Organized Labor’s Big Day: Are You Ready?

The National Law Review recently published an article by R. Scott Summers of Dinsmore & Shohl LLP regarding Changes that Affect Private Sector Employers:

On April 30, 2012, just a few short weeks away, two critical changes that will affect just about every private sector employer are slated to go into effect. Whether your organization has a union, or is union-free, these changes could have important implications for your workplace policies and will affect the way you handle issues during union organizing campaigns.

As of April 30, 2012, most private sector employers1 – union and non-union – will be required to post a notice entitled “Employee Rights Under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA).” The original effective date for posting this notice was January 31, 2012, but that date was pushed back until this spring. Among other things, the notice informs employees that they have the right to:

  • organize a union
  • discuss wages, benefits and other terms and conditions of employment with co-workers
  • strike and picket
  • choose not to participate in such activities.

The notice also lists examples of unlawful employer conduct and provides information about how to file unfair labor charges against an employer.

None of the various legal challenges to this controversial National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) posting rule have yet been effective. Earlier this month a U.S. District Court Judge upheld the NLRB’s rule requiring the posting. The Judge noted among other things, that the employers had not established that they would suffer irreparable harm if the posting requirement were allowed to take effect. This was particularly the case, according to the judge, in light of her prior order invalidating the portion of the NLRB’s rule that made the mere failure to post the notice an unfair labor practice. The Judge also noted that the public interest also favored denying the employers’ requested injunction because the notice was intended to increase employees’ awareness of their rights, which the judge observed was “undoubtedly in the public interest.”There is another legal challenge to the posting rule pending in a federal District Court in South Carolina, but no decision has been issued in that case and there is no reason to expect one will be issued before April 30.

The poster is available on the NLRB’s web site at Also, various businesses which offer reproductions of government-required employment postings have already developed products that incorporate the new NLRB posting.

In addition to the requirement of posting a notice of employee rights under the NLRA, the NLRB has recently confirmed its plan to launch a website designed to inform nonunion employees of their rights under the NLRA. The NLRB’s focus in launching the website is to reach and educate nonunion employees about their right to engage in protected, concerted activity under the NLRA. As a supplement to the website, the NLRB plans to distribute educational brochures containing examples of issues that have arisen in past and current cases before the NLRB. The brochures, which will be offered in English and Spanish, will be distributed through advocacy groups and other federal agencies, such as the Department of Labor.

Obviously these two initiatives taken in tandem may serve to push non-union workforces to consider unionization. Additionally, the increased awareness of the right to bring a complaint against an employer regardless of one’s union membership will certainly result is an increase in the number of complaints filed with the NLRB.

The other big change, also taking effect on April 30, 2012, is a new rule that will revamp aspects of the union election process. What will this mean for your business?

  1. elections will proceed quicker than ever before
  2. you will have fewer opportunities to raise challenges throughout the election process

These rules illustrate the importance of engaging in union prevention efforts long before organizing begins.

The rule, popularly referred to as the “quickie elections” rule, will change the process for contesting union petitions and limit employers’ opportunities to challenge certain aspects of the election process before a union election. The NLRB’s goal is to speed up the election process by mandating that certain election issues be dealt with after the union election. (See our Jan. 4, 2012 insightNLRB’s New “Ambush Elections” Rule).

Eliminating pre-election appeals, limiting decisions on critical issues until after the election, and speeding up the election process, could substantially reduce the amount of time an employer has to communicate with its employees before an election. In fact, the election “campaign period” could be reduced to just a few weeks. Under the current rules, elections are usually scheduled at least a month after a union petition is filed.

A recent study conducted by the Heritage Group’s labor policy expert James Sherk estimated that the new election rules will dramatically increase the rate of unionization. Sherk cites a Bloomberg Government analysis to observe that a majority of workplace union elections are decided by five or fewer votes. What’s more, “cutting the time between a request for an election and the ballot increases the chances union supporters will prevail,” according to the study. Unions win 87 percent of elections held 11 to 15 days after a request, a rate that falls to 58 percent when the vote takes place after 36 to 40 days, according to the researchers.

The 11 to 15 day timeframe is very close to what the new NLRB rule is expected to achieve. The ambush election rule will trim the time between an election request and the election itself to 10 days or so, a significant drop from the current average of 31 days.

“If a broader set of elections were to occur more quickly,” wrote Bloomberg analysts Jason Arvelo and Ian Hathaway, “the likely outcome would be more organizing drives, a higher success rate for unions and ultimately more union membership.”

Practical Impact for Employers
In the meantime, what is the practical impact of these new rules on employers? To be sure, the new rules will result in employees being more aware of the NLRB and how to file unfair labor practice charges. They will also result in quicker elections in cases with contested unit and eligibility issues. Quicker elections certainly mean less time to communicate with employees during the election period.

Unions often plan organizing drives before they actually request a workplace election, while employers, who may not be aware of the effort, are forced to make their case only during the period between an election request and the actual election. Hence, shortening that period of time is more prohibitive to an employer’s ability to make the case against unionization than a union’s ability to lobby for it. Employees will hear the other side of the story only from management. Employers, not union organizers, will explain that unions often do not achieve their promised wage increases, but they always take up to 2 percent of workers’ wages in dues. Employers will also point out patterns of union corruption and clauses in union constitutions that levy stiff fines against workers who stray from union rules. Employers are free to tell workers what the union organizers do not.

Savvy employers should have strong employee relations policies and programs in place long before a petition. Such programs should establish open communication channels, provide for employee recognition, and implement competitive wages and benefits among other things. Implementing this type of program will not only help avoid a unionization drive in the first instance, but also will help build employee trust and establish efficient lines of communication that could be vital during a shortened pre-election period.

Employers should also consider training managers about permissible and prohibited conduct under the NLRA and conducting their own education programs, advising employees of their rights under the NLRA, and reminding employees of internal complaint procedures available to them.

2012 is already shaping up to be another eventful year at the NLRB. In coming insights we will further comment on the areas discussed here, as well as several other noteworthy trends. These include, among other things, the Board’s continual focus on social media cases and changes to their General Counsel’s willingness to defer to the grievance and arbitration process in some cases. Finally, Chairman Pearce’s stated desire for the Board to become known as “the resource for people with workplace concerns that may have nothing to do with union activities” promises a continuation of the Board’s focus on protected concerted activity cases in the non-union context. As always, we will continue to monitor and analyze these changes and their implications for employers.

(1) Excluded from coverage under the National Labor Relations Act are public-sector employees, agricultural and domestic workers, independent contractors, workers employed by a parent or spouse, employees of air and rail carriers covered by the Railway Labor Act, and supervisors.

© 2012 Dinsmore & Shohl LLP.

8th Annual FCPA & Anti-Corruption Compliance Conference

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming 8th FCPA & Anti-Corruption Compliance Conference:

8th FCPA and Anti-Corruption Compliance Conference
Identifying Changes to the Global Anti-Corruption Compliance Landscape to Maintain and Upgrade Your Existing Compliance Program

Event Date: 12-14 Jun 2012
Location: Washington, DC, USA

Beyond dealing with the FCPA and UK Bribery Act, there are upcoming changes to global Anti-Compliance initiatives being enacted by other major countries. It is imperative that organizations are made aware of these new rules and regulations to be able to meld them all into their organization’s anti-corruption compliance program. Maintaining a robust global compliance program along with performing proper and detailed 3rd party due diligence is of the upmost importance.

Marcus Evans invites you to attend our 8th Annual Anti-Corruption & FCPA Conference. Hear from leading executives within various industries on how to identify new areas of concern when dealing with bribery or working within a company to update an anti-corruption compliance program.

Attending this event will allow you to learn how to mitigate the effects of any possible instances of corruption and bribery both at home and abroad. Discuss solutions and best practices that companies have found when dealing with their anti-corruption compliance programs. This conference will not only review the newest enforcement cases, but also highlight practical solutions to problems dealing with FCPA and global anti-corruption measures.

Attending this conference will allow you to:

-Overcome the issues in dealing and conducting an internal investigation with Dell
-Identify anti-corruption liability concerns for US companies when engaging in Joint Ventures and Mergers and Acquisitions with Crane Co.
-Perform anti-corruption audits to better identify gaps in the compliance program with SojitzCorporation of America
a culture of ethics within an organization to combat non-compliance with Morgan Stanley
 the continued challenges in conducting a 3rd party due diligence program with Parker Drilling

The marcus evans 8th Annual Anti-Corruption & FCPA Conference is a highly intensive, content-driven event that includes, workshops, presentations and panel discussions, over three days. This conference aims to bring together heads, VP’s, directors, chief compliance officers, and in-house counsel in order to provide an intimate atmosphere for both delegates and speakers.

This is not a trade show; our 8th Annual Anti-Corruption & FCPA Conference is targeted at a focused group of senior level executives to maintain an intimate atmosphere for the delegates and speakers. Since we are not a vendor driven conference, the higher level focus allows delegates to network with their industry peers.

8th Annual FCPA & Anti-Corruption Compliance Conference

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming 8th FCPA & Anti-Corruption Compliance Conference:

8th FCPA and Anti-Corruption Compliance Conference
Identifying Changes to the Global Anti-Corruption Compliance Landscape to Maintain and Upgrade Your Existing Compliance Program

Event Date: 12-14 Jun 2012
Location: Washington, DC, USA

Beyond dealing with the FCPA and UK Bribery Act, there are upcoming changes to global Anti-Compliance initiatives being enacted by other major countries. It is imperative that organizations are made aware of these new rules and regulations to be able to meld them all into their organization’s anti-corruption compliance program. Maintaining a robust global compliance program along with performing proper and detailed 3rd party due diligence is of the upmost importance.

Marcus Evans invites you to attend our 8th Annual Anti-Corruption & FCPA Conference. Hear from leading executives within various industries on how to identify new areas of concern when dealing with bribery or working within a company to update an anti-corruption compliance program.

Attending this event will allow you to learn how to mitigate the effects of any possible instances of corruption and bribery both at home and abroad. Discuss solutions and best practices that companies have found when dealing with their anti-corruption compliance programs. This conference will not only review the newest enforcement cases, but also highlight practical solutions to problems dealing with FCPA and global anti-corruption measures.

Attending this conference will allow you to:

-Overcome the issues in dealing and conducting an internal investigation with Dell
-Identify anti-corruption liability concerns for US companies when engaging in Joint Ventures and Mergers and Acquisitions with Crane Co.
-Perform anti-corruption audits to better identify gaps in the compliance program with SojitzCorporation of America
a culture of ethics within an organization to combat non-compliance with Morgan Stanley
 the continued challenges in conducting a 3rd party due diligence program with Parker Drilling

The marcus evans 8th Annual Anti-Corruption & FCPA Conference is a highly intensive, content-driven event that includes, workshops, presentations and panel discussions, over three days. This conference aims to bring together heads, VP’s, directors, chief compliance officers, and in-house counsel in order to provide an intimate atmosphere for both delegates and speakers.

This is not a trade show; our 8th Annual Anti-Corruption & FCPA Conference is targeted at a focused group of senior level executives to maintain an intimate atmosphere for the delegates and speakers. Since we are not a vendor driven conference, the higher level focus allows delegates to network with their industry peers.

8th Annual FCPA & Anti-Corruption Compliance Conference

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming 8th FCPA & Anti-Corruption Compliance Conference:

8th FCPA and Anti-Corruption Compliance Conference
Identifying Changes to the Global Anti-Corruption Compliance Landscape to Maintain and Upgrade Your Existing Compliance Program

Event Date: 12-14 Jun 2012
Location: Washington, DC, USA

Beyond dealing with the FCPA and UK Bribery Act, there are upcoming changes to global Anti-Compliance initiatives being enacted by other major countries. It is imperative that organizations are made aware of these new rules and regulations to be able to meld them all into their organization’s anti-corruption compliance program. Maintaining a robust global compliance program along with performing proper and detailed 3rd party due diligence is of the upmost importance.

Marcus Evans invites you to attend our 8th Annual Anti-Corruption & FCPA Conference. Hear from leading executives within various industries on how to identify new areas of concern when dealing with bribery or working within a company to update an anti-corruption compliance program.

Attending this event will allow you to learn how to mitigate the effects of any possible instances of corruption and bribery both at home and abroad. Discuss solutions and best practices that companies have found when dealing with their anti-corruption compliance programs. This conference will not only review the newest enforcement cases, but also highlight practical solutions to problems dealing with FCPA and global anti-corruption measures.

Attending this conference will allow you to:

-Overcome the issues in dealing and conducting an internal investigation with Dell
-Identify anti-corruption liability concerns for US companies when engaging in Joint Ventures and Mergers and Acquisitions with Crane Co.
-Perform anti-corruption audits to better identify gaps in the compliance program with SojitzCorporation of America
a culture of ethics within an organization to combat non-compliance with Morgan Stanley
 the continued challenges in conducting a 3rd party due diligence program with Parker Drilling

The marcus evans 8th Annual Anti-Corruption & FCPA Conference is a highly intensive, content-driven event that includes, workshops, presentations and panel discussions, over three days. This conference aims to bring together heads, VP’s, directors, chief compliance officers, and in-house counsel in order to provide an intimate atmosphere for both delegates and speakers.

This is not a trade show; our 8th Annual Anti-Corruption & FCPA Conference is targeted at a focused group of senior level executives to maintain an intimate atmosphere for the delegates and speakers. Since we are not a vendor driven conference, the higher level focus allows delegates to network with their industry peers.

8th Annual FCPA & Anti-Corruption Compliance Conference

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming 8th FCPA & Anti-Corruption Compliance Conference:


8th FCPA and Anti-Corruption Compliance Conference
Identifying Changes to the Global Anti-Corruption Compliance Landscape to Maintain and Upgrade Your Existing Compliance Program

Event Date: 12-14 Jun 2012
Location: Washington, DC, USA


Beyond dealing with the FCPA and UK Bribery Act, there are upcoming changes to global Anti-Compliance initiatives being enacted by other major countries. It is imperative that organizations are made aware of these new rules and regulations to be able to meld them all into their organization’s anti-corruption compliance program. Maintaining a robust global compliance program along with performing proper and detailed 3rd party due diligence is of the upmost importance.

Marcus Evans invites you to attend our 8th Annual Anti-Corruption & FCPA Conference. Hear from leading executives within various industries on how to identify new areas of concern when dealing with bribery or working within a company to update an anti-corruption compliance program.

Attending this event will allow you to learn how to mitigate the effects of any possible instances of corruption and bribery both at home and abroad. Discuss solutions and best practices that companies have found when dealing with their anti-corruption compliance programs. This conference will not only review the newest enforcement cases, but also highlight practical solutions to problems dealing with FCPA and global anti-corruption measures.

Attending this conference will allow you to:

-Overcome the issues in dealing and conducting an internal investigation with Dell
-Identify anti-corruption liability concerns for US companies when engaging in Joint Ventures and Mergers and Acquisitions with Crane Co.
-Perform anti-corruption audits to better identify gaps in the compliance program with SojitzCorporation of America
a culture of ethics within an organization to combat non-compliance with Morgan Stanley
 the continued challenges in conducting a 3rd party due diligence program with Parker Drilling

The marcus evans 8th Annual Anti-Corruption & FCPA Conference is a highly intensive, content-driven event that includes, workshops, presentations and panel discussions, over three days. This conference aims to bring together heads, VP’s, directors, chief compliance officers, and in-house counsel in order to provide an intimate atmosphere for both delegates and speakers.

This is not a trade show; our 8th Annual Anti-Corruption & FCPA Conference is targeted at a focused group of senior level executives to maintain an intimate atmosphere for the delegates and speakers. Since we are not a vendor driven conference, the higher level focus allows delegates to network with their industry peers.


Liability for inside bridge rounds?

The National Law Review recently published an article by Michael D. DiSanto of Dinsmore & Shohl LLP regarding Inside Bridge rounds and their liability:

Imagine for a moment that you are the CEO of a venture-backed technology or services startup. The company is in the midst of a round of funding, and it is taking longer than anticipated for whatever reason. The cash coffers are unnervingly low, with payroll or other normal monthly expenses right around the corner.

Or maybe the situation is something different. Maybe the company isn’t a technology or services company at all. Maybe it is a manufacturing company and the first big order has just arrived. The company needs to lay out a pile of cash to scale up its team or otherwise secure the necessary raw materials to fulfill the order.

Whatever the case may be, who is the first person the CEO typically calls to alleviate the temporary cash crisis? That is an easy one. The CEO almost always reaches out to the member of the board of directors that represents the private equity fund that typically demonstrates the most support for the company. The conversation typically lasts a few minutes, as the pair hammer out standard (or maybe not so standard) terms for a bridge loan, and the cash coffers are reloaded a few short days later.

Problem solved, right? Not necessarily.

The company’s short-term cash flow problem is solved. Yet, in at least one part of the country, the venture capital funds funding the bridge loans and the director designees approving the transaction could face liability for a breach of the duty of loyalty, if the transaction does not pass the “entire fairness” test.

Did that grab your attention? It certainly grabbed mine.

The Seventh Circuit issued an opinion that, if adopted by California and Delaware, could turn the common practice of inside bridge loans on its head.

The facts of the case probably sound all too familiar to anyone involved with technology startups during the so-called “bubble burst” in 2000 and the global economic crisis that kicked into high gear in late 2008. Cadant was a technology startup incorporated under the laws of Delaware and backed by an investor syndicate lead by two well known venture funds —Venrock and J.P. Morgan. Cadant was facing dire straits in the fall of 2000. Unable to complete a round of preferred stock financing, Cadant sought a bridge loan from an outside investor group, as well as an inside proposal from Venrock and J.P. Morgan.

In late January 2001, the VCs funded an $11 million bridge loan at 10 percent interest and 90-day maturity. Cadant burned through those funds in no time, so the company went back to the deep pockets of its investor syndicate and raised another $9 million bridge from the VCs. This time, however, the bridge included a two-times liquidation preference and the published court opinion makes no mention about seeking a competing proposal.

The Cadant board at the time of both transactions consisted of seven directors. Four were designees of the VCs. The other three were “engineers without financial acumen” who were basically “at the mercy of the financial advice” they received from the four VC designees. The board reportedly relied on Eric Copeland, one of its directors and a Venrock principal, to negotiate the terms of the two bridge loans, despite the fact that Copeland had a clear conflict of interest.

The rest of the story isn’t difficult to predict. Cadant ultimately defaulted on both bridge loans and agreed to sell all of its assets for stock then valued at approximately $55 million. That amount was completely consumed by the liquidation preference of the preferred stockholders and the company’s outstanding debt. The common holders received nothing. Bankruptcy ensued and a liquidating trust brought suit against the VC funds and their director designees.

The Seventh Circuit held that a decision by VC representatives on a board to approve a loan was essentially self-dealing that could not be cured by a vote of majority of the disinterested directors where the interested directors set the terms of the deal. The deal, therefore, had to be evaluated under the entire fairness doctrine, which could raise liability questions when distressed companies do not go out and shop the offer to get a market check as to the fairness of the terms. Note also that the VC funds, while not owing a fiduciary to shareholders directly, faced liability under an aiding and abetting theory.

This opinion seems to be at odds with Delaware law that appears on its face to allow a majority of disinterested directors to approve the deal so long as it was fully and fairly disclosed. Note that the court applied Delaware law due to the internal affairs doctrine, since the company was incorporated in Delaware.

Courts outside of the Seventh Circuit are obviously not bound by this decision. But Judge Posner, the man who authored the opinion, is one of the most well respected and widely cited members of any judiciary. If the Delaware Chancery Court adopts a similar position on the issue, it could result in a dramatically change in the appetite for VCs to fund quick inside bridge rounds for distressed portfolio companies hoping to create some breathing room ahead of an equity round or exit.

What’s the BIG deal?

Judge Posner’s opinion won’t likely have a chilling effect on inside bridge rounds for Delaware corporations, nor should it. Instead, it should serve as a bit of a wakeup call companies and investors shooting from the hip when it comes to inside bridge rounds.

Two practice points jump off the pages of the opinion. First, directors should think twice before sitting on both sides of the negotiation table when a CEO comes asking for a bridge loan. Had one of the non-VC designees negotiated the terms with the VCs in this case, the case might not have survived a motion to dismiss.

Second, boards should be prepared to defend inside bridges under the “entire fairness” test. Performing some semblance of a market check, if possible, is one way to help avoid liability. You know what they say – the more the merrier when it comes to competing proposals.

It will be interesting to see if Delaware and other jurisdictions ultimately decide to adopt Judge Posner’s approach to dealing with inside bridge rounds.

© 2012 Dinsmore & Shohl LLP.

Finally the Final … 408(b)(2) Regulation

Recently The National Law Review published an article by Fred Reish and Bruce L. Ashton of Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP regarding The DOL Service Provider Fee Disclosure Regulations:

The Department of Labor (DOL) has issued the long-anticipated final service provider fee disclosure regulation (the “408(b)(2) regulation”). (A complete copy of the final regulation and its preamble is at In this Alert, we describe what the amendment says; in a subsequent piece, we will explain the impact on various service providers.

>   The extension of the compliance date from April 1, 2012 to July 1, 2012

>   The fact that service providers are not required to provide a summary of the disclosures, though the DOL provided a sample “guide” that is not mandatory

>   The addition of the requirement to describe the arrangement between the service provider and the payer of indirect compensation

>   Limited relief for disclosures for brokerage accounts and similar arrangements

>   Clarification that electronic disclosure of the disclosures is permitted

>   Relief from the disclosure requirements for “frozen” 403(b) contracts

>   The requirement that plan sponsors terminate the relationship with a service provider who fails or refuses to provide information on request


The 408(b)(2) regulation requires most service providers to retirement plans – including pension, profit sharing, 401(k) and 403(b) plans subject to ERISA – to make written disclosure of their services, fiduciary and/or RIA status and total compensation. The regulation was first proposed in 2007, was issued as an “interim final” regulation in July 2010 and has now been finalized with today’s release.

In light of its “interim final” status, it had been widely anticipated that amendments to the regulation would be issued; and the DOL invited comments on several issues in the 2010 release. In August of this year, the DOL publicly announced that it was working on an amendment and as a result extended the compliance date. Now, in issuing the final rule, the compliance date has once again been extended, though for only three months (i.e., July 1, 2012). Given the scope of some of the changes, this may not be sufficient time for covered service providers to develop and disseminate the required information on an orderly basis…which could result in errors.

Because of the delayed compliance date, some service providers have deferred starting the process of preparing the forms and creating the systems needed to comply with the disclosure requirements. Some did so to avoid having to make changes and others may have hoped for a more extended delay. That is not going to happen, and service providers should circle July 1, 2012 (barely five months away) on their calendars to make sure they are in full compliance by that date for existing clients and that they are prepared to comply with advance disclosures for any new clients.

The Final Regulation

The most important changes in the newly released amendment are:

  • Covered Plan – The definition of covered plan now excludes annuity contracts and custodial accounts in 403(b) plans that were issued to employees before January 1, 2009, where no additional contributions have been made and the contract is fully vested and enforceable by the employee.
  • Indirect Compensation – The final regulation has made a fairly significant change in the disclosure of indirect compensation (that is, compensation received from a source other than the plan or plan sponsor). The disclosure must now include both identification of the payer and a description of the arrangement between the payer and the covered service provider, affiliate or subcontractor pursuant to which the indirect compensation is paid. There is limited relief for disclosures related to brokerage accounts and similar arrangements.
  • Investment Information – The regulation modifies the information that must be provided by recordkeepers and others to better track the disclosures required in the participant disclosure regulation. It also adds a requirement to disclose information that is within the control of (or reasonably available to) the covered service provider and that is required for the plan administrator to comply with the participant disclosure regulation.
  • Form of Disclosure – There was speculation that the DOL would require service providers to include a summary of the disclosures and a “roadmap” for finding the disclosures in the documents provided. It did not do so and has indicated that it will be issuing a proposed rule regarding a summary or roadmap (now referred to as a “guide”) requirement in the future. In the meantime, the DOL did provide a sample guide that may, but is not required, to be used. That said, in the preamble, the DOL states, “Similarly, to the extent a responsible plan fiduciary experiences difficulty finding and reviewing the required disclosures in lengthy, technical, or multiple disclosure documents received from a covered service provider pursuant to the requirements of the final rule, the fiduciary should consider requesting assistance from the covered service provider, for example, discussing with the covered service provider the feasibility and cost of using the attached sample guide.”
  • Manner of Delivery – The final regulation clarifies that nothing in the regulation limits the ability to use electronic media.
  • Change Notice – The interim final regulation required that changes in the information previously provided had to be given to the responsible plan fiduciary not later than 60 days after the service provider becomes aware of it. This “update requirement” applied to all disclosures, including investment-related information. The final rule changes this requirement to say that the deadline for disclosure of investment-related information is “at least annually.” In other words, for this type of information, the updating requirement is now annual.
  • Reporting and Disclosure Response – The interim final rule required a service provider to give information necessary for a plan administrator to comply with the plan’s reporting and disclosure requirements under ERISA within 60 days after a written request. This has been changed to say that the information must be provided (in response to a written request) reasonably in advance of when the plan administrator must comply with its reporting obligation.
  • Compensation Definition – The final regulation amends the definition of compensation to permit a service provider to provide a “reasonable and good faith” estimate of compensation if it is not otherwise readily able to describe its compensation, though the covered service provider in this case is also required to explain the methods and assumptions used for the estimate.
  • Plan Fiduciary Relief – The regulation provides an exemption for plan fiduciaries if the service provider fails to provide required disclosures so long as various requirements are met. The exemption originally stated that if the service provider failed to provide the information upon request, the plan fiduciary was required to consider whether to continue the relationship with the service provider. The final rule now requires the plan fiduciary to terminate the relationship if the service provider fails to provide requested information relating to future services.

Finally, the compliance effective date for the participant disclosures has also been pushed back. For calendar year plans, the initial disclosures of plan and investment information must be provided by August 30, 2012, and the first quarterly expense statement is required by November 14, 2012 (covering the third quarter).

We will be discussing the impact of the changes and the compliance issues in a month or so in another, more detailed bulletin. However, we wanted to get this information to you as quickly as possible.

©2012 Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP

White Collar Crime

The National Law Review would like to advise you of the upcoming White Collar Crime conference sponsored by the ABA Center for CLE and Criminal Justice SectionGeneral Practice,  &   Solo and Small Firm Division:

Event Information


February 29 – March 02, 2012


  • Eden Roc Renaissance Miami Beach
  • 4525 Collins Ave
  • Miami Beach, FL, 33140-3226
  • United States of America
Primary Sponsors
  • Highlight

The faculty includes some of the leading white collar lawyers in the United States.  The keynote panels for the 2012 program will continue to focus on the role of ethics and corporate compliance in today’s business environment.

  • Program Description

Each year the National Institute brings together judges, federal, state, and local prosecutors, law enforcement officials, defense attorneys, corporate in-house counsel, and members of the academic community.  The attendees include experienced litigators, as well as attorneys new to the white collar area.  Attendees have consistently given the Institute high ratings for the exceptional quality of the Institute’s publication, its valuable updates on new developments and strategies, as well as the rare opportunity it provides to meet colleagues in this field, renew acquaintances and exchange ideas.

The faculty includes some of the leading white collar lawyers in the United States.  The keynote panels for the 2012 program will continue to focus on the role of ethics and corporate compliance in today’s business environment.  Once again, we expect excellent representation from the corporate sector.

  • CLE Information

ABA programs ordinarily receive Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit in AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, DE, FL, GA, GU, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, ME, MN, MS, MO, MT, NH, NM, NV, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, VI, WA, WI, WV, and WY. These states sometimes do not approve a program for credit before the program occurs. This course is expected to qualify for 11.0 CLE credit hours (including TBD ethics hours) in 60-minute-hour states, and 13.2 credit hours (including TBD ethics hours) in 50-minute-hour states. This transitional program is approved for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys in NY. Click here for more details on CLE credit for this program.

The Inside Job: Can Employees Walk Out The Door With Your Company's IP?

Recently in The National Law Review was an article by Katie L. ClarkRohan Massey, and Hiroshi Sheraton of McDermott Will & Emery regarding IP Security:

With the economic downturn forcing redundancies, most employers are aware that the Q1 period brings an increase in employee movement. But have employers considered how much value could be walking out the door when an employee leaves? In today’s “knowledge economy”, businesses increasingly understand the value of intangible assets in the form of information.  Yet few businesses give thought to how and where those assets reside, or consider how much can be lost or passed to a competitor when employees move on.

The ease with which knowledge can be taken by employees has increased exponentially in recent times.  USB drives are now large enough to store literally millions of documents and cloud computing can provide limitless secure storage.  The increase in remote working also allows employees to download your documents and information in the privacy of their own homes.

There is also a growing international market for transferable knowledge, making the temptation even greater for employees to maximise their value to their new employer.  Emerging economies, with different laws, regulations, and cultural values, provide a ready market into which intellectual capital can be dispersed.

This issue affects every industry.  A number of high profile cases in the United States and China have seen former employees jailed for theft of trade secrets relating to consumer electronics and financial trading software, but every business has a wealth of internal knowledge that is used to give it a competitive advantage over its rivals.  Business plans, presentations, strategies, customer lists, market positioning, and protocols and procedures are all valuable assets that can find their way to new employers.

Most worryingly, this movement of information is not confined to “rogue” employees.  Many salespeople will claim that their address books of contacts belong to them, not to their employer.  Each type and level of employee and each type of business is likely to have a different understanding of what belongs to the company.  In addition, international cultural differences play an enormous role in determining where employees perceive the boundary to be between legitimate and illicit use of information.

So, how do you distinguish between what an employee is free to take away and what should remain with the business before it’s too late?  What procedures should be in place to maximise the intangible value retained by the business when employees move?  To what extent do data protection and privacy laws permit monitoring of employees’ activities?  What procedures are available when employees are suspected of taking valuable information and/or passing it to competitors?

In 2012, McDermott will be running a number of IP- and employment-focused seminars to provide an overview of how intellectual property and employment laws can help your company to protect it, and the policies and procedures that can be used to mitigate value walking out the door.

© 2012 McDermott Will & Emery

White Collar Crime

The National Law Review would like to advise you of the upcoming White Collar Crime conference sponsored by the ABA Center for CLE and Criminal Justice SectionGeneral Practice,  &   Solo and Small Firm Division:

Event Information


February 29 – March 02, 2012


  • Eden Roc Renaissance Miami Beach
  • 4525 Collins Ave
  • Miami Beach, FL, 33140-3226
  • United States of America
Primary Sponsors
  • Highlight

The faculty includes some of the leading white collar lawyers in the United States.  The keynote panels for the 2012 program will continue to focus on the role of ethics and corporate compliance in today’s business environment.

  • Program Description

Each year the National Institute brings together judges, federal, state, and local prosecutors, law enforcement officials, defense attorneys, corporate in-house counsel, and members of the academic community.  The attendees include experienced litigators, as well as attorneys new to the white collar area.  Attendees have consistently given the Institute high ratings for the exceptional quality of the Institute’s publication, its valuable updates on new developments and strategies, as well as the rare opportunity it provides to meet colleagues in this field, renew acquaintances and exchange ideas.

The faculty includes some of the leading white collar lawyers in the United States.  The keynote panels for the 2012 program will continue to focus on the role of ethics and corporate compliance in today’s business environment.  Once again, we expect excellent representation from the corporate sector.

  • CLE Information

ABA programs ordinarily receive Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit in AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, DE, FL, GA, GU, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, ME, MN, MS, MO, MT, NH, NM, NV, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, TN, TX, UT, VT, VA, VI, WA, WI, WV, and WY. These states sometimes do not approve a program for credit before the program occurs. This course is expected to qualify for 11.0 CLE credit hours (including TBD ethics hours) in 60-minute-hour states, and 13.2 credit hours (including TBD ethics hours) in 50-minute-hour states. This transitional program is approved for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys in NY. Click here for more details on CLE credit for this program.