The U.S. Has a New Patent Law

Posted in the National Law Review on October 27, 2011 an article regarding the Patent Reform Act of 2011 by Taylor P. Evans of Andrews Kurth LLP:

President Obama signed the Patent Reform Act of 2011 into law on September 16, 2011. Below is a summary of selected provisions of the Act.

First to File

Effective March 2013, the U.S. patent system will change from a first-to-invent to a first-to-file system. This means that if two people make the same invention and there has been no public disclosure of the invention, and both describe and claim that invention in separate patent applications, the inventor that filed his patent application first gets the patent. Thus, filing early will be more critical than ever before. Companies should consider filing a provisional application for an invention as early as possible, possibly followed by additional provisional applications as the technology of an invention develops, with a non-provisional application within a year of the first provisional application. The first-to-file provision will have no effect on existing patents or applications filed before March 2013.

Post-Grant Challenges

Effective September 2012, third parties will be able to challenge the validity of patents within nine months of issuance in the Patent Office in a Post-Grant Opposition Review proceeding. Any basis for a validity challenge will be entertained, including questions of novelty and obviousness, as well as challenges based on non-patentable subject matter or an improper written description or other formalities. After nine months, third parties may challenge patents through Inter Partes Review, which will replace existing Inter Partes Reexamination proceedings. In an Inter Partes Review, invalidity challenges must be based only on prior patents and printed publications.

In view of these changes, companies planning to initiate Inter Partes Reexamination proceedings should do so prior to September 2012. In addition, companies should arrange a monitoring program to identify patents that relate to the company’s product line for possible challenge in a Post-Grant Opposition Review proceeding upon issuance. Similarly, patentees should be aware that a significant challenge against their patents in the patent office may develop, and they should be prepared to defend against challenges from competitors when their own patents issue.

False Marking

The new Act severely limits false marking lawsuits. Only the federal government and direct competitors that have been damaged can sue for false marking. Furthermore, non-government litigants will no longer be able to collect five hundred dollars in damages per item. In addition, it is no longer actionable not to remove expired patent numbers from products. The new law also provides for “virtual marking,” by which a company marks its product with “Patent” or “Pat.,” followed by a web address. The corresponding website displays the patent marking information and must be available to the public at no charge. These changes apply retroactively to existing cases.


The new law bars plaintiffs from suing multiple defendants in the same suit if the only thing that the defendants have in common is that they are alleged to infringe the same patent(s). Courts will also be barred from consolidating cases involving different defendants according to the same criteria, except that unrelated parties may still be joined for purposes of discovery. This provision applies to all suits filed on or after September 16, 2011.

Supplemental Examination

Supplemental examination is a new post-grant procedure that will allow a patentee to cure possible inequitable conduct by presenting previously withheld information to the Patent Office after issuance of a patent. After the previously withheld information is presented, and if the claims are allowed again, that information cannot be used in later court proceedings. Supplemental examination proceedings cannot be commenced or continue once an infringement action has been brought.

Assignee Filing

Under the new Act, a company can file a patent application on behalf of an inventor where the inventor is under obligation to assign its rights to the company and refuses to sign the oath or declaration. This provision will become effective in September 2012.


Effective September 26, 2011, all Patent Office fees will be subject to a 15% surcharge.

Other Changes

There are numerous other changes to the patent system under the Patent Reform Act of 2011, including, for example, elimination of the “best mode” requirement, and changes unique to specific types of inventions, such as business methods or computers. For additional information or to discuss all the new changes in more detail, please call us.

© 2011 Andrews Kurth LLP

IRS Announces Retirement Plan Limitations for 2012 Tax Year – Most Limits Increased

Recently posted in the National Law Review an article written by Alyssa D. Dowse of von Briesen & Roper, S.C. regarding the cost of living adjustments for the 2012 tax year:

The Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) has announced the cost of living adjustments for the 2012 tax year, which affect various dollar limitations for retirement plans. The IRS increased many of these limitations for the first time since 2009. Some limitations remain unchanged. The following chart highlights many of the noteworthy limitations for the 2012 tax year.

Plan Limit



Social Security Taxable Wage Base $106,800 $110,100
Annual Compensation (Code Section 401(a)(17)) $245,000 $250,000
Elective Deferral (Contribution) Limit for Employees who Participate in 401(k), 403(b) and most 457(b) Plans (Code Sections 402(g), 457(e)(15)) $16,500 $17,000
Age 50 Catch-Up Contribution Limit (Code Section 414(v)(2)(B)(i)) $5,500 $5,500
Highly Compensated Employee Threshold (Code Section 414(q)(1)(B)) $110,000 $115,000
Defined Contribution Plan Limitation on Annual Additions (Code Section 415(c)(1)(A)) $49,000 $50,000
Defined Benefit Plan Limitation on Annual Benefit (Code Section 415(b)(1)(A)) $195,000 $200,000
ESOP Distribution Period Rules—Payouts in Excess of Five Years (Code Section 409(o)(1)(C)) $985,000




Key Employee Compensation Threshold for Officers (Code Section (416(i)(1)(A)(i)) $160,000 $165,000

Plan sponsors should review employee communications and update such communications as appropriate based on the 2012 cost of living adjustments. Other cost of living adjustments can be found on the IRS  website:,,id=96461,00.html.

©2011 von Briesen & Roper, s.c



Hooters Sues Competitor over Alleged Trade Secrets Theft after Top Executives Fly Away

Recently posted in the National Law Review an article by Eric H. RumbaughLuis I. Arroyo and Steven A. Nigh of Michael Best & Friedrich  LLP regarding  misappropriating its trade secrets and other confidential business information following the departure of several Hooters executives:


Hooters of America LLC has sued a competitor in Georgia Federal Court for allegedly misappropriating its trade secrets and other confidential business information following the departure of several Hooters executives to Twin Peaks Restaurants.

Hooters’ complaint alleges that former vice president of operations and purchasing, Joseph Hummel, gained unauthorized access to Hooters’ computers and took trade secrets and other confidential information. Specifically, Hooters claims that around the time of his departure, Hummel downloaded and transferred confidential sales figures, employee training and retention strategies and purchasing information to his personal e-mail account. The suit also accuses Hummel of additional unauthorized access of private business information following the termination of his employment.

Hummel, as well as Hooters’ former Chief Executive Officer and its general counsel, left the beach-themed restaurant franchise to join up with Twin Peaks, which operates a mountain lodge-themed restaurant chain featuring an all-female wait staff. Hooters contends that Hummel’s alleged theft has allowed Twin Peaks to hit the ground running in its efforts to open 35 restaurants in the next decade, several of which are planned for markets with Hooters restaurants.

The case illustrates the potential damage that departing employees, particularly those with access to sensitive information, can wreak on an employer. Hooters has already taken one step towards protecting itself; before Hummel left, he signed a confidentiality agreement requiring him to return all confidential and proprietary information to Hooters. In addition to confidentiality agreements, employers should consider having their top executives or other employees with access to sensitive information sign non-competition agreements. Moreover, most states’ trade secret statutes require businesses to take steps that are reasonable under the circumstances to protect their confidential information in order to preserve the trade secret status of that information. Accordingly, employers should consider implementing electronic security measures beyond just login credentials; limiting the number of employees who are authorized to access confidential information; and regulating employees’ ability to take information off company premises.

Next, when key employees depart, and especially when they depart for a competitor, businesses should consult with counsel immediately, and before examining (and arguably damaging) electronic evidence. Departing employees who take information often leave a shockingly obvious electronic trail; but that trail can be lost quickly if not preserved, or inadvertently destroyed if improperly accessed.

Lastly, businesses engaging talent, and especially talent that comes from a competitor, cannot be too careful or too forceful in making sure that the incoming talent does not make, retain or transfer any copies of information from their previous employer. Businesses engaging talent that acted improperly on the way out can quickly embroil their new employers in costly and risky litigation.


Creating a Social Media Policy

Posted on October 18, 2011 in the National Law Review an article by Brian J. Moore of Dinsmore & Shohl LLP regarding the importance of employers having a social media policy:

It is essential for employers to develop a social networking policy, especially in light of the many legal issues that may arise. Employers must consider the many goals that the policy intends to cover, such as:

  • Protecting the company’s trade secrets, confidential, proprietary and/or privileged information;
  • Protecting the company’s reputation;
  • Protecting the privacy of employees; and
  • Establishing guidelines for whether use of social networking sites during working hours is permitted, and if so, under what circumstances.

Employers must also consider the parameters in developing a new policy, such as:

  • Urging employees to go to human resources with work-related issues and complaints before blogging about them;
  • Setting forth the potential for discipline, up to and including termination, if an employee misuses social networking sites relating to employment;
  • Establishing a reporting procedure for suspected violations of the policy;
  • Enforcing the policy consistently and with regard to all employees;
  • Reiterating that company policies, including harassment and discrimination policies, apply with equal force to employees’ communications on social networking sites;
  • Reminding employees that the computers and email system are company property intended for business use only, and that the company may monitor computer and email usage; and
  • Arranging for employees to sign a written acknowledgment that they have read, understand and will abide by the policy.

As seen is the October 14th issue of Business Lexington

© 2011 Dinsmore & Shohl LLP. All rights reserved.

Second Circuit Finds that Employers May be Obligated to Accommodate a Disabled Employee's Commute

Posted in the National Law Review an article by attorneys James R. HaysJonathan Sokolowski and James R. Hays of Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP regarding disabled employees and employers requirements to assist them:


The Second Circuit Court of Appeals has held that under the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) and the Rehabilitation Act, employers may be required to assist disabled employees with their commute.

In Nixon-Tinkelman v. N.Y. City Dep’t of Health & Mental Hygiene, No. 10-3317-cv, 2011 U.S. App. LEXIS 16569 (2d Cir. N.Y. Aug. 10, 2011), plaintiff Barbara Nixon-Tinkelman (“Plaintiff”), who has cancer, heart problems, asthma, and is hearing impaired, brought suit under the ADA and the Rehabilitation Act alleging that the New York City Department of Health & Mental Hygiene (“Defendant” or “DOHMH”) failed to reasonably accommodate her disability. Specifically, following her transfer from Queens to Manhattan, Plaintiff requested that DOHMH accommodate her commute by transferring her back to an office location closer to her home in Queens. DOHMH ultimately denied Plaintiff’s request.

The Southern District of New York dismissed Plaintiff’s complaint on Defendant’s motion for summary judgment, finding that activities which “fall outside the scope of the job, like commuting to and from the workplace, are not within the province of an employer’s obligations under the ADA and the Rehabilitation Act.” However, on appeal, the Second Circuit faulted the district court’s holding, explaining that certain circumstances may require an employer to provide commuting assistance to a disabled employee, and furthermore, that providing such assistance is not “inherently unreasonable.” Accordingly, the Second Circuit remanded the case to the district court, and tasked it with engaging in the “fact-specific inquiry” necessary to determine whether it would have been reasonable to provide Plaintiff with a commuting accommodation. On remand, the Second Circuit directed the district court to consider the following factors: (a) Defendant’s total number of employees; (b) the number and location of Defendant’s offices; (c) whether other positions exist for which Plaintiff was qualified; (d) whether Plaintiff could have been transferred to a more convenient office without unduly burdening Defendant’s operations; and (e) the reasonableness of allowing Plaintiff to work from home without on-site supervision.

In addition to the above-listed factors, the Second Circuit also noted that the district court should have contemplated whether transferring Plaintiff “back to Queens or another closer location, allowing her to work from home, or providing a car or parking permit” would have accommodated her needs.

Nixon-Tinkelman serves as a reminder to employers that they must carefully assess all requests for reasonable accommodations from disabled employees. Although employers are not required to provide the specific accommodations employees may request, they must nevertheless work with employees to determine what reasonable accommodations, if any, can be made.

Copyright © 2011, Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP.

The Financial Toll of the Arab Spring

Recently posted in the National Law Review an article by Jared Wade of Risk and Insurance Management Society, Inc. (RIMS) regarding political and social turmoil often disrupt business operations:

Political and social turmoil often disrupt business operations. And when we’re talking about revolutions like those seen throughout the Middle East in 2011, those disruptions — and the associated costs — amplify.

The Financial Times is here to provide some examples of just how much damage some companies have suffered. The start by noting a Grant Thornton survey from June that claims a whopping 22% of the world’s companies were affected by the Arab Spring. Globalization indeed.

International companies in sectors such as retail, travel and construction have unsurprisingly been early losers.

In July, Thomas Cook, the tour operator, said it expected operating profits this year of just £320m – compared with analysts’ estimates of £380m – because of declining business in Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco.

Cyril Sweett, a British consultancy and property company, warned last month that its next financial results would be hit because Middle Eastern turmoil had led to a number of projects being scrapped.

Other companies are struggling to collect payment for bills for projects disrupted by protest, armed conflict or regime change.

Dana Gas, a fuel producer heavily dependent on Egypt, is owed $200m by the country for invoices related to natural gas sales, according to Ahmed Al-Arbeed, chief executive, adding that some will be repaid this year.

Rentokil Initial, the pest-control to cleaning services company, said it would be “nice to get back” £4.8m it says it is owed for a rat-catching contract signed while Colonel Muammer Gaddafi was still in power in Libya, although it is as yet undecided on whether to revive its operations in the country.

Great anecdotes to help show the depth of the problem. And on the macro-level, here’s an infographic from Grant Thornton listing what percentage of companies in different regions have been negatively affected by the uprisings.



Risk Management Magazine and Risk Management Monitor. Copyright 2011 Risk and Insurance Management Society, Inc. All rights reserved.

Legal Issues Surrounding Social Media Background Checks

Posted in the National Law Review an article by Michelle Sherman of Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP regarding establishing an internal procedure for using the Internet to make employment decisions is one more piece of a sound ethics and compliance program that addresses how your company is using social media.

Agatha Christie had a novel take on invention being the mother of necessity. She disagreed and said, “[I]nvention, in my opinion, arises directly from idleness, possibly also from laziness. To save oneself trouble.” She may have been onto something when you think about businesses that are turning to outside vendors to research employees and job candidates for them. Whether or not these outside vendors are the best solution, however, remains to be seen.

  1. Companies Should Have An Internal Procedure For Researching Job Candidates And Employees On The Internet

We recommended earlier this year that businesses establish an internal procedure for making employment decisions based on Internet research, so they would not run afoul of state and federal laws that prohibit job discrimination based on protected factors. The protected factors include, for example: (1) Race, color, national origin, religion and gender under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; and (2) Sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy, cancer, political affiliation, genetic characteristics, and gender identity under California law. Most states have their own list of protected factors, which should be considered depending on where your company has employees.

Not surprisingly, the legal risks of making employment decisions using the Internet have become a real concern for businesses, especially when you consider that 54% of employers surveyed in 2011 acknowledged using the Internet to research job candidates. The actual number of employers using the Internet is probably higher, and sometimes companies may not even be aware that their employees are researching job candidates and factoring that information into their evaluations. This is yet another reason to establish an internal procedure for researching job candidates, and communicating your procedure to employees who are participating in the employment process.

There is nothing wrong with researching people on the Internet so long as it is done properly. The Internet has a wealth of useful information, some of it intentionally posted by job applicants for employers to consider such as LinkedIn profiles.

With this “necessity” to do Internet searches properly, some businesses have turned to outside vendors to do the research for them, and, thereby, try to reduce their legal exposure and the administrative inconvenience of doing it themselves. At least one of these vendors has received letters concerning its business practices from the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) and, more recently, two U.S. Senators.

  1. The Business Practices Of Outside Vendors That Provide Social Media Background Checks Are Being Examined For Compliance With Privacy And Intellectual Property Laws

On May 9, 2011, the staff of the FTC’s Division of Privacy and Identity Protection sent a “no action” letter to Social Intelligence Corporation (“Social Intelligence”), “an Internet and social media background screening service used by employers in pre-employment background screening.” The FTC treated Social Intelligence as a consumer reporting agency “because it assembles or evaluates consumer report information that is furnished to third parties that use such information as a factor in establishing a consumer’s eligibility for employment.” The FTC stated that the same rules that apply to consumer reporting agencies (such as the Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”)) apply equally in the social networking context. These rules include the obligation to provide employees or applicants with notice of any adverse action taken on the basis of these reports. Businesses should also be mindful of similar state consumer protection laws that may be applicable (e.g. California Investigative Consumer Reporting Agencies Act).

The FTC concluded by stating that information provided by Social Intelligence about its policies and procedures for compliance with the FCRA appears not to warrant further action, but that its action “is not to be construed as a determination that a violation may not have occurred,” and that the FTC “reserves the right to take further action as the public interest may require.” This FTC “no action” letter was reported fairly widely, and probably increased the comfort level of businesses that wanted to use an outside service for Internet background checks.

On September 19, 2011, Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn) and Al Franken (D-Minn) sent a letter to Social Intelligence with 13 questions regarding whether the company is taking steps to ensure that the information it is gathering from social networks is accurate, whether the company is respecting the guidelines for how the websites and their users want the content used, and whether the company is protecting consumers’ right to online privacy. The letter raises some legitimate concerns, and requests a prompt response from Social Intelligence to the questions presented.

  1. Legal Assurances That Your Company May Want To Seek If Using An Outside Vendor

Some of the questions also warrant due consideration on the part of businesses receiving reports from outside vendors about how much weight they want to give the information provided. Further, what the business may want in the form of legal assurances from the outside vendor that no laws (e.g. FCRA, privacy, copyright, or other intellectual property laws) have been violated in gathering the information or providing screenshot copies of pages from social networking sites.

Some of the questions from the Senators which raise these concerns include, for example:

1. “How does your company determine the accuracy of the information it provides to employers?” [Social Intelligence is reportedly collecting social networking activity dating back 7 years, and, therefore, may capture something that was later removed, or was a “tag” post through a picture that the job candidate was not responsible for making public, and may have removed once it came to his attention.]

2. “Is your company able to differentiate among applicants with common names? How?” [e.g. Have they researched the correct “Jane Smith” of the hundreds on Facebook since social security numbers or other specific identifying information is not useful on social networking sites as it is with the standard background check.]

3. “Is the information that your company collects from social media websites like Facebook limited to information that can be seen by everyone, or does your company endeavor to access restricted information.”

4. “The reports that your company prepares for employers contain screenshots of the sources of the information your company compiles…These websites are typically governed by terms of service agreements that prohibit the collection, dissemination, or sale of users’ content without the consent of the user and/or the website….. Your company’s business model seems to necessitate violating these agreements. does your company operate in compliance with the agreements found on sites whose content your company compiles and sells?”

5. There appears “to be significant violations of user’s intellectual property rights to control the use of the content that your company collects and sells. …. These pictures [of the users], taken from sites like Flickr and Picasa, are often licensed by the owner for a narrow set of uses, such as noncommercial use only or a prohibition on derivative works. Does your company obtain permission from the owners of these pictures to use, sell, or modify them?”

  1. Conclusion

Establishing an internal procedure for using the Internet to make employment decisions is one more piece of a sound ethics and compliance program that addresses how your company is using social media. If using an outside vendor to perform social media background checks is part of that policy, you should assure yourself that the company is acting in compliance with the relevant laws.  

Copyright © 2011, Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP.

Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Costs

Recently posted in the National Law Review an article by Emily Holbrook of Risk and Insurance Management Society, Inc. (RIMS) regarding anti-money laundering  initiatives take more precedence in the corporate world:


Each year, anti-money laundering (AML) initiatives take more precedence in the corporate world, particularly within the financial industry. According to Celent, global spending on AML compliance, including operations and technology, will reach a staggering $5.8 billion within the financial sector by 2013.

Overall, the AML compliance burden is expected to expand at a rate of 7.8% annually while global spending on AML software is projected to expand at a rate of 10.4% per year. But what is the motivation behind such a drive? The research firm found that 42% of respondents cited regulatory requirements, and 25% pointed to reputational risk and brand protection as the main driver for AML compliance spending. And in further findings, financial institutions cited the integration of their AML and anti-fraud operations and technologies as a long-term goal.

“Although intuitively attractive, many institutions may find it difficult to build a business case for integrating AML with anti-fraud,” said Neil Katkov, senior vice president for Celent. “Fortunately, the compliance-driven development of modern AML software, analytics and case management has created a new generation technology that can often deliver better results than legacy anti-fraud systems.”

It seems it’s out with the old and in with the new — and expensive — AML

Risk Management Magazine and Risk Management Monitor. Copyright 2011 Risk and Insurance Management Society, Inc. All rights reserved.

The 16th Annual National Institute on Negotiating Business Acquisitions

The National Law Review wants to remind you to mark your calendars for the 16th Annual National Institute on Negotiating Business Acquisitions presented by the ABA’s  Business Law Section Mergers and Acquisitions Committee, General Practice, Solo & Small Firm Division, and the Center for Continuing Legal Education:

Negotiating Business Acquisitions

Event Information

When:  November 10 – 11, 2011

Where:  The Ritz-Carlton Miami Beach | South Beach Miami
                 1 Lincoln Rd, Miami Beach, FL, 33139-2000


Primary Sponsors



  • Highlights

This National Institute includes an extensive mock negotiation that will give you valuable insights on negotiating key representations, warranties, closing conditions and indemnification provisions in an acquisition agreement. Advance preparation is not needed for this program.

  • Program Description

This two-day National Institute will provide you with an expert perspective on negotiating business acquisitions.

Panelists include nationally known mergers & acquisitions attorneys who will discuss all facets of the acquisition process, including techniques used in structuring and negotiating M&A deals; the tax and securities law aspects of business acquisitions; and the impact of recent legal and regulatory developments on M&A transactions.

The program will examine both fundamental and cutting-edge issues, with sessions addressing
the following:

  • The key business, financial, and legal terms of the acquisition agreement
  • Special issues in asset acquisitions
  • Tax considerations in M&A transactions
  • Acquisitions of public companies and related Delaware and securities law considerations
  • An investment banker’s perspective on M&A trends
  • Recent developments, including the role of private equity buyers
  • Ethical issues in M&A transactions


OFAC Settles Alleged Sanctions Violations for $88.3 million

Posted in the National Law Review an article by Thaddeus Rogers McBride and Mark L. Jensen of Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP regarding OFAC’s settlements with financial institutions:


On August 25, 2011, a major U.S. financial institution agreed to pay the U.S. Department of Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) $88.3 million to settle claims of violations of several U.S. economic sanctions programs. While OFAC settlements with financial institutions in recent years have involved larger penalty amounts, this August 2011 settlement is notable because of OFAC’s harsh—and subjective—view of the bank’s compliance program.

Background. OFAC has primary responsibility for implementing U.S. economic sanctions against specifically designated countries, governments, entities, and individuals. OFAC currently maintains approximately 20 different sanctions programs. Each of those programs bars varying types of conduct with the targeted parties including, in certain cases, transfers of funds through U.S. bank accounts.

As reported by OFAC, the alleged violations in this case involved, among other conduct, loans, transfers of gold bullion, and wire transfers that violated the Cuban Assets Control Regulations, 31 C.F.R. Part 515, the Iranian Transactions Regulations, 31 C.F.R. Part 560, the Sudanese Sanctions Regulations, 31 C.F.R. Part 538, the Former Liberian Regime of Charles Taylor Sanctions Regulations, 31 C.F.R. Part 593, the Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferators Sanctions Regulations, 31 C.F.R. Part 544, the Global Terrorism Sanctions Regulations, 31 C.F.R. Part 594, and the Reporting, Procedures, and Penalties Regulations, 31 C.F.R. Part 501.

Key Points of Settlement. As summarized below, the settlement provides insight into OFAC’s compliance expectations in several ways:

1. “Egregious” conduct. In OFAC’s view, three categories of violations – involving Cuba, in support of a blocked Iranian vessel, and incomplete compliance with an administrative subpoena – were egregious under the agency’s Enforcement Guidelines. To quote the agency’s press release, these violations “were egregious because of reckless acts or omissions” by the bank. This, coupled with the large amount and value of purportedly impermissibly wire transfers involving Cuba, is likely a primary basis for the large $88.3 million penalty.

OFAC’s Enforcement Guidelines indicate that, when determining whether conduct is “egregious,” OFAC gives “substantial” weight to (i) whether the conduct is “willful or reckless,” and (ii) the party’s “awareness of the conduct at issue.” 31 C.F.R. Part 501, App. A. at V(B)(1). We suspect that OFAC viewed the conduct here as “egregious” and “reckless” because, according to OFAC, the bank apparently failed to address compliance issues fully: as an example, OFAC claims that the bank determined that transfers in which Cuba or a Cuban national had interest were made through a correspondent account, but did not take “adequate steps” to prevent further transfers. OFAC’s emphasis on reckless or willful conduct, and the agency’s assertion that the bank was aware of the underlying conduct, underscore the importance of a compliance program that both has the resources to act, and is able to act reasonably promptly when potential compliance issues are identified.

2. Ramifications of disclosure. In this matter, the bank voluntarily disclosed many potential violations. Yet the tone in OFAC’s press release is generally critical of the bank for violations that were not voluntarily disclosed. Moreover, OFAC specifically criticizes the bank for a tardy (though still voluntary) disclosure. According to OFAC, that disclosure was decided upon in December 2009 but not submitted until March 2010, just prior to the bank receiving repayment of the loan that was the subject of the disclosure. Although OFAC ultimately credited the bank for this voluntary disclosure, the timing of that disclosure may have contributed negatively to OFAC’s overall view of the bank’s conduct.

This serves as a reminder that there often is a benefit of making an initial notification to the agency in advance of the full disclosure. This also serves as reminder of OFAC’s very substantial discretion as to what is a timely filing of a disclosure: as noted in OFAC’s Enforcement Guidelines, a voluntary self-disclosure “must include, or be followed within a reasonable period of time by, a report of sufficient detail to afford a complete understanding of an apparent violation’s circumstances.” (emphasis added). In this regard, OFAC maintains specific discretion under the regulations to minimize credit for a voluntary disclosure made (at least in the agency’s view) in an inappropriate or untimely fashion.

3. Size of the penalty. The penalty amount—$88.3 million—is substantial. Yet the penalty is only a small percentage of the much larger penalties paid by Lloyds TSB ($350 million), Credit Suisse ($536 million), and Barclays ($298 million) over the past few years. In those cases, although the jurisdictional nexus between those banks and the United States was less clear than in the present case, the conduct was apparently more egregious because it involved what OFAC characterized as intentional misconduct in the form of stripping wire instructions. The difference in the size of the penalties is at least partly attributable to the amount of money involved in each matter. It also appears, however, that OFAC is distinguishing between “reckless” conduct and intentional misconduct.

4. Sources of information. As noted, many of the violations in this matter were voluntarily disclosed to OFAC. The press release also indicates that certain disclosures were based on information about the Cuba sanctions issues that was received from another U.S. financial institution (it is not clear whether OFAC received information from that other financial institution). The press release also states that, with respect to an administrative subpoena OFAC issued in this matter, the agency’s inquiries were at least in part “based on communications with a third-party financial institution.”

It may not be the case here that another financial institution (or institutions) blew the proverbial whistle, but it appears that at least one other financial institution did provide information that OFAC used to pursue this matter. Such information sharing is a reminder that, particularly given the interconnectivity of the financial system, even routine reporting by financial institutions may help OFAC identify other enforcement targets.

5. Compliance oversight. As part of the settlement agreement, the bank agreed to provide ongoing information about its internal compliance policies and procedures. In particular, the bank agreed to provide the following: “any and all updates” to internal compliance procedures and policies; results of internal and external audits of compliance with OFAC sanctions programs; and explanation of remedial measures taken in response to such audits.

Prior OFAC settlements, such as those with Barclays and Lloyds, have stipulated compliance program reporting obligations for the settling parties. While prior agreements, such as Barclay’s, required a periodic or annual review, the ongoing monitoring obligation in this settlement appears to be unusual, and could be a requirement that OFAC imposes more often in the future. (Although involving a different legal regime, requirements with similarly augmented government oversight have been imposed in recent Foreign Corrupt Practices Act settlements, most notably the April 2011 settlement between the Justice Department and Johnson & Johnson. See Getting Specific About FCPA Compliance, Law360, at:

Conclusions. We think this settlement is particularly notable for the aggression with which OFAC pursued this matter. Based on the breadth of the settlement, OFAC seems to have engaged in a relatively comprehensive review of sanctions implications of the bank’s operations, going beyond those allegations that were voluntarily self-disclosed to use information from a third party. Moreover, as detailed above, OFAC adopted specific, negative views about the bank’s compliance program and approach and seems to have relied on those views to impose a very substantial penalty. The settlement is a valuable reminder that OFAC can and will enforce the U.S. sanctions laws aggressively, and all parties—especially financial institutions—need to be prepared.

Copyright © 2011, Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP.