Lawvision’s LPM Training Certification Workshop

Legal Project Management (LPM) is an essential skill for lawyers and other legal professionals. It can help ensure greater client satisfaction, more profitable matters and more satisfying work. This workshop provides a simple, yet powerful framework for applying LPM techniques and approaches to your legal matters immediately. The workshop is highly interactive. You learn from the instructors and the others in the workshop using a case study based on actual legal matters.

Lawyers and other legal professionals are focusing on LPM for the following reasons:

  • An increasing number of clients are pushing for fee estimates, scoping of work and greater efficiencies in the handling of their work;
  • Better use of LPM techniques can help minimize significant write-offs and write-downs;
  • Enhanced LPM can lead to opportunities to win more RFPs;
  • A growing number of clients are asking for trained legal project managers on their matters; and
  • Application of LPM approaches create greater internal teamwork, enhance associate and staff morale / retention and improve client relationships.


  • Practicing lawyers at all levels – partners, associates, counsel and staff / contract lawyers
  • Legal project managers
  • Directors of LPM and / or pricing
  • Finance professionals
  • Practice management professionals – practice group business managers and others helping practice group leaders run their groups
  • Professional development directors interested in expanding their firm’s offerings in project management training


Please download the LPM Training Certification Workshop brochure.

Learn more and register here.