific foundations and fails to provide the legal certainty for companies and clarity to consumers.”

ECOS lamented that “After months of intense lobbying, what could have been legislation contributing to providing reliable environmental information to consumers was substantially watered down,” and added that “In order for claims to be robust and comparable, harmonised methodologies at the EU level will be crucial.” Carbon Market Watch was disappointed that “The draft directive fails to outlaw vague and disingenuous terms like ‘carbon neutrality’, which are a favoured marketing strategy for companies seeking to give their image a green makeover while continuing to pollute with impunity.”

The EC’s proposal will now go to the European Parliament and Council for consideration. This process usually takes about 18 months, during which there will be a public consultation process that will solicit comments, and amendments may be introduced. If the GCD is approved, each of the 27 member states will have 18 months after entry of the GCD to adopt national laws, and those laws will become effective six months after that. As a result, there is a reasonably good prospect that there will be variants in the final laws enacted.

Will the GCD Influence the U.S.’s Approach to Regulation of Greenwashing?

The timing and scope of the GCD is of no small interest in the U.S., where regulation of greenwashing has been ramping up as well. In May 2022, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued the proposed Names Rule and ESG Disclosure Rule targeting greenwashing in the naming and purpose of claimed ESG funds. The SEC is expected to take final action on the Names Rule in April 2023.

Additionally, as part of a review process that occurs every 10 years, the FTC is receiving comments on its Green Guides for the Use of Environmental Claims, which also target greenwashing. However, the Green Guides are just that – guides that do not currently have the force of law that are used to help interpret what is “unfair and deceptive.”

It is particularly noteworthy that the FTC has asked the public to comment, for the first time, on whether the agency should initiate a rulemaking under the FTC Act to establish independently enforceable requirements related to unfair and deceptive environmental claims. If the FTC promulgates such a rule, it will have new enforcement authority to impose substantial penalties.

The deadline for comments on the Green Guides was recently extended to April 24, 2023. It is anticipated that there will be a substantial number of comments and it will take some time for the FTC to digest them. It will be interesting to watch the process unfold as the GCD moves toward finalization and the FTC decides whether to commence rulemaking in connection with its Green Guide updates. Once again there is a reasonable prospect that the European initiatives and momentum on green matters, including the GCD, could be a catalyst for the US to step up as well – in this case to implement stronger regulatory enforcement mechanisms to crackdown on greenwashing.