US Voting Leave Laws: What Employers Need to Know

US Voting Leave LawsWith the general election days away, employers should familiarize themselves with their state’s voting leave laws.

Voting leave laws vary across the country. A number of states, however, do not have specific laws permitting time off to vote. These states include: Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and the District of Columbia.

Generally, states with voting leave laws grant an employee two hours off work, in order to vote, without experiencing loss of pay. An employee who has sufficient hours to vote outside his or her working hours is generally not eligible to take time off work to vote without experiencing loss of pay. Some states may fine employers who violate an employee’s statutory right to take time off work to vote.

Below is a summary of states’ voting leave laws:

Alabama: An employee may take up to one hour off work to vote, upon reasonable notice to his or her employer, unless the employee’s hours of employment begin at least two hours after the polls have opened or end at least one hour before the polls close. The employer may specify the hours when an employee may take off work to go vote. (Code of Ala. § 17-1-5)

Alaska: An employee may take off as much working time as necessary to vote, without loss of pay. If, however, an employee’s working hours begin either two hours after the polls have opened or two hours before the polls close, the employee is considered to have sufficient time outside working hours within which to vote and may not take time off to vote without incurring loss of pay. (Alaska Stat. § 15.15.100)

Arizona: An employee may take time off work to vote, upon notice to the employer prior to election day, if there are less than three consecutive hours between the opening of the polls and the beginning of the employee’s work shift or between the end of the employee’s work shift when the difference between work shift hours and opening or closing of the polls provides a total of three consecutive hours. The employee shall not experience loss of pay for work time taken to vote and the employer may specify the hours when an employee may take off to vote. Employers refusing an employee’s right under this statute or subjecting an employee to a penalty or reduction of wages is guilty of a class 2 misdemeanor. (A.R.S. § 16-402).

Arkansas: Employers must schedule employees’ work hours in such a way that each employee has an opportunity to go vote. An employer’s failure or refusal to comply with this statute may result in a fine of no less than $25 and no more than $250. (A.C.A. § 7-1-102).

California:  An employee without sufficient time outside working hours may take off as much time as necessary at the beginning or the end of a work shift in order to vote. An employee may not lose pay for less than two hours taken off to vote. (Cal. Elec. Code § 14000).

Colorado: With notification to the employer prior to Election Day, an employee may be absent from work for up to two hours in order to vote without incurring loss of pay. The employer may specify the hours when the employee may be absent, but the employee may request that the hours be at the beginning or end of the work shift. An employee with three or more off-duty hours between the time of opening and closing of the polls may not take time off work to vote without incurring loss of pay. (C.R.S. 1-7-102).

Georgia: Upon reasonable notice to the employer, an employee may take off up to working hours to vote unless the employee’s working hours beginning at least two hours after the opening of polls or end at least two hours before polls close. The employer may specify during which hours an employee may take off work to vote. (O.C.G.A. § 21-2-404).

Hawaii: An employee may take off work up to two hours to vote without incurring loss of pay. If an employee fails to vote after taking time off for that purpose, the employer, upon verifying that fact, may deduct appropriate wages or salary from the employee for the period during which the employee was absent from employment for purposes of voting. An employer who refuses an employee’s privileges conferred by this statute may be subject to a fine of not less than $50 and not greater than $300. (HRS § 11-95).

Illinois: Upon notice to an employer prior to Election Day, an employee may take off up to two hours from work to vote without loss of pay if the employee’s working hours begin less than 2 hours after polls open and less than 2 hours before polls close. The employer may specify the hours when the employee may take off work to vote. (10 ILCS 5/17-15).

Iowa: With a written request made prior to Election Day, an employee, without three consecutive off duty hours between the time of the opening and closing of polls, may take such time off work as necessary to grant the employee a total of three consecutive hours to vote, without loss of pay. (Iowa Code § 49.109).

Kansas: An employee may be absent from work for no more than two consecutive hours between the time of opening and closing of polls. If polls are open before the employee is scheduled to begin work or after ending work, but the period of time the polls are open is less than two consecutive hours, then the employee can only take off as much time to grant the employee two consecutive hours to vote. (K.S.A. § 25-418).

Kentucky: An employee, having applied for leave prior to Election Day, may take up to four hours off work, between the time of opening and closing the polls, to vote without loss of pay. The employer may specify the hours during which an employee may take off work to vote. (KRS § 118.035).

Maryland: An employee may take up to two hours off work to vote if the employee does not have two continuous off-duty hours during the time that polls are open. The employer shall pay the employee for up to two hours taken off work to vote. (Md. Election Law Code Ann § 10-315).

Massachusetts: An employee in a manufacturing, mechanical, or mercantile establishment may take time off work during the two hours after the opening of polls, upon application for leave of absence during such period. (ALM GL ch. 149 § 178).

Minnesota: An employee may be absent from work for the time necessary to cast a ballot and return to work on that same day without loss of pay. An employer hindering an employee’s right under this statute is guilty of a misdemeanor. (Minn. Stat. § 204C.04).

Missouri: Upon request made prior to Election Day, an employee may take off three hours from work between the time of opening and the time of closing the polls for purposes of voting. The employer may specify the hours when the employee may take off work to vote. (§ 115.639 R.S. Mo.).

Nebraska: An employee who does not have two consecutive off-duty hours in the period between the time of the opening and closing of the polls may take off work two consecutive hours to cast a ballot and without loss of pay. The employer may specify the hours during which the employee may take off work to vote. (R.R.S. Neb. § 32-922).

Nevada: If it is impracticable for an employee to vote before or after his or her hours of employment, an employee may be absent from his or her place of employment at a time designated by the employer to provide for enough time to vote. An employee shall not experience loss of pay for time taken off to vote. (Nev. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 293.463).

New Mexico: An employee may take off work up to two hours for the purpose of voting without loss of pay unless the employee’s work shift begins two hours after polls open or ends three hours before polls close. An employer refusing an employee’s right granted by this statute is guilty of a misdemeanor and may be punished by a fine not less than $50 and not more than $100. (N.M. Stat. Ann. § 1-12-42).

New York: An employee without four consecutive off-duty hours either between the opening of the polls and the beginning of his or her working shift, or between the end of his working shift and the closing of the polls, may take as much time off from work to vote. An employee may take off up to two hours of work without loss of pay. An employee seeking to take time off work to vote must notify the employer between two to ten days before the election requiring time off work. No less than ten working dates before an election, employers must post in the workplace a conspicuous notice notifying employees of their rights under the statute. Such notice shall be posted until the close of polls on Election Day. (NY CLS Elec § 3-110).

North Dakota: Employers are encouraged, but not required, to establish a program to grant employees time off work to vote when the employee’s regular work schedule conflicts with the polls opening and closing time. (N.D. Cent. Code, § 16.1.01-02.1).

Ohio: Employers cannot discharge or threaten to discharge an employee for taking a reasonable amount of time off work to vote on Election Day. An employer who violates this section may be fined not less than $50 and no more than $500. (ORC Ann. 3559.06).

Oklahoma: Upon oral or written notice by the employee prior to Election Day, an employer must grant an employee two hours off from work, during the period when polls are open, to allow the employee to vote. The employer may select and notify the employee of the work hours that may be taken off to vote. Employees taking time off work to vote shall not experience loss of pay or other penalty, for such absence. An employer failing to comply with this statute may be guilty of a misdemeanor and may subject to a fine between $50 and $100. (26 Okl. St. § 7-101).

South Dakota: An employee without two consecutive off duty hours during the time polls are open may take off two hours from work in order to vote without loss of pay. The employer may specify the hours during which the employee may take off work to vote. An employer refusing an employee’s right under this section is guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.

Tennessee: An employee, upon notice to the employer before noon of the day before Election Day, may take off three hours from work during the time the polls are open, without loss of pay, in order to vote, unless the employee’s work shift begins three hours after polls open or ends three hours before polls close. The employer may specify the hours during which the employee may be absent. (Tenn. Code Ann. § 2-1-106).

Texas: An employer may not bar an employee from taking time off from work on Election Day for the purpose of voting. An employer in violation of this statute may be guilty of a Class C misdemeanor. (Tex. Elec. Code § 276.004).

Utah: Upon application prior to Election Day, an employer must allow an employee to take off from work up to two hours, between the time the polls open and close, in order to vote upon. An employee who has three or more consecutive off duty hours between the times polls open and close is not eligible to take time off work under this statute. An employer violating an employee’s rights under this statute is guilty of a class B misdemeanor. (Utah Code Ann. § 20A-3-103).

West Virginia: Upon written request made to the employer at least three days prior to Election Day, an employee may take off up to three hours from work in order to vote. An employee shall not experience loss of pay for time taken off work to vote. An employee with three or more off duty hours between the hours of the opening and the close of polls on Election Day may not take time off work to vote without loss of pay. (W. Va. Code § 3-1-42).

Wisconsin: Upon notification to the employer prior to Election Day, an employee may take off up to three hours from work to vote. The employer may specify the hours when the employee may take off work to vote and the employee shall not experience loss of pay. (Wis. Stat. § 6.76).

Wyoming: An employee may take off one hour from work in order to vote without loss of pay. (Wyo. Stat. § 22-2-11).

Social Media Policy Checklist For Employers

Social Media PolicyA social media policy or a set of guidelines helps your employees make smarter decisions when marketing your brand, products and services online and may mitigate the risk of coming under the radar of the FTC or another regulatory agency or simply avoiding bad PR.

Key Players.  Legal should play a key role in creating a social media policy or set of guidelines, but it is wise to involve personnel from marketing, IT, and HR.   Also consider including representatives from a selection of departments to get valuable input from employees that the policy is intended to guide.

Identify and Evaluate.  Before drafting a social media policy, the key players must carry out internal due diligence.

  • Identify and evaluate the categories of confidential information that your employees have access to and may inadvertently share on social media.
  • Identify and evaluate the type of content that employees post on social media platforms.  Is the content generally created in-house?  By an ad agency?  From other third-party sources?  Are social media campaigns usually text-only or do they include photos, music, videos, endorsements?  Understand the legal issues associated with posting content online.
  • Identify and evaluate other legal risks associated with the use of social media in your business, including third-party terms of use, employment laws, privacy claims, securities laws and other laws that may be triggered by the use of social media by employees. For example, the National Labor Relations Board has found overly restrictive social media policies to violate employees’ protected rights.

Purpose and Scope.  The policy should reflect the type of social media engagement that your company and employees actually use.  For example, does your company maintain a Facebook® page or a blog?  Use LinkedIn® to post articles?  Run promotions on Instagram®?  Do your employees use personal social media accounts to post on behalf of the company or only employer-created accounts?  The answers to these questions will affect the types of social media guidelines that you should create for your employees.

Be Practical, Positive and Consistent.  The policy should be easy to read and interpret.  The intent is not to discourage social media use, but to make use smarter.  Try to phrase the guidelines as things employees “can” do rather than cannot do.  Use terms that employees engaged in social media will understand.  For example: avoid using terms from the Copyright Act such as “reproduce, distribute or display,” and instead use “post, tweet or pin.”  The policy should also match the general values and culture of your company and the other policies that you may have in place that overlap with social media policies.

Training.  Training is essential.  Do not just add the policy to the employee handbook and hope that your employees will read it.  Explain why social media guidelines are important to the company and the company’s reputation and relationship with customers, vendors and other third parties.  Explain the legal risks of “social media posts gone wrong.”  Arrange a lunch and learn to walk through the policies and provide examples of “Dos and Don’ts.”  Create a short checklist of key takeaways from the policy and post the checklist in areas where employees who regularly post on social media work.

Monitor and Re-visit.  Monitor compliance and ensure enforcement is uniform.  Social media changes quickly, so the policy should also be re-visited frequently to make sure that new forms of social media engagement are captured.

Copyright © 2016 Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, PLLC. All Rights Reserved.

Calculation of California Paid Sick Leave May Spook Employers

As if paid sick leave wasn’t scary enough!  From accrual methods, to the protections provided to the time off, to the varying (and ever growing) laws in different jurisdictions, paid sick leave can be spooky.  What about how to calculate the rate of pay for the paid sick leave??  On October 11, 2016, the California Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (“DLSE”) issued an opinion letter regarding its interpretation under California’s Healthy Workplace Health Families Act of 2014 (the “California Paid Sick Leave Law”) of the method of calculation of paid sick leave for employees paid by commissions and exempt employees who are given an annual, non-discretionary bonus.

California paid sick leave, State SealAs discussed in our July 13, 2015 article, the California legislature amended the California Paid Sick Leave Law to address, amongst other topics, the calculation of the rate of pay for sick leave.  In the Amendment, the legislature provided the following clarification regarding calculation of the rate of pay of sick time:

  • Non-exempt employees. The Amendment required an employer to calculate paid sick time for non-exempt employees using one of the following methods: (1) calculate the regular rate of pay for the workweek in which the employee uses paid sick time, whether or not the employee actually works overtime in that workweek; OR (2) divide the employee’s total wages, not including overtime premium pay, by the employee’s total hours worked in the full pay periods of the prior 90 days of employment.

  • Exempt employees. The Amendment required that paid sick time for “exempt employees” be calculated in the same manner as the employer calculates wages for other forms of paid leave time. This provision of the Amendment did not limit the categories of exempt employees which this calculation method applied to.

Now the DLSE has issued an opinion letter further interpreting these provisions.

How Should Employers Calculate Paid Sick Leave for Employees Only Receiving Commissions?

According to the DLSE’s opinion letter, employers must calculate paid sick leave payments for employees “who are almost entirely paid by commissions” as if they are non-exempt employees under the Amendment.  This opinion letter takes the position that only those employees exempt under one of the white collar exemptions (professional, executive, or administrative exemptions) may be paid their sick leave as an “exempt employee” under the Amendment.  The DLSE’s opinion letter maintains that employees classified as exempt under the outside or inside sales exemptions are not deemed to be “exempt” for purposes of the Amendment’s calculation of the rate of pay for sick leave.

How Should Employers Calculate Paid Sick Leave for Exempt Employees Who Receive an Annual Bonus?

The DLSE’s opinion letter then addressed how an employer calculates paid sick leave for an exempt employee under the white collar exemptions and who also receives a non-discretionary annual bonus at the end of each year.  The DLSE reasoned that a non-discretionary bonus does not figure into the salary of an exempt employee, and that under the Amendment, the employee would be paid an amount of pay equal to his or her regular salary for the sick day.

Jackson Lewis P.C. © 2016

Cook County, Illinois Increases Minimum Wage

cook county illinois minimum wageEffective July 1, 2017, employers in Cook County, Illinois, will be required to pay a higher minimum wage that will continue to increase every year thereafter. On October 26, 2016, the Cook County Board voted to gradually increase the minimum wage to $13 per hour by July of 2020. This is similar to the City of Chicago’s minimum wage increase, which gradually raises the minimum wage to $13 per hour by 2019. The new law applies to the all of Cook County, including unincorporated areas. However, home-rule towns can vote to opt out of the increase.

The minimum wage will first increase from $8.25 to $10 per hour on July 1, 2017. It will subsequently increase $1 per year until reaching $13 an hour in 2020. Future annual increases will be tied to the rate of inflation, not to exceed 2.5%. Tipped workers who make $4.95 under Illinois law will not see a wage increase until July 1, 2018, and these wage increases will be tied to the rate of inflation, not to exceed 2.5%.

Employers in Cook County should prepare for payroll increases beginning July 2017 and continuing every year thereafter.

Election Day is Coming – What are Your Obligations as Employer?

election dayWith Election Day drawing near, and large voter turnout expected, employers should ensure they are aware of state law requirements related to providing employees with time off. While not all states impose requirements on employers, some impose time off obligations with the possibility of criminal or civil penalties for non-compliance.

Applicable laws vary by state. Some provide for paid time while others do not mandate that such time off be paid. Laws also vary as to the amount of time that must be provided and whether an employer can dictate which hours are taken off, such as at the start or end of the workday. Further, some jurisdictions require postings to advise employees of voting leave rights. Additionally, some jurisdictions also obligate employers to provide time off to employees who serve as election officials or to serve in an elected office.

Accordingly, employers should immediately review existing policies and practices to ensure compliance with applicable laws and be prepared to address requests for time off prior to Election Day.

The following is a sample of state requirements regarding voting time off:

Arizona – Arizona Revised Statute § 16-402 provides that an employee has the right to be absent from work if he or she has fewer than 3 consecutive hours in which to vote between the opening of the polls and the beginning of his or her work shift or between the end of his or her regular work shift and the closing of the polls. An employee may be absent for a length of time at the beginning or end of his or her work shift that, when added to the time difference between work-shift hours and the opening/closing of the polls, totals 3 consecutive hours.

  • Notice: The employee must apply for leave prior to Election Day.

  • Hours: The employer may specify the hours.

  • Paid: Leave is paid.

California – Pursuant to California Election Code § 14000, employees are entitled to an amount of time off to vote that, when added to the voting time otherwise available to him or her outside of working hours, will enable him or her to vote. Employee with sufficient non-working time to vote are not entitled to additional time off to vote.

  • Notice: Two working days’ advance notice prior to the election is required if, on the third working day prior to the election, the employee knows or has reason to believe he or she will need time off in order to vote.

  • Hours: Time may be taken only at the beginning or end of the work shift, whichever allows the greatest amount of free time for voting and least time off from work, unless otherwise mutually agreed.

  • Paid: No more than 2 hours of the time taken off for voting shall be without loss of pay.

Colorado – Colorado Revised Statute §1-7-102 provides that eligible voters are entitled to be absent from work for up to 2 hours for the purpose of voting on Election Day unless the employee has 3 or more non-working hours to vote while the polls are open.

  • Hours: The employer may specify the hours of absence, but the hours must be at the beginning or end of the work shift, if the employee so requests.

  • Paid: No more than 2 hours.

Hawaii – Pursuant to Hawaii Revised Statutes § 11-95, employees who do not have 2 consecutive non-working hours to vote while the polls are open are entitled to take time off up to 2 hours (excluding any lunch or rest periods) to vote, so that the time taken when added to the non-working time totals 2 consecutive hours when the polls are open. Employees cannot be required to reschedule their normal work hours to avoid the needed time off.

  • Paid: Employees must be paid for time taken during working hours. If any employee fails to vote after taking time off for that purpose, the employer, upon verification of that fact, may make appropriate deductions from the salary or wages of the employee for the period during which the employee is entitled to be absent from employment.

  • Proof: Presentation of a voter’s receipt to the employer shall constitute proof of voting by the employee.

Maryland – Maryland Election Law Code §10-315 states that every employer in the state must allow employees who claim to be registered voters to be absent from work for up to 2 hours on Election Day to vote if the employee does not have 2 consecutive non-working hours to vote while the polls are open.

  • Paid: Employees must be paid for the up to 2 hours of absence.

  • Proof: Employees must provide proof of voting or attempt to vote on a form prescribed by the State Board.

New York – New York Election Law § 3-110 states that an employee is entitled to a sufficient amount of leave time that, when added to his or her available time outside of working hours, will enable him or her to vote. Four hours is considered sufficient time. An employee is excluded from leave if he or she has 4 consecutive hours in which to vote, either between the opening of the polls and the beginning of his or her work shift or the end of his or her work shift and the close of the polls.

  • Notice: The employee must provide notice of leave at least 2, but not more than 10, days prior to the election.

  • Hours: The employer may specify the hours. Leave must be given at the beginning or end of the work shift, as the employer may designate, unless otherwise agreed.

  • Paid: Not more than 2 hours may be without loss of pay.

ARTICLE BY Richard Greenberg & Daniel J. Jacobs of Jackson Lewis P.C.

DOJ, FTC Announce New Antitrust Guidance for Recruiting and Hiring; Criminal Enforcement Possible

handcuffs, criminal enforcementMany companies—and the HR professionals and other executives who worked for them—have found out the hard way that business-to-business agreements on compensation and recruiting can violate the antitrust laws and bring huge corporate and personal penalties.

Last week, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Department of Justice Antitrust Division (DOJ) jointly issued antitrust guidance for anyone who deals with recruiting and compensation. The guidance is written for HR professionals, not antitrust experts. It avoids jargon and applies antitrust basics in plain English. It expands on those basics by providing short and direct answers to real-life questions.

The guidance comes in the wake of several actions in recent years by the federal antitrust agencies against so-called “no-poaching” or “wage-fixing” agreements entered by companies competing for the same talent. It announces that DOJ will prosecute criminally some antitrust violations in this space. While the new guidance is explicitly aimed at HR professionals, senior executives should understand it as well.

The guidance starts with the basics: The antitrust laws establish the rules for a competitive marketplace, including how competitors interact with each other. From an antitrust perspective, firms that compete to recruit or retain employees are competitors, even if they do not compete when selling products or services. Therefore, agreements among employers not to recruit certain employees (no-poaching) or not to compete on various terms of compensation (wage-fixing) can violate the antitrust laws.

To be illegal, these agreements need not be explicit or formal. Evidence of exchanges of information on compensation, recruiting, or similar topics followed by parallel behavior can lead to an inference of agreement. Intent to lower a company’s labor costs is no defense. Also, there is no “non-profit” defense: while they might not compete to sell services, non-profits are considered competitors for the staff they hire.

The potential costs of antitrust violations are huge: fines by the agencies; treble damages for injured actual or potential employees; and intrusive regulation of basic company operations from consent decrees and judgments. In addition, the DOJ used this guidance to announce that it will now prosecute criminally any naked wage-fixing or no-poaching agreements. According to DOJ, these naked agreements—“separate from or not reasonably necessary to a larger legitimate collaboration between the employers”—harm competition in the same irredeemable way as hardcore price-fixing cartels. So now, any executives involved in such agreements—whether HR professionals or not—face personal consequences, including threats of potential jail time.

Even unsuccessful attempts to reach an anticompetitive agreement on these topics can be illegal in the eyes of the regulators. As the guidance makes clear, so-called “invitations to collude” have been and will continue to be pursued by the FTC as actions that might violate the Federal Trade Commission Act.

Some of these information exchanges and agreements do not automatically violate the antitrust laws and there is nothing in this new guidance that suggests otherwise. If the agreements are reasonably necessary to an actual or potential joint venture or merger, legitimate benchmarking activity, or other collaboration that might help consumers, their net effect on competition would need to be judged. In prior actions, the agencies also have recognized as legitimate certain no-poaching clauses in agreements with consultants and recruiting agencies. Even such common uses as employment or severance agreements might not run afoul of the antitrust law’s prohibitions.

The guidance does not—and really cannot—go into all the detail necessary to determine when any particular effort will pass antitrust muster. It does refer readers to the earlier Health Care Guidelines but those helpful tips relate only to information exchanges. The guidance also provides links to the many prior civil actions taken by the agencies on these types of matters. It is accompanied by a two-sided index card entitled Antitrust Red Flags for Employment Practices that could be part of an effective compliance program.

© 2016 Schiff Hardin LLP

Down to the Wire: DOL’s “Blacklisting Rule” Enjoined

blacklisting ruleA federal judge in Texas has blocked implementation of major portions of the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces rule, the so-called “blacklisting” rule.

Judge Marcia A. Crone of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas entered a nationwide preliminary injunction order on Oct. 24 blocking the Oct. 25 implementation date of the DOL rule, along with a related Obama Executive Order, the Federal Acquisitions Regulations (“FAR”) Rule and the DOL’s Guidance regarding the FAR Rule.

Had they gone into effect, the new rules would have imposed significant and stringent reporting and disclosure requirements on contractors bidding on federal projects. Moreover, those disclosures of non-final and non-adjudicated “violations” could have been used to bar contractors from federal projects.

Judge Crone determined that the plaintiffs in this action, the Associated Builders and Contractors of Southeast Texas, had a likelihood of success on the merits of establishing that the new regulations exceeded the authority of the president, the FAR Council and the DOL; were otherwise preempted by other federal labor laws; violated the First Amendment rights of federal contractors through compelled speech; violated contractors’ due process rights; are arbitrary and capricious; and violated the Federal Arbitration Act.

The opinion focuses in large part on the disclosure requirements contained in the president’s Executive Order, the DOL Guidance and the FAR Rule, which Judge Crone found to be “drastic new requirements” which are “a substantial departure from and a significant expansion of prior reporting rules.”

The disclosure requirements, among other things, would require contractors to report all “violations” of 14 separate federal labor and employment statutes; disclosures could then be used to disqualify bidders on federal projects. Judge Crone’s opinion finds fault with the Executive Order, Rule and Guidance for broadly defining “violations” to include non-final decisions or administrative determinations, which have not been preceded by a hearing or made subject to judicial review. Moreover, the “violations” to be reported are not confined to performance of past government contracts.

Judge Crone determined that “[i]n the present case, the Executive Order, FAR Rule, and DOL Guidance arrogate to contracting agencies the authority to require contractors to report for public disclosure mere allegations of labor law violations, and then to disqualify or require contractors to enter into premature labor compliance agreements based on their alleged violations of such laws in order to obtain or retain federal contracts. By these actions, the Executive Branch appears to have departed from Congress’s explicit instructions dictating how violations of the labor law statutes are to be addressed.”

Judge Crone also enjoined enforcement of the portion of the Executive Order and the Rule that provided that contractors and subcontractors who enter into contracts for non-commercial items of more than $1 million must agree not to enter into any mandatory, pre-dispute arbitration agreements with their employees or independent contractors on any matter arising under Title VII, as well as any tort related to or arising out of sexual assault or harassment.

Left standing by Judge Crone is the portion of the Executive Order requiring that all covered contractors inform their employees in each paycheck of the number of hours worked, overtime calculations (for non-exempt employees), rates of pay, gross pay, additions or deductions from pay, and whether they have been classified as independent contractors. That requirement in the Executive Order has an effective date of January 1, 2017.


Yelling at Your Smartphone Could Get You Fired!

Schrage describes how adaptive bots enable devices to learn from each encounter they have with humans, including negative ones, such as cursing at Siri or slamming a smartphone down when it reports about one restaurant, though the user was searching for a different eating place. Faced with repeated interactions like this, the bot is likely to be adversely affected by the bad behavior, and will fail to perform as intended. As companies leverage more of this technology to enhance worker productivity and customer interactions, employee abuse of bots will frustrate the company’s efforts and investment. That can lead to reduced profits and employee discipline.

Employees are seeing some of this already with the use of telematics in company vehicles. Telematics and related technologies provide employers with a much more detailed view of their employees’ use of company vehicles including location, movement, status and behavior of the vehicle and the employees. That detailed view results from the extensive and real time reports employers receive concerning employees’ use of company vehicles. Employers can see, for example, when their employees are speeding, braking too abruptly, or swerving to strongly. With some applications, employers also can continually record the activity and conversations inside the vehicle, including when vehicle sensors indicate there has been an accident. It is not hard to see that increased use of these technologies can result in more employee discipline, but also make employees drive more carefully.

Just as employers can generate records of nearly all aspects of the use of their vehicles by employees, there surely are records being maintained about the manner in which individuals interact with Siri and similar applications. While those records likely are currently being held and examined by the providers of the technology, that may soon change as organizations want to collect this data for their own purposes. Employers having such information could be significant.

As Mr. Schrage argues, making the most of new AI and machine learning technologies requires that the users of those technologies be good actors. In short, workers will need to be “good” people when interacting with machines that learn, otherwise, it will be more difficult for the machines to perform as intended. Perhaps this will have a positive impact on the bottom line as well as human interactions generally. But it also will raise interesting challenges for human resource professionals as they likely will need to develop and enforce policies designed to improve interactions between human employees and company machines.

We’ll have to see. But in the meantime, be nice to Siri!

Jackson Lewis P.C. © 2016

ACA Notice Requirements, Big Data Analytics, OSHA Retaliation Final Rule: Employment Law This Week – October 24, 2016 [VIDEO]

ACA Notice RequirementACA Section 1557 Notice Requirements Take Effect

Our top story: The Section 1557 ACA Notice Requirements have taken effect. Section 1557 prohibits providers and insurers from denying health care for discriminatory reasons, including on the basis of gender identity or pregnancy. Beginning last week, covered entities are required to notify the public of their compliance by posting nondiscrimination notices and taglines in multiple languages.

Final Rule on ACA Issued by OSHA

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has issued a final rule for handling retaliation under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The ACA prohibits employers from retaliating against employees for receiving Marketplace financial assistance when purchasing health insurance through an Exchange. The ACA also protects employees from retaliation for raising concerns regarding conduct that they believe violates the consumer protections and health insurance reforms in the ACA. OSHA’s new final rule establishes procedures and timelines for handling these complaints. The ACA’s whistleblower provision provides for a private right of action in a U.S. district court if agencies like OSHA do not issue a final decision within certain time limits.

EEOC Discusses Concerns Over Big Data Analytics

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is fact-finding on “big data.” The EEOC recently held a meeting at which it heard testimony on big data trends and technologies, the benefits and risks of big data analytics, current and potential uses of big data in employment, and how the use of big data may implicate equal employment opportunity laws. Commissioner Charlotte A. Burrows suggested that big data analytics may include errors in the data sets or flawed assumptions causing discriminatory effects. Employers should implement safeguards, such as ensuring that the variables correspond to the representative population and informing candidates when big data analytics will be used in hiring.

Seventh Circuit Vacates Panel Ruling on Sexual Orientation

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit may consider ruling that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII) protects sexual orientation. On its face, Title VII prohibits discrimination only on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, and courts have been unwilling to go further. In this case, the Seventh Circuit has granted a college professor’s petition for an en banc rehearing and vacated a panel ruling that sexual orientation isn’t covered. Also, an advertising executive who is suing his former agency has asked the Second Circuit to reverse its own precedent holding that Title VII does not cover sexual orientation discrimination. We’re likely to see more precedent-shifting cases like these as courts grapple with changing attitudes towards sexual orientation discrimination.

Tip of the Week

October is Global Diversity Awareness Month, and we’re celebrating by focusing on diversity in our tips this month. Kenneth G. Standard, General Counsel Emeritus and Chair Emeritus of the Diversity & Professional Development Committee, shares some best practices for creating an inclusive environment.

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DHS to Issue New I-9 Form Following Recent Penalties

i-9 violations, visaJust when employers were becoming more comfortable with the complex and lengthy Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification that was issued in 2013, the federal government has decided to turn up the heat. First, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the U.S. Department of Justice recently increased the penalties for I-9 violations. Second, DHS has announced that it will soon issue a new version of the Form I-9. These actions bring significant changes for employers.

Under the new fine schedule, employers face penalties such as the following:

  • I-9 paperwork violations:  $216 – $2,156 per Form I-9

  • Knowingly employing unauthorized alien (first offense):  $539 – $4,313 per violation

  • Knowingly employing unauthorized alien (second offense):  $4,313 – $10,781 per violation

  • Knowingly employing unauthorized alien (third or more offenses):  $6,469 – $21,563 per violation

  • E-verify employers – failure to inform DHS of continuing employment following final nonconfirmation:  $751 – $1,502 per violation

The DOJ also increased the penalties for document abuse and discriminatory practices in addressing I-9 issues. Document abuse usually occurs when an employer asks for specific documents or for more or different documents after the employee has already presented qualifying I-9 documents. This violates the I-9 rules, which require that the employer allow the employee to choose which document or documents to present from the I-9 List of Acceptable Documents. The employer then must review what is presented to confirm whether the document or documents meet the verification requirements.

Unfair immigration-related employment practices may occur when an employer treats job applicants and/or new hires differently based upon their immigration status while implementing I-9 procedures or addressing I-9 issues.

Penalties for document abuse and unfair immigration-related employment practices are now as follows:

  • Document abuse:  $178 – $1,782 per violation

  • Unfair immigration-related employment practices (first offense):  $445 –$3,563 per violation

  • Unfair immigration-related employment practices (second offense):  $3,563 – $8,908 per violation

  • Unfair immigration-related employment practices (third or more offenses):  $5,345 – $17,816 per violation

These new fine levels are effective as of August 1, 2016. During I-9 inspections, DHS’s Immigration and Customs Enforcement and DOJ’s Office of Special Counsel will apply these new penalties to violations that occurred after November 2, 2015.  The increased penalties are a reminder of why I-9 compliance is so important.  Employers should review their I-9 procedures and conduct periodic internal audits to best defend against the risk of I-9 penalties.  For additional tips to achieve better I-9 compliance, as well as for updates on the government’s enforcement activities, please see our prior posts.

As to DHS’s announcement of yet another version of the I-9 form, there have been more than 10 different versions in the nearly 30 years during which the I-9 has been required. DHS expects to issue the newest version of the Form I-9 on or before November 22, 2016. DHS will allow employers to continue using the current version (issued in 2013) through January 21, 2017. Employers should use this two-month period to review and gain an understanding of the new Form I-9 before transitioning to it.

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