Department of Justice (DOJ) Intervenes in Qui Tam Action Against Lance Armstrong

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The Department of Justice announced in February that it would intervene in a False Claims Act suit filed against former Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong and others by former teammate Floyd Landis. Reports indicate that in 2010, Landis filed a lawsuit, captioned United States ex rel. Landis v. Tailwind Sports Corporation, et al., in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. The lawsuit alleges that Armstrong and his teammates violated the terms of a $30 million sponsorship contract he and his cycling team had with the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) by taking drugs to enhance their performances.

USPS sponsored Armstrong’s Tailwind cycling team from 1996 through 2004. During that time, Armstrong and his team took more than $30 million in sponsorship fees. The USPS claims Armstrong violated a contractual promise by regularly employing banned substances and methods to enhance their performance, in violation of the USPS sponsorship agreements. Those sponsorship agreements gave USPS the right to place its logo prominently on the cycling team’s uniform, among other promotional opportunities. However, the agreement also required the cycling team to comply with all rules of cycling’s governing bodies. Those rules prohibited the use of performance enhancing substances and methods.

For years Armstrong and others denied that the team used performance enhancing drugs, but in October, 2012, the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) issued a report concluding that Armstrong used banned performance enhancing substances, starting in at least 1998 and continuing throughout his career. The time Armstrong and teammates were alleged to have been “doping” overlaps significantly with the term of Armstrong’s USPS sponsorship.

After the USADA report, Armstrong admitted in an interview with Oprah Winfrey that he used banned substances and methods throughout his career, starting in the mid-1990s. He admitted having used banned substances during each of his seven Tour de France victories, including the six he won while sponsored by USPS.

The U.S. Government’s intervention complaint alleges that riders on the USPS-sponsored team “knowingly caused violations of the sponsorship agreements by regularly and systematically employing substances and methods to enhance their performance” and, as a result, “submitted to the United States false or fraudulent invoices for payment.” In addition, the complaint alleges that the Defendants “made false statements, both publicly and to the USPS, that were intended to hide the team’s misconduct so that those invoices would be paid.” All in all, according to the government, “[b]ecause the Defendants’ misconduct undermined the value of the sponsorship to the USPS, the United States suffered damage in that it did not receive the value of the services for which it bargained.” In support of its allegations, the government details the prohibited substances used by the Armstrong team, including erythropoietin, human growth hormone, anabolic steroids, and corticosteroids. It also details delivery methods used, including blood re-injections and “the oil,” a mixture of testosterone and olive oil. In addition, the government complaint contains a litany of Armstrong’s denials of banned substances use over a ten-year period.

While the Government notified the court that it was joining the lawsuit’s allegations as to Armstrong, the Tailwind cycling team, and the team’s manager, it advised the court that it was not intervening in the case as to several other defendants named in Landis’s complaint.

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Michigan Right to Work – What’s the Effect: A Data Point


How Michigan’s Right to Work law would ultimately impact union dues payer rolls has been a topic of some debate. Now we have a data point, but it may not tell the whole story.

Michigan’s Right to Work law became effective March 28, 2013. The law gives employees the right to choose to join and/or financially support a union. In other words, it allows employees to retain the representational benefits of their union representation without paying dues. If an employee elects not to pay dues, the employee’s union still must represent the employee with respect to grievances and arbitration. Unions refer to this as “freeloading.”

There has been much speculation about what impact the passage of Michigan’s law would have on the number of dues paying members. Today, an article in the Detroit News reported that, according to the Michigan Education Association, Michigan’s 150,000 member teachers union, only 1 percent of its members have elected to exercise their rights under the Right to Work law and stop paying dues.


This, however, likely only tells part of the story because the law does not impact union security provisions in contracts that have not yet expired and some contracts were “rush-renewed” to ensure that they would not be impacted by Right to Work for several more years.

In addition, the Right to Work law did not impact union “check off” provisions which are often tied to a card that is signed by a union member and authorizes the employer to deduct dues from the member’s paycheck and send them to the union. Such cards can serve as an impediment to a member desiring to stop paying dues because they can be irrevocable for a period of time, even if the employee revokes his or her union membership. These agreements, which can be irrevocable for up to a year under federal law, are a hurdle that trip up many employees trying to end dues payments immediately. However, while certain restrictions on dues check off authorizations have been approved under federal law, it is unclear whether the Michigan Employment Relations Commission (MERC) will find such restrictions lawful or violative of Michigan’s Right to Work law.

The point is, MEA’s 1 percent report is only one data point; it will take a lot longer to tell the impact on the number of dues paying members in the MEA and other unions.

See all our previous Right to Work coverage here.

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Shutdown Closes National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Operations

Barnes & Thornburg

As a result of the federal government shutdown, yesterday NLRB operations ground to a halt. Many practitioners and employers during the a.m. hours received contact from Board Agents and Board Lawyers indicating that pending investigations, petition processing and the like were on hold until after the shutdown ends.

The Board’s “Shutdown Plan” indicates that 1,600 of the Board’s 1,611 staff have been furloughed. All regional offices are closed and the only remaining staff are located in the Board’s main office in D.C. Even the Board’s website was shutdown and the resources posted online, including all Board cases, memos, and other guidance, became unavailable. Instead, visitors to the Board’s website were redirected to a landing page explaining “The National Labor Relations Board is currently closed due to a lapse in appropriated funds.”

government shutdown NLRB national labor relations board

The full effect of the shutdown on new and on-going NLRB cases is not completely clear.  The Federal Register Notice on the effect of the closure states that an extension of time to file any documents is granted sua sponte for all affected parties through the end of the shutdown.  However, the Board cannot grant extensions of time to the six-month statute of limitations in Section 10(b) of the National Labor Relations Act that applies to unfair labor practice charges.  The Federal Register Notice states that “the operation of Section 10(b) during an interruption in the Board’s normal operations is uncertain” and encourages effected parties to file their charges via fax, although they will presumably not be processed until after the shutdown concludes.  The Board’s website does provide that actions necessary “to prevent an imminent threat to the safety of human life or the protection of property may be undertaken” during the shutdown, although it is not clear what NLRB actions, if any, would fall into this category.

All ALJ hearings scheduled for this week have been postponed indefinitely, as well as all elections and election hearings scheduled through October 11. The Federal Register Notice provides that if the shutdown continues, additional hearings and elections will be postponed as well. Like the rest of the country affected by the shutdown, all practitioners and employers with business in front of the Board can do now is wait it out.

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Recent Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Decision Might Signal Broadening of the ADA’s Accommodation Provisions

Poyner Spruill

The United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit recently held that accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are not limited to job modifications that enable an employee to perform essential job functions.  In Feist v. Louisiana, a former assistant attorney general for the Louisiana Department of Justice (LDOJ) sued the LDOJ claiming that it discriminated against her in violation of the ADA by declining to provide her with a free on-site parking space to accommodate her disability (osteoarthritis of the knee).  Siding with the employer, the trial court dismissed the case holding that the plaintiff failed to explain how the denial of on-site parking limited her ability to perform “the essential functions” of her job.

The Court of Appeals reversed the trial court’s decision, holding that the text of the ADA does not indicate that an accommodation must facilitate the essential functions of an employee’s position.  The court also relied on federal regulations (which the LDOJ argued were not entitled to deference) which provide that reasonable accommodations may include modifications or adjustments that enable a covered entity’s employee with a disability to enjoy equal benefits and privileges of employment as are enjoyed by its other employees without disabilities.  The court did not express an opinion on whether the employee’s request for a free on-site parking space was “reasonable” under the ADA, but left that determination to the trial court on remand.

This case may indicate a willingness of courts in future cases to broaden the scope of accommodations beyond what employers currently believe are required by the ADA.  Until more courts weigh in on the question, employers should tread carefully and seek legal counsel when responding to requests for accommodations that seem unrelated to an employee’s ability to perform his or her job functions.


U.S. Government Shutdown Will Disrupt Many Immigration Processes

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Programs at the Departments of State and Labor are likely to be affected more than others if partial government shutdown occurs on October 1.

The potential U.S. government shutdown on October 1 could have immigration-related consequences, especially for those immigration functions performed by the U.S. Department of State (State) and the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). These possible implications are set out below.

State Department

Although no official announcements have been made concerning which services would be affected by a shutdown, it is likely that State, which issues visas to foreign nationals at U.S. consular posts abroad, would operate on a severely limited basis. State’s current policy is for consular operations in the United States and abroad to remain 100% operational as long as there are sufficient fees to support operations. Many visa application processes are fee based, so it is possible that some visa issuance could continue based on this separate funding stream. However, a loss of federal funding will likely impact visa processing as fees cover only a portion of the costs associated with visa processing.

In 2011, when there was a similar prospect of a government shutdown, State issued the following advice:

In the consular area, American citizens’ services, emergency visa services (e.g., those for life/death or medical emergencies, humanitarian cases involving minor children, and diplomatic travel) would continue. Basic visa issuance would be severely curtailed.

State also provided the following information:

The Bureau of Consular Affairs, as well as other areas in [State], undertake a combination of excepted and non-excepted activities related to consular services. For the most part, visa and passport functions are not excepted activities, nor do fees entirely cover them. Instead, [State] relies on a mix of fee-funded and appropriation-funded employees and is dependent on support services that would be scaled back or eliminated during a shutdown. Therefore, [State] will not operate these non-excepted functions in the absence of appropriated funding.

In addition, the shutdown of ancillary consular operations, including building support and the employment of local personnel, may impact the delivery of visa services, resulting in cancellation of visa appointments or delays in the processing of visa applications. Accordingly, foreign nationals should be prepared for delays in consular visa processing and, where feasible, may want to consider postponing travel outside the United States if a new visa would be required to reenter the United States.

Processing of immigration visa applications at the National Visa Center will likely continue, as those functions are funded by contract and not a direct federal appropriation. Issuance of the November 2013 Visa Bulletin, which is expected in mid-October, is uncertain and would likely be impacted by a shutdown.

Department of Labor

On September 30, DOL made the following announcement:

Office of Foreign Labor Certification [(OFLC)] functions are not “excepted” from a shutdown and its employees would be placed in furlough status should a lapse in appropriated funds occur. Consequently, in the event of a government shutdown, OFLC will neither accept nor process any applications or related materials (such as audit responses) it receives, including Labor Condition Applications, Applications for Prevailing Wage Determination, Applications for Temporary Employment Certification, or Applications for Permanent Employment Certification. OFLC’s website, including the iCERT Visa Portal System, would become static and unable to process any requests or allow authorized users to access their online accounts.

PERM applications that need to be filed due to expiring recruitment or the need to preserve H-1B AC21 eligibility could presumably be filed by mail if necessary.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is funded through fee-based petitions and applications and would not likely be affected by the shutdown. In addition, most Customs and Border Protection operations are considered to be essential functions and would not be disrupted. However, if there are staffing cuts, it is possible that there would be some delays in processing applications presented at the U.S. border and at border crossings. There may also be delays in waiver adjudication. We will continue to monitor the situation and will provide updates with any new information.

The E-Verify Program, which is run by USCIS, is not expected to be operational if there is a government shutdown. Employers are advised that a shutdown will not relieve them of their responsibilities; however, as stated in the governing Memorandum of Understanding, “[i]f the automated system to be queried is temporarily unavailable, the 3-day time period is extended until it is again operational in order to accommodate the Employer’s attempting, in good faith, to make inquiries during the period of unavailability.” Should a shutdown occur, the E-Verify public website and the E-Verify log-in page are expected to contain additional guidance for employers.

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Your Facebook “Like” May Be Constitutionally-Protected Speech


According to a recent decision by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, pressing the “like” button on your Facebook page constitutes substantive speech that may be protected by the First Amendment.

Six employees of the Hampton, Virginia Sheriff’s Office were dismissed because they showed support for Sheriff B.J. Roberts’ electoral opponent. They filed suit against Sheriff Roberts, claiming in part that their terminations violated the First Amendment. The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia granted summary judgment to Sheriff Roberts, in part because the court found that the employees failed to allege that they had engaged in protected speech.

The plaintiff of significance in this matter, Roy Carter, Jr., claimed his protected speech in support for Sheriff Roberts’ opponent came in the form of a Facebook “like” for the opponent’s page. The Eastern District of Virginia held that the thumbs-up button by itself did not constitute sufficient speech to merit First Amendment protection. Not so, ruled the Fourth Circuit – when Carter pressed “like,” he caused to be published on his Facebook profile and on his friends’ news feeds that he liked Sheriff Roberts’ opponent’s campaign, which is a substantive statement.

“That a user may use a single mouse click to produce the message that he likes the page instead of typing the same message with several individual key strokes is of no constitutional significance,” held the court. Further, the Court stated that hitting the “like” button is the internet equivalent of displaying a political sign in one’s front yard, which the Supreme Court has held constitutes substantive speech.

The district court’s ruling was reversed for Carter and two other plaintiffs and the matter was remanded. Although the three remaining plaintiffs may not recover monetary damages because of the sheriff’s Eleventh Amendment immunity, they may have an opportunity to be reinstated.

The full text of Bland v. Roberts may be found here.

Health Care Exchange Notices Required by October 1, 2013; However No Penalty for Not Providing

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The Affordable Care Act requires that employers provide employees with notice (Notice) about the health care exchanges (the federal government also refers to these as “marketplaces”). Nevertheless, some confusion prevails about what is actually required.

Employers Subject to the Notice Requirement

The Notice must be provided by all employers to which the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) applies. In general, the FLSA applies to employers that have one or more employees who are engaged in, or produce goods for, interstate commerce. For most companies, a test of not less than $500,000 in annual dollar volume of business applies. However, the FLSA also specifically covers the following entities: hospitals; institutions primarily engaged in care of the sick, aged, mentally ill, or disabled who reside on the premises; schools for children who are mentally or physically disabled or gifted; preschools, elementary, and secondary schools and institutions of higher education; and federal, state and local government agencies. In addition, the FLSA will apply where an employee is engaged in interstate commerce, even if the activities do not rise to the requisite volume of business. Consequently, nearly all employers will be subject to the FLSA and, therefore, the Notice requirement.

Those who must receive the Notice are all employees of the employer, regardless of whether the employee is even eligible for the employer’s health plan.

When Must the Notice Be Provided?

The Notice must be given to all current employees by October 1, 2013. Individuals who begin employment after October 1, 2013 must be given the Notice within 14 days of their hire date. The Notice can be distributed to employees by first class mail or electronically, provided that the employer can meet Employee Retirement Income Security Act’s (ERISA) requirement for distribution of electronic notices (generally, this means that the employee has either consented to the electronic notice or utilizes a company computer as an essential function of their job).

What the Notice Must Include

Pursuant to the statute, the Notice must inform the employee of the existence of the health care exchange, describe the services the exchange provides, and how the employee can contact the exchange. In addition, the Notice must advise the employee that he or she may be eligible for a premium tax credit if the total allowed costs of benefits provided under the employer’s plan is less than 60 percent of such costs, that an employee who purchases exchange coverage may lose the employer’s contribution toward the cost of coverage and that the employee’s payment for exchange coverage will be on an after-tax basis.

The Department of Labor (DOL) has provided a model Notice for employers who offer health insurance and one for employers who do not offer health insurance to employees. The model Notices can be found here. Both model Notices go beyond the scope of the information an employer is required to disclose pursuant to the Affordable Care Act.

Employees Seeking Exchange Coverage Will Need Employer Information

Starting in early October when the insurance exchanges are supposed to “turn on,” employees seeking information about exchange coverage will need information about any coverage the employer offers. Employers are obligated by law to engage in that discussion and provide information. For example, a low income employee who is offered coverage by his employer may still be interested in seeing if alternative coverage is available from the insurance exchange that, when subsidized by tax credits, may be a better choice for the employee.

The model Notice for employers that offer coverage contains a Part B with boxes for the employer to check and lines to complete in which information about the employer’s plan is provided. Still further information can be provided on an optional page. Depending upon the employer’s circumstances, we have recommended edits to ease the administrative burden, to limit confusion by employees, to increase accuracy based on the employer’s own circumstances, and other changes.

No Fine for Failing to Provide Exchange Notices

On September 11, 2013, the DOL announced it will not impose a penalty on employers who do not distribute the Notice. Nevertheless, we recommend that Notice be given. The media has publicized this obligation such that employees who expect to receive the Notice but do not, may inquire or complain. Furthermore, while no penalty is currently imposed, the Notice is “required” and future guidance is likely to presume it has been given. It is also possible that future guidance will be issued that does impose the penalty for future failures to provide it. We believe the better approach in most situations is to provide the Notice, modifying it if necessary based on the employer’s own circumstances.

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US Taxpayers with Canadian Registered Retirement Savings Accounts (RRSPs)? File now to avoid penalties!

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This blog post focuses on the rules around US citizens or tax residents who have Canadian Registered Retirement Savings Accounts (RRSPs). RRSPs are a government sanctioned savings program in which contributions are deducted from taxable income, and any investment growth is deferred from taxation until the owner of the account makes withdrawals. This is a fantastic program for Canadian residents, as it provides significant tax savings in the short term, while allowing pre-tax retirement accounts to grow for use in a later year when income (and thus marginal tax rates) are expected to be lower.

However, there is a complication for US citizens resident in Canada, who are subject to both Canadian and US tax rules. Many assume that because the growth in an RRSP account is sheltered from tax in Canada, it need not be reported and taxed in a US tax return either. Unfortunately, this is not necessarily the case. In fact, the default treatment of RRSP accounts under US tax law is no different than a non-registered investment account – interest, dividends or gains on invested funds are reportable in the Form 1040 tax return, with no deduction for contributions in a given year.

However, there is relief available under Article XVIII(7) of the Canada-US Tax Treaty. Since 2002, US income tax residents have been able to make an election to defer US tax on the growth within an RRSP. The election is made by filing Form 8891 with a timely filed income tax return. Of course, the IRS will not permit a deduction for RRSP contributions; even so, Canada’s generally higher income tax rates usually mean that no US income tax is payable on the difference in taxable income, after foreign tax credits are applied. And, it is important to recall that RRSP accounts must be disclosed on FBAR returns annually.

This Treaty election is certainly helpful, but what should be done for those just hearing about their US tax obligations? The difficulty is that Form 8891 must be filed with a Form 1040 income tax return, so coming into compliance after the fact will not necessarily be effective. However, a trio of recent Private Letter Rulings (PLRs) from the IRS does provide some comfort regarding the IRS’ view on this issue.

As background, PLRs are written memoranda released by the IRS in response to specific enquiries by taxpayers regarding their tax situations (all personal information is redacted prior to public release on the IRS website). While these rulings are completely fact-specific, and cannot be used as legal precedents in any future cases, the IRS reasoning and interpretation of the rules can be instructive.

On September 12, 2013, three PLRs were released in which the IRS granted an extension to taxpayers in order to file appropriate Form 8891 Treaty Elections without penalty or interest accruing. In each case, the taxpayer was seeking discretionary relief from the IRS to permit late filings of Form 8891 in respect of their RRSP accounts in Canada. In each case, the extension was granted.

While each case was ostensibly decided on its own facts, a few common elements from all three cases are worth noting. First, in each case the taxpayer was otherwise tax compliant. This may be a relevant factor in terms of how the IRS would view late-filed Form 8891 – if the tax returns were timely filed at first instance, amended returns attaching the Treaty election form may be less likely to attract attention.

More significantly, however, in each case the IRS made a point of noting that the taxpayers promptly took action upon learning about the need to file Form 8891. The taxpayers did not wait until the IRS sent letters or notices of deficiency regarding the RRSP income.

The regulation that permits the IRS to grant extensions (i.e. Treasury Regulation § 301.9100-3(a)) requires that the taxpayer must satisfy the Commissioner that she acted reasonably and in good faith, and that the grant of relief will not prejudice the interests of the US government.

This factor should serve as fair warning to anyone in this position who is still trying to decide how to deal with their US tax compliance issues. While it may be the simplest and cheapest option, leaving your head in the sand is unlikely to earn any sympathy from the IRS if and when your delinquency does come to their attention. Instead, acknowledging an honest mistake and taking action to come into compliance will help to build a set of facts that will permit the IRS to grant some leniency toward your situation.

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Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) New Rules Target Veterans and Individuals with Disabilities


Familiar with this?  It’s time to update your affirmative action plans.  For the women and minorities plan, you gather your applicant data, prepare spreadsheets and update your written materials to reflect new goals and changes in your recruiting sources.  For the veterans and individuals with disabilities plan, you update a bit and you’re done.  Starting early next year, however, the rules will change making updates more onerous for employers.  On August 27, 2013, the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs announced final rules for federal contractors regarding hiring and employment of disabled individuals and protected veterans and imposing new data retention and affirmative action obligations on contractors.  The rules are expected to be published in the Federal Register shortly and will become effective 180 days later.

The key changes include:

  • Benchmarks.  Contractors must establish benchmarks, using one of two methods approved by the OFCCP, to measure progress in hiring veterans.  Likewise, contractors must strive to hire individuals with disabilities to comprise at least seven percent of employees in each job group.  The OFCCP says these are meant to be aspirational, and are not designed to be quotas.
  • Data Analysis and Retention.  Contractors must document and update annually several quantitative comparisons for the number of veterans who apply for jobs and the number of veterans that they hire.  Likewise, for individuals with disabilities, contractors are required to conduct analyses of disabled applicants and those hired.  Such data must be retained for three years.
  • Invitation to Self-Identify.  Contractors must invite applicants to self-identify as protected veterans and as an individual with a disability at both the pre-offer and post-offer phases of the application process, using language to be provided by the OFCCP.  This particular requirement worries employers who know that the less demographic information they have about applicants, the better – especially when the application is denied.  Contractors must also invite their employees to self-identify as individuals with a disability every five years, using language to be provided by the OFCCP.

Additional information, including with respect new requirements such as incorporating the equal opportunity clause into contracts, job listings, and records access, can be found here ( and here (

Contractors with an Affirmative Action Plan already in place on the effective date of the regulations will have additional time, until they create their next plans, to bring their plan into compliance.  However, whether they have a current Affirmative Action Plan or not, federal contractors should begin looking at these new rules now and take steps to ensure they are in compliance.

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Who’s GINA and What Should I Know About Her? Re: Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act

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GINA is not a who, but rather a what. The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (“GINA”) was passed by Congress in 2008. GINA makes it illegal for employers with 15 or more employees to discriminate against employees or applicants on the basis of genetic information. Employers cannot lawfully inquire about (1) an individual’s genetic tests; (2) the genetic tests of an individual’s family members; or, (3) the manifestation of a disease or disorder in the family members of such an individual.

At the end of 2012, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) announced in its Strategic Enforcement Plan that genetic discrimination would be a top priority over the next four years. The EEOC stuck to their word – in May, 2013, the EEOC settled its first lawsuit alleging GINA violations. The suit involved a fabrics distributor, Fabricut, Inc., who allegedly violated the Act by asking a woman for her family medical history in a post-offer medical examination. The company refused to hire the applicant after assessing that she had carpal tunnel syndrome, which led to Americans with Disabilities Act violations as well. The suit was settled for $50,000.

Shortly thereafter, the EEOC filed its second suit against The Founders Pavilion, Inc., a nursing and rehabilitation center. According to the EEOC suit, Founders conducted post-offer medical exams of applicants, which were repeated annually if the person was hired. As part of this exam, Founders requested family medical history, which is a form of information prohibited by GINA.

Employers should ensure that their policies related to employee medical information and any conducted medical exams comply with GINA. In addition, it would be wise for employers to update employee handbooks to state that discrimination on the basis of genetic information is prohibited.

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