IRS Guidance on Employment and Income Tax Refunds on Same-Sex Spouse Benefits


Employers extending benefit coverage to employees’ same-sex spouses and partners should review their payroll procedures to ensure that such coverages are properly taxed for federal income and FICA tax purposes.  Employers also should review the options in Notice 2013-61 and consider filing claims for refunds or adjustments of FICA overpayments.

Employers that provided health and other welfare plan benefits to employees’ same-sex spouses prior to the Supreme Court of the United States’ June 2013 ruling in U.S. v. Windsor may be interested in filing claims for refunds or adjustments of overpayments in federal employment taxes on such benefits.  To reduce some of the administrative complexity of filing such claims, the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently issued Notice 2013-61, which outlines several optional procedures that employers can use for overpayments in 2013 and prior years.

String of pearls and champagne glass with wedding rings

In Windsor, the Supreme Court ruled Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional.  Section 3 of DOMA had provided that, for purposes of all federal laws, the word “marriage” means “only a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife,” and the word “spouse” refers “only to a person of the opposite-sex who is a husband or wife.”

Federal Taxation of Same-Sex Spouse Benefits

The Windsor ruling thus extends favorable federal tax treatment of spousal benefit coverage to same-sex spouses.  The IRS issued guidance in July clarifying that this tax treatment would extend to all same-sex couples legally married in any jurisdiction with laws authorizing same-sex marriage, regardless of whether the couple resides in a state where same-sex marriage is recognized.  This IRS approach recognizing same-sex marriages based on the “state of celebration” took effect September 16, 2013.

Prior to the ruling, an employer that provided coverage such as medical, dental or vision to an employee’s same-sex spouse was required to impute the fair market value of the coverage as income to the employee that was subject to federal income tax (unless the same-sex spouse qualified as the employee’s “dependent” as defined by the Internal Revenue Code).  The employer was required to withhold federal payroll taxes from the imputed amount, including federal income and the employee’s Social Security and Medicare (collectively FICA) taxes.  In addition, employers paid their own share of FICA taxes on the imputed amount, as well as unemployment (FUTA).

As a result of the ruling, an employee enrolling a same-sex spouse for benefit coverage under an employer-sponsored health plan no longer has imputed income for federal income tax purposes; may pay for the spouse’s coverage using pre-tax contributions under cafeteria plans; and may take tax-free reimbursements from flexible spending accounts (FSAs), health reimbursement accounts (HRAs) and health savings accounts (HSAs) to pay for the same-sex spouse’s qualifying medical expenses.  This same favorable federal tax treatment does not extend to employer-provided benefits for an unmarried same-sex partner, unless the same-sex partner qualifies as the employee’s dependent.

Overpayments of Employment Taxes in 2013

Employers that overpaid both federal income and FICA tax in 2013 as a result of income imputed to employees for benefit coverage for a same-sex spouse may use the following optional administrative procedures for the year:

  • Employers may use the fourth quarter 2013 Form 941 (Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return) to correct overpayments of employment taxes for the first three quarters of 2013.  This option is available only if employees have been repaid or reimbursed for over-collection of FICA and federal income taxes by December 31, 2013.

Alternatively, employers may follow regular IRS procedures to correct an overpayment in FICA taxes by filing a separate Form 941-X for each quarter in 2013.  Notice 2013-61 provides detailed instructions for each of the alternative options, including how to complete the Form 941, as well as Form 941-X, which requires “WINDSOR” in dark, bold letters across the top margin of page one.

Overpayments of FICA Taxes in Prior Years

Employers that overpaid FICA taxes in prior years as a result of imputed income for same-sex spousal benefit coverage may make a claim or adjustment for all four calendar quarters of a calendar year on one Form 941-X filed for the fourth quarter of such year if the period of limitations on such refunds has not expired and, in the case of adjustments, the period of limitations will not expire within 90 days of filing the adjusted return.  Alternatively, employers may use regular procedures to make such claims or adjustments.  The regular procedures require filing a Form 941-X for each calendar quarter for which a refund claim or adjustment is made.  Note that under the alternative procedure provided by Notice 2013-61 or under the regular procedure, filing of a Form 941-X requires either employee consents, or repayment or reimbursements, as well as amended Form W-2s to reflect the correct amount of taxable wages.

Employee Overpayments of Federal Income Taxes

Employers who provided benefits to employees’ same-sex spouses in 2013 may adjust the amount of reported federally taxable income on each employee’s Form W-2 (Wage and Tax Statement) to exclude any income imputed on the fair market value of the coverage and to permit the employee to pay for the coverage on a pre-tax basis.

Employees who overpaid federal income taxes in prior years as a result of same-sex spouse benefit coverage may claim a refund by filing an amended federal tax return for any open tax year.  Refunds are available for overpayments resulting from income imputed on the fair market value of the coverage and from premiums paid on an after-tax basis for the coverage.  An amended tax return generally may be filed from the later of three years from the date the return was filed or two years from the date the tax was paid.

Employers that file Form 941-X are required to file Form W-2c (Corrected Wage and Tax Statement) to show the correct—in this case reduced—wages.  Employers that do not file Form 941-X may want to begin preparing for employee requests for a Form W-2c for each open tax year in which benefit coverage was offered to employees’ same-sex spouses.

Next Steps

Employers extending benefit coverage to employees’ same-sex spouses and partners should carefully review their payroll processes and procedures to ensure that such coverages are now properly taxed for federal income and FICA tax purposes.  In addition, employers should review the options in Notice 2013-61, and consider filing claims for refunds or adjustments of overpayments of FICA taxes for any prior open tax years and issuing Form W-2c to allow employees to claim refunds of federal income tax.  Most importantly, by acting promptly, employers can correct the 2013 over-withholdings for both FICA and federal income tax and overpayment of the employer portion of FICA tax, without the necessity and burden of filing a Form 941-X.

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Michigan Right to Work – What’s the Effect: A Data Point


How Michigan’s Right to Work law would ultimately impact union dues payer rolls has been a topic of some debate. Now we have a data point, but it may not tell the whole story.

Michigan’s Right to Work law became effective March 28, 2013. The law gives employees the right to choose to join and/or financially support a union. In other words, it allows employees to retain the representational benefits of their union representation without paying dues. If an employee elects not to pay dues, the employee’s union still must represent the employee with respect to grievances and arbitration. Unions refer to this as “freeloading.”

There has been much speculation about what impact the passage of Michigan’s law would have on the number of dues paying members. Today, an article in the Detroit News reported that, according to the Michigan Education Association, Michigan’s 150,000 member teachers union, only 1 percent of its members have elected to exercise their rights under the Right to Work law and stop paying dues.


This, however, likely only tells part of the story because the law does not impact union security provisions in contracts that have not yet expired and some contracts were “rush-renewed” to ensure that they would not be impacted by Right to Work for several more years.

In addition, the Right to Work law did not impact union “check off” provisions which are often tied to a card that is signed by a union member and authorizes the employer to deduct dues from the member’s paycheck and send them to the union. Such cards can serve as an impediment to a member desiring to stop paying dues because they can be irrevocable for a period of time, even if the employee revokes his or her union membership. These agreements, which can be irrevocable for up to a year under federal law, are a hurdle that trip up many employees trying to end dues payments immediately. However, while certain restrictions on dues check off authorizations have been approved under federal law, it is unclear whether the Michigan Employment Relations Commission (MERC) will find such restrictions lawful or violative of Michigan’s Right to Work law.

The point is, MEA’s 1 percent report is only one data point; it will take a lot longer to tell the impact on the number of dues paying members in the MEA and other unions.

See all our previous Right to Work coverage here.

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Shutdown Closes National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Operations

Barnes & Thornburg

As a result of the federal government shutdown, yesterday NLRB operations ground to a halt. Many practitioners and employers during the a.m. hours received contact from Board Agents and Board Lawyers indicating that pending investigations, petition processing and the like were on hold until after the shutdown ends.

The Board’s “Shutdown Plan” indicates that 1,600 of the Board’s 1,611 staff have been furloughed. All regional offices are closed and the only remaining staff are located in the Board’s main office in D.C. Even the Board’s website was shutdown and the resources posted online, including all Board cases, memos, and other guidance, became unavailable. Instead, visitors to the Board’s website were redirected to a landing page explaining “The National Labor Relations Board is currently closed due to a lapse in appropriated funds.”

government shutdown NLRB national labor relations board

The full effect of the shutdown on new and on-going NLRB cases is not completely clear.  The Federal Register Notice on the effect of the closure states that an extension of time to file any documents is granted sua sponte for all affected parties through the end of the shutdown.  However, the Board cannot grant extensions of time to the six-month statute of limitations in Section 10(b) of the National Labor Relations Act that applies to unfair labor practice charges.  The Federal Register Notice states that “the operation of Section 10(b) during an interruption in the Board’s normal operations is uncertain” and encourages effected parties to file their charges via fax, although they will presumably not be processed until after the shutdown concludes.  The Board’s website does provide that actions necessary “to prevent an imminent threat to the safety of human life or the protection of property may be undertaken” during the shutdown, although it is not clear what NLRB actions, if any, would fall into this category.

All ALJ hearings scheduled for this week have been postponed indefinitely, as well as all elections and election hearings scheduled through October 11. The Federal Register Notice provides that if the shutdown continues, additional hearings and elections will be postponed as well. Like the rest of the country affected by the shutdown, all practitioners and employers with business in front of the Board can do now is wait it out.

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Recent Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Decision Might Signal Broadening of the ADA’s Accommodation Provisions

Poyner Spruill

The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit recently held that accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are not limited to job modifications that enable an employee to perform essential job functions.  In Feist v. Louisiana, a former assistant attorney general for the Louisiana Department of Justice (LDOJ) sued the LDOJ claiming that it discriminated against her in violation of the ADA by declining to provide her with a free on-site parking space to accommodate her disability (osteoarthritis of the knee).  Siding with the employer, the trial court dismissed the case holding that the plaintiff failed to explain how the denial of on-site parking limited her ability to perform “the essential functions” of her job.

The Court of Appeals reversed the trial court’s decision, holding that the text of the ADA does not indicate that an accommodation must facilitate the essential functions of an employee’s position.  The court also relied on federal regulations (which the LDOJ argued were not entitled to deference) which provide that reasonable accommodations may include modifications or adjustments that enable a covered entity’s employee with a disability to enjoy equal benefits and privileges of employment as are enjoyed by its other employees without disabilities.  The court did not express an opinion on whether the employee’s request for a free on-site parking space was “reasonable” under the ADA, but left that determination to the trial court on remand.

This case may indicate a willingness of courts in future cases to broaden the scope of accommodations beyond what employers currently believe are required by the ADA.  Until more courts weigh in on the question, employers should tread carefully and seek legal counsel when responding to requests for accommodations that seem unrelated to an employee’s ability to perform his or her job functions.


The IRS/Treasury Department Announcement & Estate Planning Ruling Re: Same-Sex Marriage

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On August 29, 2013, the Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS“) issued Revenue Ruling 2013-17. The ruling establishes that the IRS will recognize same-sex marriages for all federal tax purposes regardless of where the couple lives, as long as the couple was married in a jurisdiction that recognizes such marriages. So, for example, if a couple was married in Connecticut (a recognizing state), but now live in Kentucky (a non-recognizing state), they will receive the same federal tax treatment as heterosexual couples residing in Kentucky. The ruling clarifies that a “state of celebration” approach will be used versus a “state of residence” rule. Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew says the decision “[a]ssures legally married same-sex couples that they can move freely throughout the country knowing that their federal filing status will not change.” It is important to note that, according to the ruling, “marriage” does not include a registered domestic partnership, civil union or other similar arrangement. The ruling applies to all federal tax provisions where marriage is a factor, including: filing status, estate tax exemptions, personal and dependency exemptions, the standard marriage deduction, IRA contributions, earned income tax credits and employee benefits.

The ruling came on the heels of the Supreme Court’s June 2013 decision in United States v. Windsor and is meant to address some of the confusion that Windsor left in its wake. As background, before Congress enacted the Defense of Marriage Act (“DOMA“), marital status for federal income tax purposes was defined by state law. Section 3 of DOMA banned same-sex couples from being recognized as “spouses” for all federal law purposes. Windsor ruled Section 3 of DOMA unconstitutional; however, the decision did not require states to recognize same-sex marriages. Thus, since June, state and federal agencies have been wondering how to deal with same-sex marriages in non-recognizing states. With the Revenue Ruling, much-needed guidance has arrived.

From the estate planning perspective, there are now several more options that same-sex couples can use to their advantage. First, same-sex spouses are now eligible for the marital deduction, which means that they may transfer as much as they want to their spouse (in life and in death) without incurring federal estate or gift tax, provided that the recipient spouse is a U.S. citizen.

Another benefit is the use of “gift-splitting.” Any individual can give up to $14,000 each year to as many people as they choose without incurring gift tax. Heterosexual spouses, and now same-sex spouses, can combine their $14,000 to jointly give $28,000 to individuals tax-free.

Same-sex spouses will also now get to take advantage of an estate planning tool known as “portability.” Portability allows a widow or widower to use any unused estate tax exclusions (capped at $5.25 million for 2013) of their spouse who died in addition to their own. The unused exclusion must be transferred to the surviving spouse and an estate tax return must be filed (by the executor) within nine months of the spouse’s death, even if no tax is due.

The ruling also has a myriad of other implications for taxes and employee benefits that should be carefully considered by same-sex couples. There are still lingering questions about how other agencies, such as the Social Security Administration, will address benefits post-Windsor.

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Who’s GINA and What Should I Know About Her? Re: Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act

McBrayer NEW logo 1-10-13

GINA is not a who, but rather a what. The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (“GINA”) was passed by Congress in 2008. GINA makes it illegal for employers with 15 or more employees to discriminate against employees or applicants on the basis of genetic information. Employers cannot lawfully inquire about (1) an individual’s genetic tests; (2) the genetic tests of an individual’s family members; or, (3) the manifestation of a disease or disorder in the family members of such an individual.

At the end of 2012, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) announced in its Strategic Enforcement Plan that genetic discrimination would be a top priority over the next four years. The EEOC stuck to their word – in May, 2013, the EEOC settled its first lawsuit alleging GINA violations. The suit involved a fabrics distributor, Fabricut, Inc., who allegedly violated the Act by asking a woman for her family medical history in a post-offer medical examination. The company refused to hire the applicant after assessing that she had carpal tunnel syndrome, which led to Americans with Disabilities Act violations as well. The suit was settled for $50,000.

Shortly thereafter, the EEOC filed its second suit against The Founders Pavilion, Inc., a nursing and rehabilitation center. According to the EEOC suit, Founders conducted post-offer medical exams of applicants, which were repeated annually if the person was hired. As part of this exam, Founders requested family medical history, which is a form of information prohibited by GINA.

Employers should ensure that their policies related to employee medical information and any conducted medical exams comply with GINA. In addition, it would be wise for employers to update employee handbooks to state that discrimination on the basis of genetic information is prohibited.

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Mandatory Paid Sick Leave Arrives in New York City


On Thursday, June 27, members of the New York City Council voted to override Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s veto of the City’s Earned Sick Time Act (the Act). New York City thus became the latest (and the most populous) of a growing number of localities – including San Francisco; Washington, DC; Seattle; Portland, ME; and the State of Connecticut – to impose mandatory sick leave obligations on employers.

The NYC Earned Sick Time Act: An Overview

Virtually all private sector employers within the geographic boundaries of New York City are covered by the Act’s provisions. Notable exceptions include a limited number of manufacturing entities, as well as employers whose workers are governed by a collective bargaining agreement that expressly waives the Act’s provisions while at the same time providing those workers with a comparable benefit.

The Act will eventually cover more than one million employees, providing each of them with up to five days of paid leave each year. In its first phase of implementation, currently scheduled to take effect on April 1, 2014, the Act will apply only to those employers that employ 20 or more workers in New York City. The second phase of implementation will begin 18 months later (currently, October 15, 2015), at which time the Act will expand to those employers with at least 15 City-based employees. The Act will require employers with fewer than 15 City-based employees to provide their employees with unpaid, rather than paid, sick time.

New York City-based employees (regardless of whether they are employed on a full- or part-time, temporary or seasonal basis) who work more than 80 hours during a calendar year will accrue paid sick time at a minimum rate of one hour for each 30 hours worked. The Act caps mandatory accrual of paid sick time at 40 hours per calendar year (the equivalent of one five-day workweek). Although the Act provides only for a statutory minimum, employers are free to provide their employees with additional paid time if they so desire. Accrual of paid leave time begins on the first day of employment, but employers may require employees to first work as many as 120 days before permitting them to make use of the time they have accrued.

The Act specifies that employees will be able to use their accrued time for absences from work that occur because of: (1) the employee’s own mental or physical illness, injury or health condition, or the need for the employee to seek preventive medical care; (2) care of a family member in need of such diagnosis, care, treatment or preventive medical care; or (3) closure of the place of business because of a public health emergency, as declared by a public health official, or the employee’s need to care for a child whose school or childcare provider has been closed because of such a declared emergency.

Although the Act allows employees to carry over accrued but unused leave time from year to year, it does not require employers to permit the use of more than 40 hours of paid leave each year. Likewise, it does not require employers to pay out accrued, but unused, sick leave upon an employee’s separation from employment.

Employers that have already implemented paid leave policies – such as policies that provide for paid time off (PTO), personal days and/or vacation – that provide employees with an amount of paid leave time sufficient to meet the Act’s accrual requirements may not be required to provide their employees with anything more once the Act takes effect. As long as an employer’s current policy or policies allow the paid leave in question to be used “for the same purposes and under the same conditions as paid sick leave,” nothing more is necessary.

The Act Requires Proper Notice to Both Employees and Employers

Once the Act is implemented, employers will be required to inform new employees of their rights when they are hired, and will have to post additional notices in the workplace (suitable notices will be made available for download on the Department of Consumer Affairs website). In addition to providing information about the Act’s substantive provisions, employees must also be informed of the Act’s provision against retaliation and how they may lodge a complaint.

Likewise, an employer may require reasonable notice from employees who plan to make use of their accrued time. The Act defines such notice as seven days in the case of a foreseeable situation, and as soon as is practicable when the need for leave could not have been foreseen.

Penalties and Enforcement

The Act will be enforced by the City’s Department of Consumer Affairs. Because the Act contains no private right of action, an employee’s only avenue for redress will be through the Consumer Affairs complaint process. Employees alleging such a violation have 270 days within which to file a complaint. Penalties for its violation are potentially steep; they include: (1) the greater of $250 or three times the wages that should have been paid for each instance of sick time taken; (2) $500 for each instance of paid sick time unlawfully denied to an employee, or for which an employee is unlawfully required to work additional hours without mutual consent; (3) full compensation, including lost wages and benefits, for each instance of unlawful retaliation other than discharge from employment, along with $500 and equitable relief; and (4) $2,500 for each instance of unlawful termination of employment, along with equitable relief (including potential reinstatement).

Employers found to have violated the Act may also face fines from the City of up to $500 for the first violation, $750 for a second violation within two years of the first, and $1,000 for any subsequent violation within two years of the one before. Additionally, employers that willfully fail to provide the required notice of the Act’s substantive provisions will be fined $50 for each employee who did not receive such notice.

The Act, meanwhile, does not prohibit employers from requiring that such an employee provide documentation from a licensed health care professional to demonstrate the necessity for the amount of sick leave taken. Employers are free under the Act to discipline employees, up to and including termination, who take sick leave for an improper purpose. They are prohibited, however, from inquiring as to the nature of an employee’s injury, illness or condition.

Treasury Department Recognizes All Legal Marriages for Tax Purposes

Michael Best Logo

On August 29, 2013, the Treasury Department issued Revenue Ruling 2013-17, Internal Revenue Bulletin 2013-38, which states that same-sex couple legally married in jurisdictions that recognize their marriage will be treated as married for ALL federal tax purposes. As a result, legally married same-sex couples are treated the same as legally married opposite-sex couples for federal tax purposes if the state of ceremony of their marriage recognizes same-sex marriage even if their state of residence does not recognize same-sex marriage.

This Ruling has significant impact for legally married same-sex couples and their tax advisors. However, it does not impact state law rules regarding the definition of marriage and may complicate income tax filings for same-sex couples legally married but living in a state that does not yet recognize their marriage, like Wisconsin and Illinois.

Background Leading Up to the Ruling

The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was enacted by President Clinton in 1996. Section Two of DOMA says states do not have to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states. Section Three of DOMA defined marriage for all federal purposes as only between one man and one woman.

On June 26, 2013, in Windsor v. United States (Windsor), the United States Supreme Court held that Section Three of DOMA was unconstitutional. Therefore, any same-sex married couple that lives in a state that recognizes same-sex marriage is to be treated the same for all purposes as any other married couple, and thereby are entitled to all of the 1,138 rights and privileges under federal law that are granted to married persons, which includes federal tax law.

Section Two of DOMA was unaffected by Windsor. Therefore, a same-sex couple that marries in one of the thirteen states that recognizes same-sex marriage who then moves to one of the thirty-seven states that does not recognize same-sex marriage would not be treated as married if the state of residence determines whether a couples is considered married, as opposed to the state of ceremony determining if a couple is married.

Absent guidance from the Treasury Department, a same-sex couple legally married in a recognition jurisdiction who then move to a state that does not recognize same-sex marriage, would most likely not be treated as married for federal tax law purposes. This is because the majority of federal tax laws are determined by a couple’s state of residence, not the state of ceremony of their marriage.

State of Ceremony Versus State of Residence

Consider the following examples to illustrate Windsor and this Ruling:

Britney and Jason are married in a drive-through chapel by an Elvis impersonator in Las Vegas and then go home to California. Their opposite-sex marriage is recognized for federal tax law purposes in California (and all other states) because California recognizes legal Nevada marriages. Sadly, Britney and Jason’s marriage only lasted 55 hours.

Mitchell and Cam are a same-sex couple married in New York (New York being a state of ceremony that recognizes same-sex marriage) and move back to Milwaukee (Wisconsin being a state of residence that does not recognize same-sex marriage). Prior to the Revenue Ruling, Mitchell and Cam are not married for federal law purposes, even though their marriage would be recognized if they stayed in New York. This is because Article Two of DOMA says that Wisconsin does not have to recognize New York marriages.

After the Revenue Ruling, with an effective date after September 16, 2013, Mitchell and Cam in Wisconsin will be treated as married for federal tax law purposes just like Britney and Jason in California. Mitchell and Cam will be able to utilize all federal tax laws Britney and Jason would be able to utilize (if Britney and Jason had respected the sanctity of their marriage).

Federal Tax Impact of Ruling

As a result of the Revenue Ruling, regardless of a couple’s state of residence, if they are married in a state that legally recognizes their marriage, the couple will be entitled to the following federal tax law benefits (among others): filing status as married filing jointly, claiming personal and dependency exemptions, taking the standard deduction, employee benefits, contributing to an IRA, spousal rollovers of IRA’s, unlimited marital deduction for estate and gift tax purposes, gift tax splitting, and estate tax exemption portability.

The Revenue Ruling does not apply to registered domestic partnerships, civil unions, or similar formal relationships recognized under state law that are not considered “marriage” under state law.

Legally married same-sex couples must file their 2013 income tax returns as either “married filing jointly” or “married filing separately.” They may also, but are not required to, file amended returns for open years (generally 2010, 211, and 2012) to be treated as married for federal tax law purposes.

Also, if an employee purchased health insurance coverage from their employer on an after-tax basis for their same-sex spouse, they may now treat the amounts paid for that coverage as pre-tax and excludable from their income, and file amended returns for a refund for open years. Further, if their employer paid Medicare and Social Security tax on those taxable benefits to the employee, the employer may file for a refund for both the employee and employer portions of those overpayments for open years.

Continuing Issues in Non-Recognition States

As of August 30, 2013, the District of Columbia and thirteen states (California, Connecticut, Delaware, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington) recognize same-sex marriage. Therefore, clients who get married in those states or have employees who get married in those states, but subsequently reside in a non-recognition state, need to be aware of the new federal tax law benefits and obligations.

Even though married same-sex couples may now file as “married filing jointly” for federal income tax purposes, states like Wisconsin and Illinois that do not recognize same-sex marriage would still require those couples to either file as single or as married filing separately on their federal returns. This is because most state income tax forms use federal income tax amounts as the starting point for preparing the state return, and most state returns require the federal return to be attached to the state return. Without further guidance from state tax authorities, this could complicate income tax filings for same-sex married couples in non-recognition states.

Estate, gift, and generation skipping transfer tax laws now treat all legally married same-sex couples the same as opposite-sex couples, but, like opposite-sex couples, the Revenue Ruling does not mitigate the need for same-sex married couples to prepare estate plans. Many property law issues are driven by whether someone is classified as a “spouse” under state law, including who inherits under intestacy and other survivorship rights, all of which can be controlled by a will or trust in non-recognition states (like Wisconsin and Illinois). Finally, some states (like Illinois) have state estate and gift tax exemptions that are lower than the current federal estate and gift tax exemptions, which requires careful estate tax planning for all married couples, be they opposite-sex or same-sex.

The impact of Windsor and how same-sex couples are recognized for federal and state laws is a fast changing arena, and additional federal and state guidance will be required.

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U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Clarifies Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Leave Entitlement for Same-Sex Spouses

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In the wake of the Supreme Court’s Windsor decision, employers should review and, if necessary, revise their FMLA policies and procedures to ensure compliance.

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently clarified that same-sex spouses are now covered by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to the extent that an employee’s marriage is recognized in the state in which the employee resides. This clarification, which follows the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in United States v. Windsor,[1] is consistent with the existing FMLA regulatory language defining a “spouse” for purposes of FMLA coverage.

The DOL did not issue any new formal, stand-alone guidance but instead revised several existing FMLA guidance documents to remove references to the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). It also affirmatively stated in a newly released Field Operations Handbook section on the FMLA that “[s]pouse means a husband or wife as defined or recognized under state law for purposes of marriage in the State where the employee resides, including common law marriage and same sex marriage.

Moving forward, FMLA spousal leave will only be available to employees who reside in a state that recognizes same-sex marriage, given that the existing FMLA regulatory language tied spousal coverage to the place of residence prior to the Windsor decision. However, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM), which has jurisdiction over FMLA rights for federal employees, recently issued post-Windsor guidance that extends FMLA leave rights to the spouses of federal employees without regard to states of residence.[2] OPM’s approach could eventually be followed by DOL for private sector employees and those employees otherwise covered by DOL rules but likely would require regulatory changes that would involve a notice and comment period.

It is worth noting that, while DOL’s clarification reflects a general increase in federal FMLA leave rights available to same-sex couples, in some circumstances, the availability of FMLA leave rights could mean a decrease in a given employee’s overall leave entitlement. For example, same-sex spouses residing in states recognizing same-sex marriage will now be subject to the FMLA’s restrictions on the combined amount of leave that spouses working for the same employer can use in certain circumstances. Similarly, an employee might have been entitled pre-Windsor to leave pursuant to state (but not federal) law to care for a same-sex spouse, which meant that the employee’s state and federal leave entitlements could not be exhausted concurrently.


In light of DOL’s updated guidance, employers should make sure that their FMLA policies allow spousal leave for employees in a same-sex marriage that is lawful in the state in which the employee resides. Employers, however, will need to think carefully about how they will administer such policies to avoid both employee relations issues and sexual orientation discrimination claims. For example, if an employer does not request documentation from an employee in an opposite-sex marriage as to whether the employee’s marriage is recognized in the state in which he or she resides, issues may arise if this information was requested of an employee in a same-sex marriage. While some employers may choose simply to grant FMLA leave to all employees regardless of domicile, employers need to be aware that such time may not be recognized as statutory FMLA leave. Employers should also pay close attention to future developments in this area as more states consider recognizing same-sex marriages.

[1]United States v. Windsor, 133 S. Ct. 2675 (2013).

[2]See U.S. Office of Personnel Admin., Benefits Administration Letter No. 13-203, Coverage of Same-Sex Spouses (July 17, 2013).

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First Post-Supreme Court Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) Case Rules in Favor of Same-Sex Spouse


In one of the first post-Supreme Court DOMA cases, the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, applying Illinois state law, held that the surviving same-sex spouse of a deceased participant in an employer sponsored pension plan was entitled to the spousal death benefit offered under the plan. See Cozen O’Connor, P.C. v. Tobits, Civil Action No. 11-0045; 2013 WL 3878688 (E.D. Pa., July 29, 2013).

This case is significant because it is the first case after the Supreme Court’s June 26, 2013 decision in United States v. Windsor, 133 S. Ct. 2675 (2013) to grapple with choice of law in determining whether a marriage is valid for purposes of obtaining spousal benefits under an ERISA-covered plan. While Windsor ruled that Section 3 of DOMA defining marriage only as between persons of the opposite sex unconstitutional for purposes of applying federal law, it did not address or invalidate Section 2, which permits states to decline to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states.

Case Background

In 2006, Sarah Farley and Jean Tobits were married in Canada. Shortly after they were married, Ms. Farley was diagnosed with cancer, and she died in 2010. At the time of her death, Ms. Farley was employed by the law firm of Cozen O’Connor and a participant in the firm’s profit sharing plan (the Plan). The Plan provided that a participant’s surviving spouse would receive a death benefit if the participant died before the participant’s retirement date. If the participant was not married or the participant’s spouse waived his or her right to the death benefit, the participant’s designated beneficiary would be entitled to the death benefits. The Plan defined “Spouse” as “the person to whom the Participant has been married throughout the one-year period ending on the earlier of (1) the Participant’s annuity starting date or (2) the date of the Participant’s death.”

Ms. Farley’s parents and Ms. Tobits both claimed a right to the Plan’s death benefits. Ms. Farley’s parents claimed that they had been designated as the beneficiaries, but it was undisputed that Ms. Tobits had not waived her rights to the death benefits. Cozen O’Connor filed an interpleader action in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania asking the court to determine who was entitled to the benefits. Therefore, the case focused on whether Ms. Tobits qualified as a “Spouse” under the Plan and thus was entitled to the death benefits.

The Court’s Ruling

The court noted that Windsor “makes clear that where a state has recognized a marriage as valid, the United States Constitution requires that the federal laws and regulations of this country acknowledge that marriage” irrespective of whether the marriage is between a same-sex couple or a heterosexual couple. With Windsor’s emphasis on states’ rights to define marriage, lower courts are left with the complicated task of deciding which state law applies when determining whether a same-sex spouse is entitled to benefits under federal law in those instances, as in Cozen, where multiple jurisdictions with different laws on same-sex marriage are implicated.

Apparently, because Cozen O’Connor is headquartered in Pennsylvania, the Plan is administered there, and the Plan’s choice of law provision references Pennsylvania law, the Farleys asked the court to apply Pennsylvania state law to determine the validity of the marriage. Pennsylvania’s mini-DOMA statute expressly defines marriage as between a man and a woman. The court concluded that ERISA preempted Pennsylvania law. It reasoned that if courts were required to look at the state in which the plans were drafted, plan administrators might be encouraged to forum shop for states with mini-DOMA laws to avoid paying benefits to same-sex couples. The court thought this kind of forum shopping would upset ERISA’s principle of maintaining national uniformity among benefit plans. Without further analysis, the court concluded Pennsylvania state law was not an option for determining Ms. Tobits’ status as a spouse within the meaning of the Plan.

Instead, the court applied Illinois law, the state where Ms. Farley and Ms. Tobits had jointly resided until Ms. Farley’s death. It was undisputed that Ms. Farley and Ms. Tobits had a valid Canadian marriage certificate. The court concluded that the marriage was valid in Illinois and that Ms. Tobits was Ms. Farley’s spouse within the Plan’s definition. Accordingly, the court held that Ms. Tobits was entitled to the Plan’s death benefit. Although not entirely clear, the court presumably came to this conclusion based on Illinois’ civil union statute (even though it was enacted after Ms. Farley’s death). The statute provides that (i) same-sex marriages and civil unions legally entered into in other jurisdictions will be recognized in Illinois as civil unions and (ii) persons entering into civil unions will be afforded the benefits recognized by Illinois law to spouses. See 750 Ill. Comp. Stat. An. 75/5 and 75/60 (West 2011).

Impact of Cozen on ERISA Benefit Plans

Cozen is the first ruling in the wake of Windsor to address which state law might apply when there are conflicting state laws as to whether a valid marriage is recognized for the purpose of being a “spouse,” and therefore whether the spouse is entitled to benefits under an ERISA-covered plan. In Cozen, Ms. Farley and Ms. Tobits were lawfully married in Canada, and the court ruled that Illinois’s civil union law recognizes lawful marriages performed in other jurisdictions. The court applied the law of the domicile state to support its holding that Ms. Tobits was a surviving spouse entitled to the Plan’s death benefit.

The Cozen decision may have little value outside of cases where a valid same-sex marriage is performed in one state (the “state of celebration”) and the state where the couple is domiciled recognizes same-sex marriages. In other situations, faced with a choice of law where the law of the state of domicile conflicts with the law of the state of celebration, the outcome could be different, because Section 2 of DOMA survives after the Windsor decision. Unless the federal government creates a uniform method of determining the choice of law question, ERISA cases raising benefit entitlement questions in the context of same-sex marriages are likely to continue to complicate plan administration, and ERISA’s goal of maintaining national uniformity in the administration of benefits will remain elusive.

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