COVID-19 Daily Self Screening Video

Daily self-screening is one of the simplest ways to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Designed to educate employees, COVID-19 Daily Self-Screening video provides an overview of symptoms and steps a staff member can take to help break the chain of transmission, if they do get sick. Part of a series aimed at supporting a “Work Together, Healthy Together” workplace health and safety program, our videos are intended to be shared with you workforce. In connection with Polsinelli’s efforts to provide resources and support to businesses in our own communities and beyond, we hope you and your team find this valuable.

© Polsinelli PC, Polsinelli LLP in California

Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020 – Changes To The CARES Act

On Wednesday, June 3, 2020, the U.S. Senate passed the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020 (“Act”) by voice vote.  The bill had passed the U.S. House on May 28 nearly unanimously.  It now heads to the President’s desk for signature.

Summary of Key Provisions

The Act provides important new flexibility to borrowers in the Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) in a number of key respects:

Loan Maturity Date: The Act extends the maturity date of the PPP loans (i.e. any portion of a PPP loan that is not forgiven) from 2 years to 5 years.  This provision of the Act only affects borrowers whose PPP loans are disbursed after its enactment.  With respect to already existing PPP loans, the Act states specifically that nothing in the Act will “prohibit lenders and borrowers from mutually agreeing to modify the maturity terms of a covered loan.”

Deadline to Use the Loan Proceeds: The Act extends the “covered period” with respect to loan forgiveness from the original 8 week period after the loan is disbursed to the earlier of 24 weeks after the loan is disbursed or December 31, 2020.  Current borrowers who have received their loans prior to the enactment of the Act may nevertheless elect the shorter 8 week period.

Forgivable Uses of the Loan Proceeds: The Act raises the cap on the amount of forgivable loan proceeds that borrowers may use on non-payroll expenses from 25% to 40%.  The Act does not affect the PPP’s existing restrictions on borrowers’ use of the loan proceeds to eligible expenses: payroll and benefits; interest (but not principal) on mortgages or other existing debt; rent; and utilities.

Safe Harbor for Rehiring Workers: Loan forgiveness under the PPP remains subject to reduction in proportion to any reduction in a borrower’s full-time equivalent employees (“FTEs”) against prior staffing level benchmarks.  The Act extends the PPP’s existing safe harbor deadline to December 31, 2020: borrowers who furloughed or laid-off workers will not be subject to a loan forgiveness reduction due to reduced FTE count as long as they restore their FTEs by the deadline.

New Exemptions from Rehiring Workers: The Act also adds two exemptions to the PPP’s loan forgiveness reduction penalties.  Firstly, the forgiveness amount will not be reduced due to a reduced FTE count if the borrower can document that they attempted, but were unable, to rehire individuals who had been employees on February 15, 2020 (this codifies a PPP FAQ answer discussed on a previous post) and have been unable to hire “similarly qualified employees” before December 31, 2020.  Secondly, the forgiveness will not be reduced due to a reduced FTE count if the borrower, in good faith, can document an inability to return to the “same level of business activity” as prior to February 15, 2020 due to sanitation, social distancing, and worker or customer safety requirements.

Loan Deferral Period: The Act extends the loan deferral period to (a) whenever the amount of loan forgiveness is remitted to the lender or (b) 10 months after the applicable forgiveness covered period if a borrower does not apply for forgiveness during that 10 month period.  Under the unamended PPP, a borrower’s deferral period was to be between 6 and 12 months.

Payroll Tax Deferral: The Act lifts the ban on borrowers whose loans were partially or completely forgiven from deferring payment of payroll taxes.  The payroll tax deferral is now open to all PPP borrowers.


The Act provides much-needed flexibility to businesses who needed to spend PPP loan proceeds but could not open in order to do so.  As with the initial rollout of the PPP, it will be up to the Department of the Treasury and the Small Business Administration to provide regulations with respect to the Act.


For more on the PPP, see the National Law Review Coronavirus News section.

How Business Owners Can Watch For Fraud

Fraud can quickly take down a successful business, or at the very least create significant issues for you to deal with. As a business owner, it’s important that you know how to watch for fraudulent activities by your employees. Here are a few tips for approaching the subject in your business:

Be careful who you hire

Preventing fraud begins before you even hire your employees. As you work through the selection process, be sure to investigate your potential hires, especially those who deal with finances. You can use a background check, credit report and social media check to look for any red flags.

Protect your business with anti-fraud policies

You should always have company policies in place that state that fraud is not accepted and that includes specific procedures to help prevent and deal with fraud.

Consistent analysis

Use data analysis to double-check the transactions of your business. This can help catch any errors or possible instances of fraud.

Educate your employees

Though you may have the definition of fraud and your stance against it in your company policies, that doesn’t mean that your employees are aware. Especially for new hires, create fraud education and training for them to complete.

Make it easy for whistleblowers to come forward

Create a company culture that is honest and open. This can help draw employees who are willing to call out fraud when they see it. Create procedures that allow whistleblowers to feel safe coming forward and reporting misconduct.

Watch for red flags

As an employer, it’s important to keep an eye on your employees. You have a unique opportunity to spot red flags like employees that live beyond their means or have significant financial struggles.

Don’t let any suspicious activity slide. Be sure to quickly and thoroughly address anything that you notice that could be indicative of fraud.

© 2020 by Raymond Law Group LLC.

Do You Need to WARN Your Employees?

The swift onset of the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic caused lost revenue and financial hardship for many employers. Some quickly instituted layoffs as a cost-saving measure. Others went out of business altogether.

Regardless of whether employees suffered job losses as a result of layoffs or business shutdowns, employers may have had, or still have, a duty to provide notice of these job losses under the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (WARN Act).

Many states also have their own so-called “mini-WARN” laws. For Wisconsin businesses, the applicable state law is the Wisconsin Business Closing and Mass Layoff Law (WI-WARN).


The WARN Act protects workers, their families and communities by requiring employers to provide at least 60 calendar days’ advance written notice of a plant closing or mass layoffs affecting certain numbers of employees. Under state law, if applicable, the notice period and the content of the notice may be different.

The purpose of the WARN Act is to provide workers and their families with transition time to adjust to the prospective loss of employment, to seek and obtain other jobs, and, if necessary, to enter skill training or re-training that will allow these workers to compete successfully in the job market.

Typically, obligations under the WARN Act arise when an employer has sufficient advance knowledge of the need for a plant shutdown or mass layoff such that the employer would be able to give employees the required 60 days’ advance notice. The plant closings and layoffs caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, however, were anything but typical. Many employers felt the need to act quickly and, as such, failed to issue WARN Act notices.


Coverage under the WARN Act and similar state laws depends on the size of your workforce. Coverage under the WARN Act is triggered by having 100 or more employees in the U.S. In contrast, WI-WARN covers Wisconsin employers with 50 or more employees in the state. Who is considered an employee for purposes of coverage is dictated by statute and generally excludes new and low-hour employees.


The duty to provide WARN Act notice is triggered by either a plant closing or mass layoff, which are defined as:

  • plant closing (referred to as a business closing under Wisconsin law) is a permanent or temporary shutdown of a single site of employment, or of a facility or operating unit at a single site, that results in an employment loss for 50 or more full-time employees. This threshold is lowered under WI-WARN to 25 or more full-time employees within a single municipality.
  • mass layoff is defined as any workforce reduction that:
    1. Does not result from a plant closing, and
    2. Creates an employment loss affecting either 50 or more employees and at least 33 percent or more of the employers’ total active workforce at a single site of employment or, alternatively, 500 or more employees. Under WI-WARN this threshold is lowered to 25 employees or 25 percent of the workforce, whichever is greater.

Before jumping to the conclusion that there is a duty to provide WARN Act notice, an employer should carefully analyze whether they are covered under the law and, if so, whether the actions taken meet the plant closing or mass layoff definitions.


There are many exceptions and nuances under the WARN Act and state law. Two pertinent exceptions in light of the current pandemic are:

  1. Layoffs of less than six months: If a temporary layoff lasts less than six months, an employer is not obligated to comply with the 60-day notice requirements of the WARN Act.
  2. Unforeseeable business circumstances: The WARN Act allows an employer to order a plant closing or mass layoff before the conclusion of the 60-day notice period if the closing or layoff is caused by “business circumstances that were not reasonably foreseeable as of the time that notice would have been required.” A government-ordered closing of an employment site that occurs without prior notice also may be considered an unforeseeable business circumstance.

To date, the U.S. Department of Labor and, in Wisconsin, the Department of Workforce Development, have provided no guidance on whether the business circumstances exception would apply to shutdowns and layoffs caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Some attorneys and commentators believe that the exception could apply to certain industry sectors such as restaurants, bars and other service-sector employers who were subject to state government-mandated shutdowns.

However, for the majority of employers who have continued to operate as an essential business or are receiving government relief funding such as Paycheck Protection Program funds, the answer is far less clear. It remains to be seen how the state and federal governments will accept this exception in circumstances where operations have continued in some capacity, mass layoffs were contemplated prior to the COVID-19 pandemic or where an employer knows now that it will need to do a mass layoff as soon as federal funding ceases.


Employers should consider these six actions:

  1. Determine if you have enough employees to be covered by the WARN Act or state-specific mini-WARN laws.
  2. Calculate whether the employment losses occasioned by a business shutdown or layoff would meet the coverage numbers set forth under applicable law.
  3. In the case of a temporary layoff, determine, to the extent possible, whether it will exceed six months (if not, the WARN Act does not apply).
  4. Because a layoff that lasts more than six months could trigger coverage, it is important to monitor the expected length of any current temporary layoffs. If a layoff is extended beyond 6 months due to business circumstances, notice is required when it becomes reasonably foreseeable that the extension is required.
  5. Even if the unforeseeable business circumstances exception applies, an employer still must provide as much notice as possible under the circumstances. The notice must provide a brief description of why the employer could not provide the full notice period.
  6. Consider whether it makes sense to play it safe and send notices even if the employer hopes to rehire workers within six months. A possible downside to this approach is that it could result in the laid-off workforce being motivated to find other jobs.

The bottom line is that the application of the WARN Act can be complicated. This complication is exacerbated by the fact that the law, while well-intentioned, did not anticipate how it should be applied in the face of a pandemic. If you think you may need to WARN your employees, seek legal counsel to help navigate these complicated laws.

Copyright © 2020 Godfrey & Kahn S.C.

For more on the WARN Act, see the National Law Review Labor & Employment law section.

The CDC Warns Against Using Antibody Testing Results to Make Workplace Decisions

This week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (the “CDC”) released interim guidelines addressing COVID-19 antibody testing. The CDC expressed concerns about the current accuracy of antibody testing and advised businesses against using the results of antibody testing (also known as serologic testing) to make any decisions about returning workers to the workplace.

Although the guidance notes that antibodies may offer some protection from reinfection and may decrease the likelihood that an individual infects others, the CDC has determined that there are myriad issues with the effectiveness of current antibody testing, including widespread false positive results. The CDC guidance states that “additional data are needed before modifying public health recommendations based on [antibody] test results, including decisions on discontinuing physical distancing and using personal protective equipment.” The CDC also recommends that even if individuals have tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies, they should continue to take precautionary measures (such as wearing facemasks) to prevent the spread of infection.

As the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) has not weighed in on this issue to date, it is still unclear whether employers’ use of antibody testing to inform workplace return decisions might implicate the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) or other discrimination laws.  But given the direct affirmative guidance from the CDC, employers should continue to refrain from using antibody or serologic testing results to determine which workers may return to the workplace.

©1994-2020 Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C. All Rights Reserved.

ARTICLE BY Corbin Carter at Mintz.
For more CDC Guidance, see the National Law Review Coronavirus News section.

Temperature Checks: Three Things to Know Before Screening Employees and Customers

As businesses begin the calculated process of re-opening their doors to employees and customers, many are considering implementing temperature checks to monitor for at least one known COVID-19 symptom – the fever.

Beyond nailing down the logistics of temperature checks (e.g., who will perform them, has that person been trained, do employees need to be paid while waiting in line, how will social distancing be maintained, etc.) there are several significant legal considerations that should be evaluated before implementation.

The Illinois Biometric Privacy Act

Some temperature screening devices utilize facial-recognition technology to quickly identify those with fever so that they can be promptly tracked down and removed from the facility. While these systems provide logistical advantages, especially to large employers and retailers, they likely implicate provisions of the Illinois Biometric Privacy Act (BIPA) which can lead to costly litigation and result in stiff penalties for anyone who violates the statute, even unwittingly.

According to BIPA, businesses utilizing this type of facial-recognition technology must obtain advance, written consent from the individuals to be scanned, and must also maintain a publicly available policy that specifies information regarding the collection, use, storage, and destruction of individuals’ biometric information. And, again, these policies and consents must be executed and implemented before temperature screenings begin. It is, therefore, critical to determine whether your temperature screening devices perform facial recognition scans or capture other biometric information.

Confidentiality of Employee Information

Employers screening employee temperatures must also remember they are conducting a “medical examination,” as defined by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and would be wise to adhere to the EEOC’s guidance on the issue. This means information collected about employees’ temperature, such as the temperature readings themselves, or the fact that an employee had or has a fever, must be treated as confidential medication information and maintained in a confidential file separate from an employee’s personnel file. Employers should also take care to not divulge the identity of any employee sent home with fever, absent consent from the employee to share that information with other personnel, or a strict need-to-know among involved supervisor(s) or members of human resources.

The California Consumer Privacy Act

California’s sweeping new privacy law, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), contains broad protection of consumers’ “personal information,” and requires businesses subject to the statute to, among other things, notify consumers when their personal information is being collected. Though body temperature is not explicitly mentioned in the statute, the definition of “personal information” is broad, and includes information that “identifies, relates to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer …” It includes biometric information. Whether an individual’s temperature constitutes personal information is up for some debate, but debates often lead to costly litigation, and it is easy enough to amend CCPA notices to include temperature until that debate is resolved in an effort to avoid litigation altogether.

So, if a business is subject to the CCPA and intends to collect employee or customer temperatures (whether or not with the use of biometric technology), it should consider updating its CCPA notices to include “temperature” (and, if applicable, scans of face geometry) to the list of personal information collected.

© 2020 Much Shelist, P.C.

For more employer COVID-19 guidance, see the National Law Review Coronavirus News section.

CDC’s Detailed Guidance to Reopen Businesses

The Center for Disease Control (“CDC”) has issued 60 pages of detailed guidance to reopen businesses, health care facilities and providers, schools, transit, and other industries. This guidance also provides information regarding testing and data to assist with exposure and risk concerns for those industries. The following is an overview of the topics addressed in the newly released guidance.

  • High Risk Employees: Employers with workers at high risk are recommended that they self-identify and employers should avoid making unnecessary medical inquiries. Employers are encouraged to offer options to telework if possible, or duties that minimize their contact with customers and other employees.
  • Restaurants and Bars: Restaurants and bars may reopen utilizing social distancing and reduced capacity. The CDC also recommends formal policies in place to enforce proper hygiene, including the use of cloth facemasks and encourage employees to stay at home if ill. Employers are advised to follow applicable OSHA guidance as well.
  • Surveillance Systems: The CDC sets forth sample surveillance systems to assist with capturing all parameters of the pandemic, including testing, contract tracing and other guidance regarding limiting exposure. This guidance offers details for local and state health departments related to testing efforts and best practices to assist with controlling the spread of the disease and gating criteria.
  • Schools: The CDC recommends that schools remain closed and continue virtual learning. Schools may slowly reopen pursuant to the reopening guidelines, including recommendations for spacing students six feet apart and staggering lunch periods, along with increased social distancing for students and staff. If an individual is diagnosed with COVID-19 schools may consider closing for a short time (1-2 days) for cleaning and disinfection.
  • Summer Camps: At this time, the CDC recommends that summer camps provide services only to children of essential workers and those who live in local geographical area.
  • Child Care: Child care programs should be gearing up to reopen and the guidance sets forth interim guidance to assist with the gradual scale up for operations. Step one restricts daycares to children of essential workers; step two expands daycare services to all children with enhanced social distancing measures; Step three remaining open for all children with social distancing measures.
  • Mass Transit: Mass transit is recommended to consider revising its routes based on local virus spread and advised to coordinate with local health officials.

The list above is not exhaustive, and the latest guidance provides roadmaps for businesses in various industries as they navigate this new normal. Specific to businesses, the CDC’s May 21, 2020 changes include:

  • Updated cleaning and disinfection guidance
  • Updated best practices for conducting social distancing
  • Updated strategies and recommendations that can be implemented now to respond to COVID-19

Related CDC links for businesses include:

For guidance on reopening within Wisconsin, review the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation’s (WEDC) Reopen Guidelines linked here. WEDC offered general guidelines as well as customized guidance for each industry.

© 2020 Davis|Kuelthau, s.c. All Rights Reserved

For more on business reopening, see the National Law Review Coronavirus News section.

Michigan Ramps Up Workplace Safety Regulations and Enforcement Powers Under New Executive Order

Gov. Whitmer released detailed new workplace safety regulations on Monday, May 18, 2020 through Executive Order 2020-91 (Order). The Order also provides the State of Michigan with enhanced enforcement capabilities and greater consequences for employers who disregard the rules. The Order does not identify an expiration date for the new workplace rules.

New Workplace Safety Rules

The Order sets out 17 general workplace safety rules that apply to all employers who are conducting in-person operations during the coronavirus pandemic, pursuant to Executive Order 2020-92. While some of these workplace safety rules are restated from previous executive orders, others – such as the requirement that employers designate one or more workplace supervisors to oversee COVID-19 control strategies – are new. New rules include mandated COVID-19 employee training and the development of a daily entry self-screening protocol for all employers.

In addition to the general workplace safety rules, the Order identifies numerous industry-specific workplace safety rules to combat the spread of COVID-19. Industries that must comply with these specific rules are: employers whose work is performed outdoors; construction; manufacturing; research laboratories (excluding labs that perform diagnostic testing); retail stores that are open for in person sales; offices; and restaurants and bars.

Enhanced Enforcement Powers

Previously, employers who failed to follow COVID-19 workplace safety rules were subject to a misdemeanor punishable by up to a $500 fine and/or 90 days in jail. The Order now provides two new routes for enforcement. First, the workplace safety rules are given the force and effect of regulations adopted by the state agencies that oversee workplace health and safety. Such agencies are given full authority to enforce the rules, and any challenges to penalties must move through the agencies’ administrative appeals process. Second, the Order states that violations of the workplace safety rules are also violations of the Michigan Occupational Health and Safety Act (MIOSHA). As a result, Michigan’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration will have the authority to conduct investigations into violations, issue penalties and distribute cease operation orders.

In addition, because the Order mandates employee training on how to report unsafe working conditions, employers should anticipate the possibility of such internal reports or MIOSHA investigations. Employers should also be mindful not to retaliate against employees who file such complaints.

© 2020 Varnum LLP

For more on worker safety measures in states and federally, see the National Law Review Labor & Employment Law section.

To Reverify or Not: Form I-9 and Lawful Permanent Residents

On Friday, May 15, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a notice clarifying to employers that they cannot reverify Lawful Permanent Residents (LPRs) who presented evidence of permanent residence status that was unexpired at the time of the employee’s initial Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, regardless of later expiration. While employers were never required to reverify LPRs, there has long lacked specific instruction on this, leading many involved in human resources across Pennsylvania and New Jersey to conduct reverifications of LPRs in violation of federal law.

What is Form I-9?

Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification (“Form I-9”), is used to:

verify the identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment in the United States.” All employers in the United States must are required to implement procedures for the use of Form I-9 that ensure its proper completion for each individual that is hired for employment in the United States—citizens and noncitizens alike.

Federal law requires employers to “allow employees to choose which document(s) they will present from the Lists of Acceptable Documents” that is included with Form I-9. As the DHS M-274, Handbook for Employers, notes, in “Section 1, an LPR may choose to present a List A document (such as Form I-551, Permanent Resident Card, commonly referred to as a Green Card) or a List B and C document combination (such as a state-issued driver’s license and unrestricted Social Security card).”

LPRs are issued a Form I-551, Permanent Resident Card (LPR Card) as evidence of permanent resident status. If an individual is an LPR and presents a valid LPR Card when completing Form I-9, the LPR Card is deemed a sufficient “List A” document, thereby rendering successful the employer’s verification of the individual’s identity and ability to work in the United States. An employee need not present any further evidence. Acceptable LPR Cards include:

  • Those issued from January 1977 to August 1989 that have no expiration date;
  • Currently unexpired, but with 10-year expiration dates; and
  • Currently unexpired, but with 2-year expiration dates.

To Reverify or Not to Reverify?

The DHS notice informs that employers who successfully complete the Form I-9 verification process with an LPR Card that either did not have an expiration date or was a 10- or 2-year LPR Card that was unexpired at the time of verification must not seek to reverify the employee in the future even if the LPR Card later expires.

However, when an individual that is an LPR presents the following to an employer during the Form I-9 verification process, it is necessary to reverify:

  • Expired LPR Card and Form I-797, Notice of Action (which is issued when an individual applies to renew an LPR Card), that indicates the LPR Card’s validity has been extended. Employers should consider these documents as acceptable “List C” evidence, requiring reverification at the end of the extension period. Note that the employee must still present a valid, unexpired “List B” document to satisfy the initial Form I-9 verification.
  • Form I-94 or Form I-94A, Arrival-Departure Record, containing an unexpired temporary I-551 stamp and a photograph of the individual. When presented, these documents are acceptable “List A” evidence. Employers must conduct a reverification no later than when the I-551 stamp expires, or one year after the issuance of Form I-94 or Form I-94A, Arrival-Departure Record, should the record not indicate an expiration date.
  • Current foreign passport with a photograph and either a temporary I-551 stamp or I-551 printed notation on a Machine-Readable Immigrant Visa. Additionally, if the current, foreign passport is, in the rare instance, endorsed with “CR-1,” rather than an I-551 stamp, the employer is reminded that the “CR-1” endorsement is the equivalent of an I-551 stamp. Employers must conduct a reverification when the I-551 stamp or I-551 printed notation on the Machine-Readable Immigrant Visa expires. If there is no expiration date listed, the reverification must occur no later than one year from the date that the I-551 was stamped or “CR-1” was endorsed in the foreign passport.

©2020 Norris McLaughlin P.A., All Rights Reserved

For more on employment verification, see the National Law Review Labor & Employment law section.

Temperature Screening: New Guidance From the CDC, FAQs, and Best Practices

With states beginning to ease stay-at-home orders, employers are formulating plans to return employees to the workplace. As part of this process, many employers are considering implementing regular employee temperature checks in an effort to keep employees safe. While this measure may have seemed unthinkable and fraught with risks even just a couple of months ago, we expect that health screenings, including temperature checks, will become increasingly prevalent in the workplace. In fact, just last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) issued guidance on how employers and businesses can safely conduct temperature checks. Key portions of that guidance are summarized below, along with a list of common questions and best practices employers should consider before requiring employees to undergo regular temperature checks.

1. Are employers required to screen employees’ temperatures before they enter the workplace?

The answer depends on the state(s) in which the employer operates.  Some states are now requiring employers to conduct regular temperature checks on employees.  For example, Colorado requires certain critical and noncritical businesses to conduct daily temperature checks and monitor employees’ symptoms, and employers with 50 or more employees at one location must implement stations for symptom screenings and temperature checks.  Other states such as Indiana require all employers to implement a COVID-19 response plan, which includes implementing a health screening process for employees that may include regular temperature checks.  Additionally, employers may be subject to different temperature check requirements based on industry.  For example, Washington requires construction contractors to screen all workers at the beginning of their shift by taking their temperature and asking them if they have symptoms.  Any worker found to have a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher must be sent home.  That said, many states currently have no temperature check mandate, including–for now–Illinois (with limited exceptions such as certain health care and long-term care employees), giving many employers some flexibility to determine how best to screen employees for symptoms, if at all.  Employers should consult and keep a close eye on ever-changing state and local guidelines to determine if and when temperature checks are required.

2. Even if there is no state or local mandate, can employers still require employees to submit to routine on-site temperature checks as a condition of employment?

Yes, provided that temperature checks are administered safely, consistently and in a non-discriminatory manner.  The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) has issued guidance confirming that temperature checks are a permissible screening mechanism to use during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, to avoid discrimination claims, employers generally should not pick and choose who is subject to temperature screening unless it is part of a nondiscriminatory plan (e.g., screening only that portion of the workforce where social distancing measures may not be feasible, such as warehouses or manufacturing plants).  Note that if employers choose to screen every employee entering a facility, employers may need to conduct such checks on anyone entering the workplace–not just employees–to minimize the risk of discrimination claims and to reduce the risk of transmission.

3. What are the key CDC guidelines for conducting on-site temperature screenings?

The CDC outlines two options for on-site screenings. The first approach relies on barrier/partition controls and personal protective equipment (“PPE”) and the second approach relies exclusively on PPE.

Under the first approach, the screener stands behind a physical barrier, such as a glass or plastic window or partition.  Using disposable gloves, the screener checks the employee’s temperature by reaching around the partition or through the window.  It is critical that the screener’s face remain behind the barrier at all times during the screening.

Under the second approach, the screener uses a face mask, eye protection (goggles or disposable face shield that fully covers the front and sides of the face), disposable gloves and a gown (if physical contact with an employee is anticipated) when taking employees’ temperatures.

When conducting temperature checks on multiple employees, the screener should use a clean pair of gloves for each employee and ensure that the thermometer is thoroughly cleaned after each use.  If the screener is using a disposable or non-contact thermometer (i.e., non-contact infrared thermometers, tympanic thermometers, and thermal scanners) and he or she does not make physical contact with the employee, then the CDC states that the screener need not change his or her gloves after each check.

Under either approach, the CDC confirms that employees found to have a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher should be sent home immediately and instructed to promptly contact their doctor.  Employers should follow up with employees who are sent home with additional information about any available benefits and return-to-work protocol.  The CDC further recommends that employees maintain social distancing when waiting for their turn to be screened, and to the extent possible, screening should take place before an employee enters the physical workplace.

The CDC guidance can be found here:

4. How should the temperature screeners be selected and trained?

An obvious first choice for a screener is often a medical officer or nurse, if such an employee is available and on staff.  If not, employers should carefully select an appropriate screener, ensure that the individual is comfortable with the role, and consider providing such individual with additional compensation or hazard pay.  Alternatively, there are third-party vendors who now offer these types of services, though such vendors should be carefully vetted.  Finally, employers are even turning to robots or robotic arms to conduct screens in order to reduce the risk of exposure during the screening process.

No matter who is selected, screeners should be trained on how to safely complete temperature screens, the proper use and disposal of PPE, and maintaining employee privacy.  As a best practice, we recommend that employers retain a medical professional to train screeners on how to safely and effectively conduct a temperature check, or at a minimum, employers should consult a medical professional to provide and confirm such information.  We also recommend that screeners sign a document establishing the protocol, requiring confidentiality of employee medical information, and confirming that the individual has been informed of and consents to the risks of serving as a screener.

5. What kind of thermometer should be used?

As a practical matter, we strongly advise that employers use a disposable or no-contact thermometer to prevent the spread of the virus. In fact, without a disposable or contactless device, employers may want to consider abandoning temperature checks altogether (if doing so will not run afoul of state or local law) and instead rely on other screening measures.  The risk of inadvertently using a contaminated device may outweigh any potential benefits gained from implementing a screening protocol in the first place.

However, if an employer uses a sophisticated device, including robots, to screen employees’ temperatures, Illinois employers should be aware of yet another potential legal pitfall.  Some devices and robots rely on artificial intelligence, including in some cases, facial recognition capabilities.  Such equipment could implicate the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (“BIPA”), which has strict notice, disclosure and consent requirements.  Employers should discuss these risks with counsel before using any such devices.

6. If employees are required to undergo a temperature screening before clocking into work, must the employer compensate them for that time?

In most cases, yes.  While the answer to this question may depend, in part, on state law, we generally recommend that employers compensate employees for any time spent waiting to be screened and participating in the screening process in order to comply with the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) and state wage and hour laws.  Running afoul of these laws by not paying employees for otherwise compensable pre-shift activities can be much more costly in the long run than paying employees for the time spent in the screening process itself.

7. What are the privacy concerns related to temperature checks?

The Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) requires employers to maintain the confidentiality of all information obtained through disability-related inquiries and medical examinations.  Temperature screening is a medical examination under the ADA. Accordingly, any information collected as part of the screening process must be treated as a confidential medical record and maintained separately from the employee’s personnel file.  It may be disclosed only in limited circumstances. Employers should also consider how to best protect the privacy of those employees who are found to have an elevated temperature and need to be sent home (e.g., allowing for an inconspicuous exit, private screening, drive-through screening, etc.).

8. What if an employee refuses to participate in on-site temperature checks?

As a general matter, employees can be required to undergo temperature checks as a condition of employment, and those who refuse to do so should be sent home.  Employers should communicate the requirements for temperature checks and the consequences for failing to cooperate in a clearly written notice or policy that is distributed to all employees in advance of the implementation of the screening protocol.  Employees who refuse to adhere to those requirements may be disciplined, provided that any such discipline is administered in a consistent and nondiscriminatory manner.  However, for a variety of reasons (including employee morale), employers should consider whether discipline is truly necessary.  The better option may be to simply send the employee home or deny them access to the workplace.  When in doubt, employers should consult counsel before implementing discipline.

9. Is fever alone a reliable indicator of COVID-19?

According to the medical community, no.  Unfortunately, an elevated temperature is not a definitive indicator of the illness, and an employee may be contagious even without a fever. For that reason, and as discussed further below, employers should consider implementing other screening mechanisms either in lieu of on-site temperature screening (if allowed under applicable law) or in addition to temperature screening.

10. If fever is not a reliable indicator of COVID-19, why are employers implementing temperature screening?

Employers are looking for concrete steps they can take to reduce the risk of exposure in the workplace.  Unlike most COVID-19 symptoms, body temperature can be objectively screened and verified.  While temperature screening will not effectively identify asymptomatic cases, it still has the ability to catch positive cases and help prevent a potential outbreak in the workplace.  In many instances, employers are implementing temperature screening in an attempt to alleviate employee anxiety.  Some employers are reporting that employees actually want to have temperature checks in place to know that their employer is taking meaningful, proactive steps to keep them safe.  In other words, temperature screening may be as much of an employee relations (and public relations) tool as it is a prevention mechanism. In weighing the decision to implement on-site screening, employers should consider whether employees will be comforted by the process of temperature checks or if it will instead stoke fear and panic.

11. How should employees be notified of on-site screening measures?

We recommend that employers provide employees with advance, written notice of temperature checks and any other screening measures.  The notice or policy statement should explain the basis and method for conducting the screening, the steps the employer is taking to protect employee safety and privacy, and the consequences for failing to comply.  To avoid a false sense of security, the notice should also make clear that just because someone does not have a fever does not necessarily mean that the person does not have the virus.  The notice should explain that many people who test positive for COVID-19 are asymptomatic, and that employees should continue to take appropriate precautions and self-monitor and report to the employer the presence of any other symptoms.

12. What are the alternatives to on-site temperature screening?

As discussed above, on-site temperature screening presents potential logistical and legal issues that may steer some employers away from taking such measures.  As an alternative to on-site temperature screening, many employers are instead considering and implementing some type of employee self-assessment or self-monitoring protocol.  This can be accomplished through completion of daily self-assessment and/or certification forms in which the employee is asked to self-report temperature, other symptoms, or potential exposure events.  Other employers are relying on a one-time policy document whereby employees acknowledge and agree that by reporting to work each day, they are certifying that they have no symptoms.  Some employers are even incorporating the daily certification into timekeeping software (without disclosing medical information).

According to the CDC, it is reasonable to ask employees to take their own temperature before arriving to work.  This helps reduce the risk that those who are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 will expose others to the virus by traveling to or reporting to work.  Therefore, some employers may opt to have employees conduct their own temperature checks before arriving at work, which alleviates some of the logistical and legal concerns.  However, note that employers in some states, like California and Illinois, may need to foot the bill for supplying employees with thermometers needed to complete any such self-assessment.

Regardless of the approach taken, we believe that employers should implement some type of symptom screening mechanism, even if it is not an on-site temperature check. And if an employer does decide to conduct on-site temperature screening (or is required to do so by law), we believe temperature checks should be used in conjunction with other screening efforts such as requiring employees to identify other symptoms or potential exposure incidents.  In other words, temperature screening should be just one of many potential tools in the employer’s arsenal to combat COVID-19 in the workplace.

© 2020 Vedder Price

For more on the return to work after COVID-19 process, see the National Law Review Coronavirus News legal section.