No Tricks, Just Treats When Working with Legal Media

Engaging with the media might seem more frightening than a haunted house, but working with journalists doesn’t have to be scary. As long as you’re adequately prepared, engaging with reporters can be an enjoyable experience that significantly bolsters your firm’s brand.

The key is to understand what journalists need and want for their legal news coverage, particularly as the state of the world and media industry continue to rapidly evolve. Notably, in the last seven months, the news has been changing so fast that what was important a few weeks ago — or even a few days ago — may no longer be significant to reporters and editors planning their future coverage.

Developing a Pitch 

When pitching an idea to the media, think about what does or does not make a good news story. Reporters receive hundreds of story ideas every day, and sometimes news that you find noteworthy unfortunately isn’t going to appeal to a bigger audience (e.g., too routine, too narrow in scope or lack of timeliness). Journalists look for pitches with issues their readers will care about and sources who can provide unique insights and angles into complicated issues. When reaching out to media personnel, think about how your matter, event, lateral hire or firm initiative fits into a larger trend or development, and provide this angle to reporters. Let them know of any distinctive elements or especially complex issues, and then sell them on why the item is relevant to their readers.

Rules of the Interview Process

Once you have secured an interview, set ground rules prior to the meeting or call about whether the conversation will be “on the record,” “on background” or “off the record” — and know the difference.

  • “On the record” means that the reporter may quote you and include your name and title.
  • “On background” means the reporter may use direct quotations but will attribute them to “a source familiar with the matter” or another agreed-upon designation that is clear enough to establish credibility but vague enough that it doesn’t reveal your identity.
  • “Off the record” means the reporter cannot quote you or use any of the information you provide without verifying it independently. These types of interviews grant sources anonymity and are typically used in connection with particularly sensitive stories. Be very careful, however, in these situations. Despite having your identity protected, the conversation isn’t really confidential. The best rule of thumb is to never tell a reporter anything that you are not willing to see in print – no matter what.

Generally, anytime you speak with a reporter, you are speaking on the record unless the reporter has agreed to a different arrangement.

After the ground rules are set, it’s not a good idea to try to switch them during the interview. That could become too confusing for both you and the reporter in terms of what is public information and what is confidential, which could lead to something being published that you didn’t want out in the open. Also, once something is said, it cannot be taken back, and it is fair game to be published. If you absolutely have to say something that should be kept private during an interview, confirm with the reporter before speaking that the upcoming statement is off the record.

Reporters are very unlikely to let you see a story before it publishes, but sometimes they will grant an interviewee quote review privileges if requested before the interview and if the publication schedule permits. But fast, tight deadlines are more of the norm these days, given the high volume of content being pushed out by publications, so not all outlets will be able to grant this request.

Keep in mind, though, that quote review is only used to confirm the accuracy of the quotations that will be attributed to you. It is not meant for re-writing for stylistic purposes and should not be misused as a fail-safe to fix imperfect statements.

Also before an interview, ask the reporter for the overall context of the piece and for specific questions that he or she wants to discuss so you can develop key messages to convey that are on brand with your firm. Repeat, reiterate and restate these talking points throughout the interview to increase the likelihood that your messaging is understood and incorporated into the article.

Conducting the Interview

During an interview, even if you are nervous, make a conscious effort to speak slowly and concisely, and focus on answering just the particular question at hand. Key messages can get lost in too much detail and technical information. It’s not the reporter’s job to make you look good, but you can make yourself look good by providing clear and thoughtful information.

It’s also a good idea to pause briefly to gather your thoughts before answering a question. If you don’t know the answer or don’t want to or can’t respond, be honest. It is okay not to answer every single question and legal reporters understand client confidentiality and permission issues. You can also try to point them to a colleague who is better suited to speak to a particular topic.

On the other hand, journalists look to lawyers for certain knowledge and experience. Reporters need to understand the full picture to write their best coverage, so don’t be afraid to educate or set the record straight on particularly complex matters or issues. But also know when to stop, and don’t keep talking just to fill silence.

Also, keep in mind that the world is increasingly becoming more digital — especially since most of us are now working from home — and short-form content continues to grow in popularity. Readers are accustomed to scanning feeds and digests for news that is delivered at a glance. When acting as a source for the media, it is valuable to be able to deliver succinct and pertinent comments for those journalists who do not have the word space for long articles.


After a story is published, be sure to let the reporter know if you are pleased with the piece and keep in contact to build the relationship. If an article contains factual mistakes or erroneous information, let the reporter know to fix it or print a correction. But recognize that, if there is any debate as to the accuracy of the material, the power over revisions ultimately remains with the journalist and his or her editor or publisher.

The fundamentals of working with the media are the same as they have always been, even with the changes in the world of journalism from the Internet and social media. Understanding these basics will go a long way to securing more media placements, strengthening your public relations initiatives and generating greater success for you and your firm.

© Copyright 2008-2020, Jaffe Associates
ARTICLE BY Rachel Sisserson of Jaffe
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Lawdragon: Celebrating Ten Years Of Captivating Legal Journalism

For ten years, legal media company Lawdragon has been telling great stories about the law and lawyering.  Lawdragon embraced the power of the internet early on, creating content open to all who were interested in stories about the law.  Lawdragon has shown their commitment to high-quality legal journalism by crafting feature stories, a popular Question and Answer series, and an annual Lawdragon 500 Leading Lawyers in America devoted to attorneys, what they do, and what is possible with a law degree.

Lawdragon was founded by Katrina Dewey as a platform to tell stories about lawyers and lawyering.  Dewey began her career as a lawyer, but in her words, “I quickly discovered that I wanted to write about lawyers instead of practicing the law myself.”  She left her law firm associate job and “I did what I could to get hired as the lowliest journalist at the Daily Journal in California.” The “lowly” journalist position became Editor in 1996, a move that  Dewey describes as “a huge and lucky break.”   In 2005, with a desire to work more in the emerging online journalism market, Dewey founded Lawdragon. Daily Journal reporter John Ryan joined her and continues to serve as the company’s editor-in-chief.

Looking back at the first issue, Dewey describes the publication process as like  “giving birth.”  They wanted to kick off  the magazine in an edgy, interesting way, and one of the first stories was on the idea of term limits for Supreme Court justices.  Dewey remembers, “the week after we shipped our first issue, Justice Rehnquist passed away.”  Another memory of the beginning was Hurricane Katrina.  That disaster hit the same weekend the first publication went out, and it lingered as a sort of ghost each time Lawdragon has published an article that showcased the aftermath of the storm and the various legal issues that followed afterwards.  Looking back, Dewey describes the early days by saying, “we saw ourselves as an intrepid band of journalists, taking on larger lawyer outlets that were a little slow on the digital uptake.”  And that has been part of Lawdragon’s success.  Dewey saw the writing on the wall about how the media landscape was changing–and she wanted to create a place for features and profiles of lawyers with a company that had “digital in its DNA.” After ten years, the company has grown into a marketing and branding platform packed with fascinating tales of the law, using the power of the internet to allow anyone who is interested access to their stories. In fact, the content had become so popular among firms and lawyers that Lawdragon created a new “Lawdragon Press” division that provides paid content, marketing and branding services for firms.

Along those lines, when asked to describe Lawdragon’s audience, Dewey says, “We write for everyone who can read and has an interest in the law.”  The goal is to create intelligent, wide-ranging, eclectic content that shows what an attorney can do with a law degree.   Dewey says, “The goal is to write stories that everyone can access, but are still interesting enough to appeal to attorneys.”

And true to the mission, reading Lawdragon provides perspective on just how far-reaching a law degree can be.  With features on everyone from David Tolbert, President of the International Center for Transitional Justice, Adam Streisand of Sheppard Mullin, who litigated the trial that paved the way for the sale of the LA Clippers to Jodi Westbrook Flowers at Motley Rice, who has worked for over a decade for the victims of the September 11 attacks against  the financiers and and supporters of Al Qaeda, the subject matter is an abject lesson on just what the law can accomplish.

“We’ve tried to cast a wide net on our coverage of interesting lawyers and legal matters, which is why we’ve done original reporting on justice issues in places like South Africa, former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, The Hague and most recently Guantanamo Bay,” Ryan said.

One essential element of Lawdragon’s philosophy is an unwavering optimism about high-quality articles and reporting.  Dewey says, “We are optimists about good content; we believe there is a place for good content in the world.”  With an intrinsic belief that the law has the power to change people’s lives, right wrongs, and inspire as well as an understanding that lawyers who practice law have compelling reasons to do so, over the ten years of its existence Lawdragon has demonstrated a commitment to showcasing those stories.  Dewey says, “We are about the power of story, generally.  We want to show the individual stories of these attorneys who are advocates of the law, who all have their own perspective and ways of contributing to justice. ”

A natural outgrowth of that philosophy is the Lawdragon 500 Leading Lawyers.  This feature  highlights some of the most captivating attorneys and the work they do across the nation. While the Lawdragon 500 is probably the best known element of the publication, it is not a ranking system.  Through a careful process balancing editorial research by Lawdragon staff, law firm submissions, and an open online nominations form, the 500 are carefully curated, but not ranked.  Instead, the guide is a way for Lawdragon to showcase attorneys and their perspectives, how they contribute to justice, and how they use the law as a tool to advocate.

As a result of the commitment to quality content and great stories, Lawdragon articles have strong SEO content and can be a great platform for the attorneys who are featured. One thing Lawdragon provides for the attorneys that are featured is objective, third party, independent recognition of their skills and reputation.  Additionally, Lawdragon publishes an annual print publication, giving attorneys and their clients something to hold, beautiful pictures to see, and amazing articles to read. As Carlton Dyce of Lawdragon points out, “Our print publication is great for attorneys to have in their offices, handy for their clients to read while they are waiting.  It’s a great way to showcase the attorney they are about to see.”  ​

The tenth edition of the Lawdragon 500 will be released soon, an exciting milestone for the company.  Over the years and after many compelling stories, Lawdragon remains excited about its core mission–telling stories of lawyers and lawyering. With millions of lawyers doing captivating work in many fields there is no shortage of stories, and Lawdragon remains committed to telling them.

Article by Eilene Spear of the National Law Review
Copyright ©2015 National Law Forum, LLC