Getting Political: Florida Gubernatorial Candidate Democrat Jeff Greene Personally Hit with TCPA Class Action


As I have written numerous times, where the TCPA intersects politics things can get spicy.

Imagine it–using a draconian statute to assault your political rivals and bludgeon old foes with ligation designed to extract millions of dollars from their pocket based upon campaign phone calls.


Suing political candidates under the TCPA has become a bit of a ritual in America over the last few years. Obama faced a TCPA suit. As did Trump. More recently Beto O’Rourke faced such a suit. As did an organization supporting the Kavanugh confirmation.  Heck, even the Human Society’s text campaign supporting California’s Prop 12 was *ahem* neutered by a TCPA class action.

In furtherance of that great tradition,  a Florida resident named Lynda Maceda filed suit yesterday against bested Florida gubernatorial candidate Jeff Greene. According to his wiki page Jeff is a successful business guy and real estate investment type. According to Ms. Maceda’s Complaint, however, he’s a robocaller that sent the following message without consent:


“Hi, this is Democrat Jeff Greene running for governor. I’ll stand up to Donald Trump and for Florida’s families. Joseph, if you want world-class schools, commonsense gun reform and to protect women’s choice, please vote for me with your absentee ballot! Can we count on your support?”


The Complaint alleges that thousands of similar complaints were sent all of them without express consent. Ms. Maceda hopes to represent a failsafe clas of all individuals that received the texts without express consent. If these allegations are proven Ms. Maceda hopes to hold Mr. Greene accountable for “amounts [] greater than $15,000,000.” Gees.

Notably, Mr. Greene is sued personally for these violations–usually these TCPA claims are asserted against a candidate’s campaign rather than against the candidate individually.

The Complaint can be found here: Class Action Complaint against Florida Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Jeff Greene



© Copyright 2019 Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP
This post was written by Eric J. Troutman of Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP.
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