Ark Group/Managing Partner’s 4th Annual – At the Forefront of Diversity WOMEN LEGAL 2011 Forum- June 8th AMA Executive Conference Center ~ New York, NY


The National Law Review is a proud media partner of the ARK Group’s WOMEN LEGAL Forum 2011– June 8th AMA Executive Conference Center ~ New York, NY which is dedicated to advancing the increasingly-important dialog on gender diversity in the American legal profession. 

The Business Imperative for the Retention and Succession of Female Leadership:

Why do so many Fortune 500 companies require their network of law firms to engage in diversity best practices that illustrate growth and change? Because evidence today not only supports that diversity practices are a sign of a well-managed company, but also because women make up almost half of the U.S. workforce and are assuming greater leadership roles in corporations across the board.


Is the “business of law” itself a detriment to the retention and succession of women leadership? Gender-based discrimination that equates to marginalized access to resources and decision-making continues to plague women in law firms.  There should be far more women serving as managing partners, executive and compensation committee members and filling additional critical leadership roles than there are today. Yet with increasing frustration, we continue to bring attention to the institutional impediments to women’s success and advancement.

For More Details and to Register:



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National Law Forum

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