Federal Surface Transportation Agencies Issue Updated Guidance for Section 139 Environmental Review and Permitting Process

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), and Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) (the Agencies) recently issued updated guidance for implementing 23 U.S.C. § 139 (Section 139). Section 139 contains special procedures and requirements for the environmental review and permitting process for surface transportation and multimodal projects. The new guidance — officially titled “Section 139 Environmental Review Process: Efficient Environmental Reviews for Project Decisionmaking and One Federal Decision” (Guidance) — is effective immediately. The Agencies will accept public comments on the Guidance until February 18, 2025. This article highlights some of its significant features.


Section 139 was first enacted in 2005 as part of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU). Section 139 was innovative as an early effort to improve the efficiency of environmental reviews under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for highway and transit projects. Aspects of Section 139 later formed the basis for other NEPA streamlining measures such as Title 41 of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, President Trump’s since-revoked Executive Order 13807, and the NEPA amendments in the Fiscal Responsibility Act.

The updated Section 139 Guidance is long overdue. FHWA and FTA’s prior version of the Section 139 guidance document was published in 2006. In the ensuing 18 years, Section 139 was amended by multiple surface transportation reauthorization laws (the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act in 2012, the FAST Act in 2015, and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act in 2021); NEPA was amended by the Fiscal Responsibility Act in 2023; and the Agencies (in 2018) and the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) (in 2020, 2022, and 2024) revised their regulations implementing NEPA.

Notable Aspects of the New Section 139 Guidance

Applicable Version of Section 139

As noted above, Section 139 was first enacted in 2005 and was amended in 2012, 2015, and 2021. The Guidance clarifies that the applicable version of the statute is the version in effect “at the time the project was initiated (e.g., publication of a notice of intent (NOI) to develop a new environmental impact statement (EIS), or a determination to proceed with an environmental assessment (EA) that will follow the Sec. 139 environmental review process).” For projects undergoing supplemental environmental review, the Guidance states that the applicable version of the statute is the version in effect at the time of the NOI for the supplemental EIS or EA (if a NOI is published) or at the time the project was initiated (if a NOI is not published for the supplemental environmental review). These applicability rules could affect a lead agency’s decision whether to publish an optional NOI for an EA or a supplemental environmental review.

The Guidance states that as a “limited exception” to the general rule described above, a supplemental EIS is exempt from the Section 139 requirements if the original EIS was “under active development” during the eight months prior to August 11, 2005 (the date of SAFETEA-LU’s enactment). The Guidance does not explain the statutory or other legal basis for this exception. This exception is similar to an exception in the prior version of the guidance for “an EIS that was under active development during the 8 months prior to August 11, 2005, and that is being re-scoped due to changes in plans or priorities, even if a revised [NOI] is published.”

As another exception, the Guidance states that FRA will not apply Section 139 to “any railroad project for which the Secretary [of Transportation] approved the funding arrangement under title 49, U.S. Code, before December 4, 2015” (the date of the FAST Act’s enactment). While this exception is consistent with 49 U.S.C. § 24201(e), the Guidance does not acknowledge that this statutory section also covers “any existing environmental review process, program, [or] agreement” for a railroad project as of the date of the FAST Act’s enactment.

Applying Section 139 to Railroad Projects

One of the most notable changes in the Guidance is the addition of FRA as an author and changes throughout the document explaining how FRA will apply Section 139. When initially enacted in 2005, Section 139 applied only to highway and public transportation capital projects; the previous version of the Section 139 guidance was issued only by FHWA and FTA. After the FAST Act was enacted, Section 139 applied to railroad projects “to the greatest extent feasible.” (49 U.S.C. § 24201(a).) The Guidance dispenses with that qualifier, suggesting that Section 139 applies categorically to all railroad and FRA projects.

“Major Project” Determinations

Certain aspects of Section 139 apply only to “major projects,” defined as a project for which (1) multiple permits, approvals, reviews, or studies are required under a federal law other than NEPA; (2) “the project sponsor has identified the reasonable availability of funds sufficient to complete the project;” (3) the project is not a covered project under Title 41 of the FAST Act; and (4) an EIS is required or, if an EA is required, the project sponsor requests that the project be treated as a major project. (23 U.S.C. § 139(a)(7).) The Guidance explains the information that FHWA, FTA, and FRA each will consider to determine whether a project has a reasonable availability of funding. The Guidance states that the federal lead agency will determine whether a project is a major project during project initiation.

Harmonizing Section 139 with the Fiscal Responsibility Act’s NEPA Amendments

The Guidance states that Section 139’s timeframes for major projects “apply in lieu of” the deadlines in NEPA. For major projects, Section 139 requires, “to the maximum extent practicable and consistent with applicable Federal law,” a schedule consistent with an agency average of not more than two years for the completion of the environmental review process for major projects. (23 U.S.C. § 139(g)(1)(B)(iii).) NEPA, as amended by the Fiscal Responsibility Act, establishes deadlines of two years for completion of an EIS and one year for completion of an EA. (42 U.S.C. § 4336a(g).) These two timing provisions are not necessarily irreconcilable. And the Guidance does not address how its interpretation is consistent with 23 U.S.C. § 139(g)(1)(C) (which states that a schedule “shall be consistent with any other relevant time periods established under Federal law) and 23 U.S.C. § 139(k)(2) (which states that nothing in Section 139 “shall be construed as superseding, amending, or modifying” NEPA).

The Guidance states that Section 139’s 200-page limit for an EIS — which applies “notwithstanding any other provision of law” (23 U.S.C. § 139(n)(3)), unlike the schedule provision described above — takes precedence over NEPA’s generally applicable page limits (150 pages, or 300 pages for a proposed action of “extraordinary complexity”).

For other provisions that are not in direct conflict — including those related to lead agency responsibilities, the project’s purpose and need statement, and considerations for using a single environmental document for all federal agency reviews and decisions — the Guidance states that Section 139 “supplements” the requirements in NEPA.

Applicable Page Limits and Deadlines

The Guidance includes two appendices with tables depicting the applicable page limits (Appendix F) and timing requirements (Appendix G) for EAs and EISs based on the date the environmental document was initiated. Curiously, the tables do not reference the 2023 NEPA amendments (which were effective upon enactment on June 3, 2023). And the tables do not recognize that agencies “may apply” CEQ’s current NEPA regulations “to ongoing activities and environmental documents” begun before the effective date of the regulations (July 1, 2024) (40 C.F.R. § 1506.12).

Applicability of Section 139 to Projects Not Having an EIS

Section 139 provides that its project development procedures apply to projects for which an EIS is prepared and “may be applied” to other projects for which an environmental document is prepared “as requested by a project sponsor and to the extent determined appropriate by the Secretary [of Transportation].” (23 U.S.C. § 139(b)(1).) The Guidance states that FHWA will determine whether, and to what extent, to apply the Section 139 process requirements to non-EIS projects “on a project-by-project basis.” The Guidance states that, in general, FRA and FTA will apply the Section 139 process requirements only to EIS projects but may apply them, in whole or in part, to non-EIS projects “depending on the circumstances of the project; these provisions could include the statute of limitations (SOL) on claims or the joint lead agency approach.”

Concurrence Points on Purpose and Need Statement and Alternatives

The Guidance states that lead agencies should, as a “best practice,” obtain written concurrence from cooperating agencies on a draft purpose and need statement and the preliminary range of alternatives before publishing the NOI, as well as later concurrence on the preferred alternative. The Guidance also states that if the purpose and need statement or the range of alternatives are modified “after consideration of the public comments received in response to the publication of the NOI, the Federal lead agency should obtain additional written concurrence from the cooperating agencies prior to publishing the Draft EIS.” While concurrence is a well-intentioned practice, it could result in unnecessary delays in the environmental review process, especially to the extent the Guidance encourages lead agencies to obtain concurrence from cooperating agencies that do not have jurisdiction to issue any authorization for the project.

Pre-NOI Activities

The Guidance encourages lead agencies to conduct significant work before publishing the NOI. This includes identifying and inviting cooperating and participating agencies, soliciting public comment on the draft purpose and need statement and preliminary range of alternatives, obtaining written concurrence from cooperating agencies on a draft purpose and need statement and preliminary range of alternatives, developing a draft coordination plan and project schedule, developing a public involvement plan, determining the extent of environmental analysis needed for each resource, identifying potentially significant environmental issues, and identifying potential mitigation strategies.

Requesting Extensions of Established Schedules or Deadlines

The Guidance states that project applicants may request an extension to a schedule or deadline by submitting a request in writing to the lead agency at least 45 days before the deadline, “explaining the project’s status, explaining why an extension is needed, and providing a proposed updated schedule. The NEPA federal lead agency will determine whether an extension will be granted. A schedule extension should be requested if a project’s schedule is not expected to meet a deadline for completion of the EIS or EA.”

Notices of Statute of Limitations on Claims

The Guidance describes each of the Agencies’ different processes related to publishing notices in the Federal Register to trigger Section 139’s short statute of limitations on claims pursuant to 23 U.S.C. § 139(l) (150 days for highway, transit, and multimodal projects) or 49 U.S.C. § 24201(a)(4) (2 years for railroad projects). (If no such notice is published, NEPA’s generally applicable six-year limitations period would apply.) The Guidance includes an explanation of “risk management factors” that FHWA (but not FTA or FRA) will consider when deciding whether to publish such a notice for a project.

Planning and Environmental Linkages

The Guidance explains how statutory and regulatory authorities allow for transportation planning documents and state environmental review processes to be used during the NEPA process to inform the purpose and need statement, alternatives, description of environmental setting, and identification of environmental impacts and mitigation. The Guidance states that FHWA encourages the use of Planning and Environmental Linkages under the provisions of both 23 U.S.C. § 139(f)(4)(E) and 23 U.S.C. § 168 to the extent practicable, whereas FTA’s preference is to follow the Planning and Environmental Linkages approach in 23 C.F.R. part 450 instead of 23 U.S.C. § 139(f)(4)(E). The Guidance notes that 23 U.S.C. § 139(f)(4)(E) applies to railroad projects and encourages railroad project sponsors to coordinate with FRA on integrating planning (including the Corridor Identification and Development Program) with the NEPA process.

Using Errata Sheets for a Final EIS and Issuing a Combined Final EIS and Record of Decision

The Guidance incorporates, with some changes, many aspects of the Department of Transportation’s “Guidance on the Use of Combined Final Environmental Impact Statements/Records of Decision and Errata Sheets in National Environmental Policy Act Reviews” (Apr. 25, 2019).

Applicability of Section 139 and Guidance to NEPA Assignment States

The Guidance states that Section 139 applies to projects for which a state has assumed the Department of Transportation’s responsibilities under NEPA and other environmental laws pursuant to the Surface Transportation Project Delivery Program under 23 U.S.C. § 327. The Guidance is silent on whether Section 139 applies to projects covered by the more limited categorical exclusion assignment program under 23 U.S.C. § 326. As to the applicability of the Guidance itself to NEPA assignment projects, the Guidance suggests that states participating in the NEPA assignment program “should coordinate with FHWA, FRA, or FTA, as appropriate, regarding the applicability of this guidance.”

Process Charts

The Guidance includes, as Appendix H, two detailed charts depicting a “recommended best practice timeline” for completing the NEPA and permitting processes for EAs and major project EISs. These charts depict how other state and federal agencies’ permitting processes can be coordinated to achieve the timeframes required by NEPA and Section 139.

Next Steps

As an interim final guidance, the Guidance is effective immediately while the Agencies solicit public comments. The deadline to provide comments on the Guidance is February 18, 2025. The Agencies will then make any changes they determine to be appropriate and will issue a final guidance. Notably, this work will occur during the incoming Trump administration, and the final guidance may reflect the priorities of the Agencies’ new leadership.

Preparing For the Return of Dealer Distress

Over the last five years, auto and equipment dealers experienced a period of low inventory levels with high margins on the limited inventory they had for sale and lease. Used automotive and equipment wholesale and retail prices surged. At the same time, merger and acquisition activity drove dealer valuations to record highs especially in the automotive segment.

Dealer merger and acquisition activity has started to cool even though valuations and activity remain elevated above pre-pandemic levels1. New automotive inventory levels have risen during 2024 to the point that Ford’s CFO, John Lawler, expressed worry regarding rising new car inventory levels in June2. Used automotive and equipment wholesale prices have declined from their pandemic era highs as well.

Record profits, low inventory levels, and strong merger and acquisition activity led to low delinquency and default levels in the dealer lending space, but current trends indicate those days may be coming to an end. For floor plan lenders, they should be thinking about dealer distress happening again. While times are still good, there are some steps lenders can take to prepare for distress down the road.

Review Your Documents and Security Interests

It is always easier to fix documentation and security interest deficiencies when times are good. Lenders should be checking to make sure their loan documents are correct and most importantly, their security interest position reflects their expectations. One area of particular concern is making sure no other parties have filed security interests against the dealer including merchant cash advance, factoring and other “short term” funding sources that might not show up as debt on financial statements. Even other lenders providing longer term debt financing secured by other assets like real estate may be taking a security interest in your inventory as well.


As part of your documentation review, you should verify the dealer’s insurance meets the requirements of your loan documents, lists your interest properly, and is adequate for the dealer’s exposure. Insurance coverage tied to inventory levels can become insufficient if inventory levels rise faster than the coverage limits increase. Also ensuring the insurance covers all collateral locations is a requirement that might slip through the cracks especially if collateral locations change frequently.

Where is Your Collateral?

One benefit of low inventory levels was that dealers stopped storing inventory at satellite lots. The practice of old is starting to return as inventory levels build. Lenders want to make sure they know of these locations (they should if they are on top of the audits) and obtain landlord waivers if necessary to access the inventory upon a default.

Keeping Up on Audits

Anyone who knows the floor plan business knows the importance of audits. Low inventory levels and well performing dealers made audits easy. With increasing inventory levels, audit complexity is returning to pre-pandemic norms. Audit issues are often one of the first signs of dealer distress. A prominent example of a dealer issue recently being unearthed through audits involves a boat dealer who allegedly sold boats, but stored them for the customers and alleged the boats were still for sale3.

Financial Reporting and Covenants

Financial reporting deficiencies and financial covenant violations are also warning signs of potential distress on the horizon. Dealers rarely go bad overnight. Financial reporting and covenants going downhill are an obvious warning sign.


Not just limited to dealers, but tax delinquencies are always a big red flag. Confirming the payment of taxes and the existence of no tax liens should be part of reviewing any dealer relationship especially one showing other signs of distress.

Used Inventory Levels and Advance Rates

During the pandemic when used vehicle and equipment prices shot through the roof, lenders became permissive of advancing beyond their standard advance rates. As used inventory values decline for vehicles4 and agricultural equipment5, dealers can be underwater on used inventory.

Manufacturer Specific Issues

Not all dealers are equal and the same is true for manufacturers. Monthly inventory level data from Cox Automotive6 shows inventory levels being substantially higher among some vehicle brands compared to others. Keeping an eye on your dealer and the average inventory levels of the brands they carry should be on your radar.

Explaining What You Do

As someone who spent a decade as lead counsel at two different financial institutions being lead counsel for floor plan businesses, I spent a lot of time explaining to others outside the floor plan businesses the nuances of floor plan lending. If things start going downhill with a dealer, be prepared for the inevitable basic questions from those not used to the dealer business.

Conclusion – Hope for the Best, Prepare For The Worst

One of the best credit people I ever worked with described a dealer failure as like a war. When a dealer failure occurs, most likely through a selling inventory out of trust, you don’t have time to learn what to do. You got to know what to do. You must have someone ready to take command and quarterback the response. You got to know who will help you accomplish your ends. If you don’t act quickly, your inventory will be gone and your losses can be in the millions within days.

1 “Dealership Buy-Sell Activity and Blue Sky Values are declining, but are elevated well above pre-pandemic levels”, The Haig Report, August 29, 2024 (2024-Q2-Haig-Report-Press-Release-FINAL.pdf (haigpartners.com))
2 “Ford CFO says growing dealer inventory ‘worries me’”, Breana Noble, The Detroit News, June 11, 2024 (Ford CFO John Lawler says growing dealer inventory ‘worries me’ (detroitnews.com))
3 “Lender Alleges Dealer Diverted Millions in Sales Proceeds”, Kim Kavin, Soundings Trade Only, April 16, 2024 (https://www.tradeonlytoday.com/manufacturers/lender-alleges-dealer-diverted-millions-in-sales-proceeds)
4 “Wholesale Used-Vehicle Prices Decrease in First Half of September”, Cox Automotive, September 17, 2024 (Wholesale Used-Vehicle Prices Decrease in First Half of September – Cox Automotive Inc. (coxautoinc.com))
5 “Lower Used Equipment Prices Are Another Sign of the Challenges in the Ag Sector”, Jim Wiesenmeyer, Farm Journal, August 14, 2024 (Lower Used Equipment Prices Are Another Sign of the Challenges in the Ag Sector | AgWeb).
6 “New-Vehicle Inventory Stabilizes as Sales Incentives Increase and Model Year 2025 Vehicles Arrive”, Cox Automotive, September 19, 2024 (New-Vehicle Inventory Stabilizes as Sales Incentives Increase and Model Year 2025 Vehicles Arrive – Cox Automotive Inc. (coxautoinc.com))

Boeing Whistleblower Continues to Raise Concerns

At the National Whistleblower Day celebration held on Capitol Hill on July 30, a Boeing whistleblower announced new documents which he claims further demonstrate shortcomings by Boeing around the manufacturing of the 737 Max which crashed in Ethiopia on March 10, 2019.

During his speech, Ed Pierson, the Executive Director of The Foundation for Aviation Safety, an aviation industry watchdog group, stated “since it’s Whistleblower Day, I thought I’d do some whistleblowing.”

Pierson went on to detail three sets of documents which he said Boeing employees had recently shared with him. The documents include the production records for the Ethiopian Airlines 737-8 MAX airplane, which according to the Foundation for Aviation Safety “paint a clear picture of the confusing and chaotic production operations going on at the 737 factory when this airplane was being manufactured.”

The documents also include information about a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) investigation into whistleblower complaints about alleged loss of quality control at Boeing’s Electrical Systems Responsibility Center (ESRC) in Everett, Washington. According to Pierson, this investigation occurred the same week that the Ethiopian Airlines 737-8 MAX airplane was being manufactured in nearby Renton, Washington.

Lastly, the documents include communication between Boeing and Ethiopian Airlines about an uncommanded roll that plane had allegedly taken within three weeks of being delivered to Ethiopia.

In recent months, a number of Boeing whistleblowers have come forward alleging both safety concerns as well as a culture of retaliation at the company.

Copyright Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto, LLP 2024. All Rights Reserved.
by: Geoff Schweller of Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto
For more on Whistleblowers, visit the NLR Criminal Law Business Crimes section

The Psychology Behind Distracted Driving: Understanding the Urge to Multitask

There was a time when modern devices like smartphones, GPS devices, and infotainment systems in cars didn’t exist, but drivers still had to contend with other distractions. These included children in the back seat, beautiful scenery, and daydreaming, which are also leading causes of car accidents.

All forms of distractions are dangerous to some extent. But there may be nothing you can do to help in some cases, for example, getting lost in thought while at the wheel.

Activities like talking on the phone, texting, messing with the infotainment system, watching a video clip, etc., call for multitasking and are 100 percent avoidable, especially considering the dangers they pose. But it may not be as easy as it sounds, as it is part of human nature to want to multitask.

What Is Multitasking?

Psychology describes multitasking as the act of handling more than one task at a time. The complexity of multitasking and its effect on the brain depends on the types of activities a person is engaging in at once.

For example, it doesn’t take a lot in terms of brain faculties to listen to music while driving, so such a thing isn’t much of a big deal. However, being in a conference meeting while driving is difficult, as both activities require much more attention, making the chances of getting into a car accident much higher.

How Does Multitasking Affect the Brain?

People handle multitasking differently, but it doesn’t make it safe for anyone while at the wheel. The science behind how the brain functions shows that the human brain can handle one task at a time, so it’s right to say there is nothing like multitasking as far as the brain goes.

What looks like multitasking is actually the brain switching between different tasks at a relatively high speed, but it can only focus on one task at any given millisecond. Eventually, the switching back and forth affects focus, accuracy, and a person’s effectiveness.

The Psychology of Distracted Driving

Distracted driving at face value is a choice. However, if you dig deeper, you will realize it takes much more than making a choice to keep off because it also has something to do with most drivers’ psychology. Technology, especially communication technologies like social media, are built to be attention-grabbing, and the more time you stay on there, the more perceived satisfaction you get.

There is always the allure of knowing what has happened in the past few minutes, how your post is doing, who’s liking it, and stuff like that. This allure and the dopamine hits individuals get from the likes and comments make staying away a battle against the mind.

There is also social pressure, and this is especially true for younger drivers. Since everyone talks of doing it, or how good they are at it, the habit seems less and less risky.

Drives can be boring and too monotonous. For people who love mind-stimulating activities, their minds always crave something exciting that only a device can offer.

You Can Avoid Driving Distracted

It won’t be easy to break a bad habit. But understanding that multitasking is a myth and that it’s only a matter of time till you make a terrible mistake should make you want to think twice about it.

It is a matter of life and death, so the question is not if you like keeping off your devices but if you want to save lives. Be intentional, even when it means putting distractions out of reach until you reach your destination.

U.S. EV Sales Are Slowing: Implications for the Auto Industry

Throughout the past decade, analysts and policymakers have promoted electric vehicles (EVs) as the cars of the future, highlighting their potential to provide effective, environmentally friendly transportation for individual and business purposes alike. Pure EV sales in the United States rose from just over 10,000 in 2011 to nearly 500,000 in 2021, and the country is expected to add 1 million new EVs to its roads in 2023, aided by government subsidies. However, over the past year, the EV market has been struggling with price cuts and rising inventories; in August 2023, it took about twice as long to sell an EV in the U.S. as it did the previous January. Given the expectations for an EV takeover of the automotive industry, it is important to understand what is driving this slowdown, and how it may affect individuals and businesses in the years to come.

The Transportation of Tomorrow

Though fuel-powered motors were traditionally preferable due to their superior energy storage and range, concerns over their environmental impact in the late 20th century propelled people to consider electricity-powered substitutes. Hybrid EVs, which use electric motors alongside internal combustion engines, became more widespread starting in the 1990s, while fully battery-powered electric cars, which only use energy stored in on-board batteries, have increasingly become practical options in the consumer market starting in the 2010s, though their recharging requirement remains a sore spot. Given the efficiency gap between fuel-powered motors and contemporary battery technologies, as well as typically higher costs for EV production, governments have often stepped in to offer economic incentives for EV purchasing and manufacturing, attempting to guide long-term automotive supply and demand toward sustainable transport options.

Government incentives for EV adoption have grown steadily over the past three decades, with large markets like the U.S. and EU commencing efforts in the 2000s, later followed by developing economies such as China and India. For years, the U.S. federal government and state governments have offered tax credits for producers and consumers adopting qualified electric drive motor vehicles, with states like California going even further by offering HOV lane access for EVs operated by a single occupant. President Biden designated increased EV adoption as a substantial element of his Investing in America agenda, setting a goal for 50% of all new vehicle sales in the U.S. to be electric by 2030. However, despite increasing environmental awareness and policy pressures, consumer demand has not always followed suit.

Wavering Consumer Demand

Currently, there is an oversupply of electric vehicles in the industry, reflecting continued automaker and government investment against slowing consumer demand. While most American consumers view adopting EVs as an inevitability, their anxieties relating to the range that the battery can produce and a lack of public charging infrastructure still induce uncertainties over dependability. During the COVID-19 pandemic, shelter-in-place orders reduced the need for frequent personal transportation, allowing consumers greater flexibility to adopt EVs. However, now that pandemic restrictions no longer present a substantial external variable and more workers are required to return to the office, vehicles powered by internal combustion engines remain preferable as the most reliable transport option. This is supported by the changing profile of the EV consumer – the percentage of EV shoppers trading in a vehicle they already own has doubled over the past decade, indicating that many EV consumers do not rely on them as their primary mode of transport. Amplifying the charging concern, a Pew Research Center survey from July found that Americans have low levels of confidence that the U.S. will build necessary EV infrastructure, including critical charging ports, dampening enthusiasm that the Biden administration’s EV goals will be met on time.

On the other hand, pricing continues to be another hurdle for greater EV adoption. According to Cox Automotive, the average transaction price for a vehicle in the U.S. was around $48,000 in September 2023; for EVs, the number was between $53,000 and $60,000. The higher price tag for EVs tends to be a result of manufacturing costs remaining more expensive than they would be for producing gasoline-powered vehicles, given the auto industry’s substantially longer experience making internal combustion engines compared to EV technologies and the still-inflexible EV supply chain. High interest rates render borrowing money for car payments more expensive, along with inflation reducing consumer purchasing power and global supply chain disruptions contributing to the issue as well. According to S&P Global Mobility, while 86% of U.S. car buyers were considering an EV in 2021, the number fell to 67% in 2023. Despite government tax credits, investing in a relatively more expensive EV purchase is a hefty request for many American consumers concerned about short-term costs in today’s economy.

Effects on the Auto Industry

The auto sector is facing the classic problem for a sector in transition, i.e., growing supply to pace with developing demand. The current market condition is not a problem of declining demand but supply outpacing demand and the auto industry is already making corrections. Ford, having opened reservations for its fully electric F-150 Lightning model in May 2021, closed them by the end of the year due to excess supply, and by September 2023, announced it was ramping up production of its hybrid F-150s in response to lowered than anticipated sales of the Lightning. Lucid, a high-profile luxury EV brand, has seen two consecutive quarters of weaker than expected demand, most recently delivering 600 fewer of its Air luxury sedans than Wall Street had expected in the second quarter of 2023. Tesla’s aggressive price cuts have hindered the growth of competition in the EV industry, with two-thirds of all EVs sold by the Elon Musk-owned automotive giant, as consumers find it difficult to afford suitable alternatives. At the end of the second quarter of 2023, several automakers announced their decision to move to the Tesla charging standard, stranding many vehicles on factory floors with an obsolete charging outlet, thus further exacerbating the dilemma.

Pushback against public sector efforts to mandate EV adoption may also reshape expectations for how the auto industry will move forward in the coming decade. On November 8, the U.S. Senate voted 50-48 to overturn Biden’s decision to waive some “Buy America” requirements for government-funded electric vehicle charging stations. Western lithium and graphite miners have started charging the EV supply chain higher prices to reduce dependence on Chinese supply of these materials. Owing to anxieties over cheap Chinese-manufactured EVs flooding the American market as has happened in Europe and a potential Chinese monopoly of rare earth minerals critical in EV production, these protectionist moves on an already inflexible EV supply chain are likely to further delay progress toward the administration’s vehicle electrification aims. EV adoption also remains inconsistent across U.S. regions, being significantly lesser in states like Texas where gas prices and home energy rates are lower, compared to others like California where the opposite is true. Nonetheless, there are reasons to remain optimistic about the long-term growth of EV sales in the auto industry – an S&P study in 2023 showed that people were willing to accept charging times of less than an hour and less range on an EV compared to a gasoline equivalent, and while the number of EV buyers fell from 2021 to 2023, it was still higher than in 2019. Understanding that a gradual shift towards electricity-powered vehicles is still probable, individuals and businesses alike should note that it will likely occur over a longer period than analysts and policymakers predict. Meanwhile, greater hybrid vehicle production and purchasing could generate a slew of new opportunities in the short to medium term.


This article was authored by William Samir Simpson.

Study: Vehicles with Higher Front Ends Pose Greater Risk to Pedestrians

According to a recently published study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), vehicles with higher, more blunt front ends are more dangerous to pedestrians. IIHS says that vehicles with a hood height higher than 40 inches are 45% more likely to cause fatalities in pedestrian accidents than vehicles with a hood height of 30 inches or less.

Pedestrian accident deaths have risen 80% since their lowest point in 2009. In 2021, more than 20 people died per day after being hit by a vehicle.

Over the last 30 years, the average vehicle has gotten about 4 inches wider, 10 inches longer, 8 inches taller, and 1,000 pounds heavier in the US. Many vehicles are more than 40 inches tall at the leading edge of the hood.

The IIHS study examined 17,897 crashes involving a single passenger vehicle and a single pedestrian. Using Vehicle Identification Numbers to identify the vehicles, they calculated front-end measurements corresponding to 2,958 unique car, minivan, large van, SUV, and pickup models. Vehicles with pedestrian automatic emergency braking systems were excluded from the study, along with others that could affect the likelihood of a fatality, such as speed limit, and age of the struck pedestrian.

Front-End Height affects Fatalities

The study found that vehicles with hoods more than 40 inches off the ground at the leading edge and a grille sloped at an angle of 65 degrees or less, were 45% more likely to cause pedestrian fatalities than those with a similar slope and hood heights of 30 inches or less. Vehicles with hood heights of more than 40 inches and blunt front end angled at greater than 65 degrees were 44% more likely to cause fatalities.

Researchers looked at several other vehicle characteristics, including the angle of the windshield, the length of the hood, and the angle of the hood. Among these, the slope of the hood had the biggest effect. There was a 25% increase in the risk of fatality for vehicles with flat hoods (those with angles of 15 degrees or less) compared to vehicles with more sloping hoods.

Researchers found that vehicles taller than 35 inches were more dangerous to pedestrians because they tend to cause more severe head injuries. Of the vehicles taller than 35 inches, those with more blunt front ends were more dangerous than those with sloped front ends, because they cause more frequent and severe torso and hip injuries.

“Manufacturers can make vehicles less dangerous to pedestrians by lowering the front end of the hood and angling the grille and hood to create a sloped profile,” IIHS Senior Research Transportation Engineer Wen Hu, the lead author of the study, said in a statement on Tuesday. “There’s no functional benefit to these massive, blocky fronts.”

E-Scooter and E-Bike Injuries Soar

Injuries caused by e-scooters and e-bikes increased steeply from 2021 to 2022, highlighting the serious risks associated with these transportation devices (officially known as “micromobility products”).

According to a new report from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), titled “Micromobility Products-Related Deaths, Injuries, and Hazard Patterns,” these kinds of injuries increased by almost 21 percent from 2021 to 2022.

This marks the continuation of an alarming upward trend, illustrating that the 2023 increase is much more than a fluke: these types of injuries have increased by an average of 23 percent each year since 2017.

Digging into the data on e-bike injuries

To help you better understand the new data on micromobility devices, here are some of the most notable revelations from the latest CPSC report:

  • 46% of all e-bike injuries from 2017 to 2022 occurred in 2022.
  • Although children under the age of 15 constitute only 18 percent of the U.S. population, they made up 36 % of those injured by micromobility devices from 2017 to 2022.
  • There were 360,800 micromobility product-related emergency department visits from 2017 to 2022.
  • From January 2021 to November 2022, there were 19 deaths associated with micromobility device fires.

In light of the dangers of e-bikes and related devices—now backed up by this extensive and detailed data—CPSC called for “more than 2,000 manufacturers, importers, distributors and retailers of [micromobility devices] to review their product lines and ensure they comply with established voluntary safety standards to reduce the serious risk of dangerous fires with these products or face possible enforcement action.”

E-bike and e-scooter safety tips

While using an electric bike or scooter can be dangerous, there are numerous ways to protect yourself so you can enjoy these devices’ physical and mental health benefits while minimizing their overall risks:

Micromobility device-specific safety tips

  • According to CPSC, you should only use micromobility devices that you are certain were “designed, manufactured, and certified for compliance with the applicable consensus safety standards.”
  • Only use the supplied charger to charge your e-bike or related device, and only charge it when you’re present (in case of a dangerous malfunction). Always make sure to unplug it when you’re done charging.
  • Only use an approved replacement battery pack; likewise, never use a micromobility device with a battery pack that was modified with used cells or by unqualified individuals.
  • Do not dispose of lithium batteries in the trash. Bring used batteries to a hazardous waste collection center or specialized battery recycler.

General bike and scooter safety tips

  • Always wear a helmet in case of a fall.
  • Every time you take out your bike/scooter, check the following parts for damage:
    • Handlebars
    • Brakes
    • Throttle
    • Bell
    • Lights
    • Tires
    • Cables
    • Frame
  • To ensure vehicles and pedestrians can see you, slow down, remain aware of your surroundings, and use your bell or horn to let others know you’re there.
  • Do not ride your bike or scooter after consuming alcohol or other drugs.
  • Don’t share your scooter with another person. Only one person should ride it at a time.
  • Avoid bumps and other obstacles

If you’ve been injured by an e-bike or another lithium battery-powered device, you have options for asserting your rights and may be entitled to compensation. With the support of a legal team that understands micromobility-related injuries, your case will have the best possible chance of succeeding.

U.S. Department of Transportation Finalizes EV Charging Infrastructure Rules

Effective as of March 30, 2023, the Federal Highway Administration (“FHWA”) within the U.S. Department of Transportation (“DOT”) announced the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Standards and Requirements final rule  (the “Final Rule”) (23 CFR 680).  The Final Rule included several significant updates to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking published on June 9, 2022 which we summarized in our prior article. These updates function to establish a set of minimum standards and requirements for electric vehicle (“EV”) charging infrastructure projects funded with federal dollars from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (“BIL”), and with these updates in place, interested parties will have certainty with respect to NEVI-funded projects.1

The key updates included in the Final Rule are located in the following sections:

  1. Installation, operation, and maintenance by qualified technicians of EV infrastructure (§ 680.106)

  2. Interoperability of EV charging infrastructure (§ 680.108)

  3. Data requested related to a project funded under the NEVI Formula Program, including the format and schedule for the submission of such data (§ 680.112)

  4. Network connectivity of EV charging infrastructure (§ 680.114)

  5. Information on publicly available EV charging infrastructure locations, pricing, real-time availability, and accessibility though mapping applications. (§ 680.116)

Installation and Operation

The Final Rule contains modified language clarifying that any time charging stations are installed, there must be a minimum of four (4) ports, notwithstanding the type of port–including Direct Current Fast Charger (“DCFC”) and AC Level 2 chargers. Additionally, charging stations may also have non-proprietary connectors. This modification allows permanently attached non-proprietary connectors to be provided on each charging port so long as each DCFC charging ports have at least one permanently attached CCS type 1 connector and is capable of charging a CCS compliant vehicle.  These modifications will allow for increased accessibility to owners of all types of electric vehicles.

Concerned commenters expressed distain toward the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for lack of clarity on whether the Final Rule would apply to the NEVI formula program, Title 23, and publicly accessible EV chargers funded as a project on a federal aid highway. The FHWA responded in the Final Rule with modified language to confirm its applicability across these programs. To address concerns about opposition to the rule as applied to Title 23 projects, the language in the Final Rule was revised to provide increased flexibility in the use of funds to install different types of chargers, including for projects not located along Alternative Fuel Corridors and installing AC Level 2 charges and DCFCs at lower power levels. Additionally, AC Level 2 charger capability was modified to incorporate the ability to charge at 208-volt.

The Final Rule also reevaluated and modified charging capacity. Modifications require that each DCFW must simultaneously deliver up to 150 kW. Additionally, each AC level 2 port is required to have the capability of providing at least 6 kW, however, the customer has the option to accept a lower power level to allow power sharing or to participate in smart charge management programs. Smart charge management involves controlling charging power levels in response to external conditions and is typically applied in situations where EVs are connected to charges for long periods of time, such that prolonging charging for the benefit of the grid is not objectionable to charging customers. In contrast, power sharing involves dynamically curtailing power levels of charging ports based on the total power demand of all EVs concurrently charging at the same station. Power sharing is permissible above the minimum per-port requirements for DCFC and AC Level 2 chargers. Further, each DCFC port must support output voltage with a permitted range between 250 and 920 volts. This all allows for greater flexibility to manage the cost of the stations designed to meet current and future demand for increases in power, given the strong market trend towards EV charging power capacity above 150 kW for DCFC and above 6 kW for AC Level 2 charging.

The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking required charging stations to remain open for 24 hours, but commenters believed this requirement did not present a realistic standard nationwide. In the Final Rule, the language was amended to allow for less restrictive charging hours for charging stations located off designated AFCs and requires that the charging station must be available for use at least as frequently as the business operating hours of the site host, with discretion to the site host to allow longer access.

Payment and Price Transparency

Payment and Price Transparency received both modification and expansion under the Final Rule. State programs may allow for certain charging stations to be free, and as such, language in the Final Rule was modified to specify that payment mechanisms may be omitted from charging stations if charging is provided for free. Regarding acceptable payment methods, the Final Rule explicitly incorporated payment by mobile application in the “contactless payment methods” definition. Further, the Final Rule modified acceptable payment methods to include an automated toll-free calling or an SMS option as an additional payment method. While there is no guarantee that every individual will have access or the ability to speak on the phone or send a text, the FHWA sees this addition as a step in the right direction to help bridge the accessibility gap in access and payment for EV charging.

The Final Rule also altered price transparency to require that the dollar per kWh be transparently communicated prior to initiating a charge, and that other fees be clearly explained prior to payment.

Charging Station Information, Data Sharing, and Interoperability of EV Charging Infrastructure

The Final Rule also modified uptime requirements. The uptimes calculations were clarified by modifying the definition of when a charger is considered “up” and further modifying the equation to calculate uptime to the nearest minute to make the calculation more uniform across all charging station operators and network providers.

Open Charge Point Protocol (“OCPP”) and ISO 15118 are key components of interoperability. OCPP is an open source communication standard for EV charging stations and networks, and ISO 15118 is hardware that specifies the communication between EVs including Battery Electric Vehicles and Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles, and the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment. In the Final Rule, the FHWA discussed that OCPP version 2.01 has significant improvements over previous versions and contains compelling benefits to the EV charging ecosystem. As such, the Final Rule contains modifications regarding the charger-to-charger network requiring that charging networks conform to the newer OCPP version 2.01 by one year after the date of publication of the Final Rule in the Federal Register. Additionally, FHWA requires charging station conformance to ISO 15118 and Plug and Charge capability by one year after the date of publication of the Final Rule in the Federal Register. Although many chargers on the market today are not yet using ISO 15118, the FHWA sees value in establishing a national standard for compliance. .

Annual data submittal, quarterly, and one time submittal requirements were modified to be completely streamlined and requiring any data made public to be aggregated and anonymized to protect confidential business information. The Joint Office of Energy and Transportation will establish and manage a national database and analytics platform that will streamline submission of data from States and their contractors along with providing ongoing technical assistance to States.

The Final Rule removed interoperability requirements and instead requires that chargers remain functional even if communication with the charging network is temporarily disrupted.

Community Engagement

For NEVI formula program projects, community engagement outcomes were modified in the Final Rule to require inclusion in the annual state EV infrastructure deployment plan rather than a separate report. This will allow for the type of information and data from the States to be most beneficial for informing and improving community engagement. Though we will have to wait until release of the annual Plan guidance to receive details regarding content expectations, commenters suggested several ways the report could be developed, including (i) conditioning funding for future years on meeting robust engagement requirements, including community engagement and equity and inclusion efforts by States (ii) describing how community engagement informed station and siting operations (iii) describing how workforce opportunities were integrated into community engagement efforts; and (iv) describing engagement with disabled community members.

The Future of EV Infrastructure

We will quickly see the significant effects the Final Rule will have on customers and manufacturers alike in enhancing EV charging capacity across the United States in this rapidly changing and ever-growing sector. As regulators, developers, and financiers of EV infrastructure evaluate the Final Rule, the Foley team is at the ready with significant experience, knowledge and expertise related to each element of this transformation, including issues related to the automotive, manufacturing, supply chain, regulatory, IP, private equity, tax equity, project finance, and public-private financing issues.

© 2023 Foley & Lardner LLP

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1 For a summary of the NEVI Formula Program, refer to our February 2022 article linked here.

Tenth Circuit Declares No Remedy for Hemp Farmer Whose Federally Legal Plants Were Seized

In January, the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit issued a published opinion in Serna v. Denver Police Department, No. 21-1446 (10th Cir. Jan. 24, 2023), upholding the dismissal of a hemp farmer’s lawsuit against local government officials in Colorado who confiscated his plants.

The farmer – Francisco Serna – brought suit under the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (the “2018 Farm Bill”) which legalized hemp across the country and included limitations on states’ ability to prohibit the transportation of certain hemp plants and products across state lines. However, the three-judge panel concluded that no provision within the law allows for a private right of action by an individual to challenge instances of perceived unlawful governmental interference.

Serna grew hemp in Texas and intended to bring several plants home with him from Colorado. But when he attempted to get the plants – consisting of “plant clones or rooted clippings” – through Denver’s airport, a police officer confiscated them under a departmental policy to seize plants containing any discernible level of THC. Even though Serna had documentation showing that the plants’ THC level was beneath the limit authorized by the 2018 Farm Bill – and therefore compliant under federal law –  the officer took the plants anyway.

Serna’s Legal Proceedings

Serna sued the Denver Police Department and the confiscating officer under Section 10114(b) of the 2018 Farm Bill, which prohibits states from interfering with interstate transport of hemp and products that comply with the law. Serna asserted that because his plants were complaint, the defendants violated the provision. However, a federal magistrate judge granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss, which the district court adopted.[1] Serna then appealed to the Tenth Circuit.

The Tenth Circuit also held that no private right of action existed for Serna to employ. The court’s conclusion rests on the determination that Congress did not intend that hemp farmers, like Serna, should constitute a protected class under the 2018 Farm Bill. Without that status, they cannot sue. The court focused on the plain language of Section 10114(b), reasoning that it “makes no mention of [a] purported class of licensed [hemp] farmers” and merely provides that “no state…shall prohibit the transportation or shipment of hemp” across its borders. Thus, the provision pertains only to “the person regulated rather than the individuals protected,” which is fatal to the private right of action inquiry. The court compared Section 10114(b) with other federal statutes that do create private rights of action, such as Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which specifies that “[n]o person…shall…be subjected to discrimination.” 42 U.S.C. § 2000d.


The unfortunate result of this decision is that individuals who comply with the provisions of the 2018 Farm Bill during the course of their business operations cannot seek recourse from improper government meddling. As a result, the law is significantly less protective than anticipated. Rather than suing to protect their interests, entrepreneurs like Serna must instead depend upon other actors – perhaps state attorneys general – to pursue these types of cases. However, those non-stakeholders generally have less incentive to pursue lawsuits, particularly against peer law enforcement agencies, leaving hemp operators with no remedy to enforce their rights under the 2018 Farm Bill.

In a broader sense, the Serna case is a cautionary tale for those who expect federal descheduling of marijuana to resolve the regulatory complexities currently faced throughout the cannabis industry. If hemp operators working with products that are federally legal are unable to utilize the courts to challenge unlawful seizure of their products, then the effectiveness of federal legalization of cannabis may require an express private right of action.

Going forward, Serna has a limited period of time to request that the case be re-heard by the Tenth Circuit en banc (i.e., by the entire eleven-judge court) – otherwise, the three-judge panel’s opinion will remain the operative, binding outcome.

[1] The magistrate judge and the district judge differed on their bases for concluding that Serna could not sue under the 2018 Farm Bill. Specifically, the magistrate judge determined that Section 10114(b) neither created a private right of action nor a private remedy. The district judge, on the other hand, concluded that Congress did authorize a private right of action but no private remedy to enforce it was evident. This additional divergence is another example of how the 2018 Farm Bill is susceptible to conflicting interpretations, which will likely only increase going forward as other courts consider the issue.

© 2023 ArentFox Schiff LLP

Washington’s Focus on the Electric Vehicle Supply Chain in 2023

If a picture is worth a thousand words, the “photo-op” of the president test driving Ford’s new electric F-150 in May of 2021 was the burning image that foretold the US policy direction for the electric mobility industry.

In 2022, the president and US Congress solidified their support of the industry by passing sweeping legislation aimed at funding and incentivizing US electric mobility manufacturing for the next decade and beyond.

Looking ahead to 2023, the Administration will be writing the rules to implement that support. This will take the form of rulemaking for key statutes such as the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), the CHIPS Act, and the more recent Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA). On the non-tariff front, Congress passed, and the president signed, the 2021 Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act.


  • The IIJA authorized $18.6 billion to fund new and existing electric vehicle (EV)-related programs, including a nationwide network of 500,000 EV charging stations and monies for publicly accessible alternative fuel infrastructure. Also, the law injected $10.9 billion in funding for transitioning school buses, transit buses, and passenger ferries to low- and/or zero-emissions alternatives.
  • The CHIPS Act allocated $11 billion in support of advanced semiconductor manufacturing research and set up a $2 billion fund to support technology transfers from laboratory to applications.
  • The IRA, perhaps the most significant development from Washington, DC, injected billions of dollars in tax credits and other incentives to spur US domestic manufacturing of electric vehicles.
  • In December 2022, news came that a United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) Dispute Settlement Panel had completed its findings on a complaint by Mexico and supported by Canada that the United States has been misinterpreting the product origin calculations for “core parts” for USMCA vehicle qualification. In January of 2023, that ruling was made public. See Long Awaited USMCA Panel Decision on Automotive “Core Parts” – What Happened and What’s Next.
  • In June 2022, the Administration published its “Strategy to Prevent the Importation of Goods Mined, Produced, or Manufacture with Forced Labor.” Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has launched a vigorous and highly intrusive enforcement strategy for a number of key sectors, including the automotive industry.

What to Know

Based on the legislative developments from the last year, the EV industry should expect:

  • Import Enforcement. If 2022 was the year of federal infusion of funding and policy development, 2023 will be the year of import enforcement and accountability. Supply chains will be scrutinized, and compliance will have to be demonstrated. In addition, claims of tariff preferences under US trade agreements will be closely monitored to guard against fraudulent product descriptions or county of origin. In terms of US forced labor legislation, a January 2023 article in a well-read trade media reported on a meeting with US Trade Representative Katherine Tai at which the Ambassador “suggested that auto or auto parts imported from China could be in CBP crosshairs.” (International Trade Today, January 6, 2023 Vol 39, No 4).
  • Accountability. With the massive funding from Congress and the White House, federal agencies will be scrutinizing how monies have been spent, particularly whether they have been spent to meet the goals to incentive US domestic production. Global supply chains will come under the microscope. A December 2022 Treasury Department publication can be read here.
  • Corporate Readiness. Companies that engage in the global marketplace dread the unknown. There is no crystal ball. But what corporate executives can do to mitigate the risk of potentially bad news on the trade front is to monitor developments, conduct self-assessments, and, where possible, build in flexibilities.
  • Know Your Customer. Know Your Suppliers. Know Your Suppliers’ Suppliers. A common thread weaving throughout these developments on the trade front is Washington’s not so subtle objective of determining the essential source of imported products. That effort will shift the onus onto the private sector, with companies having to provide far more transparency into their product’s life span.

For product development and marketing executives in the electric mobility sector, 2023 is potentially a very good news story. But for general counsels and corporate compliance and procurement officers, the uncertainties of regulatory change will require extra attention. In the interim, company officials are taking a fresh look at the current legal and regulatory exposures of their supply chains to be best prepared for the trade policy changes ahead. The adage “when in uncertain times, start with what you know” is particularly relevant today.

To that end, the USMCA can play a critical “bridge” for many companies with strategic business interests in the US market.

© 2023 ArentFox Schiff LLP