Understanding the Enhanced Regulation S-P Requirements

On May 16, 2024, the Securities and Exchange Commission adopted amendments to Regulation S-P, the regulation that governs the treatment of nonpublic personal information about consumers by certain financial institutions. The amendments apply to broker-dealers, investment companies, and registered investment advisers (collectively, “covered institutions”) and are designed to modernize and enhance the protection of consumer financial information. Regulation S-P continues to require covered institutions to implement written polices and procedures to safeguard customer records and information (the “safeguards rule”), properly dispose of consumer information to protect against unauthorized use (the “disposal rule”), and implementation of a privacy policy notice containing an opt out option. Registered investment advisers with over $1.5 billion in assets under management will have until November 16, 2025 (18 months) to comply, those entities with less will have until May 16, 2026 (24 months) to comply.

Incident Response Program

Covered institutions will have to implement an Incident Response Program (the “Program”) to their written policies and procedures if they have not already done so. The Program must be designed to detect, respond to, and recover customer information from unauthorized third parties. The nature and scope of the incident must be documented with further steps taken to prevent additional unauthorized use. Covered institutions will also be responsible for adopting procedures regarding the oversight of third-party service providers that are receiving, maintaining, processing, or accessing their client’s data. The safeguard rule and disposal rule require that nonpublic personal information received from a third-party about their customers should be treated the same as if it were your own client.

Customer Notification Requirement

The amendments require covered institutions to notify affected individuals whose sensitive customer information was, or is reasonably likely to have been, accessed or used without authorization. The amendments require a covered institution to provide the notice as soon as practicable, but not later than 30 days, after becoming aware that unauthorized access to or use of customer information has occurred or is reasonably likely to have occurred. The notices must include details about the incident, the breached data, and how affected individuals can respond to the breach to protect themselves. A covered institution is not required to provide the notification if it determines that the sensitive customer information has not been, and is not reasonably likely to be, used in a manner that would result in substantial harm or inconvenience. To the extent a covered institution will have a notification obligation under both the final amendments and a similar state law, a covered institution may be able to provide one notice to satisfy notification obligations under both the final amendments and the state law, provided that the notice includes all information required under both the final amendments and the state law, which may reduce the number of notices an individual receives.


Covered institutions will have to make and maintain the following in their books and records:

  • Written policies and procedures required to be adopted and implemented pursuant to the Safeguards Rule, including the incident response program;
  • Written documentation of any detected unauthorized access to or use of customer information, as well as any response to and recovery from such unauthorized access to or use of customer information required by the incident response program;
  • Written documentation of any investigation and determination made regarding whether notification to customers is required, including the basis for any determination made and any written documentation from the United States Attorney General related to a delay in notice, as well as a copy of any notice transmitted following such determination;
  • Written policies and procedures required as part of service provider oversight;
  • Written documentation of any contract entered into pursuant to the service provider oversight requirements; and
  • Written policies and procedures required to be adopted and implemented for the Disposal Rule.

Registered investment advisers will be required to preserve these records for five years, the first two in an easily accessible place.

Paperless Power: Exploring the Legal Landscape of E-Signatures and eNotes

In an era characterized by rapid technological advancements and the profound shift towards remote work, the traditional concept of signing documents with pen and paper has evolved. Electronic signatures, or e-signatures, have emerged as a convenient and efficient alternative, promising to streamline processes, reduce paperwork, and enhance accessibility. Organizations are increasingly embracing e-signatures for a wide range of transactions, prompting a closer examination of their legal validity.


An e-signature encompasses any electronic sound, symbol, or process associated with a record and executed with the intent to sign. These can range from scanned images of handwritten signatures to digital representations generated by specialized software.


The governing law for e-signatures in the United States includes both state-specific laws, like those based on the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA), and the federal ESIGN. ESIGN applies to interstate and foreign transactions, harmonizing electronic transactions across state lines. Many states, including Massachusetts, have adopted UETA, reinforcing the legal standing of e-signatures within their jurisdictions (MUETA).


Generally, e-signatures are legally binding in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. However, certain documents like wills, adoption papers, and divorce decrees are excluded from the scope of ESIGN and MUETA to safeguard consumer rights and maintain traditional legal practices.

The following components must be present for e-signatures to be fully protected and upheld under ESIGN and MUETA:

  • Intent: each party intended to execute the document;
  • Consent: there must be express or implied consent from the parties to do business electronically (under MUETA, consumer consent disclosures may also be required). In addition, signers should also have the option to opt-out;
  • Association: the e-signature must be “associated” with the document it is intended to authenticate; and
  • Record Retention: records of the transaction and e-signature must be retained electronically.

Meeting these requirements ensures that e-signatures have the same legal validity and enforceability as traditional handwritten, wet-ink signatures in Massachusetts.


An eNote is an electronically created, signed, and stored promissory note. It differs from scanned signatures on paper or PDF copies. Governed by Article 3 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), eNotes are considered negotiable instruments and therefore require special treatment. ESIGN provides a framework for their use, emphasizing the concept of a “transferable record.” This electronic record, meeting UCC standards, grants the same legal rights as a traditional paper note to the person in “control.” The objective of “control” is for there to be a single authoritative copy of the promissory note that is unique, identifiable, and unalterable. Therefore, proving authenticity and lender control over eNotes can be complex.

In Massachusetts, specific foreclosure laws require the presentation of the original note. Thus lenders should be cautious with eNotes, as possessing an original, physical note greatly reduces enforceability risks.

Further, financial institutions often face heightened scrutiny when using e-signatures due to the sensitive nature of financial transactions and the potential risks involved to ensure security, compliance, and consumer protection.


E-signatures have become widely accepted for recording purposes, including in real estate transactions, due to their convenience and efficiency. The implementation of e-signatures for recording has been facilitated and standardized by legislation such as the Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act (URPERA). While URPERA offers a comprehensive framework for electronic recording, its adoption varies from state to state. In Massachusetts, URPERA has not yet been formally adopted, leaving recording procedures subject to individual county regulations.


Despite the legal recognition of e-signatures under both ESIGN and MUETA, to ensure compliance, organizations should adopt the following best practices:

  1. Obtain Consent: Obtain (and retain) affirmative consent from parties to conduct transactions electronically.
  2. AssociationEstablish a clear and direct connection between an electronic signature and the electronic record it is intended to authenticate.
    • Embedding: One common method of meeting the association requirement is embedding e-signatures directly within electronic documents.
    • Metadata and Audit Trails: Another method is using metadata and audit trails. Metadata contains signature details like signing date, time, signer identity, and transaction specifics. Audit trails chronicle all document actions, reinforcing the link between signatures and records.
  3. Ensure the Integrity of Electronic Records
    • Authenticity and Integrity: Use secure methods to authenticate the identity of signatories and ensure the integrity of the electronic records. This can include digital signatures, encryption, and secure access controls.
    • Single Authoritative Copy: For transferable records (eNotes), ensure that there is a single authoritative copy that is unique, identifiable, and unalterable except through authorized actions.
  4. Maintain Accessibility and Retainability: Ensure that electronic records are retained in a format that is accessible and readable for the required retention period. This includes being able to accurately reproduce the record in its original form.
  5. Security Measures: Implement robust cybersecurity measures to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, or destruction of electronic records. This includes using firewalls, encryption, and secure user authentication methods.
  6. Provide Consumer Protections: Ensure that consumers have the option to receive paper records and can withdraw their consent to electronic records at any time.
  7. Legal and Regulatory Updates: Keep abreast of any updates or changes in the legal and regulatory landscape regarding electronic transactions and records. Adjust policies and practices accordingly to remain compliant.


While e-signatures offer significant benefits for modern commerce, including efficiency and convenience, their adoption requires careful consideration, especially regarding legal and regulatory compliance. By adhering to best practices and remaining vigilant, businesses and individuals can leverage e-signatures effectively in today’s digital economy.