Options for Employers When Employees Cannot Work From Home

Despite many politicians and employers discussing the option for employees to work at home, there are millions of employees who simply cannot do that. Bartenders, restaurant servers, cashiers, and many others have no one to serve and nothing to ring up when they work at home.

Employers of such employees accordingly have a difficult decision to make when business is at an all-time low or they have been shut down. Most cannot afford to pay employees during this time period and hope employees will qualify for unemployment benefits. The question for these employers thus becomes–to fire, or not to fire.

This is where a work furlough comes into play. A work furlough is essentially a temporary layoff that qualifies for unemployment benefits.

Furloughs rose in popularity some years ago when businesses had to cut costs. Most employers knew employees who worked from paycheck to paycheck would suffer a financial hardship if the employees lost their jobs. Employers did not want to terminate employment. These employers wanted to minimize the negative impact, psychologically and monetarily, a termination brings, and the hard feelings an employee may carry following termination. Employers wanted employees who were already-trained to return to work at the end of a furlough, rather than having to start the hiring process from scratch.

Work furloughs generally have a set beginning and end date, similar to the 15-day shut-down ordered in many cities. The employer does not pay the employee during the furlough. Employees, however, generally qualify for unemployment compensation benefits.

Employers who want to maintain better relations should tell their employees to apply for unemployment benefits on the first day of the furlough. This ensures the employees will receive the maximum compensation possible. Even an employee who uses vacation time or personal time may qualify for unemployment benefits.

Usually there is a one week waiting period before an employee is eligible to receive any unemployment benefits. Many states have benevolently waived this one week waiting period for job losses suffered due to the pandemic. In these states, employees will receive benefits beginning “day 1.” The employee will receive compensation during the second week and any later weeks during which the employee is not working.

Any employee who files after the first week of the furlough must use the second furlough week as the waiting period. The employee, therefore, loses a week of unemployment compensation.

Even if the furlough period is only one week in length, employees should file for benefits. This helps the employee if the employer is forced to extend a furlough or put employees on furlough again later that same year. The one-week waiting period only applies to the first week when the employee did not work during the first furlough. The employee does not have to wait yet another week to receive benefits (compensation) during any furloughs that take place within 12 months of the first furlough.

While furloughs are an excellent option for employers to consider, any employer considering termination or a furlough must carefully consider all state and local laws; the state emergency declarations and laws issued, given the pandemic; and federal law, including any relief package or whether the number of employees furloughed triggers obligations under WARN.

© Polsinelli PC, Polsinelli LLP in California

For more on the COVID-19 outbreak, see the National Law Review dedicated Coronavirus News section.

Important Guidance for IRS Tax Filers

Due to the situation created by the coronavirus, we’ve been fielding questions from clients, co-workers and accountants about potential changes in the tax filing and tax payment deadlines, as well as other IRS administrative issues such as examinations, collection actions and payment plans.

Because the president declared a national emergency, the IRS has broad powers under statute to extend certain deadlines. The IRS also has broad administrative authority. As of the date and time of this email, there has been no official guidance issued on extending the April 15 deadline for the filing of income tax returns. However, statements made on March 17, 2020 by Secretary of Treasury Mnuchin suggest that the government will allow a 90-day deferral of tax payments to the IRS.

Under this program, individuals can defer up to $1 million of tax payments, and corporations can defer up to $10 million, with no penalties and interest for 90 days. This program does appear to require the filing of a tax return first in order to obtain the deferral. Many questions on this program remain, and Varnum’s tax team will provide updates as they evolve.

Out of an abundance of caution, individuals may want to file an extension (Form 4868) prior to the filing deadline. This is NOT an extension in time to pay. As such, the first quarter tax estimates are due April 15 as is any shortfall in the expected 2019 tax liability. Please note, with respect to the payment deferral program, the secretary has not clarified whether the extension form or the estimated tax payment voucher falls under the definition of “return” for the payment deferral program. Finally, there are some safe harbors for estimated tax payments that may apply. Check the IRS website or talk to a tax advisor.

Tax preparers should check with the IRS employee assigned to any matter for the case status, including document requests, etc. If your client is honoring an IRS levy on an employee at this time, those obligations are still in force unless notified otherwise by the IRS. Some deadlines such as filing a Tax Court Petition for relief are statutory in nature and still valid.

© 2020 Varnum LLP

More on tax laws or the coronavirus outbreak on the National Law Review.

Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Paid Leave now Required for Absences Related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Early Saturday, March 14, 2020 the House of Representatives passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (the “Act”). The Senate is set to take this matter up on Monday, March 16, 2020 and President Trump stated that he will immediately sign the legislation. The Act has many facets to it including new temporary employer obligations relative to paid leaves of absence related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and expands employer obligations under the Federal Family and Medical Leave Law. Employers have time to prepare as the law will be effective 15 days after enactment (potentially as soon as March 31, 2020, if signed Monday). While there is much remaining to be analyzed under this new law, the following provides an initial overview so employers can begin preparations for compliance and education of the workforce.

Expansion of FMLA rights

First, the Act expands the pool of employees that qualify for federal FMLA leave. The Act will require employers with fewer than 500 employees1 (and all government employers) to provide employees who have been employed for at least 30 days with FMLA leave for Coronavirus reasons if:

  1. The employee is absent from work due to the employee’s physical presence jeopardizing the health of others due to exposure to the Coronavirus or due to the employee exhibiting symptoms of the virus;
  2. The employee will care for a family member who a health care provider or a public health authority determines has been exposed to the Coronavirus or who exhibits symptoms of the virus; or
  3. The employee is needed to care for a son or daughter under 18 because a school or a place of care (daycare) has been closed or the child care provider is not available.

The definition of “family” in the application of the above requirements is expanded to include family members who are senior citizens, grandparents, grandchildren, next of kin of the employee or is a son or daughter with special needs. The definition of “spouse” also includes domestic partners, as defined under the law.

The rights and remedies available to an employee under the federal FMLA remain the same. Therefore, we recommend that employers review existing procedures and forms utilized to determine FMLA eligibility and update those materials to recognize the Act’s broadened scope.2

Enhanced Right to Paid Time Off

The Act also mandates that employers provide “Emergency Paid Sick Leave.” This benefit is available to employees to:

  1. Self-isolate because of a Coronavirus diagnosis;
  2. Obtain medical diagnosis or care if the employee is experiencing the symptoms of the Coronavirus;
  3. Comply with an order of a public official or Health Care Provider that physical presence at work would jeopardize the health of others due to the employee’s exposure to the Coronavirus or because the employee is exhibiting symptoms of the illness;
  4. Care for a family member of the employee due to the family member’s self-quarantining based upon exposure to the virus or because the family member is exhibiting symptoms and requires medical diagnosis or care; or
  5. Care for a child of the employee if a school or place of care has been closed or the care provider for the child is unavailable.

If an employee meets one or more of these qualifications, the Act provides that the employee is entitled to Emergency Paid Sick Leave. Specifically, full-time employees will have 80 hours of sick leave available to them and part-time employees will have their average hours of work over a 2-week period available as Paid Sick Leave. If the employee has variable hours of work each week, the employee’s average hours of work over the preceding 6 months will be used to determine the employee’s average hours per week. The sick leave benefit will be paid at the employee’s regular rate of pay for any absence due to the employee’s own treatment or quarantine. The sick leave benefit will be paid at two-thirds of the employee’s regular rate of pay for any absence to care for a family member or to provide child care due to school or daycare closure.

If an employee needs leave beyond the 2-weeks for Emergency Paid Sick Leave and continues to meet the requirements associated with the Act’s mandate for paid leave under the FMLA, the employee will be paid not less than two-thirds of the employee’s regular rate of pay (or minimum wage, if greater) for the regular hours of work missed, to the extent of the employee’s already-existing available FMLA leave. The changes to the FMLA under the Act will expire on December 31, 2020.

Finally, for employee absences associated with non-FMLA qualifying reasons (e.g., an employer’s decision to send an employee home because the employee is exhibiting flu-like symptoms), the employee may be eligible for Unemployment Insurance benefits beginning in the first week of absence. This provision will expire on December 31, 2020.

It is important to understand that the Act entitlement represents the “floor” of entitlement. In other words, employers will not enjoy a reduced obligation to provide Paid Sick Leave if it already offers Paid Sick Leave to employees. The Paid Sick Leave under the Act is in addition to what the employee may already be entitled to in employment. However, there will not be any carryover right for unused Sick Leave granted under the Act.

Again, it is important that employers revisit their protocol for determining eligibility for paid sick leave and prepare to implement the new mandate. Likewise, employers providing Paid Sick Leave and absence benefits should carefully log the wages paid related to compliance. As of now, the Act anticipates a tax credit available for sick leave wages paid to employees, subject to caps established under the law.

1 Exemptions for small employers (fewer than 50 employees) and certain emergency and healthcare workers continue to be discussed.
2 The DOL will be issuing a Notice related to the new requirements that must be posted along with other employment related Notices to employees.

©2020 von Briesen & Roper, s.c
For more on the developing Coronavirus situation, see the National Law Review dedicated Coronavirus News page.

Preparing Your Workplace to Address Coronavirus Risks: FAQs for Employers

Employers in the United States should continue to prepare for a widespread outbreak of COVID-19, commonly referred to as the coronavirus, as new cases are confirmed daily. These preparations include assessing work-related travel (as well as employee personal travel) and implementing more expansive work-from-home policies.

Although COVID-19 is new, the steps employers should take are not unlike the approaches recommended to address the annual flu season as well as prior outbreaks such as H1N1 (the “Swine Flu”), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (“SARs”) or Ebola.

Employers should carefully monitor recommendations from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) and other public health agencies in connection with the creation of workplace plans and strategies. As this is an evolving situation, best practices for the workplace will continue to develop as conditions change. Carefully tailoring an employer’s plan so as to act consistently with current public health guidance will help keep employees, patients, customers and clients safe as well as reduce an employer’s legal risks. If an employer has an on-site medical professional, partnering with such an expert regarding the implementation of such a plan is strongly advised.

What is the coronavirus and how does it spread?

The novel coronavirus causes coronavirus disease 2019 or COVID-19. Reported cases include respiratory illness with symptoms of fever, cough and shortness of breath. It is spread mainly from person to person either in close contact with each other or through the transmission of respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The number of cases continues to grow, but for now, most cases continue to be mild.

What steps should employers take to reduce the risk of the coronavirus spreading in their workplaces?

There is no vaccine to prevent the coronavirus. The best way to prevent the spread of any respiratory illness in the workplace is to exercise commonsense measures. Health officials, including the CDC, recommend the following preventive measures:

  • Sick employees should stay home from work until they are free of fever, signs of a fever, or any other symptoms for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing or symptom-altering medicine.
  • Wash hands vigorously with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub for at least 20 seconds.
  • Avoid touching one’s face, especially eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Exercise respiratory etiquette and cover one’s mouth when coughing or sneezing.
  • Clean frequently touched surfaces.
  • Maintain at least three feet of distance between oneself and others, including those who are coughing, sneezing or have a fever.

What steps should employers take to prepare for employee communications?

Employers should take steps to be prepared for communicating important health and safety information to all their employees whenever such information needs to be shared. Employers may need to reach employees while outside the workplace and outside regular working hours. Employers should ensure that they have up-to-date contact information for all employees in case health and safety updates need to be communicated. Messaging regarding the coronavirus should come from a dedicated workplace representative to avoid the sharing of conflicting information and to prevent employee confusion and undue alarm.

What employment laws should employers consider when making decisions regarding the coronavirus?

Employers should consider the Occupational Safety and Health Act (“OSH Act”), the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”), Title VII of the Civil Rights Act (“Title VII”), the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (“PDA”), the Family and Medical Leave Act (“FMLA”), state workers’ compensation laws and any federal or state anti-discrimination or disability laws as employers develop plans regarding the coronavirus.

Employers have a legal obligation to provide a safe and healthy working environment free from serious recognized hazards under the OSH Act. Taking reasonable steps to prevent the spread of communicable diseases, like COVID-19, may fall under this requirement. Employers should consider potential discrimination claims that could arise under the ADA, Title VII or the PDA. The ADA protects individuals who are disabled or who are regarded as disabled. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) has stated that while the ADA’s requirements continue to apply, they do not interfere with or prevent employers from following CDC guidelines and recommendations regarding the coronavirus. The EEOC also has indicated that its previously issued guidance regarding the H1N1 pandemic is applicable here. Similar to the EEOC’s approach during the H1N1 pandemic, employer actions that might be viewed as discriminatory under other circumstances (such as requiring an employee to remain at home for a period of time upon returning from travel to certain countries) would not run afoul of the ADA when taken to limit workplace exposure to the coronavirus. This is because either COVID-19 will not be considered a disability because the resulting illness is mild or, alternatively, if COVID-19 becomes more severe and/or widespread, an employer’s actions to limit the spread of the coronavirus will likely be deemed justified given the direct threat posed to other employees, customers, patients or the public at large.

Employers should also take care not to discriminate against employees based on their national origin. Accordingly, employers should establish consistently applied and clearly communicated practices with regard to self-quarantining of employees. For instance, consistent and science-based practices should be followed when employees return from travel to certain countries facing significant outbreaks, rather than singling out employees on an ad hoc basis who may have visited their countries of origin. Recent reports suggest a heightened concern regarding possible workplace discrimination against employees of Asian descent.

While pregnant women may be more susceptible to viral respiratory infections or severe illness, the CDC has released no guidance establishing that such individuals are more susceptible to COVID-19 than the general population. Employers should thus ensure they are not engaging in disparate treatment of pregnant employees.

In addition to discrimination concerns, employers should consider what reasonable accommodations they may need to provide employees under the ADA or the PDA.

Employers also should be prepared to grant FMLA leave to employees who test positive for (or display symptoms of) COVID-19 or who require leave to care for an individual with COVID-19.

Lastly, employees who contract COVID-19 in the scope of their employment may be entitled to make claims under their employers’ workers’ compensation policies.

Should employers cancel work-related travel?

As of March 6, 2020, the CDC recommends avoiding all nonessential travel to China, Iran, Italy and South Korea and has issued travel alerts recommending that travelers practice enhanced precautions in Japan. These travel advisories extend to layovers in the affected areas. Moreover, entries into the United States of foreign nationals who have been in China or Iran in the 14 days prior to entering the United States have been suspended in many circumstances.

Employers should consider these travel advisories when formulating their business travel plans. Many employers are suspending all business travel to the affected areas. Employers face potential risk when requiring employees to travel to areas where the CDC and other federal agencies have advised against non-essential travel. Other employers are limiting or suspending all non-essential travel or canceling in-person attendance at conferences or meetings in light of the potential spread of the coronavirus.

In assessing work-related travel plans, employers should ensure that they do not single out certain groups (e.g., limiting a pregnant employee’s travel due to the risk of exposure to the coronavirus, but allowing other employees to travel).

Should employers cancel large conferences or other community events?

Employers planning events should stay informed about local coronavirus risks. The CDC is recommending event organizers and staff review existing emergency operations plans and focus on prevention strategies, such as frequent handwashing and encouraging both staff and patrons who are sick to stay home. If events are proceeding, the implementation of flexible refund policies may help encourage sick individuals to stay home. And organizers should have supplies that help prevent the spread of viruses such as soap, hand sanitizer and facial tissue available to employees and attendees. Organizers should also establish criteria with the venue and local public health officials to determine under what specific circumstances events will be postponed or canceled.

What should employers do when they suspect an employee was exposed to the coronavirus and is symptomatic?

An employer should send such an employee home and advise him or her to seek immediate medical attention. The employee should be required to remain at home until he or she no longer displays symptoms and is not contagious. The decision to discontinue home isolation should be made on a case-by-case basis, in consultation with health care providers and state and local health departments.

Are employees sent home due to exposure to the coronavirus (self-quarantined) entitled to paid leave?

Employers typically are not legally obligated to provide paid leave to employees who are sent home due to suspected COVID-19 infection or exposure unless state or local paid sick leave laws apply. However, employers should consider allowing employees to utilize paid leave under any available employer leave policies. If the employee is able to perform his or her job remotely, and is physically able to work, employers should consider allowing remote work during such self-quarantine period, even if such remote work is not consistent with the employer’s regular practices. Employers should consult with counsel to determine whether and when to offer paid or unpaid leave to employees facing quarantine situations. And any modification of an employer’s routine policies and practices to address this unique circumstance should be implemented consistently.

What should employers do if employees travel to affected areas (currently China, Iran, Italy, South Korea and Japan ) but do not display any symptoms upon return?

Many employers are encouraging (but not requiring) self-quarantining regardless of whether the employee is symptomatic. Others are requiring employees to self-quarantine for up to 14 days (the commonly presumed incubation period for the coronavirus) after returning from these areas. As the list of affected countries continues to expand and risk levels continue to change, employers should carefully monitor and reevaluate their practices.

Requiring self-quarantining protects other employees. On the other hand, requiring self-quarantining for those who have traveled to affected areas may expose an employer to potential claims under the ADA, Title VII, or other anti-discrimination statutes, especially where a forced quarantine situation results in the employee’s loss of income or other benefits. Such legal risks may be reduced where an employee is able to work remotely and thus is compensated during the quarantine period.

When employees work from home, are they entitled to a reasonable accommodation under the ADA, the PDA or other equal employment opportunity laws?

Employees are entitled to reasonable accommodations that will enable them to perform the essential functions of their positions. For example, if an employee has been provided the accommodation of a low-vision screen reader on his or her work computer, that employee should have access to such a screen reader as a reasonable accommodation when required to work at home.

Can employers ask employees if they have traveled to one of the affected areas?

Yes. Given the ongoing travel advisories and the recommendations of the CDC and other federal agencies regarding travel to affected areas and self-quarantining to limit the spread of the coronavirus, there is likely low risk in requiring employees to disclose their recent travel destinations.

Can employers require a return to work or fitness for duty exam to allow employees to return to work?

Employees who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 should only discontinue isolation after consulting health care providers and state and local health departments. Employers may require the employee to provide proof that isolation can be discontinued before the employee returns to work.

But for employees who have not been diagnosed with COVID-19, it practically may be difficult to receive a return to work exam given that there has been a shortage of testing kits to test for COVID-19. The CDC has also recognized that health care offices may be busy and it may be difficult for an employee with acute respiratory illness to validate their illness or return to work. Employers must take care to treat employees with similar symptoms in a consistent manner.

What should an employer do if an employee fears coming to work due to possible exposure in the workplace?

Creating and implementing consistent plans for preventing and addressing potential workplace exposure and communicating such measures clearly and effectively will go a long way to reducing employee fears of workplace exposure. Employers should assess the specific risk in the workplace on a case-by-case basis. Currently, federal guidance is focused on encouraging those who are sick (or may have been exposed to the coronavirus) to stay home. In the event of a more particularized risk, such as an actual case of exposure to the coronavirus in the workplace, employers may wish to encourage (or require) working from home or offer more lenient work from home options to its employees.

Should employers inform employees if there is an identified case of COVID-19 in the workplace?

Yes. Employees should be informed of confirmed cases in the workplace. But employers must ensure that employee confidentiality is maintained as required under the ADA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”) and any other state or federal law.

Should employees be encouraged to wear face masks?

The CDC has not recommended that healthy persons wear face masks. Face masks are reported to have no benefit for a healthy person in preventing their exposure to the coronavirus, although masks may provide some benefit if worn by sick persons in limiting their spread of the virus to others. The CDC has urged people to stop buying masks because such consumer behavior is depleting necessary resources from health care professionals who need them.

What about specific guidance for health care employers?

The CDC has issued specific guidance to try to prevent the spread of the coronavirus into, among, and between health care facilities, including monitoring patients and employees for fever or respiratory systems, encouraging employees to stay home if they have symptoms of respiratory infection and identifying which employees will care for patients with COVID-19. It is critical for health care facilities to have a plan in place to respond to any outbreak. There are potentially severe risks to patients facing health challenges if they are being cared for by employees who have been exposed to the coronavirus.

Is there a special risk for employees who handle packages or products shipped from an affected area?

The CDC has issued guidance that it is unlikely that the coronavirus can spread vis-à-vis products or packaging. Some employers may nevertheless decide to offer specific personal protective equipment (“PPE”) to those employees handling packages or products from affected areas, simply in an effort to mitigate employee fear or concern. In such cases, employees should be properly trained on the use and disposal of the PPE.

What other issues may employees working abroad face?

Consular offices may be closed due to the coronavirus outbreak. Currently, field offices in Beijing and Guangzhou are closed. Such closures may delay any communications with immigration officials

© 2020 Vedder Price

For more on the coronavirus, see the National Law Review’s New Coronavirus News section.