Top Ten Intellectual Property Stories from 2013

Schwegman Lundberg Woessner


I admit it, I like lists, even completely subjective ones like this one, that is tilted toward patent law and prep/pros. So in no particular order, except for number one, here we go:

top 10 2013 intellectual property patent

  1.  Myriad [Add your pun title here!]. No story can top a unanimous Supreme Court opinion (Thomas writing even!) holding that a discrete chemical molecule is really a data storage device made for us all by Mother Nature, and so is a “natural product”. More troubling, I fear, are Judge Lourie’s two opinions below, holding that the broadly-claimed diagnostic methods were patent-ineligible as “abstract ideas.” Combine this with Mayo and PerkinElmer v. Intema and you get caught in a perfect storm that can sink almost any claim to a diagnostic method.
  2. CLS Bank v. Alice. A big story indeed, as commentators tried, with little success, to unravel the threads in multiple opinions issued by the Fed. Cir. judges. Now the Supreme Court will try to define an abstract idea. Is C =pi(D) carved into a brick concrete enough for you?
  3. Inequitable Conduct goes into IP hospice. While we still have a duty of candor and good faith in dealing with the PTO, Rule 1.56(b) is gone. A simple failure to submit even “material” information will seldom, if ever, lead to an IC holding. In 1st Media v Electronic Arts, Sony, a defendant in the suit, petitioned for cert., playing the “rigid test” card, but the Supreme Court stood pat and denied the petition. In Network Signatures v. State Farm, Judge Newman suggested that facially false petitions would not amount to “egregious misconduct” unless they involved statutory standards of patentability, as opposed to formal PTO filings. However, the Supreme Court also denied cert.  in Apotex v. Cephalon, in which the Cephalon attorney and scientist obtained a patent on an invention made by their supplier – both the D.C. and the Fed. Cir found IC. And where are the final PTO rules?
  4. The rise of the Written Description Requirement as a patent-killer. I predicted this trend post-Ariad and the Fed. Cir. has ruled accordingly. It is much easier to invalidate a claim by finding that the specification does not demonstrate enough “possession” of the claimed invention that it is to have to sort through all those messy Wands factors for enablement. Even with a lot of structural data, Novozymes’ patent on its improved enzyme sank like a stone. And the Fed. Cir. has pretty much ignored patentee’s attempts to argue that a thin disclosure can be supplemented by information available to the art. See Wyeth v. Abbott Labs. Even “Gentry Gallery” –based decisions seem to be in vogue again (no support in specification for later claim amendment) – see Synthes v. Spinal Kinetics. However, possession did “rule” in Sanofi-Aventis v. Pfizer, so perhaps it is possible to turn this ocean liner around.
  5. Section 112(b) Indefiniteness. Supreme Court may grant cert to resolve the question: “Does the Federal Circuit’s acceptance of ambiguous patent claims with multiple reasonable interpretations—so long as the ambiguity is not ‘insoluble’ by a court—defeat the statutory requirement of particular and distinct patent claiming.” Nautilus v Biosig Instruments. This is one of the few lines of Fed. Cir. decisions that favor patentees.
  6. Who induced infringement, or did they? In Limelight Networks v. Akami Techs., the Supreme Court may well grant cert. to decide the question: “Whether the Fed. Cir. erred in holding that a defendant may be held liable for inducing patent infringement under [271(b)] even though no one has committed direct infringement under [271(a)]?” This somewhat muddled question could be clearer if “no one” was defined more completely, but the Solicitor General has recommended that the Court take this one up, so watch out.
  7. The Rise of Secondary Considerations. In the wake of KSR’s termination of the teaching-suggestion-motivation test, the Fed. Cir. and the Board are increasingly looking for, and giving weight to, the oft neglected bag of secondary considerations. The court has noted that unexpected results are a secondary consideration (I don’t think that John Deere said that), and has put increased emphasis on long-felt need, failure of others, commercial success and the like. This does not mean that applicants or patentees will always “win”, but it significantly increases the number of patentability “chips” they have to play. For example, see Galderma v Tolmar, Appeal No. 2013-1034 ( Fed. Cir., December 11, 2013)in which a split panel of the Fed. Cir. found Galderma’s add-on patent for adapalene obvious, but spent a lot of space evaluating unexpected results and defining “teaching away.”
  8. Has Cybor’s Time Finally Come? The Fed. Cir. en banc will soon decide whether or not Fed. Cir. panels should overrule its practice of reviewing claim construction de novo, as a matter of law. Cybor has been much reviled in recent years, but there are voices that feel Cybor comports with the mission of the Fed. Cir. to bring uniformity to patent law. If the court takes this step, some commentators think that the Supreme Court will be the final arbiter.
  9. Stem Cell Research to Continue. The suit seeking to ban Federal funding for embryonic stem cell research was finally dismissed.
  10. The Battle Against “Patent Trolls” continues. And continues to threaten a system that has worked to advance innovation for over 200 years. The biggest threat posed by attempts to limit suits by NPE’s against – mostly – high tech communications companies is that they tar patent holders as a group, particularly universities and individual inventors and start-ups, by making it more difficult/costly for them to enforce their patent rights against deep pocket infringers. H.R. 3309 is just one of the latest shotgun blasts fired at the patent system. Now the Office may have a new “Director” who believes that the patent system is broken and needs to be fixed. I don’t like legislative and administrative bodies cooperating to fix a problem that almost no one has clearly defined. The last time this happened, there was a bill passed to reduce the backlog by severely limiting application filing and prosecution in general.

Merry holidays (or year-end rushes) to us all and many happy allowances!

Article by:

Warren Woessner


Schwegman, Lundberg & Woessner, P.A.

The Top Ten Things You Should Know About The Innovation Act of 2013 (For Now)

Andrews Kurth


Companies that find themselves either defending against patent infringement lawsuits or enforcing their own patent infringement claims should pay close attention to the Innovation Act of 2013 (H.R. 2639). The Innovation Act (“the Act”), which was introduced by Representative Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), made it out of committee and has now been passed by the House, is aimed squarely at non-practicing entities (“NPEs”), i.e., companies that own patents but that do not sell any products or provide any services themselves. While NPEs may be the primary target, the Innovation Act, if passed, will impact all patent litigation, not just NPE efforts. Likewise, while primarily having a potentially negative impact on plaintiffs, the Act will also have potentially negative impacts on defendants. With bipartisan support and the backing of the White House, the Innovation Act may be the first such legislation to pass.

The Innovation Act makes numerous amendments to Title 35, the section of U.S. Code embodying U.S. patent law. These changes include introducing a discovery delay and other discovery changes, fee shifting, customer suit staying and party-of-interest transparency, heightening pleading requirements and expanding post-grant review. If nothing else, NPEs and their targets should know the following about these changes and the Innovation Act:

Discovery: Perhaps the most expensive and intrusive aspect of any U.S. patent litigation is the discovery process. Indeed, the expense and process of discovery is often the most effective tool used by plaintiffs to bring defendants to settlement, as the process can begin early in the case before any substantial determinations regarding the merits are decided. As a result, defendants are often forced to spend up to hundreds of thousands of dollars going through the discovery process before having any idea whether infringement is a substantial risk or not. The Innovation Act significantly neuters this tool and makes other significant changes to discovery in patent cases:

1. The Act limits discovery to only matters relevant to interpreting the claims until such time as the claims are actually interpreted. Claim interpretation is often dispositive of the merits of the case. Consequently, defendants would be able to dispose of frivolous cases before the expensive discovery process or make settlement decisions more fully informed of the risks; and

2. The Act seeks to better balance discovery costs between the parties, ordering the Judiciary Conference to address the presumably unfair burden placed on defendants and place a higher burden of costs on plaintiffs.

Fee Shifting: Another area in which U.S. patent litigation, indeed U.S. litigation as a whole, differs from foreign litigation is that, except in extreme cases, each party bears its own litigation costs. Currently, NPEs often file suit against multiple defendants. Each defendant is often offered a settlement for an amount much less than that defendant’s anticipated litigation costs. As defendants settle, the settlement price typically is increased for other defendants, further encouraging early settlement. Consequently, many defendants that otherwise believe they have a strong non-infringement case will settle because the cost of achieving victory is substantially higher than settling. This strategy would not work in most foreign countries since, in those countries, the losing party pays the winning party’s fees and costs. The Innovation Act would align U.S. patent litigation with this practice and eliminate the strategy of leveraging high litigation costs for early settlement.

3. In other words, under the Act the Court can force the losing party to pay the winning party’s attorney fees and costs. If passed, this would have a dramatic effect on patent litigation defendants’ decision making process and the typical enforcement strategy of many NPEs. By allowing Courts to shift the litigation costs to the losing side, defendants may be significantly motivated to litigate when they have a strong case even if the price of settlement is relatively low. Combined with the discovery delay described above, defendants will have considerable incentive to remain in the case at least through claim interpretation and to fight infringement claims if the claim interpretation is favorable…

4. …but, by allowing Courts to shift litigation costs to the losing side, defendants’ potential exposure may also be much higher. If the defendant ultimately loses a case, the Court presumably could order them to pay the plaintiff’s litigation costs, particularly if it was apparent that they should have settled. Consequently, the Act’s changes will necessitate defendants making smart decisions about their risk exposure. Fortunately, the discovery delay will enable defendants to economically make more effective decisions by delaying significant discovery costs until after claim interpretation.

5. The Act’s fee-shifting provisions also allows for the limited joinder of parties (such as those covered by transparency provisions described below) to satisfy the award of litigation costs. In principle, this provision could be used against defendants as well as plaintiffs.

The other changes mentioned above may also cast a chill on the NPE business and other patent plaintiffs.

Customer Suit Staying

6. The Innovation Act requires the staying of patent lawsuits against a defendant’s customer. Plaintiffs often sue a defendant’s customers in order to pressure the defendant into settling, often on terms less favorable than the defendant’s actual liability would dictate. Under the Act, an action against a customer may be stayed if the customer agrees to be bound by the results of a suit against the manufacturer. Consequently, customer suit staying takes away another pressure point for plaintiffs.

Post-Grant Review Expansion

7. The Innovation Act expands the post-grant review available against covered business methods (“CBMs”), making CBM review a more effective tool to fight back against patent lawsuits. Specifically, the Act makes the CBM review program permanent and codifies the broad interpretation of what is a CBM.

Heightened Pleading Requirements

8. Currently, many plaintiffs merely name the patents infringed and, in some cases, the products or services infringing. Heightened pleading requirements require more detailed initial pleading by plaintiffs, including greater details describing how a defendant’s products or services infringe the asserted patent claims.

Party-of-Interest Transparency

9. The actual parties of interest are often not discernible from patent complaints. Many NPEs are shell companies that serve the purpose of hiding the actual party asserting the patent. The Innovation Act requires detailed descriptions of the plaintiff’s business and identification of the real party or parties-of-interest behind the asserting plaintiff. Such transparency makes next to impossible for plaintiff’s to hide their true identity and may impact litigation strategies currently used by NPEs and other plaintiffs.

10. Additionally, the party-of-interest transparency provisions of the Act also permit possible joinder of the real party or parties-of-interest behind the asserting plaintiff. This provision gives real teeth to the Fee Shifting provisions of the Act as it may prevent a real party-of-interest from hiding behind a shell company with limited or no resources and avoiding the consequences of the Fee Shifting provisions.

Keep in mind that the Innovation Act will not just affect the Act’s main target, NPEs. Indeed, the Innovation Act has the potential to affect others. Defendants that choose to fight a patent lawsuit rather than settle could find themselves on the losing end of the fee-shifting provisions. Also, the Act may encourage a delay in sharing sales numbers until after claim interpretation, with the result that defendants that may have previously settled for reasonable amounts may find themselves paying much higher amounts if the claim interpretation goes poorly. On a different front, the amounts NPEs and others are willing to pay for patents may be reduced because of the greater risks and costs involved in enforcement. This could reduce the market for patents that provide additional sources of revenue for many patent owners. This in turn could reduce the overall value of patents, the amount companies are willing to spend on patenting and result in an overall chilling effect on research and development and ultimately innovation. As the Innovation Act evolves through the legislative process, some or all of the points above may vary, but the clear direction of the Act, the limitation of patent litigation by NPEs, will remain.

Article by:

Sean S. Wooden


Andrews Kurth LLP

Supreme Court to Consider Case on Patent Eligibility of Computer-Implemented Inventions

Michael Best Logo

On December 6, 2013, the Supreme Court agreed to consider Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank Internationala case concerning the patent eligibility of computer-implemented inventions. The Court will review a split decision issued by the en banc Federal Circuit in May 2013. In that decision, seven of 10 judges concluded Alice Corporation’s claims to computer-based methods for minimizing settlement risk in financial transactions, as well as claims to computer-readable media containing program code for performing such methods, constituted patent-ineligible subject matter under § 101. The judges split evenly, however, regarding the patent eligibility of Alice’s remaining claims to computerized systems for performing such transactions. Given the stark differences of opinion expressed by members of the Federal Circuit, it was widely predicted that the Supreme Court would step in to settle the dispute. The Court’s decision could have significant implications for the computer hardware and software industries, as well as for patent eligibility standards in general.

The Supreme Court is expected to hear arguments in early 2014, and a decision is expected by the end of the term in June 2014. The case number is 13-298.

Article by:


Michael Best & Friedrich LLP


IP Law Summit – March 21-23, 2013

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming IP Law Summit:

IP-LAW Sept 13-15 2012

The IP Law Summit is the premium forum for bringing senior IP Counsel and service providers together. As an invitation-only event taking place behind closed doors, the Summit offers an intimate environment for a focused discussion of cutting edge technology, strategy and products driving the IP market place.

The one-on-one business meetings provide access to Senior IP Counsel within the largest corporations across the United States. A thorough selection process ensures a qualified audience, which grants unparalleled business and networking opportunities in a luxurious and stimulating environment.

March 21-23, 2013

The Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, CO

IP Law Summit – March 21-23, 2013

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming IP Law Summit:

IP-LAW Sept 13-15 2012

The IP Law Summit is the premium forum for bringing senior IP Counsel and service providers together. As an invitation-only event taking place behind closed doors, the Summit offers an intimate environment for a focused discussion of cutting edge technology, strategy and products driving the IP market place.

The one-on-one business meetings provide access to Senior IP Counsel within the largest corporations across the United States. A thorough selection process ensures a qualified audience, which grants unparalleled business and networking opportunities in a luxurious and stimulating environment.

March 21-23, 2013

The Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, CO

IP Law Summit – March 21-23, 2013

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming IP Law Summit:

IP-LAW Sept 13-15 2012

The IP Law Summit is the premium forum for bringing senior IP Counsel and service providers together. As an invitation-only event taking place behind closed doors, the Summit offers an intimate environment for a focused discussion of cutting edge technology, strategy and products driving the IP market place.

The one-on-one business meetings provide access to Senior IP Counsel within the largest corporations across the United States. A thorough selection process ensures a qualified audience, which grants unparalleled business and networking opportunities in a luxurious and stimulating environment.

March 21-23, 2013

The Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, CO

IP Law Summit – March 21-23, 2013

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming IP Law Summit:

IP-LAW Sept 13-15 2012

The IP Law Summit is the premium forum for bringing senior IP Counsel and service providers together. As an invitation-only event taking place behind closed doors, the Summit offers an intimate environment for a focused discussion of cutting edge technology, strategy and products driving the IP market place.

The one-on-one business meetings provide access to Senior IP Counsel within the largest corporations across the United States. A thorough selection process ensures a qualified audience, which grants unparalleled business and networking opportunities in a luxurious and stimulating environment.

March 21-23, 2013

The Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, CO

IP Law Summit – March 21-23, 2013

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming IP Law Summit:

IP-LAW Sept 13-15 2012

The IP Law Summit is the premium forum for bringing senior IP Counsel and service providers together. As an invitation-only event taking place behind closed doors, the Summit offers an intimate environment for a focused discussion of cutting edge technology, strategy and products driving the IP market place.

The one-on-one business meetings provide access to Senior IP Counsel within the largest corporations across the United States. A thorough selection process ensures a qualified audience, which grants unparalleled business and networking opportunities in a luxurious and stimulating environment.

March 21-23, 2013

The Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, CO

IP Law Summit – March 21-23, 2013

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming IP Law Summit:

The IP Law Summit is the premium forum for bringing senior IP Counsel and service providers together. As an invitation-only event taking place behind closed doors, the Summit offers an intimate environment for a focused discussion of cutting edge technology, strategy and products driving the IP market place.

The one-on-one business meetings provide access to Senior IP Counsel within the largest corporations across the United States. A thorough selection process ensures a qualified audience, which grants unparalleled business and networking opportunities in a luxurious and stimulating environment.

March 21-23, 2013

The Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, CO

IP Law Summit – March 21-23, 2013

The National Law Review is pleased to bring you information about the upcoming IP Law Summit:

The IP Law Summit is the premium forum for bringing senior IP Counsel and service providers together. As an invitation-only event taking place behind closed doors, the Summit offers an intimate environment for a focused discussion of cutting edge technology, strategy and products driving the IP market place.

The one-on-one business meetings provide access to Senior IP Counsel within the largest corporations across the United States. A thorough selection process ensures a qualified audience, which grants unparalleled business and networking opportunities in a luxurious and stimulating environment.

March 21-23, 2013

The Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, CO