The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming Retail Law Conference:

October 15-17, 2014
Charlotte, NC
The 2014 Retail Law Conference takes place October 15-17 in Charlotte, NC. This year’s program is stronger than ever with relevant, compelling and interactive sessions focused on the legal issues affecting retailers. In partnership with the Retail Litigation Center (RLC), RILA will host legal counsel from leaders in the retail industry for the fifth annual event.
This year’s Retail Law Conference will feature issues at the intersection of technology and law, how the two spaces interact and the impact that they have on retailers. Topics will likely include:
- Anatomy of a Data Breach: Prevention & Response
- Privacy: Understanding New Technologies & Data Collection
- Advertising Practices: Enforcement & Social Media
- ADA Implications for New Technologies
- Legal Implications for Future Payment Technologies
- Policies & Procedures of The “Omnichannel” Age
- Patent Litigation “Heat Maps”
- Union Organizing Campaigns
- Wage & Hour Litigation
- EEOC Enforcement
- Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
- Corporate Governance & Disclosure
- Election 2014
- Dueling Views of The U.S. Supreme Court
- Legal Ethics
The Retail Law Conference is open to executives from retail and consumer goods product manufacturing companies. All others, such as law firms and service providres, must sponsor in order to attend, and can do so by contacting Tripp Taylor at