FDA Issues Warning Letters, Cautions Consumers on Unapproved CBD Products

Nearly a year after the 2018 Farm Bill legalized hemp nationwide, the legal status of one of its most popular products, cannabidiol (CBD), is becoming clearer.

On Nov. 25, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a revised consumer update regarding unapproved CBD products and issued a new round of warning letters to CBD retailers selling products in violation of the Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act (FDCA). The agency also warned of potential health risks and safety concerns associated with numerous unapproved CBD products. The FDA publicized its determination that CBD cannot be considered as Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) under federal law, foreclosing one of the regulatory paths available to the FDA for allowing CBD as a food ingredient.

These recent actions underscore the FDA’s interpretation that food products, unapproved drugs, dietary supplements and cosmetics containing CBD sold in interstate commerce often violate the FDCA.

FDA warning letters

In this recent round of enforcement efforts, the FDA issued fifteen warning letters to CBD companies selling a variety of products in interstate commerce, including balms, capsules, oils, tinctures, lotions, gummies, chews and sprays that were marketed for use by adults, children and animals.

The letters outline the FDA’s legal analysis which concludes that the products at issue were marketed in interstate commerce as unapproved new drugs, misbranded drugs, adulterated foods or improperly labeled as dietary supplements in violation of the FDCA. The crux of this analysis is that CBD is an active ingredient in an approved drug as well as other drugs under clinical investigation.

These products triggered FDCA violations in a variety of ways:

  • Unapproved new drugs – CBD products making claims to prevent, diagnose, mitigate, treat or cure serious diseases, such as cancer, AIDS, schizophrenia and diabetes.
  • Misbranded drugs – CBD products marketed as drugs that also fail to bear adequate directions for use.
  • Dietary supplement labeling – Improperly using the label “dietary supplement” when it does not meet the definition under the FDCA.
  • Adulterated human food – CBD products marketed as conventional human foods and contain a drug approved by the FDA.

Each warning letter identified an “unapproved new drug” violation with products making aggressive health claims surrounding cancer or other similar serious conditions, suggesting the FDA continues to focus its efforts at “egregious, over-the-line” health claims as referenced by former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb.

FDA consumer update

The FDA simultaneously issued a consumer update, signaling that unapproved CBD products remain prohibited under the FDCA. The agency noted it has seen only limited data about CBD safety and that some of the data points to risks that should be considered before taking CBD.

The FDA warned that unapproved CBD products may pose safety risks and make unproven health claims. The FDA fears consumers may put off getting proper diagnosis, treatment or supportive care due to unsubstantiated claims associated with CBD products.

Additionally, the FDA noted the information it currently has “underscores the need for further study and high quality, scientific information about the safety and potential uses of CBD.” The consumer update further notes:

  • No FDA evaluation of CBD products – There has been no FDA evaluation of whether unapproved CBD products are effective for their intended use, what the proper dosage might be, how they could interact with FDA-approved drugs or whether they have dangerous side effects or other safety concerns.
  • Potential health risks – Specifically, the FDA also identified some of the potential risks associated with using CBD products, including liver injury and male reproductive toxicity. Other potential health risks remain unknown to date, including the effects of sustained daily usage by adults as well as the effects on children, breastfed newborns and developing fetuses.
  • Side effects – Other side effects include drowsiness, gastrointestinal distress and increased irritability and agitation.
  • Unregulated manufacturing process and product safety is unknown – The manufacturing process of unapproved CBD drug products has not been subject to FDA review and the effects of CBD containing potentially unsafe levels of contaminants, such as pesticides and heavy metals, are unknown.

CBD remains a legal product

Despite this recent action from the FDA, hemp-derived CBD remains a legal product under federal law, but it must be marketed without violating the FDCA. Additionally, the warning letters and consumer update highlight that the FDA is targeting its enforcement to companies engaged in interstate commerce and making egregious, unsubstantiated health claims.

As is the case with other cannabis issues, the disconnect between state and federal law means companies are finding ways to bring products to market while limiting their risk. However, stakeholders must be aware of the risks under state and federal law when marketing any product containing CBD.

Expect more information from the FDA soon

The consumer update also notes that the FDA is “evaluating the regulatory frameworks that apply to certain cannabis-derived products that are intended for non-drug uses, including whether and/or how the FDA might consider updating its regulations, as well as whether potential legislation might be appropriate.” More information will be coming soon from the FDA, but it may be awhile before CBD can be marketed legally as a food ingredient or dietary supplement under federal law.

Copyright © 2019 Godfrey & Kahn S.C.

More on FDA CBD Regulation via the National Law Review Biotech, Food & Drug law page.

FDA Issues Warnings to 15 Companies for Illegally Selling Products Containing CBD

On November 25, 2019, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (“FDA”) publishedpress release, published a revised Consumer Update, and announced the issuance of new warning letters to 15 companies for illegally selling and marketing various products containing hemp-derived cannabidiol (“CBD”).

To quote the FDA:

“Today’s actions come as the FDA continues to explore potential pathways for various types of CBD products to be lawfully marketed.  This includes ongoing work to obtain and evaluate information to address outstanding questions related to the safety of CBD products, while maintaining the agency’s rigorous public health standards.  The FDA plans to provide an update on its progress regarding the agency’s approach to these products in the coming weeks.”

In the meantime, however, these steps appear to be an effort to stem the tide of proliferation of CBD products on the market – and the growing consumer demand for those products.  It is great that the FDA intends to provide an update on its efforts to develop a regulatory pathway for CBD products under the Federal Food Drug & Cosmetic Act (“FD&C Act”).  But, it is frustrating that the FDA still refuses to identify a set date for that update – or, to publicly commit to a meaningful resolution of the regulatory uncertainty that persists for CBD products today.

A Reminder: Don’t Make Unsubstantiated Claims

As made clear in prior FDA warning letters – and the 15 letters released on November 25th – there continues to be significant regulatory risk in the labeling and marketing of CBD products for sale in interstate commerce.  However, the FDA’s enforcement efforts still appear to be focused on companies and products that engage in the most egregious violations of the FD&C Act – including those making disease claims and those marketed to (or for use by) children and other vulnerable populations.

Among other things, this round of warning letters address the following major issues:

  • Marketing products for use by children and other vulnerable populations.
  • Including a supplements facts panel on product labels, which indicated the company’s intention to market the product as a dietary supplement.
  • Marketing products that are intended for use in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of diseases and/or intended to affect the structure or any function of the body.
  • Posting materials on the companies’ social media websites that link to a third party’s content indicating that CBD can be used in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of diseases and/or intended to affect the structure or any function of the body.
  • Misbranding products intended to be marketed as drugs.
  • Marketing human and animal food containing CBD in interstate commerce.
  • Marketing unapproved new animal drugs by selling pet products containing CBD that are intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in animals and/or intended to affect the structure or any function of the body of animals.

Many of these issues have been referenced in prior actions and warning letters released by the FDA.  By now, it should be clear to all market participants that it is illegal (and irresponsible) to market your CBD products as a cure for cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, or other medical diseases, ailments, or conditions.  CBD companies should heed this clear warning and stop the practice.  Just don’t do it.

The New Concerns

This round of enforcement action seems to signal that the FDA is taking a more aggressive stance on its view of CBD health and safety issues.  The press release and the consumer update both indicate that the FDA has broad safety concerns about CBD products, that there exist many unanswered questions and data gaps about CBD toxicity, and that some of the data available to the FDA raises serious concerns about potential harm from CBD.

The consumer update contains troubling statements like “CBD has the potential to harm you, and harm can happen even before you become aware of it,” and “CBD can cause liver injury.”  But, no direct evidence or substantiation for these claims is linked to the consumer update or press release.  Instead, the consumer update attempts to draw a corollary line between the data obtained from trials performed in connection with one FDA-approved CBD drug and the non-pharmaceutical products available on the market today.  Equating that data against the products available to consumers today does not produce an apples-to-apples comparison.  There are likely different scientific outcomes from, and different levels of toxicity caused by, the delivery of high dosages of concentrated CBD to mice in a clinical laboratory setting versus the relatively low dosages of CBD found in many food and supplement products available to consumers today.

More scientific research is absolutely needed on the efficacy and safety of CBD used in products intended for human consumption.  And that research will come in time.  But, the information released by the FDA this week appears to be an overstatement of the potential health risks associated with CBD products – at least, as they are known today.  There are health risks associated with bad products – and there are bad products on the market today – but that merely highlights the need for clear regulatory guidance from the FDA.

The Future of CBD

The FDA recognizes that there is a significant public interest in CBD.  It also recognizes that there are reports of CBD products containing potentially harmful contaminants, such as pesticides and heavy metals.   Yet, despite that strong interest and recognition of a need for regulation in the industry, the FDA has delayed its development and implementation of meaningful regulatory guidance for CBD companies.  That continuing delay does a disservice to the industry and to the general public.

Companies that cut corners and sell CBD products containing potentially harmful substances need to be regulated out of existence.  Consumers deserve to know that the CBD brands they purchase and use have been responsibly grown, responsibly and safely manufactured, and are free from potentially harmful substances, like heavy metals and pesticides.  And well-intentioned, responsibly operating CBD companies need and deserve clear regulatory guardrails within which they can safely – and legally – operate their business.

Unfortunately, it appears that regulatory uncertainty will continue to persist until there is more scientific data to support the safety and efficacy of CBD in consumer products.  Obtaining that additional research and data will take time, so the industry may face a long slog until the FDA identifies a clear, detailed regulatory “pathway forward” for CBD.  Until then, it is important for CBD companies to carefully consider the FDA’s position on CBD and the warnings sent this week, and to incorporate those factors into their internal compliance practices as they develop, produce, advertise, and sell their products in interstate commerce.

© 2019 Ward and Smith, P.A.. All Rights Reserved.

For more on cannabidiol/CBD regulation, see the National Law Review Biotech, Food & Drug law page.

In The Weeds: Key Intellectual Property Takeaways For The Cannabis Industry

1. Patent Filings Are Rapidly Increasing

The number of patent filings at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“PTO”) directly correlates to the rise of cannabis legalization. According to Magic Number, a data analytics company, between 2017 and 2018 the PTO issued almost 250 cannabis-related patents—more than in the previous seven years combined. These filings cover a range of inventions, including medical treatments and pharmaceutical compositions, cultivation techniques, vaporizers, and cannabis-infused products like toothpaste, coffee beans, and alcoholic drinks. With this uptick in patent filings, the volume of cannabis-specific prior art is on the rise as well. Those interested in obtaining patent protection in the cannabis industry should not fall behind their peers nor wait until the prior art field has fully developed. Early filing is critical.

2Cannabis is Still Illegal Under Federal Law

Despite the growing number of patent filings, it is important to recognize that processing and distributing cannabis is still illegal under the federal Controlled Substance Act. Recent scholarly articles have argued that federal courts should not entertain most cannabis patent infringement suits due to illegality. Nonetheless, some courts have allowed these cases to proceed on the merits. United Cannabis Corporation v. Pure Hemp Collective Inc. is the first trial involving a cannabis patent in federal court. Specifically, the patent in dispute relates to the extraction of pharmaceutically active components from plant materials (e.g., liquid cannabinoid formula including THC). The plaintiff filed a patent infringement suit against a competitor maker of CBD products. In April 2019, a judge ruled in favor of United Cannabis Corporation by rejecting the argument that the plaintiff’s formulations are not patent eligible. Although the legal status of cannabis is not an issue in the case, it is important to remember that cannabis is not legalized at the federal level and that federal case law is still developing.

3. Design Patents can be a Valuable Component of an IP Portfolio

Design patents are a valuable form of protection in the cannabis space and are often a good alternative to utility protection. While 10 percent of patents issued overall are design patents, less than one percent of cannabis-related filings are designated as design patents. Design patents are quicker and cheaper to obtain; this may be desirable for fast-developing and/or cost-conscious companies and particularly for products having short life cycles. Design patents are particularly valuable for covering the ornamental aspects of well-known cannabis-related products, such as vaporizers, to deter wholesale copying. Business owners should consider the role design patents may play in protecting their products.

4. Trademark Filings are Similarly Increasing

Roughly 110 new cannabis-related federal trademark applications are filed each month since Congress approved the 2018 Farm Bill 11 months ago. Among other things, the Farm Bill removed “hemp” from the list of controlled substances under the Controlled Substances Act. This removal created an avenue for federal trademark registrations covering certain goods and services derived from hemp that contain no more than 0.3 percent THC. However, all other cannabis related products are currently ineligible for trademark protection due to its illegality. Namely, trademark law requires that the goods in connection with a particular trademark must be lawfully sold or transferred in commerce. To provide some flexibility given the tension between state and federal law for cannabis, trademark applicants should file applications using broad wording for the goods and services, which can allow applicants to narrow as needed to obtain a trademark registration. To register a cannabis-related trademark at the federal level, the cannabis-related business should be prepared to argue that the goods or services associated with the mark are not illegal under the Controlled Substances Act. Additionally, trademark registrations may be available in certain states for cannabis-related products and services. Although state registrations do not offer nation-wide protection, a company should consider filing for state trademark protection in conjunction with federal trademark flings. Companies should consider filing applications in states where cannabis is legalized.

5. IP Protection Strategy Beyond the United States

As of 2018, more than thirty countries have legalized cannabis, in one form or another, according to Marijuana Business Daily. The World Intellectual Property Organization notes that approximately 10,246 cannabis-related applications have been filed since 1978 under the Patent Cooperation Treaty, with 6,137 applications coming after 2008. Thus, the trends and recommendations above regarding domestic protection of cannabis are, likewise, relevant on the international stage. Likewise, companies should also consider foreign trademark filings in countries that have legalized cannabis. In particular, most foreign countries follow a first-to-file rule when it comes to trademarks. As a result, it is important to consider foreign trademark filings as early as possible.


With the drastic increase of cannabis-related patent and trademark applications, companies need to act quickly to protect their innovations in this rapidly growing industry. With cannabis-related patents, despite the uncertain legal landscape, early filings may be unexpectedly successful, given the infancy of the prior art field. With cannabis-related trademarks, companies should ensure that the goods or services associated with that trademark are not illegal under the Controlled Substances Act. Companies should also continue to monitor developments on a state-by-state and nation-by-nation basis. Given trends, it is expected that legalization will continue to expand to additional jurisdictions.


Copyright 2019 K & L Gates

ARTICLE BY Matthew S. DickeSana HakimKevin T. McCormick and Brittany Kaplan of K&L Gates.
For more in cannabis industry news, see the National Law Review Biotech, Food & Drug law page.

Cannabis Coming to the Northeast? Governors of NY, NJ, CT and PA Adopt “Core Principles” to Implement Adult-Use Legislation.

On October 17, 2019, Governor Cuomo of New York, Governor Lamont of Connecticut, Governor Murphy of New Jersey and Governor Wolf of Pennsylvania co-hosted the first Cannabis Regulation and Vaping Summit to create a set of uniform principles each state can implement through its adult-use legislation to standardize regulations across the region.

The summit resulted in an agreed-to set of core principles for rolling out adult-use legislation, including (1) market regulation and empowerment, (2) public health, (3) public safety and enforcement, and (4) vaping best practices. Also attending the summit were representatives from Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Colorado.

Market Regulation and Empowerment

When creating adult-use legislation and regulation, the states will implement agreed-to guidelines to set cannabis tax structures and to ensure that social justice initiatives are key components of the legislation. The guidelines discussed include:

  • Implementing social equity initiatives to ensure industry access to those disproportionately impacted by the war on drugs
  • Maintaining awareness of the need to ensure a fair and competitive market by deploying strategies such as limiting the number of licenses or license types
  • Implementing a similar overall tax structure for cannabis products between the four states
  • Providing guidance to open up banking to the industry
  • Implementing meaningful social justice reform such as expediting expungements or pardons and waiving associated fees.

Public Health

Concerned that decreasing production costs might lead to inexpensive high-potency products, the four governors agreed to standardized product safety and testing requirements and impose restrictive advertising requirements to ensure youth are not targeted. These principles include:

  • Prohibiting advertising and product forms that target minors
  • Restricting advertising to audiences that are for the most part over the age of 21
  • Banning adverting and products that appeal to youth, such as flavored cannabis products
  • Restricting cannabis sales to purchasers over the age of 21
  • Collecting and sharing cannabis use data to better understand public health outcomes
  • Limiting the cannabis possession amount and limiting the overall THC content of products to discourage over-consumption and accidental overdose.

Public Safety and Enforcement

To help ensure highway safety and improve options for testing cannabis impairment in the field, the states agreed to the following guidelines:

  • Uniform treatment of drug recognition expert evidence
  • Uniform standard for blood or saliva tests
  • Training for drug recognition experts
  • Methods for sharing information on suspected “bad actions” in legal markets
  • Law enforcement strategies to police the illicit market.

Vaping Best Practices

The states agreed to principles to regulate the entire vaping industry, including vapes containing nicotine, CBD and THC. Using the following guidelines, the states will share strategies and solutions for investigating illicit THC vape pens and regulating filler oils and carrier fluids:

  • Banning or regulating the sale of flavored vapes to reduce use among youth
  • Implementing vape product safety standards for nicotine and cannabinoids that include diluents, excipients and cutting agents
  • Regulating temperature control for vape heating mechanisms
  • Increasing enforcement actions to prevent sale to minors.

New York will aim to pass adult-use legislation during the 2020 legislative session, which begins in January. It is expected that Governor Cuomo will include a cannabis plan in his budget proposal, as he did last year.

© 2019 Wilson Elser

For more cannabis regulation, see the National Law Review Biotech, Food & Drug Law page.

AB 1291 Forces California Cannabis Companies To Sign “Labor Peace Agreements” With Unions, But Statute May be Unconstitutional


On October 12, 2019, Governor Newsom signed Assembly Bill 1291 (“AB 1291”) into law, which requires companies to sign a so-called “labor peace” agreement with a union or risk losing their cannabis license; thereby, strengthening already union-friendly statewide cannabis law. AB 1291 was supported and endorsed by various unions, including the United Food and Commercial Workers Western States Council, a 170,000-member branch representing thousands of cannabis workers. This bill, as well as other California statutes and local laws, signals a growing insistence by state and local regulators that employers doing business in California accept pro-union requirements. However, many of these new pro-union laws, including AB 1291, may be unconstitutional.

The main takeaways of AB 1291 are as follows:

  1. Effective January 1, 2020, California cannabis license applicants must sign so-called labor peace agreements with a union within 60 days of their 20th hire or risk losing their cannabis license.
  2. Employers and business associations seeking to challenge AB 1291, and other similar state or local union-related ordinances, are encouraged to speak with experienced labor counsel to discuss their options.
  3. Employers seeking to comply with AB 1291 and sign labor peace agreements should conduct due diligence on the labor unions they are considering entering into negotiations with. Not all unions are the same. Additionally, businesses should be thoughtful about what they agree to put into a labor peace agreement to satisfy the requirements under California’s cannabis laws. For example, these agreements are frequently mistakenly referred to as “neutrality agreement.” Neutrality agreements typically contain a commitment from the employer to remain “neutral” through a union organizing campaign. In contrast, AB 1291 does not use the term “neutral(ity)” and, thus, arguments can be made that strict “neutrality” is not required under the statute and may not need to be included in the labor peace agreement. Thus, employers should speak with experienced labor counsel before negotiating labor peace agreements with unions.


Since its adoption into law in 2018, the Medicinal and Adult Use of Cannabis Regulation and Safety Act (“MAUCRSA”) has required applicants for state cannabis licenses with 20 or more employees to “provide a statement that the applicant will enter into, or demonstrate that it has already entered into, and abide by the terms of a labor peace agreement.”1 (Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code § 26015.5(a)(5)(A).) A labor peace agreement, as defined under California’s cannabis laws, must contain the following commitments, at a minimum:

  1. Employer shall not “disrupt” efforts by the union to “communicate with, and attempt to organize and represent” the employer’s employees;
  2. Employer shall give the union “access at reasonable times to areas in which the employees work, for the purpose of meeting with employees to discuss their right to representation, employment rights under state law, and terms and conditions of employment;” and
  3. Union and its members shall not engage in picketing, work stoppages, boycotts, and any other economic interference with the employer’s business.

(Cal. Lab. & Prof Code § 26001(x).)

Effective January 1, 2020, AB 1291 requires an applicant for a state license under MAUCRSA with 20 or more employees to provide a notarized statement that the applicant will enter into, or demonstrate that it has already entered into, and abide by the terms of a labor peace agreement. If the applicant has less than 20 employees and has not yet entered into a labor peace agreement, AB 1291 requires the applicant to provide a notarized statement as a part of its application indicating that the applicant will enter into and abide by the terms of a labor peace agreement within 60 days of employing its 20th employee. By expanding the scope of the crime of perjury, AB 1291 imposes a state-mandated local program and authorizes the Bureau of Cannabis Control, the Department of Food and Agriculture, and the State Department of Public Health to revoke or suspend a license for a violation of these requirements.

AB 1291 May Be Unconstitutional

AB 1291 poses substantial questions as to whether it is unconstitutional due to preemption by the National Labor Relations Act (“NLRA”) under two complementary preemptions doctrines: Garmon and Machinists. In San Diego Building Trades Council v. Garmon, 359 U.S. 236 (1959), the U.S. Supreme Court declared that the states are constitutionally barred by the U.S. Constitution’s supremacy clause from regulating conduct that NLRA protects, prohibits, or arguably protects or prohibits. Garmon preemption exists to protect the National Labor Relations Board’s (“NLRB”) primary jurisdiction and to preclude a state’s interference with its interpretation and enforcement of the integrated regulatory scheme that is the NLRA. Indeed, Congress delegated exclusive authority to the NLRB because it sought to establish a single, uniform national labor policy that would be unaffected by the vagaries of state law or shaped by local attitudes or prejudices. (Garner v. Teamsters Union, 346 U.S. 485, 490 (1953).) In Machinists v. Wisconsin Employment Relations Comm’n, 427 U. S. 132 (1976), the U.S. Supreme Court similarly declared that the NLRA forbids states to regulate conduct that Congress intended “to be unregulated because left ‘to be controlled by the free play of economic forces.’” Together, Garmon and Machinists preempt state and local policies that would otherwise interfere with the “integrated scheme of regulation” and disrupt the balance of power between labor and management embodied in the NLRA.

It appears AB 1291’s purpose is to afford unions greater rights than provided under the NLRA and make it easier for unions to organize cannabis employers. AB 1291 arguably presents the type of state interference in labor-management relations that Garmon and Machinists preemption forbids. For example, in Golden State Transit Corp. v. City of Los Angeles (“Golden State I”), 475 U.S. 608, 616 (1986), the Supreme Court held that while the NLRA “requires an employer and a union to bargain in good faith, … it does not require them to reach agreement,” nor does it demand a particular outcome from labor negotiations.” The substance of labor negotiations, and the results therefrom, are among those areas Congress intentionally left to the free play of economic forces when it legislated in the field of labor law. (Id.) In that case, the Supreme Court found that Machinists preempted the City of Los Angeles’ (“City”) refusal to renew a taxi cab company’s license when it failed to reach an agreement with striking union members. By conditioning the renewal of the taxi cab franchise on the acceptance of the union’s demands, the City effectively imposed a timeline on the parties’ negotiations and undermined the taxi cab company’s ability to rely on its own economic power to resist the strike. (Id. at 615.) The Supreme Court held that the City could not pressure the taxi cab company into reaching a settlement and thereby “destroy[] the balance of power designed by Congress, and frustrate[] Congress’ decision to leave open the use of economic weapons.” (Id. at 619.)

The facts of Golden State I are instructive here. Like the taxi cab company in Golden State I, California cannabis businesses now face a Hobson’s “all or nothing” choice under AB 1291. If a cannabis business refuses to negotiate a labor peace agreement with a labor organization, it effectively loses the right to do business in California. But if the cannabis business negotiates a labor peace agreement, the union knows full well that it can hold out for significant concessions in exchange for its members giving up one of their most valuable economic weapons – the power to strike.

The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Chamber of Commerce v. Brown, 554 U.S. 60 (2008) is also instructive. At issue in Brown was California’s Assembly Bill 1889 (“AB 1889”), prohibiting certain private employers from using state funds to “assist, promote, or deter union organizing.” (Id. at 63 [quoting Cal. Govt. Code §§ 16645.1–16645.7].) The Court held that AB 1889 was unconstitutional. As explained by the Court, the current text of Sections 7 and 8 of the NLRA are amendments made to the NLRA in 1947 as part of the Labor Management Relations Act, also known as the Taft Harley Act, for the purpose of overturning earlier NLRB precedent. The NLRA was amended in in several key respects. First, it emphasized that employees “have the right to refrain from any or all” union activities. (29 U.S.C. § 157.) Second, it added Section 8(b), which prohibits unfair labor practices by unions. (29 U.S.C. § 158(b).) Third, it added Section 8(c), which protects speech by both unions and employers from regulation by the NLRB. (29 U.S.C. § 158(c).) Specifically, Section 8(c) provides:

The expressing of any views, argument, or opinion, or the dissemination thereof, whether in written, printed, graphic, or visual form, shall not constitute or be evidence of an unfair labor practice under any of the provisions of this subchapter, if such expression contains no threat of reprisal or force or promise of benefit.

With the amendments, Section 8(c) “manifested a “congressional intent to encourage free debate on issues dividing labor and management.” (Id. at 6-7.) That Congress amended the NLRA, rather than leaving to the courts the task of correcting the NLRB’s decisions on a case-by-case basis, is “indicative of how important Congress deemed such ‘free debate.’” (Id. at 7.) In addition, Sections 8(a) and 8(b) “demonstrate that when Congress has sought to put limits on advocacy for or against union organization, it has expressly set forth the mechanisms for doing so.” (Brown, 554 U.S. at 67.) Moreover, “the amendment to §7 calls attention to the right of employees to refuse to join unions, which implies an underlying right to receive information opposing unionization.” (Id.) “[T]he addition of §8(c) expressly precludes regulation of speech about unionization so long as the communications do not contain a ‘threat of reprisal or force or promise of benefit.” (Id. [internal quotation omitted].) Thus, based on these overriding principles, the Court concluded that “California’s policy judgment that partisan employer speech necessarily interfere[s] with an employee’s choice about whether to join or to be represented by a labor union” and struck down AB 1889. (Id. at 68 [internal quotation omitted].)

AB 1291 is arguably no different. By forcing unwilling cannabis businesses to negotiate and accept labor peace agreements, AB 1291 compels a result Congress deliberately left to the free play of economic forces. The NLRA does not allow state and local governments to interfere with employer rights to communicate with employees regarding unionization under Section 8(c). Nor does it allow state and local governments to “introduce some standard of properly balanced bargaining power . . . or to define what economic sanctions might be permitted negotiating parties in an ideal or balanced state of collective bargaining.” (Machinists, 427 U.S. at 149-50.) Yet, this is exactly what AB 1291 appears to do. Accordingly, AB 1291 may be unconstitutional.

1 A labor peace (aka a labor harmony agreement) is essentially a contract between an employer and an organized labor union in which the employer agrees to help the union organize the employer’s workforce (i.e., unionize) by providing, for example, certain information or agreeing not to interfere with the union organizing efforts, in exchange for the union’s agreement not to strike or cause other disruption in the employer’s workforce during a union organizing campaign. Because these agreements open the door to union activity within the workplace, they should not be entered into casually. Rather, unionization may result in increased labor costs, contractual contributions to union pension plans, loss of flexibility, and adherence to union rules set forth in a legally binding contract. In addition, once a union is recognized or certified as the collective bargaining representative of employees, it is practically impossible to terminate that relationship. Indeed, only after a costly and divisive decertification election can a workforce return to the merit-based and flexible non-union environment.

Copyright © 2019, Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP.

For more on union regulation, see the National Law Review Labor & Employment law page.

House Vote on Cannabis Industry-Related SAFE Banking Act Scheduled for September 2019

As early as September 23, 2019, the United States House of Representatives is expected to vote on the widely anticipated Secure and Fair Enforcement (SAFE) Banking Act. First introduced in both chambers of Congress in 2017, re-introduced in the House in March of 2019, and amended this past June, the SAFE Banking Act has garnered bipartisan support as a necessary solution to the dilemma created by conflicting federal and state cannabis law regimes, particularly as it relates to financial service providers.

According to a press release issued by the House Committee on Financial Services on March 26, 2019, committee chairwoman, Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA), remarked, the SAFE Banking Act “addresses an urgent public safety concern for legitimate businesses that currently have no recourse but to operate with just cash.” The Act joins the ranks of congressional efforts such as the Rohrabacher-Farr amendment to omnibus spending bills, Section 728 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2019, the pending Blumenauer amendment, and proposed Strengthening the Tenth Amendment Through Entrusting States (STATES) Act—all of which seek to reconcile the federal government’s failure to enact comprehensive marijuana and, until recently, hemp policy despite widespread support on the state and local level. Status in the Senate is uncertain, as the chair of the Banking Committee has indicated an intent to poll those in Idaho, a state that has failed to legalize any form of cannabis, regarding the issue.

Today’s cannabis industry encompasses the growth, processing, distribution, and other ancillary services related to both hemp and marijuana. While hemp and marijuana are both derived from the plant Cannabis sativa L, they are legally distinguished on both a federal and state level by their THC content. As a result, marijuana remains a controlled substance under federal law, while hemp, boasting lower THC levels, is classified as an agricultural product within the purview of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). This federal distinction, however, has not prevented more than 40 states from legalizing marijuana for medical and/or recreational adult use. Unfortunately, the businesses that choose to take advantage of such progressive state marijuana laws must do so without the support of traditional financial institutions that businesses, particularly minority and women-owned, rely on to fund and protect their financial growth.

According to §4(a) of the bill’s text, the SAFE Banking Act will shield depository institutions that serve cannabis-related businesses from federal penalties in states and Indian country where “cultivation, production, manufacture, sale, transportation, display, dispensing, distribution, or purchase” of cannabis is legal. In particular, the Act will prohibit regulators from terminating or limiting deposit or share insurance of financial instruments because an institution’s client participates directly or indirectly in the cannabis industry. Regulators will also be prohibited from penalizing institutions for authorizing, processing, clearing, settling, billing, transferring, reconciling, or collecting payments for a legitimate cannabis-related business for payments made by any means, including a credit, debit, or other payment card, an account, check, or electronic funds transfer. Perhaps, most importantly, the Act will also require the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) to develop uniform guidance and examination procedures for depository institutions serving cannabis-related businesses.

For financial institutions and insurance providers operating in states where cannabis is legal, this creates an immense opportunity and incentive to assist industry participants as they strive to protect and invest their monetary assets without putting the institutions they rely on at risk of federal prosecution. However, because protections under the SAFE Banking Act only apply when legitimate cannabis-related businesses are involved, monitoring clients’ compliance with relevant state laws will be particularly important. In the absence of clear federal marijuana policy and official hemp regulations under the 2018 Farm Bill, in addition to constantly evolving state laws and regulations, this may prove especially challenging. As such, in anticipation of the Act’s passage, financial institutions should enlist the support of experienced legal counsel to ensure the necessary processes for monitoring clients’ compliance are in place. In addition, those seeking to benefit under the Act should still pay close attention to due diligence requirements promulgated by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), although many concerns should be alleviated by the Act’s prohibition on civil or criminal prosecution solely based on the provision of financial services or investing income derived from such services.

NOTE: Cannabis as defined under the Act only references marijuana. However, in practice, the bill’s passage should alleviate apprehension surrounding hemp, as many financial institutions and their affiliates have refrained from offering services to hemp businesses under the current financial legal framework, even in the wake of the 2018 Farm Bill and pending USDA regulations.

Read the bill’s text here.

© 2019 Dinsmore & Shohl LLP. All rights reserved.

This article was written by Jennifer K. MasonMichael G. Dailey and Ambur C. Smith of Dinsmore & Shohl LLP.
For more marijuana & cannabis legislation, see the National Law Review Biotech, Food & Drug law page.

A Win for Hemp in Court, and What it (Might) Mean for North Carolina

The hemp and cannabidiol (“CBD”) industries today face substantial uncertainty, and they lack clear Federal rules, regulations, and guidance within which governments and businesses can safely operate.

That dearth of guidance has, to some degree, left individual states to wrestle with how best to regulate and control the production and sale of hemp and hemp-derived products within their own borders.  At the epicenter of this struggle to address and regulate hemp in North Carolina is “smokable hemp.”

Where Do Things Stand in North Carolina?

When we last commented on the state of legislative efforts in North Carolina, the House of Representatives – along with local and state law enforcement agencies and county district attorneys – were fighting hard to kill the smokable hemp market in our state.  The proposal set forth in the current version of the NC Farm Act of 2019 (“SB 315”) seeks to immediately ban and reclassify smokable hemp as marijuana (the Senate version of the bill included a ban as well but on a much more delayed timeline), and to subject its cultivation, sale, possession, and consumption to the same criminal and civil penalties as those for marijuana.  The arguments and justifications for this ban have shifted over time, but generally include: that failing to ban smokable hemp will create “de facto” marijuana legalization in our state; that hemp and marijuana are indistinguishable in appearance and smell; that law enforcement will lose probable cause for drug-related searches and seizures; and that they will have to purchase expensive equipment to perform THC analysis in crime labs; that they will have to retire or retrain drug-sniffing canines (yes – this is apparently more important to House Republicans than the livelihood of our farmers and citizens’ civil liberties); that officers will have to be retrained and assigned to other jobs within their departments; and a general unwillingness to police and enforce marijuana laws differently in the future.

Since then, additional changes have been made to SB 315 – none of which are industry-friendly – and the bill was passed and approved by the House by a vote of 63 to 48.  Among other things, the revised House version of SB 315:

  • More broadly defines the technical definition of “smokable hemp” to mean all “harvested raw or dried hemp plant material, including hemp buds or hemp flowers, hemp cigars, and hemp cigarettes.” This overly broad, sweeping definition appears to cover and include the entire hemp plant once it is harvested.
  • Classifies smokable hemp as marijuana and criminalizes the manufacture, distribution, dispensing, delivery, sale, purchasing, or possession of smokable hemp in our state. Violations are punishable by civil and criminal penalties, including possible prosecution for a Class I felony.

Fortunately, SB 315 is not law.  The North Carolina Department of Agriculture and the North Carolina Senate – especially Senator Brent Jackson – have continued to showcase their support for the hemp and CBD industries.  Following its passage in the House, SB 315 was immediately referred to the Committee on Rules and Operations of the Senate, and there have been no indications so far that the bill will be considered for a concurrence vote this session – let alone be finalized, passed, and sent to Governor Cooper for signature or veto.

The Struggle is Real

North Carolina is not alone in its struggle.  Other states are also considering – and some have passed – legislative bans that, in effect, criminalize the production, sale, transportation, and possession of smokable hemp.  Indiana is one such state.  In response to the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (the “2018 Farm Bill”), Indiana enacted and signed into law Senate Enrolled Act No. 516 (“SEA 516”) on May 2, 2019.

SEA 516 adopted the 2018 Farm Bill’s definition of hemp.  However, SEA 516 also criminalizes the manufacture, finance, delivery, and possession of smokable hemp, which it defines as “a product containing not more than three-tenths percent (0.3%) delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), including precursors and derivatives of THC, in a form that allows THC to be introduced into the human body by inhalation of smoke.”  The definition of smokable hemp in SEA 516 specifically includes “hemp bud” and “hemp flower.”

On June 28, 2019, a group of hemp industry plaintiffs filed suit (the “Indiana Lawsuit”) in the United States District Court for the Southern District of Indiana (the “Federal Court”), challenging the constitutionality of SEA 516’s smokable hemp provisions on the basis that they are preempted by federal law.  Shortly thereafter, the plaintiffs moved for a preliminary injunction that would temporarily halt Indiana’s enforcement of the smokable hemp ban pending the outcome of the case.  The State opposed that request, and the parties briefed their positions and presented their arguments to the Federal Court for consideration.

On September 13, 2019, the Federal Court granted the plaintiffs’ request for a preliminary injunction (the “Preliminary Order”)[1].  In doing so, at least for the time being, the Federal Court has prohibited the State of Indiana from enforcing the portions of SEA 516 that criminalize the manufacture, financing, delivery, or possession of smokable hemp.  It is important to remember that the Preliminary Order is not a permanent or “final” injunction and the Indiana Lawsuit is still ongoing.  But, the Preliminary Order is strongly worded and seems to forecast an ultimate outcome that favors the hemp and CBD industries.

How Does the Indiana Lawsuit Affect Us?

Just like Indiana’s SEA 516, North Carolina’s SB 315 adopts a definition of “smokable hemp” that differs from the definition of “hemp” set forth in the 2018 Farm Bill.  SB 315 classifies smokable hemp as “marijuana,” and in doing so, attempts to criminalize the manufacture, distribution, dispensing, delivery, purchase, or possession of smokable hemp in North Carolina.  These actions appear to be expressly preempted by Federal law.  They also preclude the transportation of hemp or hemp products in or through North Carolina in direct contravention of the 2018 Farm Bill’s express prohibition on restricting the transportation of hemp and its derivatives in interstate commerce.

SB 315’s restrictions on smokable hemp also appear to violate conflict preemption principles.  In the Preliminary Order, the Federal Court states that “the plain language of the 2018 Farm Bill, as well as statements from its legislative sponsors, reflect Congress’s intent to de-stigmatize and legalize all low-THC hemp, including its derivatives and extracts, and to treat hemp as a regulated agricultural commodity in the United States.”  Provisions of law that seek to criminalize the manufacture, distribution, dispensing, delivery, purchasing, or possession of smokable hemp (including hemp bud and hemp flower) – “hemp derivatives of the kind specifically legalized under the 2018 Farm Bill – frustrates these congressional purposes and objectives.”

Further, the Preliminary Order indicates that the anti-preemption provision of the 2018 Farm Bill only applies to hemp production, which means that states can enforce laws “prohibiting the growing of hemp” within their borders.  As noted by the Federal Court in its Preliminary Order, states (like, North Carolina) are free to place limits on the acreage that can be used to grow hemp within their borders or to dictate the type of seeds that can be used or planted by growers.  But, states may not pass laws that interfere with the right to transport in interstate commerce hemp – including hemp derivatives like “hemp buds” and “hemp flower” – that has been lawfully produced.  SB 315’s smokable hemp provisions, as they stand today, do just that.

The Preliminary Order also discredits many of the arguments raised to date by opponents of smokable hemp in North Carolina, including:
  • That there is no evidence that Congress ever contemplated, let alone had the intention of, legalizing smokable hemp with passage of the 2018 Farm Bill.

The Federal Court dismissed this argument by stating that “[t]he 2018 Farm Bill’s expansion of the federal definition of hemp and removal of all low-THC hemp from the federal list of controlled substances evinces a clear congressional objective to legalize all forms of low-THC hemp, including” smokable hemp.  This analysis can be easily applied to arguments raised by House Republicans and law enforcement groups that, during the 2015 legislative session, our General Assembly never contemplated the legalization of smokable hemp when it passed the industrial hemp research pilot program authorizing legislation.

  • That legalization of smokable hemp (or a failure to re-criminalize smokable hemp) will create significant obstacles for law enforcement agencies to enforce and prosecute North Carolina’s laws against marijuana.

In response to nearly identical arguments and public policy considerations raised in the Indiana Lawsuit, the Federal Court recognized that “the fact that local law enforcement may need to adjust tactics and training in response to changes in federal law is not a sufficient basis for enacting unconstitutional legislation.”

So What Comes Next?

Industry advocates and opponents alike will continue to monitor the Indiana Lawsuit. With limited case law to rely upon, the Federal Court’s final decision, though non-binding, will likely have a ripple effect in North Carolina and other jurisdictions across the country. For now, our hope is that the North Carolina Senate will continue to refuse a concurrence vote on the House version of SB 315 – and, that the Preliminary Order will chill additional efforts (like those occurring in North Carolina) to classify “smokable hemp” as marijuana or to otherwise ban, restrict, or criminalize possession of the plant.

[1] C. Y. Wholesale, Inc. et al., v. Eric Holcomb, Governor, in his official capacity, et al., S.D. Ind., No. 1:19-cv-02659-SEB-TAB (Doc. 31) (September 13, 2019).

© 2019 Ward and Smith, P.A.. All Rights Reserved.

For more on marijuana, cannabis & hemp-derived product regulation, see the National Law Review Biotech, Food & Drug law page.

NCUA Issues New Guidance to Credit Unions Which Permits Hemp Banking

On August 19, 2019, the chairman of the National Credit Union Association issued a letter with guidance to all credit unions.  Prior to August 19, hemp businesses had difficulty locating banks or other entities that would permit them to conduct normal merchant banking activities. That issue has, in part, been addressed by this letter of guidance. Questions remain, however, regarding many merchant services and whether FinCEN will issue a similar guidance.  In either event, banks or credit unions that bank with hemp businesses have numerous compliance obligations under the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and Anti-Money Laundering Act (AML).  It is important to make your banking institution aware of your business purpose to avoid the Suspicious Activity Reports (SAR) that could negatively impact your business operations.

According to Chairman Hood, “Credit unions need to be aware of the Federal, State and Indian Tribe laws and regulations that apply to any hemp-related businesses they serve. Credit unions that choose to serve hemp-related businesses in their field of membership need to understand the complexities and risks involved.

While it is generally a credit union’s business decision as to the types of permissible services and accounts to offer, credit unions must have a Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance program commensurate with the level of complexity and risks involved. In particular, credit unions need to incorporate the following into their BSA/AML policies, procedures, and systems:

  • Credit unions need to maintain appropriate due diligence procedures for hemp-related accounts and comply with BSA and AML requirements to file Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) for any activity that appears to involve potential money laundering or illegal or suspicious activity. It is the NCUA’s understanding that SARs are not required to be filed for the activity of hemp-related businesses operating lawfully, provided the activity is not unusual for that business. Credit unions need to remain alert to any indication an account owner is involved in illicit activity or engaging in activity that is unusual for the business.

  • If a credit union serves hemp-related businesses lawfully operating under the 2014 Farm Bill pilot provisions, it is essential the credit union knows the state’s laws, regulations, and agreements under which each member that is a hemp-related business operates. For example, a credit union needs to know how to verify the member is part of the pilot program.  Credit unions also need to know how to adapt their ongoing due diligence and reporting approaches to any risks specific to participants in the pilot program.

  • When deciding whether to serve hemp-related businesses that may already be able to operate lawfully–those not dependent on the forthcoming USDA regulations and guidelines for hemp production–the credit union needs to first be familiar with any other federal and state laws and regulations that prohibit, restrict, or otherwise govern these businesses and their activity.  For example, a credit union needs to know if the business and the product(s) is lawful under federal and state law, and any relevant restrictions or requirements under which the business must operate.


As the regulatory entities work through the changes in federal law, new rules and regulations are inevitable.  FinCEN, the FDA and TTB are expected to issue new regulations, although they do not appear to be on the horizon any time soon.  The SAFE Banking Act, STATE’s Act and other new federal legislation remain held up in committee.

© 2019 Dinsmore & Shohl LLP. All rights reserved.

For more on finance regulations, see the National Law Review Financial Institutions & Banking law page.

Canna We Talk Cannabis? Emerging Topics in Cannabis Law [PODCAST]

The cannabis industry is rapidly expanding in the United States, with multiple jurisdictions and corporations seeking to accommodate the evolving cannabis market. Carlton Fields attorneys Kevin McCoy and Jennifer Tschetter discuss the emergence of cannabis as a billion-dollar, mainstream industry; explore its impact on corporate clients; and analyze the ever-evolving legal landscape in this space.


Kevin: It’s an exciting day here at Carlton Fields. My name is Kevin McCoy. I am a trial lawyer here in the Tampa office of Carlton Fields with a background in commercial litigation, and today I’m going to be speaking with Jennifer Tschetter out of our Tallahassee office, who is the co-chair of our Cannabis taskforce, which is a very exciting area of the law and one that we are happy to be working in and learning about and helping clients with. So without further ado, welcome, Jennifer.

Jennifer: Thanks, Kevin.

Kevin: Thanks for making the time today. First of all, why don’t you give us a little background about you?

Jennifer: Sure. I’ve been practicing law about 18 years and during that time I spent 10 of them in public service, primarily at the Department of Health here in Florida.

Kevin: Wonderful. In the Department of Health, what were some of the areas that you touched upon in particular with respect to health issues, or have you been involved in the medical marijuana and the marijuana push here in Florida?

Jennifer: Yes, in fact, I was general counsel at the department when medical marijuana first came to this state. So, since the inception of the regulatory structure, I’ve either been intimately involved as a regulator, or since my move to private practice just a couple of years ago became more involved on the private side.

Kevin: Wow, so you’ve been in the front lines?

Jennifer: Yes.

Kevin: You’ve been in the front lines as the government has wrangled with this, I won’t say with the forbidden fruit anymore, because I don’t know that we’re in that land, but you’ve been fighting the fight for a while on both sides of the isle, I suppose?

Jennifer: Yes.

Kevin: So, you know, I use that term, the forbidden fruit, and it’s amazing to me, literally, that we are sitting here at a firm like Carlton Fields and we’re talking about Cannabis law, which, when I started here, I couldn’t have contemplated that that would be an area that we are growing and we are developing experience in and counseling clients on. But, it’s here. And, why don’t you talk to us a little bit about how here it is? I mean, in reality that this is no longer, you know, we don’t think of this anymore like this is two guys doing a drug deal in a parking lot, this is billion dollar industry. Is that fair to say?

Jennifer: Fair to say. So some of the things that I think are most interesting is to watch the evolution of this industry. If you’ve seen, I’m sure everybody has seen those maps, you know, that have varying colors of green based on, you know, are you a recreational state or a medical marijuana state, a low THC state and if you think about that 20 years ago there was one green state on that map and that was California and now you look at the states and there are only 3 that don’t have any color anymore. At least, in some form, 47 states have said you can use this on some level. Might be low THC. Might be full spectrum. Could be recreational. But, those types of statistics are interesting to me. The other ones that come to mind are 1 in 4 Americans right now live somewhere where purchasing recreational cannabis is legal. The farm bill’s delisting of hemp has opened another huge industry and they’re all derivatives of the cannabis plant which used to be forbidden.

Kevin: Let’s talk for a minute for those who are maybe new to this space, new to this industry, about that real distinction. Because that’s one that maybe I didn’t appreciate until recently. When we talk about cannabis, it’s easy to confuse some of the aspects of cannabis as it, as between marijuana or between CBD, which is all the rage of late. Can you just briefly give us an overview of the differences that happen between cannabis, between marijuana, between CBD? How does all that break down for somebody who’s really not deep in this space?

Jennifer: I’ll try. So, our definition in the United States of what constitutes the difference between hemp and marijuana, and they are both species of the same plant, cannabis. So they’re both cannabis, but what distinguishes them is their THC level and THC is the thing that most people think about as creating the euphoria typically associated with marijuana. In hemp, the THC level is .3% or less. If the cannabis plant, as it’s growing, has a THC level higher than .3%, it’s marijuana. So, that’s the distinction is the THC level in each.

Kevin: So, we’ve talked a little bit about some of the aspects that are happening and you talk about the delisting of hemp from the Controlled Substances Act. What has that or what have you observed the impact of that having as impacting some of the clients that we deal with in terms of, you know, these are corporate clients. These are big. They’re pharmaceutical. They are manufacturers. They are real businesses who are now looking at this. Can you just talk about what you’ve seen in industry as, for example, you mentioned CBD, as that has been delisted, or hemp I should say, has been delisted from a controlled substance.

Jennifer: So, CBD, I think there’s a place to start. So, hemp has opened the opportunity, not only for industrial uses for hemp, but it has created another potentially billion dollar industry in this country with the passage of the farm bill in 2018. So, those billion dollar industries don’t come around very often and one aspect of it is the CBD industry. Because hemp is low in THC, one of the other cannabinoids that’s very popular is CBD, which has been documented to relieve stress, anxiety, improve depression and can also alleviate some joint aches when applied topically. So, CBD is in high demand around the country and when it is extracted from the hemp plant, it can be infused in a variety of products: shampoos, lotions, gummy bears, drops. So, that created an enormous industry, but for every business in this country, the potential to at least contemplate whether a CBD additive would be helpful for their product and understanding how to navigate this new regulatory structure that’s kind of emerging, if you do chose to that, has been challenging.

Kevin: You mentioned the word challenging. What are some of the challenges that you are seeing as clients are coming to you for guidance as they’re entering, let’s just call it, the broad umbrella of cannabis without getting into whether it’s marijuana or CBD based on the .3% that you just described. But, what are some of the top, if you had to give us the top five challenges that people are coming to you, businesses, I mean we’re not talking little players here, we’re talking about real corporate clients, they need help, what are the areas that are the hottest right now that you are seeing?

Jennifer: So, compliance is one and the unfortunate part about that, and the challenge that goes with that, is the shifting sand that is the regulatory structure. When hemp was, when cannabis, I’m sorry, was put on the controlled substance act in the 70’s, it stopped all research, it stopped all production of both hemp and marijuana in this country. Because of that, everyone is just now putting brand new regulatory structures in place and research is ongoing and that continued compliance, I think that that is the number one challenge for a business trying to get in this market right now is that you can get a snapshot from a law firm as to whether your business is in compliance today, but the law in North Carolina can change tomorrow. The law in California can change next week and it’s that ongoing uneasiness and being willing to move in that space aggressively despite the potential for the bottom dropping out at any given moment.

Kevin: It sounds like on the compliance piece then, what folks are facing in this industry is right now, it’s you know, technology as I’ve seen it on, in any number of areas, whether it’s a plant, whether it’s a new gadget, a widget, whatever it may be, technology always moves faster than the law and the law is slow to catch up and that’s not necessarily a bad thing because we rely on law. But right now, what we’re dealing with is a regulatory patchwork, if you will, where step over the line from state X to state Y, you could be facing very different types of regulations, whether it’s labeling, whether it’s requirements and sourcing. Can you just talk about some of the things you’re seeing in that regard? I mean, for example, you know I think to the bill that we just passed here in Florida, the hemp bill, and some of the things that, for example, you would see here in terms of a Florida based hemp business that stick out to you that maybe could differ from other states around the country.

Jennifer: So, I think every state is going to have, and this will be a challenging piece of it, different rules on how you can bring that product into the state. And so, the USDA has issued some guidance that said everybody get ready, the farm bill said you can move this from state to state. It’s now a legal agricultural commodity. That’s great, except it does have an impact on agriculture and so, every agriculture department around the country right now is trying to figure out how to protect its farmers. And so the rules on how you bring product into this state, I think, will be one of the first challenges. That’s a patchwork where if you don’t know the law, you might not know that you need to be escorted into the state by our department of agriculture after you have an inspection, and when you get here, your truck needs to be a closed truck…

Kevin: Mm-hmm.

Jennifer: …in order to move about the state of Florida. Those are the proposed regulations.

Kevin: Sure.

Jennifer: We’ll see where they end up. Those will vary by state and part of it is that, I know here in Florida, it’s a perfect example. We’re so sensitive to invasive species. When you look at the cannabis plant, what the plant researchers have told you is that it’s a more invasive species, hemp, cannabis that would include hemp. It’s a more invasive species on their scale from 1 to 25, then Kudzu.

Kevin: Mm-hmm.

Jennifer: So, that should give us all pause as to whether we should be too quick to move so quickly in a space and eager, because it can have lasting implications.

Kevin: You know, it’s funny that you bring up this patchwork and states putting in place these kind of regulations to, maybe, protect their own, if you will. I think the last time I had ever thought about the commerce clause of the constitution was about a week ago when you and I were comparing notes on, I’m not so sure if this particular regulation doesn’t cut too close on protecting, you know, interfering with that. So, what are some of the legal issues that businesses are looking at as cannabis the plant impacts them? I mean, I would have to imagine, you’re dealing now, not only as a business dealing in cannabis, but, I mean, it’s gotta impact employment policies. It’s gotta be impacting, I mean, it’s actually, not to overstate it, but it’s almost like, what is this not going to impact, you know, in terms of policies, in terms of industry? Talk to us about some of the things that businesses have to be looking out for in terms of regulatory patchwork and you can interpret that or answer that in whatever way you want, because it’s a very broad question. But, based on what you’re seeing and what people are coming to you with, what are some of those top items outside of, maybe, compliance or regulatory?

Jennifer: There isn’t an item.

Kevin: Yeah.

Jennifer: This industry will touch almost all practice groups in law firms. When you think about it, because it’s both medicine and something that people want to use for recreational pleasure, it’s different than other things. That’ll make its impact on schools and Girl Scout troops. I mean, they’re gonna have to deal with issues related to cannabis and figure out what they can and can’t do for people that either have a prescription to take this medication, or CBD products limited, they’re not high in THC, so those are, there’s not an industry that I can think of that won’t be impacted by this.

Kevin: I tell you what, I have to agree and I am not anywhere near as versed in this space as you are. Admittedly, I’m a newcomer to understanding this as an industry. But, in the short time that I’ve been working with clients in this space, I mean, I have seen this touch land use. I have seen it touch rewriting employee handbooks which we’ve had to do, you’ve got tax issues. You’ve got money transmitter issues. You’ve got, how, where’s… great your business is doing well, but where are you going to put all that money? You know, US banks are slowly coming around. I think, part of that is because they’re pushing Congress to give them the clearance that they want to be able to touch some of this money.

You mentioned the USDA. You’ve got ongoing issues with the FDA and what are they going to do? And I think they, you know, they have been studying this and rightly so, which is, which is their task to do but, industry is crying out for them to make a move, to take a stand or at least a position and I think that will help industry in terms of knowing the rules of the road because right now, tell me if you disagree but, it’s almost like we are in the wild West in some regard because people are trying to predict what the regulatory framework will be and they’re not going to stop business while they’re waiting on government. So, they’re trying to do the best they can. Is that consistent with what you’re seeing?

Jennifer: Yes, and also a lot of innovation. So, the sky is the limit. You know, I was telling someone the other day, think about how different this industry is than some other highly regulated industries. And I think part of that is the federal prohibition on it, which makes it confusing to talk about. There’s not that federal overlay that you see in some other industries which is why, for example, we maybe don’t see nicotine gummy bears and we don’t see other products that are innovative. I think that they can be helpful, enjoyable. Those are all good things and they’re all possible in this cannabis space.

Kevin: What other areas, you know, we talk, we think about this in terms of somebody who’s directly in this space in terms of you’re cultivating, in terms of you’re manufacturing or you’re distributing whatever that product may be, whether it’s biomass, whatever you’re doing, maybe textile, but, it seems like they’re, this is going to touch a lot of ancillary businesses too. So, for example, you know, you look at the Florida farm bill, you have to have an approved third party independent lab testing your batches of product. So, talk about some of the ancillary industries that you’ve been working with in that regard, and just, setting aside not actually being in directly in the space but maybe a secondary player and areas where you’ve been giving counsel and people have been coming to you for your knowledge.

Jennifer: Sure. The ancillary businesses that we work with most often are those that are directly related. I mean, they’re driven by the cannabis space. And you’re right; the independent testing labs are one of them. And so we work with them and, you know, try to set high standards for those labs whether it be through accreditation and then work with the regulators to put appropriate regulations in place. And I think that’s where when clients can be introduced as an asset, a subject matter expert. Who knows better how to test and what’s possible to test for in a parts per million or parts per billion than the lab folks? And that’s why it’s been a pleasure to represent them and learn a lot about that space.

Other ancillary businesses are the seed to sale tracker. So what some people might not know is that virtually every state that has put in place a medical marijuana program puts in a seed to sale tracking system, and that literally tags plants from the time that they are growing in a cultivation room and you track them with bar codes all the way through the production process so that when you’re all done you know exactly what product was made with that plant. And those type of tracking mechanisms are essential to prevent against diversion in states that don’t want to have a legal recreational adult use market yet. So, that’s another ancillary business that is all unto itself but, the technology and information technology that goes into that is highly complicated and sophisticated. I think you will see that on the hemp side as well. In that most, one of the greatest concerns in the hemp industry is, where are we growing this? And part of that is to understand just how far the reach will be. Can you cross pollinate an orange field 10 miles away or is it 5 miles away? We’re gonna just all learn together. I think it’s an orange grove, candidly. But, those are the things that I think will be interesting and those ancillary businesses are creatively looking for solutions.

There are also drone manufacturers that will be essential in the GIS mapping of hemp cultivation plots all over this country that will help us understand the impact on other crops and also be a tool for law enforcement because I think what can be confusing for people – we were talking about it before in interstate shipments – is that if you were to cut up, you know, grind up a batch of hemp and a batch of marijuana or you drive by a field of hemp the terpenes are the same and it will smell a lot like that smell that we all associate with adult use or recreational marijuana. And so, when you see a load of it coming over state lines, that’s confusing to law enforcement, and rightfully so. Rightfully so. I think that there’s a lot of entrepreneurs looking for innovative solutions to help regulators to help the industry do it better, do it faster. And this is an industry that seems receptive to all those things.

Kevin: You know, you touch on a really interesting point. I went to one of the recent rule-making sessions here in Tampa that the Department of Agriculture put on. And there was a lot of discussion over the disposal requirement and the rule. And it actually surprisingly got a lot of pushback from the audience and a lot of questions about why would you impose these costs. And I actually thought the response from the folks from the Department of Agriculture sitting on the panels was encouraging because their response was, “Listen, there’s two paths here. If you get a crop of hemp that, we come out and we test it and it’s above .3% because of whatever factor happened, inadvertently it was too hot, who knows, you got bad seed. We can make that a law enforcement issue and now you have an entire acre or acreage of plant that is technically now illegal because of something that was out of your control. Or, what we have done is come up with this disposal plan that we’re still trying to flesh out but we can have a plan where we go, ‘This is no good. We’re going to give you the opportunity to dispose of it in the appropriate way.’ And then we don’t need to call law enforcement.” But, your comments trigger to me, what are you seeing in terms of the give and take of what’s happening or the receptiveness of regulators whether it’s federal or state to take input and be receptive to the idea that we’re going to work together on this. It’s not us versus you. It’s imperative to have relationships there and to be part of that discussion and sitting at that table having those conversations.

Jennifer: Both the Department of Health and the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services are very partner oriented. They’re looking for solutions. I think you find that the law enforcement community as well, and everyone is trying their best to disseminate information. So State Attorney Dave Aronberg this week released some guidance that things that smell like marijuana anymore aren’t necessary probable cause for a search of a vehicle.

Kevin: Sure, yeah.

Jennifer: It might not be, because there is smokeable hemp on the streets in Florida. So, you can’t just smell a car and think you can search it. That was distributed widely. Generous of the law enforcement community to not limit it to one particular jurisdiction but instead to share it more broadly. They’re also looking for solutions that work for everyone. Everybody wants the bad actors out of the space, but everybody knows that most of the actors that are coming here are looking for an opportunity and mean to do it the right way. And I think the state of Florida has had a position for a long time – and I have not seen it change – that the goal is always compliance. It’s not punishment, but instead compliance is our goal.

So, that didn’t surprise me. I, too, was very pleased to hear that Ag had taken the position that even though it’s .5% THC, it’s still hemp. You’re just going to destroy it in accordance with your waste management plan.

Kevin: Right.

Jennifer: And that is a very generous interpretation and one that is very farmer-friendly.

Kevin: Well, you touch on an interesting topic. And I don’t think us sitting here talking about this topic in Florida we could get through this first podcast without talking about the situation of the grandmother over at Disney. But, to me what was encouraging out of that entire issue was somebody made a law enforcement decision on the street, but after, maybe there was some talking and some education back in the State Attorney’s office, about the direction. We were on the verge at that time of the hemp bill passing, which would, that same instance right now, assuming that bottle was oil that was .3% or less, that would have been a no probable cause. That would have been a no arrest. And, so it was encouraging, while probably maybe the lady who was arrested could disagree about the experience there, it was encouraging to see that law enforcement with, given a little more time, was already thinking about this. And I think that’s maybe part of the education component that’s gonna come across the board. It’s not just industry, but it’s law enforcement, it’s government, and it’s, let’s, let’s not consume resources here unnecessarily, unless, as you say, we’re focusing on some of the bad actors who may be ruining it for the rest of us, so to speak.

So, the next thing I want to talk about today, Jennifer, is where do you think the opportunity is? We’ve talked about some of the regulatory headwinds and we’ve talked about how businesses might be facing some of those, which can be bad or good depending on what side you’re on. As lawyers, we love, that’s where we make our money, navigating that for folks. But, talk about the opportunities that are there, the opportunities for those who want to get in the space and are new to the space or contemplating getting in the space, whether they’re investors, they’re business, they’re start-ups. What are you seeing based upon the practice that you’ve built around cannabis?

Jennifer: The farm bill definitely changed the field in that when clients call now and they want to get into this space, they want to do something because these are two new burgeoning billion dollar industries that don’t come along very often. How do I get in is usually the question. And what I’ve been telling everyone since passage of the farm bill, and in Florida specifically the passage of our state hemp bill, is hemp is the way to go. It’s an unlimited number of licenses as opposed to marijuana which is a very limited number of licenses. We started with five total in the entire state of Florida. Five licenses would be given out for 20 million people. That’s slowly growing, but still there’s only 22 companies that get to participate in that space. Contrast that with hemp where you can pick just a part of it and as many people as want to participate can. So, I think if there’s opportunities right now, it’s in the hemp space.

And there are corollaries between the two industries that if ever, if marijuana ever turns out to be a space where there are more opportunities – they either remove the vertical integration requirement from the license so that you could have one person licensed to grow and one person licensed to sell and another person licensed to process. That may happen in this state and that would create more opportunities. But until it does, there’s only a few licenses out there and you have to do everything in that chain.

The nice part about these two industries is that those overlaps both require processing to get finished product that patients want to use. Both require retail sales and how to market that product in compliance with FDA regulations on, you know, making sure that you don’t claim they have significant health effects. So there are a lot of overlaps that I think for someone that wants to get involved in the industry right now, what I’m counseling them is that start in the hemp space. That’s the place to be. There are no opportunities in Florida right now in the medical marijuana space unless you want to buy one of those licenses for a significant amount of money. And, that’s the only way to get in that space right now and probably the only way to be there for the foreseeable future. With the state of litigation on the medical marijuana side of the industry, I don’t anticipate that we’ll see any new licensees. Certainly not in 2019 and it will be a long way into 2020 before we get to that place. So, for folks that want to get in right now and do something, they should look at hemp as that opportunity.

On the investment side, that can vary. I think that depends upon the quality of the company.

And, I think, one of the things we haven’t touched on today but I think will root itself out eventually in these industries are things like pretenders and frauds and burgeoning industries can attract those kinds of people. So, I think that’s where due diligence is really important on the investment side: understanding the regulatory structures, understanding whether they are scaled up. They can tell you they want to put 100 dispensaries in a state, but if they have a 100,000 square foot cultivation facility, that’s probably not even possible. You could never stock the shelves. So, those are the things that I think due diligence will help investors, and that’s why they’re consulting people like you and me to talk through those issues. But, for investment, I think both spaces are good. For people that want to work, make money, and be a part of something new, I’d take a good look at hemp.

Kevin: That’s a fantastic insight. You know, and from what I’ve seen and just some of the market research and then in some of the other things that you can just find on the Internet, you know, you go back to where we started in the medical marijuana versus the hemp side, and then in terms of CBD, that whole dichotomy that’s happening there in terms of people who hear the word “cannabis” have always associated it with marijuana. And it’s, you know, I may or may not be interested in that, but the whole concept of the CBD space now is coming out where essentially, at least from the marketing standpoint, you can have the benefits of marijuana without the THC and without the high. And the market that I’m seeing in terms of opportunity – I think this is what you’re talking about, too, with hemp – is that this market’s gonna explode. I mean, because more people who would never even contemplate for whatever reason that they would ever touch a cannabis product are now saying, “What’s so bad about this one?” You know, “I can still function, I’m not gonna be a pothead, if you will. I’m just gonna take the benefits from this plant that have been forbidden maybe for no good reason, we’re coming to find out, for such a long time.” So, I’m glad to hear you talk about that as an opportunity because even beyond, you know, the CBD and the ingestible space or the topicals, you get into textiles, you get into manufacturing of ropes, and everything else that goes with it. And so…

Jennifer: Drywall, concrete, I mean, all those hemp-based products. I heard Ag say the other day there are 25,000 known hemp-based products ready to go as soon as we have enough hemp in this country. And when you talk about drywall that is mold and fire resistant and I think about that in beach houses, that’d be perfect, right? So, I’m really excited about the opportunities that this space presents. And hemp, I think, is the future.

Kevin: I tell you what. This entire industry, to me, is just so exciting because it’s new, it’s fresh, it’s one of those opportunities that in the law, to have something that is just so untamed come along, you don’t see that very often. And I don’t know about you, I had a great time today. I hope you would join me again because next time I would really like to get into some of the Florida-specific stuff we’re seeing, including you’ve talked about some of the appellate issues maybe that the Florida Supreme Court will be asked to weigh in on some stuff. So, will you join me again? Maybe we can try a next session?

Jennifer: Absolutely. And if it’s after August 8th, we should know more answers. So.

Kevin: Fantastic. And thank you, again. You are definitely very, very deep in this industry and I’ve learned a lot today, so thank you so much for joining us.

Jennifer: It was a pleasure. Thanks, Kevin.

Kevin: I also want to thank our audience for joining us today. We had a great time. We hope you did, too. We hope you will check out more about our practice at carltonfields.com. There you can find the landing page for the cannabis taskforce that Jennifer is the co-chair of and you can learn more about what we are doing in this space as it impacts businesses that are running throughout this industry.

©2011-2019 Carlton Fields, P.A.

For more cannabis legal news see the National Law Review Biotech, Food & Drug law page.

State AGs Want Role in Regulation of CBD-Containing Products

Many, including state regulators, are closely watching the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as it works through the challenges associated with regulating cannabidiol (CBD) products.  Under the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), CBD cannot lawfully be added to a food or marketed as a dietary supplement; however, industry has been pressuring the Agency to create a pathway for the lawful use of CBD in food and dietary supplements through either an exception by regulation to the FD&C Act or through a nonenforcement policy.

As previously reported on this blog, FDA held a public meeting on May 31, 2019 to obtain scientific data and information about the safety of FDA-regulated products containing cannabis or cannabis-derived compounds.  The Agency has made clear that outstanding questions related to the safety of CBD products must first be addressed before a regulatory framework can be established for lawfully marketing foods and dietary supplements containing CBD.

In response to FDA’s request for safety data and information, on July 16, 2019, a coalition of 37 Attorneys Generals submitted a letter to FDA, urging the Agency to cooperate with the states to protect consumer from false advertising and potential harms to their health from products containing cannabis or cannabis-derived compounds, including CBD.  The letter also urged the Agency to develop ongoing assessments of potential risk and benefits of these products, including how they interact with other dietary or pharmaceutical products.  Ultimately, the letter requests that FDA “ensure that states maintain a role as regulators in this emerging market.”


© 2019 Keller and Heckman LLP
Article by Food and Drug Law practice group at Keller and Heckman LLP.
For more on cannabidiol (CBD) regulation see the National Law Review Biotech, Food & Drug page.