Mayo Clinic Reports Vaping Injuries Resemble Chemical Burns

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that over 1,000 people became ill from vaping e-cigarettes, including 18 deaths. Now, research by the Mayo Clinic of Arizona suggests the lung damage may be the result of chemical burns.

The CDC announced that 77% of the injured vapers were using e-cigarettes with tobacco and THC products, and 17% were using only nicotine. The CDC partnered with state-based health care services and research hospitals to try to determine the cause of the recent spike in vaping lung damage cases.

The Mayo Clinic of Arizona is one of the first to release data derived from recent cases. The research team tested lung biopsy samples from 17 patients, including two who have since died from the condition. All 17 biopsies suggested that the lung injuries were most likely caused by “direct toxicity or tissue damage from noxious chemical fumes.” These fumes are generated from the vaporized e-cigarette liquids. Researchers said it does not appear that the build-up of lipids, reported earlier as a possible cause of the lung damage, was a factor in these 17 patients.

According to Dr. Larsen, the senior author of the study, “It would seem prudent based on our observations to explore ways to better regulate the industry and better educate the public, especially our youth, about the risks associated with vaping.”


For more on vaping regulation, see the Nationa Law Review Biotech, Food & Drug law page.

Giving It Your Best Shot: Maintaining a Compliant Vaccination Program in the Healthcare Sector

Workplace vaccination programs are not new. While many focus on influenza, healthcare employers often impose more robust requirements to protect employees and vulnerable patient populations. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends healthcare workers receive several vaccinations, including: hepatitis B; influenza; measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR); varicella (chickenpox); tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (Tdap); and meningococcal. Many states have enacted laws requiring such vaccinations for healthcare workers. (The CDC maintains a list of state requirements.) Indeed, because healthcare workers can be at a heightened risk for both exposure and transmission of disease to patients, families, and coworkers, prominent medical groups such as the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) recommend mandatory vaccinations consistent with CDC recommendations as part of an effective infection prevention and control program.

Recent outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases, such as measles and pertussis, have focused public attention on the need for employee vaccine programs. For example, the CDC reports that between January 1, 2019 and August 8, 2019, there were a total of 1,215 confirmed cases of measles in the United States, the highest number since 1994. This is despite the fact that measles was eliminated in the United States in 2000, due to an effective MMR vaccination program. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that the rise of measles cases is likely due to a decline in people getting the vaccine. (The CDC has additional information about measles and the safety and efficacy of the MMR vaccine.)

Healthcare institutions are increasingly mandating that employees receive vaccinations, such as Tdap and MMR. But, while mandatory vaccination programs are on the rise, so are challenges from employees. Employee objections to vaccines (strengthened by misinformation about vaccines such as MMR), and thus litigation, have increased in recent years. While employers may not always have to accommodate generalized or unfounded objections to vaccinations, employees do have legally cognizable objections to being vaccinated under certain circumstances. Specifically, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) takes the position that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) require employers to provide exemptions from mandatory vaccination policies or other accommodations to employees with religious objections and disabilities.

Just as wise employers seek to immunize their workforces from harmful pathogens, employers may also seek to immunize their vaccination programs from common legal claims. Employers may want to take into consideration the following issues:

Is the vaccination program mandatory?

Will the vaccination program be voluntary, mandatory, or a hybrid based on employee classification and work setting? Voluntary programs are attractive from the standpoint of avoiding employee objections and ADA/Title VII accommodation issues, but compliance rates may be inadequate or the healthcare setting may favor a mandatory program for some or all healthcare workers. Employers may want to consult the CDC’s recommendations, review applicable state vaccination laws, and assess the risks posed in their facilities in coordination with their infection prevention and control programs.

Is the workforce unionized?

Are nurses or other employees represented by a labor union? Employers with unionized workforces generally must bargain with the unions before imposing mandatory vaccination programs.

Who is covered?

In deciding whether to adopt a mandatory program, what is the scope of the mandate? Is it necessary to require vaccines for all employees (including clerical workers, etc.), or is it more appropriate to reserve the mandatory program for healthcare workers involved in direct patient contact or healthcare workers in vulnerable patient settings, such as the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), pediatric intensive care unit (PICU), emergency department, or operating room? Some employers may find it more effective to implement a mandatory program with respect to a subset of healthcare workers in patient-contact roles, while offering an incentivized voluntary program to others.

Will the program permit exceptions or accommodations?

What accommodations will be permitted, and what is the process for evaluating such requests? In particular, employers should consider having a process to receive and evaluate employee requests for exemption or accommodation due to disability or sincerely held religious beliefs.

  • Under the ADA, a reasonable accommodation may be required for an employee with a disability, unless it would result in an undue hardship or a direct threat to the safety of the employee or the public. In these cases, employers can work with their infection-control team to determine the risks of exposure and transmission. For example, with employees objecting to a Tdap or MMR vaccine, the risk for a nurse working in the NICU may be very different than that of an office assistant in the back office. The ADA analysis for undue hardship and direct threat are fact specific and complicated.
  • Under Title VII, an accommodation may be required for sincerely held religious beliefs, unless doing so would pose an undue hardship. Employers should be aware that the EEOC and courts interpret “religion” broadly, and the term is not limited to major faiths but may include “religious beliefs that are new, uncommon, not part of a formal church or sect, only subscribed to by a small number of people, or that seem illogical or unreasonable to others.” Under Title VII, an undue hardship may exist where there is more than a de minimis cost or burden. The EEOC has considered several factors when determining whether an undue hardship exists, such as (1) the assessment of the public risk at that time, (2) the availability of other means of infection control, and (3) the number of accommodation requests.
  • Employers must maintain medical information and vaccination records collected from employees as confidential files in accordance with ADA requirements.
  • State vaccination laws—including where certain vaccines are mandatory for certain categories of healthcare workers—may also be relevant in designing and implementing a workplace vaccination policy.

What types of accommodations would be permitted?

Where an employer decides, after a case-by-case analysis, that an accommodation is required, it may consider is viable in the healthcare setting. Some common options include the following:

  • Requiring an employee to wear a mask, gown, or other safety gear. This option may depend on the nature of the risk, as a mask may be a reasonable accommodation for influenza in some settings, but it may not be sufficient in a setting with particularly vulnerable patients or with other pathogens that have multiple means of transmission.
  • Modifying an employee’s duties to remove at-risk activities, such as direct patient contact.
  • Temporary or permanent transfers to other positions or work areas that do not contain the same risks to patient safety.
  • Providing alternative vaccines. For example, some employees might have religious objections based on the contents of a vaccine itself, such as its use of swine products or fetal cell lines. In some cases, it may be possible to provide an alternative vaccine from a different manufacturer that does not contain the objectionable ingredient.

Healthcare employers may have legitimate reasons for requiring employee vaccinations and may want to give thoughtful consideration to federal and state employment law protections, as well as the objective medical risks applicable to specific employee groups, healthcare settings, and patient populations, before imposing sweeping mandatory policies. Such organizations may consider reviewing their vaccination programs to avoid unnecessary exposure to discrimination claims.

© 2019, Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C., All Rights Reserved.
For more vaccination legal considerations see the National Law Review Biotech, Food, Drug law page.

Incapacitated Woman Gave Birth in Arizona Nursing Home: Attorneys Seeking $45M from the State

Late last December, a nurse at Hacienda HealthCare in Arizona panicked and called 911 as a patient unexpectedly gave birth. The 29-year-old patient, who has been in a vegetative state since age 3, delivered a healthy baby boy. A police investigation concluded that one of her caregivers, a 32-year-old male nurse, raped the patient several times and fathered the child. The victim’s attorneys filed a $45 million notice of claim against the state of Arizona in late May.

After giving birth in the nursing home, the victim and baby were transferred to a nearby hospital. According to the hospital, the baby’s birth was “a repeat parous event,” meaning the victim had likely been pregnant before.

As a result of a near drowning experience in 1992, the victim is described as non-verbal and generally unresponsive. However, she does experience pain and can respond to her surroundings with a groan or a smile.

The staff full of medical professionals said they did not realize the woman was pregnant until a nurse went to change the victim and saw the baby’s head.

An anonymous former caregiver for the woman told ABC-15 she didn’t believe the pregnancy went undetected. “I can’t believe that somebody would bathe her daily for nine months and never know that she wasn’t having a period, that she [was] growing in her midsection, that nurses weren’t keeping track [of her weight],” the former caregiver said. “Those things are shocking to me.”

According to the notice of claim, the nursing home missed 83 opportunities to diagnose the pregnancy. The staff noted the patient’s abdomen was sticking out during 24 checks, and noted swollen legs and feet 12 times. A doctor saw the patient at least 10 times during her third trimester.

Hacienda HealthCare was entrusted to give the patient around-the-clock care. Not only did they overlook the signs of repeated sexual abuse the hospital reported, which allowed for it to continue, but they also failed to detect her pregnancy. The facility’s negligence caused the patient to go through her pregnancy without any proper care and in a state of malnutrition.

The complaint argues that the state of Arizona “cultivated circumstances” that enabled this misconduct and failed to monitor the long-term care facility.

There are many forms of abuse in nursing homes, to both younger and elderly patients. The long-term care facilities we trust with our loved ones are responsible for their safety and well-being.


Article by Sherri Warfel of Stark & Stark.
For more on health care issues see the National Law Review Health Law & Managed Care page.

What You Should Know About Special Focus Facility Nursing Homes

The Center for Medicare Advocacy (CMA) recently issued a Special Report focusing on progressively ineffective enforcement actions against nursing-home facilities that have demonstrated a pattern of serious noncompliance with federal nursing-home care standards meant to ensure quality care and resident safety.

The report concludes that in addition to a noncompliant nursing home’s ability to mislead consumers about its quality of care by masking staffing levels and self-reporting quality-care measures to the federal government, penalties in the form of monetary fines—imposed on the most unsafe nursing homes—are declining, and thus, are likely ineffective in improving the care provided to residents.

In cooperation with state surveyors, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) regularly visits nursing homes to determine whether they are ensuring resident safety by complying with federal nursing-home care standards: The standards also determine whether nursing homes may participate in Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement programs. And while most nursing homes have some deficiencies, most of them correct those problems within a reasonable period of time. But for nursing homes with (1) a history of having twice the average number of deficiencies, (2) deficiencies resulting in serious quality and safety issues, and (3) those issues persisting over a long period of time, CMS identifies them as Special Focus Facilities (SFF) and subjects them to additional surveys and fines.

CMS attempts to notify the public about identified SFF’s by publishing a monthly report providing the status of SFF’s by grouping them into categories separated by the following Tables:

Table Category
A Newly Added
B Not Improved
C Improving
D Recently Graduated
E No Longer in Medicare and Medicaid

The report also contains the number months the nursing home has operated as SFF.

As of the most recent SFF Update, July 19, 2018, CMS identified or had identified the following New Jersey Nursing Homes as Special Focus Facilities:

Nursing Home Location Status Months as SFF
New Grove Manor East Orange Newly Added 4 months
Cooper River West Pennsauken Improving 12 months
Meadowview Nursing & Respiratory Care Williamstown Recently Graduated 15 months

CMS also attempts to notify the public about the quality of care provided by all Medicare- and Medicaid-certified nursing homes in the country through its Nursing Home Compare Five-Star Rating website. The star-rating system gives each nursing home a rating from 1 to 5 stars in three categories: (1) health inspections, (2) staffing, and (3) quality of resident care measures (collected on each patient). Based on those ratings, CMS also calculates an overall rating.

However, while all three categories help provide a snapshot of a nursing home’s quality, a New York Times article faulted the five-star rating system for being susceptible to manipulation, and thus capable of misleading the public. That is because CMS allowed nursing homes to self-report data for two of the three categories: staffing and quality of resident care measures.  Only the health inspections category provided an independent window into the quality of a nursing home, because CMS conducts the inspections onsite and reports the results of the inspections.

Healthcare professionals have traditionally viewed the level of staffing as indicative of the nursing home’s ability to provide quality care and ensure patient safety. But even after the 2015 revision to the 5-Star Rating System to, in part, improve the accuracy of reporting staffing levels, nursing homes have continued mask the erratic levels of individuals working from day to day.

So while an unsafe nursing home may report a high-quality star rating (4 or 5 stars) in staffing and quality care measures, the health inspections category provides a more accurate assessment of how well the nursing home protects residents from harm.

For example, as of July 30, 2018, the Nursing Home Compare website reports the following quality star ratings for New Grove Manor nursing home, listed above:

The CMS website shows that despite CMS (1) assigning a Much Below Averagerating (1 star) for health inspections, (2) assigning a Below Average rating (2 stars) for overall quality, and (3) identifying New Grove Manor as a Special Focus Facility—CMS permits New Grove Manor to report an Above Average rating (4 stars) for staffing levels and to self-report an Above Average rating (4 stars) for quality measures..

Moreover, the CMA Special Report suggests that despite the poor performance of the 18 Newly Added nursing homes in the SFF Update, July 19, 2018, enforcement actions against those nursing homes are relatively minor. The Special Report notes that when attributing the total amount fines ($992,325) to all 18 Newly Added facilities, covering the prior 3-years, the average fine per year for each SFF is $18,375. However, as the Special Report notes, CMS imposed fines on only 12 of the 18 nursing homes over the prior three years. Thus, for those 12 nursing homes, the average fine per year was merely $27,562.


This post was written by Eric D. Dakhari of Stark & Stark Law Firm.

Telemedicine – Are There Increased Risks With Virtual Doctor Visits?

“Telemedicine” or “Telehealth” are the terms most often used when referring to clinical diagnosis and monitoring that is delivered by technology. Telemedicine encompasses healthcare provided via real time two-way video conferencing; file sharing, including transmission of health history, x-rays, films, or photos; remote patient monitoring; and consumer mobile health apps on smart phones, tablets, and devices that collect data and transmit it to a healthcare provider. Telemedicine is increasingly being used for everything from diagnosing common viruses to monitoring patients with serious long-term health issues.

The American Telemedicine Association reports that majority of hospitals now use some form of telemedicine. Two years ago, there were approximately 20 million telemedicine video consultations; that number is expected to increase to about 160 million by 2020. An estimated one-third of employer group plans already cover some type of telehealth.

Telemedicine implicates legal and regulatory issues as licensing, prescribing, credentialing, and cybersecurity. Pennsylvania recently passed legislation joining the Interstate Medical Licensing Compact, an agreement whereby licensed physicians can qualify to practice medicine across state lines within the Compact if they meet the eligibility requirements. The Compact enables physicians to obtain licenses to practice in multiple states, while strengthening public protection through the sharing of investigative and disciplinary information.

Federal and state laws and regulations may differ in their definitions and regulation of telemedicine. New Jersey recently passed legislation authorizing health care providers to engage in telemedicine and telehealth. The law establishes telemedicine practice standards, requirements for health care providers, and telehealth coverage requirements for various types of health insurance plans. Earlier this year, Texas became the last state to abolish the requirement that patient-physician relationships must first be established during an in-person patient/doctor visit before a telemedicine visit.

As telemedicine use increases, there will likely be an increase in related professional liability claims. One legal issue that arises in the context of telemedicine involves the standard of care that applies. The New Jersey statute states that the doctor is held to the same standard of care as applies to in-person settings. If that is not possible, the health care provider is required direct the patient to seek in-person care. However, the standard of care for telemedicine is neither clear nor uniform across the states.

Another issue that arises in the context of telemedicine is informed consent, especially in terms of communication, and keeping in mind that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court recently held that only the doctor, and not staff members, can obtain informed consent from patients. Miscommunication between a healthcare provider and patient is often an underlying cause of medical malpractice allegations in terms of whether informed consent was obtained.

In addition, equipment deficiencies or malfunctions can mask symptoms that would be evident during an in-person examination or result in the failure to transmit data accurately or timely, affecting the diagnosis or treatment of the patient.

Some of these issues will likely ultimately be addressed by legislative or regulatory bodies but others may end up in the courts. According to one medical malpractice insurer, claims relating to telemedicine have resulted from situations involving the remote reading of x-rays and fetal monitor strips by physicians, attempts to diagnose a patient via telemedicine, delays in treatment, and failure to order medication.

recent Pennsylvania case illustrates how telemedicine may also impact the way medical malpractice claims are treated in the courts. In Pennsylvania, a medical malpractice lawsuit must be filed in the county where the alleged malpractice occurred. Transferring venue back to Philadelphia County, the Superior Court in Pennsylvania found that alleged medical malpractice occurred in Philadelphia — where the physician and staff failed to timely transmit the physician’s interpretation of an infant’s echocardiogram to the hospital in another county where the infant was being treated.

The use of telemedicine will likely have wide-reaching implications for health care and health care law, including medical malpractice.

This post was written by Michael C. Ksiazek of STARK & STARK, COPYRIGHT ©
For more Health Care legal analysis, go to The National Law Review 

Trump Administration Limits Affordable Care Act’s Contraceptive Coverage Mandate

On Friday October 6, 2017, the Trump administration released two interim final rules expanding the exemptions allowed under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act’s (the “ACA’s”) contraceptive coverage mandate. Under the ACA, employer group health plans generally are required to cover contraceptives, sterilization, and related patient education and counseling, with exemptions provided for religious houses of worship. The exemption was expanded by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as a result of the Supreme Court’s decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby 34 S. Ct. 2751 (2014), which held health plans of closely held for-profit corporations are not required to cover contraceptives if doing so would contradict the owner’s religious beliefs under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

The interim final rules, released by the Treasury Department, Department of Labor (DOL), and HHS, are effective immediately and provide exemptions from the contraceptive coverage mandate to many employers with “sincerely held religious beliefs” or “sincerely held moral convictions”. The interim final rules limit the exemption for “sincerely held moral convictions” to houses of worship, tax-exempt entities, and closely held for-profit corporations, but permit publicly traded for-profit entities to use the exemption for “sincerely held religious beliefs.” According to the Trump administration, the United States has had a long history of providing protections in the regulation of health care for individuals and entities with objections based on religious beliefs or moral convictions. To take advantage of the new exemption, eligible employers must notify employees that they will no longer provide contraceptive coverage but need not inform the federal government. The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA) requires that a Summary of Material Modification (SMM) is provided within 60 days of a “material reduction” in covered services or benefits provided under a group health plan. A material reduction includes the elimination of benefits payable under a group health plan. According to an Obama administration report released last year, 55 million women have gained access to no-cost birth control as a result of the contraceptive coverage mandate. It is not clear how many entities may claim the exemptions, but HHS has predicted about 200 entities (affecting 120,000 women) may do so based on the number of entities that filed lawsuits.  Written comments on the interim final rules are due December 5, 2017.

This post was written by Cassandra Labbees of Epstein Becker & Green, P.C. All rights reserved., ©2017
For more legal analysis go to The National Law Review

Effects of Insurance Marketplace Uncertainty

Even as Senators continue to consider “Graham-Cassidy,” the latest Affordable Care Act (ACA) repeal legislation, insurance markets are already reacting to uncertainty and instability brought about by persistent GOP efforts to upend the post-ACA insurance landscape. Between the Trump Administration’s ongoing refusal to commit to long-term funding of the ACA’s cost-sharing reductions (CSRs) and legislative overtures to repeal key portions of the ACA, premiums have increased, insurers have exited state exchanges, and access to health care coverage has been compromised.

As the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) recently estimated, insurers are expected to “raise premiums for marketplace plans in 2018 by an average of roughly 15 percent, largely because of uncertainty about whether the federal government will continue to fund CSR payments and because of an increase in the percentage of the population living in areas with only one insurer.” Speaking to the latter factor, CBO notes that a number of insurers have withdrawn from healthcare exchanges established under the ACA, spurred, at least in part, by “uncertainty about the enforcement of the individual mandate, and uncertainty about the federal government’s future payments for [CSRs].” Although ACA proponents’ (and critics’) most dire predictions were narrowly avoided – that some counties would have no insurers offering marketplace plans – there is little doubt that insurer participation has been adversely impacted by market uncertainty, with pocketbook repercussions for policy-holders.

The turbulent political climate is also likely to reduce the number of insured individuals in 2018. CBO and the Joint Committee on Taxation anticipate lower insurance enrollment as a result of reductions in federal-sponsored advertising and outreach. Department of Health and Human Services officials recently indicated that the advertising budget for the open enrollment period commencing in November would be reduced to $10 million, amounting to a 90% reduction when compared to spending in the last year of the Obama Administration. Grants to “navigators” – nonprofit groups that assist people with marketplace insurance plan enrollment – will be reduced from approximately $63 million to $36 million.

Whether or not the worst is yet to come will hinge on the fate of Graham-Cassidy and the presently-stalled efforts to reach consensus on a bipartisan ACA stabilization bill. In what is turning out to be a recurring theme in 2017, we may have to wait several weeks for the dust to settle and reasoned prognostication to be possible.

This post was written by Matthew J. Goldman & Jordan E. Grushkin of Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP., Copyright © 2017
For more legal analysis go to The National Law Review 

Can Congress Get to “Yes” on Replacing the Affordable Care Act?

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell recently gave a candid assessment of the chances of getting an Affordable Care Act (ACA) replacement bill through the Senate, saying “I don’t know how we get to 50 (votes) at the moment.” That succinctly captures the political dilemma. There has long been broad bipartisan agreement that the nation’s health care system was in need of repair. Something had to be done to contain rapidly rising health care costs, increase the quality of medical outcomes, and to expand coverage. But there was little or no bipartisan agreement on how to do it. Indeed, no major health care initiative since Medicare was enacted in 1965 has enjoyed true bipartisan support.

The most recent effort to overhaul the health care system was no exception. The ACA passed in March 2010 with no Republican votes. That wholly partisan effort, in turn, set off a determined, seven-year-long effort by Republicans to repeal the law. The most recent step on this tortuous journey occurred on May 4, 2017 when the House passed the American Health Care Act (AHCA) by a vote of 217-213. In this case, no Democrats voted for the bill. Twenty Republicans also voted no and the bill passed with just one GOP vote more than the 216 needed to pass.

As we explain below, the ACA and AHCA are “apples and oranges” in their approaches to reforming the healthcare system. Because each proceeds from different philosophical premises, this post briefly examines their key components and primary goals without opining on the merits. Our primary focus is on the political and policy challenges faced by Senate Republicans in getting a bill passed (which remains highly uncertain) and whether such a bill will differ greatly from the House product. In our view, to achieve the GOP’s publicly stated policy objectives, and faced with the constraints imposed by the budget reconciliation rules (explained below), Senate Republicans will be forced to address essentially the same questions as their colleagues in the House—and their solutions likely will differ from those of the House mostly in degree.

What the AHCA Does

In the AHCA, House Republicans singled out a few ACA provisions they had publicly campaigned against—most of which are contained in Title I of the law. These include the mandate that individuals purchase coverage; the narrow, 3:1 modified community-rating corridor that Republicans asserted made coverage prohibitively expensive for younger individuals; and the requirement that plans sold in the individual and small-group market include a comprehensive set of covered medical and related services known as “essential health benefits” (EHBs) The AHCA also would make major changes to Medicaid that go well beyond rolling back the program expansion authorized by the ACA.

The AHCA’s primary purpose is to reduce premium costs and reduce the federal government’s role in health care by giving more authority and flexibility to the states. The ACA’s primary goal, in contrast, was to expand insurance coverage in the individual markets—and it did that, although not as much as had been predicted. Another ACA goal was to make coverage more affordable, at least for low- and moderate-income individuals—and it did that too. But the ACA did little to lower medical costs, and from the available evidence had only a marginal effect on healthcare outcomes. Neither does the AHCA address those issues. It instead focuses mainly on reducing federal expenditures, shifting costs to the states, and constraining the growth of Medicaid. The recently issued report by the Congressional Budget Office and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation indicates that the AHCA would achieve significant success in this regard, estimating that the bill would reduce the cumulative federal deficit over the 2017-2026 period by $119 billion.

The GOP Challenge

With their slim 52-48 majority, Republican lawmakers don’t have the votes to repeal the ACA outright. That would require 60 votes to overcome a filibuster. Instead, they must rely on a special budget strategy called “reconciliation.” Created by the Congressional Budget Act of 1974, reconciliation allows certain bills that directly impact federal spending to be passed by a simple majority. For example, reconciliation rules would allow repeal of the ACA’s individual and employer mandates by a simple 51-vote majority because those mandates directly affect revenue; but reconciliation could not be used to repeal the employer reporting rules because those provisions do not directly affect spending. These restrictions severely limit which provisions of the ACA Republicans in the Senate (and by extension the House) can replace without Democratic support. We discuss those provisions below.

The individual mandate

The ACA included an “individual mandate” that requires most U.S. citizens to buy health insurance. The purpose was to ensure broad participation in the individual markets so that there would be enough healthy individuals in the risk pool to subsidize the cost of covering those who are less healthy. Most agree that the ACA penalty for not maintaining coverage was insufficient to induce enough healthy people into the pool. The result has been steep underwriting losses which have prompted major carriers to exit the public exchanges. The AHCA would eliminate the penalty retroactively, to the beginning of 2016. In its place, the bill would impose a “continuous coverage” requirement to induce people to buy coverage and stay covered rather than buying it only when they need it, which drives up costs in the exchanges. Health carriers could assess a 30 percent penalty on individuals who have a gap in coverage of more than 63 days in the prior 12 months. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) has provided a similar rule for employer-provided group coverage since 1996.

Community rating

Under community rating, premiums can vary by age, among other things. In the case of age rating, actuarial principles dictate that the premiums paid by the oldest subscribers should be about five times what younger subscribers pay. To mitigate the impact on older citizens, the ACA limited the rating range to 3:1. The AHCA allows a ratio of up to 5:1 which actuaries say more closely aligns premiums with the costs associated with age. AHCA proponents assert that the maximum 3:1 ratio dictated by the ACA unfairly penalizes younger, healthier individuals, discouraging them from participating in the individual markets and contributing to the underwriting losses in the ACA exchanges. They also assert that individuals 65 and older are eligible for Medicare and that the workers affected by the 5:1 ratio would be primarily those 54 to 65 years old—generally the highest earning years.

Premium tax credits

The AHCA scraps the ACA’s cost-sharing subsidies, and replaces its premium tax credits. Beginning in 2020, the AHCA would offer credits for U.S. citizens and qualified aliens enrolled in qualified health plans who are not eligible for other sources of coverage. The credit amounts are based on age and adjusted by a formula that takes income into account. Credits would be capped according to a maximum dollar amount and family size. In general, the AHCA subsidies are less generous than those provided by the ACA. According to the CBO report, repeal of the ACA’s tax credits saves some $665 billion while the cost of the AHCA’s tax credits is $375 billion—a net savings of $290 billion.


Medicaid is a health insurance program with shared federal/state authority and financing. Historically, coverage generally was limited to low-income families with children, the elderly, and people with disabilities. The ACA offers states generous federal funding designed to encourage expansion of their programs to cover all Americans under age 65 whose family income is effectively at or below 138 percent percent of federal poverty guidelines ($16,394 for an individual in 2016). Currently, 31 states plus the District of Columbia have expanded their programs.

The AHCA would change the current system of federal funding of Medicaid by placing per capita caps on federal payments to states. Under that approach, each state’s Medicaid spending, beginning in 2020, would be limited based on enrollee categories (i.e., children, disabled, etc.). States that exceed the limits would get less money the following year. Alternatively, states could opt to receive federal block grants (i.e., predetermined fixed amounts) to cover their Medicaid-eligible populations.

The Medicaid changes account for the single largest item of budgetary savings under the AHCA—some $843 billion over 10 years according to the CBO. The savings are important to achieving other GOP objectives such as tax reform, but many of the 16 GOP governors who expanded Medicaid have expressed concerns about the scope and timing of the changes and the impact on their citizens.

States’ ability to opt out

In an effort to persuade House conservatives to support the AHCA, Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-NJ) offered an amendment that would allow states to seek waivers of certain AHCA provisions. The idea was to devolve to those states flexibility to modify their coverage rules to best meet the needs of their constituencies. Under the amendment, states that are granted waivers may:

  • Adopt age-rated premium ratios higher than 5:1 for older individuals buying coverage in the individual and small group markets;

  • Define their own, less generous, “essential health benefits” (EHBs) for plans purchased in the individual and small-group markets instead of the 10 EHBs mandated by the ACA (and which the AHCA otherwise would leave in place); and/or

  • Bypass the 30 percent penalty for individuals who do not maintain continuous health coverage, and instead apply medical underwriting to the pricing of plans in such cases; but states seeking such waivers must have a high-risk pool or participate in the Federal “Invisible Risk Sharing Program” (explained below).

High-risk pools

High-risk pools are state programs that provide funding to cover the health care costs of individuals with catastrophic or pre-existing medical conditions and who are unable to purchase affordable coverage in the individual market. The AHCA embraces state high-risk pools as a way to contain the cost of medical premiums for healthy individuals. It does this by creating two risk pools: one for healthy individuals or those with continuous coverage, and the other for those with high-cost or pre-existing conditions. The idea is to lower premiums for healthy people while at the same time providing coverage for those with serious health conditions using a separate funding mechanism.

To fund coverage for high-risk individuals, the AHCA provides a total of $138 billion over 10 years through various mechanisms as follows:

  • A State Stability Fund in the amounts of $15 billion in 2018 and 2019, and $10 billion each year thereafter through 2026;

  • An additional $15 billion in 2020 that states could use for maternity coverage and newborn and prevention, treatment, or recovery support services for mental or substance use disorders;

  • An additional $8 billion for the period 2018-2023 to states with a “MacArthur waiver” (previously discussed); and

  • A Federal Invisible Risk Sharing Program to help with high-cost medical claims of certain individuals who buy coverage in the individual market.

The MacArthur waivers are not without controversy. The two biggest issues are the potentially large cost increases to older citizens and whether individuals with pre-existing health conditions will be adequately protected. Another question is how many states actually will seek waivers and assume the financial (and political) responsibility for protecting older and sicker workers if the federal dollars under the AHCA prove insufficient. The CBO makes an educated guess as to how many people might be affected by states getting waivers, but they are guesses nonetheless.

Ways to get to Yes

The CBO report estimates that from 2017 to 2026, the AHCA would reduce direct spending by $1.111 trillion and revenues by $0.992 trillion (resulting in a net deficit reduction of $119 billion—and that 23 million fewer people would have health coverage (CBO does not count as health coverage limited benefit plans, including so-called “mini-med” plans and fixed-dollar indemnity plans). These numbers are a direct consequence of the AHCA’s stated goals—to reduce the role of the federal government in regulating and financing health care, specifically in the individual market, Medicaid, and the uninsured.

Senate Republicans broadly share those goals, but they differ on how to achieve them, as did many of their House colleagues. To further mitigate the impact on individuals, the Senate could adjust the AHCA’s spending and revenue levels, as well as the timing of certain provisions—for example, they could push back the phase-out of the ACA’s Medicaid expansion provisions from 2020 to a later date. Similarly, the AHCA’s per-capita caps and block grant provisions could be adjusted to provide more money to the states. The trade-off would be higher spending levels than the House bill, but this could be offset by modifying the AHCA’s tax repeal provisions. For example, the ACA’s so-called “Cadillac” tax on high-cost employer plans, which the House bill delayed until 2026, could be allowed to go into effect earlier, thus generating more revenue. To the same effect, the Senate could push back repeal of the ACA’s Medicare payroll tax on high income individuals. Another step might be to provide additional subsidies for those aged 50 to 64 to mitigate any adverse effect of the increase in the premium age-rating ratio proposed by the House.

We are under no illusions that the policy differences among Senate Republicans can be reconciled—and if they can, that the House and Senate can reach agreement when they go to conference. All we know now is that the GOP is stuck with its seven-year public commitment to creating a better system with still no clear path forward. Democrats may be enjoying the Republicans’ predicament, but neither party is likely to be viewed favorably if the current system continues to falter and ultimately fails. If that happens, the price of our polarized political environment could be steep for both sides.

The sheer magnitude of the dollars at stake should compel policymakers to find a breakthrough. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services reports that national spending on health care grew 5.8 percent to $3.2 trillion in 2015, accounting for 17.8 percent of GDP. Medicare spending alone was $646.2 billion, 20 percent of the total. Medicaid another $545.1 billion, or 17 percent. Thus, the most urgent practical question may not be whose theory of government is more correct, but whether the current rate of health care spending is sustainable. We can’t think of a better answer than economist Herbert Stein’s wry observation that, “if something cannot go on forever, it will stop.”

This post was written by Alden J. Bianchi andEdward A. Lenz of Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.

IRS Delays Notice Requirements for Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Accounts

Small Employer Health Reimbursement AccountsThe 21st Century Cures Act (“Cures Act”), signed into law by President Obama on December 13, 2016, included a provision that exempts qualified small employer health reimbursement arrangements (“QSEHRAs”) from the Affordable Care Act’s (“ACA’s”) group health plan rules. On February 27, 2017, the IRS extended the time for plan sponsors to provide the required QSEHRA notice to employees. This Update describes the general rules for QSEHRAs under the Cures Act, as well as the extension recently granted by the IRS.

Background – Health Reimbursement Accounts Under the ACA

A health reimbursement arrangement (“HRA”) typically consists of an arrangement under which an employer reimburses medical expenses (whether in the form of direct payments or reimbursements for premiums or other medical costs) up to a certain amount. Under the ACA, employers are generally prohibited from establishing an HRA unless it is “integrated” with (that is, considered part of) the employer’s ACA-compliant group health plan. This is because an HRA, standing alone, is a group health plan that will not satisfy several ACA requirements, such as the prohibition on annual or lifetime benefit limits. The IRS has also stated that a non-integrated HRA violates the ACA regardless of whether reimbursements or direct payments are treated as pre-tax or after-tax. An employer that offers a non-compliant HRA is subject to an excise tax under Section 4980D of the Internal Revenue Code (“Code”) of $100 for each day that it offered the non-compliant HRA.

For more information about HRAs under the ACA, including types of HRA arrangements that do not violate the ACA, see our June 11, 2015 Compensation & Benefits Legal Update.

HRAs for Qualified Small Employers Under the Cures Act

Under the Cures Act, a QSEHRA established by an eligible employer is not considered a group health plan for purposes of the ACA. As a result, the QSEHRA does not need to comply with the ACA’s market reforms, and an eligible employer that establishes a QSEHRA is not subject to the Code Section 4980D excise tax. To be an eligible employer, a company must have fewer than the equivalent of 50 full-time employees and must not offer a group health plan to any of its employees.

A QSEHRA may pay and/or reimburse for medical care expenses, as defined in Code Section 213(d), including premium payments for individual health insurance policies covering the employee or enrolled family members, regardless of whether the policies are purchased through a broker or through a health insurance exchange. In addition, a QSEHRA must meet the following requirements:

  1. It must be provided on the same terms to all eligible employees of the eligible employer;

  2. It must be funded solely by the employer (i.e., no salary reduction contributions);

  3. It must require employees to provide proof of coverage before the payment or reimbursement of benefits; and

  4. It must limit the amount of payments and reimbursements for any year to no more than $4,950 for single coverage or $10,000 for family coverage (prorated for partial-year coverage).

If an eligible employee enrolls in a health plan that qualifies as minimum essential coverage for the year, the QSEHRA benefit will not count as taxable income. Otherwise, the amount will count as taxable income. The employer must report the total amount of the QSEHRA benefit on each employee’s Form W-2, regardless of whether the amount is taxable.

QSEHRA Notice Requirement

An employer that offers a QSEHRA must issue a specific written notice to all eligible employees. The notice must describe the benefits including the maximum annual benefit, state that the employee should disclose the amount of the QSEHRA benefit when purchasing coverage through a health insurance exchange and that the QSEHRA benefit will offset the amount of any premium tax credit, and state that if the employee is not enrolled in minimum essential coverage he or she may be subject to the individual mandate penalty under the ACA and that any reimbursements from the QSEHRA may be taxable income.

The QSEHRA notice must be provided no later than 90 days before the beginning of the QSEHRA plan year (or, if the employee becomes eligible during the QSEHRA plan year, by the date the employee becomes eligible to participate). However, an eligible employer that provides a QSEHRA for a year beginning in 2017 will not be treated as failing to timely furnish the initial written notice if the notice is furnished to its eligible employees no later than 90 days after the enactment of the Cures Act, which was March 13, 2017. An employer that fails to provide the required notice will be subject to penalties of $50 per employee for each failure, capped at $2,500 for all such failures during a calendar year.

Extension of QSEHRA Notice Requirement

On February 27, 2017, the IRS issued Notice 2017-20, in which it recognized that some eligible employers may find it difficult to comply with the QSEHRA notice requirement absent additional guidance concerning the contents of the notice. Therefore, the IRS provided that an eligible employer that provides a QSEHRA to its eligible employees for a year beginning in 2017 is not required to furnish the initial written notice to those employees until after further guidance has been issued by the IRS. That further guidance will specify a deadline for providing the initial written notice that is no earlier than 90 days following the issuance of that guidance. Employers may provide QSEHRA notice to their eligible employees before such further guidance, and may rely upon a reasonable good faith interpretation of the Cures Act to determine the contents of the notice.

©2017 von Briesen & Roper, s.c

Health-Related Programs Face Deep Cuts In President Trump’s “Budget Blueprint to Make America Great Again”

President Trump is expected to release a full FY 2018 budget request in May of this year. Although the budget blueprint delivers on President Trump’s campaign promise for increased homeland security and military spending, opposition from both Democratic and Republican lawmakers suggests that the proposed cuts are unlikely to fully survive the congressional appropriations process.

Key Health-Related Spending Cuts Under the Budget Proposal

The NIH, a division within HHS, is the principal government agency for biomedical and health-related research. While 10% of NIH funding is used for research within its own facilities, the agency awards nearly 80% of its funding to outside universities, medical schools, and other research institutions. The Trump Administration proposes to reduce the NIH’s budget by $6 billion, or nearly 20%—back to its lowest level in 15 years.

The proposed budget cut eliminates $403 million in health professions and nursing training programs because the programs purportedly “lack evidence that they significantly improve the Nation’s health workforce.”

The proposal also calls for a “major reorganization” of the 27 NIH institutes and centers “to help focus resources on the highest priority research and training activities.” So far, the Administration’s only request with respect such reorganization is the abolishment of the Fogarty International Center, a $70 million program dedicated to training scientists in developing nations, particularly in Africa, to detect and control the spread of emerging infectious diseases.

The spending plan also consolidates the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) within the NIH. The AHRQ, which supports research on healthcare delivery cost, quality, and safety, could cease to exist under the proposed cuts.

Not surprisingly, President Trump’s budget proposal has been met with criticism from those in the biomedical research community. According to a statement released by the Association of American Medical Colleges, major cuts to the NIH would “cripple the nation’s ability to support and deliver” biomedical research. Likewise, according to Andrew Rosenberg, director of the Center for Science and Democracy with the Union of Concerned Scientists, “[w]hat this budget does is ignore evidence and undermine our very ability to collect it across the board.”

Other Important Budget Details

The budget blueprint also proposes to decentralize the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), another agency within HHS, by establishing a state block grant program “to increase State flexibility and focus on the leading public health challenges specific to each State.” While this change would lessen categorical funding restrictions, like other block grant mechanisms, it likely would have the effect of reducing federal funding for such programs.

Notwithstanding the proposed cuts, the Administration plans to continue funding for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. The budget outline also requests an additional $500 million for HHS to “expand opioid misuse prevention efforts and to increase access to treatment and recovery services.”

Trump Administration’s First Budget Battle; Implications for FY 2018 Proposal

While President Trump’s budget proposal sheds some light on his Administration’s priorities, it also faces an uphill battle in gaining acceptance in Congress. While lack of support for the budget proposal from congressional Democrats is unsurprising, several GOP leaders have already come out and voiced their opposition to the budget cuts. Rep. Hal Rodgers (R-KY), former chairperson of the House Appropriations Committee, has called the proposed cuts “draconian, careless, and counterproductive.” Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK), a member of both the House Appropriations and Budget Committees, described the cuts to NIH and CDC as “short-sighted.”

Still, some biomedical industry leaders have expressed confidence that Congress will not end up moving forward with the proposed cuts. “Congress has a long bipartisan history of protecting research investments,” noted Rush Holt, CEO of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). “We are grateful and encouraged that members of Congress have already spoken out about the importance of keeping NIH funding at healthy levels,” added David Arons, CEO of the National Brain Tumor Society.

One additional development to keep in mind in connection with President Trump’s proposed budget for FY 2018 is how Congress will address the FY 2017 continuing resolution. The continuing resolution currently maintains government spending at FY 2016 levels, but is set to expire on April 28. By this date, Congress must pass an appropriations bill to keep the government running for the remainder of FY 2017. How President Trump and Congress address this issue could give an indication on whether Congress is willing to work with the President’s FY 2018 budget outline.

Copyright © 2017, Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP.