Unlocking the Benefits of U.S. Citizenship

Each year, on Sept. 17, Americans celebrate Constitution and Citizenship Day. While there are many paths to citizenship – born in the U.S. or a U.S. territory, born abroad to U.S. citizens or naturalized – we all enjoy the same advantages, and equally important responsibilities. As we reflect on these responsibilities of citizenship and what it means to be a U.S. citizen, we also explore the numerous benefits and incredible opportunities that U.S. citizenship has to offer.

Benefits of U.S. citizenship

Visa-free travel

There are so many advantages when it comes to travel and the ease of travel when you’re a U.S. citizen. For example, you don’t need to prove potentially every time that you intend to make the United States your home. Permanent residents are required to show roots and ties to the U.S., and that they want to be a permanent resident and make the United States their permanent home. In addition, for lawful permanent residents, additional travel documents may be needed if you have long trips outside the U.S. By being a U.S. citizen, those requirements are no longer necessary.

Traveling with a U.S. passport allows for assistance from the government when abroad, as well as possession of one of the most travel-friendly statuses available today. U.S. passport holders can travel to certain countries without a visa. Being a U.S. citizen and having a U.S. passport opens many doors and removes a lot of visa requirements and other challenges when traveling to other countries.

The right to vote 

The Constitution and laws of the United States grant numerous rights exclusively to citizens, with one of the most fundamental being the right to participate in federal elections. This right is particularly significant when compared to many countries where citizens lack a voice in their government and cannot effectively communicate their values and what’s important to them by voting. In contrast, U.S. citizens have the power to influence the nation’s future by voting for representatives and leaders who align with their values and priorities.

Keep the family together

U.S. citizenship provides a strong safeguard against family separation with the privilege of helping immediate relatives, such as a spouse, parents and unmarried children, to obtain permanent residency.

Federal employment opportunities

Most jobs within government agencies require U.S. citizenship, so becoming eligible for federal job opportunities can be a significant public service professional opportunity, including running for office to become an elected official.

Access to federal benefits 

U.S. citizens are eligible for certain federal scholarships and grants and access to federal public benefits for basic needs, including Social Security benefits, Medicare and Medicaid. Citizens are also eligible for government-sponsored legal aid, which provides free or low-cost legal assistance to ensure all citizens have access to justice regardless of their financial situation.

USCIS Improvements Cut Naturalization Processing Time

USCIS is processing naturalization cases faster than they have in years, and the agency is managing to cut down on its naturalization backlog. Given the current average timing, eligible green card holders who applied early in the summer 2024 might be sworn in in time to vote in the upcoming November elections.

Of course, field offices vary in processing times, but USCIS stated it was effectively eliminating the net backlog of naturalization applications and reducing the median processing time from 10.5 months to as little as five months. This is a 50 percent drop in processing time since 2022, achieving the agency’s longstanding goal and significantly reducing waiting times for most individuals seeking U.S. citizenship. Naturalization has always been a target of note in the agency’s backlog reduction effort. This was achieved by increasing capacity, improving technology, and expanding staffing.

Naturalization cases often increase ahead of elections. Voting is not the only personal benefit of citizenship. Immigrants who become U.S. citizens may also serve on juries, travel on a U.S. passport, bring family members to the U.S. more easily, apply for certain federal jobs, run for federal office, become eligible for certain federal grants, scholarships and benefits, and, importantly, have the right to remain in the U.S. that cannot be taken away. Beyond that, findings show that naturalized citizens have higher employment rates and earn between 50 and 70 percent more than noncitizens. Increasing the number of citizens also helps the economy in general. It leads to an increase in tax revenue and greater home ownership.

When President Joe Biden came into office, he issued an executive order to reduce naturalization barriers to strengthen the integration of new Americans. About 100,300 naturalization petitions were denied in FY 2023, a 10 percent drop from the 111,600 petitions denied in FY 2022. The Biden Administration also made the naturalization application shorter and, while it raised the naturalization fee, a number of discounts are available.

Eligibility requirements for naturalization include age, continuous residence, physical presence, jurisdiction, knowledge of U.S. history, civics, and English, and good moral character.