Hawaii Decriminalizes Possession of Small Amounts of Marijuana

On July 9, 2019, Hawaii became the 26th state to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuanaHB 1383 (the “Law”), which became law when Governor David Ige allowed the veto deadline to pass without signing or striking down the bill, decriminalizes the possession of up to three grams of marijuana. It will go into effect on January 11, 2020.

Under the Law, those caught with up to three grams of marijuana will no longer face jail time but will still face a fine of $130. This is the smallest amount of marijuana that any state has decriminalized so far. Currently, possession of any amount of cannabis is punishable by up to 30 days in jail, a criminal record, and a $1,000 fine.

The Law also provides for the expungement “of criminal records pertaining solely to the possession of three grams or less of marijuana.” The state has amended its expungement statute in order to reflect this change, noting that courts must grant an expungement order, provided the individual is not facing any other criminal charges, and provided that the amount of marijuana possessed was three grams or less.

The Law establishes a “Marijuana Evaluation Task Force,” in an effort to examine other states’ laws, penalties and outcomes related to the decriminalization and legalization of marijuana. The task force, which will be active until June 30, 2021, will make recommendations on further changing marijuana laws in Hawaii.

The Law does not provide employment protections for recreational users, nor does it modify Hawaii’s Medical Use of Cannabis Law, which was amended last year in part to form a working group to evaluate potential discrimination against medical cannabis users and the employment protections made available in other states.

Employers and health care professionals should be ready to handle issues that arise with the potential conflict between state and federal law in devising compliance programs, both in terms of reporting and human resources issues, including practices and policies addressing drug use and drug testing. States continue to consider – and pass – legislation to decriminalize and legalize cannabis (both medicinal and recreational), and we are slowly marching toward 50-state legalization. All organizations – and particularly those with multi-state operations – should review and evaluate their current policies with respect to marijuana use by employees and patients.

This post was written with assistance from Radhika Gupta, a 2019 Summer Associate at Epstein Becker Green.


©2019 Epstein Becker & Green, P.C. All rights reserved.
For more on marijuana deregulation, please see the Biotech, Food & Drug law page on the National Law Review.

Wide-Ranging Senate Bill Aims to Streamline Post-Grant Proceedings and Block Trolls

On Wednesday, Senator Coon—of 101 hearings fame—and five co-sponsors introduced the Stronger Patents Act in the Senate (“Support Technology & Research for Our Nation’s Growth and Economic Resilience”). About 22 of the bill’s 40 pages involve amendments to IPR, PGR and ex parte reexamination that limit appeals and clarify overlapping court and PTO actions. These provisions have been ably summarized by Joshua Rich in a post at PatentDocs, but there are other interesting amendments to 35 U.S.C. so I thought I would start toward the last half of the bill.

Section 106 of the bill, entitled “Restoration of Patents as Property Rights,” amends section 283 to require that a court that finds infringement to presume that further infringement would cause irreparable injury and that remedies available at law are inadequate to compensate for that injury. These are the circumstances that encourage the court to issue an injunction against the infringer.

Section 42 of 35 U.S.C. would be amended to end USPTO fee diversion into the general fund by providing that any fees collectable by the Director shall be “available to the Director” and used to operate the PTO. Remaining unobligated funds are to be maintained in the “USPTO Innovation Promotion Account.”

Section 123(d) would be amended to clarify that a mircoentity includes an applicant who receives the majority of his income for a institution of higher education, or applicant has, or is under an obligation to assign, grant or convey a license or other ownership interest to said institution or the applicant is the institution or the applicant is a 501(c)(3) “nonprofit organization” that holds title to the institution’s patents “for the purpose of facilitating commercialization of the technologies” of the IP.

The bill establishes a pilot program whereby no fewer than six district courts will receive one additional law clerk or secretary who is tasked, with the assistance of the Federal Judicial Center, with helping  the court “develop expertise in patent and PVPA cases”…”for the purpose of expanding the [patent cases pilot program] to address special issues raised in patent infringement suits against individuals or small business concerns.”

The bill introduces Title II—”Targeting Rouge and Opaque Letters” and defines “Unfair or Deceptive Acts or Practices in Connection with the Assertion of a United States Patent” (section 202). The bill makes it an “unfair or deceptive act or practice,” as defined by the ITC, to send written communications that the recipient is or was an infringer of “the patent” and bear liability or owe compensation to another, if the sender, in bad faith (high probability of deceit and intentional avoidance of the truth—defined in more detail in the bill—sends communications regarding 15 specific assertions regarding infringement, licensing and prior suits, or failure to identify the sender.

These bad acts or failures to act are a laundry list of the approaches patent trolls use to intimidate recipient targets or to mask their identities. Bad acts include falsely representing that sender has the right to enforce the patent, that a civil action has been filed against the recipient or other parties, that recipient will be sued, that third parties have taken licenses, including failure to disclose that the other licenses are not to the allegedly infringing acts, that recipient’s alleged infringement has been investigated by sender or that sender has filed an action that sender knew had failed.

A sender cannot seek compensation for infringement of a claim that has been held unenforceable or invalid, acts by recipient after the patent has expired or recipient’s acts that the sender knew were properly licensed.

A sender in bad faith, cannot fail to include the identity of the person asserting the right to license or to enforce the patent, including ultimate parent entities. The patent asserted to be infringed upon must be identified, as must the product or activity of the recipient alleged to be infringing. The name of a contact person must be given to the recipient.

While the sender can argue that any of these acts or failures to act was due to an honest mistake, enforcement is by the FTC and the fines can be as high as $5 million.

Section 204 preempts State laws regarding “transmission or contents of communication relating to the assertion of patent rights,” but does not preempt other State laws relating to state trespass, contract or tort law. The FTC can intervene in suits brought by States and, if the FTC has instituted a civil suit, the State cannot begin an action under section 202.

While I am sure that there are freedom of speech and commerce clause arguments to be made, this bill elevates its prohibitions to the level of shouting “fire!” in a crowded theater. Combined with the proposed traffic laws meant to limit the use of multiple IPR filings, and their associated appeals at every turn in the litigation road, this seems to be a reasonable attempt to untangle the tortuous relationship between district court litigation and post-grant PTO proceedings.

Senator Coons played an important role in the recent Senate subcommittee hearings on the misguided expansion of patent ineligibility under Section 101. He may have found this part of the Patent Statute to be easier to untangle than defining a “natural phenomenon” or an “abstract idea” but I hope that this issue remains on his IP to-do list.

© 2019 Schwegman, Lundberg & Woessner, P.A. All Rights Reserved.
For more on patent laws & legislation see the National Law Review Intellectual Property page.

House Financial Services Committee Passes Credit Reporting Bills

Four bills dealing with credit reporting were passed last Thursday by the House Financial Services Committee.  While there has been bipartisan support for credit reporting reform, none of the bills received any Republican votes.

The bills, which are listed below, would make various amendments to the FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act), including those described below:

  • The “Improving Credit Reporting for All Consumers Act” would impose new requirements for conducting reinvestigations of consumer disputes and related standards, require consumer reporting agencies to create a webpage providing information about consumer dispute rights, require furnishers to retain records necessary to substantiate the accuracy and completeness of furnished information, create a right for consumers to appeal the results of a reinvestigation, prohibit automatic renewals of consumer reporting and credit scoring products and services, and require a credit scoring model to treat multiple inquiries for a credit report or credit score made in connection with certain consumer credit products within a 120-period as a single inquiry.
  • The “Restoring Unfairly Impaired Credit and Protecting Consumers Act” would shorten the time period during which adverse information can stay on a consumer report, require the expedited removal of fully paid or settled debts from consumer reports, impose restrictions on the reporting of information about medical debts, require a consumer reporting agency to remove adverse information relating to a private student loan where the CFPB has certified that the borrower has a valid “defraudment claim” with respect to the educational institution or career education program, allow victims of financial abuse to obtain a court order requiring the removal of adverse information, and prohibit a credit scoring model from taking into account in an adverse manner the consumer’s participation in certain credit restoration or rehabilitation programs or the absence of payment history for an existing account resulting from such participation.
  • The “Free Credit Scores for Consumers Act of 2019” would expand the information that must be given to consumers about credit scores, require nationwide consumer reporting agencies to provide a free credit score when providing a free annual consumer report requested by the consumer, and require free consumer reports and credit scores to be provided under certain circumstances.
  • The “Restricting Use of Credit Checks for Employment Decisions Act” would prohibit the use of consumer reports for most employment decisions other than where the person using the report is required by federal, state, or local law to obtain the report or the report is used in connection with a national security investigation.

The House Financial Services Committee is scheduled to mark up more bills dealing with credit reporting today.


Copyright © by Ballard Spahr LLP
For more financial legislation, please see the Financial Institutions & Banking page of the National Law Review.

Steering Wheels Become Increasingly Optional

Florida is the latest state to allow vehicles to operate on the road without a steering wheel.  In doing so, Florida became the third state after Michigan and Texas to allow vehicles on its roads without a human even having the ability to drive them.  The legislation signed into law includes:

The bill authorizes operation of a fully autonomous vehicle on Florida roads regardless of whether a human operator is physically present in the vehicle. Under the bill, a licensed human operator is not required to operate a fully autonomous vehicle. The bill authorizes an autonomous vehicle or a fully autonomous vehicle equipped with a teleoperation system to operate without a human operator physically present in the vehicle when the teleoperation system is engaged. A remote human operator must be physically present in the United States and be licensed to operate a motor vehicle by a United States jurisdiction.

Florida is sure to become a hotbed of autonomous vehicle testing with this new law.  Starsky Robotics is one of the companies expected to take advantage by putting driverless vehicles on the road in 2020.  These would not be just any vehicles, but big rig trucks.  These trucks have already hit 55 mph, without a driver or crew.  Most predict that this is just the beginning with as many as eight million autonomous vehicles expected on the road by 2025 and 30 million by 2030. Of course, the devil is in some of the details. There are six levels of autonomous vehicles, with level 5, Full Automation, being the highest.

Not everyone agrees that this is all happening so quickly.  As the New York Times noted, “A growing consensus holds that driver-free transport will begin with a trickle, not a flood.” Of course, this makes sense.  Outside of people with a vested interest (we are looking at you Mr. Musk), few seem to truly believe that millions of level 5, completely driverless vehicles will be on the road.

But this does not mean that they will not make an impact. While vehicles may not be navigating complex systems in dense areas next year, they are likely to find plenty of uses.  Gated communities with known road structures and limited traffic might be a good location for the first generation of fully autonomous vehicles. And think of the myriad of shuttles at various locations that run the same route, over and over, day after day. That seems like a good use of a fully autonomous vehicle run by something other than gasoline. How about college campuses, with autonomous vehicles running all day and all night providing safe routes and passage for vulnerable students at all hours. Suffice to say, the day when people can wake up, get into a fully autonomous vehicle, and go to sleep while it takes them to work is perhaps not something the current work force will enjoy (except apparently for the occasional Tesla rider taped sleeping behind the wheel).

But whatever generation comes after Generation Z is unlikely to know a driving experience like what exists today, if there is any driving at all. Will they even drive at all, or will they fly in their autonomous flying cars? Project Vahana aims to offer just that. In their own words: “Project Vahana intends to open up urban airways by developing the first certified electric, self-piloted vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) passenger aircraft.” Getting to work will never be easier.  Unless of course, all this transportation runs into the fact that everyone works remotely.


© 2019 Foley & Lardner LLP
For more on Vehicle Legislation see the National Law Review page on Utilities & Transport.

Connecticut Enacts Law to Increase Access to Epinephrine Auto Injectors

On June 13, 2019, Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont signed into law Public Act No. 19-19 “An Act Concerning Epinephrine Auto Injectors” (PA 19-19). PA 19-19 went into effect on the same date.

This legislation expands access to epinephrine, which can be lifesaving when treating anaphylactic allergic reactions. PA 19-19 permits “authorized entities” to acquire and maintain a supply of epinephrine cartridge injectors, subject to certain conditions. With a few exceptions, authorized entities are for-profit or nonprofit entities or organizations that employ at least one “person with training.” The new legislation defines a person with training as a person who either:

  • Has completed and received a certification in a first aid course that has been approved by a “prescribing practitioner” pursuant to a medical protocol (as described below); or
  • Has received training in the recognition of the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis, the use of an epinephrine cartridge injector and emergency protocol by a licensed physician, physician assistant, advanced practice registered nurse or emergency medical services personnel.

Prior to PA 19-19, drug wholesalers and manufacturers were permitted to sell epinephrine cartridge injectors to select categories of purchasers, including hospitals, physicians, nursing homes with a full-time pharmacist, pharmacies and certain other institutions with a full-time pharmacist.

PA 19-19 requires authorized entities who desire to acquire or maintain epinephrine cartridge injectors, together with a “prescribing practitioner,” to establish a medical protocol on the administration of epinephrine cartridge injectors by a person with training. Under PA 19-19, a prescribing practitioner is a Connecticut-licensed physician, dentist, podiatrist, optometrist, physician assistant, advanced practice registered nurse, nurse-midwife or veterinarian, authorized to prescribe medication within his or her scope of practice. The medical protocol must address, among other things, proper storage, maintenance and documentation of epinephrine cartridge injectors, and procedures for emergency medical situations involving anaphylactic allergic reactions at the authorized entity’s place of business. The authorized entity must maintain a copy of the medical protocol at the place of business to which it applies, and must annually review the medical protocol with a person with training and a prescribing practitioner.

In the event of an anaphylactic reaction, a person with training may, in accordance with the medical protocol, provide an epinephrine cartridge injector to the individual or to the individual’s parent, guardian or caregiver, or administer the epinephrine cartridge injector, regardless of whether the individual has a prescription or a prior medical diagnosis of an allergic condition. After any such administration of epinephrine, the authorized entity must notify a local emergency medical services organization as well as the prescribing practitioner.

Notably, PA 19-19 holds prescribing practitioners free from civil and criminal liability for establishing the medical protocol or for use of the epinephrine cartridge injector in accordance with PA 19-19. This legislation also holds persons with training and authorized entities free from civil or criminal liability to the individual who experienced anaphylaxis for the provision or administration, in accordance with PA 19-19, of the epinephrine cartridge injector when the person with training has a good faith belief that the individual is experiencing anaphylaxis.  However, the immunity does not apply to willful or wanton misconduct or acts or omissions constituting gross negligence.


Copyright © 2019 Robinson & Cole LLP. All rights reserved.
Read more about healthcare legislation on the National Law Review Health Law and Managed Care page.

New Washington State Privacy Bill Incorporates Some GDPR Concepts

A new bill, titled the “Washington Privacy Act,” was introduced in the Washington State Senate on January 18, 2019. If enacted, Washington would follow California to become the second state to adopt a comprehensive privacy law.

Similar to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), the Washington bill applies to entities that conduct business in the state or produce products or services that are intentionally targeted to residents of Washington and includes similar, though not identical size triggers. For example, it would apply to businesses that 1) control or process data of 100,000 or more consumers; or 2) derive 50 percent or more of gross revenue from the sale of personal information, and process or control personal information of 25,000 or more consumers. The bill would not apply to certain data sets regulated by some federal laws, or employment records and would not apply to state or local governments.

The bill incorporates aspects of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and borrows the “controller”/“processor” lexicon in identifying obligations for each role from the GDPR. It defines personal data as any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, but does not include de-identified data. Similar to the GDPR, it treats certain types of sensitive information differently. Unlike the CCPA, the bill excludes from the definition of “consumer” employees and contractors acting in the scope of their employment. Additionally, the definition of “sale” is narrower and limited to the exchange of personal data to a third party, “for purposes of licensing or selling personal data at the third party’s discretion to additional third parties,” while excluding any exchange that is “consistent with a consumer’s reasonable expectations considering the context in which the consumer provided the personal data to the controller.”

Another element similar to the GDPR in the bill, requires businesses to conduct and document comprehensive risk assessments when their data processing procedures materially change and on an annual basis. In addition, it would impose notice requirements when engaging in profiling and a prohibition against decision-making solely based on profiling.

Consumer rights 

Similar to both the GDPR and the CCPA, the bill outlines specific consumer rights.  Specifically, upon request from the consumer, a controller must:

  • Confirm if a consumer’s personal data is being processed and provide access to such data.
  • Correct inaccurate consumer data.
  • Delete the consumer’s personal data if certain grounds apply, such as in cases where the data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was collected.
  • Restrict the processing of such information if certain grounds apply, including the right to object to the processing of personal data related to direct marketing. If the consumer objects to processing for any purpose other than direct marketing, the controller may continue processing the personal data if the controller can demonstrate a compelling legitimate ground to process such data.

If a controller sells personal data to data brokers or processes personal data for direct marketing purposes, it must disclose such processing as well as how a consumer may exercise the right to object to such processing.

The bill specifically addresses the use of facial recognition technologies. It requires controllers that use facial recognition for profiling purposes to employ meaningful human review prior to making final decisions and obtain consumer consent prior to deploying facial recognition services. State and local government agencies are prohibited from using facial recognition technology to engage in ongoing surveillance of specified individuals in public spaces, absent a court order or in the case of an emergency.

The Washington State Attorney General would enforce the act and would have the authority to obtain not more than $2,500 for each violation or $7,500 for each intentional violation. There is no private right of action.

The Washington Senate Committee on Environment, Energy & Technology held a public hearing on January 22, 2019 to solicit public opinions on this proposed legislation. At the beginning of the public hearing, the Chief Privacy Officer of Washington, Alex Alben, commented that the proposed legislation would be just in time to address a “point of crisis [when] our economy has shifted into a data-driven economy” in the absence of federal legislation regarding data security and privacy protection.

Industry reaction to the bill

Companies and industry groups with an interest in this process applauded this proposed legislation as good news for entities that have become, or are on their way, to becoming compliant with the GDPR. Many also shared suggestions or criticisms. Among others, some speakers cautioned that by setting a high standard closely resembling the GDPR, the bill might drive small- or medium-sized companies to block Washington customers, just as they have done in the past to avoid compliance with the GDPR.

Some representatives, including the Chief of the Consumer Protection Division of the Washington Attorney General’s Office, call for a private cause of action so that this law would mean more to a private citizen than simply “a click on the banner.” The retail industry, the land title association, and other small business representatives expressed their preference for legislation on a federal level and a higher threshold for applicable businesses. Specifically, Stuart Halsan from the Washington Land Title Association recommended that the Washington Senate consider this bill’s impact on industries, such as the land title insurance industry, where the number of customers is significantly lower than the amount of data it processes in their ordinary course of business.

In response to these industry concerns, the committee acknowledged that this new legislation would need to be very sensitive to apply proportionately to businesses of different sizes and technology capabilities. The committee also recognized the need to make this legislation more administratively feasible for certain industries or entities that face difficulty in compliance (such as the secondary ticketing market) or subject to complicated regulatory frameworks (such as the bank industry). The Washington Senate continues to invite individuals, companies, or industry groups to submit brief written comments here.


©2019 Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP. All Rights Reserved

CFIUS Broadens Coverage of Cross-Border Biotech Transactions


The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States recently broadened its coverage of biotechnology transactions via new regulations that became effective on November 10, 2018. This article provides perspectives about how broadly these new rules will affect the biotech industry. All parties to cross-border transactions involving US biotech businesses, whether mere licensing arrangements or full M&A, should carefully consider all US regulatory implications, including application of the new CFIUS rules, US export controls and related requirements. Parties to pending biotech transactions or contemplating future biotech transactions are well advised to take actions.

In Depth


Recent statutory and regulatory enactments have broadened the scope and jurisdiction of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), including its jurisdiction over transactions in the biotechnology industry. This article provides perspectives about how broadly the new CFIUS regulations, which became effective November 10, 2018, will affect cross-border biotech transactions.

The development and growth of the biotechnology industry has spurred a growing volume of cross-border transactions with US life sciences businesses in recent years, involving early stage research companies as well as large pharmaceutical conglomerates. Foreign parties to cross-border biotech transactions have been active and diverse, involving financial and strategic investors and collaborators from Asia, Europe and other regions. Such transactions take a variety of forms, and can be grouped primarily in the following categories:

  • Controlling investments by foreign entities, such as acquisitions of a majority or more of equity or assets of US biotech companies;
  • Joint ventures between US and foreign entities to which US biotech companies contribute assets and/or intellectual property;
  • Non-controlling investments by foreign entities in US biotech companies with or without outbound licenses and/or options to acquire future equity interests or assets; and
  • Straightforward technology licenses granted by US biotech companies to foreign entities without corresponding equity interests issued in US companies.

How many of the foregoing types of transactions are now subject to the broadened jurisdiction of CFIUS? This On the Subject addresses the effect of recent CFIUS regulations on different types of cross-border biotech transactions.


CFIUS is a federal interagency committee chaired by the US Treasury Department (Treasury) that is charged with reviewing and addressing any adverse implications for US national security posed by foreign investments in US businesses. For background on the fundamentals of the CFIUS process and recent developments, see herehere and here.

As biotechnology entities generally focus on researching and finding therapeutics and diagnostics for diseases and saving patients’ lives, this industry has spurred very little concern for US national security outside of limited areas of bioterrorism and toxins. CFIUS review procedures were largely irrelevant for parties to cross-border biotech transactions. Under the voluntary CFIUS notification rules, parties to very few biotech transactions involving foreign acquirers notified CFIUS and sought CFIUS’s review and clearance of their deals. This may significantly change with the recent enactment of the Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act of 2018 (FIRRMA) in August 2018.

Prior to the enactment of FIRRMA, CFIUS was authorized to review the national security implications of only transactions that could result in control of a US business by a foreign person. FIRRMA expanded the scope of transactions subject to CFIUS’s review to include certain foreign investments in US businesses even in cases where the investment does not result in a controlling interest and imposedmandatory reporting requirements for certain transactions.

On October 10, 2018, Treasury issued new interim rules to implement FIRRMA, establishing a temporary “Pilot Program” that includes a mandatory declaration process. The Pilot Program went into effect on November 10, 2018, and will end no later than March 5, 2020. The interim rules specify 27 industries for focused attention under the Pilot Program, including Nanotechnology (NAICS Code: 541713) and Biotechnology (NAICS Code: 541714), as follows:

Research and Development in Nanotechnology
NAICS Code: 541713

This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in conducting nanotechnology research and experimental development. Nanotechnology research and experimental development involves the study of matter at the nanoscale (i.e., a scale of about 1 to 100 nanometers). This research and development in nanotechnology may result in development of new nanotechnology processes or in prototypes of new or altered materials and/or products that may be reproduced, utilized, or implemented by various industries.”

Such establishments include “Nanobiotechnologies research and experimental development laboratories.”

Research and Development in Biotechnology (except Nanobiotechnology)
NAICS Code: 541714

This US industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in conducting biotechnology (except nanobiotechnology) research and experimental development. Biotechnology (except nanobiotechnology) research and experimental development involves the study of the use of microorganisms and cellular and biomolecular processes to develop or alter living or non-living materials. This research and development in biotechnology (except nanobiotechnology) may result in development of new biotechnology (except nanobiotechnology) processes or in prototypes of new or genetically-altered products that may be reproduced, utilized, or implemented by various industries.”

The new Pilot Program rules could directly affect parties to multiple cross-border biotech industry transactions, whether they are potential target companies, investors or acquirers. Mandatory, not voluntary, filings with CFIUS will be required for controlling and non-controlling investments that fall within the definition of “Pilot Program Covered Transactions,” and violations of the new rules could result in substantial penalties.



The Pilot Program requires that parties to a “pilot program covered transaction” notify CFIUS of the transaction by either submitting an abbreviated declaration or filing a full written notice.

A “pilot program covered transaction” means either of the following:

1. Any non-controlling investment, direct or indirect, by a foreign person in an unaffiliated “pilot program US business” that affords the foreign person the following (a “pilot program covered investment”):

  • Access to any material nonpublic technical information in the possession of the target US business;
  • Membership or observer rights on the board of directors or equivalent governing body of the US business, or the right to nominate an individual to a position on the board of directors or equivalent governing body of the US business; or
  • Any involvement, other than through voting of shares, in substantive decision-making of the US business regarding the use, development, acquisition or release of critical technology.

As it relates to the biotech sector, the term “pilot program US business” means any US business that produces, designs, tests, manufactures, fabricates or develops one or more “critical technologies” either used in connection with, or designed specifically for use in, the biotechnology industry and/or nanobiotechnology industry. The determining factor is “critical technologies.

An “unaffiliated” pilot program US business is defined as a “pilot program US business” in which the foreign investor does not directly hold more than 50 percent of outstanding voting interest or have the right to appoint more than half of the members of the board or equivalent governing body.

2. Any transaction by or with any foreign person that could result in foreign control of a “pilot program US business,” including such a transaction carried out through a joint venture.

By contrast, an investment by a foreign person in a US biotech company that does not produce, design, test, manufacture, fabricate or develop one or more “critical technologies” is not a “pilot program covered transaction.”

As it relates to the biotech industry, the term “critical technologies” under the Pilot Program may include:

  • Civilian/military dual-use technologies subject to Export Administration Regulations (EAR) that are relating to national security, chemical and biological weapons proliferation, nuclear nonproliferation or missile technology, excluding, for instance, “EAR99” items (i.e., those not covered by a specific Export Classification Control Number in the EAR);
  • Select agents and toxins; and
  • “Emerging and foundational technologies” controlled pursuant to section 1758 of the Export Control Reform Act of 2018 (the definition of which is forthcoming from the Department of Commerce).

Because most biotech products and technologies are classified as EAR 99 or are not otherwise subject to existing US export license requirements, a US biotech company (not involved with select agents and toxins) would fall under the “pilot program US business” category when one or more technologies such US biotech company produces, designs, tests, manufactures, fabricates or develops are covered in the to-be-released definition of “emerging and foundational technologies, which are sensitive and innovation technologies not currently subject to export controls but deemed important for US economic security and technological leadership.  Industry observers predict that such definition will likely encompass certain biopharmaceuticals, biomaterials, advanced medical devices, and new vaccines and drugs, because some of these have been the subject of recent economic espionage efforts from groups in select countries such as China and Russia.

The US Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) is expected soon to announce an advance notice of proposed rulemaking, inviting public comments on the development of the scope of such “emerging and foundational technologies.” Interested members of the US biotech industry should monitor and/or participate in this rulemaking procedure, which will define the scope of these new controls. Until new rules defining “emerging and foundational technologies” are issued, many in the biotech industry are expected to take a conservative approach in treating a broad range of biotechnology as potentially within the scope of “emerging and foundational technologies” for CFIUS purposes.


Controlling Investments by Foreign Persons

As discussed above, the Pilot Program applies to “any transaction by and with any foreign person that could result in foreign control of any pilot program US business, including such a transaction carried out through a joint venture.” Thus, parties to a controlling investment by a foreign entity in a US biotech company which is a “pilot program US business” are required to submit a declaration to CFIUS.

It is important to note that the CFIUS regulations define “US business,” “control” and “foreign person” very broadly. Such broad definitions could subject even transactions between two non-US entities to the jurisdiction of CFIUS, at least to the extent their venture involves any US business.

CFIUS regulations define a “US business” to include any entity engaged in interstate commerce in the United States, regardless of who owns it or where it is formed or headquartered. This broad definition authorizes CFIUS to review investments by a foreign business (e.g., a Chinese company) in another foreign business (e.g., a German target company) to the extent the deal involves elements of the foreign target company which is engaged in US interstate commerce, such as a US subsidiary or sales office. In other words, an investment or M&A transaction between two non-US biotech companies could be subject to CFIUS review if there are US business activities that will be controlled by the foreign company post-closing.

The CFIUS rules define “control” to mean the power to determine, direct, take, reach or cause decisions regarding important matters of a US business through the ownership of a majority or a “dominant minority” of the voting shares, board representation, proxy voting or contractual arrangements.

Under the CFIUS regulations, the term “foreign person” includes any entity over which a foreign national, foreign government or foreign entity exercises, or has the power to exercise control, (including a foreign-owned US subsidiary or investment fund). In contrast to a US citizen, a US permanent resident visa holder (i.e., green card holder) is a foreign national under the CFIUS regulations. Hence, a company formed as a Delaware corporation or Delaware limited liability company, which is controlled by green card holders, is also a foreign person for CFIUS purposes. An investment by such a Delaware company into a US biotech company will need to be analyzed under the new CFIUS regulations.

The Pilot Program applies to investments by any foreign investor, regardless of the investor’s country, and there are currently no exemptions. FIRRMA provides that CFIUS “may consider” whether a covered transaction involves a country of “special concern” for US national security, and practitioners generally expect CFIUS will consider the countries of foreign investors and will place heightened scrutiny on select countries, particularly if there is government involvement. However, the new regulations themselves do not establish different treatment for different countries, e.g., China, Canada, France or Germany.

Non-Controlling Direct Investments by Foreign Strategic Investors or Foreign Investment Funds

A large number of recent biotech deals take the form of a non-controlling investment, for examplea 5 – 15 percent investment, directly by a foreign strategic investor (e.g., foreign pharmaceutical companies) or by a foreign venture capital or private equity fund in a US biotech business. In some cases, the investment is coupled with, or conditioned upon, a grant by the US biotech business to such foreign strategic investor or its affiliate of an exclusive license of the former’s intellectual property for a particular geographic territory. A typical provision in such investment transactions entitles the investor to serve as, or nominate, a director or observer on the board. Assuming other features of the deal satisfy the new CFIUS regulations, this common transaction term would now trigger a mandatory CFIUS declaration filing whenever such rights are granted to a foreign investor.

Even non-controlling investments with no rights to a board seat or board observer status could be a “pilot program covered investment” subject to the mandatory filing requirement if the investment involves access for the foreign investors to material non-public technological data and scientific findings.  The term “material nonpublic technical information” means “information that is not available in the public domain, and is necessary to design, fabricate, develop, test, produce, or manufacture critical technologies, including process, techniques, or methods,” and does not include “financial information regarding the performance of an entity.” Access to such information is common for biotech investors, precisely because of the need for parties to any biotech deal to focus on the business’s underlying science. For both controlling and non-controlling investments, the ability to undertake careful diligence inquiries into underlying key technologies and scientific findings of biotechnology company targets is critical, especially with respect to the targets that are pre-revenue businesses. When such data and information are not yet patented or published in patent applications or other published scientific literatures, the access by a foreign investor to them in a non-controlling investment would make the transaction fall within the definition of a “pilot program covered investment.”

The CFIUS regulations define the term “investment” to mean the acquisition of equity interests, including not only voting securities, but also contingent equity interests, which are financial instruments or rights that currently do not entitle their holders to voting rights, but are convertible into equity interests with voting rights. For example, if a foreign investor is granted a warrant, option or right of first refusal to obtain additional equity interest in a “pilot program US business,” future exercise of the warrant, option or the right of first refusal should be analyzed to assess whether a declaration must be filed with CFIUS and whether CFIUS might find any US national security implications.

Indirect Investments by Foreign Persons via US Investment Funds

The Pilot Program rules establish an exemption from the mandatory declaration requirement for certain passive investments in US businesses made through investment funds. If a foreign investor makes an investment indirectly through a US-managed investment fund in a “pilot program US business,” such an indirect investment will not constitute a covered transaction under the Pilot Program and will not be subject to CFIUS review, even if it affords the foreign person membership as a limited partner or a seat on an advisory board or investment committee of the fund, provided that the following conditions are satisfied:

  • The fund is managed exclusively by a general partner, managing partner or equivalent who is not the foreign person;
  • The advisory board or investment committee does not have the ability to approve, disapprove or otherwise control (i) investment decisions or (ii) decisions by the general partner (or equivalent) related to entities in which the fund is invested;
  • The foreign person does not otherwise have the ability to control the fund, including authority to (i) approve or control investment decisions; (ii) unilaterally approve or control decisions by the general partner (or equivalent) related to entities in which the fund is invested; or (iii) unilaterally dismiss, select or determine the compensation of the general partner (or equivalent); and
  • The foreign person does not have access to material nonpublic technical information as a result of participation on the advisory board or investment committee.

Private equity funds that have foreign investors, especially foreign sovereign funds, as their limited partners, should carefully review their existing contractual arrangements with their foreign investors, as well as the ownership and control of general partners of such funds, to determine whether this “safe harbor” exemption applies to them.

Follow-On Investments

For any transaction that is not subject to the Pilot Program because it was completed before the effective date of the new rules (November 10, 2018), it is important to note that future investments by the same foreign investor may trigger the Pilot Program’s mandatory declaration requirement and should be reviewed for CFIUS implications earlier than 45 days in advance of such new investment.

CFIUS’s prior approval of a “pilot program covered investment” does not automatically endorse any subsequent “pilot program covered investment” by the same foreign person in the same US business. For example, if a foreign person acquired a 4 percent, non-controlling interest in a US biotech company that is a “pilot program US business” which was cleared by CFIUS, and then subsequently acquires an additional 6 percent non-controlling interest in the same US biotech company and obtains access to material nonpublic technical information, the parties to such follow-on investment would be required to file with CFIUS again.

Outbound License of US Technologies

Under new CFIUS regulations, outbound licensing of only intellectual property or technology by a US business to a foreign person does not fall within CFIUS’s jurisdiction, unless it also involves the acquisition of, or investments in, a US business or unless such license is a disguised acquisition of a US business or all or substantially all of its assets. Note, however, that if such technology is controlled under the EAR, access to such technology by a foreign person may require a US export license under the EAR.

Any contribution by a US critical technology company of both intellectual property and associated support to a foreign person through any type of arrangement (e.g., outbound licensing agreements) are now regulated under enhanced US export controls. Under US export control regulations, an export license is required to be obtained before a “controlled technology” classified in certain export classifications under the EAR is transferred or released to a foreign person. US businesses must carefully determine the export classification of any technology before transferring or releasing (e.g., pursuant to a licensing agreement) such technology to any foreign person.


Parties to a “pilot program covered transaction” (i.e., the foreign investor and the US business) must submit to CFIUS an abbreviated declaration or, if preferred, file a full written notice (as provided under previous CFIUS rules and procedures). The filing must be made at least 45 days prior to the expected completion date of the transaction, so that CFIUS has an opportunity to review the transaction. The penalty for failing to file can be up to the entire amount of the investment.

A declaration, at around five pages in anticipated length, is expected to be easier to prepare than the typically much longer joint voluntary notice. CFIUS is preparing to release a declaration form for parties to use. The Pilot Program rules require fairly substantial information in a declaration, including but not limited to the following:

  • Brief description of the nature of the transaction and its structure (e.g., share purchase, merger, asset purchase)
  • The percentage of voting interest acquired;
  • The percentage of economic interest acquired;
  • Whether the “pilot program US business” has multiple classes of ownership;
  • The total transaction value;
  • The expected closing date;
  • All sources of financing for the transactions;
  • A list of the addresses or geographic coordinates of all “locations” of the“pilot program US business,” including “headquarters, facilities, and operating locations”; and
  • A complete organization chart, including information that identifies the name, principal place of business and place of incorporation of the immediate parent, the ultimate parent and each intermediate parent (if any) of each foreign person that is a party to the transaction.

After CFIUS receives a declaration, the CFIUS staff chair will initially assess its completeness and decide whether to accept it as complete. After such acceptance, CFIUS must take action within 30 days. CFIUS may either

  • Request that the parties file a full written notice;
  • Inform the parties that CFIUS cannot complete action on the basis of the declaration (and that the parties may file a full written notice);
  • Initiate a unilateral review of the transaction through an agency notice; or
  • Notify the parties that CFIUS has approved the transaction.


All parties to cross-border transactions involving US biotech businesses, whether mere licensing arrangements or full M&A, should carefully consider all US regulatory implications, including application of the new CFIUS rules, US export controls and related requirements. Parties to pending biotech transactions or contemplating future biotech transactions are well advised to:

  • Analyze at the outset whether the US businesses’ products and technologies are controlled under the US export control regimes and/or fall within the scope of “critical technologies”;
  • Monitor and participate in the BIS rulemaking procedure for establishing export controls on “emerging” and “foundational” technologies;
  • Determine well in advance of their transactions if the new Pilot Program rules apply, requiring a mandatory declaration filing and review by CFIUS;
  • Establish deal terms and conditions with a full understanding of how the various US requirements apply; and
  • Monitor continuing regulatory developments, as the new CFIUS Pilot Program will be supplanted by final CFIUS regulations to be issued by February 2020.
© 2018 McDermott Will & Emery

Celebrating the Promise of Mental Health Parity and the Path Forward

This October 3rd marked the 10-year anniversary of the passage of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA). Thinking back to 2008, there had already been several failed attempts to pass a more substantive parity bill. New rounds of negotiations began and were difficult. Substance use disorders (SUD) were still considered a step-child to mental health and labeled a human failing rather than a treatable disease with disabling consequences. If these conditions were not recognized and addressed, it would become a national crisis. However, value change is hard to legislate.

MHPAEA was intended to be more than insurance reform, it was intended to be civil rights legislation that brought mental health (and, for the first time SUD) to a level playing field with physical health. It was a long road to passage because it required a change in health care philosophy and value related to mental health and SUD— not just a change in coverage and payment protocols.

Now, 10 years later, the question is whether the law has changed the playing field to ensure greater access to care and more equitable financial parameters. Close to 100 million people now have parity protections and lives have been saved. Through enforcement of the law more restrictive financial requirements have been removed for patients, additional coverage has been added to insurance plans for mental health/SUD, and overly stringent precertification requirements have been eliminated.

Although the passage of this legislation created a pathway for change, there are still challenges to address.  Discrimination related to SUD remains a challenge, as evidenced by the exclusion of ADA protections for those with SUD.  Advocates continue to call for more transparency, established certifications, expanded provider network capacity, and more guidance on non-quantitative treatment limitations.  The ongoing silos in which mental health/SUD and physical health conditions are treated as separate benefits with their own eligibility, fee schedules for services, credentialing, and poor provider network adequacy continue as areas to be addressed.

A couple of examples in which mental health/SUD services are treated differently: Providers have not been eligible for incentive payments to move to electronic medical records; payers have struggled in designing alternative payment models and value-based payments for providers that move beyond simple process measures;  payment restriction on same-day care are problematic in integrated settings where a person may be seen by both a mental health professional and a non-psychiatric physician; and physicians (non-psychiatrists) providing services in a specialty clinic creates credentialing and payment challenges.

New bipartisan legislation enacted to address the opioid crisis will be an important step to improving access to and the quality of substance use treatment, particularly in the Medicaid and Medicare programs — but doesn’t address the health system transformation that is needed to promote sustainable recovery. That is the challenge we face.

Hopefully our path forward will continue address these issues of implementation, so we approach the day when those living with mental health and substance use disorders will be seen as having a condition or disease that deserves prevention strategies, supports and treatment services, and civil rights protections similar to all other medical conditions.


©1994-2018 Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C. All Rights Reserved.
ARTICLE BY: Health Law Practice

Compliance With Florida’s “Generator” Laws

Earlier this year, Florida Governor Rick Scott signed into law HB7099and SPB7028 (collectively referred to as the “Bills”), ratifying emergency rules that require nursing homes and assisted living facilities to acquire alternative power sources– such as generators- and fuel in preparation of the upcoming hurricane season. See Rule 59A-4.1265 and Rule 58A-5.036. These rules were enacted after 14 residents died from heat-related illnesses and complications during Hurricane Irma last year when a Florida nursing home lost power to its air conditioning units for three days.

The Bills went into effect on March 28, 2018, and required qualifying facilities to come into compliance by June 1, 2018, unless granted an extension by the Governor whereby compliance is expected by January 2019. Facilities that can show delays caused by necessary construction, delivery of ordered equipment, zoning, or other regulatory approval processes are eligible for an extension if the facility can provide residents an area that meets the ambient temperature requirements for 96 hours. Extensions are granted on a case-by-case basis, although so far a majority of Florida facilities have been granted an extension. Indeed, it appears that over 77% of nursing homes received an extension in the first week of June. Additionally, facilities located in an evacuation zone pursuant to Chapter 252, F.S., must either evacuate its residents prior to the arrival of any emergency event, or have an alternative power source and no less than 96 hours of fuel stored onsite at least within 24 hours of the issuance of a state of emergency. Failure to comply with any provision may result in the revocation or suspension of a facility’s license and/or the imposition of administrative fines.

Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities Must Develop Emergency Plans that Provide for Alternative Power Sources and Fuel Capable of Maintaining an Ambient Temperature of No Greater Than 81 Degrees Fahrenheit for At Least 96 Hours.

Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities must prepare a detailed plan (“Plan”) that provides for the acquisition and maintenance of alternative power sources- such as generators- and fuel. The Plan will supplement a facility’s Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan and must be submitted to and approved by the requisite agency. While the Bills do not require facilities to maintain a specific type of power system or equipment; the alternative power sources utilized by a facility must be capable of maintaining an ambient temperature of no greater than 81 degrees Fahrenheit for at least 96 hours after the loss of primary electrical power. This temperature must be maintained in areas of sufficient size to shelter residents safely. Alternative power sources and fuel should be maintained in accordance with local zoning restrictions and the Florida Building Code.

Moreover, the Bills set forth additional requirements for nursing homes and assisted living facilities in evacuation zones, as well as for single campus and multistory facilities.

  • Facilities in Evacuation Zones – A facility in an evacuation zone pursuant to Chapter 252, F.S. must provide in their Plan for the maintenance of an alternative power source and fuel at all times when the facility is occupied but may utilize mobile generators to facilitate evacuation.
  • Single Campus – Single campus facilities under common ownership may share alternative power sources and fuel space if such resources are sufficient to maintain the ambient temperature required under the rules.
  •  Multistory Facilities – Multistory facilities, whose Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan comprises of moving residents to a higher floor during flood or surge events, must place their alternative power source and all additional equipment in a location protected from flooding or storm surge damage.

Fuel Storage Requirements Vary by Facility Size and Location.

The Bills require facilities to provide for storage of a certain amount of fuel based on their size and location. Assisted living facilities with 16 beds or less must store a minimum of 48 hours of fuel, while assisted living facilities with 17 beds or more a required to store a minimum of 72 hours of fuel. All nursing homes must store a minimum of 72 hours of fuel. Nursing homes and assisted living facilities located in a declared state of emergency area pursuant to Section 252.36, F.S., that may impact primary power delivery, must secure 96 hours of fuel; these facilities may utilize portable fuel storage containers for the remaining fuel necessary for 96 hours during the period of a declared state of emergency.

Emily Budicin, a 2018 Summer Associate in the firm’s Washington, DC office, contributed significantly to the preparation of this post.


©2018 Epstein Becker & Green, P.C. All rights reserved.

Proposed House Bill Would Set National Data Security Standards for Financial Services Industry

A new bill introduced by House Financial Services subcommittee Chairman Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer would significantly change data security and breach notification standards for the financial services and insurance industries. Most notably, the proposed legislation would create a national standard for data security and breach notification and preempt all current state law on the matter.

Breach Notification Standard

The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) currently requires covered entities to establish appropriate safeguards to ensure the security and confidentiality of customer records and information and to protect those records against unauthorized access to or use. The proposed House bill would amend and expand  GLBA to mandate notification to customers “in the event of unauthorized access that is reasonably likely to result in identify theft, fraud, or economic loss.”

To codify breach notification at the national level, the proposed legislation requires all GLBA covered entities to adopt and implement the breach notification standards promulgated by the Comptroller of the Currency, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and the Office of Thrift Supervisor in its  Interagency Guidance on Response Programs for Unauthorized Access to Customer Information and Customer Notice. This guidance details the requirements for notification to individuals in the event of unauthorized access to sensitive information that has or is reasonably likely to result in misuse of that information, including timing and content of the notification.

While the Interagency Guidance was drafted specifically for the banking sector, the proposed legislation also covers insurance providers, investment companies, securities brokers and dealers, and all businesses “significantly engaged” in providing financial products or services.

If enacted, this legislation will preempt all laws, rules, and regulations in the financial services and insurance industries with respect to data security and breach notification.

Cohesiveness in the Insurance Industry

The proposed legislation provides uniform reporting obligations for covered entities – a benefit particularly for insurance companies who currently must navigate a maze of something conflicting state law breach notification standards. Under the proposed legislation, an assuming insurer need only notify the state insurance authority in the state in which it is domiciled. The proposed legislation also requires the insurance industry to adopt new codified standards for data security.

To ensure consistency throughout the insurance industry, the proposed legislation also prohibits states from imposing any data security requirement in addition to or different from the standards GLBA or the Interagency Guidance.

If enacted, this proposed legislation will substantially change the data security and breach notification landscape for the financial services and insurance industries. Entities within these industries should keep a careful eye on this legislation and proactively consider how these proposed revisions may impact their current policies and procedures.


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